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EACES workshop on public procurement

“Public procurement: challenges and perspectives for economic tools”

European Association of Comparative Economic Studies

National Research University – Higher School of Economics



EACES Workshop

“Public procurement: challenges and perspectives for economic tools”


EACES Workshop on public procurement will be held within the framework of 14th HSE International Academic Conference on April 2-4, 2013. It is organized by Higher School of Economics (the Center for Institutional Studies, the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies, Institute for State and Local Procurement Management) in cooperation with the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES). Taking into account growing interest in public procurement in Central and Eastern Europe workshop will focus on economic analysis of different issues in the field. We suggest a broad scope of research related to the topic of public procurement, including auction design, efficiency analysis, contracts renegotiations, comparative empirical studies etc.

The workshop program will include key-note speech of Рablo Spiller*(to be confirmed), session for researches in the field of public procurement and session for PhD students. The aim of the workshop is to create and support academic networking among mature and young researches who are interested in different aspects of economic analysis of public procurement system.

We announce call for paper for both researcher’s session and PhD student’s session. From mature researchers we expect to receive full papers. From PhD students which still do not have full papers we expect to receive research project description (no longer than 1500 words + references) with a short abstract (no longer than 400 words). All proposals should be in English. Research project description must include description of research problem, brief literature overview, main hypotheses, methodology, results and references. Proposals should be sent to organizers (pea.work@gmail.com) no later than 15th November. The acceptance decision will be done by 20th January.

Four researchers and four students will be invited to make a presentation during the conference. Researches will have 15 minutes presentations following the discussants talk. Students will enjoy 20 minutes presentations with comments from mature colleagues.

Upon request and depending on financial circumstances of applicant HSE can provide travel grants for selected PhD students.

*Рablo Spiller– Jeffrey A. Jacobs Distinguished Professor of Business & Technology, University of California, Berkeley; President of International Society of New Institutional Economics (ISNIE) in 2010-2011; Editor in Chief, Journal of Law, Economics & Organization, http://faculty.haas.berkeley.edu/spiller/

Program Committee: Elena Podkolzina (HSE), Andrei Yakovlev (HSE and EACES), Irina Kuznetsova (HSE), Marcello Signorelli (University of Perugia and EACES).



The Center for Institutional Studies (CInSt) was established in 2010 with the goal of creation of a scientific center in the field of institutional economics as a part of an international cooperation network, and promoting international standards of research. We provide conditions and incentives for young and talented university graduates to participate in both scientific and teaching activities at the HSE. Our professional interests are focused on institutional analysis of different markets and sectors of the economy, among them are education, procurement, banking, non-profit organizations.


The Institute for Industrial and Market Studies (IIMS) was founded in April, 1997. The IIMS is one of the first research institutes to have been established at the Higher School of Economics. The Institute focuses on empirical analysis of an enterprises’ behavior and market development, competition policy, the investment climate and relations between business and state.

Institute for State and Local Procurement Management (ISLPM) was established in July 2004. Institute plays the leading role in training procurement officials and policy advice in field of public procurement in Russia. Key areas of ISLPM activity include creation of organizational models of the procurement system in federal and local governmental bodies; development of evaluation mechanisms (including criteria evaluation) of the effectiveness of order placement and evaluation of budget spending; monitoring and analysis of regulatory changes in the field of public procurement.