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09.00 - 10.00Registration of the Conference participants

Radisson-Slavyanskaya Hotel, Conference hall, «Club» entrance (2, Berezhkovskaya nab)


10.00 - 13.30

First Session (Chairman - Ya. Kuzminov)

13.30 - 15.00


15.00 - 18.00

Second Session (Chairman - E. Yasin)

  • T. Paramonova (First Deputy Chairman, RF Central Bank)
  • А. Shokhin (President, HSE)
  • A. Mordashev (General Director, "Severstal" Joint-stock company)
  • D. Iakobachvili (Chairman of the Board, "Wimm-Bill-Dann" foods Joint-stock company)
  • A. Kazmin (Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Sberbank)


10.00 - 11.45 Registration of the Conference participants

The State University - Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya

Supervisors - E.Gavrilenkov, M. Gilman, V. Avtonomov
Academic secretary - B. Brodsky

Session 1. Macroeconomic policy of modernization.
Chairman - E. Gavrilenkov, M. Gilman
Please note that sessions 1.1 and 1.2 are in parallel!
10.00 - 11.45Session 1.1. Theoretical issues and scenarios of macroeconomic modernization (room 101)

St. Gomulka (LSE)
The Catching-up Theory and its Implications for Russia

J. Rostowski (Central European University)
Antique Monetary Systems for Economic Modernization

A. Belousov (RF Academy of Sciences)
Lessons of post-crisis growth

P. Sutela (Bank of Finland)
How to escape the trap of resource-based development? Contrasting experiences

W. Buiter (OECD)
Russia's economy in 2001 and medium term outlook

10.00 - 11.45

Session 1.2. Modernization of Russian economy: problems and perspectives (room 116)

Ch. Ruehl (World Bank)
Foreign direct investment and economic growth in Russia

E .Gavrilenkov (HSE, BEA)
Problems and Medium-term Perspectives on Modernization of the Russian Economy

W. Schrettl (German Institute for Economic Research)
On Some Risky Aspects of Present Economic Policies

A. Peterson (IMF)
Financial stability in Russia and thr World: problems and perspectives

M. Fuchs (World Bank)
Credit and monetary policy for economic modernization in Russia

11.45 - 12.00Break
12.00 - 13.30Session 2. Budgeting and taxation policy, state debt and economic modernization.
Chairman - M. Dabrowski

O. Vyugin (Troyka-Dialog)
Macroeconomic and Financial Stability in the medium-term perspective

E. Gurvich (Min. of Finance)
Tax Reform in Russia: First Outcomes and Perspectives

A. Smirnov (HSE)
Government Debt: Stochastic Borrowing in Transition Economy

G. Kuranov (The Economic Development and Trade Ministry)
Russia’s Economic Development under different scenarios of budget and foreign trade policy

B. Brodsky (HSE)
“The Government Size”, Structural Reforms and Economic Growth

A. Dvorkovich (The Economic Development and Trade Ministry)
Budget Policy in Medium-term Perspective

13.30 - 14.30Lunch (canteen)
14.30 - 16.15Session 3. Round table discussions “Russia in the world economy”.
Chairmen: V. Avtonomov, A. Dynkin, M. Gilman
Participants:A. Harberger, M. Dabrowski, St. Gomulka, W. Schrettl L. Grigoryev, V. Gutnik, N. Ivanova, S. Afontsev, A. Belyanin, A. Peterson, S. Tiwari
16.15 - 16.30Break
16.30 - 18.00Session 4. Monetary and currency policy under conditions of modernizing economy.
Chairman - A.Belousov

M. Dabrowski (CASE)
Inflation and Monetary Policy in Russia: Transition Experience and Future Recommendations

S. Tiwari (IMF)
Financial policyy in Russia: retrospective and prospects

A. Klepach (Development Center, Russia)
Banking System Modernization in Russia

G. Schwoediauer (Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg)
On the Importance of Bank Credit for Investment in Transition

A. Vedev (Russia)
Exchange Rate Policy under Economic Modernization

O. Dynnikova (Min. of Finance, Russia)
Real Exchange Rate and Economic Growth

Discussion: Monetary and non monetary factors of inflation in Russia.
Participants: A. Belousov, E. Gurvich, E. Nahimovskaya, B. Brodsky, M. Dabrowski

Supervisor - A.Yakovlev
Academic secretary - V.Golikova

10.00 - 11.45Session 1. Corporate governance and social responsibility of business in transition economy: new outlook.
Chairman - T. Dolgopiatova

E.Bergloff (SITE)
Corporate governance reform in the transition: the unavoidable tradeoffs

A. Yakovlev (SU-HSE)
Corporate governance, enterprises restructuring and motivation of proprietors

D. Petkovski (World Bank Institute)
Corporate social responsibility and sustainable competitiveness

S. Masyutin ("Safonovsky electric factory", JSC
Methods of evalution and improving investment competitiveness of enterprises and its importance for corporate governance

Presentation of the HSE project results "Russian Industry: institutional development"
Discussants: A. Radygin, I. Rozinsky

11.45 - 12.00Break
12.00 - 13.30Session 2. Institutional development of Russian business: reaction on changes in the rules.
Chairman - V. Polterovich

Yu. Simachev (Institute of Complex Strategic Studies)
The role of bankruptcy in Russia during economic transition: efficiency evaluation of bankruptcy institute

K. Sonin (NES)
Bankruptcy in Russia: from good theory to good practice, 1998-2002.

J. Litwack D. Sutherland, (OECD)
Barriers to Small Business in Russia: Evidence from the OECD Economic Survey

A. Sokolov (Institute of Complex Strategic Studies)
Integrated business groups in Russia: property rights features

Discussants: A. Chepurenko, S. Avdasheva

13.30 - 14.30Lunch (canteen)
14.30 - 16.15Session 3. Round table discussions on “Political economy of institutional changes: who needs reforms in Russia?”.
Chairman - A. Yakovlev
Discussants: V. Polterovich, O. Fomichev, L. Ionin, W. Tompson, A. Auzan, R. Kapelyushnikov
16.15 - 16.30Break
16.30 - 18.00Session 4. “Knowledge economy” in Russia - theory and practice of entering post-industrial society.
Chairman - B. Kuznetsov

A. Watkins (World Bank)
From Knowledge to Wealth - Russia and the 21-st Century Knowledge Economy

V. Inozemtsev (Center of a Postindustrial Society Researchers)
Crisis of the Catching-up Development model and Russia in world economy

Yu. Khokhlov (Institute of the Information society)
National innovation system formation: key problems

P Panov (IBS)
Efficient competitiveness in economy transformed by new technologies

Discissant: M. Gorsky, L. Gohberg

Panel 3. SOCIAL POLICY (room 124)
Supervisor - L. Yakobson
Academic secretary - S. Smirnov

10.00 - 11.45Session 1. Labor market in Russia.
Chairman - V. Gimpelson

D. Lippoldt (OECD)
Foreign trade liberalization and its labor market implications inRussia

V. Gimpelson (HSE)
Trends in labor force  participation in Russia in 1990-s

R. Kapelyushnikov (HSE, IMEMO, RAS)
Defferentiation of Russian unemployment

Zh. Zayonchovskaya (INP, RF Academy of Sciences)
Labor migrations in Russia and CIS

Discussant: J. Shapiro (NES)

11.45 - 12.00Break
 12.00 - 13.30Session 2. Demographic problems and living standards.
Chairman: S. Smirnov

A. Vishnevsky (INP, RF Academy of Sciences)
Are demographic processes in contemporary Russia autonomous?

A. Surinov (Goskomstat of RF)
Demographic tendencies and living standards: statistical estimation of correlations

I. Diskin (ISEPN, RF Academy of Sciences)
Institutional frameworks and vertical mobility

Discussants: V. Elizarov, B. Rakitsky, S. Artobolevsky

13.30 - 14.30Lunch (canteen)
14.30 - 16.15Session 3. Social sector services: modernization of institutions

HSE Collective report. Speaker: B. Rudnik
Reforming budgetary financing system and the increase in diversity of legal organization forms in social sector

HSE Collective report. Speaker: T. Klyachkok
General goverment exam and goverment individual commitments as new organizational forms in social sector

D. Konshin (HSE)
Social insurance development

Discussants: O. Markova (The Economic Development and Trade Ministry), P. Chinilin (The Economic Development and Trade Ministry)

16.15 - 16.30Break
16.30 - 18.00Session 4. Round table discussions “Social policy in Russia during economic reforms: experience and perspectives”
Chaiman - L. Jakobson

Discussants: E. Gontmakher, M. Dmitriev, M. Moskvina, V. Starodubov, A. Tikhonov, O. Shkaratan, M. Rashid

Supervisor - Yu. Tikhomirov
Academic secretary - B. Rossinsky

 10.00 - 11.45Session 1. Federation and economy: legal problems.
Chairman - G. Maltsev

Yu. Tikhomirov (HSE, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law at the Government of Russian Federation)
Differentiation of economic competencies between the center and regions in Russian Federation

M. Tsykanov (The Economic Development and Trade Ministry)
Property issues: federative aspect

A. Kozyrin (HSE)
Legal basis for budget federalism

 11.45 - 12.00Break
12.00 - 13.30Session 2. Legal protection of economic agents.
Chairman - V. Ershov

O. Oleynik (HSE)
Rights of businessmen - guarantees of law

A. Karlin (Ministry of Justice)
Balance of businessmen's and state's interests: legal aspects

O. Boykov (Higher Arbitration Court)
Remedy of businessmen rights in arbitration court

N. Ushakova (Ministry of Property Relations)
Legal problems of privatization

13.30 - 14.30Lunch (room 300)
14.30 - 16.15Session 3. Civil service reform
Chairman - B. Rossinsky

L. Yakobson (HSE)
Governance of civil service efficiency

M. Bechtel (ENA)
Modernization of the State: objectives and perspectives

A Nozdratchev (Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law at the Government of Russin Federation)
Alterations in civil service legislation

N. Parison (World Bank)
Approaches to designing pilots and experiments in civil service reform program

16.15 - 16.30Break
16.30 - 18.00Session 4. Round table discussions on “business and authority”.
Chairman - A Zhalinsky

Discussants: T. Abova, V. Zhuikov

Questions for discussion: Why are laws out of action: “Shadow” law. Legal and illegal using of influence on authority. Businessmen - “forced” law offenders. Law - expectations, authority and business.

Chairman - V. Morgunov
14.30 - 16.15

J. Litwack (OECD)
Power and gas industries: adjusting and reforming

S. Dubinin (RAO United Energetic Systems)
Reforming natural monopolies

F. Hubert (Humboldt university)
Russian power industry on the "crossroad"

E. Yarkin (Gasprom JSC)
Price policy in power industry: current situation and forecast

G. Kutovoy (Federal Energy Commission)
The role of Federal Energy Commission in reforming power and gas industries

I. Kozhukhovsky (RAO United Energetic Systems)
The reform program for the year 2003

V. Kravchenko (The Economic Development and Trade Ministry)
Steps and time for reforming natural monopolies

I. Redkin ("Rosenergoatom" company)
Competitive market creation: key problems

Discussants: V. Kravchenko, G. Kutovoy, I. Kozhukhovsky, E. Yarkin, I. Nikolaev