Conference Partners
General partner
“Nornickel” is the world’s largest producer of nickel and palladium, and one of the world’s leading producers of platinum and copper. The Company produces cobalt, rhodium, silver, gold, iridium, ruthenium, selenium, tellurium and sulfur.
“Nornickel” is involved in prospecting, exploration, extraction, refining and metallurgical processing of minerals, production, marketing and sale of base and precious metals. The main Russian production units of “Nornickel” are include: the Polar Division of MMC Norilsk Nickel, Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company and Bystrinsky GOK (Bystrinsky mining and processing plant), located in the Gazimuro-Zavodsky District of Trans-Baikal Territory. Norilsk Nickel Harjavalta belonging to the Group is the only nickel refining plant in Finland. Norilsk Nickel has its own global network of representative and sales offices in Russia, the UK, China, USA and Switzerland.
When determining the strategy for its global operations and future development, “Nornickel” is focused on compliance with all social and environmental responsibility principles in the various countries in which it operates, which is essential for ensuring sustainable and efficient business development.
Official partner
The museum "SOBRANIYE" is a unique cultural and educational project. Exhibits of the museum are works of art of various directions of international and Russian culture.
As of today, it is one of the largest private collections of the world's cultural significance, art fund of which totals more than 20 000 exhibits. The basis of the collection are self-playing mechanical musical instruments and mechanical rarities, including music boxes, organs, orchestrions, hurdy-gurdies, mechanical pianos and grand pianos, phonographs and gramophones, accordions, clocks and automatons. The museum funds also combine items of decorative and applied art, painting and graphic arts, and the comprehensive collection of Russian bronze, including small statuary, created by the best artists of XIX-XX centuries, a collection of ancient Russian and foreign silver, glass and crystal. The separate attention is claimed by the extensive collection of clocks, comprised of all kind and type of clockworks
The unconditional pride of the museum "Collection" is a unique collection of rare sound: more than 30 000 different musical media. More than 30 000 various music storage devices — from paraffin cylinders and paper rolls on which music was applied by perforating, to gramophone records of the beginning of the XX century with the first live records for gramophones and phonographs.
Besides the organization of the permanent exhibition, themed events, musical evenings, art exhibitions and various educational programs are held at the site of the museum "Collection".
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