Conference Programme in a Distributed Format
XXI April Conference programme, March, 10 2020
Monday, April 13
Section Q. Sociology
Moderators: E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE University), A. Strelnikova (HSE University)
Monday, April 13
10:00am–1:00pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-17. Methodology and Methodology of Sociological Research
Moderator: I. Kozina (HSE University)
E. Gudova (HSE University)
On “trauma by method” and fieldworker’s burnout
M. Goleva (St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University)
Implementation of a qualitative study of young spouses: methodological reflection on the sample strategy
M. Aleksandrova (HSE University)
Issues of prediction measurement errors in surveys through use of text mining methods
E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE University)
CV research: potential in exploring a career path (abstract)
O. Simonova (HSE University)
Emotional imperatives of late modern society and their potential social consequences (following the discussion about emotional culture) (abstract)
Y. Shlyakov (HSE University)
Do the poor feel shame? Experimental approach to the study of attitudes towards the poor: determinants of lay judgments (abstract)
O. Mikhaylova (HSE University)
Critical concept analysis of sociological discourse on satanism
Monday, April 13
1:20–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-18. Employment, Household Strategies, and Economic Awareness
Moderator: D. Strebkov (HSE University)
O. Kuzina (HSE University), D. Moiseeva (VolSTU)
Household financial strategies in Russia: concept, dynamics, and factors (abstract)
A. Bocharova (HSE University), A. Kurkin (HSE University)
N. Tonkikh (USUE)
The impact of teleworking on the quality of women’s parental labour and fertility behaviour: Russian case 2019 (abstract)
L. Barkhatova (HSE University)
Structure of professional ties in online space: the case of sociological online community (abstract)
N. Soboleva (HSE University)
The determinants of the link between job satisfaction and life satisfaction in Russia (abstract)
S. Pashkov (HSE University)
Perception by the Russian population of economic news: How can this be measured?
M. Ryzhkova (TSU), A. Glukhov (TSU)
Digital platforms: how do we interact with them?
E. Nikiforova (POF), E. Galitskaya (POF), E. Bogomolova (POF), E. Petrenko (POF)
Features of modern media consumption: intergenerational analysis (abstract)
Monday, April 13
1:20–4:01pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-19. Urban Research
Moderator: A. Strelnikova (HSE University, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS)
G. Karpova (Central European University)
Socio-economic analysis of ex-factory area transformations: the case of Tushino (abstract)
K. Kalashnikova (IEIE SB RAS)
Transformation of industrial areas of the city: research analysis (abstract)
A. Burova (HSE University), A. Strelnikova (HSE University), V. Nikonov (FRC CSC RAS, HSE University)
Instagram as a source of data about emotions in the city (in the case of Moscow) (abstract)
B. Yana (HSE)
“People as Infrastructure”: Ways to Overcome Infrastructure Limits in New Large Housing Estates
E. Arif (HSE University - St. Petersburg), T. Kuzminova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Non-profit activities of young entrepreneurs within a bar segment of creative cluster in Saint-Petersburg (abstract)
Monday, April 13
4:20–8:00pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-20. Man on Earth. Social and Geographical Transformation of Old-developed Areas of Non-urban Russia in the Conditions of Depopulation
Moderators: A. Nefedova (Institute of Geography RAS), N. Pokrovsky (HSE University), A. Travish (Institute of Geography RAS), O. Glazer (Institute of Geography RAS)
N. Pokrovsky (HSE University)
Public campaign for the revival of non-urban territories: myths, reality, and prospects (abstract)
V. Ilyin (SPbU)
The human capital of the" small territories " of the Near North in personal biographies (abstract)
U. Nikolaeva (MSU)
Archaic access to the surface of society: reciprocation and “sharing” in the socio-economic practices of rural residents (abstract)
T. Nefedova (Institute of Geography RAS)
Correlation of different population mobility types and its impact on transformation of early developed regions in Central Russia
A. Makhrova (MSU)
S. Smirnov (HSE University)
Prospects of social programs in rural Russia (abstract)
E. Antonov (Institute of Geography RAS)
The crisis on the labour market of regions and municipalities in European Russia: a quantitative assessment
A. Starikova (Institute of Geography RAS), T. Nefedova (Institute of Geography RAS)
Correlation of different population mobility types and its impact on transformation of early developed regions in Central Russia
Tuesday, April 14
Section Q. Sociology
Moderators: E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE University), A. Strelnikova (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 14
10:00am–12:00pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-21. Sociology of Education
Moderator: D. Popov (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS)
K. Tarakanovskaya (HSE University)
Women's academic career opportunities: gender perspective
G. Cherednichenko (Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS)
Part-time learners of higher education in the field of education and the labor market
Y. Latov (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS), N. Latova (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS)
"Failures" of vocational education - factor behind Russia's lag in building human capital workers and professionals (abstract)
G. Volkova (HSE University), E. Nikishin (HSE University)
Interregional mobility of Russian researchers: readiness to move in the future
Tuesday, April 14
12:20–3:00pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-22. Social Well-Being of Russians: the Case of Crimea and other Regions
Moderator: M. Markin (HSE University)
O. Iarmak (Sevastopol State University)
V. Mukomel (FTAC RAS)
Socio-economic context of social expectations and identity of Crimeans
M. Markin (HSE University), P. Kalinovskaya (HSE University), P. Chibiskova (HSE University), V. Vorobieva (HSE University), E. Chefanova (HSE University)
Social foundations of formal and informal economy at the Crimean Beach
I. Tolkachev (HSE University), M. Varlamova (HSE University), E. Nadezhdina (HSE University)
Life strategies of the Crimeans in the new socio-economic conditions
K. Galkin (EUSP)
Medication practices and the agency of elderly people with chronic illnesses in rural areas (abstract)
Y. Belova (HSE University)
Strategies to refusal alcohol in life paths of addiction people of five generations
E. Smoleva (VolRS RAS)
Social adaptation, social capital and the health of the region’s population (abstract)
Discussant: S. Barsukova (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 14
12:20–3:01pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-23. Migration, Marriage, Number of Children and Childlessness
Moderators: E. Varshaver (RANEPA), O. Savinskaya (HSE University)
I. Oni (HSE University)
The socio-economic integration of African migrants in Russia
N. Mastikova (Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS), P. Fadeev (Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS)
Who against immigration in Russia?The analysis of some socio-demographic characteristics (abstract)
M. Vorobeva (HSE University), A. Leontyeva (HSE University), D. Lebedeva (HSE University), D. Kolkasova (HSE University)
The meanings of alimony in the relationship between fathers and children
I. Lomakin (HSE University, Russian Public Opinion Research Center)
Childfree or voluntarily childless? On the redefinition of conceptual field of research on non-parenthood in Russia
E. Prutskova (St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University), I. Pavluytkin (St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University)
Marriage patterns in Russia: what do people consider important in a marriage? (summary)
Tuesday, April 14
3:20–6:00pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-24. Sociology of Organizations: from Civil Service to Corporations
Moderator: D. Roud (HSE University)
V. Kharchenko (USUE)
Satisfaction, engagement and loyalty of employees: opportunities and limitations of sociological research
I. Inshakov (HSE University)
Disciplinary and biopolitical regulation in contemporary Russian companies: employees’ resistance strategies (abstract)
E. Bogomolova (POF), Y. Kot (POF), E. Nikiforova (Public Opinion Foundation), E. Petrenko (POF), E. Galitskaya (POF)
Corporate charity and concern for the health of employees: two innovative practices in Russian companies (abstract)
V. Deminskaya (HSE University)
Line managers in modern Russia: management capabilities and organizational consequences
D. Roud (Center for Advanced Governance)
Russian governmental bodies meeting an open-plan office: expected and unexpected results (abstract)
D. Vakhrusheva (Center for Advanced Governance), A. Baryshnikova (Center for Advanced Governance)
P. Stepantsov (Synopsis Group)
Anthropology of public service: types of organizational cultures and dominant relationships
V. Kartavtsev (Synopsis Group)
Resilience of the organizational cultures of the Russian civil service: the traditional structure of relations vs. the heroic community
Friday, April 17
Section M. Political Processes
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Friday, April 17
4:00–5:30pm (UTC+3)
Session M-57. Post-Soviet Studies
Moderator: S. Shkel (Perm State University)
A. Samsonov (University of California)
A. Zemtsov (HSE University)
The end of democracy? The value of democracy in the political consciousness of the population of post-socialist countries and the factors affecting its significance
S. Patrushev (Institute of Sociology RAS, RFTA), L. Philippova (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, RFTA)
Civil responsibility in Russia: structure and institutional context (abstract)
A. Trochev (Nazarbayev University), M. Talgatova (Nazarbayev University), G. Slade (Nazarbayev University)
The Limits of authoritarian modernization: zero tolerance policing in Kazakhstan
S. Shkel (Perm State University)
Useless elections: perception of authoritarianism by local elites in contemporary Russia
Discussant: A. Zemtsov (HSE University)
Monday, April 20
Section C. Network Analysis
Moderator: V. Kuskova (HSE University)
Monday, April 20
2:00–3:30pm (UTC+3)
Session C-59. Mathematical Methods in Networks
Moderator: V. Kalyagin (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod)
V. Yumaguzin (HSE University)
V. Kalyagin (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod), A. Koldanov (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod), P. Pardalos (University of Florida)
Uncertainty of identification of some network structures (abstract)
A. Iskakova (Eurasian National University), F. Jaxigali (Eurasian National University)
Estimation of the probability of an output node of a complex network
Monday, April 20
4:00–5:00pm (UTC+3)
Session C-60. Financial Network
Moderator: I. Zangieva (HSE University)
P. Koldanov (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod), D. Semenov (HSE University)
How to measure dynamics of stock market network? (abstract)
E. Kolchinskaya (Leontief Centre), P. Yakovleva (HSE University)
Possibilities of using the social network analysis for cluster investigation (abstract)
Tuesday, April 21
Section C. Network Analysis
Moderator: V. Kuskova (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 21
11:00am–1:00pm (UTC+3)
Session C-61. Bibliographic and Citation Networks
Moderator: D. Maltseva (HSE University)
N. Matveeva (HSE University)
D. Maltseva (HSE University), S. Moiseev (HSE University)
Mixed methods research: bibliographic analysis of the field’s development (abstract)
T. Shcheglova (HSE University), D. Maltseva (HSE University)
Network approach in urban studies: bibliometric analysis (abstract)
A. Radnaeva (HSE University)
Professional online community of Russian sociologists: internal structure and thematic agenda
D. Maltseva (HSE University), V. Batagelj (HSE University)
X-metrics: common basis of scientometrics, bibliometrics, informetrics, and related research traditions (abstract)
Tuesday, April 21
2:00–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session C-62. Online Networks and Other Special Network Communities
Moderator: I. Karpov (HSE University)
A. Milekhina (HSE University)
How to explore potential of a tennis player using tools of SNA? (abstract)
E. Chernenko (HSE University)
Network determinants of conflict in business organization (abstract)
A. Porshnev (HSE University), Y. Sinyavskaya (HSE University)
Propensity to make social connections and structural social capital of SNS users (abstract)
I. Karpov (HSE University)
Profiling online social network users
Tuesday, April 21
4:30–5:30pm (UTC+3)
Session C-63. Political and Policy Networks
Moderator: D. Zaytsev (HSE University)
D. Shepelyansky (CNRS)
Influence of petroleum and gas trade of Russia on EU economies from the Google matrix analysis of UN COMTRADE data (video version)
N. Talovsky (HSE University), V. Kuskova (HSE University), D. Zaytsev (HSE University)
Policy tools theory and policy networks: understanding the Russian education policy “5-100 Plan” (abstract)
A. Leenders (MGIMO), N. Grishin (SPbU)
The method of network governance of supranational organizations
K. Serebryakov (SPbU)
Groups of influence in the modern political and administrative institutions of China (the example of the State Council)
Thursday, April 23
Section B. Special Sessions and Roundtables
Thursday, April 23
11:00am–12:30pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-26. Problems of National Research Mobility: Challenges and Prospects
Moderators: U. Zakharova (HSE University), V. Maltseva (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• What drives academic mobility of scholars in Russia? Factors, drivers, and motivations
• What new centres of academic gravity have appeared in Russia’s regions over the last decade? Institutional cases of national academic mobility
• What are the individual trajectories of academic staff at Russian universities? Personalities of national academic mobility
• What are the potential effects of academic mobility on the territorial development? Regional initiatives with respect to the interaction between the authorities and academia
• What new centres of academic gravity have appeared in Russia’s regions over the last decade? Institutional cases of national academic mobility
• What are the individual trajectories of academic staff at Russian universities? Personalities of national academic mobility
• What are the potential effects of academic mobility on the territorial development? Regional initiatives with respect to the interaction between the authorities and academia
Experts: N. Gabdrahmanov (HSE University), A. Garmovona (HSE University), T. Pogodaeva (UTMN), A. Sorokin (UTMN), Y. Falkovich (HSE University), A. Filatov (FEFU), A. Chasovnikova (Center for strategic research «North-West» foundation), A. Panova (HSE University, R. Ostvald (TPU)
Section L. Firms and Markets
Moderators: L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU), N. Volchkova (NES)
Thursday, April 23
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session L-25. Government, Firms and Markets
Moderator: T. Dolgopyatova (HSE)
E. Bessonova (Bank of Russia)
O. Vasilyeva (ERI FEB RAS ), A. Bilko (Far East State Agrarian University)
Do subsidies drive productivity? Farm-level evidence from the Russian Far East
O. Guseva (HSE University), A. Stepanova (HSE University)
Can government substitute lack of private institutions’ support? Evidence from Russian startups. (summary)
Discussants: T. Dolgopyatova (HSE), O. Lazareva (HSE)
Thursday, April 23
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session L-27. Infrastructure of the Russian Economy: Firms, Consumers, Markets and the State
Moderator: T. Mikhailova (RANEPA)
N. Aizenberg (ESI SB RAS), S. Dzuba (INRTU)
Market power: evidence from wholesale electricity market of Russian Federation (abstract)
T. Gass (HSE University), I. Dolmatov (HSE University)
Electricity tariffs for households: What matters for Russian Regulator? (abstract)
Y. Zaytseva (Volgograd State University), L. Antosik (Volgograd State University), K. Tumanyants (Volgograd State University)
Are differentiated electricity prices justified? Evidence from Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey
I. Filippova (MSU), A. Kurdin (MSU), A. Shastitko (MSU)
Lone pipeline: incentives for developing isolated infrastructure
Discussants: B. Kuznetsov (HSE University), T. Mikhailova (RANEPA)
Friday, April 24
Section A. Macroeconomics and Growth
Moderators: E. Gurvich (EEG), I. Voskoboynikov (HSE University)
Friday, April 24
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session A-50. Central Bank Policy Analysis
Moderator: S. Merzlyakov (HSE University)
M. Chembulatova (Gaidar Institute), A. Bozhechkova (RANEPA)
A. Kiyutsevskaya (RANEPA), E. Dzhaokhadze (RANEPA), L. Gadiy (HSE University), M. Chembulatova (Gaidar Institute)
Financial Stability as a central banks' goal
A. Sinyakov (Bank of Russia), I. Kozlovtceva (Bank of Russia), A. Ponomarenko (Bank of Russia), S. Tatarintsev (Bank of Russia)
A case for leaning against the wind in a commodity-exporting economy (summary)
O. Telegin (HSE University)
Verbal interventions by various members of the board of directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and interest rate dynamics (abstract)
Friday, April 24
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session A-51. Sources of Economic Growth
Moderator: O. Zamulin (Sberbank)
S. Ivashchenko (IPRE RAS, FRI, SPSU)
Long-term growth sources for sectors of Russia (abstract)
D. Veselov (HSE University), A. Yarkin (Brown University)
Economic determinants of fundamental reforms
Tuesday, April 28
Section K. World Economy
Moderators: A. Kuznetsov (INION RAN), I. Makarov (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 28
12:00–2:00pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable K-28. BRICs Countries' Cooperation in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
Moderator: L. Grigoryev (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• What are the shared interests of the BRICS countries in achieving their sustainable development objectives?
• What best practices in sustainable development can be shared among the BRICS countries?
• Can the experience of the BRICS countries in attaining sustainable development goals be applied in other emerging countries?
• What are the priority areas of partnership among BRICS countries on the agenda related to sustainable development goals under Russian chairmanship?
• What best practices in sustainable development can be shared among the BRICS countries?
• Can the experience of the BRICS countries in attaining sustainable development goals be applied in other emerging countries?
• What are the priority areas of partnership among BRICS countries on the agenda related to sustainable development goals under Russian chairmanship?
Experts: S. Bobylev (MSU), M. Larionova (RANEPA), I. Makarov (HSE University), V. Pavliushina (Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation), A. Shcherbakova (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 29
Section O. State and Local Government, and the NPO Sector
Moderators: A. Klimenko (HSE University), I. Mersianova (HSE University), A. Yakovlev (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 29
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session O-70. Digitalization of Public Administration
Moderator: O. Alexandrov (CEFC Group Ltd.)
O. Lyutova (HSE University)
Platform model of transactional taxation: current status and prospects
K. Neverov (SPbU)
State as a platform in developing countries: designs of implementation of digital Public Governance
O. Alexandrov (CEFC Group Ltd.), E. Doborlyubova (RANEPA)
The main results of the inventory of forms and indicators of reporting of enterprises and proposals for the transition from a system of forms of reporting to automatic data exchange using technologies IoT (summary)
Thursday, April 30
Section B. Special Sessions and Roundtables
Thursday, April 30
4:00–6:00pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-58. Antitrust Regulation in the Context of a Pandemic
Moderator: A. Ivanov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Market transformation in the context of a pandemic: from shifting the patent monopoly of pharmaceutical companies to increasing the market power of digital giants
• Challenges to antitrust regulation and responses to new threats
• On the way to building a new system of antitrust control: lessons from foreign experience
• Challenges to antitrust regulation and responses to new threats
• On the way to building a new system of antitrust control: lessons from foreign experience
Experts: A. Ivanov (HSE University), S. Zhumangarin (Eurasian Economic Commission), B. Lundqvist (Stockholm University), I. Lianos (UCL), P. Horna (UNCTAD), V. Milutinovic (Research Center "Balkan Dialogue»), R. Ferrandi (OECD), T. Nizhegorodtsev (FAS Russia), T. Bonakele (Competition Commission of South Africa)
Friday, May 8
Section T. Social and Cultural Processes
Moderators: V. Magun (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, HSE University), E. Ponarin (HSE University)
Friday, May 8
2:00–3:00pm (UTC+3)
Session T-83. Archive and New Understanding of the Art Collection in a Modern Museum
Moderator: I. Bolotyan (Garage Museum of Contemporary Art)
A. Tarasova (IRIS Foundation)
Classical museum vs Archival collection: how the archive of the Garage Museum started and developed
T. Volkova (IRIS Foundation)
General problems of archiving political art
A. Trubitsyna (Iris Foundation)
Project Open Systems. Self-organized Art Initiatives in Russia since 2000. The Archival gaze
Monday, May 11
Section D. Theoretical Economics
Moderators: A. Belianin (HSE University), S. Izmalkov (NES), A. Zakharov (HSE University)
Monday, May 11
12:20–2:00pm (UTC+3)
Session D-91. Political Economy
Moderator: S. Vartanov (MSU)
S. Vartanov (MSU)
Production, consumption and media: an approach to model a three-sided market with advertising (abstract)
A. Valei (UrFU)
Informative advertising and heterogeneous consumer search in a monopoly with network externalities
E. Zubova (MSU)
Political determinants of sovereign credit risks
Z. Hakobyan (HSE University, University of Luxembourg)
Populism and polarization in social media without fake news: the vicious circle of biases, beliefs and network homophily (abstract)
Monday, May 11
2:10–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session D-92. Experimental Economics. Session is dedicated to the memory of I. Menshikov
Moderator: A. Belianin (HSE University)
O. Menshikova (MIPT), I. Menshikov (Dorodnitsyn Computing Centre), A. Sedush (MIPT)
Laboratory experiments as an nudging to study game theory and behavioral economics (abstract)
A. Belianin (HSE University), A. Matros (University of South CArolina)
Double cheating game
S. Dolgikh (HSE University), B. Potanin (HSE University)
Decision making under risk: TV show analysis
A. Filatov (FEFU), D. Avdeeva (FEFU)
I. Susin (HSE University), G. Chernov (HSE University)
Monday, May 11
4:20–6:00pm (UTC+3)
Session D-93. Economic and mathematical models
Moderator: D. Karabekyan (HSE University)
E. Serebryannikova (LPI RAS), G. Bronitsky (LPI RAS), A. Leonidov (LPI RAS)
Strategic cooling in dynamic Ising game on complete graph (abstract)
N. Zubanov (University of Konstanz), A. Stoyanov (York University)
Skill complementarity in production technology: new empirical evidence and implications (abstract)
D. Karabekyan (HSE University), V. Yakuba (Institute of Control Sciences RAS)
On stability of aggregation procedures
A. Chentsov (RANEPA), N. Toropov (RANEPA)
Estimating effect of trade openness on uncovered interest rate parity deviations using double selection by LASSO (abstract)
Tuesday, May 12
Section A. Macroeconomics and Growth
Moderators: E. Gurvich (EEG), I. Voskoboynikov (HSE University)
Tuesday, May 12
1:00–2:30pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Session A-52. Economics of Income and Wealth (organized collaboration with International Association for Research in Income and Wealth with the support of Federal State Statistic Service)
Moderator: M. de Haan (Statistics Netherlands)
A. Tsvetkova (Bank of Russia), E. Bessonova (Bank of Russia, HSE University)
K. Bobyleva (HSE University)
The contribution of intangible assets to the growth of sectors of the Russian economy or what innovations are active? (summary)
E. Baranov (HSE University), D. Piontkovski (HSE University), E. Staritsyna (HSE University)
Sources of change in domestic output in the Russian economy, 2003–2015: an input-output structural decomposition analysis (summary)
K. Muradova (CEDR)
Discussants: A. Tatarinov (Federal State Statistics Service), I. Voskoboynikov (HSE University)
Tuesday, May 12
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session A-53. External Measurement of Macroeconomic Processes
Moderator: M. Dabrowski (HSE University, Bruege, CASE)
Y. Ushakova (Bank of Russia), K. Styrin (Bank of Russia, NES)
Macroprudential policy and the inward transmission of monetary policy shocks: the case of Russia (summary)
I. Prilepskiy (Economic Expert Group)
Y. Vymyatnina (EUSP)
Financial cycles in the Eurasian Economic Union (summary)
Tuesday, May 12
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable A-66. Long-term Economic Growth in Russia: Prospects for Recovery
Moderator: E. Gurvich (EEG)
Issues for discussion:
• Can the experience of recovery of the Russian economy after the crises of 1998 and 2008 help today?
• What sectors of the Russian economy have driven growth over the last decade? Can they keep this pace in the coming years?
• What might be the growth rate of the Russian economy in 2021?
• What might be the adjustment of the national projects aimed at stimulating growth?
• What sectors of the Russian economy have driven growth over the last decade? Can they keep this pace in the coming years?
• What might be the growth rate of the Russian economy in 2021?
• What might be the adjustment of the national projects aimed at stimulating growth?
Experts: N. Akindinova (HSE University), D. Belousov (CMASF), M. Dabrowski (HSE University, CASE, Bruegel), A. Klepach (VEB), A. Shirov (Institute of Economic Forecasting RAS), I. Voskoboynikov (HSE University)
Wednesday, May 13
Section B. Special Sessions and Roundtables
Wednesday, May 13
4:00–7:00pm (UTC+3)
Honorary paper B-74. Marco Francesconi (University of Essex), Fabian Slonimczyk (ICEF, HSE University) and Anna Yurko (ICEF, HSE University) “Democratizing Access to Higher Education in Russia: The Consequences of the Unified State Exam Reform” (as part of the National Award in Applied Economics)
You can view a recording of the event on the YouTube channel of the April Conference.
Section L. Firms and Markets
Moderators: L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU), N. Volchkova (NES)
Wednesday, May 13
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session L-29. Corporate Governance and Finance
Moderator: S. Stepanov (HSE)
A. Sterkhov (UrFU)
A. Redkina (HSE University - Perm), C. Jardon (University of Vigo)
Russian merger control: in favor of foreign companies?
G. Imad'Eddine (University of Lille), L. Vigneron (Universite de Valenciennes)
Are SMEs driven by a manager from a minority more financially constrained? French evidences
S. Grigorieva (HSE University), K. Zykova (HSE University)
Discussants: C. Sprenger (NES), S. Stepanov (HSE)
Thursday, May 14
Section I. International Relations
Moderator: T. Bordachev (HSE University)
Thursday, May 14
11:00am–12:30pm (UTC+3)
Session I-30. Eurasian Integration: the Dilemma of Deepening and Expanding the Scientific Debate
Moderator: E. Kuzmina (IMEMO RAS)
N. Kondratieva (Institute of Europe RAS)
The European integration model potential in the construction of the Eurasian integration model
A. Korolev (HSE University)
EAEU development strategy under sanctions and trade wars
K. Entin (Court of the EAEU)
Possible consequences of enlargement for the functioning of the institutional system of the Eurasian Economic Union
E. Kuzmina (IMEMO RAS)
Prospects of Eurasian integration: internal and external factors (abstract)
Thursday, May 14
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session I-33. Adaptation of Russian Foreign Policy to the Changing Internal and External Conditions
Moderator: T. Bordachev (HSE University)
A. Krickovic (HSE University)
Russia’s Eurasian turn: the status dimension (abstract)
T. Bordachev (HSE University)
Transformation of Russian strategic culture
Y. Weber (Kennan Institute)
Defining and evaluating burden-sharing in the Russia-China relationship
O. Kamenchuk (Ohio State University), H. Hale (George Washington University)
How manipulable is country favorability? The case of US-Russian relations
Section K. World Economy
Moderators: A. Kuznetsov (INION RAN), I. Makarov (HSE University)
Thursday, May 14
3:00–5:00pm (UTC+3)
Session K-32. BRICS in the World Economy
Moderator: A. Shcherbakova (HSE University)
R. Daniels (University of Cape Town)
Economic growth policies in the BRICS: Is it time to take sustainable degrowth seriously?
B. De Conti (University of Campinas), M. Rocha (University of Campinas)
Brazil in BRICS after the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff: economic crises and sudden modifications in the external policy
M. El-Shagi (Henan University), S. Yamarik (CSULB), J. Fidrmuc (Zeppelin University)
Inequality and credit growth in Russian regions
A. Shcherbakova (HSE University)
BRICS cooperation in agriculture
Section L. Firms and Markets
Moderators: L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU), N. Volchkova (NES)
Thursday, May 14
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session L-31. Inter-Firm Interaction of Russian Companies: Network and Spatial Effects
Moderator: Y. Simachev (HSE)
A. Fedyunina (HSE University), Y. Simachev (HSE University), Y. Averyanova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
The Nature of Innovations and Inter-firm linkages of Russian Firms: Enterpreneurial or Survival Networks?
M. Kuzyk (HSE Universiry), Y. Simachev (HSE Universiry)
Interaction between Russian business and science: common ground and stumbling blocks
D. Kuznetsov (RANEPA), A. Knobel (RANEPA)
The study of the impact of local advantages and agglomeration effects on the spatial distribution of foreign and domestic enterprises in Russian manufacture
V. Barinova (Gaidar Institute), S. Zemtsov (RANEPA), A. Krasnoselskikh (RFTA)
The ecosystem approach in regional entrepreneurial policy in Russia
Discussants: D. Ivanov (HSE University), I. Drapkin (UrFU), Y. Simachev (HSE University)
Section R. Management
Moderators: V. Katkalo (HSE University), O. Tretyak (HSE University)
Thursday, May 14
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session R-64. The Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development
Moderator: V. Kabalina (HSE University)
E. Ivanova (HSE University), J. Hufnagel (Technical University of Kaiserslautern), C. Yang (Southern Connecticut State University)
Art, business, and society: using an innovative pedagogical tool to enhance the sustainability mindset of business students in a global context (abstract)
O. Melitonyan (HSE University), B. Bataeva (Financial University), L. Cheglakova (HSE University)
Factors shaping responsible behavior of Russian SMEs
O. Volkova (HSE University - St. Petersburg), A. Kuznetsova (Avans University of Applied Sciences)
Does corporate social responsibility affect companies’ financial performance?
Discussants: E. Feoktistova (RSPP), N. Khonyakova (RSPP)
Friday, May 15
Section R. Management
Moderators: V. Katkalo (HSE University), O. Tretyak (HSE University)
Friday, May 15
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session R-65. Human Resource Management
Moderator: V. Kabalina (HSE University)
N. Zubanov (University of Konstanz), T. Kretschmer (LMU Munich), G. Friebel (Goethe University Frankfurt), M. Heinz (University of Cologne), P. Khashabi (LMU Munich)
Market competition and effectiveness of performance pay
A. Veselova (SPbU), L. Veselova (HSE University - St. Petersburg), N. Ribberink (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences)
The effect of inclusive talent management, internationalization and innovativeness on firm’s absorptive capacity and performance (abstract)
O. Mondrus (HSE University), V. Grashkina (DBTC)
Talents’ perception of the motivation practice (the example of a Russian IT company) (abstract)
O. Zelenova (HSE University), A. Krasnova (3M Russia)
Preference of reward configurations in organizations operating in Russian market: impact of internal and external factors (abstract)
Discussant: E. Varshavskaya (HSE University)
Monday, May 18
Section A. Macroeconomics and Growth
Moderators: E. Gurvich (EEG), I. Voskoboynikov (HSE University)
Monday, May 18
10:00am–12:00pm (UTC+3)
Session A-54. Measuring and Analyzing the Dynamics of Macroeconomic Indicators
Moderator: V. Bessonov (HSE University)
K. Tochkov (Texas Christian University), M. El-Shagi (Henan University)
The effects of ECB’s monetary policy on the economies of Central and Eastern Europe (summary)
K. Ryazanov (MSU), A. Zaytsev (HSE University)
The reduction of food import in 2014-2017: the role of embargo or the devaluation of the ruble?
M. Zhemkov (Bank of Russia)
Regional heterogeneity of inflation in the context of inflation targeting
P. Kartaev (MSU), A. Lukyanova (MSU), O. Klachkova (MSU)
How does inflation affect income inequality in Russia?
D. Skrypnik (CEMI RAS)
VAT increase estimation: SVAR and CGE analisys
Section I. International Relations
Moderator: T. Bordachev (HSE University)
Monday, May 18
12:00–2:00pm (UTC+3)
Session I-34. The EU as International Actor in Academic Discourse
Moderator: T. Bordachev (HSE University)
F. Bossuyt (Ghent University)
De-centering EU foreign policy: Insights from post-development and post-colonial thinking
A. Kuznetsov (INION RAN)
EU support for social sciences development: example of studies on EU-Russia relations
V. Kashin (HSE University)
EU and security problems in Indo-Pacific Region
S. Shein (HSE University)
The impulse of Right-Wing populism to EU foreign policy
A. Alikin (HSE University)
The impact of the concept of resilience on the EU democracy and human rights promotion policy: Eastern Partnership countries case
D. Malyutina (HSE University)
Pragmatic turn in the EU foreign policy: implications of resilience concept implementation
Y. Belous (HSE University)
The Role of the court of justice of the European Union in the development of the common foreign and security policy after the Treaty of Lisbon (summary)
T. Romanova (SPSU)
Levels of analysis as in instrument to assess the evolution of EU-Russia relations
Section M. Political Processes
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Monday, May 18
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session M-100. Quantitative Methods in Political Science
Moderator: A. Akhremenko (HSE University)
K. Marquardt (HSE University)
Modeling and measuring language change in the former Soviet Union
D. Vakhrusheva (Center for Advanced Governance)
Data manipulation in non-democratic regimes (abstract)
K. Deeva (HSE University)
The distribution of polarization on the scale of opposition / loyalty on the example of the Finnish parliament (abstract)
Discussant: E. Sedashov (HSE University)
Tuesday, May 19
Section F. Social Policy
Moderators: T. Chetvernina (HSE University), O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University)
Tuesday, May 19
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session F-84. Inequality
Moderator: S. Mareeva (HSE University)
L. Nivorozhkina (RSEU), S. Arzhenovskiy (RSEU)
Inequality in household income and consumption: approaches to measuring the impact of hidden income (abstract)
P. Kuznetsova (RANEPA), M. Kartseva (RANEPA)
P. Kuznetsova (RANEPA), M. Kartseva (RANEPA), A. Salmina (RANEPA)
Does the use of alternative methods change the picture of regional inequality in Russia? (abstract)
Y. Lezhnina (HSE University)
Subjective social mobility as a factor of inequality attitude
Section I. International Relations
Moderator: T. Bordachev (HSE University)
Tuesday, May 19
1:00–2:30pm (UTC+3)
Session I-36. Evolution of the US Global Strategy in the Context of Internal Transformations
Moderator: D. Suslov (HSE University)
N. Novik (HSE University)
U.S. foreign policy strategy at the present stage of the formation of a new world order
L. Sokolshchik (HSE University)
Evolution of American conservatives' foreign policy concepts in the context of internal transformations
V. Zhuravleva (Center for North American Studies IMEMO RAS)
Polarization as a factor in shaping US policy towards Russia
D. Kochegurov (HSE University)
US trade agreements with South Korea, Japan, USMCA: impact on 2020 United States presidential election
Wednesday, May 20
Section B. Special Sessions and Roundtables
Wednesday, May 20
5:00–7:00pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-68. Interaction of Business and Government in the Global Crisis
Moderator: A. Shokhin (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
The broadcast of the event will be availiable on the YouTube channel of the April Conference.
Experts: P. Aven (Alfa Bank), M. Alexeev (UniCredit Bank), K. Androsov (Altera Capital), S. Borisov (“SUPPORT OF RUSSIA”), M. Barshchevsky (Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Russian Federation in the Highest Judicial Instances), I. Vdovin (RSPP), D. Zimin (HSE University), S. Mytenkov (RSPP), V. Kirillina (HSE University), I. Kotelevskaya (RSPP), L. Polyakov (The Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights), L. Prokopov (RSPP) , D. Pumpyansky (SRUIE), V. Salamatov (ITI), V. Senin (Alfa Bank), Ya. Urinson (HSE University), M. Yurgelas (National Qualifications Development Agency),D. Iakobachvili (Orion Heritage LLC).
Section F. Social Policy
Moderators: T. Chetvernina (HSE University), O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University)
Wednesday, May 20
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session F-86. Social Stratification
Moderator: M. Krasilnikova (HSE University)
V. Anikin (HSE University)
Are there social classes in Russia? Evidence from the bayesian latent class analysis
E. Slobodenyuk (HSE University), S. Mareeva (HSE University)
Stratification by life chances and risks of modern Russian society: features and dynamics
E. Slobodenyuk (HSE University), S. Mareeva (HSE University)
Individual income mobility in modern Russian society: the scope and specificity
Section I. International Relations
Moderator: T. Bordachev (HSE University)
Wednesday, May 20
11:00am–12:30pm (UTC+3)
Session I-38. Strategic Stability (Arms Control VS New Strategic Stability)
Moderator: D. Suslov (HSE University)
S. Karaganov (HSE University)
Multilateral nuclear deterrence as the main factor of strategic stability in the twenty-first century
A. Baklitskiy (PIR Center)
Arms control in the new strategic reality
A. Kramarenko (Council on Foreign and Defense Policy)
The new norm of strategic stability: triangular or nothing?
Discussant: V. Kashin (HSE University)
Wednesday, May 20
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session I-40. Sanctions and Trade Wars
Moderator: A. Likhacheva (HSE University)
I. Timofeev (RIAC)
US secondary sanctions against financial sector companies
T. Isachenko (MGIMO)
Sanctions as an economic diplomacy instrument
A. Cafruny (Hamilton College), K. Kirkham (King's College London)
The threat and reality of U.S. unilateral sanctions: assessing the European response
A. Likhacheva (HSE University)
Unilateral sanctions as catalyst for national development strategies
Section M. Political Processes
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Wednesday, May 20
1:00–2:30pm (UTC+3)
Session M-76. Political Processes in Russian Regions - 1
Moderator: R. Turovsky (HSE University)
N. Tregubov (South Ural State University)
V. Ledyaev (HSE University), A. Chirikova (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS)
Power and leadership in a small Russian town: vectors of change
Y. Pustovoyt (The Siberian Institute of Management – branch of RANEPA)
Power coalitions and protest communities in Siberian cities
R. Turovsky (HSE University), A. Lyutikova (HSE University)
Discussant: Y. Gaivoronsky (HSE University)
Section U. Healthcare Studies
Moderator: S. Shishkin (HSE University)
Wednesday, May 20
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session U-37. Health Factors
Moderator: V. Vlassov (HSE University)
J. Egorova (UrFU), A. Nepp (UrFU)
Impact of institutional factors on public health using cardiovascular disease as an example (abstract)
G. Lyapin (HSE University)
The development of national economies, nutrition and longevity (abstract)
A. Skorobogatov (HSE University)
The effect of the closing hour restrictions on alcohol mortality in Russia
Wednesday, May 20
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session U-39. Health Organization
Moderator: F. Kadyrov (HSE University)
I. Levchuk (RNRMU), A. Medenkov (Science-Technical Society of Aviation and Space Medicine Science-Technical Society of Aerospace Medicine)
On the paradigm shift of the functioning of the health care system (abstract)
N. Teltsova (HSE University)
Pattern analysis in the study of the state of healthcare system
M. Sirotko (SamSMU MOH Russia), M. Denisenko (HSE University), I. Zolotovskaya (Samara city polyclinic No. 9 of the Oktyabrsky district)
Medical and social status of “oldest old” population in Samara (abstract)
Section X. Sports Studies
Moderator: D. Dagaev (HSE University)
Wednesday, May 20
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Session X-77. Sports Markets
Moderator: C. Nesseler (NTNU)
I. Karpov (HSE University), D. Dagaev (HSE University)
The strategies of broadcasting Soccer Championship on paid and free TV-channels (abstract)
I. Yudin (HSE University), L. Kuzina (HSE University)
Steroids: taboo market growth factors
C. Nesseler (NTNU)
The burden of your name. Social integration in Europe
Wednesday, May 20
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Session X-78. Individual Performance
Moderator: S. Paklina (HSE University - Perm)
A. Zaytsev (HSE University), A. Gonchar (MSU)
Continental Hockey League players salary differentiation factors
N. Votintseva (HSE University - Perm), T. Gasparetto (HSE University), P. Parshakov (HSE University)
Does beauty affect salary? An empirical analysis of MLS data (abstract)
Wednesday, May 20
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Session X-79. Team Performance
Moderator: A. Bykova (HSE University)
D. Kirpishchikov (HSE University - Perm), P. Parshakov (HSE University - Perm), M. Zavertiaeva (HSE University - Perm)
Is team masculinity beneficial for performance? Evidence from Major League Soccer (abstract)
S. Tarasov (HSE University)
Interrelation of results in the team intellectual game " What? Where? When?" and team members' skills
M. Yusova (HSE University), A. Lomakin (HSE University), I. Schurov (HSE University)
Can friendly games predict team performance on internationals? (abstract)
A. Bykova (HSE University), D. Coates (Univeristy of Maryland)
Economic freedom and performance in sports: evidence from US major leagues (abstract)
Section Y. Instrumental Methods in Economic and Social Studies
Moderators: F. Aleskerov (HSE University), A. Myachin (HSE University)
Wednesday, May 20
4:30–6:00pm (UTC+3)
Honorary paper Y-85. Yong Shi (College of Information Science & Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences) "Big Data Analysis: Theory and Applications"
Moderator: F. Aleskerov (HSE University)
Big Data has become a reality that no one can ignore. Big Data is our environment whenever we need to make decision. Big Data is a buzz word that makes everyone understands how important it is. Big Data shows a big opportunity for academia, industry and government. Big Data then is a big challenge for all parties. This talk will discuss some challenges of Big Data analysis as well as Data Science, the scientific issues behind Big Data. Then, this talk will provide several real-life Big Data Applications.
Thursday, May 21
Section G. Regional and Urban Development
Moderators: A. Puzanov (HSE University), N. Zubarevich (MSU)
Thursday, May 21
5:00–7:00pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Honorary paper G-94. Alain Bertaud (New York University) “The functioning of Urban Labor Markets: Mobility and Housing Affordability”
Moderator: N. Kosareva (IUE)
Cities are primarily labor markets. Well-functioning labor markets allow the emergence of high-quality urban amenities like theaters, museums, parks, restaurants, and many other attractions. The per capita productivity of cities increases with the size of their labor markets. However, the number of workers in the labor force indicates only the size of a potential labor market. Because deficient urban transport systems decrease workers' mobility within a metropolitan area, large labor markets become fragmented into smaller adjacent markets, minimizing the potential productivity of a city. Unaffordable housing, created by constraints on urban land development and housing supply, can also reduce the size of labor markets by either preventing workers from migrating to a city or by segregating low and medium-skilled workers into distant, poorly accessible areas.
Because the productivity of cities is so dependent on well-functioning labor markets, increasing mobility and improving affordability should be the primary objective of urban planners. They should monitor the evolving location of jobs within a metropolitan area and develop transport systems that reflect the demand-driven geographical distribution of employment and housing. They should build multimodal transport systems that would best increase mobility under a continually evolving urban land use. They should audit land use regulations to allow both firms and workers to consume the quantity of land and floor space that best fits their requirements in specific locations. Planners should continuously monitor the housing affordability of different income groups and take remedial action as soon as housing becomes unaffordable to workers in different sectors of the urban economy.
Because the productivity of cities is so dependent on well-functioning labor markets, increasing mobility and improving affordability should be the primary objective of urban planners. They should monitor the evolving location of jobs within a metropolitan area and develop transport systems that reflect the demand-driven geographical distribution of employment and housing. They should build multimodal transport systems that would best increase mobility under a continually evolving urban land use. They should audit land use regulations to allow both firms and workers to consume the quantity of land and floor space that best fits their requirements in specific locations. Planners should continuously monitor the housing affordability of different income groups and take remedial action as soon as housing becomes unaffordable to workers in different sectors of the urban economy.
Section K. World Economy
Moderators: A. Kuznetsov (INION RAN), I. Makarov (HSE University)
Thursday, May 21
4:00–6:00pm (UTC+3)
Honorary paper K-56. Wladimir Andreff (University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Observatory of the Sports Economy) “Outward Foreign Direct Investment from the New-Wave Emerging Countries’
Moderator: A. Kuznetsov (INION RAN)
Focusing on the fast growth of Brazil-Russia-India-China’s, i.e. BRICs’ outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) and multinational companies during the crisis (Andreff 2014, 2016 a, &b; 2017) has left unheeded that some other emerging economies also grow much faster than average in the global economy and have become significant and fast-growing direct investors abroad. A sample of such (thirteen) new-wave emerging countries (NWECs) is gathered on the criterion of being ranked among the most significant foreign direct investors in the global economy (Andreff, 2016c). A literature review exhibits only very few articles existing on OFDI and multinational companies from these NWECs so far. Then gathering descriptive statistics enable tracing OFDI by NWECs-based multinational companies back to the 1970s, checking its geographical orientation and industrial structure, and assessing the relative importance of cross-border mergers and acquisitions in the expansion of such new coming OFDI. A simple econometric estimation exhibits that direct investment moving off the NWECs is explained by so-called push factors such as the home country’s GDP, GDP per capita, GDP rate of growth, the share of high-technology exported products in overall export, the number of technological patents registered, and how much inward foreign direct investment stock has previously been hosted. These results are discussed in the light of Dunning’s investment development path model (1981, 1988; Dunning & Narula 1998) and Matthews’ linkage-leverage learning hypothesis (2002).
Section O. State and Local Government, and the NPO Sector
Moderators: A. Klimenko (HSE University), I. Mersianova (HSE University), A. Yakovlev (HSE University)
Thursday, May 21
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Session O-107. The Role of Civil Society in Addressing the Challenges of Socio-Economic Development
Moderator: A. Telitsyna (HSE University)
E. Iarskaia-Smirnova (HSE University), A. Tarasenko (HSE University - St. Petersburg), L. Cook (Brown University)
Outsourcing of social services to SONGOs in the Russian Federation: federal policy and regional responses (abstract)
S. Barinov (MGIMO), T. Abankina (HSE University), A. Belikov (HSE University), Y. Polyakova (The Moscow City Investment Agency)
Atlas of cultural goods sufficiency in Russian regions
K. Yanovskiy (RANEPA), S. Zhavoronkov (Gaidar Institute)
The lessons for Russia from the history of American charity (abstract)
Section T. Social and Cultural Processes
Moderators: V. Magun (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, HSE University), E. Ponarin (HSE University)
Thursday, May 21
4:00–6:00pm (UTC+3)
Honorary paper T-96. Michele Gelfand (University of Maryland) "The Secret Life of Social Norms"
Moderator: N. Lebedeva (HSE University)
Over the past century, we have explored the solar system, split the atom, and wired the earth, but somehow, despite all of our technical prowess, we have struggled to understand something far more important: our own cultural differences. Observing the wide variety of cultural permutations, people assumed for centuries that there were as many explanations for these permutations and rifts as there were examples of them. Michele Gelfand’s research shows that many cultural differences reflect a simple, but often invisible distinction: The strength of social norms. Tight cultures have strong social norms and little tolerance for deviance, while loose cultures have weak social norms and are highly permissive. The tightness or looseness of social norms turns out to be a Rosetta Stone for human groups. It illuminates similar patterns of difference across nations, states, organizations, social class, and households. It is also a global fault line: many of the conflicts we encounter spring from the structural stress of tight-loose tension. By unmasking culture to reveal tight-loose dynamics, we can see fresh patterns in history, illuminate some of today’s most puzzling trends and events, and see our own behavior in a new light. At a time of intense political conflict and rapid social change, this template shows us that there is indeed a method to the madness, and that moderation – not tight or loose extremes – has never been more needed.
Section U. Healthcare Studies
Moderator: S. Shishkin (HSE University)
Thursday, May 21
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session U-41. Economics and Health Organization
Moderator: I. Sheiman (HSE University)
I. Stepanov (HSE University)
Directions for improving mechanisms for the distribution of medical care between medical organizations in the system of compulsory medical insurance in the Russian Federation
E. Kalabina (USUE), S. Begicheva (USUE)
Determinant analysis of the demand for emergency medical services in a large metropolitan area (for example, the city of Yekaterinburg)
O. Demyanova (KFU), A. Nikolaeva (KFU)
E. Andreeva (HSE University)
Migration patterns of appicants and graduates of medical universities (based on the example of non-capital regions of the Central Federal District)
H. Hennig-Schmidt (HSE University)
Physician performance pay: experimental evidence
Thursday, May 21
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session U-42. Introduction of Medical Technologies
Moderator: S. Shishkin (HSE University)
E. Tarasenko (HSE University), M. Eigel (HSE University)
The usage of augmented and virtual reality technologies in healthcare: main trends and forecasts.
A. Chaplenko (Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation), V. Vlasov (HSE University)
Original drugs in the Russian pharmaceutical market: areas of development and key features of regulation
M. Domracheva (HSE University - Perm), S. Kulikova (HSE University - Perm), G. Semkina (NMC for Endocrinology of the Ministry of Health of Russia)
Evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of a repeat fine-needle aspiration biopsy in case of benign thyroid neoplasm (abstract)
Friday, May 22
Section B. Special Sessions and Roundtables
Friday, May 22
12:00–2:00pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-69. Alternative Approaches to Determining the Monetary Component of the Population's Well-Being
Moderator: A. Surinov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Is there an alternative to the traditional "Rosstat" indicator of disposable income of the population? Why it does not meet the OECD recommendations and should we change something?
• Is it possible to adjust sub-national income indicators for the difference in the purchasing power of the ruble between regions? What is being done for this purpose and when can the first significant results be obtained?
• Is it possible to adjust sub-national income indicators for the difference in the purchasing power of the ruble between regions? What is being done for this purpose and when can the first significant results be obtained?
Section F. Social Policy
Moderators: T. Chetvernina (HSE University), O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University)
Friday, May 22
11:00am–12:30pm (UTC+3)
Session F-99. Innovations and Everyday Social Practices
Moderator: A. Pishnyak (HSE University)
E. Tsatsura (RANEPA)
The market for non-governmental social servicepProviders: barriers to development
A. Pishnyak (HSE University), N. Khalina (HSE University)
The middle class and adoption of innovations: some issues on new technology perception
M. Chernysheva (HSE University), I. Krasnopolskaya (HSE University)
The influence of Orthodox Christianity on charitable giving in Russia
Section T. Social and Cultural Processes
Moderators: V. Magun (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, HSE University), E. Ponarin (HSE University)
Friday, May 22
2:00–3:30pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable T-73. The Garage Journal: Research in Art, Museums, and Culture: "Self-Plagiarism in the Post-Truth Era»
Moderator: E. Suverina (The Garage Journal)
Issues for discussion:
• Low quality of expertise in the Humanities
• The problem of plagiarism and self-plagiarism in the Humanities
• The lack of ethical principles and standards in academic publishing
• Fragmentation of the academic community and the low social status of academics/scientists
• The problem of plagiarism and self-plagiarism in the Humanities
• The lack of ethical principles and standards in academic publishing
• Fragmentation of the academic community and the low social status of academics/scientists
Experts: A. Kuleshova (Council on Ethics of Scientific Publications of ASEP), V. Strukov (University of Leeds), I. Kiriya (HSE University), A. Rostovtcev (Dissernet)
Saturday, May 23
Section N. Political Processes. Special Seminars with Presentations of HSE University’s Research Results
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Saturday, May 23
1:00–2:30pm (UTC+3)
Session N-101. Political Processes in Russian Regions - 2
Moderator: D. Rosenberg (HSE University)
C. Schlaufer (HSE University), A. Uldanov (HSE University), V. Albert (HSE University), D. Gafurova (HSE University), M. Makhmutova (HSE University)
Narratives for or against change: a Narratives Policy Framework perspective on policy debates in Moscow
I. Aleksandrov (HSE University), G. Tarasenko (HSE University)
Renovation, metro, highways: how does authoritarian modernization affect electoral outcomes? (Evidence from 2019 Moscow elections) (abstract)
E. Ivanov (HSE University), V. Stoliar (HSE University)
I. Marques (HSE University)
Intergovernmental transfers in hybrid regimes: elites, elections, and connections
E. Korneeva (HSE University)
Electoral regional cultures in Russia: possible approaches to research
Discussant: I. Marques (HSE University)
Monday, May 25
Section F. Social Policy
Moderators: T. Chetvernina (HSE University), O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University)
Monday, May 25
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session F-87. Methodological Issues of Pension Provision
Moderator: O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University)
A. Salmina (RANEPA), Y. Gorlin (RANEPA)
A new approach to the evaluation of an adequate level of pensions in Russia: empirical estimates and comparison with other countries (abstract)
A. Solovev (PFR)
Pension replacement rate as a criterion of pension reform effectiveness (abstract)
V. Lyashok (RANEPA), Y. Gorlin (RANEPA)
Theoretical replacement rate as a tool for analysis and forecasting the pension system (abstract)
E. Frolova (Tomsk State University), E. Kashapova (Tomsk Polytechnic University), V. Malanina (Tomsk Polytechnic University), E. Klemasheva (Tomsk Polytechnic University)
Quantitative evaluation of (in) equality of retirees in Russian regions (abstract)
Section L. Firms and Markets
Moderators: L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU), N. Volchkova (NES)
Monday, May 25
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session L-43. Empirical Studies of Russian Markets and Firms
Moderator: N. Volchkova (NES, RFTA)
A. Pyzhev (SibFU)
A. Fedyunina (HSE University)
What Determines productivity in Russian firms in non-resource sectors: innovations, human capital or investment climate?
Y. Tsareva (RFTA), S. Zemtsov (Gaidar Institute), V. Barinova (Gaidar Institute)
Regional factors of employment growth in small and medium-sized businesses in Russia
E. Ivantsova (SibFU)
On the question of efficiency of priority investment projects in forest development (abstract)
Discussants: A. Suvorov (HSE University), N. Volchkova (NES, RFTA)
Section R. Management
Moderators: V. Katkalo (HSE University), O. Tretyak (HSE University)
Monday, May 25
4:40–7:00pm (UTC+3)
Honorary paper R-95. Paolo Bisogni (Università degli Studi di Milano) “Measuring Supply Chain Resilience”
Moderator: A. Vinogradov (HSE University)
In an era characterized by turbulence and discontinuity, by ever-changing scenarios, by a sophisticated highly demanding and highly evolved clientele, by exogenous shocks of a destabilizing nature and pandemic flow (the last in order of occurrence is the coronavirus), logistical skills require a profound rethinking and formalization.
The European Logistics Association, ELA, is actively keeping standards of logistics competence up to date to meet these challenges. This paper reflects on two sessions of experimental workshops working with logistics industry leaders to formulate modern era required competencies in emerging areas of logistics in the light of digitalization, resilience and sustainability.
Moreover, in addition to an update, the standards also require sectoral customization, especially in the maritime sector where some peculiar features distinguish it from the more widely known manufacturing one. The complexity of the scenario because of the concentration of operators, digitalization, the growing size of vessels, the concerns for sustainability and others contingent factors makes us believe that standard skills to operate in logistics are a prerequisite but not sufficient. For these reasons, a revision and re-design of the standard competencies for both managerial and operational positions is needed.
Aim of the research is to understand if qualification systems are consistent with the evolving markets’ needs.
The European Logistics Association, ELA, is actively keeping standards of logistics competence up to date to meet these challenges. This paper reflects on two sessions of experimental workshops working with logistics industry leaders to formulate modern era required competencies in emerging areas of logistics in the light of digitalization, resilience and sustainability.
Moreover, in addition to an update, the standards also require sectoral customization, especially in the maritime sector where some peculiar features distinguish it from the more widely known manufacturing one. The complexity of the scenario because of the concentration of operators, digitalization, the growing size of vessels, the concerns for sustainability and others contingent factors makes us believe that standard skills to operate in logistics are a prerequisite but not sufficient. For these reasons, a revision and re-design of the standard competencies for both managerial and operational positions is needed.
Aim of the research is to understand if qualification systems are consistent with the evolving markets’ needs.
Tuesday, May 26
Section B. Special Sessions and Roundtables
Tuesday, May 26
11:00am–12:30pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Roundtable B-110. Is Gender Diversity in the Management of Companies a Growth Factor?
Moderator: N. Volchkova (NES)
Issues for discussion:
• What is the size of the gender gap in business management and how is it measured?
• What are the causes of the gender gap in governance?
• How does gender inequality in management affect business performance?
• How does gender inequality in management relate to gender inequality in the company as a whole?
• How do gender quotas on boards of Directors affect business performance? On the attitude to the problem of gender inequality in society as a whole?
• How is the demand for reducing gender inequality formed in society and business – in the world and in Russia?
• What is the role of the state, including in Russia, in reducing gender inequality in the economy in General and in business management in particular?
• What public policy measures in Russia can be used to address gender inequality in governance?
• What is the role of public organizations in reducing gender inequality?
• What is the role of business education in shaping new norms regarding gender equality in management?
• What are the causes of the gender gap in governance?
• How does gender inequality in management affect business performance?
• How does gender inequality in management relate to gender inequality in the company as a whole?
• How do gender quotas on boards of Directors affect business performance? On the attitude to the problem of gender inequality in society as a whole?
• How is the demand for reducing gender inequality formed in society and business – in the world and in Russia?
• What is the role of the state, including in Russia, in reducing gender inequality in the economy in General and in business management in particular?
• What public policy measures in Russia can be used to address gender inequality in governance?
• What is the role of public organizations in reducing gender inequality?
• What is the role of business education in shaping new norms regarding gender equality in management?
Experts: T. Garanina (University of Vaasa), R. Enikolopov (NES), P. Campa (Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics), M. Karban (Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO), O. Kuzmina (NES), E. Rechkalova (Women on Boards in Russia), A. Sharonov (Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO), S. Shekshnya (INSEAD), A. Yarvits (PRO Women)
Section F. Social Policy
Moderators: T. Chetvernina (HSE University), O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University)
Tuesday, May 26
11:00am–12:30pm (UTC+3)
Session F-88. Features of Employment of Some Social Groups
Moderator: S. Smirnov (HSE University)
A. Cherviakova (HSE University), E. Gorvat (HSE University), O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University)
Successful and unsuccessful strategies of Russian pre-retirement and retirement-aged workers in the labour market (abstract)
M. Kashina (SZIU RANEPA), M. Demidov (SPbU), I. Khodachek (SZIU RANEPA)
Section K. World Economy
Moderators: A. Kuznetsov (INION RAN), I. Makarov (HSE University)
Tuesday, May 26
11:00am–2:00pm (UTC+3)
Session K-44. New trends in the Global Economy
Moderator: A. Kuznetsov (INION RAN)
P. Yakovlev (ILA RAS)
E. Makarova (HSE University), L. Grigoryev (HSE University)
World economy after the Great Recession: new stylized facts on economic growth (abstract)
M. Orekhov (HSE University)
Banks’ performance in dollarized economies (abstract)
M. Raffinot (Dauphine)
Debt distress in low income countries: some lessons from the 80s for the crisis to come (summary)
G. Gluschenco (MSU)
M. Polugodina (FU Berlin), L. Jansen (Federation of German Industries)
Is buying on Amazon like trading with a digital atlantis? (summary)
A. Victor (BEROC), A. Mazol (BEROC), A. Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan (Leibniz University of Hanover)
Institutions and comparative advantage in services trade
H. Valiullin (Dubna University)
Evolution of the European Elite Banking (summary)
Section O. State and Local Government, and the NPO Sector
Moderators: A. Klimenko (HSE University), I. Mersianova (HSE University), A. Yakovlev (HSE University)
Tuesday, May 26
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session O-108. Government, NGOs and Civil Society Practices
Moderator: S. Revyakin (HSE University)
V. Benevolenski (HSE University)
Regional variations in government-nonprofit cooperation in Russia: a theoretical perspective (abstract)
A. Philippova (HSE University)
Socially oriented non-profit organizations funding through regional subsidies: dynamics and priorities (abstract)
A. Yefremov (RANEPA)
Human Rights Impact Assessment of Digital Technologies: Foreign Experience and Prospects for Russia
A. Telitsyna (HSE University), E. Korneva (HSE University), S. Gekhman (HSE University)
The perspective of qualitative studies for researching corporate management of non-profit organisations (abstract)
Section P. Demography and Labour Markets
Moderators: M. Denisenko (HSE University), L. Smirnykh (HSE University)
Tuesday, May 26
10:30am–12:00pm (UTC+3)
Session P-103. Demographic Patterns of Family Formation
Moderator: V. Elizarov (MSU)
I. Medvedev (RANEPA), S. Shulgin (RANEPA)
The role of educational status and value orientations in the formation of demographic behavior
E. Churilova (HSE University), S. Zakharov (HSE University)
Freedom to choose: intentions to break-up and union dissolution in Russia
D. Zinchenko (HSE University), A. Lukyanova (HSE University)
Expansion of higher education in 1990-2010s: how did the growth of educational attainment change the marriage patterns among Russians?
V. Kozlov (HSE University), K. Kazenin (RANEPA, HSE University)
The Main Determinats of Fertility in North Caucasus, the evidence from the field research (abstract)
Tuesday, May 26
12:10–1:40pm (UTC+3)
Session P-104. Problems of Migration Research in Russia
Moderator: S. Abylkalikov (HSE University)
Y. Florinskaya (RANEPA), N. Mkrtchan (HSE University)
Migration attractive and unattractive regions of Russia: statistical estimates and individual mobility factors
L. Antosik (VolSU), N. Ivashina (FEFU)
K. Chernyshev (VyatSU)
The retrospective analysis of the intensity of migration ties of the donor region: problems and implementation (abstract)
G. Hilazheva (ISS RB)
Rotational dynamics of indicators of migration in the Republic of Bashkortostan (statistical and sociological data)
Tuesday, May 26
1:50–3:20pm (UTC+3)
Session P-105. Migration in the Regions of Russia (Based on the Results of Student Expeditions)
Moderator: L. Karachurina (HSE University)
L. Karachurina (HSE University), I. Klimkin (HSE University), E. Andreeva (HSE University)
Fly-in/fly-out Bashkortostan: Pro et Contra (based on the materials of the expedition to Southeastern Bashkortostan)
K. Romanenko (HSE University), N. Gabdrakhmanov (HSE University)
University as a factor of educational migration: attractive function of universities and cities (based on results of field trips to Kazan, Sverdlovsk region)
O. Isupova (HSE University), V. Golochshapova (HSE University)
Migration intentions of Primorie dwellers (abstract)
N. Mkrtchyan (HSE University), G. Kuzmin (HSE University)
Migration of youth of small and medium-sized cities of Russia (based on the results of the expeditions to Udmurtia, Bashkortostan, Buryatia)
Tuesday, May 26
3:30–5:00pm (UTC+3)
Session P-111. New Trends in Demographic Development
Moderator: V. Kozlov (HSE University)
E. Soroko (HSE University)
UN world population prospects 2019 revision: what’s new? (abstract)
S. McMullen (Duke University), C. Becker (Duke University)
Assessing the impact of the 2007 maternity capital policy in the Russian Federation (summary)
E. Mitrofanova (HSE University)
The age profile of the starting sociodemographic events occurrence in Russia: intergenerational and gender aspects (abstract, video version)
S. Timonin (HSE University)
New perspective on geography of mortality in Russia: a district- level analysis (abstract)
Section R. Management
Moderators: V. Katkalo (HSE University), O. Tretyak (HSE University)
Tuesday, May 26
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session R-71. Corporate Strategies in the Modern World
Moderator: S. Kushch (HSE University)
A. Abramova (MGIMO), O. Garanina (SPBU), E. Davidova (ADV group of companies), N. Piskulova (MGIMO)
Role of artificial intelligence for sustainable development of oil and gas MNEs from oil rich emerging economies (abstract)
Y. Leevik (HSE University), V. Sadovskaya (The University of Sydney), I. Churakova (HSE University), L. Serova (SPbU)
N. Ribberink (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences), J. Apostolou (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences)
Internationalization strategies of SMEs under the aspect of entrepreneurial orientation
T. Molchanova (HSE University)
Mission statements of the leading Russian companies: Content components and reflection of higher purposes (abstract)
Wednesday, May 27
Section J. Economic Methodology
Moderator: V. Avtonomov (HSE University)
Wednesday, May 27
2:00–3:30pm (UTC+3)
Session J-102. West-Russia-West: the Circulation of Economic Ideas
Moderator: V. Avtonomov (HSE University)
H. Hagemann (University of Hohenheim)
Wassily Leontief and his German Period
J. Toporowski (SOAS University of London)
The changes in Oskar Lange’s view of Russian economic development
Section K. World Economy
Moderators: A. Kuznetsov (INION RAN), I. Makarov (HSE University)
Wednesday, May 27
11:00am–2:00pm (UTC+3)
Session K-45. International Trade, Investment and Value Chains
Moderator: I. Makarov (HSE University)
A. Kuznetsov (INION RAN), D. Shatilo (INION RAN)
The role of large European cities in attraction of foreign migrants and direct investment: a methodology for analysis of heterogeneous statistics
J. Gao (Southwest Minzu University), I. Heim (Henley Business School, University of Reading)
Investments in the digital silk road: a systematic framework and case studies of a digital ecosystem (summary)
E. Sergeev (MGIMO), A. Bulatov (MGIMO), A. Habarta (MGIMO)
D. Chupina (USUE)
Merchandise trade in regional blocs: regulatory aspects during global recession (summary)
V. Sedalishchev (RANEPA)
The China–United States trade war: CGE-analysis of the impact
I. Deseatnicov (HSE University), A. Tran Lam (University of Tsukuba)
The impact of technology level on Global Value Chain formation
Section L. Firms and Markets
Moderators: L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU), N. Volchkova (NES)
Wednesday, May 27
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session L-46. The Structure of Markets and Restriction of Competition
Moderator: S. Lukyanov (SUM, UrFU)
A. Pushkarev (UrFU), A. Sennikova (UrFU), O. Mariev (UrFU)
Evaluation of competition level in Ukranian manufacturing industries (abstract)
A. Zyuzin (AB Rossia), O. Demidova (HSE University), T. Dolgopyatova (HSE University)
Concentration and diversification of Russian economy: regional and industrial pecularities
E. Chermoshentsev (HSE University)
Market structure in local real estate market: a case of Saint Petersburg (summary)
O. Rudkovskaya (FEFU), A. Filatov (FEFU)
Price oligopoly with heterogeneous product: theory and empirics (abstract)
Discussants: V. Golikova (HSE University), S. Lukyanov (SUM, UrFU), L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU)
Section M. Political Processes
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Wednesday, May 27
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Honorary paper M-97. Jason Brownlee (Texas University) “Understanding Democratic Breakdowns and Authoritarian Onsets, 1989-2018”
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Has the world entered an age of authoritarianism? Rigorous answers to the question have been difficult to reach, leaving academics and laypeople to speculate about how severely the latest strongmen and populists threaten western and developing democracies. This paper applies a robust version of Freedom House’s dichotomous electoral democracy measure during 1989-2018. Using these data, the paper asks: 1) Have democratic breakdowns become more frequent in the past decade? 2) Are these breakdowns ushering in sustained authoritarianism? On both questions, initial evidence does not support prognoses of a rising wave of authoritarianism. The paper then reports tests from a series of economic and institutional predictors for the onset of authoritarianism in electoral democracies.
Section R. Management
Moderators: V. Katkalo (HSE University), O. Tretyak (HSE University)
Wednesday, May 27
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session R-72. Innovative Management Solutions
Moderator: S. Kushch (HSE University)
D. Korablev (HSE University), I. Ivashkovskaya (HSE University), A. Stepanova (HSE University)
Board capital in the emerging capital market: empirical evidence from Russian companies
E. Kalabina (USUE), O. Belyak (USUE)
Coordination mechanisms for the exchange of knowledge between employees in cross-functional teams (for example, a group of innovative companies in the Ural region)
Y. Sovetkin (SIBUR)
What is management innovation? Formation of the approach to definition and classification
Thursday, May 28
Section B. Special Sessions and Roundtables
Thursday, May 28
2:00–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-67. Russia in Global Production Networks
Moderator: Y. Simachev (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• How does global production change recently? What factors determine these changes?
• What is the role of Russian economy in the world economy and global production networks? Is it possible Russian economy would change its positioning in global production? What macro/industry/micro drivers would determine these changes?
• What current challenges Russian economic policy faces? How to overcome them?
• What is the role of Russian economy in the world economy and global production networks? Is it possible Russian economy would change its positioning in global production? What macro/industry/micro drivers would determine these changes?
• What current challenges Russian economic policy faces? How to overcome them?
Experts: Y. Simachev (HSE University), A. Fedyunina (HSE University), M. Kuzyk (HSE University), N. Ivanova (IMEMO RAN), A. Knobel (RANEPA, RFTA), A. Daniltsev (HSE University), M. Glazatova (HSE University)
Section F. Social Policy
Moderators: T. Chetvernina (HSE University), O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University)
Thursday, May 28
4:30–6:00pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Session F-89. Individual Issues of Social Policy
Moderator: E. Slobodenyuk (HSE University)
T. Krihtova (St.Tikhon's Orthodox University), P. Vrublevskaya (St.Tikhon's Orthodox University), D. Oreshina (St.Tikhon's Orthodox University), V. Elagina (St.Tikhon's Orthodox University)
Portrait of a Moscow homeless. A survey of visitors of the Salvation Hangar
B. Ola (HSE University)
Structurally dissecting socio-cultural factors associated with men’s acceptance and justification of gender-based violence against women across regional, rural and urban spaces of Ghana: A trend analysis of 2003, 2008, 2014 GDHS
Section I. International Relations
Moderator: T. Bordachev (HSE University)
Thursday, May 28
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session I-48. Transformation of China's Development Model and Its Impact on Cooperation with Regional Partners
Moderator: A. Karneev (HSE University)
M. Karpov (HSE University)
"Fundamentals of Political Economy" in the Xi Jinping era
I. Denisov (MGIMO)
The concept of "Discursive Power" and the transformation of Chinese foreign policy under Xi Jinpin
A. Piatachkova (HSE University)
The specifics of foreign policy concepts formation in China under Xi Jinping
V. Skosyrev (MSU)
Ideological tranformation of China in Xi Jinping era: continuity or discontinuity? (abstract)
S. Mikhnevich (RSPP)
China’s approach to trade and investment tasks of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Section K. World Economy
Moderators: A. Kuznetsov (INION RAN), I. Makarov (HSE University)
Thursday, May 28
11:00am–2:00pm (UTC+3)
Session K-47. Russia in International Economic Relations
Moderator: A. Pylin (Institute of Economics RAS)
A. Pylin (Institute of Economics RAS)
A. Rynio (Warsaw School of Economics)
Validity of monetary integration in the Eurasian Economic Union (abstract)
D. Kuznetsov (RANEPA)
N. Turdyeva (Bank of Russia)
Z. Enikeeva (University of Central Asia)
Digital Transformation in Agiculture in the EAEU Member-States
D. Izotov (ERI FEB RAS), K. Tochkov (Texas Christian University )
I. Drapkin (UrFU), A. Bokova (UrFU)
O. Kuznetsova (FRC IM RAS)
SEZ in Russia in comparison with world experience (summary)
Section M. Political Processes
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Thursday, May 28
4:00–5:30pm (UTC+3)
Invited paper M-98. Paul Chaisty (Oxford University) "Attitudinal Consolidation in Russia in Comparative Perspective: Survey Evidence from 1993-2018" (co-authored with Stephen Whitefield, Oxford University)
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
This talk will explore the extent to which there has been the consolidation of public attitudes towards political issues in Russia over the last quarter of a century. More specifically, it will examine whether citizens’ judgements about policies across a range of issue areas have become less normative and more rooted in citizens’ experiences, interests, social locations, and organisational attachments. Drawing on surveys conducted at regular intervals since the early 1990s, it will seek to identify the ways in which the structure of citizens’ political attitudes in Russia differs (if at all) from 'consolidated' cases, and whether it is necessary to reconsider theories of attitudinal consolidation in the context of 21st century politics.
Section O. State and Local Government, and the NPO Sector
Moderators: A. Klimenko (HSE University), I. Mersianova (HSE University), A. Yakovlev (HSE University)
Thursday, May 28
11:00am–12:30pm (UTC+3)
Session O-109. Public Participation and Self-Organization Practices
Moderator: I. Mersiyanova (HSE University)
M. Shabanova (HSE University)
New consumer practices in Russia as a civil society sphere
I. Skalaban (NSTU)
Old Bedroom: communal participation in local community of a large city (abstract)
V. Yakimets (IITP RAS, RANEPA), L. Nikovsky (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, RANEPA )
Features of institutions and mechanisms of public interaction between government and civil society at the municipal level (according to the results of sociological research) (abstract)
Friday, May 29
Section B. Special Sessions and Roundtables
Friday, May 29
10:00am–12:00pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Roundtable B-81. Searching for a New Multipolarity Architecture: EAEU International Cooperation
Moderators: T. Bordachev (HSE University), V. Izotov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• The impact of the current economic crisis, increased protectionism, sanctions and trade wars on Eurasian integration
• Possible formats of interfacing and outreach collaboration as tools of the multipolarity architecture
• The EAEU as a subject of global trade and trade policy: between new regionalism and global protectionism
• How to set priorities, ensure a coordinated approach and increase the contribution of the EAEU to the global agenda: the EAEU’s cooperation with non-member countries, international organizations and integration associations
• Advantages and opportunities for Russia in the execution of the EAEU’s “foreign policy”
• Global activities of the EAEU: the opinions of experts from the EAEU member states
• Possible formats of interfacing and outreach collaboration as tools of the multipolarity architecture
• The EAEU as a subject of global trade and trade policy: between new regionalism and global protectionism
• How to set priorities, ensure a coordinated approach and increase the contribution of the EAEU to the global agenda: the EAEU’s cooperation with non-member countries, international organizations and integration associations
• Advantages and opportunities for Russia in the execution of the EAEU’s “foreign policy”
• Global activities of the EAEU: the opinions of experts from the EAEU member states
Experts: G. Balasanyan (Yerevan State Universit), E. Vinokurov (EFSD), S. Glazyev (EEC), S. Shukhno (EEC), A. Sysoeva (Government of Russia), S. Jafarova (Ministry Of Economic Development), R. Dragneva (Birmingham Law School), A. Knobel (RFTA), V. Krivov (Analytical Department of the Federation Council Staff, Integration club under the Chairman of the Federation Council), Ya. Lissovolik (Valdai Discussion Club, Sberbank Investment Research), A. Portanskiy (HSE University), E. Sairov ( Institute for Eurasian integration), P. Snisorenko (Ministry Of Economic Development), F. Rerrandi (OECD), L. Khomyakova (Interstate Bank), V. Shadurski (Belarusian State University)
Friday, May 29
2:00–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Roundtable B-82. BRICS Development Strategy and Priorities for Russia
Moderators: V. Panova (Managing Director of the National Committee on BRICS Research, Scientific Supervisor of the BRICS Russia Expert Council, Vice-President for International Relations of the FEFU), T. Meshkova (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• The current global economic crisis - a challenge and opportunity for BRICS
• The role of BRICS countries in the global economic regulation and prospects for BRICS+
• Goals and tools of BRICS Economic Partnership until 2025
• Cooperative projects of BRICS countries (health, education and science, innovation and the new industrial revolution, information security and digital economy, agriculture, ecology and the "green economy", antitrust regulation): successful experience, prerequisites and difficulties for implementation
• The role of new financial instruments to support cooperative projects. Objectives and strategy Of the new BRICS development Bank
• Russia’s strategic objectives in the BRICS. Priorities of Russian chairmanship of the BRICS group in 2020
• The role of BRICS countries in the global economic regulation and prospects for BRICS+
• Goals and tools of BRICS Economic Partnership until 2025
• Cooperative projects of BRICS countries (health, education and science, innovation and the new industrial revolution, information security and digital economy, agriculture, ecology and the "green economy", antitrust regulation): successful experience, prerequisites and difficulties for implementation
• The role of new financial instruments to support cooperative projects. Objectives and strategy Of the new BRICS development Bank
• Russia’s strategic objectives in the BRICS. Priorities of Russian chairmanship of the BRICS group in 2020
Experts: S. Bobylev (MSU), A. Ivanov (HSE University, BRICS Antimonopoly Center), A. Kurguzova (New Development Bank), M. Larionova (RANEPA), I. Makarov (HSE University), Y. Simachev (HSE University), V. Smirnov (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, BRICS Science, Technology and Innovation Council), N. Strigunova (Ministry of Economic Development), G. Toloraya (National Committee on BRICS Research, Center of Russian Strategy in Asia in the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences), M. Khomyakov (HSE University - St. Petersburg, BRICS Network University), A. Shcherbakova (HSE University), O. Yudina (Ministry of Energy)
Section F. Social Policy
Moderators: T. Chetvernina (HSE University), O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University)
Friday, May 29
11:00am–12:30pm (UTC+3)
Session F-90. Intergenerational Relationships and Active Longevity
Moderator: I. Korchagina (HSE University)
L. Nivorozhkina (RSEU), A. Tregubova (RSEU)
Fathers and children: the impact of family quality of life on the formation of economic strategies of graduates of Russian universities (abstract)
D. Kareva (HSE University), O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University), A. Cherviakova (HSE University)
Formal vs. informal social activity: do they substitute or complement each other in terms of subjective well-being in the middle and older age? (abstract)
E. Selezneva (HSE University), E. Gorina (HSE University)
Implementation of active longevity policy in Russian regions
Section K. World Economy
Moderators: A. Kuznetsov (INION RAN), I. Makarov (HSE University)
Friday, May 29
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session K-49. Energy and Climate Economics and Policy
Moderator: I. Makarov (HSE University)
I. Bakalova (KU Leuven), J. Eyckmans (KU Leuven)
The distributional effects of different climate change damage channels and mitigation policies (abstract)
I. Stepanov (HSE University), A. Spaderova (HSE University), T. Ovchinnikova (HSE University), D. Serova (HSE University), E. Muzychenko (HSE University), N. Agikyan (HSE University)
What drives climate policies in different countries? (summary)
I. Semykina (University College London)
One Belt, One Road, and One Pipeline: the new China’s approach to energy security (summary, video version)
Section O. State and Local Government, and the NPO Sector
Moderators: A. Klimenko (HSE University), I. Mersianova (HSE University), A. Yakovlev (HSE University)
Friday, May 29
1:00–3:00pm (UTC+3)
Session O-106. Public Procurement
Moderator: A. Ivanov (SPbU)
Y. Rodionova (HSE University)
Conflict resolution practice in Public Procurement: an empirical study (summary)
M. Kravtsova (HSE University), E. Podkolzina (HSE University)
The quality of services and public procurement: the case of Moscow hospitals
A. Ulianov (Institute for Competitiveness)
The analysis of reverse auctions in Russian public procurement system (abstract)
A. Ivanov (SPbU), E. Gilenko (SPbU)
Bid-rigging prevention and detection in the Russian Public Procurement (abstract)
Distributed format
Section A. Macroeconomics and Growth
Moderators: E. Gurvich (EEG), I. Voskoboynikov (HSE University)
Session A-13. In a Distributed Format
A. Tsyplakov (NSU)
Modeling the growth process in an agent-based model of the economy (abstract)
S. Tsukhlo (Gaidar Institute)
Russian Industry in 2019. What was it?..
A. Shirobokov (HSE University), U. Peiris (HSE University), D. Tsomocos (Oxford University), M. Andreev (Bank of Russia)
Commodity cycles and financial instability in emerging economies (abstract)
A. Grebenkina (RANEPA)
Role of external factors of exchange rate channel of monetary transmission mechanism in countries with inflation targeting (abstract)
Q. Sun (Jilin University), R. Sun (Jilin University), L. Du (Jilin University)
Exchange rate reform and RMB internationalization from the perspective of SVAR Model
M. Andreyev (Bank of Russia), A. Polbin (RANEPA)
Constructing optimal instrumental monetary policy rules for an economy with a high dependence on oil exports in the presence of ZLB
T. Evdokimova (HSE University), G. Zhirnov (HSE University)
The impact of inflation anchor strength and monetary policy transparency on inflation during the period of emerging market volatility in summer 2018 (abstract)
G. Kurovskiy (Bank of Russia)
Disentanglement of neutral interest rate shocks and monetary policy shocks nexus
K. Salnikov (FEFU), A. Filatov (FEFU), A. Novikova (HSE University)
Analysis of interregional trade in Russia using gravity models (summary)
K. Staehr (TalTech)
Export performance in Central and Eastern Europe. Price vs. Quantitative measures of competitiveness
I. Nikonov (Financial Research Institute)
Dynamics of Russia's economic complexity (abstract)
Y. Perevyshin (Gaidar Institute), A. Mogilat (VTBC)
Fiscal impulse in the Russian economy (abstract)
E. Turkisch (European Commission)
Fiscal outcomes in the EU in a rules-based framework - new evidence
I. Lyubimov (RANEPA), I. Yakubovskiy (RANEPA)
Export destinations and Economic Complexity Index (abstract)
M. Mamedli (Bank of Russia), S. Seleznev (Bank of Russia)
What can we learn from the news? Macroeconomic nowcasting with the use of text data
A. Zhivaikina (Bank of Russia), M. Mamedli (Bank of Russia), S. Seleznev (Bank of Russia), A. Ponomarenko (Bank of Russia), R. Khabibullin (Bank of Russia)
Vintage database for different macroeconomic variables in Russia
Section B. Special Sessions and Roundtables
Roundtable B-06/1. Universities as Research Centers: 30 Years of Post-Soviet Experience
Issues for discussion:
• Why do governments in post-Soviet states consider universities as key research centres?
• How and under the influence of which factors have science and higher education become integrated in the post-Soviet space?
• What instruments have been used by governments to stimulate research at universities? Has this been a success?
• To what extent have universities and the academic community accepted their new research mission?
• How and under the influence of which factors have science and higher education become integrated in the post-Soviet space?
• What instruments have been used by governments to stimulate research at universities? Has this been a success?
• To what extent have universities and the academic community accepted their new research mission?
Roundtable B-06/3. Support of Publications of Authors of Russian Educational and Scientific Organizations in Scientific Journals of HSE University
Issues for discussion:
• Objectives and goals of HSE University's “University Partnership” programme, its key projects in developing institutional partnerships, main terms for participation in projects to support publications by regional authors in the HSE University’s academic journals
• Key criteria for content and format of manuscripts of academic articles in HSE University’s journals; procedures for selecting the most promising research works
• Types of support for authors from Russia’s regions in getting their academic articles published, including publishing them in English
• International standards, key features of academic revision and editing by editorial boards of certain HSE University journals
• Key criteria for content and format of manuscripts of academic articles in HSE University’s journals; procedures for selecting the most promising research works
• Types of support for authors from Russia’s regions in getting their academic articles published, including publishing them in English
• International standards, key features of academic revision and editing by editorial boards of certain HSE University journals
Section C. Network Analysis
Moderator: V. Kuskova (HSE University)
Session C-02. In a Distributed Format
S. Makrushin (Financial University), E. Panov (Financial University)
Parallel algorithm for analysis of networks based on traversing a bunch of walk paths
K. Abduraimova (Imperial College London)
Contagion and tail risk in complex financial networks
A. Tyulyupo (HSE University)
Freelance at online labor markets: boundaryless but still embedded (abstract)
Section D. Theoretical Economics
Moderators: A. Belianin (HSE University), S. Izmalkov (NES), A. Zakharov (HSE University)
Honorary paper D-05. Bernard Cornet (Journal of Math Economics) “Financial Markets with Hedging Complements”
This paper considers arbitrage-free financial markets with frictions that are represented by bid-ask spreads, and focuses on the important class of markets which exhibits hedging complements. Perfect complementarity has long been regarded by economists to be formally expressed by submodularity (resp. supermodularity) or by the decreasing (increasing) difference property of cost (utility) functions. Thus, hedging complements of a market are formalized by the complementarity of its hedging price and/or super-hedging price in the same way as strategic complements of agents’ payoff functions in game theory; see Bulow, Geanakoplos, and Klemperer (1985). Our first contribution shows that the hedging price of a market with independent marketed bid-ask securities is submodular and has a tractable explicit formula, as the sum of a “generalized” convex Choquet integral and of a modular term. Moreover, the hedging price is “generically” a generalized convex Choquet integral, since the second term is null “generically.” Thus, for a market with independent marketed bid-ask securities, the multi-prior model by Gilboa and Schmeidler (1989) coincides “generically” with the Choquet expected utility model of Schmeidler (1989), in the sense that the non-additive risk-neutral probability associated with the Choquet integral is able to summarize the information of the bundle of standard risk-neutral probabilities. Second, we study the class of markets with hedging complements or equivalently with hedging price that is submodular. Such markets with hedging complements, once normalized, satisfy the call-put inequality considered by Chateauneuf, Kast, and Lapied (1996) and confirmed by empirical research. Moreover, modifying the definition of parity as in Cerreia Vioglio, Maccheroni, and Marinacci (2015) their put-call parity holds for markets with independent marketed bid-ask securities (or with hedging complements). This comes from the fact that the notion of generalized Choquet integral used in the paper is equivalent with the notion of Choquet integral on Riesz space introduced by Cerreia-Vioglio, Maccheroni, Marinacci, and Montrucchio (2015b).
Session D-06. In a Distributed Format
F. Sandomirskiy (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Who matters for social learning?
T. Zhuravleva (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Contagious corruption: cross-country comparisons
A. Sidorov (IM SB RAS)
Positive spill-over effect of oligopolization: David and Goliath meet Schumpeter (abstract)
Section E. Financial Institutions, Markets and Payment Systems
Moderators: A. Karminsky (HSE University), V. Solodkov (HSE University)
Session E-02. Banks
Moderator: M. Sukhov (HSE University)
A. Mishura (NSU)
How does the demand for mortgage loans in Russian regions react to the interest rate?
E. Dzhagityan (HSE University), O. Savina (HSE University, Bank of Russia)
Z. Krayushkina (HSE University), V. Solodkov (HSE University), M. Sukhov (HSE University), N. Chichkanov (HSE University), V. Belousova (HSE University), I. Manzhulin (BCS Asset Management)
The determinants of Russian banks’ balance sheet structure across ownership types
D. Levando (Gazprombank), D. Zaytsev (HSE University), M. Sakharov (BMSTU)
Discussant: A. Lobanov (Bank of Russia)
Session E-03. Banking Risks
Moderator: A. Karminsky (HSE University)
M. Semenova (HSE University)
The more the better? Information sharing and credit risk
H. Penikas (Bank of Russia)
Do defaults correlate? (abstract)
S. Tatarintsev (Bank of Russia)
Incorporating financial developments in model of early warning indicators
S. Grishunin (HSE University), A. Astakhova (Bank of Russia)
Development of rating system for predicting credit risk and probabilities of default of Russian financial institutes by using machine learning models
Discussant: H. Penikas (Bank of Russia)
Session E-04. Macroregulation and International Finance
Moderator: A. Leonidov (LPI RAS)
C. Yildirim (Rennes School of Business), V. Belousova (HSE University)
Cross-border bank mergers and acquisitions: what do emerging country banks want? (abstract)
D. Aiba (JICA-RI)
Bank lending channel and international capital inflow: Evidence from a dollarized economy
A. Burenin (MGIMO)
Central bank interest rate policy as a pro-crisis instrument of macroeconomic regulation (abstract)
I. Kozlovtceva (Bank of Russia), Y. Ushakova (Bank of Russia)
Estimating the effectiveness of macroprudential policy in Russia
N. Nenovsky (UPJV), C. Sahling (RUDN)
Interpreting the evolution of the monetary regime in Russia: the political economy of rent seeking and central banking
Discussant: A. Burenin (MGIMO)
Book launch E-05. Dean Fantazzini (MSU) “Quantitative Finance with R and Cryptocurrencies”
Moderator: A. Karminsky (HSE University)
The main objective of this book is to provide the necessary background to analyze cryptocurrencies markets and prices. To this end, the book consists of three parts: the first one is devoted to cryptocurrencies markets and explains how to retrieve cryptocurrencies data, how to compute liquidity measures with these data, how to calculate bounds for Bitcoin (and cryptocurrencies) fundamental value and how competing exchanges contribute to the price discovery process in the Bitcoin market. The second part is devoted to time series analysis with cryptocurrencies and presents a large set of univariate and multivariate time series models, tests for financial bubbles and explosive price behavior, as well as univariate and multivariate volatility models. The third part focuses on risk and portfolio management with cryptocurrencies and shows how to measure and backtest market risk, how to build an optimal portfolio according to several approaches, how to compute the probability of closure/bankruptcy of a crypto-exchange, and how to compute the probability of death of crypto-assets. All the proposed methods are accompanied by worked-out examples in R using the packages bitcoinFinance and bubble.
This book is intended for both undergraduate and graduate students in economics, finance and statistics, financial and IT professionals, researchers and anyone interested in cryptocurrencies financial modelling. Readers are assumed to have a background in statistics and financial econometrics, as well as a working knowledge of R software.
This book is intended for both undergraduate and graduate students in economics, finance and statistics, financial and IT professionals, researchers and anyone interested in cryptocurrencies financial modelling. Readers are assumed to have a background in statistics and financial econometrics, as well as a working knowledge of R software.
Session E-06. Payment Systems and Cryptocurrencies
Moderator: P. Shust (Association of eMoney and Remittance Market Participants)
J. Okrah (UrFU)
The developmental effect of mobile money (the case of Ghana)
M. Shchepeleva (HSE University), M. Stolbov (MGIMO)
What predicts the legal status of cryptocurrencies?
E. Krivosheya (SKOLKOVO Business School), M. Mital (Independent researcher)
F. Karpeko (UrFU), A. Nepp (UrFU)
Social networks parameters as the main drivers of cryptocurrencies (abstract)
Discussant: V. Belousova (HSE University)
Roundtable E-07. What Skills of Financiers are Demanded by Business in the Era of Digital Transformation?
Moderator: V. Solodkov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• How is the job market changing in the financial sector?
• Influence of digital transformation on the business climate
• Russia’s role in the world’s digital technologies
• Digital transformation and competition
• What kind of knowledge will be in high demand in light of digital transformation in business?
• What sectors will propel to leading positions?
• Which financial ecosystems will prevail?
• Influence of digital transformation on the business climate
• Russia’s role in the world’s digital technologies
• Digital transformation and competition
• What kind of knowledge will be in high demand in light of digital transformation in business?
• What sectors will propel to leading positions?
• Which financial ecosystems will prevail?
Experts: M. Alexeev (UniCredit Bank), M. Matovnikov (Sberbank), A. Afonin (Bank of Russia Corporate University), D. Ryabykh (CFA Russia), A. Savatyugin (Accounts Chamber), B. Kim (QIWI), M. Sukhov (HSE University), A. Kudrin (ATON)
Session E-09. Financial Markets - 1
Moderator: T. Teplova (HSE University)
A. Nagapetyan (FEFU)
Precondition stock and stock indices volatility modeling based on market diversification potential (evidence from Russian market) (abstract)
V. Dobrynskaya (HSE University), Y. Kishilova (HSE University)
Lego - the toy of smart investors (abstract)
I. Bitkina (RANEPA)
The influence of the psychological type of personality on the financial behavior of the population
T. Teplova (HSE University), T. Sokolova (HSE University), K. Galenskaya (HSE University), M. Gubareva (Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon)
Financial market changes and SMEs choice of preferences between financial and non- financial stakeholders
Discussant: A. Stolyarov (HSE University)
Session E-10. Financial Markets - 2
Moderator: A. Abramov (HSE University)
I. Sorokin (RFTA), A. Stolyarov (HSE University)
Evaluating the effectiveness of highly individual strategies in developed and emerging markets (abstract)
D. Sizykh (HSE University), E. Isaev (HSE University)
Application of multivariate data analysis methods in the construction of investment portfolios.
A. Stolyarov (HSE University)
HY market in Russia: problems and perspectives (abstract)
Discussant: A. Stolyarov (HSE University)
Section F. Social Policy
Moderators: T. Chetvernina (HSE University), O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University)
Session F-13. In a Distributed Format
R. Ansary (Utkal University), K. Rath (Utkal University)
Hungry belly? Alternative approach to understand child malnutrition in India
E. Grishina (RANEPA)
The role of social assistance in reducing poverty and improving the financial situation of the population of Ulyanovsk region
V. Titov (RANEPA)
L. Rzhanitsyna (IE RAS)
Modern features of the female labor market in Russia (abstract)
A. Karavay (IS RAS)
Barriers to the expansion of life chances of Russians (empirical analysis)
D. Bychkov (Financial Research Institute), N. Umapathi (World Bank)
Profiling poverty and upgrading targeted social assistance based on social contract: regional practice (abstract)
T. Gudkova (HSE University)
Grandparents - grandchildren relationship in Russia
M. Matytsin (World Bank), S. Freije (World Bank), D. Popova (HSE University)
Could changes in children allowances halve the poverty rate in Russia? Policy assessment using a Discrete Choice model of labor supply for behavioral microsimulation (abstract)
Section G. Regional and Urban Development
Moderators: A. Puzanov (HSE University), N. Zubarevich (MSU)
Session G-02. Russian City in Modern Society
Moderator: A. Puzanov (IUE, HSE University)
E. Oleinik (FEFU), A. Zakharova (FEFU)
City – “a point of economic growth and social attractiveness”. Or otherwise? (abstract)
I. Ilina (HSE University)
Transformational dynamics of the cities of the Russian Federation (abstract)
O. Suldina (UrFU), I. Baskakova (UrFU)
Innovative cultural project and entrepreneurial city concept: the problem of compatibility
Session G-03. Patterns of Development of Economic Systems in Cities
Moderator: I. Ilina (HSE University)
D. Stakhno (Ministry of Economic Development of Russia)
N. Kurichev (HSE University)
The spatial equilibrium? Difference of real incomes, housing markets and migration flows between the cities of Russia
E. Uvarov (HSE University)
The scale of the shadow economy in the sphere of urban and suburban passenger transport in Russia (abstract)
Session G-04. Managing Spatial and Demographic Processes
Moderator: E. Trutnev (HSE University)
A. Abdullaev (HSE University), A. Borisov (HSE University), P. Gladun (HSE University), K. Lapshina (HSE University), S. Alarushkina (HSE University), K. Lysenko (HSE University), D. Fontana (HSE University), L. Baranova (HSE University), M. Yavaev (HSE University), A. Mikhaylov (HSE University), D. Kiryukhin (HSE University)
Spatial isolation and the formation of local identity of Matveyevskoye area (Moscow) dwellers
N. Kosolapov (HSE University), I. Karaselnikova (HSE University), T. Gudz (HSE University)
Practice of land use regulations enforcement. The consequences of imposing height restrictions on Perm Central planning area
R. Babkin (MSU)
Comparison of data of mobile operators and Rosstat on the number and distribution of the population in the Moscow Metropolitan region (abstract, summary, video version)
Session G-05. Spatial Development and Differentiation
Moderator: O. Kuznetsova (Institute for Systems Analysis RAS)
E. Kolomak (NSU)
Spatial development of Russia
S. Smirnykh (USUE), E. Potaptseva (USUE)
Interregional differentiation of labor productivity: conditions and factors
A. Woergoetter (TU Wien), L. Smirnykh (HSE University)
Regional convergence in CEE before and after the Global Financial Crisis
L. Limonov (HSE University - St. Petersburg, Leontief Centre), M. Nesena (HSE University - St. Petersburg, Leontief Centre)
Ethno-demographic heterogeneity of the population: social and economic effects in the regions of Russia
Session G-06. Regional Sustainability and the Impact of Crises
Moderator: O. Kuznetsova (Institute for Systems Analysis RAS)
K. Grasmik (Ca'Foscari University), G. Coro (Ca'Foscary University)
Economic complexity as a factor of regional resilience during economic crisis
I. Pyzheva (SFU), E. Lapo (SFU), E. Syrtsova (SFU)
E. Goosen (KemSU), O. Kavkaeva (FRC CCC SB RAS), E. Kagan (KemSU)
On assessment of resilience of Russian resource regions (abstract)
A. Zaytsev (HSE University), E. Kotyrlo (HSE University)
Countersanctions and agricultural dynamics in Russian regions: has acceleration occurred?
Session G-07. Innovation in the Regions
Moderator: E. Kolomak (NSU)
S. Zemtsov (RANEPA), R. Semenov (The Association of Innovative Regions of Russia), V. Barinova (Gaidar Institute)
Factors of adaptation of the Russian regions to the digital transformation of the economy
E. Midler (SFU), T. Sharifyanov (SFU)
Digital infrastructure as a tool for spatial development (based on Russian localities)
N. Kalyuzhnova (ISU), S. Violin (DREI BSC SB RAS)
Features of the human capital of a resource region and its impact on the innovation of an active region (abstract)
I. Zabelina (INREC SB RAS)
Socio-ecological and economic well-being of the Russian Eastern regions (abstract)
Session G-08. Branches of Regional Economy
Moderator: I. Glazyrina (Transbaikal State University)
A. Novopashina (AmSU)
Bank closure in Russian regions: the effect on access to credits for small and medium size enterprises
N. Kanygina (ICSS), T. Solovey (SPbU)
Role of regional banks in sustainable development of regions
I. Glazyrina (INREC SB RAS)
Trends in the development of tourism in the regions in the East and West of Russia (abstract)
Session G-09. Regional Policy
Moderator: N. Zubarevich (MSU)
O. Maximova (La Sapienza)
Future of the territorial planning in Russia. Example of Italy. Opportunities for Russia
I. Pyl (UNDP)
Localization of green transformation through long-term regional planning (video version)
A. Kuzavko (SmolSU)
L. Subrakova (Khakass State University)
The Indirect economic effect of the regional program for preservation and development of small villages (abstract)
Roundtable G-11. Development of Small and Medium-sized Cities: How to Organize Interaction between Large Companies, Authorities and Experts
Moderator: D. Tolmachev (UrFU, ARETT)
Issues for discussion:
• Successful and failed projects of urban development in small and medium-sized cities with the involvement of major business entities
• When a major firm is an initiator of urban change: what are the conditions for successful implementation of such projects in the context of both formal (legal/regulatory) and informal systems of implementation of similar projects?
• What changes should be made to the current regulatory framework in order to stimulate business’ involvement in such projects?
• What is the role of think tanks in these processes and how can their involvement be more effective?
• When a major firm is an initiator of urban change: what are the conditions for successful implementation of such projects in the context of both formal (legal/regulatory) and informal systems of implementation of similar projects?
• What changes should be made to the current regulatory framework in order to stimulate business’ involvement in such projects?
• What is the role of think tanks in these processes and how can their involvement be more effective?
Section H. Social and Economic History
Moderators: M. Davydov (HSE University), A. Kamensky (HSE University), T. Natkhov (HSE University)
Session H-09. Economy of the Russian Empire
Moderator: I. Shilnikova (RANEPA)
T. Valetov (MSU)
Share of industrial exports within the general trade of Russia in 1802-1914 (abstract)
S. Salomatina (MSU)
Invisible sector: commercial banks in agricultural regions (the case of the Central Black Earth Region in the last third of the nineteenth century) (abstract)
I. Shilnikova (RANEPA)
Factors for the victorious outcome of strikes in pre-revolutionary Russia (1895-1917) (abstract)
Session H-10. USSR Economy
Moderator: A. Kimerling (HSE University - Perm)
M. Fiveiskaia (RANEPA)
Soviet quality: German trace
A. Safronov (RANEPA)
Departmental struggle in the Soviet leadership for the ideological filling of the Automatic system of plan calculations of Gosplan (summary)
A. Kimerling (HSE University - Perm)
Political campaigns of the Stalin era as a way of non-economic coercion: implementation mechanisms and real practices (abstract)
Session H-11. Migration and Human Capital in Economic History
Moderator: T. Natkhov (HSE University)
A. Abazov (HSE University), T. Natkhov (HSE University)
Cultural transmission and health: the effect of Russian settlers on life expectancy in the Caucasus Region (abstract)
I. Kuga (HSE University)
Geography of migrations into towns of the Franco-German borderlands (evidence from the census of 1911)
N. Vasilenok (HSE University), T. Natkhov (HSE University)
Technology adoption in agrarian societies: the effect of Volga Germans in Imperial Russia
Session H-12. Social History
Moderator: L. Rovna (Charles University)
D. Maslov (MRSU)
Criminal practices as a way of adaptation of the Soviet person to the market environment (Con. 1980-early 1990s.)
S. Ulyanova (SPbPU)
Mass Sports in Soviet Russia in the 1920s: Material Supply and Infrastructure. (abstract)
L. Rovna (Charles University)
Peter Kropotkin and his influence on Czech anarchism
Section I. International Relations
Moderator: T. Bordachev (HSE University)
Roundtable I-06. The Future of EU-Russia Relations: Will There Be Any? ( (Part of the Regular HSE European Seminars)
Moderator: H. Haukkala (Tampere University)
Issues for discussion:
• What are the structural reasons that prevent Russia and the EU from successful cooperation?
• How does the internal transformation of the European Union affect EU-Russian relations?
• What are the possible consequences of Brexit for Russian foreign policy towards the UK and the West?
• How does the internal transformation of the European Union affect EU-Russian relations?
• What are the possible consequences of Brexit for Russian foreign policy towards the UK and the West?
Experts: H. Haukkala (Tampere University), N. Kaveshnikov (MGIMO), F. Bossuyt (Ghent University), F. Lukyanov (HSE University), M. Entin (MGIMO)
Session I-09. One Belt, One Road? Russia and Germany in the Context of the Chinese Project
Moderator: F. Lukyanov (HSE University)
V. Belov (Institute of Europe RAS)
Russia and Germany's approaches to BRI - common and special (abstract)
A. Lomanov (IMEMO)
Chinese view of Germany through the prism of relations with the EU
N. Supyan (Institute of Europe RAS)
Sino-German economic relations: risks and opportunities for Germany’s competitiveness (abstract)
E. Prokopchuk (HSE University)
The green wave in German politics and its possible impact on relations with Russia and China
F. Lukyanov (HSE University)
The dialectics of the constitutive other: Russia and China in German political discourse
Discussant: I. Safranchuk (HSE University)
Session I-10. South-Eastern Europe of the XXI Century - a Reminiscence of Europe of the XIX - XX Centuries (Organized Jointly with the Institute of Slavic Studies RAS)
Moderator: K. Nikiforov (Institute of Slavic Studies RAS)
A. Edemsky (Institute of Slavic Studies RAS)
Lessons od Soviet-Yugoslav relations 1955-1991 (abstract)
V. Pavlovic (Institute of Balkan Studies Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts)
Regional interaction in the Balkans in XX century - lessons for future (abstract)
K. Nikiforov (Institute of Slavic Studies RAS)
Balkan's Common Problems (abstract)
Session I-11. Internal Political and Economic Processes in South-Eastern Europe (Organized Jointly with the Institute of Slavic Studies RAS)
Moderator: G. Engelhardt (Institute of Slavic Studies RAS)
N. Gusev (Institute of Slavic Studies RAS)
Bulgaria's historical politics (abstract)
A. Aleksandrova (Institute of Slavic Studies RAS)
Greek regional policy and the debt crisis (abstract)
A. Zivotic (University of Belgrade)
Serbian-Albanian relations in XX century and its prospectives (abstract)
G. Engelhardt (Institute of Slavic Studies RAS)
Serbia's internal challenges (abstract)
Session I-12. Politics, New geography, and Security (Organized Jointly with the Institute of Slavic Studies RAS)
Moderator: E. Entina (HSE University)
A. Pivovarenko (Institute of Slavic Studies RAS)
New dimensions of the Balkans region (abstract)
D. Jovic (University of Zagreb)
Perceptions of Russia in the Western Balkans
P. Sokolova (IMEMO RAS)
EU in the Balkans (abstract)
E. Entina (HSE University)
The role of China in new border framing of the Balkan region
Roundtable I-14. Political and Economic Aspects of Water and Food Security in the Middle East and North Africa
Moderator: A. Likhacheva (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Is partnership between Russia and countries of the Middle East and North Africa in the administration of water resources and food security possible?
• Are the current instruments for managing water conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa effective?
• Are current food security policies in the Middle East and North Africa effective in finding solutions to today’s problems?
• What stands in the way of more sustainable development in the Middle East and North Africa?
• Are the current instruments for managing water conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa effective?
• Are current food security policies in the Middle East and North Africa effective in finding solutions to today’s problems?
• What stands in the way of more sustainable development in the Middle East and North Africa?
Experts: A. Baklanov (HSE University), I. Makarov (HSE University), A. Filonik (IOS RAS), E. Imamkulieva (IOS RAS), G. Lukyanov (HSE University)
Session I-15. In a Distributed Format
G. Diesen (HSE University)
Eurasian integration: lessons from the successes and failures of the European Union
R. Sakwa (University of Kent)
Post-Atlantic Europe: towards a new detente
E. Kosevich (HSE University)
Peculiarities of the evolution of Mexican-American relations during the presidency of Donald Trump (abstract)
N. Kaveshnikov (MGIMO)
Evolution of the European Union's strategic approach to China
Section J. Economic Methodology
Moderator: V. Avtonomov (HSE University)
Session J-02. West-Russia-West: the Circulation of Economic Ideas - 1
Moderator: A. Maltsev (USUE, IE the Ural branch of RAS, UPJV)
V. Avtonomov (HSE University)
West-Russia-West: the circulation of economic ideas. A general approach (abstract)
N. Nenovsky (UPJV)
Peter Struve – theoretician and founder of the economic school. new ideas about Struve’s economic theory and new facts about his influence on the setting up of a specific economic school
D. Melnik (HSE University)
West wind: neo-Kantian influence on Russian radical economic thought at the turn of the 20th century
N. Makasheva (INION RAN)
Towards the true economic science: N. D. Kondratiev and econometrics (abstract)
L. Shirokorad (SPbU), J. Zweynert (Witten University)
I. G. Blyumin – the fate of a Soviet historian of economic thought under Stalin
Session J-04. The Image of Economic Science and Its History in Different Countries and in Different Eras
Moderator: N. Makasheva (INION RAN)
I. Chaplygina (MSU)
Economic disciplines in Moscow University of 2nd half of XVIIIth
A. Galeev (HSE University), D. Melnik (HSE University)
Yuli Zhukovsky's interpretation of Ricardo's theory in the context of the contemporary Western economic thought (abstract)
O. Borokh (IFES RAS)
Rethinking of traditional attitudes towards consumption in process of formation of economics in China at the beginning of the 20th century
A. Maltsev (USUE, IE the Ural branch of RAS, UPJV)
Where is history of economic thought going? Early results from a survey of a history of economics community (abstract)
Session J-05. Economics, Economic Science and Power
Moderator: P. Orekhovsky (IE RAS)
V. Polterovich (CEMI RAS)
Philosophy of collaboration and the collaborative hierarchies (abstract)
A. Rubinstein (IE RAS)
To the economic theory of the contemporary state: public choice and / or paternalism? (abstract)
O. Koshovets (IE RAS)
On the transformation of epistemic practices of economic science under the influence of power system "cognitive structures" (abstract)
Session J-06. Modern and Post-modern Market in the Mirror of Economic Science
Moderator: A. Rubinstein (IE RAS)
P. Orekhovsky (IE RAS)
Games of economic mind: creation and destruction of markets (abstract)
S. Parinov (CEMI RAS)
Post-digital economy
O. Volkova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
On the economic nature of cryptocurrency: Bitcoin, blockchain and further, further, furthermore…
Session J-07. Complex Science for a Complex Economy?
Moderator: V. Polterovich (CEMI RAS)
N. Smorodinskaya (IE RAS)
The emergence of complexity economics as a modern alternative to traditional economics
V. Myakshin (NArFU)
Session J-08. Methodological Aspects of Economic Policy
Moderator: D. Melnik (HSE University)
M. Miryakov (HSE University)
Privatization of pension system in Chile and its role in the formation and diffusion of new pension orthodoxy
N. Gorbacheva (IEIE SB RAS)
Methodology of Cost-Benefit Analysis of Energy Alternatives in Siberia (abstract)
S. Chernavskii (CEMI RAS)
Myths about Russian Economic Reforms and Problems of Their Demyphization (abstract)
Section M. Political Processes
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Session M-05. Audit of the Party and Electoral Systems in Russia: is the Change Required?
Moderator: B. Makarenko (HSE University, CPT)
B. Makarenko (Center for Political Technologies)
Electoral Landscape 2021: 17 Months before Elections (abstract)
A. Makarkin (Center for Political Technologies)
The Current State of Parliamentary Parties (abstract)
R. Turovsky (Center for Political Technologies)
Majoritarian Electoral System in Parliamentary Elections in Russia: The Essence and Prospects (abstract)
Session M-06. Reforms and Reformers in Difficult Conditions
Moderator: A. Starodubtsev (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
A. Dekalchuk (HSE University - St. Petersburg), I. Grigoriev (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Are reformers rational? Evidence from the post-soviet states, 2010-2019
M. Komin (Center for Advanced Governance)
Enlightened dictator’s Handbook: cases of reform’s implementation from the post-soviet states (abstract)
I. Grigoriev (HSE University - St. Petersburg), A. Starodubtsev (HSE University - St. Petersburg), A. Dekalchuk (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Patterns of government-IO interaction across different settings: what determines the IOs’ access to policy change in the post-Soviet region?
Discussant: A. Yakovlev (HSE University)
Session M-07. Semiotic Methods of Interdisciplinary Social and Political Research
Moderator: M. Ilyin (HSE University)
T. Bennett (University of Tartu)
(Bio)semiotics for socioeconomic change
V. Avdonin (INION RAN), A. Spirov (IEFB RAS), A. Eremeev (INION RAN)
I. Fomin (HSE University)
Converging semiotic and social: can the theory of signs become a theory of social and political development? (summary)
S. Zolyan (BFU)
M. Ilyin (HSE University)
Instrumental semiotics for interdisciplinary research (abstract)
Discussant: I. Fomin (HSE University)
Invited paper M-13. Henry Hale (George Washington University) “Rethinking Civilizational Identity: Perspectives from Below in Russia”
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Civilizational identity is widely invoked by politicians around the world, but its association with widely discredited primordialist claims has left it strangely understudied in contemporary social science. The research to be presented argues for reconceptualizing the notion of “civilization” to bring it better into line with what we know about the socially constructed nature of identity and the cognitive purposes that identity generally serves. An approach is then presented for identifying how ordinary people themselves understand appeals to civilizational identity like those their politicians frequently make, and new survey evidence from the 2010s is presented on patterns of civilizational identity in Russia and its implications for political behavior.
Section N. Political Processes. Special Seminars with Presentations of HSE University’s Research Results
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Session N-14. Anti-Corruption Research
Moderator: D. Krylova (HSE University)
A. Polyatykina (HSE University), A. Melnikova (HSE University)
The analysis of the efficient formation of the anti-corruption consciousness through the videogame (abstract)
A. Melnikova (HSE University), A. Mitsul (Independent researcher)
Social announcements and advertising as an efficient mean of anti-corruption education (abstract, video version)
S. Parkhomenko (HSE University), G. Porosenkov (HSE University)
Prospects for the Comprehensive Development of Anti-Corruption Education in Leading Russian Universities (abstract)
Discussant: E. Klimovskaya (HSE University)
Session N-15. Comparative Studie
Moderator: M. Ilyin (HSE University)
A. Sorbale (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
G. Tarasenko (HSE University), D. Rosenberg (HSE University)
The double curse of innovations in resource-rich autocracies (abstract)
A. Yakovlev (HSE University), H. Ovchinnikova (HSE University), A. Chasovsky (HSE University), T. Remington (HSE University)
Performance incentives, economic growth and new political constraints: behavior patterns of regional officials in Russia and China after 2012
L. Grinin (HSE University), A. Grinin (International Center for Education and Social and Humanitarian Studies)
Socio-political transformations and risks in the XXI - the beginning of the XXII century in connection with the next technological revolution and the process of global aging
A. Alekseev (HSE University)
Concept of rights and liberties in the political discourse of the populist radical right: the case of the EU parliamentary elections
Discussant: A. Sorbale (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Session N-16/1. “Political Atlas of the Modern World 2.0”: Some Theoretical-Methodological and Empirical Problems
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
A. Melville (HSE University)
Political atlas of the modern world 2.0 (abstract)
M. Mironyuk (HSE University), I. Gorelskiy (HSE University)
State Capacity as a Resource for Achieving a Status of a State in World Politics
A. Akhremenko (HSE University)
On the dynamics of the "large-scale structure" of the world order 1995 - 2015: multivariate analysis (abstract)
Y. Polunin (ICS RAS ), S. Zheglov (HSE University)
Nonlinear models for analyzing the dynamics of state indices
Discussant: A. Maltseva (HSE University)
Session N-16/2. Regional and Local Governance in Russia: Political and Socioeconomic Factors of Policy Outcomes
Moderator: A. Tarasenko (HSE University)
A. Starodubtsev (HSE University - St. Petersburg), K. Shamiev (Central European University)
The story of booze: alcohol regulations and alcohol-related intoxication in the Russian regions (abstract)
M. Zavadskaya (EUSP, HSE University), L. Shilov (EUSP)
Variety of local governance in Russia: do autocracies serve people’s interests?
A. Tarasenko (HSE University)
Explaining regional variations in outsourcing of social services to nonprofits in Russian regions
Discussant: A. Libman (HSE University)
Section O. State and Local Government, and the NPO Sector
Moderators: A. Klimenko (HSE University), I. Mersianova (HSE University), A. Yakovlev (HSE University)
Honorary paper O-03. Arthur C. Petersen (University College London) “Dealing with Uncertainty and Ignorance in Science, Religion, and Public Policy”
Moderator: A. Klimenko (HSE University)
Uncertainty and ignorance are what make diverse types of practices, such as science, religion, and public policy, inspiring – while they are full of difficulties. How do these practices respectively deal with uncertainty and ignorance? To answer this question, I propose a philosophy of culture that adopts a transcendental naturalistic attitude, which offers both a corrective against scientistic naturalism and an openness towards a variety of values. I give examples of how this philosophical framework helps to interpret some of the alleged problems of modernity, specifically: the religious disenchantment of nature, the scientific disbelief in a plurality of value-laden perspectives, and the disregard for non-modern worldviews in public policy.
Session O-04. Evidence-Based Policy in Modern Public Administration
Moderator: M. Tsygankov (Center for Advanced Governance)
V. Kudryavtsev (EUSP), R. Kuchakov (EUSP)
Do scheduled inspections help preventing fires? (abstract)
V. Kopytok (Center for Advanced Governance), M. Tsygankov (Center for Advanced Governance), V. Terentev (Center for Advanced Governance)
Quality of public administration and data manipulation (abstract)
K. Kazantcev (Center for Advanced Governance), A. Rumiantseva (Center for Advanced Governance)
The effect of different models of local government's head selection on quality of governance and socio-economic indicators (abstract)
D. Tsiplakova (The Accounts Chamber), Y. Filippova (Chamber of Accounts), E. Zhevlenev (CAG)
Use of data in the audit and analysis to achievement of national goals (abstract)
Discussants: E. Yakovlev (NES), E. Berezdvina (HSE University)
Roundtable O-05. Regulatory Policy and Digitalization
Moderator: A. Klimenko (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Better regulation and the digital tranformation of state administration in Germany and Russia
• How can the registry of mandatory requirements and monitoring of actual expenditures for their implementation be put together?
• Big Data’s potential for aggregating regulatory expenditures
• How can the registry of mandatory requirements and monitoring of actual expenditures for their implementation be put together?
• Big Data’s potential for aggregating regulatory expenditures
Experts: S. Kuhlmann (University of Potsdam), D. Tsygankov (HSE University), V. Zlobin (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation), E. Litvak (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation), I. Ulyanova(The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation), M. Pryadilnikov (Analytical Center for the RF Government)
Session O-06. Legal Aspects of Regulation
Moderator: K. Totyev (HSE University)
E. Kozonogova (Perm National Research Polytechnic University), Y. Dubrovskaya (Perm National Research Polytechnic University), M. Rusinova (Perm National Research Polytechnic University)
Evaluation of normative and legal support of regional strategizing on the basis of text mining
L. Bardin (HSE University)
Reconciliation procedures: legal regulation and practice
K. Totyev (HSE University)
Axiological institutionalization of legal principles in the field of public procurement legislation (abstract)
Session O-08. The Efficiency of Financial Management
Moderator: V. Tyutyuryukov (HSE University)
V. Maltseva (HSE University), O. Gorbunova (HSE University), V. Molodtsova (HSE University)
Modern problems of pricing for restoration of heritage in Russia (abstract)
V. Bukharsky (HSE University)
Hard budget constraints: theoretical foundations and problems of Russian cities (abstract)
K. Tumanyants (VolSU)
Federal regulation and court rulings understate the rent for the public lands in Russia
A. Nikolaeva (KFU), O. Demyanova (KFU)
Improving government financial services with Lean Management (abstract)
V. Tyutyuryukov (HSE University)
Improving quality of life in EAEU Member States: are tax measures employed too? (abstract)
Session O-11. Interaction between Government and Civil Society
Moderator: S. Revyakin (HSE University)
Y. Ukhanova (VolRS RAS), K. Kosygina (VolRS RAS)
Community councils of municipalities: performance and barriers (abstract)
V. Romanova (HSE University), A. Matskevich (HSE University)
Analysis of the mechanisms of preferences for NGOs as performers of socially useful services
E. Pain (HSE University)
Informal types of self-organisation in Russian urban communities and their potential for Cultural Diversity Management (abstract)
S. Liu (City University of HK)
Social indicators of youth volunteerism in Hong Kong
Session O-13. Regulation of Industries and Markets
Moderator: M. Kuzyk (HSE University)
T. Jaekel (HSE University)
New paths for municipal waste management: Emerging practices in Russia and experiences from Germany
A. Yurchenko (HSE University)
Russian security services market: step ahead, step back (abstract)
O. Minchenko (HSE University)
The approaches to evaluation efficiency and effectiveness of executive authorities reforms (abstract)
M. Kuzyk (HSE University), Y. Simachev (HSE University)
State support of enterprises in Russia: beneficiaries and effects (abstract)
Session O-14. Issues of Civil Service and Personnel Management in Budget Sectors
Moderator: A. Barabashev (HSE University)
G. Borshchevskiy (RANEPA)
Effectiveness assessment of civil service in the tax authorities of Russia (abstract)
M. Dobrobaba (Kuban State University)
Ensuring the openness of public service: problems and prospects (abstract)
J. Campbell (Incheon National University)
Marketization and the public service ethic: cross-country evidence of a deleterious effect
A. Barabashev (HSE University)
Indicative evaluations of economical effectiveness of research-educational center in Russian Federation (abstract)
Section Oa. Interaction of the Judicial Jurisdiction Systems in the International and National Practices of the Conflict Resolution and Settlement
Moderator: E. Salygin (HSE University)
Roundtable Oa-09. Justice and Reconciliation: Cumulative Effects - 1
Moderators: T. Morshchakova (HSE University), T. Sokolov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Theoretical grounds and limits in the use of reconciliation procedures in the national justice system
• Best practices in reconciliation and possibilities for their integration in the national justice system
• Procedural/legal regulation of reconciliation procedures in civil, administrative and criminal court processes: current status and possible developments
• Reconciliation in the international justice system: scope of application and necessary procedural formats
• Legal and social effects of the application of reconciliation procedures in Russia’s state justice system
• Best practices in reconciliation and possibilities for their integration in the national justice system
• Procedural/legal regulation of reconciliation procedures in civil, administrative and criminal court processes: current status and possible developments
• Reconciliation in the international justice system: scope of application and necessary procedural formats
• Legal and social effects of the application of reconciliation procedures in Russia’s state justice system
Experts: A. Pezard (PSIA), M. Swainston (HSE University), M. Galperin (HSE University), E. Borisova (MSU), L. Voskobitova (MSAL), A. Kovler (The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation), I. Karnozova (HSE University, Legal and Judicial Reform Public Center)
Roundtable Oa-10. Justice and Reconciliation: Cumulative Effects - 2
Moderators: T. Morshchakova (HSE University), T. Sokolov (HSE University)
Experts: A. Pezard (PSIA), M. Swainston (HSE University), M. Galperin (HSE University), E. Borisova (MSU), L. Voskobitova (MSAL), A. Kovler (The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation), I. Karnozova (HSE University, Legal and Judicial Reform Public Center)
Roundtable Oa-11. Justice and Reconciliation: Cumulative Effects - 3
Moderators: T. Morshchakova (HSE University), T. Sokolov (HSE University)
Experts: A. Pezard (PSIA), M. Swainston (HSE University), M. Galperin (HSE University), E. Borisova (MSU), L. Voskobitova (MSAL), A. Kovler (The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation), I. Karnozova (HSE University, Legal and Judicial Reform Public Center)
Roundtable Oa-12. Justice and Reconciliation: Cumulative Effects - 4
Moderators: T. Morshchakova (HSE University), T. Sokolov (HSE University)
Experts: A. Pezard (PSIA), M. Swainston (HSE University), M. Galperin (HSE University), E. Borisova (MSU), L. Voskobitova (MSAL), A. Kovler (The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation), I. Karnozova (HSE University, Legal and Judicial Reform Public Center)
Roundtable Oa-13. Enforcement of Decisions of International Courts - 1
Moderator: M. Galperin (HSE University, Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation) M. Filatova (HSE University)
Experts: C. Santulli (Pantheon-Assas University), I. Krstic (University of Belgrade), N. Kolomiets (Council of Europe), M. Breuer (University of Konstanz), O. Pollicino (Bocconi University), A. Pezard (PSIA), V. Starzhenetsky (HSE University), Kh. Gadzhiev ( Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law), M. Galperin (Deputy Minister of Justice, HSE University), A. Ispolinov (MSU), L. Zakharova (MSAL), A. Evseyev (HSE University)
Roundtable Oa-14. Enforcement of Decisions of International Courts - 2
Moderator: M. Galperin (HSE University, Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation) M. Filatova (HSE University)
Experts: C. Santulli (Pantheon-Assas University), I. Krstic (University of Belgrade), N. Kolomiets (Council of Europe), M. Breuer (University of Konstanz), O. Pollicino (Bocconi University), A. Pezard (PSIA), V. Starzhenetsky (HSE University), Kh. Gadzhiev ( Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law), M. Galperin (Deputy Minister of Justice, HSE University), A. Ispolinov (MSU), L. Zakharova (MSAL), A. Evseyev (HSE University)
Roundtable Oa-15. Enforcement of Decisions of International Courts - 3
Moderator: M. Galperin (HSE University, Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation) M. Filatova (HSE University)
Experts: C. Santulli (Pantheon-Assas University), I. Krstic (University of Belgrade), N. Kolomiets (Council of Europe), M. Breuer (University of Konstanz), O. Pollicino (Bocconi University), A. Pezard (PSIA), V. Starzhenetsky (HSE University), Kh. Gadzhiev ( Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law), M. Galperin (Deputy Minister of Justice, HSE University), A. Ispolinov (MSU), L. Zakharova (MSAL), A. Evseyev (HSE University)
Section P. Demography and Labour Markets
Moderators: M. Denisenko (HSE University), L. Smirnykh (HSE University)
Session P-02. Wages and their Differentiation
Moderator: V. Gimpelson (HSE University)
K. Yakovleva (Bank of Russia)
Wage expectations: what affects forecast errors?
E. Polyakova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Income of long-term immigrants in the Russian labor market
M. Giltman (University of Tyumen), N. Obukhovich (University of Tyumen), N. Larionova (KFU)
Impact of wages in the European part of Russia on migration in the regions of the High North (abstract)
Session P-03. Skills and employment in the labour market
Moderator: A. Lukyanova (HSE University)
S. Kapelyuk (Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation), E. Lishchuk (Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation)
Skill requirements and skill returns: evidence from job websites
A. Gromova (HSE University)
Risk Preferences and Self-employment
A. Shevchuk (HSE University), D. Strebkov (HSE University), A. Tyulyupo (HSE University)
From Dusk Till Dawn: A Study of Freelancers’ Work Schedules based on Digital Traces
Session P-04. Public Health, Pension Reform and the Labor Market
Moderator: S. Roshchin (HSE University)
K. Abanokova (HSE University), H. Dang (World Bank)
Are there gender differences in intergenerational mobility? Evidence from Russia during 1994-2017 (abstract)
V. Bagranova (HSE University - St. Petersburg), E. Aleksandrova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
The effect of health shocks on labour market outcomes
V. Gurtov (PetrSU), E. Pitukhin (PetrSU)
Impact of pension reform on the labor market of the Arctic and Far East regions (abstract)
Session P-05. Mortality and Life Expectancy of the Russian Population
Moderator: R. Khasanova (RANEPA)
T. Blinova (IAP RAS), V. Rusanovskiy (Saratov Socio-Economic Institute), S. Bylina (IAP RAS)
Gender gaps in life expectancy of the Russian rural population
A. Ramonov (HSE University)
Healthy life expectancy dynamics in Russia after 2004 and regional variation in 2018
Section Q. Sociology
Moderators: E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE University), A. Strelnikova (HSE University)
Session Q-03. Financial Behavior, Reproduction of the Entrepreneurial Class
Moderator: D. Ibragimova (HSE University)
P. Lyu (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), F. Xiaoguang (Zhejiang University)
The dual-track intergenerational reproduction of state and market elites in China
I. Korneeva (HSE University), I. Krasnopolskaya (HSE University)
Determinants of involvement in recurrent cash donations
A. Baryshev (Tomsk State University)
Discursive approach to the study of the social-role reality of entrepreneurship (abstract)
R. Mrowczynski (European University Viadrina)
Jurisdictional volatility, changing regulatory logics and comeback of ‘Guilds’: legal professions in post-socialist contexts
Session Q-04. Sociology of Additivity
Moderator: K. Gavrilov (HSE University)
L. Nemova (Institute for the US and Canada Studies)
“The new social revolution”: the outcomes of the legalization of recreational cannabis in Canada (abstract)
L. Bogomazova (HSE University)
Anti-tobacco legislation in Russia: interest groups attitude and adaptation ways of business community
G. Slade (Nazarbayev University)
Managing drug markets in the prisoner society: heroin and social order in Kyrgyzstan’s prisons
Session Q-05. Integration of Migrants into the Host Society
Moderator: E. Varshaver (RANEPA)
K. Mokin (Balakovo RANEPA Branch), N. Baryshnaya (Balakovo RANEPA Branch)
Possibilities and limits of vertical mobility of foreign-cultural migrants in Russia
M. Habib (HSE University)
Forced migration and social conflict: Rohingya refugees and host community in Bangladesh
Session Q-06. Modern Consumer Trends: Ecologization and Digitalization
Moderator: I. Pavlyutkin (HSE University)
P. Ermolaeva (KFU)
Social and environmental sustainability of Russian megacities from the perspectives of its citizens
N. Kipgen (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati)
Biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihoods: can ecotourism acts as potency to alleviate rural poverty in northeast India?
S. Poliakov (HSE University - St.Petersburg)
Masculinity styles of Dagestan undercalss youth: case of the street workout community in Makhachkala
A. Ivashchenko (HSE University)
The role of informal natural resource management in the livelihood of Siberian households
Session Q-07. Communications professional, Freelance, and Emotions of Remoteness
Moderator: A. Shevchuk (HSE University)
P. Makeev (HSE University)
Private tutoring in Russia: description of the phenomenon based on online platforms (abstract)
A. Radnaeva (HSE University), A. Marakasova (NSU)
Phenomenon "online" and digital detox: digital natives and digital migrants
S. Rebrey (MGIMO)
Gender inequality in advanced Asia: a cross-country analysis of institutions and economic consequences (abstract)
E. Dyachenko (HSE University), A. Mironenko (EUSP)
Publication trajectory discontinuity – is there gender difference?
Session Q-08. Conceptual Problems in Sociology
Moderator: S. Bankovskaya (HSE University)
I. Yasaveev (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Constructionism in the study of social problems: from problem to problematization
C. Morrison (Middlesex University Business School), N. Hammer (Leicester University)
Understanding workplace protests and industrial relations in Russia with a Social Movement approach
F. Chiarvesio (HSE University)
Exchanging experiences on local democracy: interpretation and adaptation of local democracy instruments
Session Q-09. In a Distributed Format
S. Korzhuk (HSE University)
Higher education as the social inclusion channel for people with disabilities (abstract)
O. Lysenko (PSHPU)
The dynamics of the correlation of the importance of territorial identities in the social world of a Russian (based on field sociological research) (abstract)
A. Nefedova (HSE University), M. Chernysheva (HSE University)
Innovation in workplace: the results from the large-scale population survey
T. Cherkashina (IEIE SB RAS, NSU)
Russian households in search of economic sustainability: Personal income in the structure of family budgets
R. Resheteeva (HSE University), E. Gudova (HSE University)
"Show initiative when no one cares": local activism in Smolensk
Section R. Management
Moderators: V. Katkalo (HSE University), O. Tretyak (HSE University)
Session R-02. Development of Marketing Research: New Challenges and Opportunities - 1
Moderator: O. Tretyak (HSE University)
V. Rebiazina (HSE University), S. Berezka (HSE University)
Sharing Economy Development in Russia: Marketing Aspects
I. Gordeliy (Georgetown McDonough), J. Lee (American University), A. Kronrod (University of Massachusetts)
The L-I-A-R Project: Linguistic Indicators of Authentic Reviews. Integrating text analysis, machine learning and experimental design to distinguish between authentic and fake reviews by the language they employ
O. Konnikova (SPbSUE), O. Yuldasheva (SPbSUE), O. Shirshova (SPbSUE)
“Digital Detox” concept: preliminary results of qualitative research of russian consumers (abstract)
A. Nedelko (HSE University)
Restriction of unhealthy food sales as a way to stimulate consumer orientation toward healthy foods
Discussant: M. Sheresheva (MSU)
Session R-03. Development of Marketing Research: New Challenges and Opportunities - 2
Moderator: O. Tretyak (HSE University)
T. Prokhorova (HSE University)
Study of challenges related to the application of personalization in e-commerce marketing (video version)
K. Danilova (UrFU), Y. Maltseva (UrFU )
Semantic hunger as a driver of customer behavior transformation
A. Napalkova (FEFU)
Consumer interaction with branded mobile apps as a tool to increase consumer loyalty to brands (abstract)
N. Kolesnik (HSE University)
“Digital decluttering effect”: quantitative study of digital communication with customers on wellness and personal care markets
Discussant: O. Yuldasheva (SPbSUE)
Session R-04. Business Models and Ecosystems: Search for New Sources of Sustainable Development
Moderator: O. Tretyak (HSE University)
L. Tatarchenko (HSE University), M. Fokeev (HSE University)
The influence of “Uberization” on the transformation of the business model of commercial passenger airlines (abstract)
A. Konev (Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation), R. Frolov (HSE University), I. Volkova (HSE University), E. Gavrikova (HSE University), E. Burda (HSE University)
Model for Maturity Assessment of Russian Power Sector Innovation Ecosystem (abstract)
N. Chichkanov (HSE University)
The Analysis of Patterns of KIBS-Clients Interactions
N. Kazantsev (Alliance Manchester Business School)
The birth of Industry 4.0 supply networks: system dynamic model of barriers and opportunities
Discussant: A. Bereznoy (HSE University)
Session R-09. Information Technologies and Modeling for Justification and Support of Management Decisions
Moderator: E. Zaramenskikh (HSE University)
S. Kotusev (HSE University)
Modeling business capabilities in enterprise architecture practice: the case of business capability models
I. Kurochkin (IITP RAS), V. Yakimets (IITP RAS)
Managing the development of voluntary distributed computing projects based on roadmaps and multi-parameter assessments (abstract)
V. Krivonozhko (MISIS), A. Afanasiev (IITP RAS), A. Lychev (MISIS)
Multidimensional visualization of production units behavior for decision making
Discussant: Y. Gorchakov (HSE University)
Session R-10. Investment and Risk Management
Moderator: D. Volkov (HSE University)
V. Makarova (HSE University)
Optimization of investments in corporate risk management
E. Smirnova (Institute for Regional Economic Studies RAS), A. Loukianova (SPbU)
Virtual reality and a firm’s idiosyncratic risk: e-commerce case (summary)
V. Kossov (HSE University)
Forecast of demand prices for the years ahead, tied to the country's development strategy, as a necessary element in evaluating large investment projects (abstract)
E. Smirnova (St. Petersburg Information and Analytical Centre)
Criteria Selection for Capital Expenditure Profitability Monitoring Across the Full Life Cycle of Investment Project (abstract)
Discussant: A. Lukyanova (SPbU)
Session R-11. Logistics and Supply Chain Management in the Context of Digital Transformation
Moderator: V. Sergeev (HSE University)
A. Veselova (SPbU), Y. Aray (SPbU), D. Knatko (HSE University), A. Levchenko (SPbU)
Integrating sustainable supply chain under institutional voids: extending the impact of focal company (abstract)
V. Lukinskiy (HSE University - St. Petersburg), V. Lukinskiy (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Improving the efficiency and reliability of supply chains
K. Ankuda (BSEU), S. Miksyk (BSEU)
Inventory management in procurement logistics in the context of corporate information system (CIS) in the conditions of economic instability (summary)
N. Lychkina (HSE University), V. Sergeyev (HSE University)
Design and Simulation Modeling of a Retail Network Supply Chain in Digital Transformation Context (abstract)
Discussant: V. Klepnikov (HSE University)
Roundtable R-13. How Does the Digital Transformation of the Hotel Industry Change the Requirements for Knowledge and Competencies of Employees? -1
Moderator: M. Predvoditeleva (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Changes in the sources of competitive advantages in the Russian hotel industry in light of the development of digital technologies
• In-demand digital skills for hotel staff: changes of recent years and forecast future developments
• Assessing the profitability of a hotel’s marketing efforts while going through digital transformation
• Opportunities and limitations in cultivating digital competencies among hotel staff
• Organizational conditions for effective application of employees’ digital skills
• In-demand digital skills for hotel staff: changes of recent years and forecast future developments
• Assessing the profitability of a hotel’s marketing efforts while going through digital transformation
• Opportunities and limitations in cultivating digital competencies among hotel staff
• Organizational conditions for effective application of employees’ digital skills
Experts: S. Skorbenko (DigitalWill), D. Peretnev (Federal Agency for Tourism), V. Prasov (Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers), E. Ilinskaya (Interstate Hotels and Resorts), V. Kuznetsov (InterContinental Moscow Tverskaya), M. Spiridonova (Group of companies "GOST"), A. Kosareva (Four Elements Hotels), A. Machulskiy (UPRO GROUP)
Roundtable R-14. How Does the Digital Transformation of the Hotel Industry Change the Requirements for Knowledge and Competencies of Employees?
Moderator: M. Predvoditeleva (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Changes in sources of competitive advantages in the Russian hotel sector in light of digital transformation
• Market demand for digital skills in the hotel industry: developments of recent years and forecasts for the future
• Assessing the profitability of marketing efforts of a hotel during digital transformation
• Possibliities and limitations in developing digital skills among hotel staff
• Organizational conditions for hotel staff’s effective application of digital skills
• Market demand for digital skills in the hotel industry: developments of recent years and forecasts for the future
• Assessing the profitability of marketing efforts of a hotel during digital transformation
• Possibliities and limitations in developing digital skills among hotel staff
• Organizational conditions for hotel staff’s effective application of digital skills
Experts: S. Skorbenko (DigitalWill), D. Peretnev (Federal Agency for Tourism), V. Prasov (Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers), E. Ilinskaya (Interstate Hotels and Resorts), V. Kuznetsov (InterContinental Moscow Tverskaya), M. Spiridonova (Group of companies "GOST"), A. Kosareva (Four Elements Hotels), A. Machulskiy (UPRO GROUP)
Section S. Science and Innovation
Moderators: L. Gokhberg (HSE University), A. Sokolov (HSE University)
Session S-05. Science and Innovation: Digital Transformation
Moderator: K. Vishnevskiy (HSE University)
M. Nurbina (Kurchatov Institute), A. Balyakin (Kurchatov Institute ), A. Andreasyan (National School of Integration Studies), M. Titov (MSU), S. Taranenko (Kurchatov Institute )
Big data turns into smart (abstract)
A. Manukov (HSE University), I. Lola (HSE University), M. Bakeev (HSE University)
T. Chernyaeva (Povolzhsky Institute of Management), N. Panfyorova (Free researcher)
Change management in the context of digital transformation (abstract)
M. Bakeev (HSE University), I. Lola (HSE University)
Drivers and barriers among indicators of business tendencies as components of the digital transformation of manufacturing industries (summary)
Discussant: G. Abdrakhmanova (HSE University)
Session S-06. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy
Moderator: T. Kuznetsova (HSE University)
L. Perepechko (IT SB RAS)
Comparative analysis of the power of patents of state scientific institutions and universities (abstract)
A. Zheleznov (EUSP), K. Guba (EUSP), A. Rodionova (ITMO university)
Under research funding pressure: publication strategies of Russian lead researchers (abstract)
N. Grishchenko (HSE University)
Reproducing digital inequality: the Impact of internet usage types
Discussant: V. Roud (HSE University)
Session S-07. Innovation in Companies
Moderator: V. Salun (HSE University)
M. Chernysheva (HSE University), A. Nefedova (HSE University)
Innovation in the workplace: the results of large-scale population survey
S. Chelpachenko (Corestone), A. Khvorostyanaya (RUSNATT), R. Semenova (Association of Innovative Regions of Russia)
The influence of management tools on innovation system of companies in Russian regions: monitoring and research
K. Grasmik (Ca'Foscari University)
Better chances to survive during crisis: innovation activity as a lifebuoy?
O. Valieva (IEIE SB RAS)
Incorporation of Russian companies into Global Technological Chains: assessment of the Russian biopharmaceutical market
Discussant: A. Bereznoy (HSE University)
Session S-08. Science and Innovation: Industry and Regional Aspects
Moderator: M. Gershman (HSE University)
I. Danilin (IMEMO RAS)
Superplatforms 2.0? Evolution of platformic companies` strategies and business models in the changing economic realities (abstract, video version)
A. Yusupova (NSU), N. Kravchenko (IEIE SB RAS), S. Khalimova (IEIE SB RAS)
Assessment of Regional Economic Environment Influence on the Development of High Tech Entrepreneurship in Russia (abstract)
K. Nagieva (UrFU), A. Pushkarev (UrFU), N. Davidson (UrFU), H. Jayet (The University of Lille), O. Mariev (UrFU)
The impact of social capital on innovation: evidence from transition countries
Discussant: E. Kutsenko (HSE University)
Section T. Social and Cultural Processes
Moderators: V. Magun (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, HSE University), E. Ponarin (HSE University)
Session T-09. Values and Social Capital in the Context of Digitalization of Russian Society: Opportunities and Risks
Moderators: T. Nestik (IP RAS), A. Tatarko (HSE University)
T. Nestik (Institute of psychology RAS)
Socio-psychological antecedents of personal attitudes to ethical regulation of artificial intelligence systems
E. Maklasova (HSE University)
Interaction of Climate and Economy as a Factor of Collectivism in the Regions of Russia (abstract)
A. Tatarko (HSE University), E. Maklasova (HSE University), A. Mironova (HSE University)
Values, social capital and Internet use activity: comparison of Russia and European countries
Discussant: Z. Lepshokova (HSE University)
Session T-10. Facets of Identity
Moderator: M. Fabrykant (HSE University)
O. Iakimova (UrFU)
Immigrants as a perceived threat: attitudes in Germany and Russia (abstract)
I. Oni (HSE University)
Sociability in Russia: a perspective of African diaspora living in Moscow (summary)
S. Andryewskaja (Polotsk State University)
Religious-confessional identity on border territories as a social adaptation factor (abstract)
M. Fabrykant (HSE University), V. Magun (Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS, HSE University)
Commitment to Country and Other Territorial Entities: Individual and Country Level Factors (abstract)
Discussant: E. Danilova (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS)
Session T-11. Values, Personality Traits, and Religiosity
Moderator: L. Okolskaya (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS)
K. Grigoryan (HSE University)
Cross-cultural study of the relationship of personality metatraits with health behavior and health literacy (abstract)
D. Trunova (HSE University)
Social and Economic Factors of Differences in the Value Portrait of Russian Society (abstract)
K. Markin (St.Tikhon Orthodox University), P. Vrublevskaya (St.Tikhon Orthodox University), E. Prutskova (St.Tikhon Orthodox University)
Unfolding the meanings of a "weak religiosity" of Russians with F-Q-Sort method: elaboration and approbation of the research toolkit
L. Okolskaya (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS)
Russians’ parental values structure and change since 1990 to 2017 (abstract)
Session T-12. Activity and Self-Realization
Moderator: A. Belianin (HSE University)
V. Kostenko (HSE University), A. Rykun (TSU), D. Leontiev (HSE University)
Self-realization in the structure of the quality of life: implicit concepts and personal significance (abstract)
M. Dymshits (Dymshits&partners), E. Osin (HSE University)
Leisure activity and subjective well-being
V. Anikin (HSE University), M. Romanova (University of Passau), A. Proskurin (University of Edinburgh)
Is there noneconomic motivation of Russian entrepreneurs? (abstract)
I. Vasserman (PNRTU)
Civic engagement and the modernization of the culture of the region’s population: based on a survey of the population of the Perm Territory
Discussant: A. Poddiakov (HSE University)
Session T-13. Embracing Digital Technologies
Moderator: A. Klimova (HSE University)
T. Slavgorodskii-Kazanets (HSE Lyceum)
«Real» nature of massive online games virtual reality: World of Warcraft experience (abstract)
E. Nikishina (Institute for National Projects), N. Pripuzova (Institute for National Projects)
Institutional trust and attitudes toward new technologies
O. Abramova (HSE University)
Session T-14. Listeners, Readers, and Viewers
Moderators: E. Danilova (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS), Y. Papushina (HSE University)
L. Borusyak (Moscow City University)
What is classical literature? Views of experts and students (abstract)
A. Staruseva-Persheeva (HSE University), T. Fadeeva (HSE University)
Virtual Reality as Artistic Medium: Developing an Intersubjective Position (abstract, video version)
E. Petrova (HSE University)
Soviet TV viewer in the post-Soviet period: portrait in rural environment (abstract)
I. Papushina (HSE University)
Factors Affecting Volume and Composition of Musical Tastes: Evidences from Perm Region
Session T-15. Intercultural Relations in the Post-Soviet Space
Moderators: O. Tuchena (Kuban State Technological University), Z. Lepshokova (HSE University)
Z. Lepshokova (HSE University), N. Lebedeva (HSE University)
Testing the hypothesis of intercultural contact in post-Soviet space: a meta-analysis (abstract)
O. Tuchena (KubSTU)
Self-understanding of ethno-cultural identity in the post-Soviet space (based on the study of Russians, Adygs, and Armenians of Krasnodar region) (abstract)
V. Galyapina (HSE University), N. Lebedeva (HSE University)
Perceived security and cultural diversity among ethnic minority and majority in the Post-Soviet space (abstract)
A. Batkhina (HSE University)
Behavioral strategy choice among Russians in intercultural conflict: the role of values and interaction context (abstract)
Discussants: V. Gritsenko (MSUPE), O. Khukhlaev (MSUPE)
Section V. Economics, Sociology, and Education Policy
Moderators: I. Fedyukin (HSE University), I. Froumin (HSE University), M. Yudkevich (HSE University)
Roundtable V-02. Research Capacity Building in Post-Soviet Countries
Moderator: M. Chankseliani (Oxford University)
Issues for discussion:
• How have national policies and practices related to university-based research diverged in former Soviet countries in the last three decades?
• To what extent have universities in Post-Soviet countries internalized their research mission and developed the capacity to carry out this mission in a sustainable way?
• How do HEIs balance their education, research, and public engagement missions?
• How have national policies constrained/supported research capacity development at universities?
• What are university practices on publishing, research environment, and research impact? How sustainable are these practices?
• To what extent have universities in Post-Soviet countries internalized their research mission and developed the capacity to carry out this mission in a sustainable way?
• How do HEIs balance their education, research, and public engagement missions?
• How have national policies constrained/supported research capacity development at universities?
• What are university practices on publishing, research environment, and research impact? How sustainable are these practices?
Experts: I. Fedyukin (HSE University), I. Froumin (HSE University), S. Balasanyan (CRRC), A. Campbell (Middlebury Institute of International Studies), K. Ruziev (UWE Bristol), R. Zelvys (Vilnius University)
Session V-03. Accessibility of Higher Education and Regional Development
Moderator: N. Gabdrahmanov (HSE University)
K. Adamovich (HSE University), A. Zakharov (HSE University)
Territorial differences in access to school resources, educational trajectories and academic results after grades 9 and 11: multilevel analysis on Russian data
E. Kadochnikova (KFU), N. Larionova (KFU)
Spatial analysis of the determinants of higher education accessibility in Russian regions (abstract)
M. Kovrigina (HSE University), A. Nefedova (HSE University)
Who benefits from the export of Russian education? Regional dimensions
R. Cao (HSE University), I. Froumin (HSE University), X. Zeng (HSE University)
The innovative transformation of the policies on higher education contribution for regional social and economic development in China by applied statistics and network analysis methods
Session V-04. Inequality in Education and Social Mobility
Moderator: A. Zakharov (HSE University)
V. Bakthavatchaalam (UWE)
Gender equality in the opportunities to conduct research: how about engineering academics?
S. Malinovskiy (HSE University), E. Shibanova (HSE University)
Higher education in post-Soviet welfare regimes: three worlds of transition
N. Karmaeva (HSE University), T. Khavenson (HSE University), P. Ilieva-Trichkova (ISSK BAS)
Social inequality, gender and the labour market outcomes: the case of Russia (abstract)
Session V-05. Vector for Efficiency in the Context of Strategic Development of Universities
Moderator: A. Klyagin (HSE University)
E. Yakovleva (HSE University), I. Prakhov (HSE University)
The structure and dynamics of the incentive contract in academia
P. Derkachev (HSE University), K. Zinkovsky (HSE University)
Cost efficiency of educational programs of LDU (a large diversified university)
S. Tvorogova (NPO "Social action")
Everyone is unique, including the universities: Performance tools in the context of strategic development of universities. Examples from Berlin and Brandenburg (abstract, video version)
I. Verkhovskaia (ITMO University ), O. Prikot (HSE University)
Project management in higher education: readiness of Russian university managers to changes (abstract)
Session V-06. Student-oriented Approach in a Modern University: Benefits and Risks
Moderator: K. Romanenko (HSE University)
N. Ilina (PskovSU)
Customer-oriented model of the educational process (abstract)
S. Massin (Artois University)
The impact of teaching economics on students' beliefs and behaviors: presentation of a project and preliminary results
D. Shcheglova (HSE University), A. Garmonova (HSE University)
Russian magistracy and Bologna transformations: the new path or path dependence? (abstract)
Session V-07. Determinants of Graduate Student Success: An International Perspective
Moderator: E. Terentev (HSE University)
S. Bekova (HSE University)
Determinants of performance and choice of academic career by graduate students
R. Wollast (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Who are the doctoral students who drop out?
A. Grigoryeva (HSE University), E. Terentev (HSE University)
Departmental support to doctoral students in Russian universities and its effects (abstract)
Discussants: N. Maloshonok (HSE University), E. Kobzar (HSE University), B. Bednyi (HSE University)
Session V-08. Performance of Universities in the Context of Modern State Regulation
Moderator: D. Platonova (HSE University)
D. Rudenko (UTMN)
The effect of 5-100 program on the Russian universities: the case study of Tyumen State University (abstract)
E. Shibanova (HSE University), T. Agasisti (Politecnico di Milano)
Degree of (formal and actual) autonomy, performance and efficiency: an empirical analysis of Russian universities in 2014-2018
E. Abalmasova (HSE University), A. Egorov (HSE University), T. Agasisti (Politecnico di Milano), E. Shibanova (HSE University)
The causal impact of performance-based funding on university performance: quasiexperimental evidence from a policy in Russian higher education
Session V-09. Russian Education in Terms of Final Results
Moderator: K. Zinkovsky (HSE University)
M. Agranovitch (FIED RANEPA)
Analysis of Russian educational indicators from the perspective of outputs.
I. Abankina (HSE University), L. Filatova (HSE University)
Impact of Politics on Economics of Preschool Education: Potential Leverages (abstract)
I. Kravchenko (HSE University)
New approaches to calculation of standard costs for the implementation of secondary vocational education in the context of updated federal state educational standards (abstract)
E. Melianova (World Bank), S. Parandekar (World Bank), A. Volgin (World Bank), H. Patrinos (World Bank)
Returns to Education in the Russian Federation: Variation across Regions (video version)
Session V-10. Vocational Guidance for Schoolchildren: Myths and Real Practice
Moderator: D. Kurakin (HSE University)
V. Sobkin (Institute of Education Management RAE), E. Kalashnikova (Institute of Education Management RAE)
On vocational orientations of pupils in general education schools
M. Manokin (HSE University - Perm), E. Poliakova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Young Russians dream about future career: a case from an average Russian province (abstract)
E. Pavlenko (HSE University), V. Malik (HSE University)
Uncertainty of Educational and Career Aspirations: Longitudinal Study (abstract)
Session V-11. Professional Preferences and Student Employment in the Context of New Labor Market Challenges
Moderator: V. Rudakov (HSE University)
E. Varshavskaya (HSE University), U. Podverbnykh (HSE University)
Job search strategies of recent university graduates: prevalence and effectiveness (abstract)
V. Degtyareva (NSTU), J. Druzhinina (SPSIT)
Students professional expectations as a representation of teacher goal setting problem in a modern university (abstract)
I. Prakhov (HSE University), V. Kutuzova (HSE University)
Choosing labor pathways in Russia: public vs. private sector
B. Pincheira Sarmiento (HSE University)
Student employment and academic achievement: evidence from Russia
Session V-12/1. Branding and Rating of Universities as Tools for Strategic Development and New Positioning
Moderator: F. Zagirova (HSE University)
P. Demin (HSE University)
Social functions of a university branding (abstract)
A. Makareva (HSE University)
Global university rankings as geopolitical tools and market devices
B. Toll (Independent researcher)
Resetting values in 21st century higher education
Session V-12/2. New Educational Formats and Innovations in Education
Moderator: T. Khavenson (HSE University)
D. Koroleva (HSE University), T. Khavenson (HSE University)
The Innovation Journey in Education: Eight factors nourishing grassroots innovations (abstract)
I. Tarkhanova (YSPU after K.D.Ushinsky), M. Gruzdev (YSPU after K.D.Ushinsky)
Local greenfield model in pedagogical University (abstract)
M. Kicherova (University of Tyumen)
Non-formal education in the post-industrial society: impact on the general and special human capital (abstract)
Session V-13. Public Inquiry and School Performance: Finding a Balance of Interest
Moderator: E. Chernobay (HSE University)
M. Gasinets (HSE University), A. Kapuza (HSE University)
Who is responsible for the academic success of students in the opinion of teachers?
E. Bashmanova (KSU)
E. Lanina (HSE University)
Measuring parenting control and its relationship with academic results of primary school children (abstract)
Session V-14. Professional Growth vs Professional Teacher Burnout: Conflict of Current Trends
Moderator: O. Fedorov (HSE University)
E. Karsakova (HSE University), T. Chirkina (HSE University)
Relationship between teacher’s characteristics and student resilience in the Programme for International Student Assessment (abstract)
I. Rezvanova (HSE University)
Resources and work requirements, professional motivation as predictors of teachers' emotional burnout
D. Saprykina (HSE University), J. Chernenko (HSE University)
Teachers' bullying: what is happening in Russian schools (abstract)
Session V-15. School Climate and Elements of Educational Space
Moderator: E. Sivak (HSE University)
T. Kanonire (HSE University), E. Orel (HSE University), A. Kulikova (HSE University)
Longitudinal study of subjective well-being in primary school (abstract)
R. Zvyagintsev (HSE University), J. Kersha (HSE University)
Students’ Well-being in Russian Schools: Predictors and Connection with Achievements (abstract)
I. Smirnov (HSE University)
Emotional pulse of schools (abstract)
L. Bombieri (HSE University)
Values and acculturation expectations among school professionals: the mediating role of tolerance
A. Azbel (SPbU), L. Ilyushin (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
The role of texts in modern school educational space design. Analysis of opinions and case studies (abstract)
Session V-16/1. Theory and Methods of Research in Education
Moderator: I. Brun (HSE University)
D. Gracheva (HSE University)
Comparability of performance-based assessment
E. Lukyanov (HSE University), A. Kotov (HSE University)
Categorical Visual Search in Adults and Children (abstract)
S. Karakozov (MSPU)
Dynamic neural networks in designing mathematical models of educational systems (abstract)
A. Petrakova (HSE University)
Individual differences approach to measurement of face cognition: possible applications in education (abstract)
Session V-16/2. Conditions and Barriers for the Development of Critical Thinking among Students at Russian Universities
Moderator: A. Mikhailova (HSE University)
Y. Koreshnikova (HSE University)
Assessing the level of development of critical thinking among University students as one of the barriers to creating the conditions for the formation of this skill
D. Shcheglova (HSE University), A. Garmonova (Higher school of economics)
Formation of Soft skills in the magistracy of Russian universities: expectations and reality
A. Dementyev (HSE University)
Critical economic thinking: costs and benefits
Section W. Digital Transformation of Education
Moderators: I. Fedyukin (HSE University), I. Froumin (HSE University), M. Yudkevich (HSE University)
Honorary paper W-02. Curt Bonk (Indiana University) “Education 20/20 Meets Education 4.0: Visions of Our Changing Learning World!”
The pervasive boredom of rote learning seen in Education 1.0 finally yielded to a more learner-centered age of Education 2.0 a few decades ago. Today instructors are confronted with the possibilities and dilemmas of Education 3.0. But now with climate change, dramatic economic unrest, the rise of robotics, world population shifts, and so on, the innovation age of Education 4.0 is desperately needed. As we head toward the Year 2020, we humans are in the midst of a learning revolution.
During the past few years, learning has become increasingly collaborative, global, mobile, flipped, modifiable, open, online, blended, massive, visually-based, hands-on, ubiquitous, instantaneous, on-demand, adaptive, and personal. And this is just a start! This is the age of Education 3.0 where learning is more informal, resource rich, and self-directed and where learner creation of products is the new norm, often with the use of digital media. But wait, many are already hearing the drumbeats of Education 4.0 on the horizon. Can we get there? Fortunately, we are living in an age of educational resource abundance where passion, play, purpose, and freedom to learn take precedence over the more mind-numbing traditional information reception models of learning. The instructors and experts whom we meet and interact with along the way are most effective as curators, counselors, consultants, concierges, and cultivators of our learning. And now such mentors, tutors, experts, colleagues, and instructors can appear instantaneously on a mobile device. Perhaps that is a sign that Education 4.0 is not far away. Naturally, such new instructor roles require a unique and evolving set of guiding principles. As such, Professor Bonk will detail a set of 20 “last” principles of instruction with his “Learning Activation System Template” (LAST) including the Principle of Flexibility, the Principle of Meaningful Learning, the Principle of Choice and Options, the Principle of Cheerfulness and Optimism, the Principle of Spontaneity, the Principle of High Expectations, the Principle of Nontraditional Learning, etc. Suffice to say, there is immense change around the world today related to new forms of learning typically involving technology. In fact, there are three megatrends related to learning technology today: (1) technologies for engagement; (2) technologies for pervasive access; and (3) technologies for the personalization and customization of learning. To better understand these new forms of learning delivery, Professor Bonk will discuss these three megatrends as well as his recent research on the personalization of e-learning. Along the way, insights will be offered into how one might teach in this new learning age. Finally, these days seem ripe for gazing into a crystal ball and pondering what human learning will look like 5, 10, or even 25 or more years into the future. How will we learn? Where will we be learning? And who, if anyone, will we be learning with? Professor Bonk will end his talk with innovations in learning technology, instructional approaches, and the spaces and places for learning to occur. This will include predictions of the future such as robot partners on collaborative teams, world knowledge refreshment stations, Professor Einstein PDAs, the rise of super e-mentors, classrooms as cafes, learning environment engineers, and much more. Is this an evolution or a revolution? Professor Bonk will let the audience decide.
During the past few years, learning has become increasingly collaborative, global, mobile, flipped, modifiable, open, online, blended, massive, visually-based, hands-on, ubiquitous, instantaneous, on-demand, adaptive, and personal. And this is just a start! This is the age of Education 3.0 where learning is more informal, resource rich, and self-directed and where learner creation of products is the new norm, often with the use of digital media. But wait, many are already hearing the drumbeats of Education 4.0 on the horizon. Can we get there? Fortunately, we are living in an age of educational resource abundance where passion, play, purpose, and freedom to learn take precedence over the more mind-numbing traditional information reception models of learning. The instructors and experts whom we meet and interact with along the way are most effective as curators, counselors, consultants, concierges, and cultivators of our learning. And now such mentors, tutors, experts, colleagues, and instructors can appear instantaneously on a mobile device. Perhaps that is a sign that Education 4.0 is not far away. Naturally, such new instructor roles require a unique and evolving set of guiding principles. As such, Professor Bonk will detail a set of 20 “last” principles of instruction with his “Learning Activation System Template” (LAST) including the Principle of Flexibility, the Principle of Meaningful Learning, the Principle of Choice and Options, the Principle of Cheerfulness and Optimism, the Principle of Spontaneity, the Principle of High Expectations, the Principle of Nontraditional Learning, etc. Suffice to say, there is immense change around the world today related to new forms of learning typically involving technology. In fact, there are three megatrends related to learning technology today: (1) technologies for engagement; (2) technologies for pervasive access; and (3) technologies for the personalization and customization of learning. To better understand these new forms of learning delivery, Professor Bonk will discuss these three megatrends as well as his recent research on the personalization of e-learning. Along the way, insights will be offered into how one might teach in this new learning age. Finally, these days seem ripe for gazing into a crystal ball and pondering what human learning will look like 5, 10, or even 25 or more years into the future. How will we learn? Where will we be learning? And who, if anyone, will we be learning with? Professor Bonk will end his talk with innovations in learning technology, instructional approaches, and the spaces and places for learning to occur. This will include predictions of the future such as robot partners on collaborative teams, world knowledge refreshment stations, Professor Einstein PDAs, the rise of super e-mentors, classrooms as cafes, learning environment engineers, and much more. Is this an evolution or a revolution? Professor Bonk will let the audience decide.
Session W-03. Personalization of Academic Work in a Digital Educational Environment
Roundtable W-04. Digital Transformation of Education as a Managed Process
Moderator: A. Uvarov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Digital transformation, informatization of education and pedagogical innovation: similarities and differences
• How do educational institutions administer their digital transformation?
• Applicable approaches and instruments
• Monitoring as an instrument for digital transformation of education
• Russian and international experience in the application of digital transformation monitoring in education
• How do educational institutions administer their digital transformation?
• Applicable approaches and instruments
• Monitoring as an instrument for digital transformation of education
• Russian and international experience in the application of digital transformation monitoring in education
Experts: I. Karlov (HSE University), G. Vodopyan (School 550, St.-Petersburg), A. Chugalaev (School 97, Izhevsk), K. Zakharyin (Siberian Regional Center of Competences in the Field of Online Learning)
Session W-05. Managing Digital Transformation in Higher Education
Moderator: I. Karlov (HSE University)
V. Kiseleva (SFedU), N. Pogosyan (SFedU)
Analysis of the efficiency of investing in the digitalization of the sphere of higher education on the example of leading universities of Russia (abstract)
A. Lebedev (MSU), E. Petroa (HSE University)
Investing digital transformation strategies of higher education institutions
R. Baryshev (SibFU), K. Zakharyin (SibFU)
Quantitative and qualitative effects of the communication and service platform «MySibFU» at the Siberian Federal University
Session W-06. Managing Digital Transformation in Schools
Moderator: A. Uvarov (HSE University)
D. Kolygina (HSE University), A. Kapuza (HSE University)
Teachers' resistance to change as a factor of ICT using at class
I. Dvoretskaya (HSE University)
Digital tools of monitoring of digital transformation of education
Y. Yarmakhov (MCU), E. Patarakin (HSE University)
Various patterns of behaviour of authors and users of digital object repositories. An example of a Moscow Electronic School
Session W-07. Digital Tools and Forms for Organizing the Learning Process
Moderator: T. Pashchenko (HSE University)
N. Avdeenko (HSE University)
Teachers' beliefs about barriers towards implementation of innovative teaching practices (abstract)
A. Iskakova (Bilim Media Group), T. Sarsenova (Bilim Media Group), S. Kenzhehanuly (Bilim Media Group)
Conceptual benefits of studying geometry by an adaptive learning model
M. Lebedeva (Pushkin Institute)
A digital reader behind a desk: digital reading practice and patterns among Russian schoolchildren
O. Bondarenko (Edstories)
The efficiency of digital storytelling in teaching secondary school math
A. Kulieva (HSE University), V. Markina (HSE University, Sberbank)
Practices for using digital interactive materials in history lessons
Session W-08. New Competencies of Students and Teachers in the Context of Digital Transformation
Moderator: E. Patarkin (HSE University)
U. Zakharova (HSE University), P. Grachev (Innopolis University)
Who drives and what hinders learning for digital skills in Russia?
G. Volkova (HSE University), N. Shmatko (HSE University)
Digital skills of Russian doctorate holders: level of proficiency and interest in improving
O. Serova (University of Pskov)
Digital transformation of education and practical training of students (abstract)
V. Markina (HSE University, Sberbank), V. Kruglov (Sberbank)
"2K current year": using gaming tools and gamification process in education
Invited paper W-09. Ger Graus (HSE University, KidZania) “How Prepare for Digital Era? Digital Literacy through Non-Formal Education”
Moderator: S. Kosaretsky (HSE University)
Children’s social mobility in the 21st century is a key topic of the global education agenda. Digital education can play and should play a significant role in this challenge. The great efforts of educational leaders make possible the creation of real educational eco-system that includes the wide sector of non-formal education as an innovative learning and education provider. The rapidly developing non-formal education market is becoming one of the main sources of digital innovations and transformations that are implemented in traditional online learning and edutainment formats.
Non-formal education is also not only an environment of digital educational spaces, but it also allows us to update the content of education, integrating the tasks of the digital era, the needs of the educational process participants and the real market. In this regard, studying the experience of providers becomes critical for understanding the processes of real digitalization of the environment and meanings.
KidZania’s global education strategy includes an experience-based learning approach, Think-Tank, Ambassador Schools and Industry Partners; there is a very important focus on local, contextualized implementation, and evaluations. The discussion about the benefits of digital formats in education is more than ever relevant. There is a wide corpus of studies of the positive effects of edutainment and STEM-education, especially, related to children’s motivation and their enhanced involvement. However, there is a current lack of focus on content that helps children to meet real digital life experiences - too much effort is centered on theory rather than its conversion into practice. Edutainment centers, new science museums and KidZanias amongst others are working to fill this void.
KidZania’s approach to education and entertainment is leading to enhanced life chances for children, through purposeful and innovative ways of engaging with the private sector including digital approaches, and an evidence-based voice in the world of education and entertainment, as well as a sustainable, socially responsible approach to partnerships: return on involvement instead of return on investment. The important focus and the point of contact between researchers and practitioners is the current global schooling and educational environment, their disconnect, the value of experience-based learning and its connections, for better and for worse, with the digital agenda. Can digital really mean better?
In order to move in the right direction for all children, we must however be very mindful of individual children’s socio-economic and socio-cultural contexts. We have an opportunity to get this very right … or very wrong. Will we aid the global educational democratization or widen the gap between have and have-not, between know and know-not and between can and cannot?
Non-formal education is also not only an environment of digital educational spaces, but it also allows us to update the content of education, integrating the tasks of the digital era, the needs of the educational process participants and the real market. In this regard, studying the experience of providers becomes critical for understanding the processes of real digitalization of the environment and meanings.
KidZania’s global education strategy includes an experience-based learning approach, Think-Tank, Ambassador Schools and Industry Partners; there is a very important focus on local, contextualized implementation, and evaluations. The discussion about the benefits of digital formats in education is more than ever relevant. There is a wide corpus of studies of the positive effects of edutainment and STEM-education, especially, related to children’s motivation and their enhanced involvement. However, there is a current lack of focus on content that helps children to meet real digital life experiences - too much effort is centered on theory rather than its conversion into practice. Edutainment centers, new science museums and KidZanias amongst others are working to fill this void.
KidZania’s approach to education and entertainment is leading to enhanced life chances for children, through purposeful and innovative ways of engaging with the private sector including digital approaches, and an evidence-based voice in the world of education and entertainment, as well as a sustainable, socially responsible approach to partnerships: return on involvement instead of return on investment. The important focus and the point of contact between researchers and practitioners is the current global schooling and educational environment, their disconnect, the value of experience-based learning and its connections, for better and for worse, with the digital agenda. Can digital really mean better?
In order to move in the right direction for all children, we must however be very mindful of individual children’s socio-economic and socio-cultural contexts. We have an opportunity to get this very right … or very wrong. Will we aid the global educational democratization or widen the gap between have and have-not, between know and know-not and between can and cannot?
Roundtable W-10. Digital Solutions: Tools, Materials, Educational and Methodological Complexes, Platforms
Moderator: A. Semenov (HSE University)
Experts: V. Kovalev (RVC), A. Uvarov (HSE University), N. Kozhevnikov (HSE University), I. Karlov (HSE University), A. G. Kushnirenko (Scientific Research Institute of System Analysis), M. Morozov (VSUT), E. Pataraskin (HSE University)
Section Y. Instrumental Methods in Economic and Social Studies
Moderators: F. Aleskerov (HSE University), A. Myachin (HSE University)
Session Y-03. Theoretical Models for Data Analysis and Management - 1
Moderator: A. Mironenkov (MSU)
P. Sidorova (HSE University - St. Petersburg), P. Konyukhovskiy (Herzen University)
Effectiveness of investment cooperation with restrictions on the size of effective coalitions
V. Spirina (Perm National Research Polytechnic University), D. Krivogina (Perm National Research Polytechnic University)
Y. Zelenkov (HSE University), N. Volodarskiy (HSE University)
Classification of unbalanced data as a multiobjective optimization problem
A. Mironenkov (MSU)
The use of weights in the method of principal components and its application in the quality of life analyzing (abstract)
Session Y-04. Theoretical Models for Data Analysis and Management - 2
Moderator: R. Veynberg (HSE University)
D. Schmerling (HSE University), N. Ivlev (HSE University)
Creation of a generalized multigraph for a description of the structure, functions, features and attributes in the digital economy
A. Kumar (Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology)
A study of employees’ perception towards welfare measures in the industrial sector
R. Veynberg (HSE University), A. Grigorev (HSE University)
Methodology of managing digital rights to intellectual property objects based on Media Rights Revolution system
Session Y-05. Theoretical Models for Data Analysis and Management - 3
Moderator: S. Vartanov (MSU)
E. Prokofyeva (HSE University), R. Zaitsev (HSE University)
Application of hard and fuzzy clustering methods for segmenting the input flow of patients in local polyclinics
Y. Bardinova (Enecuum), A. Ometov (Tampere University)
A future perspective and applicability of blockchain technology for wireless communications
D. Romanov (HSE University), N. Kazantsev (HSE University)
Cognitive bias in classification decision making - citizen claims case (abstract)
S. Vartanov (MSU), I. Petrov (Financial University)
Modelling electricity markets: experimental economics vs game theory
Session Y-06. Theoretical Models for Data Analysis and Management - 4
Moderator: N. Polyakov (HSE University)
A. Madera (HSE University)
Mathematical modeling and optimization of processes and process systems in conditions of uncertainty (abstract)
Y. Bardinova (Enecuum), A. Ometov (Tampere University)
Blockchain technology for mobile devices and internet of things
O. Krakashova (RC EMM), A. Ilukhina (Kostroma state University)
Volunteer movement to search for missing people in Russia: analysis and modeling
T. Gibbs (IH21), H. Chappell (American University of Sharjah)
Elections with Multiple Positive and Negative Votes
N. Polyakov (HSE University)
On a class of dynamic and non-local aggregation procedures
Session Y-07. Theoretical Models for Data Analysis and Management - 5
Moderator: A. Chadov (HSE University - Perm)
E. Sidorova (HSE University), S. Avdasheva (HSE University), S. Golovanova (HSE University)
Litigation: what determines the outcome of challenging administrative decisions?
M. Malakhovskaya (TSU), L. Kobzeva (TSU), I. Krakovetskaya (TSU)
Platform solutions or hybrid organizations as a boundary space to address grand challenges? (abstract)
Y. Shmidt (FEFU), G. Ozerova (FEFU), N. Ivashina (FEFU)
Forecasting interregional migration flows based on the Bounded Rationality networked model (abstract)
A. Chadov (HSE University - Perm)
Identification of the utility functions of the judges in the TV show "Voice"
Session Y-08. Instrumental Methods of Economic Dynamics - 1
Moderator: Y. Polunin (ICS RAS)
A. Merzlyakova (UdSU)
Assessment of the impact of the state support program on the regional mortgage lending markets on the basis of spatial econometric analysis
V. Semenychev (SSEU), V. Kozhukhova (SSEU), A. Korobetskaya (SSEU)
Tools for adequate modeling of Russian regions evolutionary dynamics (abstract)
S. Ratner (ICS RAS), A. Lychev (MISIS)
DEA models with restriction on weights for estimation of efficiency of regional environmental management systems (abstract)
Y. Polunin (ICS RAS), A. Yudanov (Financial University)
Analysis of interrelated socio-economic processes using a complex of models of nonlinear dynamics
Session Y-09. Instrumental Methods of Economic Dynamics - 2
Moderator: A. Bozhechkova (RANEPA)
A. Ivanova (IEIE SB RAS)
Dynamics of ICT companies in the regions of the Russian Federation (abstract)
T. Bukina (HSE University - Perm), E. Bukin (PSU)
Transport security as a factor in the sustainable development of the region (abstract)
A. Bozhechkova (RANEPA), I. Yakovleva (RANEPA)
Analysis of the peculiarities of exchange rate formation in the Russian economy
Session Y-10. Instrumental Methods for Financial Systems
Moderator: H. Penikas (HSE University)
A. Astakhova (Bank of Russia), S. Grishunin (HSE University)
Development of rating system for predicting credit risk and probabilities of default of Russian financial institutes by using machine learning models
S. Dzuba (INRTU, FEFU), D. Krylov (FEFU)
Methods of pattern analysis application for financial strategies of companies
M. Komarov (HSE University), S. Smetanin (HSE University)
Approach to check distributed ledger technology applicability in business
M. Ermolova (HSE University), H. Penikas (HSE University), V. Nechitailo (LPI RAS)
The impact of fraud on the stability of the banking system: agent-based approach
Session Y-11. Instrumental Methods of Economic Dynamics - 3
Moderator: D. Petrova (PANEPA)
M. Petukhova (Novosibirsk SAU)
Cognitive map of scenarios of scientific and technological development of the crop industry (abstract)
E. Ahmadova (UNEC), S. Abbasova (UNEC)
ECONOMETRIC analysis and evaluation of development prospects of some Caspian regions (abstract)
I. Zyablitskiy (Bank of Russia)
D. Petrova (RANEPA)
Forecasting macroeconomic variables using Google search queries
Session Y-12. Problems of Ecology and Regional Development
Moderator: D. Fontana (HSE University)
R. Zakharenko (HSE University)
The merits of privileged parking
L. Subrakova (Katanov N.F. Khahass State University), N. Urman (Katanov N.F. Khahass State University)
Transportation cost in the municipal solid waste management system for separate collection (abstract)
A. Polbin (RANEPA), L. Kotlikoff (Boston University), S. Scheidegger (University of Lausanne), S. Jeffrey (The Earth Institute Columbia University), F. Kubler (University of Zurich)
Making carbon taxation a generational Win Win
D. Fontana (HSE University)
Ecocity: just a trend or a solution to the economic problems of the city?
Section Z. Arctic Research (Special Session)
Moderators: B. Morgunov (HSE University), F. Aleskerov (HSE University)
Session Z-10. Arctic Research: History and Science (a)
Moderator: J. Lajus (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
K. Shaton (HiMolde), I. Gribkovskaia (Molde University College)
History of logistics in Siberian Arctic: a story of a Norwegian contribution (summary)
V. Holodkova (SPbU), I. Gribkovskaia (Molde University College), O. Halskau (Molde University College)
J. Lajus (HSE University - St. Petersburg), A. Kraikovski (HSE University - St. Petersburg), M. Dadykina (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
From the Pomors hunting to coal mining: interest to natural resources of Spitsbergen in the Russian Empire
Session Z-11. Arctic Research: History and Science (b)
Moderator: N. Korgin (ICS RAS)
V. Holodkova (SPbU), P. Konyuhoskiy (Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia)
G. Almukhametova (HSE University), F. Aleskerov (HSE University)
Network Analysis of Scientific Interactions on the Arctic Problems (abstract)
I. Latipov (HSE University), A. Myachin (HSE University)
Power Distribution in the Artic Region in 1995-2018
Session Z-12. Territorial Development (a)
Moderator: I. Gribkovskaia (Molde University College)
A. Vlakhov (HSE University)
Social space of an Arctic industrial town: a case of Barentsburg (summary)
Y. Borsuk (HSE University)
The distribution of the disputed territories using of mathematical models on the example of the Arctic Region (abstract)
A. Kovalenko (Gubkin University), I. Gribkovskaia (Molde University College)
The analyses of infrastructure and transit cargoes through Arctic region
Session Z-13. Environmental Development
Moderator: S. Demin (HSE University)
Y. Redutskiy (Molde University College)
Employee scheduling for maintenance of automated safety systems for remotely located oil and gas facilities (summary)
J. Odland (NTNU)
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) as sentinels for a changing Arctic (abstract)
Y. Thomassen (National Institute of Occupational Health)
Biological monitoring of environmental pollutants spreading in the Arctic (abstract)
S. Demin (HSE University)
Analysis of the Barents Sea structure for the optimization of oil spills elimination
Session Z-14. Health in the Arctic
Moderator: V. Chashchin (HSE University)
S. Gorbanev (North-West Public Health Research Center)
State and improvement of sanitary and epidemiological well-being management in the Russian Arctic (abstract)
A. Kozlov (Institute and Museum of Anthropology, MSU), G. Vershubskaya (Institute of Developmental Physiology Russian Academy of Education)
Mortality from diseases and external causes, and alcohol related deaths among indigenous and non-indigenous people of the north of Western Siberia
E. Tarasenko (HSE University), O. Khoreva (HSE University)
Human Resources for Healthcare in Northern Territories: Current Status, Problems and Prospects (abstract)
S. Kozlova (SibFU)
The development of primary health care in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the context of sustainable development goals
V. Chashchin (HSE University)
Individual risk assessment of health disorders and individual prevention strategy when working in open areas in cold climate
Session Z-15. Territorial development (b)
Moderator: S. Kruglikov (UrFU)
M. Gunko (HSE University), A. Medvedev (Institute of Geography RAS), E. Batunova (Politecnico di Milano)
The enforced sustainability: urban planning in a shrinking Arctic city
E. Kalemeneva (HSE University)
From “the northernmost Soviet settlement” to a “silent remembrance of soviet lost utopia”: changes of representation of the town of Pyramiden
H. Singh (UiT), U. Wrakberg (UiT), P. Haugseth (UiT), P. Nicklasson (UiT)
Svalbard: an example of a high-tech modern Arctic society
S. Kruglikov (UrFU)
Energy-efficient control system forming for “smart city” in the Russian Arctic by optimizing energy supply and electric heating of urban settlements (abstract)
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