Partner Journals
Money and Finance
Money and Finance is a peer-reviewed academic journal, available in open access, which publishes high-quality research papers in the field of monetary economics. The Bank of Russia is the founder and publisher of this quarterly journal, which also has an English version - Russian Journal of Money and Finance. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications of the Supreme State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles (VAK), as well as in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), the Web of Science - Russian Science Citation Index, and RePEC.

Journal of the New Economic Association
Journal of the New Economic Association was founded in 2009 and is published on a quarterly basis. The journal is focused on joining the efforts of all Russian economists with the aim of improving the quality of Russian economic research and education. The journal has been included in the VAK List, RSCI, Web of Science, Scopus, RePEc, EconLit, and Ulrich's Periodicals Directory databases. The journal ranks in the Top-10 leading Russian economic journals, according to the Science Index, the results of public review and the five-year impact factor indicator of the RSCI core.
Business Informatics
Business Informatics is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary scientific journal published since 2007 by HSE University. The journal is administered by the Graduate School of Business of HSE University. This is a quarterly journal, and each article is published in two languages - Russian and English.
The journal has been included in the VAK List, as well as Scopus, Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (WoS ESCI), Russian Science Citation Index on the Web of Science (RSCI) and the EBSCO databases.

International Organisations Research Journal: Education, Science, New Economy
International Organisations Research Journal: Education, Science, New Economy has been published under the guidance of HSE University since 2006. The journal is indexed in the Web of Science (RSCI and ESCI) and Scopus databases.

Journal of Social Policy Studies (JSPS)
Journal of Social Policy Studies (JSPS) was founded in 2003 as a quarterly journal, with its volume coming to nine to 12 printed sheets. The journal is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications, the international database of publications based on Web of Science - Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), as well as in the Web of Science database in the status of Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and the Scopus database (Q2).
Organizational Psychology
Founded in: 2011
Publication languages: Russian, English. This is a quarterly and journal with open access. The journal is indexed in the RSCI; RSCI (on the Web of Science platform); WEB OF SCIENCE (coverage by Emerging Sources Citation Index, ESCI); ULRICHSWEB; EBSCO; and Google Scholar.
Educational Studies Moscow
Educational Studies Moscow is an academic peer-reviewed journal founded in 2004 at HSE University. The mission of the journal is to disseminate scientific knowledge and support professional academic communication in order to facilitate educational sector development. The leading principle of the journal's work is its interdisciplinary approach, covering both traditional pedagogical issues and matters relating to of law, psychology, sociology, philosophy, history and the economics of education.
Law. Journal
Law. Journal of the Higher School of Economics has been published on a quarterly basis since 2008 and available in print and online versions. The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index, the HeinOnline database, Ulrichsweb, SPS “Garant”, Consultant Plus, and the Emerging Sources Citation Index on the Web of Science platform (since 2018).
Russian Sociological Review
Russian Sociological Review is an academic peer-reviewed journal of theoretical, empirical and historical research in the social sciences.
The journal publishes original research articles, reviews and abstracts, translations of classical works and papers of contemporary authors in the fields of sociology, political theory and social philosophy.
Public Administration Issues
Public Administration Issues is a scientific peer-reviewed journal published at HSE University. Since 2007, this journal has been published in Russian on a quarterly basis. Since 2014, two issues in English with original articles by Russian and foreign authors have been regularly published on the journal's website.
Journal of Corporate Finance Research
Journal of Corporate Finance Research has been published since 2007. The founders of the journal are HSE University and Irina Ivashkovskaya (Editor-in-Chief).
The journal has appeared on the list of the Supreme State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles (VAK) of the Russian Federation for many years, indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). It has been included in the Top-1000 Russian journals according to the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), based on the Web of Science, since 2015.
Universe of Russia. Sociology. Ethnology..
Universe of Russia. Sociology. Ethnology.
Founded in 1992, Universe of Russia specializes in sociology, ethnology, and economics, seeks to continue the national sociological tradition. The journal acquaints readers with original empirical research, sources on the history of Russian social thought, the latest statistics, and the best examples of scientific journalism.
Foresignt is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal, which publishes articles on the results of cutting-edge theoretical and applied research in key areas of strategic planning, science, technology and innovation policy, informing readers about possible alternative future scenarios for making the right decisions in a timely manner.
Voprosy Ekonomiki
”Voprosy Ekonomiki” Journal is Russia's leading peer-reviewed scientific journal devoted to the general economic matters. Founded in 1929, it is indexed in Web of Science, Scopus (Q2), RePEC, and RSCI (first place in the Science Index in Economics).
Polis Journal
Polis. Political Studies Journal is a Russian scientific, cultural and educational journal covering political science and political sociology. The journal is included in the VAK List, Scopus, Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index, Core Collection) and the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) on the Web of Science platform.
Journal of Economic Sociology
Online Journal of Economic Sociology has been published since 2000. The founders are HSE University and Vadim Radaev (Editor-in-Chief).
Outlines of Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, Law
Outlines of Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, Law is an academic interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal indexed in the RSCI, Google Scholar, DOAJ, WorldCat, Cyberleninka, Library of Congress, and SOCIONET. It is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications of the Supreme State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles (VAK), (category K1), as well as the database of publications of Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) - Q2.
International Trends
International Trends is the first and the only Russian scientific journal dedicated specifically to issues of the theory of international relations (ITR). The journal offers a conceptual and analytical understanding of the world as a whole, with a focus on international trends and the planetary political environment, where Russia is immersed and developing
Journal of Economic Sociology
Online Journal of Economic Sociology has been published since 2000. The founders are HSE University and Vadim Radaev (Editor-in-Chief).
Contemporary World Economy
Contemporary World Economy Journal is an academic peer-reviewed periodical released by the School of World Economy (HSE University) since 2023. Its mission is to stimulate academic discussion around the world economy, while also promoting the field overall. Published in both English and Russian, the journal is issued four times a year.