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Programme of Sections

Classrooms D, F, G and R – 11 Pokrovsky Bulvar
White Hall, Green Hall - Durasov House, 11 Pokrovsky Bulvar
Small Hall – HSE Cultural Centre, 11 Pokrovsky Bulvar
Classroom 518 – 11 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa
Classroom 301 – 20 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa
B-203 – 21/4 Staraya Basmannaya Ulitsa

Tuesday, April 4
Section BbHonorary Reports
Tuesday, April 4
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Honorary paper Bb-4-4. Alexander Karminsky (HSE University, Russia) From sustainability to development in a permanent crises era
Moderator: F. Aleskerov (HSE University)
The current century is accompanied by systemic crises in both the economy and society. Over the past quarter century alone, there have been about five systemically significant crises, the last of which claims to correct the world order and the system of international decisions.
In this regard, a new approach to decision-making is required, providing for a systematic assessment of efficiency and risks, taking into account macro-factors of various nature: environmental, social and managerial.
The problems of sustainable development, ESG assessment and ESG ratings have gained increased importance in the last decade, and their demonstration at some projects is a good basis for testing models. It is worth mentioning such projects and international agreements as Nord Stream-2, the transition of the European Union to renewable energy, the formation of logistics of the Northern Sea Route, the development of digital assets and the transition to digital currencies, a number of other areas of integrated development of the Russian and the world economy.
The important components of project evaluation are information and analytical support for decision-making, methods of controlling and risk management based on a rating system, and the formation of a uniform rating space.
The system of rating models has been created and is in demand among financial institutions, where mapping algorithms are used to compare rating scales and regulate rating activities.
Under conditions of permanent crises, the problems of sustainable development have become actualized. ESG ratings, their formation and regulation have come to the fore both in Russia and abroad. The respective models are now in demand.
In addition to traditional credit rating models, this report focuses on these issues, not only systematizing the results of research in this area, but also providing economic recommendations based on systemic risk models and ESG ratings.
Section CDigital Economy
Moderators: P. Rudnik (HSE University), K. Vishnevskiy (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 4
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session C-4-1. Software and hardware complexes for Industry 4.0
Moderator: K. Vishnevsky (HSE University)
L. Ruzhanskaya (HSE University), Y. Simachev (HSE University), A. Fedyunina (HSE University)
Which stakeholders are driving robotisation in lagging Industry 4.0 countries: the case of Russia (abstract)
M. Bakeev (HSE University), I. Lola (HSE University), A. Manukov (HSE University)
The Link between Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Manufacturing: An Analysis of the Results of a Survey of Manufacturing Enterprises (abstract)
K. Kukushkin (SPbPU)
New manufacturing technologies: current status and prospects (abstract)
O. Mudrova (NARMP)
Software and hardware complexes for Industry 4.0 (abstract)
Discussant: Y. Dranev (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 4
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session C-4-2. Import substitution in the field of IT. Compulsory measure or the need for the development of the national IT industry
Moderator: P. Rudnik (HSE University)
D. Nikitin (Ministry of Digital Development of Russia)
The main parameters of the development of the information technology industry (abstract)
M. Molodchik (HSE University - Perm), E. Shakina (HSE University - Perm), A. Daviy (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Evidence-based case study of IT-driven productivity (abstract)
T. Grigorii (HSE University - Perm), I. Naidenova (HSE University - Perm)
Evaluation of the efficiency losses for Russian companies because of the departure of foreign IT product vendors (abstract)
M. Luchinkin (ANPO "CCISICT")
Import substitution in the field of IT. Compulsory measure or the need for the development of the national IT industry
Discussant: T. Zinina (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 4
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session C-4-3. Digital Transformation of Economic Sectors: Technologies and Markets
Moderator: Y. Dranev (HSE University)
D. Fantazzini (Lomonosov MSU)
Crypto-Coins and Credit Risk: Modelling and Forecasting Their Probability of Death (abstract)
V. Anna (Campo Verde Media Group, LLC)
Web3 in context: NFTs and the art-market (abstract)
D. Maximenko (HSE University), M. Maximenko (HSE University)
Public Procurement of Medicines Database Development for Pharmaceutical Market Analysis in Russia (abstract)
V. Sergeev (HSE University), V. Dybskaya (HSE University)
Supply Chain Digital Transformation (abstract)
E. Sharko (HSE University), A. Ivanova (HSE University)
Effect of Personalized Marketing on Consumer Trust Formation in E-commerce (abstract)
Discussant: S. Privorotskaya (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 4
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session C-4-4. Social Aspects of Digital Economy Development - 1
Moderator: E. Streltsova (HSE University)
V. Polyakova (HSE University)
Older People in Digital Society (abstract)
L. Vidiasova (Sociological Institute of FCTAS RAS)
Involvement of the elderly in digital services as a factor in delayed aging: based on a study in St. Petersburg (abstract)
L. Kuzina (HSE University), I. Iudin (HSE University)
Digitalization of Everyday Practices or How Russians are Finding Balance Between "Online" and "Offline" (abstract)
M. Chikov (TomSU), M. Ryzhkova (TomSU), I. Filenko (TomSU)
Digitalization risks for a person and possible regulatory impact: results of an online experiment (abstract)
Discussant: S. Chernogortseva (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 4
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Session C-4-5. Digital Economy Studies
Moderator: S. Chernogortseva (HSE University)
I. Naidenova (HSE University - Perm), E. Shakina (HSE University - Perm), P. Parshakov (HSE University - Perm)
Who is more likely to generate blockbuster innovations? Evidence from open-source software (abstract)
E. Sologub (HSE University)
Analysis of digital consumer trust research methods (abstract)
T. Lapina (Dostoevsky Omsk State University), O. Korzhova (Dostoevsky Omsk State University), T. Stuken (Dostoevsky Omsk State University)
Regional Digitalization Programs as a Factor of Human Capital Reproduction (abstract)
Discussant: V. Polyakova (HSE University)
Section JEconomic Methodology
Moderator: V. Avtonomov (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 4
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session J-4-2. Smith and his Supporters
Moderator: O. Ananyin (HSE University)
S. Maria (HSE University)
Ethics and economics in A. Smith’s theory: the problem of synthesis. (abstract)
D. Frolov (VSTU)
Cognitive Institutions and the Moral Limits of Markets: We Need a Complexity-Centric Theory of Moral Sentiments (abstract)
O. Borokh (ICCA RAS)
The History of the Perception of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations in China (late 19th – first half of the 20th centuries) (abstract)
P. Orekhovsky (Institute of Economics the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Ricardo’s conundrum: why was the labor theory of value chosen?  (abstract)
Tuesday, April 4
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session J-4-3. Problems of Economic Rationality
Moderator: V. Avtonomov (HSE University)
T. Shishkina (Independent researcher)
The evolution of rationality narrative in the economic thought (abstract)
I. Chaplygina (Lomonosov MSU)
The feedback mechanism as a tool for shaping rational behaviour: the history of the problem (abstract)
T. Provolovich (Lomonosov MSU)
Modes of (ir)rationality of an economic agent (abstract)
Tuesday, April 4
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session J-4-4. Narratives in Economics
Moderator: D. Melnik (HSE University)
A. Kurysheva (Southern Federal University), A. Vernikov (IE RAS)
How did the meaning of an institution get distorted? (abstract)
L. Vadim (ESI SB RAS)
A new meta-narrative of modern society as a driver for the sustainable energy development (abstract)
O. Koshovets (IE RAS)
Constructing an 'economy' as an object of governance and planning (abstract)
K. Fedorov (Lomonosov MSU)
Issues of synthesis of institutional and narrative approaches in the context of the concept of meme (abstract)
Section OState and Local Government, and NPO sector
Moderators: A. Klimenko (HSE University), I. Mersiyanova (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 4
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session O-4-1. Methodological Approaches to Improving the Efficiency of Public Finance Management
Moderator: V. Tyutyuryukov (HSE University)
A. Solovev (Financial University)
Problems of actuarial justification for optimization of the state pension system (abstract)
E. Titkova (HSE University)
Feedback monitoring tools and tax discipline: the case of Russian Federal Tax Service (abstract)
V. Tiutiuriukov (HSE University)
The potential use of tax statistics for decision-making and policy development (case of Russia) (abstract)
V. Chashchin (HSE University)
Key principles establishing a reporting model for corporate programmes for maintaining the health of personnel in the Russian Arctic (abstract)
Tuesday, April 4
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session O-4-2. Digitalization of Public Administration
Moderator: A. Zapyantsev (HSE University)
A. Kosorukov (Lomonosov MSU)
Client-centric approach in the field of digitalization of public administration (abstract)
A. Zapyantsev (HSE University)
The policy of the G7 countries in the digital environment: state regulation or self-regulation of digital platforms and ecosystems? (abstract)
A. Yefremov (RANEPA)
Evaluation of performance and efficiency of state stimulation of development of information technology industry (abstract)
I. Gagarina (Independent researcher)
Definitions of the Law on Digital Markets of the European Union - a guideline for improving Russian antimonopoly legislation (abstract)
Tuesday, April 4
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session O-4-3. Public Procurement
Moderator: Y. Rodionova (HSE University)
M. Emelianova (HSE University)
Reputation factor in the Russian public procurement system from the point of view of direct market participants (abstract)
Y. Rodionova (HSE University), A. Yakovlev (HSE University)
Public Procurement and Import Substitution in Russian Industry after 2014 (abstract)
E. Gutselyuk (SFEDU)
Support for small and medium-sized businesses in the corporate procurement market (abstract)
S. Tsygankov (SFedU), S. Kuznetsov (Independent Researcher)
Electronic platforms in the Russian public procurement system: there is a quantity, but does it make sense? (abstract)
A. Ivanov (SPbU)
Contest in Russia: new regulation – new and old problems (abstract)
Tuesday, April 4
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session O-4-4. Public Service and Government Issues
Moderator: A. Barabashev (HSE University)
G. Borshchevskiy (RANEPA)
Impact of public development institutions on the socio-economic development (abstract)
A. Barabashev (HSE University)
Indicative Evaluation of Result-oriented Activity of Civil Servants in the Conditions of Crisis Governance (abstract)
S. Chernykh (IE RAS)
Methods of "soft power" and their implementation in the Russian management model (abstract)
D. Litvinov (FEFU)
Why study the relationship between the personal characteristics of the head of the civil service and his performance? (abstract)
Tuesday, April 4
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Session O-4-5. Sectoral Issues of State Regulation
Moderator: P. Hachikyan (HSE University)
O. Valieva (IEIE SB RAS)
Analyzing Competition in Biopharmaceutical Markets: The Role of R&D Spending (abstract)
A. Komarova (IEIE SB RAS)
International experience of regional and supranational carbon regulation (abstract)
P. Hachikyan (HSE University)
Countering terrorist threats in transport. Decision-making strategy under conditions of risk and deep uncertainty. (abstract)
E. Sokolova (HSE University), M. Aleksandrova (HSE University), E. Orlovskaya (HSE University), P. Polyakova (HSE University), A. Storchak (HSE University), E. Yaranova (HSE University)
How does a Russian cemetery look like? Role of informal and legal practices. (abstract)
Section PDemography and Labour Markets
Moderators: M. Denisenko (HSE University), L. Smirnykh (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 4
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session P-4-1. Demographic Development of Russian Regions in Conditions of Turbulence
Moderator: S. Abylkalikov (HSE University)
G. Akhmetova (Khilazeva) (ISII RB), R. Komleva (ISI RB)
Interregional migration and demographic potential of Bashkortostan territories (abstract)
S. Khazipova (UUNiT), G. Baimurzina (SNITS RAS)
R. Valiakhmetov (UUST), G. Baimurzina (IS FCTAC RAS)
Dynamics of demographic development and labor resources of the Republic of Bashkortostan (abstract)
A. NAZAROVA (HSE University)
Aggregated Transfer Accounts (NTA) in Regional Macroanalysis (abstract)
F. Cabrera (HSE University)
Back to Work or Back to the Maternity Ward? The Effects of Full-Time Schools on Fertility (abstract)
Tuesday, April 4
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session P-4-2. Problems of Internal Migration in Russia
Moderator: L. Karachurina (HSE University)
A. Gerasimov (HSE University)
Spatial patterns of age-specific sex ratios in Russian intraregional migration (abstract)
E. Chaika (HSE University)
Interregional Labor Migration in Russia: Data Sources, Trends, Causes (abstract)
N. Mkrtchyan (RANEPA)
Centers of attraction for internal migrants - cities or urban agglomerations? (abstract)
T. Zhuravskaia (FEFU), E. Kolbina (FEFU)
Shift Work in the Russian Far East: "Offshore Labor" and "Spaces of Exclusion" (abstract)
Tuesday, April 4
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session P-4-3. Trends of International Migration in Russia
Moderator: O. Chudinovskikh (Lomonosov MSU)
V. Yumaguzin (HSE University)
Russian emigration in 2022 according to mobile operators (abstract)
G. Bronitsky (HSE University), E. Vakulenko (HSE University)
Predicting international migration using Google Trends (abstract)
Y. Florinskaya (RANEPA)
Student migration to and from Russia: should we wait for changes after 2022? (abstract)
R. Javed (Westminster International University in Tashkent), B. Ibrokhimov (Westminster International University in Tashkent), M. Mughal (Pau Business School)
Migrants Remittances and Fertility in the Post-Soviet States (abstract)
Tuesday, April 4
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session P-4-4. Questions of the Study of Fertility
Moderator: E. Mitrofanova (HSE University)
E. Mitrofanova (HSE University), V. Kraynova (HSE University), S. Makarov (HSE University), O. Rodina (HSE University)
Financial well-being and reproductive intentions in a situation of increasing uncertainty in 2020. (abstract)
E. Churilova (HSE University), S. Zakharov (HSE University), O. Rodina (HSE University)
Get married and have a child: a variety of ways to realize births (abstract)
N. Ivashina (FEFU), E. Vakulenko (HSE University), Y. Svistyilnik (FEFU)
Regional maternity capital programs: impact on fertility in Russia (abstract)
O. Kalachikova (VolRS RAS), A. Shabunova (VolRS RAS)
Experience in implementing regional monitoring of demographic development (abstract)
Tuesday, April 4
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Session P-4-5. The Factor of Seasonality in Demographic Processes
Moderator: N. Kalmykova (Lomonosov MSU)
P. Kuznetsova (RANEPA), T. Maleva (RANEPA)
Excess child and adolescent summer mortality in children and adolescents: the effect of long school holidays? (abstract)
M. Maximenko (HSE University), S. Timonin (HSE University), N. Shartova (HSE University)
Excess Mortality in Cities and Regions of European Russia During 2010 Heatwave (abstract)
M. Vinnik (HSE University)
Seasonality of fertility and marriage in the city of Barnaul based on the Pokrovsky parish registers (1877-1897) (abstract)
Wednesday, April 5
Section BSpecial Sessions and Roundtables
Wednesday, April 5
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-5-1/1. Энергетические субсидии в ТЭК России
Moderator: M. Salikhov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
Issues for discussion:
Experts: I. Dolmatov (HSE University), S. Vasilyev (HSE University), S. Drobyshevsky (Ye.T. Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy), F. Khusainov (HSE University), I. Chomutov (Petromarket RG), M. Salikhov (HSE University), M. Dmitriev (RANEPA), V. Drebentsov (Russian Energy Agency), A. Kaukin (RANEPA)
Wednesday, April 5
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-5-1/2. Creative Industries: Prospects for Development and Educational Strategies - 1
Moderator: T. Abankina (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
Experts: V. Peshkova (Foundation for the Development of Public Diplomacy "Women's View"), O. Vapnyarskaya (HSE University), S. Uchaikina (Minister of Culture of the Sverdlovsk Region), J. Alekseeva (Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation), T. Rivchun (HSE University), N. Logutova (HSE University), O. Svetlova (Minister of Culture of the Arkhangelsk Region), I. Ayupova (Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan), S. Orlov (Moscow City Duma), M. Svistukhina (Сreative laboratory "Design Territory", Union of Creative Clusters), I. Zhukovsky (Russia - a country of opportunities), V. Berest (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, "Russian Creative Week"), N. Kuzmina (RANEPA), I. Klindukhov (Institute for the Development of Vocational Education), Z. Doguzova (MGIMO, Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation)
Wednesday, April 5
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-5-2. Education on Sustainable Development and ESG agenda
Moderator: A. Sharonov (National ESG Alliance)
Issues for discussion:
Experts: A. Sharonov (ESG Alliance), E. Ivanova (HSE University), A. Veselova (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 5
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-5-2/1. Verification of Green Finance Instruments. Russian Cases
Moderator: D. Aksakov (VEB.RF)
Issues for discussion:
• Необходимость верификации зеленых инструментов и инфраструктурных проектов. Международная практика
• Подходы российских рейтинговых агентств к верификации зеленых инструментов. Как повысить степень доверия инвесторов к выпускам зеленых инструментов?
• Модельная методология ВЭБ по верификации зеленых инструментов и инфраструктурных проектов (IRIIS). Использование в нормативном применении
• Методологии верификации социальных долговых инструментов
• Перспективные направления, над которыми работает ВЭБ в рамках разработки и совершенствования регулирования устойчивого развития и модельных методологий
Experts: M. Savinova (Kept), K. Kuznetsova (Gazprombank), N. Pochinok (Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation), V. Karpunina (Head of ESG Banking, Rosbank), E. Kovalevskiy (Leading Expert in ESG Banking), V. Skobarev (FBK), G. Shlyapin (Horizon CF), T. Tursunov (Group Business Solutions and Technologies/Deloitte), K. Chikina (NMLK), P. Nosko (Alrosa), V. Gorchakov (ACRA), Z. Zagidullin (General Director of the Agency for Corporate Development, «DA Strategy»), D. Aksakov (VEB.RF), T. Ambrozhevich (Head of Debt Capital Markets, Rosbank), N. Loginova (Moscow Exchange), S. Bik (Head of the Expert Analytical Platform Infragreen)
Issues for discussion:
• Необходимость верификации зеленых инструментов и инфраструктурных проектов. Международная практика
• Подходы российских рейтинговых агентств к верификации зеленых инструментов. Как повысить степень доверия инвесторов к выпускам зеленых инструментов?
• Модельная методология ВЭБ по верификации зеленых инструментов и инфраструктурных проектов (IRIIS). Использование в нормативном применении
• Методологии верификации социальных долговых инструментов
• Перспективные направления, над которыми работает ВЭБ в рамках разработки и совершенствования регулирования устойчивого развития и модельных методологий
Experts: N. Loginova (Moscow Exchange), P. Nosko (Alrosa), K. Chikina (NMLK), V. Gorchakov (ACRA), G. Shlyapin (Horizon CF), N. Pochinok (Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation), T. Tursunov (Group Business Solutions and Technologies/Deloitte), D. Shulakov (Gazprombank), V. Skobarev (FBK), E. Feoktistova (Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs), K. Kuznetsova (Gazprombank), M. Savinova (Kept), D. Aksakov (VEB.RF)
Wednesday, April 5
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Roundtable B-5-2/2. National Strategies for Women: Investing in Economic Empowerment
Moderator: V. Panova (Vice Rector, HSE University, Russian Sherpa, The Women 20 (W20))
Issues for discussion:
• How can countries invest into women’s economic empowerment?
• What good practices can be shared with in boosting women economic empowerment?
• What advocacy mechanisms are there for women to promote their economic rights?
• What results have been achieved by the governments within the framework of the national strategies in the interest of women?
• How do governments plan to address the unsolved issues in the upcoming years?
Experts: B. Rwodzi (Deputy Minister of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality industry of the Republic of Zimbabwe), T. Sakharova (Member of the Federation Council Committee on the Budget and Financial Markets), L. Opoku-Ware (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Ghana to the Russian Federation), N. Strigunova (Head of the Department of International Cooperation, Public Relations and Scientific Coordination, Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs), L. Moerdidjat (Vice Chair of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia), S. Poswayo (Gender Specialist of the Border Rural Committee (BRC), Founding Chair of the Inequality Movement (South Africa)), L. Ovcharova (Vice Rector, Director of the Institute for Social Policy, HSE University), L. Sisulu (Minister of Tourism of the Republic of South Africa (2014-2023), Member of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress), K. Kneissl (Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria (2017-2019)), S. Purecha (Chair W20 India), U. Silalahi (Indonesian W20 Sherpa, Chair, Department of Economy and International Relations, National Council of Women Indonesia (KOWANI)), G. Turktan (Founding President of W20, Turkish W20 Sherpa, Member, Presidential Council, KAGIDER (Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey))
Wednesday, April 5
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-5-2/3. Creative Industries: Prospects for Development and Educational Strategies - 2
Moderator: T. Abankina (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
Experts: N. Kuzmina (RANEPA), Z. Doguzova (MGIMO, Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation), I. Klindukhov (Institute for the Development of Vocational Education), O. Svetlova (Minister of Culture of the Arkhangelsk Region), S. Uchaikina (Minister of Culture of the Sverdlovsk Region), T. Rivchun (HSE University), J. Alekseeva (Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation), S. Orlov (Moscow City Duma), I. Zhukovsky (Russia - a country of opportunities), V. Peshkova (Foundation for the Development of Public Diplomacy "Women's View"), I. Ayupova (Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan), N. Logutova (HSE University), V. Berest (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, "Russian Creative Week"), M. Svistukhina (Сreative laboratory "Design Territory", Union of Creative Clusters), O. Vapnyarskaya (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 5
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-5-3/1. Creative Industries: Prospects for Development and Educational Strategies - 3
Moderator: T. Abankina (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
Experts: N. Kuzmina (RANEPA), I. Klindukhov (Institute for the Development of Vocational Education), J. Alekseeva (Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation), M. Svistukhina (Сreative laboratory "Design Territory", Union of Creative Clusters), N. Logutova (HSE University), T. Rivchun (HSE University), O. Vapnyarskaya (HSE University), Z. Doguzova (MGIMO, Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation), S. Orlov (Moscow City Duma), V. Peshkova (Foundation for the Development of Public Diplomacy "Women's View"), O. Svetlova (Minister of Culture of the Arkhangelsk Region), V. Berest (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, "Russian Creative Week"), I. Zhukovsky (Russia - a country of opportunities), S. Uchaikina (Minister of Culture of the Sverdlovsk Region), I. Ayupova (Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Wednesday, April 5
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Roundtable B-5-3/2. Inequality and new headwinds. The round table is organized in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2022-325)
Moderator: V. Anikin (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• What are the key trends in inequality in Russia and the world at large?
• How has the pandemic affected various layers of the population?
• How have the sanctions and isolation of Russia affected inequality?
• What social policy measures are most effective for reducing social inequality in light of new challenges?
Experts: V. Gorshkov (University of Niigata Prefecture), T. Maleeva (RANEPA), B. Milanović (City University of New York), D. Didenko (RANEPA), N. Tikhonova (HSE University, FCTAS RAS), S. Mareeva (HSE University, FCTAS RAS)
Issues for discussion:
• What are the key trends in inequality in Russia and the world at large?
• How has the pandemic affected various layers of the population?
• How have the sanctions and isolation of Russia affected inequality?
• What social policy measures are most effective for reducing social inequality in light of new challenges?
Experts: B. Milanović (City University of New York), V. Gorshkov (University of Niigata Prefecture), N. Tikhonova (HSE University, FCTAS RAS), T. Maleeva (RANEPA), S. Mareeva (HSE University), D. Didenko (RANEPA)
Wednesday, April 5
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-5-4. Financial Institution Innovation in a Crisis
Moderator: M. Golovnin (Institute of Economics RAS)
Issues for discussion:
• Digital transformation and changing corporate and banking business models
• Alternative financial systems, based on cryptocurrencies
• Digital national currencies and payment/crediting systems tied to them
• A digital rouble: prospects
• Development of control methods and algorithms, including the development of early warning systems and stress testing in financial institutions
• Growth in risk correlation: increase in importance of systemic risks, including ESG risks
• Financial aggregation: developing ecosystems and need for expanded risk management
• Digitalization of the obligatory regulation of financial institutions
Experts: A. Ponomarenko (Bank of Russia), D. Zauers (Gazprombank), A. Karminsky (HSE University), . Voytov (Partners Network), A. Moiseev (Institute for Forecasting RAS), D. Kochergin (SPbU), M. Rybin (MGIMO University), D. Pomazkin (HSE University), S. Grishunin (National Rating Agency), A. Varnavsky (Ingosstrakh, Financial University), S. Andryushin (Institute of Economics RAS)
Issues for discussion:
• Digital transformation and changing corporate and banking business models
• Alternative financial systems, based on cryptocurrencies
• Digital national currencies and payment/crediting systems tied to them
• A digital rouble: prospects
• Development of control methods and algorithms, including the development of early warning systems and stress testing in financial institutions
• Growth in risk correlation: increase in importance of systemic risks, including ESG risks
• Financial aggregation: developing ecosystems and need for expanded risk management
• Digitalization of the obligatory regulation of financial institutions
Experts: A. Moiseev (Institute for Forecasting RAS), A. Ponomarenko (Bank of Russia), A. Karminsky (HSE University), M. Rybin (MGIMO University), S. Andryushin (Institute of Economics RAS), S. Grishunin (National Rating Agency), D. Zauers (Gazprombank), D. Kochergin (SPbU), A. Varnavsky (Ingosstrakh, Financial University), D. Pomazkin (HSE University), . Voytov (Partners Network)
Section BbHonorary Reports
Wednesday, April 5
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Honorary paper Bb-5-1. Nabil Fahmy (American University in Cairo (AUC), Egypt) A world in disorder - a view from Cairo
Moderator: V. Naumkin (Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS)
The world order is facing a perfect storm with its political, military and economic pillars shaking to the core. There are numerous reasons for this, but most of all, the players statically embrace archaic post-World War II concepts and statuses that were never equitable, are no longer relevant to today’s realities, and are not commensurate with contemporary challenges.
The Middle East has faced a regional tsunami of its own as well, where geopolitical balances shifted dramatically, national identities faced ethnic challenges and government to people social contracts were seriously tested. Significant challenges remain, which the region must overcome as it attempts to navigate tenuous security, political and socioeconomic pathways towards a better future for its peoples. Of utmost importance is the preservation of the nation state concept and responding equitably to legitimate aspirations under international law.
The global and regional challenges are taken on candidly and resolutely in this presentation, identifying core problems and offering potential solutions in light of over four decades of public service and in academia, focusing on international and regional security issues.
Wednesday, April 5
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Honorary paper Bb-5-2. Branko Milanović (City University of New York, USA) Recent trends in global income distribution and their political implications
Moderator: I. Voskoboynikov (HSE University)
This talk will discuss the evolution in global inequality over the past two centuries, with a focus on the most recent 2008-2018 estimates, and will draw the political implications of the important changes that are taking place in global distribution of income. In particular, it will focus on the rise of the middle class in Asia, income stagnation of rich countries’ middle classes, reshuffling of global income positions, and the emergence of the global plutocracy. Furthermore, it will discuss the possible future evolution of global inequality, whereby the roles of India and large African countries will become increasingly important.
Wednesday, April 5
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Honorary paper Bb-5-3. Karin Kneissl (Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria (2017-2019)) Orientation stems from Orient - or why I became the one I am thanks to the Orient
Moderator: V. Panova (Vice Rector, HSE University)
How I decided to study Arabic and Hebrew, how I organised my journey in the 1980s, why by coincidence I became diplomat, then founded my little company and due to another coincidence became Foreign Minister, crossed various hells and now reinvent my life between Lebanon and Russia. And why life is an enigma.
Section BcInvited Reports
Wednesday, April 5
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Invited paper Bc-5-1. Siyuan Jiang (China National Committee for SCO Legal Service Exchange and Cooperation, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Сoordinator of the mechanism for the meeting of Ministers of the SCO member states under the Ministry of Justice) Digitalization of the platform of providing trans-border legal services: the case of the reform on platforming legal services for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Moderator: N. Kovaleva (HSE University)
With the advent of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, and Big Data have been mushrooming. “Internet Plus” has come to the fore nowadays. With various industries getting to apply Big Data, which make them more integrated with the Internet, the legal service industry cannot stay out. At present, with the wave of digitization surging, traditional legal service of cross-border business cooperation is still deficient in many ways. Taking legal service between the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as an example, its operation still has widespread flaws in traditional cross-border legal services. For example, special cases are dealt with in special proceedings by specially invited experts; one method is only used on one case; case elements are scattered and standardized information is unbalanced; the approval process takes too long and with complicated procedures. In the context of a new round of industrial transformation, the Internet will change the developmental pattern of the legal service industry, as well as social production and lifestyles. In the future, the reform of digital construction of the SCO legal service platform should rely on the current situation on the legal service market in various SCO states, strengthen policy guidance, technical guidance, compliance consultation, project cooperation, conducting a series of opinion polls in the sphere of environment and labour standards according to the actual situation of regional economic and trade cooperation. It’s important to strengthen platform-based implementation of policy guidelines, technical guidance, compliance consultation, project collaboration and public opinion polling on working conditions.
Wednesday, April 5
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Invited paper Bc-5-5. Amitabh Anand (Excelia Business School, La Rochelle, France) The Dark Sides in Entrepreneurship, and Business in Emerging Markets
Moderator: I. Prostakov (HSE University)
For nearly half a century, scholars have investigated the phenomena of dark side in business ethics, organization studies and international management. In recent years, the construct has gained increased attention due to widely reported corruption, bribery, crime, violations, and other immorality undertaken by organizations, especially in emerging markets. Moreover, numerous contributions to entrepreneurship recognize its positive impact on economic and social development. However, other negative and destructive aspects of entrepreneurship are often overlooked, remain fragmented, and thus lack depth and categorizations. The dark side of activities is notorious in emerging markets, as misconduct has become more ubiquitous, affecting every nation, business, and industry of all scales and types. The United Nations claims that corruption, bribery, theft, and tax evasion cost emerging economies around US$ 1.26 trillion annually (United Nations, 2019). Meanwhile, an Ernst and Young survey finds that 42% of respondents from EMs believe that fraud and corruption are among the biggest threats to their businesses compared to 29% of informants in developed markets. Stories of entrepreneurs resorting to shady, illegal, and unethical practices are dismissed as anomalies, i.e. exceptions to the rule. This talk will present theoretical and empirical investigations of the dark side of entrepreneurship and business specific to emerging markets.
Section IInternational Relations
Moderator: T. Bordachev (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 5
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session I-5-1/1. The Phenomenon of Armed Intervention in the Historical and Modern Context
Moderator: I. Safranchuk (MGIMO University, HSE University)
I. Istomin (MGIMO)
Evolution of American approaches to interference in internal affairs in the context of rethinking the Monroe Doctrine (abstract)
A. Nesmashniy (MGIMO)
International armed Intervention in conflicts — towards a general theoretical model (abstract)
S. Korostelev (Joint Commission under the IPA CIS on the Harmonization of legislation in the field of security and countering new challenges and threats)
The influence of the state of the modern security environment on the possibility and forms of armed intervention  (abstract)
D. Chernov (HSE University)
Database of armed intervention: a multifactorial approach (abstract)
Discussants: I. Timofeev (Russian International Affairs Council, MGIMO University), E. Sedashov (HSE University), D. Degterev (RUDN University )
Wednesday, April 5
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session I-5-1/2. The Arctic after the "Space of Universal Cooperation" - 1
Moderator: I. Strelnikova (HSE University)
O. Kharina (HSE University)
Cooperation of Russia and India in the Arctic: from discussions to projects (abstract)
P. Gudev (IMEMO RAS)
Arctic Conflict Potential: Myths and Reality (abstract)
Y. Zaika (FRC KSC RAS)
The Arctic science continuum of uncertainty: from a model of successful cooperation to a model of hard confrontation (abstract)
Wednesday, April 5
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session I-5-2. The Arctic after the "Space of Universal Cooperation" - 1
Moderator: I. Strelnikova (HSE University)
L. Maria (SPBU)
Arctic Science Diplomacy of Russia: Problems of Formation and Prospects for Development (abstract)
P. Devyatkin (HSE University)
Environmental Detente: U.S.-Russia Arctic science diplomacy through political tensions (abstract)
N. Khusravkhon (HSE University), M. Maiorov (HSE University), D. Popov (HSE University)
Challenges and prospects of interaction between the great powers in the Arctic: Russia, China and the USA (abstract)
Wednesday, April 5
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable I-5-3. The Greater Mediterranean in the Concepts of Strategic Depth of the USA, the Russian Federation, the EU and Turkey (Organized Jointly with the Institute of Europe RAS)
Moderator: E. Entina (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Opportunities and limits of the Russian-Turkish partnership in regulating crises in the Mediterranean
• The Mediterranean as an energy hub: cui prodest?
• Mediterranean integration: strategic dead end or new solutions?
• The Mediterranean in the context of militarization and rising new threats: is a balance of power possible?
Experts: O. Tanrisever (Middle East Technical University), P. Timofeev (IMEMO RAS), A. Nadzharov (HSE University), S. Davranova (HSE University), N. Kulieva (HSE University), S. Yankovic (Institute of International Politics and World Economy), E. Alekseenkova (Institute of Europe RAS), A. Pivovarenko (Institute of Slavic Studies RAS), A. Chikhachev (SPbU), M. Kolesnikova (Institute of Europe RAS), E. Maslova (MGIMO)
Section JEconomic Methodology
Moderator: V. Avtonomov (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 5
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session J-5-1. Some Methodological Problems
Moderator: V. Avtonomov (HSE University)
M. Bakeev (HSE University), I. Lola (HSE University)
Use of survey data in economics: methodological barriers and their overcoming (abstract)
A. Upravitelev (European University Institute), E. Bronnikov (Utrecht University)
Problem of Validity in Experimental Economics (abstract)
S. Natalia (Herzen University)
Fragmentation of modern economic methodology (abstract)
Wednesday, April 5
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session J-5-2. General View on Specific Economic Problems
Moderator: O. Ananyin (HSE University)
S. Parinov (Central Economic Mathematical Institute of RAS)
Economic man in coordination processes (abstract)
A. Rubinstein (IE RAS), A. Gorodetsky (IE RAS)
On the evolution of the paternalistic state (abstract)
N. Smorodinskaya (Institute of Economics, RAS), D. Katukov (Institute of Economics, RAS)
The theory of economic sanctions and the sanctions stress effects (the case of Russia) (abstract)
A. Podgaiko (SFU)
The new fundamental nature of economic inequality (abstract)
Wednesday, April 5
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session J-5-3. Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet Economic Thought
Moderator: A. Maltsev (Lomonosov MSU)
N. Drozdova (SPbU), E. Ivanova (SPbRC RAS)
«Kak gosudarstvo bogateet»: Ivan Tihonovich Pososhkov o skudosti i bogatstve (abstract)
V. Avtonomov (HSE University), R. Entov (HSE University)
Soviet Investigations in Business Cycles theory (abstract)
V. Polterovich (CEMI RAS)
The Formation of Modern Economic Science in Russia: Paradoxes of Escaping the Marxist Yoke (abstract)
A. Maltsev (Lomonosov MSU)
Theory without measurement or measurement without theory: or some features of doing economic history in Russia (abstract)
Section OState and Local Government, and NPO sector
Moderators: A. Klimenko (HSE University), I. Mersiyanova (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 5
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session O-5-1. Civil Society Practices: History and Present
Moderator: A. Telitsyna (HSE University)
A. Tumanova (HSE University)
The Russian doctors-pirogovs project of socially oriented medicine and its role in the transformation of society (abstract)
M. Shabanova (HSE University)
Ethical Consumption as an Indicator and a Resource for Civil Society Transformation in Russiaa (abstract)
M. Pevnaya (URFU)
Typology of youth volunteering or how to overcome volunteer non-participation (based on the results of research in Sverdlovsk region) (abstract)
A. SAINI (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations and Activism in Russia: Evolution and Challenges (abstract)
Wednesday, April 5
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session O-5-2. International Aspects of Civil Society Development
Moderator: N. Ivanova (HSE University)
V. Benevolenski (HSE University)
Pandemic Impact on Nonprofit Regimes: Convergence and Path Dependency? (abstract)
T. Nezhina (HSE University), T. Nezhina (HSE University)
The effects of debt crisis on charity: international analyses  (abstract)
R. Yesbergen (Branch of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan: current state and development prospects (abstract)
Wednesday, April 5
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session O-5-3. NPOs and Civic Activism
Moderator: V. Benevolensky (HSE University)
A. Saponova (ZIRCON Research Group), V. Reshetova (ZIRCON Research Group)
Professional Identity and Work Motivation in Nonprofit Sector (abstract)
E. Zueva (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod), S. Pavlovskaya (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod), N. Sirotkina (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod)
Assessment of the motivation level of Nizhny Novgorod and Nizhny Novgorod region volunteers (abstract)
S. Saigushinskaya (Lomonosov MSU)
Openness and transparency of the activities of non-profit organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent (abstract)
A. Bugrovskii (HSE University)
Factors of the Inertia’s Persistence of the Institutes of Interaction between Interest Groups and the Authorities: the Case of All-Russian Societal Organizations of the Disabled People (abstract)
Wednesday, April 5
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable O-5-4. Good Neighborliness and Management of the Local Community as a Driver of Territorial Development
Moderators: V. Weiner (HSE University), A. Shadrin (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Developing local self-administration, municipalities and regions
• Encouraging neighbourly, conscientious, competent and empathetic local communities
• Active involvement of residents in municipalities
• Active development of municipal formations in general and communal outdoor spaces in particular
• Stable regional development
• History, current situation and problems in the formation and operation of regional and local communities
• Measures undertaken to dealing with issues, e.g., legislative aspects
Experts: N. Matienko (Expert of the Local and Territorial Public Self-government of the EAO), A. Maksimov (RANEPA, "Union of Russian Cities"), A. Lukichev (HSE University), E. Shugrina (SPbU), S. Kuznetsov (HSE University)
Section PDemography and Labour Markets
Moderators: M. Denisenko (HSE University), L. Smirnykh (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 5
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session P-5-1. Employment and Unemployment
Moderator: I. Denisova (Lomonosov MSU)
A. Zudina (HSE University)
Informal employment in Russia in 2011-2020: scale, dynamics and structure before and after COVID-19 pandemic (abstract)
A. Maigur (RANEPA)
Regional analysis of registered unemployment duration (abstract)
E. Lishchuk (Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS, SSUWT), S. Kapelyuk (Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS)
Unemployment in the digital age (abstract)
M. Giltman (UTMN), A. Merzlyakova (UTMN), R. Murzagulova (UTMN)
Factors Affecting the Probability of Getting out of Registered Unemployment (abstract)
Wednesday, April 5
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Session P-5-2. Inequality in the Labor Market
Moderator: A. Lukyanova (HSE University)
A. Davydova (Lomonosov MSU), E. Yakovlev (NES), H. Zoabi (NES)
Gender income inequality within the household: evidence from Russia (abstract)
A. Ternikov (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Artificial intelligence and wage premium on Russian labor market: Evidence from job advertisements (abstract)
A. Woergoetter (Independent researcher)
Sectoral public-private remuneration patterns in South Africa (abstract)
E. Kotyrlo (HSE University)
Not by Bread Alone: Job Satisfaction in Public and Private Sectors (abstract)
Wednesday, April 5
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session P-5-3. Human Capital and Demand for Skills
Moderator: S. Solntsev (HSE University)
A. Demianova (HSE University), S. Pokrovskiy (HSE University)
Level Of Digital Skills Of The Employed: Key Determinants (abstract)
E. Tarunina (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod), A. Aistov (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod), L. Smirnykh (HSE University)
Impact of entrepreneurial experience on employee wages (abstract)
S. Kapelyuk (Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS), E. Lishchuk (Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS, SSUWT)
Skill requirements for green jobs: Evidence from vacancy data (abstract)
M. Kartseva (RANEPA)
Factors of gender inequality of unpaid work in couples with children in Russia (abstract)
Wednesday, April 5
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable P-5-4. New Wave of Emigration from Russia. The round table is organized in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2022-325)
Moderator: V. Mukomel (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS)
Issues for discussion:
• Data sources on emigration from Russia
• Size and key areas of emigration flows
• Socio-demographic makeup of emigrants, e.g., age, gender, education, professional abilities
• Position of new Russian emigrants
• Intent and perspectives for returning to Russia
• Consequences of emigration flows
Experts: A. Korobkov (Middle Tennessee State University), J. Florinskaya (RANEPA), L. Borusyak (MGPU), V. Mukomel (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS), M. Denisenko (HSE University), M. Tolts (Hebrew University)
Section RManagement
Moderator: S. Kushch (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 5
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session R-5-1. Transformation of HR Systems and People Management Strategies
Moderator: O. Zelenova (HSE University)
V. Kabalina (HSE University), O. Mondrus (Tel Aviv University), K. Reshetnikova (HSE University)
How Flexible Human Resource Management Systems contribute to organizational resilience of the Russian companies? (abstract)
S. Shaposhnikov (HSE University), Y. Sadoi (Meijo University)
Transformation of Japanese human resource management in a new reality (abstract)
E. Mudretsova (FOM), Y. Kot (FOM), E. Petrenko (FOM), G. Smirnitsky (FOM)
"Antifragility" of Russian Entrepreneurs: from the Pandemic Crisis to TurboReality (abstract)
O. Belyak (USUE), E. Kalabina (USUE), A. Revina (Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences)
Is there a link between employee engagement and soft skills: a comparative analysis of Russian and German data (abstract)
Wednesday, April 5
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session R-5-3/1. International Business in the Face of New Challenges
Moderator: A. Veselova (HSE University)
N. Filinov (HSE University), I. Gurkov (HSE University), Z. Saidov (HSE University)
What is going on with technologies and management in Russian subsidiaries of Western manufacturing companies, having changed their owners? (abstract)
L. Ermolaeva (SPbU), S. Chen (SPbU)
Chinese SMEs in Russia under sanctions: A four-stage model of strategic fit (abstract)
A. Tekic (HSE University), E. Tsyrenova (HSE University)
Drivers and barriers of entrepreneurial intentions among students across cultural contexts: a neo-configurational perspective (abstract)
T. Papic (University Singidunum), T. Jakulin (University of Primorsk)
Innovation management: the role of system thinking models in business model innovation (abstract)
Wednesday, April 5
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable R-5-3/2. Decarbonization and Energy Transition
Moderator: M. Akim (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Are there ready-made practical recommendations and cases for a low hydron-carbin economy under new conditions, bearing in mind the specifics of Russia’s regions and its industrial structure?
• What does energy transition mean for regions: new restrictions or opportunities for development?
• What state measures can be undertaken to stimulate business to invest in technological transformation for decarbonization, reducing emissions and energy transition?
• What should be done on the regulatory level to ensure this transition?
• What are the advantages and restrictions for companies and regions in ensuring the development of green assets and technologies?
• What regional strategies, principles and instruments can help in energy transition?
• What is unique in Russia’s approach to energy transition?
Experts: O. Pertsovskiy (Skolkovo Foundation), V. Alenkov (Government of the Sakhalin Region), M. Yulkin (CarbonLab), I. Volkova (HSE University), I. Gaida (Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO)
Wednesday, April 5
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable R-5-4. Supply Chains’ Reconfiguration Under Current Conditions of Russian Business Development
Moderator: A. Kolik (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Reconfiguration of international supply chains under today’s conditions (key results of HSE research)
• State support for reconfiguration of international supply chains: measures and business expectations
• What recommendations for enhancing supply chains are the academic community offering?
• Areas of future research in reconstruction and stabilization of supply chains
Experts: V. Plotskiy (Far Eastern Shipping Company), V. Demin (Coordinating Council for Logistics, Scientific and Educational Center for Innovative Technologies in Logistics), V. Kodanev (HSE University, Bidzaar LLC), I. Agarkova (SIBUR), O. Evseev (Russian Academy of Transport, Center of the Mobility management in Agglomeration Transport systems), Y. Tashbaev (Council of Supply Chain Professionals), V. Gerami (HSE University), O. Dunayev (Committee on International Cooperation, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs)
Section WSmart City
Moderators: E. Mikhaylenko (HSE University), K. Trofimenko (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 5
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session W-5-4. Smart City Research: Socio-Economic Aspects
Moderator: K. Trofimenko (HSE University)
K. Afanasiev (Pushkin Leningrad state university), E. Stepanova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Study of the post-effects of the implementation of public space projects: from the analysis of digital traces to the assessment of the sustainability of design results (abstract)
A. Bozhya-Volya (HSE University - Perm)
Complex Assessment of "Smart City" Results: Outputs VS Outcomes (abstract)
O. Anastasiia (Lomonosov MSU), V. Elena (RANEPA)
Experience in the implementation of the project "Active Citizen" as an electronic service of public participation" (abstract)
I. Dunichkin (HSE University)
Axiomatic design in socio-regenerative adaptation of a smart city (abstract)
Wednesday, April 5
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable W-5-5. Digital Urban Planning: Revolutionary Efficiency Gains or New Barriers?
Moderators: K. Trofimenko (HSE University), S. Mityagin (ITMO University)
Issues for discussion:
• Algorithms for administration and urban development in Smart Cities. Digital dynamic platforms for urban planning as an integrated administrative and developmental technology
• Digital twins of cities, city information modeling (CIM) systems as urban development platform
• AI in urban planning and administration of Smart Cities
• Econometric modeling of digitalization processes in urban planning
• Global transformation of urban transport systems during the digital era
Experts: I. Ilina (HSE University), М. Перельмутер (КРоСС)
Section XLaw in the Digital Age
Moderators: V. Vinogradov (HSE University), A. Larichev (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 5
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session X-5-4. Digital Technologies and Law
Moderator: A. Larichev (HSE University)
D. Romanov (HSE University), V. Popov (HSE University), V. Tsibulsky (Preferentum Ltd.)
Ethical similarity assessment of legal acts using machine learning methods (abstract)
A. Mochalov (USLU named after V. F. Yakovlev)
A Man and Computer Algorithms: Legal Aspects of Interaction and Trends in Legal Regulation (abstract)
D. Kurbakova (Vladimir Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia)
The algorithm of investigative actions using video conferencing systems (abstract)
Wednesday, April 5
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Session X-5-5. Legal Aspects of Digital Security
Moderator: N. Kovalyova (HSE University)
Y. Tihomirov (HSE University), V. Churakov (HSE University)
Technological imperatives: legal aspects (abstract)
D. Skougarevskiy (EUSP)
Cost of cyber fraud in Russia: a compensating variation approach (abstract)
V. Zinovieva (Russian University of Transport )
Contemporary Legal Issues of Personal Data Breaches and Some Solutions to Protect Personal Information (abstract)
Section YInstrumental Methods in Economic and Social Studies
Moderators: F. Aleskerov (HSE University), A. Myachin (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 5
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session Y-5-3. Instrumental Methods in Network Analysis
S. Shvydun (HSE University)
Centrality in Network Structures and its Properties (abstract)
D. Tkachev (HSE University), F. Aleskerov (HSE University), S. Dutta (HSE University), D. Egorov (HSE University)
Networks under deep uncertainty. Food security of countries (abstract)
N. Ryabchenko (KubSU), O. Malysheva (KubSU)
Managing social networks and networked structures: discursive field modelling (abstract)
E. Vasilyeva (LPI RAS), A. Leonidov (LPI RAS), S. Radionov (LPI RAS)
Cascades in World Input-Output Network: Illusion of Stability (abstract)
Wednesday, April 5
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session Y-5-4. Instrumental Methods in Data Dnalysis Tasks - 1
Y. Festa (HSE University), H. PENIKAS (HSE University)
Clustering with empty clusters (abstract)
A. Plesovskikh (SibFU)
Customer Lifetime Value: Evolution of Approaches to Predicting Customer Behavior (abstract)
A. Myachin (HSE University)
Latent Class Analysis and Pattern Analysis in the Study of Heterogeneous of the Data (abstract)
Wednesday, April 5
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Y-5-5. Instrumental Methods in Data Dnalysis Tasks - 2
E. Antipov (HSE University - St. Petersburg), E. Pokryshevskaya (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
A multivariate analysis of attribute importance for technically complex products using regression analysis of publicly available data (abstract)
E. Pokryshevskaya (HSE University - St. Petersburg), E. Antipov (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Inferring car safety ratings from a crash report system’s data (abstract)
A. Drozd (FEFU), A. Nagapetyan (FEFU)
How many Lives does One Cardiologist Save per Year? CVD Mortality Spatial Econometric Modeling using the Instrumental Variable Method in the regions of the Russian Federation (abstract)
Thursday, April 6
Section BSpecial Sessions and Roundtables
Thursday, April 6
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-6-3/1. Problems of Social Information Dissemination in the Global Online Space
Issues for discussion:
• Theoretical grounds for generation of academic pictures and samples of media consumers
• Interpretation of the pandemic in Europe through the prism of international alternative English-language media
• Mis- and disinformation and its discussion in the informational space in light of COVID-19
• Phenomenon of the global media-storm in the global informational/online space
• “Info-demia” as a phenomenon
• Language of foreign media during times of conflict and turbulence
• Media content as a field of sociological analysis
Experts: O. Dmitriev (HSE University), S. Shomova (HSE University), V. Kolomiets (Lomonosov Moscow State University), N. Golovin (SPbU), P. Balditsyn (Lomonosov Moscow State University), O. Afanasyeva (HSE University), A. Sharikov (HSE University), S. Davydov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Theoretical grounds for generation of academic pictures and samples of media consumers
• Interpretation of the pandemic in Europe through the prism of international alternative English-language media
• Mis- and disinformation and its discussion in the informational space in light of COVID-19
• Phenomenon of the global media-storm in the global informational/online space
• “Info-demia” as a phenomenon
• Language of foreign media during times of conflict and turbulence
• Media content as a field of sociological analysis
Experts: V. Kolomiets (Lomonosov Moscow State University), S. Shomova (HSE University), N. Golovin (SPbU), O. Afanasyeva (HSE University), S. Davydov (HSE University), P. Balditsyn (Lomonosov Moscow State University), A. Sharikov (HSE University), O. Dmitriev (HSE University)
Thursday, April 6
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-6-3/2. Russian bond market: problems and perpectives
Moderator: A. Stolyarov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
Experts: S. Khandokhin (Finam), T. Teplova (HSE University), R. Kokorev (Association of Bondholders), M. Ivanov (Tinkoff Bank), A. Nemtseva (Raiffasen Bank), M. Mamuta (Bank of Russia), I. Vinokurov (Association of Bondholders), R. Kokorev (MSU), D. Taskin (MICEX), I. Belov (Aricapital), S. Sergey (Rosselkhozbank), M. Tkachenko (Sovkombank), D. Alexsandrov (Ivolga-Capital)
Issues for discussion:
Experts: R. Kokorev (MSU), M. Ivanov (Tinkoff Bank), S. Sergey (Rosselkhozbank), I. Vinokurov (Association of Bondholders), D. Alexsandrov (Ivolga-Capital), I. Belov (Aricapital), T. Teplova (HSE University), A. Nemtseva (Raiffasen Bank), M. Mamuta (Bank of Russia), S. Khandokhin (Finam), R. Kokorev (Association of Bondholders), D. Taskin (MICEX), M. Tkachenko (Sovkombank)
Thursday, April 6
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-6-4/1. Assessment of Integration Processes in the EAEU Trade: Integration Index – 2023 and Short-Term Modifying Trends (presentation of the HSE University Report)
Moderators: N. Kulbatyrov (Center for Trade Policy Development Joint-Stock Company "QazTrade"), A. Daniltsev (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Integration indices and dynamics of their development:
- composite trade indices, with consideration of trade intensity and its additionality, as well as intra-industry trade (Russian Federation)
- multifactor index for complementarity of trade in services (Republic of Kazakhstan)
- integration index of the investment climate in the EAEU space (Republic of Armenia and Republic of Kyrgyzstan)
• Developing new technologies in the EAEU space (mass application of digital technologies in academic processes at universities in the EAEU space)
• International experience for the EAEU citing examples for regional partnership (transportation/logistical assessment of integration of ASEAN countries: lessons for the EAEU)
• New challenges and problems for agriculture in the EAEU space
Experts: A. Pakhomov (reviewer of the report, RANEPA), N. Kulbatirov (Center for Trade Policy Development, Joint-Stock Company "QazTrade"), D. Ahvedyn (“Ambred” ASEU), Z. Enikeeva (University of Central Asia), I. Saltanova (Institute of Modern Knowledge. A.M. Shirokov), E. Smirnov (reviewer of the report, State University of Management), A. Daniltsev (HSE University)
Thursday, April 6
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-6-4/2. Corporate Financial Strategies in a New Normal - 1
Moderator: I. Ivashkovskaya (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• What are the challenges for corporate financial strategies driven by the new economic and geopolitical realities?
• Focus on technological independent and opportunities for growth in sectors. How to adapt investment policy?
• New financial practices in major and medium-sized companies
• Role of state funds in adapting to the new reality
• How have changes in property structure affected financial and corporate strategies?
• What is new in the strategies for acquisitions under new economic and geopolitical realities? How can major companies emerge under these new conditions?
• How is business restructuring applied?
• Effectiveness of tax instruments for new business structuring
• How do boards of directors deal with identifying and applying drivers of inclusive business growth? What formats make it possible to move to inclusive growth among major firms? What about SMEs?
• ESG-agenda. New priorities? New objectives in financial policy?
• How integrated thinking can help business stability and encourage inclusive growth?
• Corporate reporting and communications with stakeholders and investors. How are they used to ensure both growth and stability?
• How are companies dealing with “cancel culture”? Counter-strategies a year later
Experts: O. Mikhaylovskiy (Sberbank CIB), A. Ikonnikov (Independent Directors Association), I. Barsola (SberBank), N. Serdyukova (LUKOIL), Y. Nechuyatov (B1), D. Kolomytsyn (NLMK Group), A. Chizhov (B1), I. Korlyakov (MKB), D. Miguel (Trust Technologies-Consulting/PricewaterhouseCoopers), V. Zaluzhsky (NLMK), A. Kabaeva (Trust Technologies-Consulting/PricewaterhouseCoopers), M. Glukhova (Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs), K. Lapina (Severstal, Severstal-Centre of Unified Service)), I. Topolya (SberBank), K. Kuznecova (Gazprombank), I. Bakhtina (Rusal)
Issues for discussion:
• What are the challenges for corporate financial strategies driven by the new economic and geopolitical realities?
• Focus on technological independent and opportunities for growth in sectors. How to adapt investment policy?
• New financial practices in major and medium-sized companies
• Role of state funds in adapting to the new reality
• How have changes in property structure affected financial and corporate strategies?
• What is new in the strategies for acquisitions under new economic and geopolitical realities? How can major companies emerge under these new conditions?
• How is business restructuring applied?
• Effectiveness of tax instruments for new business structuring
• How do boards of directors deal with identifying and applying drivers of inclusive business growth? What formats make it possible to move to inclusive growth among major firms? What about SMEs?
• ESG-agenda. New priorities? New objectives in financial policy?
• How integrated thinking can help business stability and encourage inclusive growth?
• Corporate reporting and communications with stakeholders and investors. How are they used to ensure both growth and stability?
• How are companies dealing with “cancel culture”? Counter-strategies a year later
Experts: I. Topolya (SberBank), M. Glukhova (Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs), Y. Nechuyatov (B1), D. Miguel (Trust Technologies-Consulting/PricewaterhouseCoopers), N. Serdyukova (LUKOIL), A. Kabaeva (Trust Technologies-Consulting/PricewaterhouseCoopers), K. Kuznecova (Gazprombank), I. Barsola (SberBank), D. Kolomytsyn (NLMK Group), I. Bakhtina (Rusal), V. Zaluzhsky (NLMK), K. Lapina (Severstal, Severstal-Centre of Unified Service)), A. Chizhov (B1), A. Ikonnikov (Independent Directors Association), O. Mikhaylovskiy (Sberbank CIB), I. Korlyakov (MKB)
Thursday, April 6
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-6-5. Корпоративные финансовые стратегии в новой реальности - 2
Moderator: I. Ivashkovskaya (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• What are the challenges for corporate financial strategies driven by the new economic and geopolitical realities?
• Focus on technological independent and opportunities for growth in sectors. How to adapt investment policy?
• New financial practices in major and medium-sized companies
• Role of state funds in adapting to the new reality
• How have changes in property structure affected financial and corporate strategies?
• What is new in the strategies for acquisitions under new economic and geopolitical realities? How can major companies emerge under these new conditions?
• How is business restructuring applied?
• Effectiveness of tax instruments for new business structuring
• How do boards of directors deal with identifying and applying drivers of inclusive business growth? What formats make it possible to move to inclusive growth among major firms? What about SMEs?
• ESG-agenda. New priorities? New objectives in financial policy?
• How integrated thinking can help business stability and encourage inclusive growth?
• Corporate reporting and communications with stakeholders and investors. How are they used to ensure both growth and stability?
• How are companies dealing with “cancel culture”? Counter-strategies a year later
Experts: Y. Nechuyatov (B1), A. Kabaeva (Trust Technologies-Consulting/PricewaterhouseCoopers), A. Ikonnikov (Independent Directors Association), I. Topolya (SberBank), I. Korlyakov (MKB), O. Mikhailovsky (Sberbank CIB), I. Bakhtina (Rusal), N. Serdyukova (LUKOIL), M. Glukhova (Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs), K. Kuznecova (Gazprombank), D. Kolomytsyn (NLMK Group), K. Lapina (Severstal, Severstal-Centre of Unified Service)), V. Zaluzhsky (НЛМК), D. Miguel (Tedo), A. Chizhov (B1), I. Barsola (SberBank)
Section BbHonorary Reports
Thursday, April 6
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Honorary paper Bb-6-1/1. Sergey Tsyplakov (University of South Carolina, USA) Asset sales and Chapter 11
Moderator: M. Nikitin (HSE University)
We provide a continuous-time model of a financially distressed firm, which is able to file for bankruptcy. A key aspect of our model is the ability of the firm to sell part of its assets and use the proceeds to reduce debt and emerge from bankruptcy. The shareholders’ incentives to divest is affected by the expected length of time that the firm will be allowed to spend in bankruptcy protection and whether the firm chooses to commit to asset sales prior to entering bankruptcy. This model produces a number of testable hypotheses regarding the decisions of distressed and bankrupt firms to commit and actually sell assets. We also stress the effects of the agency problems of Chapter 11, especially if a protection period is sub-optimally long, leading to a firm’s unwillingness to commit to asset sales, delayed sales and premature bankruptcy filings. Empirical analysis of bankruptcy data supports many of the model's predictions.
Thursday, April 6
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Honorary paper Bb-6-1/2. Vitalii Meliantsev (Russian Academy of Sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia) To what extend and how quickly are developing countries catching up with developed ones?
Moderator: A. Karneev (HSE University)
This lecture, based on a number of author's calculations, indices and models, examines the economic achievements of developing countries (RS) against the background of developed ones. The author proceeds from the premise that, in developed countries (RG), despite their preservation of leading positions in many segments of innovation and modern technologies, there is, due to the loss of a number of competitive advantages and demographic dividend, a cascading slowdown in the growth rate of per capita GDP and aggregate factor productivity (TFP; on average with 2.5% per year in 1950-1980 to 1.6% in 1980-2000. and 0.7% in 2000-2022). The situation in the RS is generally more optimistic.
Although (a) in many countries of the so-called Deep South, macroeconomic performance is generally low, (b) most Afro-Asian and Latin American countries are experiencing acute environmental and social problems, (c) the RGS, to some extent, pursue a policy of restraining the growth of several of the most successful of the RS. In general, they, thanks to the success of such countries like China and India, have made significant progress.
In 2000 - 2021/2022, the RS were ahead of the RG as a whole in terms of efficiency of capital investments by 2.5 times, in terms of the average growth rates of industrial production, and SFP – by five and two times, respectively. Their share in world GDP, which has grown by one and a half times to 3/5 over the past forty-odd years, may, with a certain degree of probability, increase to ¾ by the middle of this century.
Thursday, April 6
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Honorary paper Bb-6-5/1. Eric Maskin (Harvard University, USA (Nobel Prize winner)) A resolution of Arrow’s impossibility theorem
Moderator: F. Aleskerov (HSE University)
We argue that Arrow’s (1951) independence of irrelevant alternatives condition (IIA) is unjustifiably stringent. Although, in elections, it has the desirable effect of ruling out spoilers (e.g., Candidate A spoils the election for B if B beats C when all voters rank A low, but C beats B when some voters rank A high - - A splits off support from B), it is stronger than necessary for this purpose. Worse, it makes a voting rule insensitive to voters’ preference intensities. Accordingly, we propose a modified version of IIA to address these problems. Rather than obtaining an impossibility result, we show that a voting rule satisfies modified IIA, Arrow’s other conditions, May’s (1952) axioms for majority rule, and a mild consistency condition if and only if it is the Borda count (Borda 1781), i.e., rank-order voting.
Thursday, April 6
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Honorary paper Bb-6-5/2. Jubin Abutalebi (University Vita Salute San Raffaele, Italy; The Arctic University of Tromsoe, Norway) Preventing dementia through bilingualism
Moderator: A. Myachykov (HSE University)
Dementia is an umbrella term for a set of neurodegenerative diseases (of which Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common one) with debilitating symptoms, primarily impairment of memory and other cognitive abilities, eventually leading to the loss of autonomy over everyday activities. It is the leading cause of disability for older adults (World Health Organization, 2017). Older age is commonly (but not for all types of dementia) a risk factor for development of the disease. As the average age of the global population increases, dementia is becoming a heightened burden in both societal and financial terms around the world. Dementia was estimated to lead to annual costs of almost a trillion USD in 2016, with predicted annual increase of this amount by 15.94% (Xu et al., 2017). As there is currently no pharmacological cure for dementia, special interest has been devoted to understanding the factors that can help delay the onset of aging symptoms and promote the longevity of healthy life and cognition. Tackling dementia via preventive or treatment measures has thus been defined as a top societal and scientific objective. In the absence of a pharmacological cure, it is important to identify and study factors that contribute to cognitive resilience in healthy older individuals and people with dementia. According to the cognitive reserve hypothesis, high-reserve aging seniors experience functional compensation for neural atrophy and, thus, are able to maintain relatively stable cognitive function with no or smaller-than-expected impairment. Several lifestyle factors such as regular physical exercise, adequate and balanced nutrition, and educational attainment have been widely reported to contribute to reserve and, thus, lead to more successful trajectories of cognitive aging. In recent years, it has become clear that bilingualism is also a potential and potent reserve contributor. Yet, there is little communication between the neuroscience of bilingualism research community and researchers working in the field of cognitive aging more generally, despite compelling reasons for it. In fact, bilingualism tends to be overlooked as a contributory factor in cognitive aging literature, or reduced to a dichotomous trait, despite it being a complex experience. During my presentation, I will discuss the benefits of including bilingualism as a protecting factor for cognitive aging.

The honorable talk is organized in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2022-325)

Section BcInvited Reports
Thursday, April 6
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Invited paper Bc-6-1/1. Yong-Chool Ha (University Of Washington, USA) Tradition and overcoming universalism in the social sciences
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Universalism has long been lost in the social sciences without the emergence of alternatives. The prevalent political economy paradigm has paid little attention to macro social changes. Rational choice is more about methodology than a framework approach and understanding macro trends in society and politics. We have been living without a sense of the whole under the hypnotic influence of new technologies.
If Marxism or functionalism is no longer adequate, what would be an alternative to draw a picture of society as a whole? Dr. Ha goes beyond deconstructing universalistic thinking about social change by proposing tradition as a way to understand social changes in late industrialization. Based on the comparative observations of tradition in South Korea, Japan, Germany and the Soviet Union, Dr. Ha argues that tradition is a critical factor in the analysis of social change under late industrialization. Based on a different interpretation of the role of tradition in late industrialization, Dr. Ha presents alternative ways to approach democratization, civil society and international relations.
Thursday, April 6
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Invited paper Bc-6-1/2. Guangjun Zhou (Beijing Law Firm «Xi Da Li», China) Commercial arbitration in China
Moderator: N. Yerpyleva (HSE University)
In his representation, a distinguished Chinese attorney Mr. Zhou Guangjun sheds light on legal practices in dispute settlement in commercial arbitration under the Chinese national jurisdiction. The role of China's Supreme Court is underlined in recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. Special attention is paid to the mechanisms of control and application in international commercial arbitration. A case of the Russia-China relation is considered as an example. Also, the presentation touches upon the issues in litigating corporate disputes, filing lawsuits, and arbitration proceedings in China. In conclusion, the presentation specifies new perspectives and opportunities in dealing with foreign arbitral institutions according to the new Chinese arbitration law.
Thursday, April 6
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Invited paper Bc-6-5. Peter Verhezen (University of Antwerp, Belgium) Why AI can make us smarter but not wiser?
Moderator: I. Prostakov (HSE University)
In this talk, Professor Peter Verhezen will discuss the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in addressing sustainability challenges in business. The talk will provide a review of the capabilities and limitations of AI, acknowledging its potential to make us smarter and more efficient, while also recognizing that it cannot replace human wisdom and moral values. The speaker will emphasize the importance of distinguishing between intelligence and consciousness, arguing that while AI may occasionally outsmart us, it cannot “out-wise” us, and then touch upon the ChatGTP application, highlighting its capabilities and limitations, while also encouraging the audience to think critically about the role of AI in business decision-making. The talk will also highlight the practical applications of AI in improving sustainability in business, emphasizing its potential to help businesses make more informed and responsible decisions, reduce waste and emissions, and improve efficiency. The speaker will encourage the audience to use AI in general and ChatGPT in particular as a tool to complement human decision-making rather than replace it. Overall, the talk will provide a thought-provoking and informative overview of the current state of AI and its potential role in addressing sustainability challenges in business, while also highlighting the importance of balancing the benefits of AI with ethical considerations and the wisdom that comes from human consciousness.
Section FSocial Policy
Moderators: O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University), T. Chetvernina (HSE University)
Thursday, April 6
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session F-6-1. Features of the Labor Market for Various Groups of the Population
Moderator: T. Chetvernina (HSE University)
M. Giltman (UTMN), A. Merzlyakova (UTMN), R. Murzagulova (UTMN), G. Tanasov (UTMN)
Factors affecting the length of stay in the status of registered unemployed in the regions of Russia (abstract)
A. Cherviakova (HSE University), O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University)
Exit from the labour market in older age at home and abroad: does the country of origin matter? (abstract)
E. Potaptseva (IE, UrB of the RAS), P. Chashchikhina (USUE, Institute of Electrophysics of the Ural Branch RAS)
Allocation of High-Performance Jobs in Russia: Sectoral and Regional Specifics. (abstract)
V. Lyashok (RANEPA)
Impact of raising the retirement age on the Russian labor market (abstract)
Thursday, April 6
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session F-6-2. The Older Generation in Russia and European Countries: Subjective Aspects of Well-being. The session is organized in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2022-325)
Moderator: O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University)
A. Makarentseva (RANEPA), S. Biryukova (HSE University)
Loneliness and emotional state of the elderly: analysis of relationship and opportunities for social policy (abstract)
E. Selezneva (HSE University), O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University)
Self-rated health in elderly in Estonia and Russia: the impact of ethnic differences (abstract)
M. Rudnev (Independent researcher)
Self-Reported Ageism in Russia and The Other European Countries: Perpetration and Sensitivity (abstract)
Thursday, April 6
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session F-6-3. Issues of Physical and Mental Health of the Population, including in the context of COVID-19
Moderator: E. Selezneva (HSE University)
E. Sharepina (HSE University), D. Kareva (HSE University), E. Selezneva (HSE University)
Impact of the pandemic Covid-19 on health of the Russian elderly and the determining factors (abstract)
A. Burdyak (RANEPA)
Health and housing conditions of the older generation, empirical analysis of the relationship (abstract)
Y. Kristina (HSE University), D. Stuzhuk (HSE University), K. Chertenkov (HSE University), L. Shaipova (HSE University)
Promising instruments for the protection of mental health of the population of Russia (abstract)
Thursday, April 6
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session F-6-4. Social Policy in the interests of the Older Generation in the Context of Ongoing Digitalization
Moderator: S. Biryukova (HSE University)
A. Demkina (National Medical Research Center of Cardiology)
The impact of social policy on the development of telemedicine in Russia (abstract)
E. Gorvat (HSE University), O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University)
Employment in older age in the context of the economy digitalization: the role of computer skills and ICT (abstract)
K. Galkin (SI FCTAS RAS)
Opportunities for digitization of volunteering of older people during the pandemic (abstract)
Section GRegional and Urban Development
Moderators: N. Zubarevich (Lomonosov MSU), A. Puzanov (HSE University), E. Mikhaylenko (HSE University)
Thursday, April 6
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session G-6-1. The Impact of Crises on Regional Development
Moderator: O. Kuznetsova (Institute of Economic Forecasting RAS)
A. Sherubneva (HSE University), E. Kolomak (NSU, IEIE SB RAS)
The impact of COVID-19 on the sectoral structure of the economy (on the example of Siberian regions) (abstract)
S. Zemtsov (RANEPA), A. Mikhaylov (RANEPA)
Sanctions, exit of foreign companies and development of entrepreneurship in Russian regions (abstract)
E. Midler (SPbU), N. Yevchenko (ЮФУ), I. Arenkov (SPbU)
Приграничные регионы "Север-Юг": возможности развития в условиях турбулентности (abstract)
Features of anti-crisis state support for SMEs in different periods of 2020–2022 in the regions of Russia (abstract)
Thursday, April 6
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session G-6-2. Budgets and Powers of Regions
Moderator: N. Zubarevich (Lomonosov MSU)
Main trends and prospects for research in the field of federal regulation of debt sustainability of the subjects of the Russian Federation (abstract)
M. Malkina (NNSU)
Distribution of federal transfers between the regions of Russia: the political and economic aspect (abstract)
V. Klimanov (RANEPA)
Adjustment of the powers of the regions in connection with the new legislation (abstract)
O. Belokrylova (SFU), K. Belokrylov (SFU)
Bilateral effect of public procurement on the sustainability of regional development (abstract)
Thursday, April 6
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session G-6-3. Regional Economy
Moderator: I. Glazyrina (INREC SB RAS)
I. Glazyrina (INREC SB RAS, ZabGU), A. Faleychik (Transbaikal State University), L. Faleychik (INREC SB RAS)
Cross-border cooperation in the east of Russia: what does the "investment geography" tell us?  (abstract)
I. Zabelina (INREC SB RAS, Transbaikal State University)
Analysis of trends in ecological and economic development of the Russian Federation Eastern regions and China Northeast regions (abstract)
N. Nazarov (INION RAS)
Transformation of the territorial structure of high tech industries in Finland and Sweden (abstract)
T. Grigorii (HSE University - Perm)
Evaluation of return on IT capital in Russian regions (abstract)
Thursday, April 6
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session G-6-4. Institutional Factors of Regional Development
Moderator: N. Zubarevich (Lomonosov MSU)
M. Niyazova (VladSU)
Externalities of the institution of special economic zones' regulation: benefits or costs? (abstract)
E. Marina (HSE University), I. Naumov (Institute of Economics, RAS, UB), E. Starikov (USUE)
Regional industrial growth: contribution of the development institute (abstract)
D. Gertsovskii (RANEPA), S. Zemtsov (RANEPA)
Efficiency evaluation of place-based policies in Russia in terms of small and medium-sized businesses' performance (abstract)
S. Lugovskoy (SSAU), O. Zvyagintseva (HSE University), A. Naumov (HSE University), E. Shevchenko (SSAU)
Information and analytical support for rural development management in a large region (on the example of the Stavropol Territory) (abstract)
Section IaOriental Studies
Moderators: T. Bordachev (HSE University), A. Karneev (HSE University), O. Volosyuk (HSE University)
Thursday, April 6
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Roundtable Ia-6-1. The Middle East in the New Geopolitical Realities
Moderator: V. Naumkin (RAS Institute of Oriental Studies, HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
1. New world order: view from the Middle East and North Africa, comprehension of Russian approaches
2. Multilateral institutions: prospects for cooperation among regional states with the BRICS, SCO and EAEU
3. Turkey: vectors of activity in a changing world, interface with Russian interest
4. Iran: experience of overcoming sanctions, perspectives for partnership with Russia
5. Libyan zone of instability in the context of changing foreign policy of regional and global powers
6. Potential OPEC and OPEC+ as a factor in the formation of a new global economic order
7. Egypt and LAS in the context of the confrontation between Moscow and the West
8. Opportunities and limits to Russian and Israeli cooperation in terms of international security
Experts: N. Fahmy (American University), S. Mekdessi (Lebanese University), A. Al-Waheishi (Ambassador of The Republic od Yemen to the Russian Federation), E. Imamkulieva (HSE University), P. Shlykov (Lomonosov MSU), M. Sanaei (Tehran Center for the Study of Iran and Eurasia, Tehran University), W. Salem (Palestinian Center for Democracy & Community Development), J. Karami (Tehran University, Iran Eurasia Studies Institute (IRAS)), G. Lukyanov (HSE University), A. Baklanov (HSE University), H. Al-Mekaimi (University of Kuwait, Member of the Advisory Council of the GCC), A. Kuznetsov (HSE University), A. Baklanov (HSE Uniersity), E. Tellal (Ankara University), S. AlWaili (Advisor For National Security), N. Jeenah (Afro-Middle East Centre), M. Sapronova (MGIMO), N. El-Sheikh (Cairo University, Member of the Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs), I. Zvyagelskaya (IMEMO)
Section RManagement
Moderator: S. Kushch (HSE University)
Thursday, April 6
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session R-6-1. Digital Transformation of Business: Methodology, Trends, Technologies
Moderator: E. Zaramenskikh (HSE University)
Z. Tekic (HSE University), M. Malyy (KEC, Novi Sad, Serbia), A. Parfenov (Practicum Tech, Belgrade, Serbia)
Using Entrepreneurs’ Digital Footprint for Analyzing a Country’s Entrepreneurial Activity (abstract)
A. Shaidullin (HSE University), M. Komarov (HSE University)
DeFi Categories and Ways to Model Them for the Economies of Developing Countries (abstract)
T. Tochilkina (Financial University)
Analysis of IT changes during business transformation in training projects (abstract)
N. Bagautdinova (KFU), E. Kadochnikova (Kazan Federal University)
Assessing the impact of digitalization on innovation activity: is there a convergence of Russian regions? (abstract)
Thursday, April 6
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session R-6-2. Transformation of Marketing Communications in Modern Conditions
Moderator: V. Rebyazina (HSE University)
E. Tunkevichus (HSE University), V. Rebiazina (HSE University)
Factors Forming Online Trust of the Younger Generation in Russia: Results of an Empirical Study (abstract)
K. Rozhkov (HSE University)
O. Konnikova (SPbSUE), D. Pirogov (SPbSUE), O. Yuldasheva (SPbSUE)
K. Golovacheva (SPbU), M. Smirnova (SPbU)
The role of marketing agility in turbulent times: Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic (abstract)
Thursday, April 6
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session R-6-3/1. Neuromarketing
Moderator: S. Beryozka (HSE University)
A. Shamalova (HSE University), S. Berezka (HSE University)
Identifying Consumer Expectations for Products with Claims: Traditional vs and Neuromarketing Approach (abstract)
V. Medvedeva (Lomonosov MSU), A. Pakhalov (Lomonosov MSU)
Influence of the movie poster color scheme on the film selection process in video-on-demand services (abstract)
R. Wang (Zhejiang University), S. Feng (Zhejiang University), P. Michael (University of pennsylvania), W. Xiaoyi (Zhejiang University)
Decomposing Loss Aversion from a Single Neural Signal (abstract)
E. Kulyeva (Independent researcher), A. Pakhalov (Lomonosov MSU)
Nudging consumers toward eco-friendly food choices in online grocery shopping: a neuromarketing study (abstract)
Thursday, April 6
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable R-6-4. Opportunities and Limitations for the Development of Innovative Companies
Moderator: D. Medovnikov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Results of analysis of fast-growing tech firms in Russia (IMI analytical report)
• Support measures for innovative and tech companies in Russia: initiatives and their effectiveness
• New challenges for Russian high-growth firms: ways of overcoming
• Problems in the export development of Russian high-growth firms
Experts: A. Yudanov (Financial University), S. Rozmirovich (HSE University), A. Klepach (VEB.RF), I. Agamirzian (HSE University), N. Ivanova (IMEMO RAS)
Section SScience and Innovation
Moderators: L. Gokhberg (HSE University), A. Sokolov (HSE University)
Thursday, April 6
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session S-6-1. Science and Science Policy
Moderator: T. Kuznetsova (HSE University)
D. Gerashchenko (EUSP)
The Determinants of Wage Gap between the Highest University Administrators and Research/Teaching Staff at Russian Universities (abstract)
A. Tsivinskaya (EUSP)
University-journal closure: Publication culture in Russian universities (abstract)
V. Slepykh (HSE University)
Academic inbreeding and social capital of Russian early career researchers (abstract)
A. Panova (HSE University), N. Matveeva (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod), I. Sterligov (HSE University)
Who is funding world-class research in small post-Soviet countries? Analysis of acknowledgements in highly cited papers (abstract)
Discussant: G. Kitova (HSE University)
Thursday, April 6
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session S-6-2. Innovations: Industrial and Regional Aspect
Moderator: E. Kutsenko (HSE University)
K. Boiko (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
R&D and performance: mapping the field (abstract)
K. Ljudmila (HSE University - St. Petersburg), K. Boiko (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Stimulation of Innovation Activity at the Regional Level in Russia (abstract)
A. Yusupova (IEIE SB RAS), N. Kravchenko (IEIE SB RAS)
Role of Research and Education in the Development of South Siberian Companies’ Partnership Cooperation (results of empirical survey) (abstract)
M. Yurevich (HSE University), N. Gorodnyi (HSE University), A. Fedyunina (HSE University)
Nowcasting business and consumer expectations (abstract)
Discussant: V. Salun (HSE University)
Thursday, April 6
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session S-6-3. Scientific Publications: Problems and Solutions
Moderator: E. Streltsova (HSE University)
K. Guba (EUSP)
Innocent victims or rational actors? Authors of "predatory" journals and their motives (abstract)
E. Shmeleva (HSE University), D. Platonova (HSE University), E. Shmeleva (HSE University)
The Light of Open Science or Shadow Economy? An Analysis of the Distribution of Publication Fees among Russian Universities’ Faculty (abstract)
E. Dyachenko (RANEPA), A. Gelvikh (Independent researcher)
Growth of Publications or Growth of Research Potential? Analysis of the structure of publications of Russian universities in Scopus (abstract)
E. Gorlacheva (BMSTU), G. Andrianov (Pulishing House "Radiotechnika"), M. Sheresheva (Lomonosov MSU)
The development of the toolkit for evaluating innovation scientific and technology projects (abstract)
Discussant: S. Revyakin (HSE University)
Thursday, April 6
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session S-6-4. Science and innovation: an international dimension. Innovation in companies
Moderator: M. Goland (HSE University)
E. Romanova (HSE University), E. Vdovkin (Lomonosov MSU)
The role of the nature of knowledge in the spatial organization of innovative processes in the German wind energy industry (abstract)
I. Dezhina (HSE University)
New Conditions for Russia's International Scientific Cooperation (abstract)
E. Godunova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Interaction between Universities-Business-Government as a factor in the innovation-based economy development in Russia and abroad (abstract)
Discussant: L. Proskuryakova (HSE University)
Section YInstrumental Methods in Economic and Social Studies
Moderators: F. Aleskerov (HSE University), A. Myachin (HSE University)
Thursday, April 6
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session Y-6-1. Instrumental Methods in Economic Studies - 1
O. Isaeva (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod)
PERMA-Profiler: the Approbation of the Russian Version (abstract)
N. Pilnik (HSE University), S. Radionov (HSE University, Financial Research Institute)
The optimal behavior model of the modern Russian banking system (abstract)
D. Subbotovsky (FEFU), C. Dezhenina (FEFU)
Is crime contagious? Spatial-econometric modeling of the indicator of propensity to crime in the regions of the Russian Federation (abstract)
G. Aleksei (SAUH), M. Afanasiev (CEMI RAS)
Comparative analysis of estimates of economic complexity of regions by sectors and types of economic activity (abstract)
Thursday, April 6
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session Y-6-2. Instrumental Methods in Economic Studies - 2
Y. Zelenkov (HSE University)
Improving bankruptcy prediction using Data Envelopment Analysis scores (abstract)
M. Natalia (HSE University), I. Stankevich (HSE University)
Nowcasting of Russian GDP Components Using News Sentiment (abstract)
Thursday, April 6
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session Y-6-3. Instrumental Methods for Financial Systems
V. Sviyazov (HSE University)
Application of the Fuzzy GARCH Model to Forecasting Volatility of the Russian Stock Market Indices (abstract)
H. PENIKAS (Bank of Russia)
Model Risk for Acceptable, but Imperfect, Discrimination and Calibration in Basel PD and LGD Models (abstract)
N. Davidson (UrFU), O. Mariev (UrFU), T. Natalia (ITMO University)
The nexus of institutions, natural resources, and digitalization in reducing income inequality (abstract)
A. Ujegov (HSE University), N. Pilnik (HSE University)
Aggregated Model of the Household Sector of the Russian Economy (abstract)
Thursday, April 6
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session Y-6-4. Regression Models in Decision-making Tasks
M. Belitskii (Independent researcher)
Geography and Persistence of Entrepreneurship in Russia (abstract)
E. Semerikvoa (HSE University)
A two-step procedure for estimating spatial error quantile regression models (abstract)
D. Semenova (HSE University - Perm), J. Zaripova (HSE University - Perm), S. Kulikova (HSE University - Perm), M. Molodchik (HSE University - Perm)
Discovering packaging effect on chocolate willingness to pay: evidence from EEG experiment (abstract)
G. Shirokova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
The role of effectuation and causation for sme survival amidst economic crisis  (abstract)
Thursday, April 6
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Y-6-5. Instrumental Methods in the Data Analysis of COVID-19
E. Leonov (RANEPA)
Neural Network-Based Numerical Analysis of a Three-Sector DSGE Model with Immobile Capital and Pandemic-Induced Mode Switching. (abstract)
Y. Cinar (Ankara University)
Evaluating countries’ performances against COVID-19 concerning their structural characteristics via DEA and MCDM Models (abstract)
A. Nagapetyan (FEFU), T. Pavlova (HSE University, NES)
How did the coronavirus epidemic affect the gasoline market in the regions of the Russian Federation? (abstract)
Friday, April 7
Section BSpecial Sessions and Roundtables
Friday, April 7
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-7-1. Настоящее и будущее ESG рейтингов - 1
Moderator: D. Grishankov (RAEX)
Issues for discussion:
• Modeling methodologies for ESG ratings. Recommend weights and indicators
• How will Russian rating agencies change their approach after undertaking model methodology?
• Impact of model methodology on competition between rating agencies
• Risk and level rating. Should E, S and G appraisals be consolidated into a ESG rating?
• How to interconnect national taxonomies and E, S and G indicators? The application of E, S and G components in regulation instead of the combined ESG approach
• How to use ESG ratings under normative application? What advantage does the Bank of Russia and market players get from the normative application of ESG ratings in Russia?
• Alternative ESG ratings for investors and managerial decision-making. Models for the maturity of stable corporate development as a managerial practice
• Can the comparability of ESG ratings employed by different agencies be regulated? Approaches to creating a unified rating space of ESG assessments
• Should E, S and G appraisals be included in credit ratings?
Experts: S. Grishunin (NRA Rating Service, HSE University), I. Efimov (Institute of Demographic Policy named after D. I. Mendeleev), S. Moiseev (Bank of Russia), Z. Larkina (AK&M), A. Polozov (UrFU), S. Grishankova (RAEX Europe), A. Piskunov ("National Credit Ratings"), V. Gorchakov (AKRA Group), E. Groznaya (ESG Alliance), J. Katasonova (Ratings Group), K. Alyoshina (Bank of Russia)
Issues for discussion:
• Modeling methodologies for ESG ratings. Recommend weights and indicators
• How will Russian rating agencies change their approach after undertaking model methodology?
• Impact of model methodology on competition between rating agencies
• Risk and level rating. Should E, S and G appraisals be consolidated into a ESG rating?
• How to interconnect national taxonomies and E, S and G indicators? The application of E, S and G components in regulation instead of the combined ESG approach
• How to use ESG ratings under normative application? What advantage does the Bank of Russia and market players get from the normative application of ESG ratings in Russia?
• Alternative ESG ratings for investors and managerial decision-making. Models for the maturity of stable corporate development as a managerial practice
• Can the comparability of ESG ratings employed by different agencies be regulated? Approaches to creating a unified rating space of ESG assessments
• Should E, S and G appraisals be included in credit ratings?
Experts: A. Polozov (UrFU), E. Groznaya (ESG Alliance), K. Alyoshina (Bank of Russia), S. Grishunin (NRA Rating Service, HSE University), S. Grishankova (RAEX Europe), S. Moiseev (Bank of Russia), Z. Larkina (AK&M), V. Gorchakov (AKRA Group), J. Katasonova (Ratings Group), A. Piskunov ("National Credit Ratings"), I. Efimov (Institute of Demographic Policy named after D. I. Mendeleev)
Friday, April 7
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-7-2/1. Настоящее и будущее ESG рейтингов - 2
Moderator: D. Grishankov (RAEX)
Issues for discussion:
• Modeling methodologies for ESG ratings. Recommend weights and indicators
• How will Russian rating agencies change their approach after undertaking model methodology?
• Impact of model methodology on competition between rating agencies
• Risk and level rating. Should E, S and G appraisals be consolidated into a ESG rating?
• How to interconnect national taxonomies and E, S and G indicators? The application of E, S and G components in regulation instead of the combined ESG approach
• How to use ESG ratings under normative application? What advantage does the Bank of Russia and market players get from the normative application of ESG ratings in Russia?
• Alternative ESG ratings for investors and managerial decision-making. Models for the maturity of stable corporate development as a managerial practice
• Can the comparability of ESG ratings employed by different agencies be regulated? Approaches to creating a unified rating space of ESG assessments
• Should E, S and G appraisals be included in credit ratings?
Experts: E. Groznaya (ESG Alliance), S. Grishunin (NRA Rating Service, HSE University), Z. Larkina (AK&M), I. Efimov (Institute of Demographic Policy named after D. I. Mendeleev), V. Gorchakov (AKRA Group), A. Polozov (UrFU), A. Piskunov (National Credit Ratings), J. Katasonova (Ratings Group), K. Alyoshina (Bank of Russia), S. Moiseev (Bank of Russia), S. Grishankova (RAEX Europe)
Friday, April 7
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-7-2/2. Analysis of risks and threats to the economy of the Russian Federation in the current international situation
Moderator: V. Shults (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
Experts: V. Khristoforov (Russian State Humanitarian University), E. Vavilova (Veteran of the Foreign Intelligence Service), S. Kuznetsov (Sberbank), V. Goreglyad (Bank of Russia), R. Oshakbayev (TALAP Center), A. Yurchenko (HSE University), N. Volobuev (Rostec), S. Rozhkov (HSE University), A. Kamyshnikov (FGC UES - Rosseti), S. Girko (Center for Security Studies of the RAS), A. Vyborny (Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee on Entrepreneurial Safety)
Friday, April 7
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-7-4. A Stable Brain: How to Make a Person Friends with his Main Organ
Moderator: A. Shestakova (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
Experts: A. Ossadtchi (HSE University), V. Gromov (HSE University), O. Buivolova (HSE University), A. Kogan (HSE University), O. Dogonasheva (HSE University), A. Izmalkova (HSE University), K. Panidi (HSE University), N. Dang (HSE University)
Friday, April 7
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Roundtable B-7-4/1. Sustainable Development in an Unstable World: the 'Green Agenda' for Regional Integration Organizations (presentation of the HSE University Report)
Moderators: T. Kolobashkina (HSE University), V. Pereboev (Eurasian Development Bank)
Issues for discussion:
• The green agenda and natural resource regulation in regional formations: prospects and limitations
• The green economy as a model for the stable development of the EAEU
• Role of global developmental institutions in the green transformation of Greater Eurasia
• Role of universities and academic centres in the promotion of the green agenda in the EAEU space: successful practices and prospects
• Development of green economy and renewable resources in the EAEU-CIS-SCO triad
• Best Eurasian practices in green financing
• A Eurasian green standard – necessity and reality
Experts: I. Pominova (Center for Strategic Research), N. Pitirimov (Center for Cluster Development of St. Petersburg), M. Berkemeyer (Alliance for Sustainable Development), S. Korotkov (UNIDO Center for International Industrial Cooperation in the Russian Federation), I. Makarov (HSE University), I. Kaminskiy (EEC), A. Konrad (EDB)
Section BbHonorary Reports
Friday, April 7
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Honorary paper Bb-7-2/3. Evgeny Vinokurov (Eurasian Development Bank) New Central Asia
Moderator: T. Kolobashkina (HSE University)
The countries of the region have made significant progress in their development since 2000, and have far-reaching growth prospects. An aggregated GDP of the countries has grown by 8.6 times, inward FDI stock – by 17.2 times, the foreign trade turnover – by 8.4 times. The strategic role of Central Asia in Eurasia will strengthen due to the ongoing changes and the growth of the region's potential. One of the dynamically developing areas is transport. New transport corridors and transit routes shape the Eurasian transport framework. The restructuring of logistics chains, started in 2022, provides to the region a historic chance to take advantage of their transit position. Economic potential of the region are also associated with coordinated development of the water and energy complex, including green energy. Strengthening institutional capacity, developing the regional financial market and adapting to climate change should be important in the coming years.
The lecture is based on the report The Economy of Central Asia: a New Perspective, issued by the EDB at the end of 2022.
Friday, April 7
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Honorary paper Bb-7-3. Anil Sooklal (Ambassador-at-Large: BRICS and Asia, Department of International Relations and Cooperation and South Africa’s BRICS Sherpa) South Africa’s BRICS Chairship: Goals and Priorities
Moderator: V. Panova (HSE University)
South Africa is chairing BRICS for the third time in 2023, after having chaired in 2013 and 2018 respectively. For South Africa, chairing the BRICS in 2023 also provides an opportunity to enhance the partnership between BRICS and Africa. As was the case during South Africa’s previous two chairships, we will continue to focus on Africa, as well as other key priorities to BRICS and the global South. In this regard, South Africa’s chosen theme for BRICS 2023 is BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable Development, and Inclusive Multilateralism.

Our five key priorities that flow from this theme, for 2023 are:
· Developing a partnership towards an equitable Just Transition
· Transforming Education and Skills Development for the Future:
· Unlocking Opportunities through the African Continental Free Trade Agreement
· Strengthening Post-Pandemic Socio-Economic Recovery and the Attainment of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development; and
· Strengthening Multilateralism, including Working Toward Real Reform of Global Governance Institutions and Strengthening the Meaningful Participation of Women in Peace Processes.

Our five identified deliverables are:
· 1st BRICS Workshop on Incident Management
· Establishment of the BRICS Centre for Industrial Competencies
· BRICS African JET Centre of Excellence
· Launch of the Energy Skills Roadmap
· Establishment of a BRICS-Africa WBA Platform

Under the topic of Institutional Development, South Africa will also take forward the discussion on BRICS expansion as mandated by the Beijing Declaration 2022.
Section FSocial Policy
Moderators: O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University), T. Chetvernina (HSE University)
Friday, April 7
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session F-7-1. Estimates of Wealth and Poverty of the Population
Moderator: S. Mareeva (HSE University, FCTAS RAS)
E. Slobodenyuk (HSE University), S. Mareeva (HSE University)
The Super-Rich in Russia: Specifics and Dynamics of the Group (abstract)
T. Cherkashina (IEIE SB RAS, NSU), T. Bogomolova (IEIE SB RAS, NSU)
Formation of non-financial wealth in Russia as a result of households' response to institutional opportunities (abstract)
P. Belopashentseva (HSE University)
Poverty in Russia: Relation and Charateristics of officially and subjectively poor  (abstract)
Friday, April 7
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session F-7-2. Social, Human Capital and Subjective Well-being
Moderator: M. Krasilnikova (HSE University)
V. Anikin (HSE University)
Social capital puzzle: Explaining little interpersonal trust toward strangers in contemporary Russia (abstract)
S. Mareeva (HSE University), A. Karavay (HSE University), E. Slobodenyuk (HSE University)
Do Perceptions of Inequality Affect Investment in Human Capital? Evidence from Empirical Analysis (abstract)
L. Nivorozhkina (RSUE(RINH))
Impact of social transfers on life satisfaction scores (abstract)
Friday, April 7
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session F-7-3. Child Protection and Support for Families with Children in Russia
Moderator: E. Grishina (NIFI)
E. Gorina (HSE University)
Public housing support and strategies for improving housing conditions of Russian families with children (abstract)
S. Korzhuk (RANEPA), A. Makarentseva (RANEPA)
Professional Foster Families Outlook in the Light of Orphanhood Deinstitutionalization in Russia (abstract)
V. Bodnarchuk (Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation)
Factors in the development of the system of family placement for children left without parental care in Russia (abstract)
Friday, April 7
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session F-7-4. Economic Behavior of Certain Groups of the Russian Population
Moderator: T. Chetvernina (HSE University)
D. Loginov (RANEPA)
Consumption, leisure, social interactions: the lifestyle of Russians in the condition of instability of the early 2020s (abstract)
V. Titov (RANEPA)
Traditional and newly emerging models of Russian Citizens’ lifestyle (abstract)
D. Kareva (HSE University)
Savings behavior of elderly in Russia (abstract)
D. Bychkov (Financial Research Institute (NIFI)), M. Burankova (Financial Research Institute), E. Grishina (Financial Research Institute)
Section GRegional and Urban Development
Moderators: N. Zubarevich (Lomonosov MSU), A. Puzanov (HSE University), E. Mikhaylenko (HSE University)
Friday, April 7
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session G-7-1. Economic Development of Cities and Agglomerations in Modern Conditions
Moderator: A. Puzanov (The Institute for Urban Economics, HSE Unuversity)
A. Mikhaylov (RANEPA), P. Polian (HSE University)
Resilience of economic activity in the Nizhny Novgorod agglomeration to crises: a spatial projection (abstract)
E. Kolomak (IEIE SB RAS), A. Sherubneva (HSE University)
Assessment of the influence of agglomeration factors on the economic activity of the Novosibirsk region (microeconomic analysis) (abstract)
Y. Motyakina (RANEPA)
Priority development areas and employment in Russian cities (abstract)
Friday, April 7
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session G-7-2. Issues of Urban and Housing Development
Moderator: E. Trutnev (HSE University)
A. Gileva (EUSP), A. Semenov (HSE University - St. Petersburg, FCTAS RAS)
Construction of "interest groups" in the Russian urban policy (abstract)
A. Gershovich (IUE)
Housing affordability in the major Russian metropolitan areas in 1-2 quarter 2022 (abstract)
A. Ilin (HSE University)
Socio-economic consequences of public space improvement programs (abstract)
O. Smirnov (HSE University)
The Impact of the Availability and Transparency of Fees for Connecting Capital Construction Objects to Public Infrastructure on Key Indicators of Housing Construction (abstract)
Friday, April 7
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session G-7-3. Russian Capitals in Apatial and Temporal Contexts
Moderator: L. Limonov (ICSER “Leontief Centre”, HSE University)
P. Druzhinin (IE KarRC RAS)
The impact of the concentration of resources in Moscow on the economic development of other regions of the Central Federal District (abstract)
E. Podivilova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Urban Economy of St. Petersburg in the Petrine Time (abstract)
R. Babkin (PRUE), S. Badina (PRUE)
Assessment of Temporal Variability in the Level of Population Vulnerability to Natural and man-made Hazards (the case of Moscow Districts) (abstract)
Section IInternational Relations
Moderator: T. Bordachev (HSE University)
Friday, April 7
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session I-7-2. Russia's Turn to the East
Moderator: A. Likhacheva (HSE University)
K. Kumar (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
Russo-Indian Tryst with Emerging Regional Security Architecture in the Indo-Pacific Region: Cooperation or Competition; and its further Implications (2010-2024) (abstract)
S. Jayaprakash (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
Politics of the trans-Siberian airspace: Implications of airspace closures and sanctions on civil aviation (abstract)
I. Sukhanov (School of Exports, Russian Export Center)
Turn to the East: FTA Projects with the Participation of the Russian Federation as Part of the Strategy of Integration into the Economic Space of East Asia (abstract)
A. Ranjan (Jawaharlal Nehru College)
Russia's Engagement with the Asia-Pacific: Scope of Emerging Non-Western World Order (abstract)
Friday, April 7
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable I-7-3. Russian-Turkish Relations in New Conditions
Moderator: A. Baklanov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Turkey’s influence as a regional and international resource: an assessment
• Characteristics and probable evolution of Russian-Turkish political, trade, economic and energy relations
• Evolution of Turkey’s role in the Middle East
• Assessing Turkey’s role as a mediator in conflicts and crisis situations
• Turkey and NATO: probable vector for future development of Ankara’s relations with the alliance’s leading powers
Experts: O. Volosyuk (HSE University), M. Kolesnikova (Moscow State Linguistic University), N. Ulchenko (Institute of Oriental Studies RAS), P. Shlykov (Lomonosov Moscow State University), A. Gadzhiev (Center for Modern Turkey Studies)
Section MPolitical Processes
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Friday, April 7
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session M-7-1. Comparative Political Studies
Moderator: B. Makarenko (HSE University)
B. Makarenko (Center for Political Technologies)
Fragmentation of European Party Systems: Prerequsities, Scenarios, Sequences (abstract)
I. Petrov (HSE University)
Patterns for the Transformation of the Political Spectrum of European Party Systems in the 21st Century (abstract)
E. Berezkina (PRUE)
How does self-presentation of the Italian populist political parties affect their results in the election campaign in 2022? (abstract)
E. Sedashov (HSE University), D. Chernov (HSE University)
The Effect of Rebel Governance on Third-Party State Interventions in Civil Wars (abstract)
O. Gaman-Golutvina (MGIMO)
European experience of crisis prevention in central-regional relations (abstract)
Discussant: M. Ilyin (HSE University)
Friday, April 7
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session M-7-2. Electoral Processes
Moderator: Y. Gaivoronsky (HSE University)
R. Evstifeev (INION RAN)
Foreign Electoral Interference: Approaches, tools of influence and measures of counteraction (abstract)
Y. Gaivoronsky (HSE University)
Y. Korgunyuk (INION RAN)
The Soviet Past Topic in the 2021 Duma campaign (abstract)
Discussant: A. Akhremenko (HSE University)
Section NPolitical Processes
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Friday, April 7
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session N-7-3. Political Processes in the Russian Federation
Moderator: V. Ledyaev (HSE University)
P. Kazantseva (HSE University)
How Do Stereotypes Influence Attitudes towards Female Politicians in Russia? (abstract)
M. Sukhova (HSE University)
K. Koryakin (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Regional Identity And Perception Of Self-Governance Ideas In The Russian Far East (abstract)
R. Turovsky (HSE University)
Subnational State Capacity and Coronavirus Spread in the Russia’s Regions (abstract)
V. Ledyaev (HSE University), A. Chirikova (Institute of Sociology of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of RAS)
Power in a Small Russian Town: Contours of an Empirical Model (abstract)
Discussant: Y. Balandin (HSE University)
Friday, April 7
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session N-7-4. Problems of Digitalization
Moderator: E. Sedashov (HSE University)
S. Shmeleva (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
A. Khityaeva (HSE University), O. Bazhenova (HSE University)
Government Digitalization Efficiency Index 2010-2020 (abstract)
A. Bocharova (HSE University)
Assessing the Effectiveness of National Cybersecurity Policy: A Thousand Keys, Just One Door (abstract)
D. Arkatov (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Digital e-participation and quality of environmental governance: the case of the Russian Regions (abstract)
Discussant: E. Sedashov (HSE University)
Friday, April 7
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Session N-7-5. Political Communication
Moderator: A. Kazun (HSE University)
M. Milkova (HSE University), L. Okolskaya (FCTAS RAS), M. Rudnev (HSE University)
"Are there values in the post?" – Extracting value-expressive content from social media (abstract)
A. Shilina (HSE University), D. Stukal (HSE University)
Selective Perception in Troll-contaminated Online Political Communication: the Case of VK (abstract)
A. Kazun (HSE University)
Media Consumption in a Crisis: Doomscrolling and News Avoidance (abstract)
Discussant: N. Savin (HSE University)
Section RManagement
Moderator: S. Kushch (HSE University)
Friday, April 7
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session R-7-1. Financial Management
Moderator: D. Volkov (HSE University)
D. Volkov (HSE University), I. Berezinets (HSE University), Y. Ilina (SPbU)
Equity share offered and investors choice at crowdfunding platforms (abstract)
I. Tsarkov (HSE University)
Formation of a portfolio of shares placed on crowdfunding platforms (abstract)
E. Nikulin (SPSU), I. Berezinets (HSE University), O. Vitaly (SPSU)
Is it feasible for companies to form financial slack? The investigation into investment motive (abstract)
V. Peskin (Independent researcher), O. Vitaly (SPbU)
The market assessment of the optimal level of ESG investments of companies (abstract)
Friday, April 7
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session R-7-2. Entrepreneurship
Moderator: D. Knatko (HSE University)
A. Laskovaia (SPbU), Y. Grigorieva (Neoma Business School)
Effectuation as crisis-coping strategy: textile industry during pandemic (abstract)
O. Verkhovskaya (SPbU), Y. Aray (SPbU), K. Bogatyreva (SPbU)
Sustainability Orientation of Entrepreneur: from Intenations to Actions (abstract)
A. Vilikotskiy (HSE University), V. Sharapova (HSE University)
Fundraising biotech startups (abstract)
Friday, April 7
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session R-7-3. Transformation of Supply Chains, Logistics Activities and Operational Efficiency of Companies
Moderator: S. Kushch (HSE University)
A. Kolik (HSE University), V. Gerami (HSE University), V. Kodanev (HSE University)
D. Gusev (HSE University), G. Brodetskiy (HSE University), V. Gerami (HSE University), S. Ivan (HSE University)
Features of choosing the best configurations of supply chains in the new conditions for the development of Russian business (abstract)
D. Ivanova (SPbSUE)
Reorganization of an integrated multimodal logistics of Russian oil and petroleum product suppliers in international markets (abstract)
A. Aslakhanov (VEON)
Operational efficiency improvement of intermittent demand products supply chains through improvement of forecasting accuracy (abstract)
Friday, April 7
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session R-7-4/1. Company Sustainability Management and ESG strategies
Moderator: E. Ivanova (HSE University)
K. Bogatyreva (SPbSU), Y. Aray (SPbU), J. White (University of Dayton)
Linking sustainability orientation of SMEs to performance level and variability: The role of regional non-profit organizations (abstract)
J. Zhang (Tomsk State University), O. Nedospasova (Tomsk State University)
How does ESG performance affect enterprise value? Evidence from Chinese listed companies (abstract)
Z. Belyaeva (UrFU), I. Alnafrah (UrFU), Y. Lopatkova (UrfU)
ESGwellbeing factors in the course of digital transformation (abstract)
M. Akim (HSE University), E. Gavenko (HSE University)
Studying the principles of ESG in hydropower. Industry aspects of decarbonization and life cycle. (abstract)
Friday, April 7
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable R-7-4/2. Perspectives for Development of Cultural and Educative Tourist Routes in Russia
Moderator: Y. Schegolkov (Foundation for the Development of Small Historical Towns, HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Contemporary state of socially responsible and stable tourism in Russia
• Experience of cultural-cognitive itineraries in Russia
• Key problems in the development of smaller territories in Central Russia and impact of stable and socially responsible tourism on anticrisis measures
• State support measures
Experts: N. Bulakh (Union of Cities of the Golden Ring of Russia), I. Demidova (Municipal Formation of the Vyazemsky District of the Smolensk Region), K. Rozhkov (HSE University), D. Tsapuk (Moscow State Linguistic University), O. Oyner (HSE University)
Section YInstrumental Methods in Economic and Social Studies
Moderators: F. Aleskerov (HSE University), A. Myachin (HSE University)
Friday, April 7
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session Y-7-1. Instrumental Methods in Ecology, Tourism and Management
A. Novikov (Novosibirsk State University), A. Komarova (Novosibirsk state university)
Assessing uncertainty for the carbon balance of a region (abstract)
N. Plyaskina (IEIE SB RAS)
Evaluation of the efficiency of investment projects under the conditions of carbon neutrality (abstract)
G. Natalia (Financial university)
Simulation of internal tourist flows in Russia (abstract)
A. Marchenko (HSE University), A. Rotmistrov (HSE University)
Development of Automatic Universal Tool for the Implementation of Systematic Literature Review: the Case of Eco-practices (abstract)
Y. Dzyuba (HSE University), I. Bakalova (HSE University)
CGE Models for Resource-Based Economy: Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis (abstract)
Friday, April 7
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session Y-7-2. Instrumental Methods in the Tasks of Politics and the Labor Market
V. Vashchenko (HSE University), P. Kochetkova (HSE University)
NLP Analysis of Framing Urban Protest in Russia: case study (abstract)
V. Ovchinnikov (Financial Research Institute)
"Nespravedlivoe" neravenstvo i politicheskoe doverie (abstract)
E. Timushev (Perm National Research Polytechnic University), J. Dubrovskaya (Perm National Research Polytechnic University), E. Kozonogova (Perm National Research Polytechnic University)
Assessment of the impact of exogenous shocks on the labor market in a two-regional agent-oriented simulation model (abstract)
A. Fokina (HSE University)
Development of methods of unlawful texts analysis by corpora linguistics means (abstract)
Friday, April 7
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session Y-7-3. Instrumental Methods in Regional Management
T. Novikova (IEIE SB RAS)
Justification of territorial social policy in an extended agent-based model (abstract)
J. Goroshko (FEFU)
Incomes are different or a spatial-econometric analysis of the indicator of real incomes of the population in the regions of the Russian Federation (abstract)
A. Demyanenko (HSE University)
Regional Effects of Fiscal Policy: Analysis with Spatial Vector Autoregressive Models (abstract)
P. Koldanov (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod), A. Koldanov (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod), D. Semenov (HSE University)
Confidence bounds for threshold graph. (abstract)
Friday, April 7
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session Y-7-4. Instrumental Methods in Social and Economic Systems
L. Shchur (HSE University)
Nonlocal spatial evolutionary game with a mean field (abstract)
A. Valentina (HSE University)
Theoretical and historical perspective on the academic path of J. Goldthorpe (abstract)
Monday, April 10
Section BSpecial Sessions and Roundtables
Monday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-10-1/1. Strategic Priorities for the Development of Eurasian Integration: towards Effective Supranationality (presentation of the HSE University Report)
Moderator: T. Kolobashkina (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Preliminary results of the implementation of Strategy-2025: problems and limitations of decision-making instruments
• Project side of Strategy EAEU-2025: limits and opportunities
• Effects of Strategy EAEU-2025 for member states, business and citizens: planned and actual
• Role of global institutions in the development of strategic planning and project management in the EAEU
• Project management in the EAEU: experience, problems and prospects
• Future of the EAEU after 2025: strategic priorities and necessary reforms
• Opportunities and limits in strategic planning and foresight during times of uncertainty and turbulence
• Priorities for Strategy-2030 and Strategy-2045
Experts: S. Glazyev (Eurasian Economic Commission), S. Vasiliev (Eurasian Development Bank), D. Volvach (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation), D. Galushko (Financial University, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation), V. Gridnev (EDB Fund for Digital Initiatives), A. Chulok (HSE University)
Monday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Roundtable B-10-1/2. Economic Growth and Welfare Assessment
Moderator: A. Surinov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
Adjusting regional income and expense indicators for households using subnational price indices, developed based on the comparability of the national currency’s spending power in various regions:
• International experience in building subnational price indices
• Results of experimental calculation of HSE’s subnational pricing index: key features of methodologies for developing the index
• Opportunities for using subnational price indices for correcting population wellbeing indices
Experts: A. Kosarev (Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS), Y. Dikhanov (World Bank), W. Jinping (China’s Statistics Office ), V. Kuznetsov (Federal State Statistics Service), А. Ponomarenko (HSE University), M. Afonin (Federal State Statistics Service), E. Zarova (Government of Moscow)
Issues for discussion:
Adjusting regional income and expense indicators for households using subnational price indices, developed based on the comparability of the national currency’s spending power in various regions:
• International experience in building subnational price indices
• Results of experimental calculation of HSE’s subnational pricing index: key features of methodologies for developing the index
• Opportunities for using subnational price indices for correcting population wellbeing indices
Experts: Y. Dikhanov (World Bank), V. Kuznetsov (Federal State Statistics Service), A. Kosarev (Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS), E. Zarova (Government of Moscow), M. Afonin (Federal State Statistics Service), А. Ponomarenko (HSE University), W. Jinping (China’s Statistics Office )
Monday, April 10
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-10-2/1. Renewable natural resources and sources of energy use for sustainable economic development (presentation of the HSE University Report). The round table is organized in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2022-325)
Moderator: L. Proskuryakova (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• What is the role of renewable natural resources in building the green economy?
• What are the issues of international certification and development of the internal market for renewable natural resources?
• What geographical conditions in Russia’s regions impact on the use of renewable energy?
• What is their role in development of human potential?
Experts: G. Ermolenko (Electric Power Council of the CIS), A. Pyzhev (Siberian Federal University), E. Shvarts (HSE University, Institute of Geography RAS), I. Zolotova (National Association for Promotion of the Secondary Resource Use, Russia), N. Trushevskaya (JSC “Forest Certification”), I. Makarov (HSE University), R. Oshakbaev (Center for Applied Research TALAP), M. Akim (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• What is the role of renewable natural resources in building the green economy?
• What are the issues of international certification and development of the internal market for renewable natural resources?
• What geographical conditions in Russia’s regions impact on the use of renewable energy?
• What is their role in development of human potential?
Experts: G. Ermolenko (Electric Power Council of the CIS), R. Oshakbaev (Center for Applied Research TALAP), A. Pyzhev (Siberian Federal University), E. Shvarts (HSE University, Institute of Geography RAS), M. Akim (HSE University), I. Zolotova (National Association for Promotion of the Secondary Resource Use, Russia), N. Trushevskaya (JSC “Forest Certification”), I. Makarov (HSE University)
Monday, April 10
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-10-2/2. Economic Growth and Welfare Assessment
Moderator: A. Ponomarenko (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
Statistical assessments of the various aspects of wellbeing, relying on official data:
• Economic characteristics of Russian society based on recent census surveys
• Reliability of cluster samplings of households as a data source on life in contemporary Russia
• Is it possible to identify and strategically assess the connection between wellbeing and fertility?
Experts: A. Zubets (Financial University), A. Surinov (HSE University), A. Luppov (HSE University), P. Kozyreva (HSE University), S. Nikitina (Federal State Statistics Service), E. Frolova (Federal State Statistics Service)
Monday, April 10
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-10-2/3. Role of Young Talent in Enhancing the Competition of Russia's Regions
Moderator: Y. Krupets (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Issues for discussion:
• What are the migration trends and prospects for Russian youth in the context of global, national and local crises?
• What are the consequences/effects of youth migration (inflow/outflow) for regional development?
• How can the regions become more attractive for young people?
Experts: L. Borusyak (Moscow City University), M. Eflova (Kazan Federal University), N. Mironova (Institute of Language, Literature and History of the Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the RAS), A. Shchekoturov (Baltic Federal University), E. Goncharova (Pskov State University, Public Council for Culture under the Committee for Culture of the Pskov Region), E. Omelchenko (HSE University - St. Petersburg), O. Brednikova (Sociological Institute of the RAS), I. Suchkov (Russian Youth Union), I. Lisovskaya (HSE University)
Monday, April 10
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-10-2/4. Physiological and psycho-emotional consequences of the transition to new forms of communication
Moderator: M. Larisa (HSE University - St. Petersburg, SPbU)
Issues for discussion:
Experts: T. Yanicheva (Architecture of the Future, SPbU), V. Gershkovich (SPbU), O. Koltsova (HSE University - St. Petersburg), L. Mararitsa (HSE University - St. Petersburg, SPbU), P. Novikov (Humanteq), P. Panicheva (Voronezh State Pedagogical University), P. Borisova (Center for Public Health), D. Lyusin (HSE University), Y. Gorina (Krasnoyarsk State Medical University. prof. V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Ministry of Health of Russia), T. Kazantseva (HSE University - St. Petersburg, SPbU), A. Vorobieva (Institute of Psychology RAS)
Monday, April 10
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Roundtable B-10-3. Northeast Asia and Russia’s Energy Pivot to the East: Challenges and Prospects (Note! Event Ends at 4:30PM)
Moderator: S. Yenikeyeff (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
The roundtable’s participants will share their views on the features of Russia and China’s emerging energy partnership and its effect on the internal energy market of the latter, South Korea and Japan, as well as the impact on external and internal energy policy of these states.
This meeting will pay particular attention to the influence of climate policy on changing the energy balance in the region in terms of increasing/reducing the result of external supply in internal use of various types of energy resources (LNG, oil, pipeline gas, coal, electricity, nuclear energy and renewable resources), as well as technologies, metals and components, necessary for the energy sector from particular producers.
Furthermore, the experts will discuss the key trends in the development of energy relations in Northeast Asia, as well as the possibilities and challenges that appear for the development of Russia’s strategy on external energy markets.
Experts: S. Tsyplakov (HSE University), J. Sung (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Expert Council of the Russian Gas Society), K. Wook-Paik (Independent Expert), A. Konoplyanik (Gazprom Export, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation), S. Popov (Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of the Siberian Branch of the RAS), V. Kryukov (IEIE SB RAS, HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
The roundtable’s participants will share their views on the features of Russia and China’s emerging energy partnership and its effect on the internal energy market of the latter, South Korea and Japan, as well as the impact on external and internal energy policy of these states.
This meeting will pay particular attention to the influence of climate policy on changing the energy balance in the region in terms of increasing/reducing the result of external supply in internal use of various types of energy resources (LNG, oil, pipeline gas, coal, electricity, nuclear energy and renewable resources), as well as technologies, metals and components, necessary for the energy sector from particular producers.
Furthermore, the experts will discuss the key trends in the development of energy relations in Northeast Asia, as well as the possibilities and challenges that appear for the development of Russia’s strategy on external energy markets.
Experts: S. Popov (Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of the Siberian Branch of the RAS), J. Sung (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Expert Council of the Russian Gas Society), A. Konoplyanik (Gazprom Export, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation), S. Tsyplakov (HSE University), K. Wook-Paik (Independent Expert), V. Kryukov (IEIE SB RAS, HSE University)
Section BbHonorary Reports
Monday, April 10
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Honorary paper Bb-10-5. Tembinkosi Bonakele (Wits University, Ex-commissioner of the South African Competition Commission (from 2013 to 2022)) Challenges and Opportunities for South Africa in the New Geopolitical Reality
Moderator: A. Ivanov (HSE University)
Since the first democratic elections held in 1994, South Africa has undergone a complex path of political transformation and socioeconomic development. While continuing to struggle with the consequences of apartheid, inequality and economic problems, the country is focused on full integration into the global community. In August 2023, South Africa will host the 15th BRICS Summit as part of its presidency in the organization under the theme: “BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable Development and Inclusive Multilateralism”. How does the country participate in the formation of a multipolar system of interstate relations? In what areas can South Africa and Russia cooperate most effectively? What measures are being taken in South Africa to stabilize the economy during the global crisis? And what tools does the competition policy have to eliminate imbalances in an emerging economy?
Section BcInvited Reports
Monday, April 10
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Invited paper Bc-10-2. Kazi Sohag (Ural Federal University, Russia) Oil market shocks and financial stress amid geopolitical risks in Russia
Moderator: M. Salikhov (HSE University)
For Russia, as a non-OPEC oil-dependent economy, oil market volatilities can transmit a significant shock to the financial market. Abrupt oil market shocks pose severe challenges to macroeconomic performance, including the financial market. To this end, we shall assess the transmission effect of oil price shocks decomposing into supply, demand and risk oil shocks on the financial stress for Russia's economy. In doing so, we apply Cross-Quantilogram and Cross-spectral quantile coherency approaches to analyze daily data from July 13 2012 to March 17, 2022. Our empirical analysis demonstrates that financial stress intensifies due to demand and supply side shocks of the oil market in the short memory at the bullish state of oil price shock and a higher quantile of Russian financial stress. In turn, financial stress declines in reaction to oil market demand and supply side shocks in the long memory at lower to the medium quantile of oil price shocks and at medium quantile to higher quantile of financial stress. In turn, financial stress intensifies with an increase in oil risk shock in long-term memory at the higher quantile of both indicators. The negative responsiveness of financial stress to risk-side shock is manifested at higher quantiles of financial stress and at lower to medium quantiles of oil risk shock in short-term memory.
Monday, April 10
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Invited paper Bc-10-3. Andrey Malenko (University of Michigan, USA) Catching outliers: committee voting and the limits of consensus when financing innovation
Moderator: D. Veselov (HSE University)
We will present novel evidence that a substantial share of venture capital investors in the US use a voting model where a single partner “championing” an early-stage investment is sufficient for an investment committee to do the deal, even if other partners are not as enthusiastic. Their stated reason for this voting rule is to “catch outliers”. The same VCs also tend towards more conventional “majority” or “unanimity” rules for later stage investments. We analyze this evidence through the lens of several conventional models of information aggregation in committees, and conclude that it points to a model in which different voting partners get signals about different aspects of the project and superstar projects are the ones that excel on certain dimensions even if potentially flawed on others. In this instance, if the distribution of investment returns is sufficiently heavy-tailed, a champions rule is optimal, while for less heavy-tailed distributions, more consensus is optimal. We then empirically show that the distribution of early stage returns have significantly heavier tails than late stage returns, thus validating the model. In a quantitative example, we find that a majority voting rule in early-stage investing reduces the chances of finding the best investment by up to 70% relative to the “champions” model.
Monday, April 10
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Invited paper Bc-10-4/2. Alastair Crooke (Conflicts Forum, United Kingdom) Israel transformed, and with a radical project: is war inevitable?
Moderator: V. Naumkin (Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, HSE University)
What is occurring in Israel is a structural and demographical antithetical opposition that has been progressing towards its inevitable explosion for at least the last 23 years, i.e. from when PM Sharon made his provocative march on Al-Haram al-Sharif. It was he who lit the fuse to the radical nationalist movement. Twenty years on, the Settlers and the religious factions have reached the top and plan to remain there.
The largely secular Israeli protestors challenging Netanyahu's “judicial reform" project represent the former Ashkenazi professional ruling class who were deposed by the Mizrahi “underclass” of settler extremists and religious Zionists in the most recent elections. The latter have been waiting decades to achieve power. Now they have it; they exult in it, and are not about to back off.
The Israeli middle classes are on the street, but are unlikely to find the inner-resolve for a violent fight. The Mizrahi, the settlers, and the religious are itching for one. They have a purpose, and it’s not new. It has been mulled over for years. The radicals are quite open about it.
It is not just about constitutional change. The judicial “reform” is the steppingstone to a major demographic shock: the project is to transfer of the bulk of the Palestinian population from the West Bank to east of the River Jordan (i.e. into Jordan itself), and to tie the rights of any Palestinians remaining west of the River to whatever sovereign entity emerges as successor to the Hashemite Kingdom.
How might this “project” be triggered? A provocation at Al-Aqsa? Ben Gvir ascends to Al-Aqsa vowing to rebuild the Third Temple in its place, or the West Bank spontaneously explodes. Some pretext is necessary to trigger this project -- but firstly, judicial reform must be completed that empowers the state to take “exceptional” decisions without judicial review, and further dis-empower Palestinians.
However, any threat to Al-Aqsa will cause reactions across the Islamic world, as well as a possible regional military response. Washington may not want a regional conflict -- and certainly not one involving Iran which might destroy Israel. Still, does Team Biden possess the energy or the will to stop the settlers?
Section EFinancial Institutions, Markets and Payment Systems
Moderators: A. Karminsky (HSE University), V. Solodkov (HSE University), N. Berzon (HSE University)
Monday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session E-10-1. Risk Management
Moderator: A. Karminsky (HSE University)
O. Bekirova (RANEPA)
Determinants of Risk, Profitability and Probability of Default for Russian Banking Sector (abstract)
V. Shenevskaia (HSE University), A. Astakhova (HSE University)
An ensemble machine learning approach for forecasting credit ratings of industrial companies of the EU and the US (abstract)
E. Pastukhov (Raiffeisen)
Methods, models and tools for risk management of digital assets (abstract)
V. Stefanenko (HSE University)
Credit ratings in Islamic finance (abstract)
Y. Jiaqi (HSE University)
Research on the NFT digital collection in China: risks, measures, and potential development directions (abstract)
Monday, April 10
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session E-10-2. Systemic Risks and Crises
Moderator: M. Stolbov (MGIMO)
E. Loktionova (INRTU)
Cognitive Model of the National Financial Market: Creating Process and Prospects for Assessing the Security of Its Functioning (abstract)
G. Pomortsev (HSE University), A. Astakhova (Bank of Russia)
The long-term impact of climate risks on the creditworthiness of European corporates (abstract)
V. Yurchenko (FEFU)
Assessment of changes in the impact of military conflicts on the behavior of investors and the dynamics of stock indices over the past 100 years (abstract)
M. Shchepeleva (HSE University), M. Stolbov (MGIMO University)
In Search of Global Determinants of National Credit-to-GDP Gaps (abstract)
Monday, April 10
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session E-10-3. Banks and Monetary Policy
Moderator: V. Sokolov (HSE University)
V. Gusev (Bank of Russia)
Asset-Market Effects of Monetary Policy in Russia (abstract)
V. Bannikova (Lomonosov MSU)
Identification of monetary surprises with high-frequency data (abstract)
P. Popova (HSE University), M. Semenova (HSE University)
Time to Extend Credit? Bank Credit Lines During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Russia (abstract)
V. Sokolov (HSE University), A. Gorodilov (HSE University)
Banks’ performance after a policy rate shock: the role of interest rate sensitivity (abstract)
Monday, April 10
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session E-10-4. Banks and Financial Instruments
Moderator: V. Solodkov (HSE Universtiy)
D. Vetlugin (Far Eastern Federal University)
Microfinance in Russia: Institutional Failure and Mission Drift (abstract)
A. Fasano (University of Siena and Rome Luiss)
Sustainable Portfolios under the Lens of Behavioural Finance (abstract)
A. Mishura (IEIE SB RAS)
The impact of bank lending to SME on SME dynamics (abstract)
N. Makhankova (Bank of Russia), A. Burova (Bank of Russia), D. Koshelev (Bank of Russia)
Debt Service: Evidence Based on Consolidated Statements of Russian Companies (abstract)
L. Shiryaeva (JINR)
Complementary currencies as effective innovations within the ESG paradigm (abstract)
Section IInternational Relations
Moderator: T. Bordachev (HSE University)
Monday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session I-10-1. Central Asia in Russian Politics
Moderator: T. Bordachev (HSE University)
A. Migranyan (IMEMO RAS)
Transformation of economic relations under sanctions in Eurasia (abstract)
E. Kuzmina (IWEIR)
Russia's Economic Ties with the countries of Central Asia in the light of US policy to "separate the region from the Russian Federation" (abstract)
D. Chizhova (Lomonosov MSU)
Trends in the development of relations between Russia and Central Asian countries (abstract)
K. Muratshina (IOS RAS), M. Valeeva (Ural Federal University)
Russia - Central Asia cultural contacts: mutual expectations (abstract)
Discussants: S. Pritchin (IMEMO RAS), I. Safranchuk (HSE University), R. Oshakbayev (Center for Applied Research "TALAP")
Monday, April 10
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session I-10-2. Unilateral Sanctions in a Multipolar World – 1
Moderator: A. Likhacheva (HSE University)
I. Timofeev ( Russian International Affairs Council )
The policy of sanctions: cognitive possibilities of the theory of international relations (abstract)
T. Romanova (SPbU)
Strategic sovereignty / autonomy of the European Union in the context of sanctions pressure and its consequences (abstract)
S. Shein (HSE University)
Analysis of the dynamics of sanctions regimes based on the multifunctional database "SANCTIONSRUBASE +" (abstract)
Monday, April 10
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session I-10-3. Unilateral Sanctions in a Multipolar World – 2
Moderator: A. Likhacheva (HSE University)
L. Sokolshchik (HSE University)
The US sanctions policy towards Latin American countries: cases of Cuba and Venezuela (abstract)
E. Arapova (MGIMO)
Foreign companies strategies on the Russian market in 2022 (abstract)
Section IaOriental Studies
Moderators: T. Bordachev (HSE University), A. Karneev (HSE University), O. Volosyuk (HSE University)
Monday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session Ia-10-1. China's Foreign Policy
Moderator: V. Kashin (HSE University)
A. Yankova (HSE University)
The Chinese Cyber Sovereignty Concept: features of understanding, mechanisms of popularization, the role of developing countries (abstract)
I. Nadezhda (HSE University), A. Dudina (HSE University)
Shaping of the Modern Foreign Policy Media Discourse of the PRC (Based on the Articles of the Online Version of the Renmin Ribao Newspapers for 2022) (abstract)
V. Portyakov (Institute of China and Modern Asia RAS)
China and developing countries: from the "spirit of Bandung" to the theory of the "three worlds"and towards "Belt and Road Initiative" (abstract)
L. Anna (MGIMO)
Sino-EU Relations in the New International Reality: Russian and US Factors (abstract)
Monday, April 10
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session Ia-10-2. India as a Leading Power: Foreign Policy Initiatives and Priorities
Moderator: O. Kharina (HSE University)
A. Zakharov (HSE University)
India’s Foreign Policy Toward Latin America: Emphasis on Economic Ties? (abstract)
N. Unnikrishah (Observer Research Foundation)
India and the country's plans for the SCO (abstract)
K. Seethi (Indian Council of Social Science Research)
Islamist Outfit Masquerading under Republic Banned in India (abstract)
R. Thakur (Delhi University)
Women's Studies in China Today (abstract)
A. Dobritsyn (HSE University)
Challenges and opportunities of Indian-Russian cooperation in the field of nuclear energy at the present stage. (abstract)
Monday, April 10
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session Ia-10-3. Inter-Korean Relations at the Turn of the XX-XXI Centuries
Moderator: Z. Son (HSE University)
B. Bae (Korea University)
The impact of QUAD institutionalization on the aggravation of territorial disputes in East Asia (abstract)
P. Leshakov (HSE University)
Economic Aspects of Inter-Korean Relations (abstract)
V. Samsonova (Institute of China and Modern Asia RAS)
Inter-Korean Relations in the 21st Century (abstract)
Y. Kim (HSE University)
The impact of the DPRK and ROK policy priorities on inter-Korean relations -2023 (abstract)
Monday, April 10
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session Ia-10-4. How to Teach Chinese History in the 21st Century?
Moderator: A. Sizova (HSE University)
V. Datsyshen (SibFU)
Approaches to Teaching the History of the Qing Empire as a Eurasian State (abstract)
A. Sizova (HSE University)
Chinese History Issues in the Chinese Language Teaching Materials for Foreign Students (abstract)
E. Volchkova (HSE University)
Using Arts as Historical Evidence in Teaching History of Medieval China (abstract)
M. Karpov (Lomonosov MSU)
On the issue of teaching socio-economic history of China in higher education (abstract)
A. Malenkova (Lomonosov MSU)
Teaching Chinese History in a Changing World: From Theoretical Knowledge to Practical Skills. (abstract)
Discussants: A. Kaimova (Lomonosov MSU), A. Karneev (HSE University)
Monday, April 10
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Ia-10-5. Chinese Taipei Development Issues
Moderator: I. Gordeeva (HSE University)
A. Karneev (HSE University)
The heijin zhengzhi phenomena resurrection during the reign of the Democratic Progressive Party in Taiwan (since 2016) (abstract)
I. Gordeeva (HSE University)
The Taiwan Issue in the Center of World Events (abstract)
V. Mayorov (National Cheng Kung University)
Taiwanese scientists about Russia. Analysis of grant activity of the Ministry of Science and Technology (abstract)
V. Perminova (Institute of Oriental Studies)
Historical memory about Japanese rule on Taiwan (abstract)
A. Kaimova (MSU)
Development of "Taiwanese Identity" during the presidency of Cai Yingwen (2016-2023) (abstract)
Section QSociology
Moderators: E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE University), A. Strelnikova (HSE University)
Monday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session Q-10-1. Facets of Identity and Migration: the Experience of Regional Field Research
Moderator: V. Kasamara (HSE University)
Y. Belova (HSE University), V. Sakaev (HSE University)
Local identity and migration behavior of young adults of the Pskov region (abstract)
D. Chebanova (HSE University), V. Kasamara (HSE University)
Transposing the regional identity of young people moved to a megalopolis (comparative analysis of the Pskov Region and the Kamchatka Territory) (abstract)
K. Mokin (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS), N. Baryshnaya (RGSU)
The Phenomenon of Modern Diaspora: Reproduction of Territorial Identity in the Border Region (on the example of the Saratov region) (abstract)
P. Lavrusevich (NSU)
Sense of place and its components in the context of informal environmental management practices (abstract)
Discussant: E. Batovrina (HSE University)
Monday, April 10
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-10-2. Tourists and Locals: Preferences, Motives and Social Practices
Moderator: M. Markin (HSE University)
M. Markin (HSE University), A. Markina (HSE University), E. Tyurina (HSE University), E. Chefanova (HSE University)
Motives for Choosing a Place of a Rest and Everyday Practices in post-COVID times (A Case of the Central Sochi, Adler and Sirius) (abstract)
E. Nadezhdina (HSE), M. Babak (HSE University), Y. Scherbakov (HSE University)
Subjective routes between Adler and Sirius: the image of the territory in the view of tourists and locals (abstract)
N. Sukhotsky (Institute of Sociology of the NAS of Belarus)
Tourist preferences of residents of Belarus (according to sociological research in 2022) (abstract)
Discussant: K. Makarova (HSE University)
Monday, April 10
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-10-3. Parenthood, Work and Gender
Moderator: E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE University)
N. Tonkikh (USUE)
Parental well-being and quality of work life during remote work: opinions of Russian women (abstract)
S. Anastasia (USPU)
Mom in action: demographic policy in the logic of transformation of maternal practices (abstract)
A. Bochkor (HSE University), A. Artiushina (HSE University), M. Frolov (HSE University), A. Khabibullin (HSE University)
Relationship quality during one of the partners’s unemployment period (abstract)
V. Kondratenko (HSE University)
The relationship between alcohol consumption of youth and their parents in modern Russia (abstract)
M. Aleksandrova (HSE University), V. Antonova (HSE University), D. Prisyazhniuk (HSE University)
Women employees of business companies in the development of inclusive employment in Russia (abstract)
Monday, April 10
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-10-4. Children and Teenagers in the Modern World
Moderator: M. Khusnutdinova (HSE University)
A. Feigina (SPBU), E. Aguzarova (SPBU), A. Korovina (SPBU)
Consumer socialization of children and adolescents in a digital society (abstract)
E. Pilipenko (HSE University)
The value of children's banking products in the context of financial socialization in the family (abstract)
E. Ivanova (SPbU)
Practices and Meanings of Faking Illnesses by Russian Pupils of 2010s: Growing Up, Guilt and Tactics (abstract)
A. Gozbenko (HSE University)
The image of a patriot for modern Russian schoolchildren (abstract)
Monday, April 10
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-10-5. Beyond Institutional Norms
Moderator: E. Khodzhaeva (EUSP)
A. Lysova (Simon Fraser University), E. Khodzhaeva (EUSP)
Victims of intimate partner violence in Russia: The current state of knowledge (abstract)
O. Bubnovskaia (FEFU), K. Yakubenko (FEFU)
Economic Factors of Youth Involvement in Violence and Deviations (abstract)
E. Akeleva (HSE University), E. Ivashkina (HSE University), M. Sergeeva (HSE University)
The factors of academic dishonesty on distance learning among students of Russian universities (abstract)
K. Dimoni (VSU)
Legal consciousness of the population of Russia in the 1920s - 1950s: the evolution of ideas about responsibility for theft (abstract)
Discussant: A. Lysova (Simon Fraser University)
Tuesday, April 11
Section BSpecial Sessions and Roundtables
Tuesday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-11-1/1. Accessible Heritage: Inclusive Projects of Cultural Institutions and Business
Moderator: I. Martusevich (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
Experts: K. Lileina (VTB Bank), E. Selezneva (Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center i), M. Luchkova (Garage Museum of Contemporary Art), V. Kravtsova (Sbarbank), A. Dzhumaeva (Center Zotov Constructive Space), I. Belskaya (VTB Bank)
Issues for discussion:
Experts: K. Lileina (VTB Bank), M. Luchkova (Garage Museum of Contemporary Art), I. Belskaya (VTB Bank), E. Selezneva (Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center i), V. Kravtsova (Sbarbank), A. Dzhumaeva (Center Zotov Constructive Space)
Tuesday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-11-1/2. Prospects for the forming of the Eurasian scientific and educational area
Moderator: T. Kolobashkina (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• How successful has been the deepening of integration in science and education? What are the key problems and limitations?
• How effective have digital and platform projects been in the fields of education, science, innovation and the job market?
• Is it possible to develop Eurasian education and scientific space in EAEU (based on the experience of the EU)? Widespread partnership vs the tactic of “small steps” (e.g. corporate projects in science and education)
• Prospective instruments and formats for academic/technical partnerships (creating a hi-tech centre in the EAEU, Interstate Fund of Academic Research of EAEU/CIS partnerships, etc)
• What is necessary for the immediate launch of the Eurasian academic mobility programme?
• Network education partnership as an alternative to wide-scale educational integration? How to stimulate the development of the Eurasian Network University project?
• What are the priority areas for launching cooperative projects in science and education?
• What measures must be undertaken by state members and at the supra-national level to speed up integration in educational and technical fields?
• Role of education and academic partnership in the popularization of Eurasian integration
Experts: V. Kovalev (Eurasian Economic Commission), S. Yun (Tomsk State University), I. Vasilyeva (Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in Science and Technology), V. Panova (HSE University), A. Tolparov (Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation), V. Pereboev (Eurasian Development Bank), A. Troitsky (State University of Management, Coordinating Council of the EAEU Network University)
Tuesday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Roundtable B-11-1/4. Knowledge Sharing Hub for Africa: e-Governance
Moderator: A. Pavlenko (Innopraktika)
Issues for discussion:
Issues for discussion:
Tuesday, April 11
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-11-2/2. Adaptation of the Russian Economy to Sanctions Restrictions (presentation of the HSE University Report)
Moderator: L. Jakobson (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
Experts: N. Akindinova (HSE University), Y. Simachev (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
Experts: N. Akindinova (HSE University), Y. Simachev (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 11
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-11-5. Sanctions against Russia: Consequences for the Global Economy
Moderator: I. Makarov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
In 2022-2023, Western countries introduced unprecedented sanctions against Russia, including bans on the supply of various goods to the Russian market or purchases of Russian products, as well as complex mechanisms such as price caps on Russian oil and gas. In addition, major international corporations have introduced boycotts, while others have completely abandoned the Russian market.
The sanctions have heavily impacted the Russian economy, however, this has also resulted in major risks for the global economy. For instance, they restrict global market access to a wide range of resources, leading to rise in prices and transaction costs for cross-trade transactions, while also depriving western corporations of a major market and driving a significant redirection of trade flows, coupled with a refocusing of wellbeing.
This roundtable will discuss the effects of the sanctions against Russia on the global economic system. The following issues will be considered:
1. What sectors of the global economy were most affected by the sanctions against Russia? Can this effect be measured?
2. Are the sanctions slowing down growth in major economies and throughout the world in general?
3. What is the effect of the sanctions on inflation in leading economies?
4. How have trade flows of key raw materials changed as Western countries stop purchasing Russian resources?
5. How quickly can the world economy react to these new conditions?
Experts: A. Kuznetsov (INION RAS), L. Grigoryev (HSE University), A. Knobel (RANEPA), V. Kulagin (ERI RAS), A. Podrugina (HSE University)
Section BaLyubimov Readings
Tuesday, April 11
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable Ba-11-2. Psychological Wellbeing in Academic Processes
Moderator: O. Isaeva (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod)
Issues for discussion:
Круглый стол посвящен обсуждению современного состояния проблемы психологического благополучия участников образовательного процесса: учащихся, их родителей и педагогов. Наряду с ключевыми докладами ведущих научных сотрудников, занимающихся разработкой данной темы, обсудим вопросы практической деятельности по диагностике психологического благополучия и его повышению.
• Феномен психологического благополучия, счастья, процветания – это «дань моде» или актуальная потребность науки и практики?
• Кто самый счастливый из участников образовательного процесса? Как это понять?
• Каковы механизмы развития психологического благополучия?
• Есть ли у образовательной организации ресурсы для сопровождения участников образовательного процесса?
Experts: V. Katunova (Privolzhsky Research Medical University), N. Dunaeva (Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod), E. Volkova (Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education)
Tuesday, April 11
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable Ba-11-3. Formation of Critical Thinking in Students - 1
Moderator: A. Dementiev (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
На Круглом столе обсудим технологии формирования критического мышления, практики обучения мышлению, формы организации деятельности обучающихся и способы оценивания результатов формирования критического мышления.
• Критическое мышление: концептуальные основания
• Технологии развития критического мышления и принципы их построения
• Приемы и практики развития критического мышления
• Особенности формирование критического мышления у обучающихся разного возраста, уровня знаний и различного предшествующего опыта
Experts: L. Sidorova (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod), S. Filippova (Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy), D. Shpilev (Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia), ‪. Bukhtoyarov (Siberian Federal University), K. Panko (Voronezh State University)
Tuesday, April 11
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable Ba-11-4. Formation of Critical Thinking in Students - 2
Moderator: A. Dementiev (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
На Круглом столе обсудим технологии формирования критического мышления, практики обучения мышлению, формы организации деятельности обучающихся и способы оценивания результатов формирования критического мышления.
• Критическое мышление: концептуальные основания
• Технологии развития критического мышления и принципы их построения
• Приемы и практики развития критического мышления
• Особенности формирование критического мышления у обучающихся разного возраста, уровня знаний и различного предшествующего опыта
Experts: K. Panko (Voronezh State University), D. Shpilev (Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia), S. Filippova (Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy), ‪. Bukhtoyarov (Siberian Federal University), L. Sidorova (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod)
Section BbHonorary Reports
Tuesday, April 11
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Honorary paper Bb-11-3/1. Alexandre Barreto de Souza (General Superintendent at CADE) Problems of the Digital Economy Regulation Through the Prism of Competition Development and Brazilian experience
Moderator: A. Ivanov (HSE University)
Global digitalization has brought with it not only many benefits, but also challenges for competition authorities around the world. The complex and flexible nature of digital giants demands the legislation, and above all antitrust legislation, be adapted to the realities of the ecosystem economy. Throughout the world today, competition authorities and researchers are seeking new approaches to understand and regulate the digital competitive environment and to develop effective antitrust tools. Is it possible to overcome the hegemony of Western IT-giants? How can the BRICS plus countries harmonize their approaches to regulating digital markets, and what steps have already been taken in this direction? What is Brazil's specific experience on this issue: the most striking cases of recent years, best practices? Where can Russia and Brazil find common ground?
Tuesday, April 11
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Honorary paper Bb-11-3/2. Hamza Ali Malik (United Nations ESCAP) Rethinking Public Debt Sustainability Assessment for Sustainable Development Goals
Moderator: V. Panova (HSE University)
Rising government debt levels, higher interest rates, and economic slowdown across the globe, amidst war-induced uncertainty, mean that the risk of public debt distress has increased for many economies and will be considerable in the coming years. At the same time, large SDG and climate-related financing needs are weighing-in on fiscal and debt positions . This implies that the scale of government responses needed for pursuing the SDGs and for climate action, especially in developing countries that most need them, are likely to remain limited. In this context we argue, in ESCAP’s Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2023, that public debt can be a powerful development tool, if used judiciously and with a long-term horizon, and call for a rethink of public debt sustainability assessments. The Survey 2023 proposes an ‘augmented’ debt sustainability assessment approach to supplement the approaches used by international financial institutions and credit rating agencies for assessing debt distress. Specifically, our approach incorporates national SDG financing needs, structural development policies, and SDG financing strategies in determining a country’s public debt sustainability. Inclusion of the socioeconomic and environmental benefits of investments in SDGs is found to result in public debt reduction over the long term. We also recommend sovereign debt restructuring for countries with elevated debt distress and call for an accelerated progress towards establishing common international debt restructuring and resolution frameworks, involving official and private creditors.


Section BcInvited Reports
Tuesday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Invited paper Bc-11-1. Arunava Sen (Indian Statistical Institute, India) Priority domains (jointly with Ankit Singh)
Moderator: F. Aleskerov (HSE University)
We analyze preference domains (so-called priority domains) where every strategy-proof, non-bossy and neutral allocation rule is a priority rule. It considers two versions of neutrality: unanimous prole neutrality or UPN neutrality, where the neutrality axiom
only applies to preference proles where all agents have a common preference ordering and full neutrality or FN neutrality, where the neutrality axiom applies generally. We show that a very simple condition characterizes priority domains under the UPN axiom. If these domains satisfy a mild richness condition, they must be the universal domain. The class of priority domains under the FN axiom is larger than those satisfying only UPN. We identify an FN-priority domain that is of order 1/n relative to the universal domain.
Tuesday, April 11
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Invited paper Bc-11-4. Kirill Borissov (European university at Saint-Petersburg, Russia) Growth and distribution in models with envy
Moderator: E. Gurvich (Economic Expert Group)
It is well documented that the marginal and average propensity to consume is decreasing as one’s income rises. This observation was the basis of the relative income hypothesis advanced by Duesenberry in the 1940s. Then, 25-30 years, later Schlicht and Bourguignon developed mathematical models based on this hypothesis. A distinguishing feature of these models is that the population becomes divided into two classes, the rich and the poor. However, these models use a consumption function with no microeconomic foundation.
A possible approach to the rationalization of the relative income hypothesis is to introduce negative consumption externalities (envy) into consumers’ utility functions. In this case, on equilibrium paths, the population is also divided into two classes. Moreover, such a rationalization gives us an opportunity to analyze the impacts of different economic policies on economic growth and income and wealth inequality.
Section EFinancial Institutions, Markets and Payment Systems
Moderators: A. Karminsky (HSE University), V. Solodkov (HSE University), N. Berzon (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session E-11-1. Innovations in Financial Markets
Moderator: T. Teplova
T. Teplova (HSE University), T. Sokolova (HSE University), M. Fayzulin (HSE University)
Artificial Intelligence in Forecasting the Dynamics of Stock Prices in the Russian Market: Supplementing Technical Indicators with the Authors' Metrics of Investor Attention and Divergence of Opinions in Messengers and Social Networks (abstract)
A. Kurkin (HSE University), T. Teplova (HSE University)
Analysis of nonlinear effects of investor sentiment on NFT asset returns. (abstract)
N. Lysenok (HSE University)
The potential of using structural products for the financial markets of the BRICS countries (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session E-11-2. Financial Markets and Investments
Moderator: B. Nikolay (HSE University)
A. Abramov (HSE University), M. Chernova (RANEPA)
Pension savings investment: lessons of the past and a look into the future (abstract)
E. Antonova (FEFU), D. Zhilina (FEFU)
If neighbors invest, you will also invest or a spatial or economic analysis of the propensity to invest indicator in the Russian Federation (abstract)
G. Mariya (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod), D. Anastasia (ECS – Regional Division of Custom in Nizhny Novgorod), P. Sergey (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod)
The Specifics of Share Pricing under Conditions of a Speculative Bubble: the Theory and Its Verifying (abstract)
A. Potapov (HSE University)
Derivatives margin influence on trading volume (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable E-11-3. BRICS Rating Agencies: Methodology and Management
Moderator: A. Karminsky (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Investor and borrower focus on BRICS markets in the context of rising geopolitical risks
• Restrictions of national rating industries
• Defects in the methodology of international rating agencies in assessing companies on emerging markets
• Optimization of organizational structure of rating agencies
• How is the BRICS rating agency developing its brand and reputation in the view of global investors?
• How to ensure the recognition of rating agencies in BRICS, as well as SCO and EAEU, countries? Is SEC and ESMA accreditation an option?
• Issues in regulating rating agencies
• Development, validation and regulatory approval of the BRICS rating agency’s methodology
• Issues with developing the rating scale of the BRICS rating agency and other agencies
Experts: M. Sukhov (Analytical Credit Rating Agency), K. Alyoshina (Bank of Russia), S. Grishunin (National Rating Agency, HSE University), I. Yarygina (MGIMO University), I. Zelezetsky (Gazprom), M. Chikurova (RAExpert)
Section IInternational Relations
Moderator: T. Bordachev (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session I-11-1. Domination, Leadership, Hegemony
Moderator: D. Trenin (HSE University)
T. Bordachev (HSE University)
The problem of allied relations in the foreign policy of a great power: the case of Russia and the CSTO/EAEU (abstract)
A. Kupriyanov (IMEMO)
The noble hegemon in the circle of kings: Indian practices of great power in the twenty-first century (abstract)
V. Kashin (HSE University)
Foreign policy of China after the 20th Party Congress (abstract)
A. Tokarev (MGIMO)
The sociology of Russia's future: towards greatness by peaceful steps (abstract)
Discussant: V. Heifets (SPbU)
Tuesday, April 11
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session I-11-2. Macroregionalism in Greater Eurasia
Moderator: S. Tkachenko (SPbU)
A. Korolev (HSE University)
The Eurasian Dimension of Russia-ASEAN Relations (abstract)
S. Mihnevich (RUIE)
Business cooperation as a driver of integration processes in Greater Eurasia (abstract)
A. Kupriyanov (IMEMO)
India and Greater Eurasia: An Economic Island with Mainland Thinking (abstract)
A. Perminova (ICCA RAS)
Security discourse in China's foreign policy in the Central Asian region (abstract)
Discussant: A. Karneev (HSE University)
Section IaOriental Studies
Moderators: T. Bordachev (HSE University), A. Karneev (HSE University), O. Volosyuk (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Roundtable Ia-11-1. Questions of Method and Methodology of Oriental Studies and Oriental Education in the Context of Russia's "Pivot to the East"
Issues for discussion:
The Russian Ministry of Education and Science announced its plans to develop a programme for the modernization of oriental studies by the end of 2023. Which elements and concepts of the current version of this field should be enhanced or augmented in terms of priority? Language instruction, understanding political systems and cultures, mentalities, ethno-psychology, history, ethnography, literature, religion, concepts for business communication and interaction, etc? What is the role of the university community and graduates in this process? How can relations with employers and business associations engaged in trade/economic relations in Asian and African countries be enhanced?
Experts: M. Soloshcheva (HSE University), V. Kuznetsov (Institute of Oriental Studies RAS), A. Maslov (Lomonosov MSU), V. Datsyshen (Siberian Federal University), E. Zelenev (HSE University), V. Makarenko (Institute of Oriental Studies of the RAS), O. Volosyuk (HSE University), A. Lukin (HSE University, Institute of China and Modern Asia RAS), O. Sapozhnikova (Lomonosov MSU), A. Dolin (HSE University), A. Sizova (HSE University), E. Kanaev (HSE University), U. Strizhak (HSE University), V. Kolotov (SPbU), I. Tsaregorodtseva (HSE University), S. Karaganov (HSE University), A. Karneev (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 11
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session Ia-11-2. Southeast Asia in the Context of Global Turbulence: Plans, Realities and Prospects
Moderator: E. Kanaev (HSE University)
M. Terskikh (IMEMO)
ASEAN amidst a New Cold War: Challenges and Opportunities (abstract)
N. Kuklin (MGIMO)
Four Term Indonesian ASEAN Presidency: Achievements and Limitations of Diplomacy "bebas aktif" (abstract)
L. Xingtao (Shaoyang University)
A Chinese Researcher on Southeast Asia in the Belt and Road Initiative (abstract)
E. Kanaev (HSE University), D. Fedorenko (HSE University)
The Trans-National Digital Infrastructure in Southeast Asia as a Priority of ASEAN Economic Community 2025: a 5G Internet Perspective (abstract)
T. Kolesnikova (SPB GUAP)
Protectionism and Free Trade in the Economic Policies of Southeast Asian Countries: a Dichotomy (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session Ia-11-3. India: A New Type of Great Power
Moderator: O. Solodkova (HSE University)
S. Lunev (MGIMO University)
India's Balancing Policy (abstract)
O. Solodkova (HSE University)
India: a modern view of history (abstract)
A. Bhandari (Gateway House)
India's Economic Interests and Modernity (abstract)
A. Zaharov (HSE University)
A Comparative Analysis of Russia’s and France’s Strategies Towards India and South Asia (abstract)
N. Zamaraeva (Institute of Oriental Studies RAS)
India - Pakistan: the status of relations in the region (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Ia-11-5. Adaptation of Russian-Chinese Cooperation to Crisis Conditions
Moderator: V. Kashin (HSE University)
A. Piatachkova (HSE University)
New instruments and formats for Russian-Chinese trade and economic cooperation development crisis during the current (abstract)
I. Zuenko (MGIMO)
Prospects for development of logistics in Russo-Chinese border areas in new conditions (abstract)
R. Epikhina (Lomonosov MSU)
Russia's Trade Ties with China: New Features (abstract)
A. Yankova (HSE University), V. Smirnova (HSE University)
The "brand" of the Russian-Chinese partnership: opportunities, risks, prospects (abstract)
Section MPolitical Processes
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 11
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable M-11-2. Network Analysis Theory and Application - 1
Moderator: D. Maltseva (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
This session will consider theoretical and empirical research from a wide range of fields, which rely on network theory or network analysis methods. Participants with reports on the following subjects will take part:
• contemporary theoretical/methodological developments in network analysis;
• models and instruments for network analysis for studying integrated networks (large, multilateral, temporal, informational and social networks);
• latest developments for overcoming current gaps in network analysis methodology;
• creating collections of network data considering real-life problems in various fields;
• application of methodologies and instruments for network analysis in practical analysis (analysis of semantic discourse, political, economic, business, scientific and educational networks).
Reports by experts in various disciplines and fields are welcomed.
Experts: M. Guarracino (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod), V. Kalyagin (HSE University), I. Kostylev (HSE University), L. Kapustina (HSE University), E. Kashirin (Independent researcher), A. Kim (HSE University), V. Batagelj (HSE Univerity, University of Ljubljana, University of Primorska)
Section QSociology
Moderators: E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE University), A. Strelnikova (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session Q-11-1. Socio-economic Behavior: Employment, Attitudes, Consumer Practices - 1
Moderator: I. Pavlyutkin (HSE University)
S. Pashkov (HSE University)
The Embeddedness of Russian Consumer Sentiments and the Discourse of Economic Signals in the Mass Media: An Econometric Analysis of Crisis Periods (abstract)
A. Vernikov (IE RAS), A. Kurysheva (Southern Federal University)
Living beyond one’s means as reflected in old Russian proverbs (abstract)
A. Tatulyan (SPBU), A. Aleksandrova (SPBU)
Behavioral strategies of applicants in the labor market during the crisis period: a sociological perspective (abstract)
A. Rykhlik (HSE University), A. Marchenko (HSE University), A. Rotmistrov (HSE University)
Clustering pro-ecological YouTube video content based on audience response to it (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-11-2. Socio-economic Behavior: Employment, Attitudes, Consumer Practices - 2
Moderator: D. Strebkov (HSE University)
K. Solomatina (HSE University), I. Azalia (HSE University)
Onboarding without board: Adaptation of employees online (abstract)
O. Parfenova (SI FCTAS RAS)
Continuing professional employment at an older age: individual meanings and barriers (abstract)
A. Ivakina (SevSU), D. Maevski (SevSU), A. Smal (SevSU), A. Khlevov (SevSU)
Socio-economic behaviour of Orthodox and Baptists: a sociological and religious studies analysis (abstract)
N. Baisha (HSE University)
On the issue of organizing social and professional practices of medical specialists in the context of the coronavirus pandemic (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-11-3. Social Challenges in Education and Science: Practices, Identities
Moderator: R. Abramov (HSE University)
M. Maltsev (HSE University)
Author's identities in sociology: between institutional canon and individual style (abstract)
V. Permyakova (HSE University)
Career choice motivations of Russian scientists and attractiveness of workplace factors in the field of R&D (abstract)
E. Dyachenko (EUSP), Y. Agafonov (EUSP), K. Guba (EUSP), I. Potapov (EUSP)
Structure of the publication flow in Russian medical science: how big is the underwater part of the iceberg? (abstract)
M. Gibadullina (Center for Islamic Studies of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences)
Features of the social environment in Muslim secondary professional educational organizations of Tatarstan (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable Q-11-4. Sociology of Digital Inequality
Moderators: A. Strelnikova (FCTAS RAS, HSE University), M. Chernysh (FCTAS RAS), Y. Epikhina (FCTAS RAS, GAUGN)
Issues for discussion:
This roundtable with consider the outcomes of the longstanding project "New Social Inequality in the Digital Era", as well as provide a discussion of related fields.
Furthermore, the discussion will focus on the following issues: defining the new social inequality and how it is connected to digital technologies, “third tier fragmentation”, the socio-demographic aspects of users of investment apps , and how digitalization may expand already existing social inequality, as well as socio-professional groups subject to “digital stress”. The discussants will consider methodological issues on the collection and processing of data, which is used to analyze digital inequality.
Experts: E. Popov (HSE University), S. Korotaev (FCTAS RAS), E. Grigoryeva (FCTAS RAS), I. Iudin (HSE University), A. Starovoytenko (HSE University), N. Voronina (FCTAS RAS), D. Popov (FCTAS RAS)
Tuesday, April 11
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable Q-11-5. Research Dilemmas of Analysts: Structuring and Visualization of Qualitative Data
Moderator: E. Polukhina (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
This roundtable is dedicated to the release of the book Analysis of Qualitative Data in the Social Science (HSE Publishing House, 2023). The event will discuss the landscape of analytical practices - methods, programmes and research instruments, which can help to structure and visualize qualitative data. The event will include the book’s authors and sociologists, specializing in qualitative analysis methodology. This roundtable discussion will be held remotely.
Annotation of key presentations
Experts: M. Aleksandrova (HSE University), A. Nefedova (HSE University), E. Pryamikova (UrFU), E. Polukhina (HSE University), N. Veselkova (UrFU), A. Strelnikova (HSE University)
Section UHealthcare Studies
Moderator: S. Shishkin (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session U-11-1. Health Factors of the Population - 1. The session is organized in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2022-325)
Moderator: V. Vlasov (HSE University)
L. Zasimova (HSE University), A. Biryukova (HSE University), M. Kolosnitsyna (HSE University), T. Kossova (HSE University), K. Makshanchikov (HSE University), M. Sheluntcova (HSE University)
Impact of unhealthy lifestyle on life expectancy of men and women in Russia (abstract)
E. Kalabina (URFU, USUE)
How do undesirable habits affect the economic and social well-being of the region and the individual (based on materials from the Urals and Western Siberia macro-region)? (abstract)
A. Petrukhina (FEFU), A. Rymareva (FEFU)
Modeling the influence of socio-economic factors on the mortality rate of the population from coronary heart disease in the regions of the Russian Federation (abstract)
A. Iapparov (HSE University)
The attitude of young Muscovites to vaccination through the prism of the approval of the vaccine by the authorities (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session U-11-2. Health Factors of the Population - 2. The session is organized in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2022-325)
Moderator: M. Krasilnikova (HSE University)
A. Osavolyuk (RANEPA, Lomonosov MSU)
"Peer Effects" and Child Health in Russia (abstract)
M. Kaneva (IEIE SB RAS)
Propensity score matching for the analysis of the employment-health relationship  (abstract)
P. Poplavko (FEFU)
Does port activity affect mortality from respiratory diseases? (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session U-11-3. Healthcare Organization
Moderator: S. Shishkin (HSE University)
A. Drozd (FEFU)
Evaluation of the efficiency of the functioning of the Federal Center for High Medical Technologies in the profile "cardiovascular surgery" in the Penza region (abstract)
S. Begicheva (USUE), E. Esina (USUE), E. Kalabina (USUE)
Health system maintenance efficiency: in search of a balance of opportunities and possibilities (case of Sverdlovsk region) (abstract)
J. Podruhin (HSE University)
The features of the development of Russian medical startups. (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session U-11-4. Employment and Remuneration of Russian Doctors
Moderator: I. Sheiman (HSE University)
M. Sharova (Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences), T. Chubarova (Institute of Economics RAS)
Regional differentiation in the Russian Federation of remuneration in healthcare (abstract)
E. Sharepina (HSE University)
Migration of the Zemsky Doctor program participants to the peripheral territories of the central Russian region: factors and socio-demographic portrait (abstract)
K. Vaksina (HSE University)
Russian healthcare workers during the Covid-19 pandemic: factors of collective action (abstract)
Section VEducation
Moderators: I. Abankina (HSE University), I. Fedyukin (HSE University), E. Terentev (HSE University), M. Yudkevich (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session V-11-1. Digital Transformation of Education: Opportunities and Risks
Moderator: I. Karlov (HSE University)
N. Larionova (KFU), E. Pudovik (KFU)
The impact of the inter-regional digital divide on the success of graduates in the labor market: a spatial analysis (abstract)
M. Panova (MGIMO University-Odintsovo)
AI ethics in education (abstract)
D. Koroleva (HSE University), N. Jogezai (HSE University)
Leadership and organizational digital innovative capital  (abstract)
N. Kotik (HSE University), L. Horvath (ELTE Eotvos Lorand University)
Values, Technology Terception, and Technology Teadiness as Sociocultural Factors of Digital Technologies Implementation in Teaching. Comparison of the Teachers from Russia and Hungary (abstract)
M. Tadevosyan (RAU), N. Gevorkyan (Russian-Armenian University)
On the issue of managerial competencies in higher education in view of global transformations (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session V-11-2. University Management Practices
Moderator: A. Klyagin (HSE University)
E. Yanova (ITMO University)
ESG-transformation of universities as a driver of sustainable development of higher education (abstract)
M. Kurbatova (SibFU), I. Donova (Kemerovo State University)
Effective contract in Russian higher education: results of the implementation (abstract)
A. Savina (RANEPA), E. Ponomareva (RANEPA)
Improving the instruments for assessing the quality of educational activities in universities (abstract)
K. Anna (HSE University), T. Khavenson (HSE University)
Multipurpose criteria for university programmes quality assurance online: the points where online and offline meet (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session V-11-3. Educational and Professional Experience of Undergraduates and Postgraduates
Moderator: A. Korchak (HSE University)
A. Grigoreva (HSE University)
Departmental Assistance of Doctoral School as a Support Resource in Russian Universities (abstract)
T. Khavenson (HSE University)
Everything we wanted to know about graduate students: first results of nationwide survey in the frame of Monitoring of education markets and organizations (abstract)
S. Ezopova (Herzen University)
Analysis of professional expectations and their implementation among pedagogical master's degree graduates (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session V-11-4. Student Experience at a Modern University
Moderator: D. Efimov (HSE University)
O. Prikot (HSE University - St. Petersburg), I. Verkhovskaia (SPbUTEM), A. Zakhov (HSE University - St. Petersburg), N. Ionova (HSE University - St. Petersburg), A. Kondratiev (Saint Petersburg Mining University), M. Korneeva (HSE University - St. Petersburg), E. Kremcheev (HSE University - St. Petersburg), A. Nefedova (HSE University - St. Petersburg), A. Sokolova (HSE University - St. Petersburg), M. Chistiakova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Identification of student agency in the ecosystem of university self-government (abstract)
N. Sheidiakova (HSE University), S. Aksenova (HSE University), D. Stepanova (HSE University)
Paid writing of academic papers: practices of buying academic papers on intra-university market (abstract)
K. Danilova (URFU), Y. Maltseva (URFU)
To Be Or To Have: On The Question Of The Consumer Attitude Of Students To The Higher Education System (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Session V-11-5. Translational Cognitive Science: from Basic Research to Educational Practice
Moderator: O. Koltsova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
K. Bartseva (HSE University - St. Petersburg), Y. Kovas (Goldsmiths, University of London), M. Likhanov (HSE University - St. Petersburg), E. Soldatova (SPbU), E. Tsigeman (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Online Short Spatial Ability Battery (OSSAB) and spatial ability testing for university students (abstract)
I. Zakharov (Institute of Psychology RAE)
Neural correlates of individual difference in cognitive abilities: network approach (abstract)
O. Bubnovskaia (FEFU)
Students’ intention–action gap: insights of interdisciplinary measurements (abstract)
E. Alenina (HSE University - St. Petersburg), Y. Kovas (Goldsmiths, University of London), M. Likhanov (HSE University), E. Tsigeman (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Reducing maths anxiety in exams: why different interventions lead to the same results. (abstract)
Discussants: V. Spiridonov (RANEPA), E. Soldatova (SPbU), D. Alexandrov (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Section ZArctic Research
Moderators: B. Morgunov (HSE University), F. Aleskerov (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 11
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable Z-11-3. Interrelation between Tourism and Creative Industries in Arctic Territories: an Academic Perspective
Moderators: I. Sizova (HSE Univrsity - St. Petersburg), Z. Zhelnina (MASU)
Issues for discussion:
• Development of new types of tourism in the Arctic: pro et contra
• Creative industries – tourism, tourism – creative industries: synthesis of cultural and economic objectives
• Technologies for identifying prospective experience and approaches to its scaling in an analysis of connections in the creative and tourism industries
Experts: T. Abankina (HSE University), E. Tereshchenko (MASU), O. Maksimovskaya (St. Petersburg State University of Economics), M. Makhotaeva (Yurievna), N. Kolesnikova (PetrSU), V. Berest (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia)
Wednesday, April 12
Section AMacroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policy
Moderators: E. Gurvich (EEG), I. Voskoboynikov (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session A-12-1. Macroeconomic Policy under Conditions of Uncertainty and External Shocks
Moderator: O. Buklemishev (MSU)
M. Dabrowski (HSE University)
Thirty years of economic transition in the former Soviet Union: Macroeconomic dimension (abstract)
D. Petrova (RANEPA)
Assessment of the level of economic policy uncertainty (abstract)
E. Dzhagityan (HSE University), M. Alekseeva (HSE University)
Monetary or Macroprudential Policy: Credit Risks of the U.S. Systemically Important Banks Revisited (abstract)
K. Tumanyants (Bank of Russia, VolSU)
Heterogeneity of Consumption Ratio Elasticity by the Interest Rate (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session A-12-2. Economics of Development and Growth
Moderator: N. Akindinova (HSE University)
N. Tsatsenko (HSE University)
Structural transformation and economic growth: a comparative analysis of Botswana, Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa. What lessons can we learn? (abstract)
O. Mukhametov (Financial Research Institute, HSE University)
Effect of Capital Account Restrictions on Economic Growth (Evidence from Developing Countries) (abstract)
A. Zhigaylov (HSE University)
The impact of various types of sanctions on long-term economic growth and TFP. (abstract)
V. Barinova (RANEPA), S. Zemtsov (RANEPA), Y. Tsareva (RANEPA)
Do entrepreneurship and innovation matter for economic growth? (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session A-12-3. Macroeconomic Indicators of Long-term Development
Moderator: A. Shirov (IEF RAS)
S. Sudakov (Financial Research Institute), A. Zinchenko (Financial Research Institute), A. Maskaeva (NIFI), A. Votinov (Financial Research Institute), S. Radionov (Financial Research Institute), V. Sedalishchev (Financial Research Institute)
Assessment of public expenditures multipliers for Republic Uzbekistan: issues in construction of SAM matrix (abstract)
D. Gornostaev (Bank of Russia), S. Seleznev (Bank of Russia)
Methodology for restoring the history of macroeconomic publications (abstract)
A. Shpilevaya (RANEPA)
Modeling Investments in Human Capital in the Russian Federation under Uncertainty and Heterogeneous Discounting by Individuals (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session A-12-4. DSGE-models of the Russian Economy
Moderator: A. Polbin (RANEPA)
V. Sedalishchev (RANEPA)
A CGE-model, calibrated on Eurostat’s Input-Output tables: an example of estimation of the impact on Germany from Russia-Ukraine conflict (abstract)
M. Lyakhnova (Siberian Main Branch of the Bank of Russia), D. Kolyuzhnov (IEIE SB RAS, Novosibirsk State University)
Small DSGE-model of the Russian economy with heterogeneous adaptive learning (abstract)
A. Sharafutdinov (Bank of Russia, RANEPA)
Forecasting Russian GDP, inflation and interest rates using DSGE-VAR model (abstract)
M. Elkina (Financial Research Institute)
A DSGE model of Russian economy: should we account for financial frictions? (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Session A-12-5. Foreign Economic Relations: Analysis and Impact
Moderator: M. Dabrowski (HSE University)
N. Banik (Mahindra University)
Does Difference in Environmental Standard influence India’s Bilateral IIT Flows? Evidence from GMM Results (abstract)
D. Karpov (Bank of Russia)
Russia’s Dependence on Import of Intermediate Goods (abstract)
A. Firanchuk (RANEPA)
Impact of the Ruble Exchange Rate on Prices and Volumes of Russian Imports from the EU (abstract)
A. Eliseev (VVMB Bank of Russia)
Shock-Dependent Exchange Rate Pass-Through: An Empirical Estimate for Russia Based on the SVAR Model (abstract)
Section BSpecial Sessions and Roundtables
Wednesday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-12-1/2. Modern Approaches to School Education Quality Management in the post-Soviet Space
Moderator: S. Zair-Bek (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Changing instruments in the administration of quality education under conditions of social instability and appearance of new strategic priorities for the development of the national education system
• Best practices in contemporary management of education quality at the national, regional, municipal and school levels
Experts: I. Ninenko (Global Education Futures, Teach for Kyrgyzstan), K. Gulnara (GL Talimger), K. Anchikov (HSE University), F. Sheberstov (Teach for Central Asia), N. Bysik (SberEducation), I. Ivanov (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 12
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-12-2. Implementation of Smart Education Elements: Scaling Possibilities
Moderator: I. Karlov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• What is smart education and how does it relate to the digitalization of education?
• What challenges arose for the educational system in 2022 during the digital transition?
• What challenges of smart education are solvable at the administrative level? Which can’t be solved?
• What is common in the transition to smart education at various levels. Is a “smart-education invariant” possible?
• How to deal with the challenges in moving to smart-education and what are the options for wide-scale solutions?
Experts: A. Fadeev (Tomsk Polytech University), M. Sumbatyan (IT Hub academy), I. Dvoretskaya (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• What is smart education and how does it relate to the digitalization of education?
• What challenges arose for the educational system in 2022 during the digital transition?
• What challenges of smart education are solvable at the administrative level? Which can’t be solved?
• What is common in the transition to smart education at various levels. Is a “smart-education invariant” possible?
• How to deal with the challenges in moving to smart-education and what are the options for wide-scale solutions?
Experts: M. Sumbatyan (IT Hub academy), K. Zakharyin (Siberian Federal University), M. Mokrinsky (LETOVO School), I. Dvoretskaya (HSE University), E. Patarkin (Moscow City University)
Wednesday, April 12
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-12-3/1. Russian Food Security in the Context of Globalization. The round table is organized in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2022-327)
Moderator: E. Maslova (MGIMO University)
Issues for discussion:
• Ensuring food sovereignty and Russia’s food security
• Factors affecting Russia’s food security
• Realizing Russia's export potential
Experts: A. Scherbakova (HSE University), K. Sukhoverkhov (RIAC), E. Maslova (MGIMO University), I. Zuenko (MGIMO University), I. Scherbak (Institute of Europe RAS), B. Frumkin (IMEMO RAS), O. Kobyakov (FAO-Russia)
Issues for discussion:
• Ensuring food sovereignty and Russia’s food security
• Factors affecting Russia’s food security
• Realizing Russia's export potential
Experts: I. Zuenko (MGIMO University), I. Scherbak (Institute of Europe RAS), O. Kobyakov (FAO-Russia), K. Sukhoverkhov (RIAC), A. Scherbakova (HSE University), E. Maslova (MGIMO University), K. Molodyko (HSE University), B. Frumkin (IMEMO RAS)
Wednesday, April 12
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Roundtable B-12-3/2. Market Regulation under Global Uncertainty: the BRICS Perspective
Moderator: A. Ivanov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• How BRICS countries can best react to current economic challenges?
• How can BRICS antitrust institutions work together in order to effectively focus on new problems and develop unified solutions?
• What spheres require refocused and synchronized approaches to regulations – where is the effect of antitrust policy as an anticrisis mechanism most felt?
Experts: V. Kathuri (BML Munjal University Law School), A. Tsyganov (Federal Antimonopoly Service), A. Barreto de Souza (CADE), T. Bonakele (Wits University), X. Poling (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
Issues for discussion:
• How BRICS countries can best react to current economic challenges?
• How can BRICS antitrust institutions work together in order to effectively focus on new problems and develop unified solutions?
• What spheres require refocused and synchronized approaches to regulations – where is the effect of antitrust policy as an anticrisis mechanism most felt?
Experts: Z. Adikova (Eurasian Economic Commission), X. Poling (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), A. Barreto de Souza (CADE), V. Kathuria (BML Munjal University Law School), T. Bonakele (Wits University), S. Avdasheva (HSE University), A. Tsyganov (Federal Antimonopoly Service), F. Lukyanov (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 12
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-12-4/3. Information Security in Modern Society
Moderator: V. Burov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Impact of information system security on the fragility of economic process
• Informational hygiene and security in today’s society
• AI security
Experts: T. Chechetkina (VK), I. Begtin (Infoculture), A. Raevsky (Zecurion), I. Cherevko (Yandex), l. Muntyan (Russian Privacy Professionals Association), R. Hayretdinov (Garda Technologies), E. Chereshnev (MTS)
Issues for discussion:
• Impact of information system security on the fragility of economic process
• Informational hygiene and security in today’s society
• AI security
Experts: I. Cherevko (Yandex), R. Hayretdinov (BI.Zone), A. Raevsky (Zecurion), T. Chechetkina (VK), E. Chereshnev (MTS), I. Begtin (Infoculture), l. Muntyan (Russian Privacy Professionals Association)
Wednesday, April 12
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-12-5/1. PICK System: a bridge between creative and plurilingual education. The round table is organized in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2022-325)
Moderator: A. Kharkhurin (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• What causes inertia in the education system?
• What are the advantages of multilingual education?
• What are the advantages of creative education?
• What unifies multilingual and creative systems of education?
• How can “deep” skills be developed under the current education system?
Experts: L. Wei (UCL Institute of Education), M. Runco (Southern Oregon University), E. Piccardo (University of Toronto), A. Kharkhurin (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 12
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-12-5/2. Adaptation of the Russian economy to new realities
Moderator: A. Shokhin (HSE University, RSPP)
Issues for discussion:
• Adaptation of business in Russia to sanctions
• Impact of state measures to support entrepreneurship to accelerate the adaptation of Russian business
• Investment opportunities and terms for business involvement infrastructural projects
Experts: I. Kotelevskaya (RSPP), S. Borisov (“OPORA RUSSIA”), S. Senin (The State Duma, The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation), V. Kirillina (HSE University), D. Pumpyansky (SRUIE, RSPP, Council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation), V. Salamatov (ITI, Federal Service for Accreditation, Eurasian Economic Union), M. Bashirov (Institute of Economic and Social Research), N. Tsekhomsky (VEB.RF), L. Polyakov (HSE University, The Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights), M. Alekseev (Otkritie Bank), I. Vdovin (RSPP, Industrial Development Fund, National Agency for Direct Investment), M. Barshchevsky (Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Russian Federation in the Highest Judicial Instances), K. Androsov (Altera Capital), M. Yurgelas (RSPP), D. Kuzmin (RSPP), Y. Urinson (HSE University), F. Prokopov (HSE University, National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Professional Qualifications, RSPP, Russian Trilateral Commission on Regulation of Social and Labor Relations), S. Mytenkov (RSPP)
Issues for discussion:
• Adaptation of business in Russia to sanctions
• Impact of state measures to support entrepreneurship to accelerate the adaptation of Russian business
• Investment opportunities and terms for business involvement infrastructural projects
Experts: K. Androsov (Altera Capital), F. Prokopov (HSE University, National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Professional Qualifications, RSPP, Russian Trilateral Commission on Regulation of Social and Labor Relations), M. Alekseev (Otkritie Bank), S. Mytenkov (RSPP), M. Bashirov (Institute of Economic and Social Research), M. Barshchevsky (Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Russian Federation in the Highest Judicial Instances), I. Vdovin (RSPP, Industrial Development Fund, National Agency for Direct Investment), V. Kirillina (HSE University), I. Kotelevskaya (RSPP), L. Polyakov (HSE University, The Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights), V. Salamatov (ITI, Federal Service for Accreditation, Eurasian Economic Union), D. Kuzmin (RSPP), N. Tsekhomsky (VEB.RF), S. Borisov (“OPORA RUSSIA”), D. Pumpyansky (SRUIE, RSPP, Council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation), Y. Urinson (HSE University), M. Yurgelas (RSPP), S. Senin (The State Duma, The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Section BbHonorary Reports
Wednesday, April 12
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Honorary paper Bb-12-3. Claude d'Aspremont (Center for Operations Research and Econometrics, Belgium) General oligopolistic equilibrium and Cournotian competition
Moderator: F. Aleskerov (HSE University)
We propose subdividing the oligopolistic sector of an economy into several groups in order to simplify firms’ conjectures and reinforce tractability. In the limit case, where perfect substitutability holds within each group, using this approach, Cournotian competition in general equilibrium can be introduced more simply than in the Cournot-Walras approach. The technique we’ve developed is also useful for empirically analyzing the interaction of groups within an industry.
Section BcInvited Reports
Wednesday, April 12
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Invited paper Bc-12-4. Louis Chauvel (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg) The distortion between income and wealth inequalities: an international perspective, including Russia. The honorable talk is organized in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2022-325)
Moderator: S. Mareeva (HSE University)
Trends in income and wealth inequality are not parallel. In an international comparison, using the LIS and WID databases, the relative stability of incomes is accompanied by skyrocketing distribution of wealth at the top. The development of a new indicator, the Extreme Wealth to Income Ratio (EWIR), shows how top population segments in terms of wealth levels have disproportionately benefited from socio-economic changes over the last two decades. From this international perspective, the case of Russia is of particular interest to illustrate the emergence of this new age of extremes.
Section KWorld Economy
Moderators: A. Kuznetsov (INION RAN), I. Makarov (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 12
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session K-12-2. The Russian economy in New Conditions
Moderator: O. Klochko (HSE University)
Y. Zaytsev (RANEPA), A. Loshchenkova (Gaidar Institute)
The impact of sanctions on the activities of Russian companies (abstract)
D. Kuznetsov (RANEPA)
Exogenous shocks and foreign trade of Russian manufacturers (abstract)
K. Liudmila (Financial Research Institute)
Factors of «green» transformation of Russian economy. What is more important: state policy or the global environment? (abstract)
K. Tochkov (Texas Christian University), R. Bista (TCU)
Time Zone Differences and Trade in Russia: The Regional Dimension (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session K-12-3. Specifics of Russian Foreign Economic Relations with Different Countries
Moderator: O. Biryukova (HSE University)
M. Mikitchuk (CEMI RAS)
Altruistic Official Development Assistance: the formation factors and possible effects (abstract)
M. Krasheninnikova (Federal Tax Sevice of Russia)
Digital economy and global tax policy (abstract)
D. Izotov (ERI FEB RAS)
Comparative Costs and Potential of Russia's Trade with the East Asian Countrie (abstract)
G. Andrey (CMASF)
What links Russia to EU, USA, China and ASEAN in intermediate trade? (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session K-12-4. Green Economy – Different Approaches of Countries
Moderator: I. Makarov (HSE University)
Z. Sergeeva (MGIMO University)
Carbon-neural hydrocarbons: 2022 in review (abstract)
A. Sadriev (KFU)
Inventive activity in solar energy: current trends and development prospects (abstract)
A. Davydova (Lomonosov MSU, RFTA), V. Eremin (RANEPA), V. Sedalishchev (RANEPA)
Modelling the effects of carbon regulation for Russia using a computable general equilibrium model GTAP-E (abstract)
J. Sung (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies), Z. Sergeeva (HSE University)
Hydrogen Economy Development in South Korea (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Roundtable K-12-5. Presentation of the Journal Contemporary World Economy
Moderator: I. Makarov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
HSE University’s Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs recently launched the journal Contemporary World Economy. This publication aims to stimulate academic discourse around the global economy, while also helping to develop the field overall. Its core objectives include defining global economics as field of knowledge and operating as a platform for discussing international economic issues and Russia’s opportunities within the global system. Presented in two languages, the new journal aims to serve as an instrument to exchange ideas between Russian and foreign experts, present the views of Russian economists to an international audience and bring current global discourse to Russian-speaking readers. At this presentation, the journal’s editors will discuss its contents and the authors of the first issue will present their research.
Experts: L. Grigoryev (HSE University), E. Gurvich (Economic Expert Group), A. Likhacheva (HSE University), G. Diesen (University of South-Eastern Norway), I. Makarov (HSE University)
Section LFirms and Markets
Moderators: N. Volchkova (NES, RFTA), L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU), Y. Simachyov (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session L-12-1. Empirical research of markets and firms - 1
Moderator: M. Kuzyk (HSE University)
A. Kosyakina (RANEPA), E. Ponomareva (RANEPA)
Development of proposals for the development of the primary housing market in view of macroeconomic factors of price dynamics (abstract)
D. Sitkevich (RANEPA)
Industrial organization of the tourism sector in "new" tourism regions: evidence from Dagestan (abstract)
S. Alexander (HSE University - St. Petersburg), D. Bondarenko (HSE University - St. Petersburg), O. Sviridov (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
An impact of AI on the Russian labor market (abstract)
A. Krenke (HSE University)
Opportunities for projects to transform the agricultural sector as part of the development and implementation of a climate change adaptation strategy. (abstract)
Discussants: M. Yurevich (HSE University), M. Kuzyk (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 12
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session L-12-2. Transformation of Global Value Chains
Moderator: Y. Simachev (HSE University)
L. Plekhanova (Lomonosov MSU, RANEPA)
Problems and unaccounted for effects in the organization of procurement for the needs of complex projects (abstract)
E. Goosen (Federal Research Center for Coal and Coal Chemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences)
A. Yakovlev (HSE University), A. Agalyan (HSE University), N. Ershova (HSE University), L. Freinkman (HSE University)
Assessment of efficiency of import substitution programs for Russian manufacturing industry realized by Industrial Development Fund (abstract)
Discussants: A. Chulok (HSE University), I. Drapkin (UrFU)
Wednesday, April 12
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session L-12-3. Corporate Governance and Finance - 1
Moderator: S. Stepanov (HSE University)
S. Grigoreva (HSE University), E. Zagudalova (HSE University), S. Zueva (HSE University)
Does the Education and Experience of CEO Matter? Evidence from M&As Initiated by Russian Companies (abstract)
I. Smotritskaya (IE RAS), N. Frolova (IE RAS)
The insider ownership impact on the efficiency of Russian public companies (abstract)
A. Muravyev (HSE University - St. Petersburg), A. Zakharova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
CEO education in Russia: First systematic evidence and a research agenda (abstract)
M. Kokoreva (HSE University)
Capital structure in Russia. Strategic choice or Respond to Constraints? (abstract)
Discussants: S. Stepanov (HSE University), B. Kuznetsov (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 12
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session L-12-4. Empirical Studies of Russian Markets and Firms - 2
Moderator: Y. Simachev (HSE University)
R. Gordeev (SFU), A. Pyzhev (SibFU)
Forestry companies in Asian Russia: assessment of the losses from sanctions (abstract)
M. Nikitina (N.Trans Lab)
The Dilemma of Coal Industry Development in the New Economic Realities. (abstract)
N. Aizenberg (ESI SB RAS), S. Dzuba (FEFU)
Market power and financial position of global energy companies (abstract)
O. Markova (Lomonosov MSU, RANEPA)
Critical loss analysis of markets with transaction platforms with pass-through (abstract)
Discussants: Y. Simachev (HSE University), A. Firanchuk (RANEPA)
Section QSociology
Moderators: E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE University), A. Strelnikova (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session Q-12-1. Public Sphere, Memory Politics and Subjectivation
Moderator: A. Starovoitenko (HSE University)
M. Afinogenova (HSE University)
Subjectivation, resistance and submission to the approaches of power during the pandemic of 2020-2022 in the city of Moscow (abstract)
T. Dautova (HSE University)
The dynamics of memory and self-identification of veterans in their narratives (on the example of veterans of the Afghan war) (abstract)
I. Klimov (HSE University)
Investing in society: Why should entrepreneurs engage in philanthropy and impact investing? (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-12-2. Prevention of Social Orphanhood: Discussion of the Results of a Sociological Study
Moderators: E. Iarskaia-Smirnova (HSE University), E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE University)
E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE University), M. Aleksandrova (HSE University)
n social technology quality assurance: fine-tuning team work with the case between supervisors and facilitators (abstract)
E. Iarskaia-Smirnova (HSE University)
Символические границы в работе со случаем: динамика отношений в процессе профилактики семейного неблагополучия (abstract)
S. Borzov (RPCF TCF)
Research of the effectiveness of the use of innovative social services in the field of social orphanhood prevention: a scientific approach to solving practical social problems (for the Round Table «Prevention of social orphanhood: discussion of the results of a sociological study») (abstract)
R. Abramov (HSE University)
The contexts of professional culture and professional knowledge of supervisors and curators when working with technology for the prevention of social orphanhood (abstract)
S. Alexey (HSE University)
Theoretical review of social programs for the prevention of social orphanhood (for the round-table discussion Prevention of social orphanhood: discussion of the results of a sociological study) (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-12-3. Emotion Research in the Social Sciences
Moderator: O. Simonova (HSE University)
R. Abramov (HSE University)
Alternative History and Traumatization of the Unfulfilled: On the Example of "Popadanskaya" Literature in Russia (abstract)
E. Dolgaleva (NRU HSE), O. Simonova (HSE University)
: Comparative Research of Two Universities (Higher School of Economics and Jena University) (abstract)
D. Lyusin (HSE University)
Benign and malicious envy: Russian adaptation of BeMaS questionnaire (abstract)
L. Okolskaya (IS FCTAS RAS)
The dynamics and structure of the declared emotional states and the perceived emotions of the social environment in Russia (abstract)
O. Simonova (HSE University)
The Idea of the Emotional Mechanism: How to Study Negative Emotions in Sociology (abstract)
Discussant: V. Antonova (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 12
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-12-4. From Worker to Businessman: Problems of Labor and Capital
Moderator: E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE University)
O. Pinchuk (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Labor Studies in Russia. Soviet past and Russian present (abstract)
I. Klimov (HSE University)
Family business and business continuity through the eyes of the "first" and "second" generations of entrepreneurs (abstract)
N. Soboleva (HSE University)
The determinants of the link between job satisfaction and life satisfaction in Russia (abstract)
A. Karavay (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS)
Social capital and consolidation of Russian society in the face of different shocks (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-12-5. Media and Virtualization of Social Reality
Moderator: A. Strelnikova (HSE University)
K. Gavrilov (HSE University)
The perception of abstract "war" in Russia: an experience of using the psychometric paradigm (abstract)
P. Guseva (HSE University)
Is the Internet a More Inclusive Public Sphere? Comparison of Determinants of Online and Offline Political Participation in Russia (abstract)
E. Zhesko (HSE University)
Food Online and Offline: Integrating Media Into Everyday Food Consumption (abstract)
Section TSocial and Cultural Processes
Moderators: V. Magun (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, HSE University), E. Ponarin (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 12
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session T-12-2. Social Media Behavior
Moderator: T. Nestik (Institute of Psychology of RAS)
M. Milkova (HSE University)
Evaluative and normative components of statements about material well-being: analysis of comments in social media (abstract)
E. Bemler (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Radical feminist discourse: digital activism on TikTok (abstract)
T. Nestik (Institute of Psychology RAS), Y. Li (Lomonosov MSU)
The importance of privacy and attitudes toward anonymity online among young Chinese and Russians (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session T-12-3. Sociocultural Potential of Museums: Identity and Local Solidarity
Moderator: N. Bolshakov (HSE University)
T. Vlasova (UDSU)
Cultural participation opportunities for the formation of local and ethnic identity within the framework of the activities of rural museums and clubs in the Udmurt Republic (abstract)
D. Ivanov (HSE University), R. Abramov (HSE University)
Museum Space as a Controversial Territory: Between Inclusion and Social Work (abstract)
O. Konstantin (HSE University)
The place of the museum in the space of a provincial Russian city: case of Memorial estate of P.I. Tchaikovsky in Votkinsk (abstract)
S. Ovodova (MGGEY)
The transition from the discourse of Soviet modernity to decolonial optics in the representation of local cultural specifics in museum expositions: based on expositions about the culture of the Finno-Ugric peoples of Ugra (abstract)
Discussant: E. Dolgova (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 12
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session T-12-4. Religiosity, Motivation and Satisfaction
Moderator: E. Prutskova (St.Tikhon's Orthodox University)
S. Anastasiya (SIM RANEPA)
Altruism or gratuitous assistance: formal and informal aspects of interaction in a volunteer organization (experience of enabled surveillance) (abstract)
V. Dayneko (HSE University), W. Stroh (HSE University)
Development of the methodological tool for study of positive organizational behavior in organization (abstract)
E. Zabelina (Chelyabinsk State University), S. Kurnosova (Chelyabinsk State University), I. Trushina (Chelyabinsk State University)
Temporal focus as a factor of life satisfaction in old age (abstract)
E. Prutskova (St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University), O. Borisova (St. Tikhons Orthodox University), I. Pavlyutkin (St. Tikhons Orthodox University)
Religiosity and fertility in Russia and European countries (abstract)
Section VEducation
Moderators: I. Abankina (HSE University), I. Fedyukin (HSE University), E. Terentev (HSE University), M. Yudkevich (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session V-12-1. Comparative Studies of Educational Policy
Moderator: K. Zinkovsky (HSE University)
M. Agranovitch (RANEPA)
Pre-University Professional Education in Developed Countries: Statistical Analysis of Status and Trends (abstract)
E. Saveleva (HSE University)
The Factors of the Effectiveness of Public Policy in the Sphere of Educational Innovation: a Qualitative Comparative Analysis Based on the OECD Indicators (abstract)
A. Bozhechkova (RANEPA), U. Dzhunkeev (RANEPA, Lomonosov MSU)
Education and economic growth in Russian regions (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable V-12-2. Evidence-based Master's Degree: the Results of the Study
Moderator: D. Shcheglova (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Russian Master’s models
• Challenges to Russian Master’s studies
• Scenarios for changing Master’s programmes
• Cases for transformation of higher education in Russian universities
Experts: L. Ilyina (SSEU), D. Shcheglova (HSE University), S. Gavrilov (HSE University), N. Ivanchenko (HSE University), E. Voevodina (Financial University), E. Opfer (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 12
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable V-12-3. Regional Analytics and Higher Education Policy
Moderator: N. Gabdrakhmanov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Role of universities in socio-economic development of regions
• Educational migration and human capital
• Monitoring admission quality: the regional context
• Transformation of educational networks
Experts: Y. Moiseeva (Ulyanovsk State University), O. Levkina (Ulyanovsk State University), O. Kozlova (KemSU), N. Gabdrakhmanov (HSE University), M. Daulenov (NARXOZ University), А. Клюев (UrFU), N. Molotkova (Tambov State Technical University), M. Krasnyansky (Tambov State Technical University), A. Ignatov (National University of Science and Technology MISIS), I. Andreyanova (Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University), T. Klyachko (RANEPA)
Thursday, April 13
Section AMacroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policy
Moderators: E. Gurvich (EEG), I. Voskoboynikov (HSE University)
Thursday, April 13
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session A-13-1. Monetary Policy - 1
Moderator: S. Pekarski (HSE University)
I. Polshchikova (Financial Research Institute)
Quantitative easing in the economy with heterogeneous agents: does it work in theory as well? (abstract)
P. Yevgeniya (HSE University), S. Pekarski (HSE University)
Oil-price shock and inflation in the economy with financial repression (abstract)
A. Novak (Bank of Russia), P. Vikharev (Bank of Russia), A. Shulgin (Bank of Russia)
Monetary policy and Inequality (abstract)
S. Ivashchenko (Bank of Russia, IRES(RAS), Financial Research Institute)
Influence of inequality on monetary policy. Estimated HANK model (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session A-13-2. Monetary Policy - 2
Moderator: A. Sinyakov (Bank of Russia)
E. Alexandr (The Gaidar Institute), E. Sinelnikova-Muryleva (RANEPA)
Estimating neutral rate of interest for Russian economy (abstract)
A. Bozhechkova (RANEPA), U. Dzhunkeev (RANEPA, Lomonosov MSU)
Analysis of the effectiveness of monetary policy in commodity exporting countries targeting inflation (abstract)
K. Styrin (Bank of Russia), N. Ivanova (Bank of Russia), S. Popova (Bank of Russia)
Bank Market Power and Transmission of Monetary Policy into Bank Lending: Evidence from Loan-Level Data (abstract)
H. PENIKAS (Bank of Russia)
The Interrelationship of Credit and Climate Risks (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session A-13-3. Inflation. Measurement and Forecasting
Moderator: K. Styrin (Bank of Russia)
V. Grishchenko (Bank of Russia), D. Gasanova (HSE University), E. Fomin (HSE University)
Visible prices and their influence on inflation expectations of Russian households (abstract)
A. Grebenkina (RANEPA)
Usage of online-prices high-frequency data for purposes of forecasting of official inflation (abstract)
M. Zhemkov (Bank of Russia), Y. Drokin (Independent researcher), K. Shemyakina (Bank of Russia)
Forecasting Core Inflation in Russia (abstract)
Y. Perevyshin (RANEPA)
Accuracy of the Core Inflation Forecast as a Forecast of Headline Inflation in the Russian Economy (abstract)
U. Dzhunkeev (RANEPA, Lomonosov MSU)
Forecasting Inflation in Russia on a Basis of Gradient Boosting and Neural Networks Algorithms (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session A-13-4. Problems of Budgetary Policy
Moderator: N. Pilnik (HSE University)
G. Zhirnov (HSE University), V. Grishchenko (Bank of Russia), V. Tkachev (MGIMO)
The Budget Rule and Exchange-Rate Management under Restricted Transactions with Foreign Financial Assets (abstract)
M. Andreyev (Bank of Russia)
What stabilizing budget rule is most effective for an export-oriented economy when it is impossible to accumulate external assets? (abstract)
P. Andrey (RANEPA, Gaidar Institute)
Development of a Heterogeneous Agent Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model for an Economy with High Dependence on Resource Export (abstract)
A. Votinov (Financial Research Institute), V. Gribova (Financial Research Institute), E. Grigoriev (Financial Research Institute), J. Polshchikova (Financial Research Institute)
Fiscal DSGE-model of the Russian economy (abstract)
Section BSpecial Sessions and Roundtables
Thursday, April 13
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Roundtable B-13-3/1. Role of Agrarian Universities and the Academic Community in the Development of Rural Areas in Russia and in the World
Moderator: R. Yanbykh (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
This expert session considers the following:
Ensuring stable and equally distributed development of agricultural regions and stabilizing their demographic and socio-cultural functions in the context of a post-industrial paradigm is one of the key issues for the future of Russia;
The need to develop effective solutions for pressing problems and identifying new economic ideas is one of the main challenges for the academic community, including universities themselves;
Key areas of activity for Russian agricultural universities, HSE University, and foreign research centres: focus on ensuring the socio-economic development of agrarian territories.
Experts: M. Petukhova (Novosibirsk State Agrarian University), A. Bobryshev (Stavropol State Agrarian University), Y. Li (Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences), S. Davidova (Independent expert, Bulgaria), A. Naumov (HSE University), A. Merzlov (Rural Territories of Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Association of the most beautiful villages of Russia)
Issues for discussion:
This expert session considers the following:
Ensuring stable and equally distributed development of agricultural regions and stabilizing their demographic and socio-cultural functions in the context of a post-industrial paradigm is one of the key issues for the future of Russia;
The need to develop effective solutions for pressing problems and identifying new economic ideas is one of the main challenges for the academic community, including universities themselves;
Key areas of activity for Russian agricultural universities, HSE University, and foreign research centres: focus on ensuring the socio-economic development of agrarian territories.
Experts: A. Bobryshev (Stavropol State Agrarian University), M. Petukhova (Novosibirsk State Agrarian University), Y. Li (Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences), A. Naumov (HSE University), A. Merzlov (Rural Territories of Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Association of the most beautiful villages of Russia), S. Davidova (Independent expert, Bulgaria)
Thursday, April 13
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Roundtable B-13-3/2. International Experience and National Contexts of Philosophical Education: Controversies and Perspectives
Moderator: A. Ugleva (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Universality of philosophical thought and national spirit – are they exclusive or can they be combined?
• Philosophical foundations for cultural projects: should priority be given to the national or universal?
• What is the place and role of philosophical education in the modern university?
• Is history and critical analysis of national philosophy a necessary component of post-secondary philosophical education?
• Should university philosophy be a core factor in developing personal values?
• How should the methodology of philosophical education be structured in today’s university?
Experts: K. Yaralyan (Yerevan State University), C. Ingerflom (Universidad de San Martín ), G. Telebayev (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University), R. Mukhametshin (Russian Islamic University), J. Babić (University of Belgrade ), V. Evorovsky (Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.), M. Kulik (University of Eastern Sarajevo ), A. Krotov (Lomonosov Moscow State University )
Thursday, April 13
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session B-13-4. Флагманский доклад ФАО (ООН) «Будущее продовольствия и сельского хозяйства»
Moderator: R. Yanbykh (HSE University)
Section BcInvited Reports
Thursday, April 13
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Invited paper Bc-13-3/1. Sofia Davidova (Independent expert, Bulgaria) Sustainability of rural areas: a participatory approach
Moderator: E. Serova (HSE University)
Rural areas are a vital part of the geography and economy of almost every country. They are places of residence, work and recreation for many or even most of the national population, and very often the location of longstanding cultural traditions. One of their most important features is that agricultural land, almost in its totality, is managed in rural space. However, this does not mean that the terms “rural” and “agricultural” are synonymous, particularly in developed countries, where rural areas have a complex economic structure. The first part of this paper will present some examples of economic structure in certain rural areas of Western and Eastern Europe to show the extent to which the sustainability of rural areas is currently more complex in comparison to the past when they were much less diversified and much more reliant on agriculture.
The second part is based on participatory research to understand stakeholders’ perceptions of the sustainability of rural areas in its three pillars – economic, environmental and social. Participatory approaches are gaining importance in academic literature, in particular when analyzing complex subjects requiring multi- inter- or transdisciplinary approaches. Sustainability is a typical example of such a complex subject, since adequate approach to it requires a toolbox of several disciplines (e.g., geography, economics, and environmental science, etc.), and the participation of a variety of stakeholders. We expanded the coverage of research with one developing country, Vietnam, to investigate whether there are considerable differences in the perceptions of stakeholders between more developed and less developed economies. The results indicate that Vietnamese stakeholders are more optimistic, whereby various lobby groups will support more stringent sustainability policies targeted at the achievement of UN Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs). However, both European Union and Vietnamese stakeholders think that current prices and food security, i.e., SDG1 and SDG2
“No Poverty” and “Zero Hunger”, are primarily in danger in rural areas.

The report will be presented at the Roundtable B-13-3/1 "Role of Agrarian Universities and the Academic Community in the Development of Rural Areas in Russia and in the World"

Thursday, April 13
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Invited paper Bc-13-3/1. Yuheng Li (Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) China's rural revitalization strategy and its socioeconomic effect
Moderator: E. Serova (HSE University)
Special attention needs to be paid to the phenomenon of rural decline, which has swept the world with a drastic drop in rural life quality, shrinkage of rural communities and local economies, as well as an increasing desire among youngsters to leave their home villages. Being a populous country, China's urbanization has been at an unprecedented speed since 1978 when the state started to implement reform and opening-up. However, the rapid urbanization has been accompanied by rural depopulation and giant mobility from less developed countryside to metropolitan areas. As a result, rural decline emerged owing to depopulation and triggered concerns about the care of left-behind population, local industrial recession, labour shortages, culture conservation and food security, etc. Against this background, China initiated its rural revitalization strategy in 2017 with the aim of achieving comprehensive revival of rural economy, people’s livelihood, culture, ecology and organization.
The presentation aims to investigate China’s rural revitalization strategy and examines its socioeconomic effect. Analysis is carried out to illustrate China’s urbanization processes and rural development in different historic stages since the PRC was founded in 1949. Then, a detailed analysis is made to show the attributes and scientific logic of this strategy. Case studies are also presented to show the socioeconomic effect of the rural revitalization strategy.

The report will be presented at the Roundtable B-13-3/1 "Role of Agrarian Universities and the Academic Community in the Development of Rural Areas in Russia and in the World"

Section DTheoretical Economics
Moderator: A. Belianin (HSE University)
Thursday, April 13
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session D-13-1. Financial Economics
Moderator: K. Sergey (NES)
V. Fardeau (HSE University)
Arbitrage with Financial Constraints and Market Power (abstract)
A. Boulatov (HSE University)
Pareto efficiency in Kyle model of informed speculation (abstract)
P. Radicevic (NES)
Ownership Structure, Takeovers, and Managerial Incentives (abstract)
S. Kovbasyuk (NES), G. Spagnolo (Tor Vergata and EIEF)
Limited Credit Records and Endogenous Credit Cycles (abstract)
Discussants: V. Fardeau (HSE University), S. Kovbasyuk (NES), P. Radicevic (NES), A. Boulatov (HSE University)
Thursday, April 13
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session D-13-2. Incentives, decisions, experiments
Moderator: T. Zhuravleva (HSE University)
Y. Varlamova (KFU), M. Ryzhkova (TomSU)
Individual labor supply by an employee: an experimental study (abstract)
K. Anastasia (Lomonosov MSU)
Features of financial decision-making by Zumers: a neurographic study on the example of Lomonosov Moscow State University economists (abstract)
A. Saltykova (HSE University - Perm), D. Vinogradov (HSE University - Perm), E. Shadrina (HSE University - Perm)
Non-monetary motivation and perfomance (abstract)
Discussants: T. Zhuravleva (HSE University), A. Belianin (HSE University)
Thursday, April 13
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session D-13-3. Interactive decisions
Moderator: M. Nikitin (HSE University)
P. Zuazo-Garin (HSE University), E. Piermont (Royal Holloway, UoL)
Misspecified Information in Dynamic Environments (abstract)
O. Evren (NES)
Higher Order Representations Under Ambiguity (abstract)
S. Stepanov (HSE University), E. Catonini (NYU Shanghai)
On the Optimality of Full Disclosure (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session D-13-4. Political economy
Moderator: A. Belianin (HSE University)
A. Volkov (FEFU), A. Filatov (FEFU)
Corruption Behavior At Customs: Results Of The Laboratory Experiment (abstract)
A. Filatov (FEFU), A. Belianin (HSE University), E. Morgun (FEFU)
Pro-social and opportunistic behavior of people on the example of attitude to vaccination against Covid-19 (abstract)
E. Adu Sarfo (HSE University)
The Historical Origins of Differences in Corruption: Cross-country and Subnational Analyses (abstract)
M. Nikitin (HSE University)
Civil Litigation and Frivolous Lawsuits (abstract)
Discussant: T. Zhuravleva (HSE University)
Thursday, April 13
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Session D-13-5. Coalitions
Moderator: L. Zhukov (HSE University)
I. Zhukov (HSE University - St. Petersburg), V. Gusev (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Coalition partition leader problem (abstract)
V. Gusev (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Stable coalition structure for transversal problems (abstract)
L. Zhukov (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Some problems of coalition formation (abstract)
Section KWorld Economy
Moderators: A. Kuznetsov (INION RAN), I. Makarov (HSE University)
Thursday, April 13
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session K-13-1. The New Face of the World Economy
Moderator: P. Yakovlev (INION RAN)
A. Kuznetsov (INION RAN)
The potential of global cities for rising centers of power in the context of the transformation of the world order (abstract)
A. Bulatov (MGIMO University)
New Trends in International Capital Movements (abstract)
P. Yakovlev (INION RAN)
Economic cooperation between Russia and Latin America at the stage of global transformations (abstract)
M. Sergey (Financial university under the government of the Russian Federation), D. Kritzkiy (HSE University)
Prospects of trade and economic cooperation between the EAEU and the East African Community and the Economic Community of Central African States: analysis of mutual export-import competitiveness (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session K-13-2. Economic Development of post-Soviet Countries
Moderator: A. Bulatov (MGIMO University)
K. Akizhanov (KazISS)
The political economy of capitalism in Kazakhstan: Embedding the neoliberal socio-economic agenda (abstract)
M. Yormirzoev (University of Central Asia)
What Has Tajikistan Achieved in Three Decades After the Dissolution of the Soviet Union? (abstract)
I. Pyl (Independent researcher)
Approaches to the sustainable development agenda in Belarus on the context of world engagement changes (abstract)
M. Baeva (RANEPA)
Assessing the Impact of Major Infrastructure Projects on Trade in Post-Soviet Countries (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session K-13-3. Features of Individual Sectors of the Modern World Economy
Moderator: A. Kuznetsov (INION RAN)
V. Akimova (Lomonosov MSU), E. Paramzina (Lomonosov MSU, HSE University)
Contemporary geography of Asian pharmaceutical companies’ production networks (abstract)
B. Wahab (HSE University)
The Contributions of Inefficient Infrastructure Services on Trade Flows: Evidence from Nigeria and its Trading Partners (abstract)
E. Vasileva (HSE University)
Impact of Free Trade Agreement on Trade in Services between the Parties (abstract)
A. Malanichev (NES)
Accuracy of oil price forecasting (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session K-13-4. Financial Aspects of the Development of the World Economy
Moderator: A. Podrugina (HSE University)
I. Deseatnicov (HSE University), O. Klochko (HSE University)
Currency risk and the dynamics of German investors entry and exit in Russia (abstract)
A. Anilov (HSE University), I. Ivashkovskaya (HSE University)
What Incentives do Boards Provide with Inside Debt? The Evidence from Payout Policies (abstract)
D. Plekhanov (Institute for Complex Strategic Studies)
Central banks communication strategies on social media (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Session K-13-5. Current Eonomic Poblems of Western Countries
Moderator: A. Portanskiy (HSE University)
V. Vladinir (ISKRAN.ru)
"Great Depression 2.0" in the USA: is there a non-military way out of it, and how relevant are the parallels between the period 1929-1945 and modern times (abstract)
Y. Leevik (HSE University), V. Skaternikova (HSE University)
The Analysis of Influence of National Cultural Diversity on Circular Economy Implementation in European Countries (abstract)
A. Tsibulina (MGIMO University)
Intra-Regional Trade Patterns: the EU as a Trade Empire (abstract)
E. Sergeev (MGIMO University), A. Habarta (MGIMO University)
Socio-economic conditions of migrants in European global cities (abstract)
Section LFirms and Markets
Moderators: N. Volchkova (NES, RFTA), L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU), Y. Simachyov (HSE University)
Thursday, April 13
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session L-13-1. ESG Practices and Business Efficiency
Moderator: A. Fedyunina (HSE University)
N. Kolyan (SibFU), A. Plesovskikh (SibFU)
Electric cars development in Russia as an opportunity to reduce GHG emissions (abstract)
E. Chmir (FEFU)
Do ESG positioning decisions affect companies' share returns? (abstract)
E. Krasilnikova (CEMI RAS)
Companies’ responsibility: the agency features influence ESG, comparison of foreign and Russian ESG ratings (abstract)
R. Sandlerskiy (HSE University)
Geoanalytical approach to natural and climatic risks assessment for the purposes of ESG (abstract)
Discussants: D. Kuznetsov (RANEPA), A. Fedyunina (HSE University)
Thursday, April 13
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session L-13-2. Features of the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - 1
Moderator: L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU)
M. Kuzyk (HSE University), Y. Simachev (HSE University), A. Fedyunina (HSE University)
SMEs as a Driver of Structural Changes in Russian Economy: How to Use Their Potential under Constraints? (abstract)
Y. Tsareva (RANEPA), A. Krasnoselskikh (Department of Information Technologies of Moscow)
Small business in Russia: institutions, market potential, taxes and digitization (abstract)
A. Yudanov (Financial University), V. Maltsev (University of Glasgow)
Following Harold Demsetz: Encapsulation of Knowledge as a Generator of Efficiency and Risk (abstract)
Discussants: N. Davidson (UrFU), L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU)
Thursday, April 13
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session L-13-3. Enterprise Productivity
Moderator: N. Volchkova (New Economic School)
A. Zhemkova (RANEPA)
The impact of the Covid-19 on the performance of Russian companies (abstract)
O. Vasilyeva (ERI FEB RAS)
Productivity, Subsidies, and Agricultural Specialization: Evidence from the Russian Far East (abstract)
A. Kostochko (HSE University)
The impact of M&A deals on companies’ post-M&A performance: Evidence from TMT sector (abstract)
Discussants: N. Tsybuleva (RANEPA), N. Volchkova (NES)
Thursday, April 13
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session L-13-4. Corporate Governance and Finance - 2
Moderator: L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU)
P. Khmeleva (HSE University), A. Stepanova (HSE University)
Role of CEO education in companys RD investments decisions (abstract)
M. Mkhitarian (Financial Research Institute)
Prospects for the development of the corporate and municipal green bond market in Russia in terms of sanctions (abstract)
A. Stepanova (HSE University), M. Kokoreva (HSE University)
Decision making mechanisms in Russian companies. The evolution of 2010s (abstract)
Discussants: S. Stepanov (HSE University), L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU)
Section OState and Local Government, and NPO sector
Moderators: A. Klimenko (HSE University), I. Mersiyanova (HSE University)
Thursday, April 13
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable O-13-2. Regulatory policy in Russia: Reconfiguration of methodological support for rulemaking
Moderator: A. Klimenko (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Переход к установлению требований на основе данных
• Расширенная модель стандартных издержек: проект обновленной методика и первые результаты пилотажа (молочная отрасль)
• Новые алгоритмы сбора и анализа данных в органах власти: как «подтолкнуть» чиновников обосновывать регулирования количественными данными?
• Рабочие группы механизма «регуляторной гильотины» и процедуры оценки регулирующего воздействия - как оптимизировать процессы взаимодействия?
• Количественные пороги для проведения ОРВ и МСП-тест
• Измерение регуляторных издержек госорганов: методика стандартных издержек и механизм ФЭО
Experts: K. Nikitin (Center for Strategic Research Foundation), A. Belov (SOYUZMOLOKO), A. Apykhtin (Analytical Center for the RF Government), A. Litvak (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation), A. Golodnikova (HSE University), D. Tsygankov (HSE University)
Thursday, April 13
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable O-13-3/1. Regulatory policy in Russia: Reconfiguration of methodological support for rulemaking
Moderator: D. Tsygankov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Переход к установлению требований на основе данных
• Расширенная модель стандартных издержек: проект обновленной методика и первые результаты пилотажа (молочная отрасль)
• Новые алгоритмы сбора и анализа данных в органах власти: как «подтолкнуть» чиновников обосновывать регулирования количественными данными?
• Рабочие группы механизма «регуляторной гильотины» и процедуры оценки регулирующего воздействия - как оптимизировать процессы взаимодействия?
• Количественные пороги для проведения ОРВ и МСП-тест
• Измерение регуляторных издержек госорганов: методика стандартных издержек и механизм ФЭО
Experts: A. Litvak (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation), K. Nikitin (Center for Strategic Research Foundation), A. Apykhtin (Analytical Center for the RF Government), A. Belov (SOYUZMOLOKO), A. Golodnikova (HSE University), D. Tsygankov (HSE University)
Thursday, April 13
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable O-13-3/2. Public Procurement: New Rules, New Problems
Moderators: S. Tsygankov (SFedU), E. Shadrina (HSE University - Perm)
Issues for discussion:
• Efficiency of electronic trading platforms
• Efficiency of new evaluation methods of bids
• Impact of import substitution on public procurement of innovation
• Trust and reputation in public procurement
• Support for SMEs in public procurement
Experts: Y. Obalyaeva (Sber-A), E. Gutseluk (SFedU), M. Emelyanova (HSE University), A. Ivanov (SPbU), N. Maslova (HSE University), Y. Rodionova (HSE University), D. Plesovskikh (Sber-A), Y. Filonenko (Financial Universuty), O. Belokrylova (SFedU), S. Tsygankov (SFedU)
Section TSocial and Cultural Processes
Moderators: V. Magun (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, HSE University), E. Ponarin (HSE University)
Thursday, April 13
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session T-13-1. Psychological Problems of Digitalization
Moderator: A. Tatarko (HSE University)
A. Vorobieva (Institute of Psychology RAS), S. Skipor (MosGU)
Attitude to digital technologies for providing remote psychological assistance (abstract)
D. Dubrov (HSE University)
The relationship between involvement in the use of information and communication technologies and family social capital (abstract)
E. Maklasova (HSE University), G. Rodionov (HSE University)
Psychological Factors of Involvement in Online-Learning (abstract)
M. Anastasia (Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia)
Socio-psychological interpretation of the teacher's personality by university students in an online lecture (abstract)
Discussants: T. Nestik (Institute of Psychology of RAS), M. Efremova (HSE University)
Thursday, April 13
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session T-13-2. Semiotic and Cognitive Sspects of Social Development
Moderator: M. Ilyin (HSE University)
S. Zolyan (BFU)
On performativity in social practices: on performativity in social practices: how to do things with "how to do things with words".  (abstract)
I. Fomin (Independent researcher), T. Kornev (INION RAN)
Sixty-six ways of making sense of memes: Towards a biosemiotic account of cultural replication units (abstract)
G. Chasovskikh (RSMU)
The Evolution of Morality and Virtue Ethics: From Description to Prescriptions (abstract)
M. Ilyin (HSE University), N. Skipin (INION RAN)
Conceptualization of agency with regard to the evolution of the matching phenomena (abstract)
Discussant: V. Avdonin (INION RAN)
Thursday, April 13
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session T-13-3. Representations of the Middle Ages in the Modern Mass Consciousness
Moderator: M. Fabrykant (Belarusian State University, HSE University)
Why should we teach and study the History of Medieval West? (abstract)
M. Matskevich (SI FCTAS RAS)
The Baptism of Russia, Alexander Nevsky, and Other Heroes of History Textbooks: Effects of Soviet and Post-Soviet School Education (abstract)
M. Fabrykant (HSE University)
Medieval History Narratives of Eastern European and Non-European Countries in Contemporary Russian Textbooks (abstract)
M. Shteynman (HSE University)
Representation of the Middle Ages in the fantasy genre: a transmedia approach (abstract)
Discussant: A. Marey (HSE University)
Thursday, April 13
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session T-13-4. Cultural Production and Consumption
Moderator: E. Danilova (HSE University)
I. Papushina (HSE University - Perm), E. Shenkman (HSE University - Perm)
Topic Modelling Perspective on the Cultural Consumption Studies Field (abstract)
X. Leontyeva (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Efficiency of the state regulation of the Russian film industry in 2015-2019 (abstract)
E. Vasileva (HSE University)
The influence and role of turkish tv series on listening to turkish music abroad (abstract)
S. Petr (HSE University), E. Evpak (HSE University)
Network art as a new trend of modern speculative art: a case of music experiments at HSE Creative Industries Faculty (abstract)
Discussant: S. Maria (HSE University)
Section VEducation
Moderators: I. Abankina (HSE University), I. Fedyukin (HSE University), E. Terentev (HSE University), M. Yudkevich (HSE University)
Thursday, April 13
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Roundtable V-13-1. Psychological Wellbeing in the Educational Environment: from School to Graduate School
Moderator: T. Kanonire (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
What does psychological wellbeing mean for students of various levels? What does empirical analysis tell us about the psychological wellbeing of school learners, undergrads and doctoral students? What institutional practices can help academic institutions support the psychological wellbeing of learners?
Experts: A. Filkina (Tomsk State University), E. Terentev (HSE University), T. Mertsalova (HSE University), D. Rogozin (RANEPA), A. Larionova (Tomsk State University), T. Kanonire (HSE University), M. Abramova (Tomsk State University), M. Chumakova (HSE University)
Thursday, April 13
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable V-13-2. The Role of Psychometrics in Education in the Digital World. The round table is organized in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2022-325)
Moderator: A. Ivanova (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
At this session, experts from the Centre for Psychometrics and Evaluation in Education under the HSE Institute of Education will discuss possible ways of using analytical outcomes in ratable practice in Russia.
Experts: S. Tarasov (HSE University), D. Gracheva (HSE University), M. Kurushkin (ITMO University), S. Sokolova (Innopolis University), V. Matsuta (Tomsk State University), E. Yusupova (HSE University), K. Tarasova (HSE University), M. Demidova (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements)
Thursday, April 13
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable V-13-3. Development of Autonomy and Independence of Preschool and Primary School Age Children
Moderator: K. Polivanova (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• How do parents view childhood independence at preschool age?
• Key features of childhood autonomy development in various spheres: everyday, cognitive, games-based activities
• Independence and play: dynamics of development, methods of assessment
• Going to school: conditions for a seamless transition
• Families and the development of childhood autonomy
• Independent learning at the preschool stage
Experts: O. Shiyan (MSPU), O. Ostroverkh (SFU), A. Nisskaya (HSE University), D. Akhmedjanova (HSE University), E. Fedorenko (MSSES), K. Polivanova (HSE University), S. Kukava (SFU), K. Kalinovskaya (SFU)
Thursday, April 13
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable V-13-4. Mentoring as an Instrument to Develop Human Potential. The round table is organized in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2022-325)
Moderator: P. Sorokin (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
1) What makes mentoring special as a pedagogical practice compared to other human development approaches?
2) What brings together varying views of mentorship with due consideration of such specifics as age, field of study and other factors?
3) What areas of human potential are currently most relevant for mentorship? Where is it irreplaceable?
4) What planned or already launched activities and programmes under the Year of Mentorship in Russia may be considered the most significant examples of mentoring in practice that can be implemented in Russia today?
Experts: D. Pavlyuk (HSE University), V. Kirysheva (NTI Circle Movement), V. Nikolsky (HSE University, "Vysshee Obrazovanie v Rossii"), A. Vedekhin (Department of State Youth Policy and Educational Activities), V. Novikova (HSE University), V. Yakovleva (HSE University)
Section ZArctic Research
Moderators: B. Morgunov (HSE University), F. Aleskerov (HSE University)
Thursday, April 13
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Session Z-13-4. Arctic Research - 1
M. Chashchin (HSE University)
Актуальные вопросы электронного обмена медицинской информацией: достоверность и качество источников сведений о состоянии здоровья работников предприятий (на примере предприятий АЗРФ) (abstract)
Предварительная оценка внедрения корпоративных программ, направленных на сохранение здоровья работников предприятий АЗРФ (abstract)
O. Lezhnev (JSC SOGAZ)
Анализ существующей системы информационного взаимодействия системы обязательного социального страхования Арктической зоны Российской Федерации в части обмена информацией о состоянии здоровья работника (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
6:00–7:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Z-13-5. Arctic Research - 2
S. Kravchuk (UrFU), N. Korgin (ICS RAS)
Arctic Design: Developing Design Strategies for the Extreme Environment (abstract)
E. Gershelis (TPU)
Role of shale in transforming the organic matrix of bottom deposits in the East-Siberian Arctic (abstract)
A. Ruban (TPU)
Frambodial pyrite in bottom deposits in the continental rise of the Laptev Sea: morphology features and impact of anaerobic oxidation of methane (abstract)
D. Chernykh (POI FB RAS)
Acoustic surveys of gas flaring in Russia’s Arctic seas (abstract)
E. Chuvilin (Skoltech)
Thermal features of bottom sediments in Russia’s Arctic zone, including active methane emission areas (abstract)
Friday, April 14
Section BSpecial Sessions and Roundtables
Friday, April 14
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-14-1. The Future of Interaction between School Education and EdTech Companies
Moderator: D. Koroleva (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
Experts: E. Bobrov (Digital Educational Content Project (Innopolis University)), A. Makshanchikova (VK, Sferum), E. Kapkova (Secondary school No. 34 in Orenburg), A. Polovinkin (EdTech company "Cifrium"), O. Belyakina (EdTech company "Native class”)
Friday, April 14
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-14-1. Economy of the Largest Cities: How to Meet the Need for Qualified Specialists and Avoid a Shortage of Personnel
Moderator: S. Donets (Renaissance Capital)
Issues for discussion:
Experts: K. Khudenko ("Technologies of Trust"), A. Safonov (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation), M. Denisenko (HSE University), M. Bagreeva (Government of Moscow)
Friday, April 14
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-14-4/1. Neuroscience of Education. The round table is organized in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2022-325)
Moderator: A. Petrakova (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• What trends in neuroscience may be useful for practitioners?
• What are the current demands for practitioners in the neurosciences?
Experts: N. Zdorova (HSE University), E. Bazhanova (Small Business College 4), A. Paevsky (Neuronovosti portal), A. Petrakova (HSE University), E. Voevodina (HSE University), N. Otstavnov (HSE University), O. Davydov (HSE University Lyceum), G. Garipova ("Pushkinsky Proletse 78"), E. Bakai (HSE University), A. Zabelin (practicing psychologist), A. Istomina (HSE University), E. Kiryan (Cosmonautics School), D. Khramtsova ("Detikino" studio school), S. Dorofeeva (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• What trends in neuroscience may be useful for practitioners?
• What are the current demands for practitioners in the neurosciences?
Experts: N. Zdorova (HSE University), E. Bazhanova (Small Business College 4), O. Davydov (HSE University Lyceum), E. Bakai (HSE University), N. Otstavnov (HSE University), D. Khramtsova ("Detikino" studio school), S. Dorofeeva (HSE University), E. Kiryan (Cosmonautics School), A. Istomina (HSE University), A. Zabelin (practicing psychologist), A. Paevsky (Neuronovosti portal), A. Petrakova (HSE University), G. Garipova ("Pushkinsky Proletse 78"), E. Voevodina (HSE University)
Friday, April 14
4:15–5:45pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-14-4/2. Control, Supervision, Quality: The First Results of the Regulatory Guillotine in Education
Moderator: S. Jankiewicz (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• What were the declared goals of reform and were they achievable?
• What are the obstacles to the implementation process?
• What are the challenges for regulators?
• What is in store for educational oversight in Russia: where are we going?
• What non-state instruments can be considered a priority for the educational system?
Experts: A. Muzaev (Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science), N. Knyaginina (HSE University), E. Semchenko (Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science), E. Terentev (HSE University), Y. Kuzminov (HSE University), E. Ponomareva (RANEPA), G. Motova (National Centre for Public Accreditation), D. Morozov (HSE University), Y. Linskaya (Russian Presidential Directorate for Science and Education Policy), V. Bolotov (HSE University)
Section BbHonorary Reports
Friday, April 14
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Simultaneous translation
Honorary paper Bb-14-1. Michael Minkov (Varna University of Management, Bulgaria; HSE University, Russia) A revision of Hofstede's model of culture and Its implications for socioeconomic development
Moderator: E. Ponarin (HSE University)
Hofstede's model of culture has enjoyed enormous popularity for decades but no major attempt was made to replicate it until 2015. A quasi-nationally representative study with large samples (n = 500 to 2,500 respondents in most countries) from over 50 countries, as well as analyses of the International Social Survey Program data, demonstrated that some of the foundations of Hofstede's theories are untenable. For instance, national anxiety is not related to approval of strict rules and laws (a presumed relationship that constitutes the backbone of “uncertainty avoidance”). Furthermore, differences between the values and personalities of men and women are not a function of “masculinity-femininity” but of individualism. This, and the impossibility to replicate masculinity-femininity with any data, makes it an illusory dimension.
Nevertheless, two dimensions - revised versions of individualism-collectivism and long-term orientation (now referred to as “flexibility-monumentalism”) are solid and replicable dimensions, forming a revised Minkov-Hofstede model of culture. Recently, Agner Fog analyzed all replicable dimensions of culture, in all models, and found that they all converge into a close 2D variant of Minkov-Hofstede. The two dimensions are closely related to, and explain, a long list of national behavioural differences, including rule of law versus corruption, gender equality, fatalities from various types of accidents, family structures, adolescent fertility, violent crime, innovation rates, etc. Alternative models of culture perform less well as predictors of those variables.
Section DTheoretical Economics
Moderator: A. Belianin (HSE University)
Friday, April 14
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session D-14-1. Markets and information
Moderator: T. Mayskaya (HSE University)
M. Sandomirskaia (HSE University), R. Shavshin (HSE University)
How sellers' capacities affect equilibrium in finite markets (abstract)
K. Denisova (HSE University), M. Sandomirskaya (HSE University)
Consumer Search and Platform Manipulation in Online Platform (abstract)
T. Mayskaya (HSE University), C. Herresthal (University of Bonn), A. Nikandrova (City, University of London)
Data Linkage between Markets: Does the Emergence of an Informed Insurer Cause Consumer Harm? (abstract)
Discussants: T. Mayskaya (HSE University), M. Sandomirskaia (HSE University), K. Denisova (HSE University)
Friday, April 14
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session D-14-2. Matching
Moderator: A. Nesterov (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
A. Kuzmina (HSE University - St. Petersburg), N. Kalinin (SPbSU)
Modeling and analysis of centralized distribution system of applicants for educational programs in Russia (abstract)
A. Nesterov (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Dating market, familiarity graphs, and selectivity (abstract)
S. Rubtsova (HSE University - St. Petersburg), A. Nesterov (HSE University - St. Petersburg), O. Rospuskova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Robustness to Manipulations (abstract)
I. Samoylenko (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Mathematical modeling of dating market (abstract)
Discussant: E. Dogan (HSE University)
Friday, April 14
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session D-14-3. Games
Moderator: A. Kondratev (HSE University)
A. Kondratev (HSE University - St. Petersburg), A. Nesterov (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Optimal scoring rules in sport competitions (abstract)
E. Zalyubovsky (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Extended backward induction in games with perfect recall (abstract)
R. Geng (HSE University)
Recursive equilibria in dynamic economies with bounded rationality (abstract)
Discussants: R. Geng (HSE University), A. Kondratev (HSE University), E. Zalyubovsky (HSE University)
Section LFirms and Markets
Moderators: N. Volchkova (NES, RFTA), L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU), Y. Simachyov (HSE University)
Friday, April 14
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session L-14-1. Corporate Governance and Finance - 3
Moderator: E. Rogova (SPbU)
I. Kizko (HSE University)
Voluntary Delisting at Stages of Corporate Life Cycle (abstract)
Z. Dzhuraeva (UrFU), A. Nepp (UrFU)
Impact of social media and google on stock markets during a pandemic: the case of an airline (abstract)
D. Kirpishchikov (HSE University - Perm), M. Zavertiaeva (HSE University - Perm), E. Shenkman (HSE University - Perm)
Bank-firm interlocking Boards in Russia: Does it help to raise financial resources? (abstract)
Discussants: E. Rogova (SPbU), V. Golikova (HSE University)
Friday, April 14
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session L-14-2. ESG Practices and Business Efficiency - 2
Moderator: V. Golikova (HSE University)
D. Gladyrev (UrFU), L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU), Y. Simachev (HSE University), A. Fedyunina (HSE University)
How is the development of environmental management related to participation in global value chains? (abstract)
A. Zaiatc (FEFU)
Strategies for low-carbon development of companies: foreign and domestic experience (abstract)
O. Goryacheva (SibFU), V. Kuzmin (Yenisei Siberia Development Corporation)
Empirical evaluation of ESG-rating models of small and medium-sized businesses (abstract)
Discussants: V. Golikova (HSE University), A. Fedyunina (HSE University)
Friday, April 14
2:30–4:00pm (UTC+3)
Session L-14-3. Market Competition and Antimonopoly Policy
Moderator: N. Tsybuleva (RANEPA)
A. Meleshkina (RANEPA), I. Filippova (Lomonosov MSU)
Empirical geographic market definition for antitrust: the case of Russian cement market (abstract)
A. Morozov (Lomonosov MSU), K. Ionkina (Lomonosov MSU, RANEPA), O. Markova (Lomonosov MSU, RANEPA)
Estimating the entry into the pharmacy retail markets (abstract)
A. Stavniychuk (Lomonosov MSU, RANEPA)
The Effects of Competition Policy on the Petroleum Products Markets in Russia (abstract)
E. Galeeva (RANEPA)
Analysis of competition in the retail petroleum products market in Russia: the impact of placement and ownership of oil refineries (abstract)
Discussants: N. Volchkova (NES), N. Tsybuleva (RANEPA)
Section TSocial and Cultural Processes
Moderators: V. Magun (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, HSE University), E. Ponarin (HSE University)
Friday, April 14
11:45am–1:15pm (UTC+3)
Session T-14-2. Identity Issues
Moderator: K. Marina (HSE University)
M. Nadezhda (HSE University)
Psychological State of Russian Student Youth in the Crisis: The Role of Cultural and Political Patriotism (abstract)
E. Karpinskaia (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Founder Social Identity and Venture Performance: The Role of National Culture (abstract)
K. Elena (HSE University)
Body culture as an aspect of self-identification in modern society (abstract)
A. Andreeva (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Transition to adulthood in therapeutic culture (abstract)
M. Kotova (HSE University), E. Agadullina (HSE University)
Measurement of Overt and Covert Forms of Prejudice against Migrants in Russia (abstract)
Section VEducation
Moderators: I. Abankina (HSE University), I. Fedyukin (HSE University), E. Terentev (HSE University), M. Yudkevich (HSE University)
Friday, April 14
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Roundtable V-14-1. Тенденции и перспективы реализации «третьей миссии» университетов
Moderator: A. Shadrin (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
● Современные тенденции и перспективы реализации «третьей миссии» университетов
● Механизмы партнерства университетов с социальными предприятиями, СО НКО, органами государственной власти
● Возможные стратегии развития университета в рамках реализации «третьей миссии»
● Возможности встраивания механизмов проектного обучения в образовательную и научную деятельность университетов
● «Точки роста» в развитии «третьей миссии» в университетах России. Опыт реализации социальных «клиник» и центров волонтерства в университетах
● Лучшие практики реализации «третьей миссии» университетов в стране и в мире. Проекты, направленные на масштабирование и тиражирование лучших практик
● Рекомендации по развитию механизмов «третьей миссии» университетов, практики участия университетов в разработке и реализации стратегий развития городов и регионов
Experts: V. Burov ("Information Culture", HSE University), A. Gordeev (Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs), E. Isaeva (Yaroslavl State University, Resource Center for Support of Non-profit Organizations and Civic Initiatives), D. Zemtsov (HSE University), A. Spivak (National Foundation for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children), A. Boldyreva (Donors Forum), T. Ryabko (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), A. Dmitrieva (HSE University), N. Ryazantseva (HSE University), E. Iarskaia-Smirnova (HSE University), O. Anistratenko (Social Investments and Innovations Agency), M. Dorokhina (SPbU), I. lapidus (Vladimir Potanin Foundation)