HSE University is pleased to announce a call for proposals with reports to take part in the 25th Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development (25th Yasin Conference).
The key events of the 25th Yasin Conference will be taking place in Moscow from April 15 till 18, 2025.
The Conference programme will focus on the following key academic themes:
- Economics;
- Human Capital and Society;
- Instrumental Methods and Models in Management and the Social Sciences;
- Foresight Research;
- International Relations.
The deadline for filing applications to present academic reports at the Conference is Monday, January 20, 2025. In addition, applications will also be accepted to register for the Conference as an attendee: from Russian citizens - by Thursday, April 10, 2025; from foreign citizens - by Monday, March 10, 2025. Further details are available on the Conference website in the section for 'Participants'.
The events on the Conference programme will be held in Russian or English. Certain discussions will be held in a bilingual format with simultaneous interpretation provided.
The Conference will take place mainly in a live, face-to-face format. However, in exceptional cases, the Programme Committee retains the right to invite certain speakers and participants to join discussions online.
Applications to present academic reports at the Conference should be submitted in accordance with the following thematic sections:
Instrumental Methods and Models in Management and the Social Sciences
Foresight Research
- Russia’s Growth Scenarios in the Context of a Rapidly Changing External Environment
- New Models and Methods for Technological and Socioeconomic Forecasting
- International Symposium on “Foresight Research Amid Rapid Global Change"
International Relations
Macroeconomics and Economic Growth
Reports dedicated to research in macroeconomics and macroeconomic policy may be submitted for review in this section. Papers may take either a theoretical or an empirical approach. Priority will be given to those reports that focus on describing economic mechanisms and providing decision-making support for shaping economic policy in the context of a turbulent global economy and restrictive sanctions.
In this new context, such policies should be aimed at ensuring social stability, mitigating the effects of negative shocks, and creating conditions that promote household welfare. While not all studies will necessarily lead to conclusions that pertain to economic policy, those papers that do feature specific policy recommendations are of particular interest.
Priority will be given to those reports that focus on issues typically faced by economies featuring a significant share of raw materials exports in aggregate demand, as well as regional heterogeneity. As such, reports may be focused on Russia or on any other country or region with similar economic development characteristics.
Research should be carried out on the basis of contemporary economic theory and quantitative analysis methods drawn from academic literature. Proposals must meet the following requirements:
- A valid research question;
- Academic novelty;
- A substantive contribution to the field.
Report topics may cover, but are not limited to, the following areas:
- Monetary and tax policies adopted in response to high volatility and uncertainty in external conditions;
- Instruments for mitigating and managing the economic impact of internal and external shocks;
- How and why countries and regions differ by income levels and growth rates;
- Supporting sustainable economic growth in a slowing global economy that faces geopolitical risks and a new environmental agenda;
- Dependence on natural resource exports and approaches to economic diversification;
- The impact of income inequality and human capital distribution on domestic and regional economic development.
Methodology of Economic Sciences
The HSE University Centre for the History and Methodology of Economic Science is coordinating this section. It welcomes the submission of reports dealing with issues in the history and methodology of economics and the interrelationship between economic theory and economic policy, as well as interdisciplinary research on economics and other sciences. The special focus issue of this year’s Yasin Conference is the changing image of economics in the 21st century. Both Russian and foreign participants are invited.
Theoretical Economics
This section will cover a broad range of topics in microeconomic theory, including theoretical industrial organization, political economy, social choice and decision theory, market design, information economics, auctions, matching theory, network theory and its applications, and experimental and behavioural economics, as well as other topics that make use of the methods of game theory and related disciplines.
Firms and Markets
The coordinators of this section welcome reports on the following topics:
- Corporate governance and business models;
- Corporate finance;
- Corporate behaviour in markets for goods and services; investment, innovative and organizational behaviour;
- The foreign trade activity of firms;
- The digital transformation of firms;
- Global and domestic value chains;
- The impact of sanctions on the behaviour and sustainability of firms and markets;
- Behaviour patterns of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs);
- The competitiveness of firms in domestic and global markets;
- Corporate relations with government authorities at different levels;
- Market structures and corporate integration;
- The challenge of growth in regulated markets;
- Environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices and corporate performance;
- Firms and markets in the energy transition.
Finance and Banking
The coordinators of this section welcome submissions of empirical and theoretical reports covering all areas of Finance. We will consider both new and traditional topics in Finance, including:
- Corporate finance and banking;
- Asset pricing in equity and credit markets;
- Macrofinance and foreign exchange markets;
- Mutual funds;
- Financial econometrics and Big Data analysis;
- Cryptocurrencies, digital assets and payment systems;
- Risk management and financial derivatives;
- “Green” finance and sustainability.
We also welcome proposals from other fields of financial economics.
Economic Transactions in the Household Sector: Harmonisation of Statistical Concepts and Assessments at the Micro and Macro Levels
This section will focus on a discussion of the problems inherent in measuring the economic behaviour of households based on the 2025 SNA (System of National Accounts). We welcome papers on the following topics for this section:
- discussing innovations adopted in the 2025 SNA in relation to the household sector;
- means of recording household sector transactions in the SNA in detailed format (including breakdown by subsectors and social strata); ways to integrate microeconomic data into macroeconomic measurements;
- discussing the social accounting matrix (SAM) and presenting economic transactions in the “From-Whom-To-Whom Tables” (FWTW) format;
- examining social stratification by income, consumption and wealth; estimates of income inequality based on a combination of statistical data and tax records;
- measuring the dynamics of and macroeconomic forecast for household consumption based on surveys of consumer expectations and other methods;
- making international comparisons of household’s consumption rates and trends;
- assessing inequality and poverty through a multidimensional approach with a specific focus on the impact of non-monetary factors.
Demography and Labour Markets
This section addresses a wide range of issues related to demographic development and labour market trends. Sessions devoted to demographic development will feature discussions about shifts in demographic processes and structures, as well as the socioeconomic aspects of demographic trends, population forecasts and models, demographic behaviour, sources of population data, regional and national demographics, and demographic and migration policies.
Sessions devoted to the labour market will explore a broad spectrum of issues, such as employment, unemployment, wage setting and differentiation, inequality within the job market, and the development of labour market institutions. Participants will also examine the impact that digital transformation is having on the job market and labour relations.
Special attention will be paid to the connections between the labour market, education and public health.
Reports should reflect findings from original research. We also welcome original interdisciplinary research projects on topics lying at the intersection of economics and other disciplines.
Political Processes
We invite reports that centre on the comparative analysis of political institutions and processes in Russia and other countries, employing both qualitative and quantitative methods. Additionally, we encourage a focus on the use of contemporary methods in computational social sciences to study political processes and phenomena. Issues pertaining to the role of human and social capital in political processes, as well as the impact of policy on these types of capital, are of particular interest for this year’s conference.
We also welcome reports that address various issues in comparative and global policy, political theory, political behaviour, political culture, political methodological research, and other themes. At the same time, we also welcome papers that provide conclusions based on the author’s analysis of empirical materials.
The coordinators of the Sociology section invite speakers who seek to explore contemporary social phenomena, processes and practices that are both rooted in the past and remain relevant today and in the near future, through the lens of sociology and related disciplines.
Researchers are encouraged to focus on the following key topics:
- Trends in human capital development in the context of contemporary labour market and employment conditions;
- The dynamics of social institutions and the social structure of society;
- The prospects for social mobility and demographic trends;
- New digital technologies, integration of artificial intelligence into everyday life, and related prospects and challenges.
We look forward to receiving reports that showcase research findings in one or more of the aforementioned areas. Additionally, we encourage papers that reflect on or propose new methodological solutions for addressing specific research problems within the given topics.
Our priority is to engage in discussions focusing on recent studies conducted in 2023-2024.
This section will explore current trends in psychological studies and practice, aligning with the key research areas pursued by HSE University. The following topics will be examined by participants during the sessions:
- Cognitive processes in the information environment: phenomena and explanatory models;
- Psychological effects of socioeconomic dynamics;
- The psychology of personality;
- Personal psychological well-being: theory and practice.
The Laboratory for Cognitive Development and the Laboratory for the Cognitive Psychology of Digital Interface Users are the joint coordinators of this section, which is dedicated to cognitive processes in the information environment. Both labs will ensure a high level of organizational standards and are pleased to invite speakers. Staff from the Laboratory for the Psychology of Social Inequality and the Research and Study Group for the Psychology of Organizational Communication will jointly conduct the session on the psychological effects of socioeconomic dynamics. The practice-oriented focus of psychological studies at HSE University will be showcased in sessions on the psychology of personality and psychological well-being. This practice-oriented approach has been embedded in the Master's programmes in the fields of Psychological Counselling and Psychotherapy, as well as the strategic Success and Self-Sustainability in a Changing World project. Key Russian and foreign experts specializing in relevant research areas will be invited to take part in the sessions.
Instrumental Methods in Economic and Social Research
This section will feature reports by leading researchers and practitioners with the aim of presenting the most advanced methodological approaches to the study of complex economic and social systems. In the context of the rapid accumulation of available data, the use of modern analytical methods and technologies for obtaining useful information is becoming critical for informed decision-making, as well as for developing effective strategies in various fields. This section will showcase presentations on such topics as Big Data analysis in economics, business and politics, as well as decision-making tools based on Big Data analysis. Special attention will be paid to the use of modern mathematical methods, including imitative and numerical simulations, as well as scenario analysis. In addition, this section will feature reports on multiple-agent systems, big systems monitoring and analysis tools contributing to the increased resilience and adaptability of organizations in a rapidly changing global environment, models and methods for managing social networks and network structures, as well as using Big Data in solving economic problems. Particular attention will be paid to the practical application of various mathematical methods for solving current economic and social problems, as well as their role in the formation of strategies at various levels.
As part of the section, a vast array of topics will be considered, with a focus on pressing issues in business and management. A special emphasis, however, will be placed on the following:
- instrumental methods in management;
- models and methods for sustainable corporate development;
- adaptation of business models as per external factors;
- phygital transformation;
- new digital marketing solutions and practices;
- AI application in supply chain management;
- entrepreneurial models.
Russia’s Growth Scenarios in the Context of a Rapidly Changing External Environment
This section will explore a wide range of issues related to medium-term forecasting of Russia's development. Several sessions will examine Russia’s ongoing economic and social transformation driven by the imposition of blanket Western sanctions, with a specific focus on macroeconomic, demographic and migration forecasts, the labour market and social processes, education, culture and social values, scientific and technological development, the climate agenda, and spatial development. As well, participants will discuss the key sectors of the Russian economy, including energy, agribusiness, transport and logistics, and the information and communications technology sector.
New Models and Methods for Technological and Socioeconomic Forecasting
We look forward to hearing reports on new models and methods for forecasting the development of science and technology, as well as on socioeconomic processes, the use of Big Data analysis in forecasting, methods and tools for identifying promising areas of scientific inquiry, innovation-driven technologies, and assessing the effectiveness of foresight research studies.
International Symposium on "Foresight Research Amid Rapid Global Change"
The symposium will focus on dissecting advanced approaches to futures research, including best practices in national and international forecasts for S&T and innovation development, the features for predictive research amid rapid changes in societies, economics, politics, culture and values. Top global experts in the field will lay out the results of various foresight studies, share today’s techniques for organizing foresight projects under new conditions, as well as discuss their experience in application of contemporary forecasting methods.
Ideas and Civilizations in a Multipolar World
The new world order is based not so much on competition as on interaction among diverse ideological and civilizational traditions and approaches to understanding reality. The world is not experiencing a rupture into two opposing poles, meaning that it is increasingly critical to pursue scholarly inquiry aimed at understanding how different nations see their place in the world, what their identities are based on, and their perceptions about whether their distinct interests and values are treated fairly or unfairly. Stability in the future global order will depend on how successfully it can reconcile diverse nations’ self-perceptions with how others see them.
At the same time, the process of setting rules, regulations and institutions for a new international order is just getting underway. Eurasia is serving as the central platform for this process, given its status as the largest region of the world as well as a space where several civilizations intersect and where great powers, medium-sized and small countries alike interact. The West, as the receding hegemon, is seeking a new role in the world, while striving to preserve part of its privileged position and create new tools for interacting with the rest of the world. The mission of the International Relations section at the 2025 Yasin International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development is to foster a substantive academic discussion on the critical issues that will determine the face of the new international order.
The World Economy
This section will feature reports on current trends and problems facing the world economy, such as: new developments in international trade, trans-border capital flows and multinational corporations, international labour migration, regional integration and international economic institutions, the energy transition and other technological innovations, and the challenges of sustainable development.
Furthermore, participants will discuss the development of national economies around the world and their relationship with global processes, as well as the changing role of developing economies in global economic links, and Russia’s place in the world economy. The coordinators of this section also welcome reports on the impact of sanctions and other restrictive measures on the Russian economy and the economies of other countries, and on international economic processes.
Asian Studies
A key trend in the development of the contemporary world is Asia’s expanded footprint and the enhanced opportunities that this offers Asian countries. This is a stable, irreversible process, which in turn is making it imperative to pursue comprehensive research studies of the countries of Asia, from Northeast Asia to Southwest Asia (the Middle East), including their diverse economic, social, political and cultural characteristics. In this sense, the academic field of Asian Studies itself is becoming a key element in gaining an academic and practical understanding of where the system of international relations as a whole is going, as well as the ability of individual Asian countries to ensure the progress of their respective societies. The relevance of Asian Studies as an academic discipline and field of research is becoming increasingly self-evident in the wake of recent global events and Russia’s ‘turn to the East,’ which is making it clear that Russia has no alternative to proactively seeking closer, more diversified ties with Asian countries. Asian Studies have become even more important as the new international order takes shape driven by the emergence of polycentrism and major new economies. Other key factors in this regard are the qualitative changes occurring in the Global Majority’s role and in those countries and regions where it is predominant, as well as in the role of its regional and subregional institutions. The Asian Studies section will host a thorough discussion of these themes, together with many other key issues.
Key Figures from the history of the Сonference

Social Policy and Healthcare
Social policy and healthcare are critical tools for promoting sustainable socioeconomic growth. Specifically, they are key factors in achieving national development goals for preserving the population, improving people's health and welfare, and supporting families. This area is focused on issues pertaining to health, factors conducive to leading a healthy lifestyle, living standards, the quality of life of households, and policies for equalizing development opportunities for diverse social groups and ensuring equitable access to healthcare services. This year, we will additionally address and analyse various signs of inequality in living standards, quality of life, consumption, health characteristics, and access to medical services.
Tentative topics for reports submitted for discussion at the conference include: