Preliminary program
Section A. Macroeconomics and growth | |
Moderator: Gurvich E. (EEG) |
03 April, Tuesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-313 |
Session A-03. Public lection: Justin Yifu Lin Session moderator: Yasin E. (HSE) |
15:00-16:30 Room Е-503 |
Session A-03/1. Fiscal Policy and Economic Development Session moderator: Akindinova N. (HSE) Karev M. (Higher School of Economics) Structural Model of Russian Economy (Annotation) Mamedli M. (HSE) Strategic interactions of Monetary and Fiscal policies on the assumption of different internal policy lags (Annotation, full version) Penukhina E. (Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting) Macroeconomic effects of tax reforms in Russia: an empirical analysis (Annotation, full version) Platonov K. (HSE) Structural Budget Balance and Fiscal Policy Indicators (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Lysenko T. (OECD) |
17:00-18:30 Room Е-503 |
Session A-04. Models of Economic Growth: Russian and international experience Session moderator: Aleksashenko S. (HSE) Belousov D. (CMASF) Long-term forecast for Russian economy: development perspectives, opportunities and constraints (Annotation, full version) Montoya M. (University of New Mexico Anderson School of Management) Rajankumar M. (University of New Mexico Anderson School of Management) BRIC National Export performance: A Portfolio Approach. (Annotation) Lee K. (Seoul National University) Big Business and National Economic Growth: Finding a Binding Constraint for Growth by a Country Panel Analysis (Annotation, full version) |
04 April, Wednesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Е-503 |
Session A-07. Structural problems of economic growth Session moderator: Baranov E. (HSE) Balyakin A. (National Research Centre "Kurchatov institute") Modernisation of Russia and high-technology clusters (Annotation) Frenkel A. (Institute of economics Russian Academy of Sciences) Sergienko Y. (Institute of economics Russian Academy of Sciences ) Raiskaya N. (Institute of economics Russian Academy of Sciences) The change of industrial growth dominant (Annotation, full version) Apokin A. (CMASF) Leading indicators for energy indices (Annotation, full version) Bessonov V. (HSE) Petronevich A. (HSE) Seasonal Adjustment as a Factor of Creation of False Signals (Annotation) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-508 |
Session A-07/1. Круглый стол. Экономика России: прошлое, настоящее, будущее" (по материалам энциклопедии "Экономика России", 2012, Oxford University Press) Session moderator: Alekseev M. (Indiana University)Weber S. (NES)Levin M. (HSE) Members: Entov R. (HSE), Shishkin S. (HSE), Gimpelson V. (HSE), Kryukov V. (HSE), Mau V. (RANH), Denisova I. (CEFIR) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-313 |
Session A-08. Круглый стол. Взаимодействие бизнеса и власти в контексте новых политических трендов Session moderator: Shokhin A. (HSE) Members: Aven P. (Alfa-Bank), Borisov S. (Opora Russia), Vdovin I. (NAPI), Vorobyev A. (Russian State Duma), Zimin D. (Dynasty), Kirillina V. (HSE), Kisel K. (HSE), Kotelevskaya I. (RSPP), Krylova D. (Delovaya Perspektiva), Stolyarenko V. (Evrofinance Mosnarbank), Yurgens I. (Renaissance Capital) |
17:00-18:30 Room Е-503 |
Session A-08/1. Human capital as a factor in economic development Session moderator: Gimpelson V. (HSE) Zakharenko R. (HSE) The role of passionate individuals in economic development (Annotation) Sushko E. (Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences Central Economics and Mathematics Institute RAS) LABOUR POTENTIAL AND BEHAVIOR OF PEOPLE IN MULTI-AGENT REGIONAL MODEL (Annotation, full version) Michasova O. (Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod) Kuznetsov Y. (Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod) Economic Growth, Human Capital and Externalities (Annotation, full version) |
05 April, Thursday | |
10:00-11:30 Room Г-508 |
Session A-09/1. Modeling the issues of monetary policy Session moderator: Drobyshevskiy S. (Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy) Tsyplakov A. (Novosibirsk State University) Price uncertrainty and inflation (Annotation, full version) Bessonov I. (HSE) Dementiev A. (HSE) Influence of Information Stickiness on Russian Inflation Dynamic (Annotation, full version) Kuga I. (HSE) Measurement errors of disinflation costs using Ball's method (Annotation) Discussant: Styrin K. (NES) |
10:00-11:30 Room Е-503 |
Session A-09. Macroeconomic risks and economic policy for Russia Session moderator: Gurvich E. (EEG) Yudaeva K. (Sberbank) External risks and macroeconomics policy agenda (Annotation) Vyugin O. (MDM-bank) Уязвимость для кризиса России и других формирующихся рынков (Annotation) Richter K. (World Bank) What could be done to protect Russian economy from external shocks? (Annotation) Aleksashenko S. (HSE) Риски и возможные источники нового финансового кризиса в России Специальная (Annotation) |
12:00-13:30 Room Е-503 |
Session A-10. Development of the Russian economy in the 2010s Session moderator: Gurvich E. (EEG) Klepach A. (Министерство экономического развития) Priority problems of Russian economy until 2030 (Annotation) Barnard D. (ОЭСР) To what extent have macroeconomic policies insulated the Russian economy from swings in commodity prices, and what more should be done? (Annotation) Gavrilenkov E. (MDM-bank) Потенциал и препятствия развития российской экономике на ближайшее десятилетие (Annotation) Gurvich E. (EEG) Balaev A. (EEG) Prilepskiy I. (EEG) Long-term constraints of the development of Russian economy (Annotation) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-508 |
Session A-11. Selected Macro Issues in Emerging Markets Session moderator: Herrala R. (BOFIT Bank of Finland) Korhonen I. (Bank of Finland Institute for Economies in Transition) Forecasting economic developments in major emerging markets – Rational? (Annotation) Solanko L. (BOFIT Bank of Finland) Interest-rate pass-through in Russia (Annotation) Discussant: Dabrowski M. (CASE) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-508 |
Session A-12. Institutions and Economic Growth Session moderator: Polischuk L. (HSE) Natkhov T. (HSE) Allocation of Talent and Quality of Institutions in Russia (Annotation) Alexeev M. (HSE) Pokrovsky D. (HSE) Impact of Intellectual Property Rights Protection on Economic Growth (Annotation, full version) Zhuravlyova N. (Lomonosov Moscow State University) Effectiveness state owned enterprises in promoting government investment (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Kuznetsov B. (HSE) |
17:00-18:30 Room Е-503 |
Session A-12/1. Круглый стол. Двадцатилетие рыночных реформ. Session moderator: Yasin E. (HSE) Questions: - How to Reform, 1992 (view of the participants); - After 20 years: prospects for development of an efficient market economy in Russia. Members: Mau V. (RANH), Sinelnikov - Murylev S. (Russian Foreign Trade Academy), Ulyukaev A. (The Central Bank of the Russian Federation), Vasilyev S. (Vneshekonombank), Nechayev A. (Russian Financial Corporation) |
Section B. Theoretical Economics | |
Moderator: Zakharov A. (Higher School of Economics - Research University) |
03 April, Tuesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-605 |
Session B-03. Social choice and coalition formation Session moderator: Belianin A. (HSE) Karpov A. (HSE) Are corporate board elections non manipulable? (Annotation) Karabekyan D. (HSE) Strong and Weak Manipulability of Voting Rules, using majority relation (Annotation) Vartanov S. (Lomonosov Moscow State University) Vasin A. (Lomonosov Moscow State University ) Sosina Y. (Lomonosov Moscow State University) On the secession-stability of Nash equlibria in the model of endogenous coalition formation (Annotation, full version) Shvarts D. (HSE) Power indices as elements of projective space (Annotation) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-605 |
Session B-04. Political Economy - 1 Session moderator: Zakharov A. (Higher School of Economics - Research University) Egorov G. (Northwestern University) Endogenous Veto Power in Legislative Bargaining (Annotation) Syunyaev G. (HSE) Property Rights and Political Competition in Russian Regions (Annotation, full version) Bukin K. (HSE) Development paths of the ethnical small businesses (Annotation, full version) Tsytsulina D. (HSE) The analysis of political risks influence on the structure of foreign investments (Annotation, full version) |
04 April, Wednesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-605 |
Session B-07. Macroeconomic Theory and Asset Pricing. Session moderator: Zakharov A. (Higher School of Economics - Research University) Malakhovskaya O. (HSE) Minabutdinov A. Monetary Policy in DSGE model in case of imperfect financial markets (Annotation) Storcheus D. (HSE) Gelman S. (HSE) Continuous time option pricing with scheduled jumps in the underlying asset (Annotation) Kozlova L. (Ulyanovsk State University) Gorbunov V. (Ulyanovsk State University ) Invariant and quasi-invariant indices of consumption (Annotation, full version) Friedman A. (HSE) Welfare gain from efficient water management (Annotation, full version) Rubinstein A. (Establishment of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Economics RAS) Econometric Analysis of Patronized Goods in Cultural Sphere (Annotation, full version) |
17:00-18:30 Room Малый зал |
Session B-08. Honoured paper: Kenneth J. Arrow Session moderator: Yasin E. (HSE) |
05 April, Thursday | |
10:00-11:30 Room Г-605 |
Session B-09. Microeconomics Session moderator: Zakharov A. (Higher School of Economics - Research University) Kiselgof S. (HSE) College-students matchings with preferences being the simplest semiorders: staibility and Pareto-optimality (Annotation) Chuhay R. (HSE) Labor market and search through personal contacts (Annotation, full version) Parakhonyak A. (HSE) Selection Effects in Regulated Markets (Annotation, full version) Marakulin V. (Sobolev Institute of mathematics SB RAN) On contractual economics for non-convex production and public goods (Annotation, full version) |
12:00-13:30 Room Г-605 |
Session B-10. Microeconomic theory and economic geography Session moderator: Parakhonyak A. (HSE) Bykadorov I. (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS) Kokovin S. (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS) Zhelobodko E. (Novosibirsk State University) Investments in productivity and quality under monopolistic competition (Annotation, full version) Sidorov A. (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, SB RAS) Endogenous structure of cities: isolated city model (Annotation, full version) Kaplan T. (University of Exeter) A Simple Bargaining Mechanism That Elicits Truthful Reservation Prices (Annotation) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-313 |
Session B-11. Honoured lecture: Claude d’Aspremont |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-605 |
Session B-12. Political Economy – 2 Session moderator: Zakharov A. (Higher School of Economics - Research University) Panova A. (HSE) Effectiveness of university’s governance structures (Annotation) Zakharov A. (Higher School of Economics - Research University) The importance of economic issues in politics: A cross-country analysis. (Annotation) Iskakov M. (Institute of Control Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences) Equilibrium in secure strategies and best secure responses in Hotelling's model of spatial competition (Annotation, full version) Savvateev A. (NES) N-inspection problem (Annotation) Kushnir A. (University of Zurich) On the Equivalence of Bayesian and Dominant Strategy Implementation in a General Class of Social Choice Problems (Annotation) |
Section C. Education | |
Moderator: Froumin I. (HSE) |
03 April, Tuesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-114 |
Session C-03. The influence of contextual factors on the educational outcomes – 1 Session moderator: Bolotov V. (HSE) Prakhov I. (HSE) Yudkevich M. (HSE) Unified admission: do richer benefit from the USE? (Annotation, full version) Zakharov A. (HSE) Teacher credentials and high school student achievements (Annotation) Pinskaya M. (HSE) Frumin I. (HSE) Schools that operate in difficult contexts: «sinking» and «struggling» (Annotation, full version) Khavenson T. (HSE) Tyumeneva Y. (HSE) Teacher’s characteristics and student achievement. Findings from first-difference estimation applying to TIMSS 2007 data (Annotation) Merkulova E. (Irkutsk State University) Information asymmetry in modern university education and competitiveness of graduates (personal and social). (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Polivanova K. (PI RAO), Kuznetsova M. (IOSO RAO, HSE) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-107 |
Session C-03/1. The development of universities Session moderator: Yakovlev S. (HSE ) Libman A. (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management) Zweynert J. (University of Hamburg) An International, National or Fragmented Science? Development of Economics in Russia through the Lens of the Doctoral Habilitations (Annotation, full version) Pal L. (Carleton University) Ian C. (Carleton University) Academic Respectability Meets Professional Utility. Can we make the Curricula of Canadian Public Policy and Public Administration Masters programs more Professionally Useful? (Annotation) Belousova V. (HSE) Abankina I. (HSE) Aleskerov F. (HSE) Bonch-Osmolovskaya A. (HSE) Gorodentseva T. (AVICOMP SERVIS AG) Zinkovsky K. (HSE) Knyazev E. (HSE) Kogan J. (AVICOMP SERVIS AG) Ogorodniychuk D. (HSE) Universities Patterns Based on the Data from Structured and Unstructured Information Sources (Annotation, full version) Mariani M. (University of Bologna) Trends and challenges of funding for academic institutions and academic conferencies: a comparative analysis of the USA, European Union and Russian Federation (Annotation) Discussant: Fedyukin I. (NES), Morozov A. (Skolkovo) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-313 |
Session С-04. Round-table Academic Contracts in Russia: challenge and prospective Session moderator: Androushchak G. (HSE)Kuzminov Y. (HSE) Questions: - How Academic Contracts influence attractiveness and competitiveness of academic career - How a contract may guarantee loyalty and quality of work - Cultural stereotypes and professional values: what types of academic contracts are applicable at different levels of education - What are the modern mechanisms for young teachers involvement in academic career? What are the ways to ensure staff turnover in education? Members: Borovskaya M. (MES), Abankina I. (HSE), Averkin V. (NVOAOU NIRO), Tipenko N. (Center for Multi-purpose Programs), Livshits V. (Trade Union of Education and Scienc), Ushakov K. (Magazine "Headmaster") |
04 April, Wednesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-107 |
Session C-07. The influence of contextual factors on educational outcomes - 2 Session moderator: Valdman I. (Институт управления образованием РАО) Shadrikov V. (HSE) Pupils` capacity develohment as a way to increase the intellectual potential of a science (Annotation, full version) Tyumeneva Y. (HSE) Kusmina J. (HSE) The effect of one extra year schooling for student achievements. Evidence from countries with different dynamics in PISA results. (Annotation) Bessudnov A. (HSE) The gender gap in mathematics performance across Russian regions (Annotation) Ivanov S. (Institute for regional economic research Russian Academy of Science) Development of the innovative competences and human development (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Polivanova K. (PI RAO), Kuznetsova M. (IOSO RAO, HSE) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-313 |
Session C-07/1. Round-table Universities Differentiation: a new institutional landscape of higher education is there life beyond the group of leading universities? Session moderator: Knyazev E. (HSE)Froumin I. (HSE) Questions: - What factors affect the structural dynamics in higher education in Russia? - What organizational features of higher education institutions are changing and how? - Differentiation of Russian universities: spontaneous or controlled? - Has a new institutional elite been formed in higher education? - University positioning: what does an employer want to know about it? - Classification, typologies and rankings as tools to describe institutional diversity in higher education: what are the similarities and difference in approaches? Members: Abankina I. (HSE), Arzhanova I. (NTF), Berghorn G. (DAAD), Pomar M. (USRF), Sandler D. (UrFU), Kholkin D. (APBE) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-107 |
Session C-08. Economics of Higher Education Session moderator: Knyazev E. (HSE) Androushchak G. (HSE) Proudnikova A. (HSE) Private spending on schooling: factors of spending variation in 1995-2010 Russia (Annotation) Abankina I. (HSE) Abankina T. (HSE) Filatova L. (HSE) Imbalance of demand and supply at the market of professional education in modern Russia (Annotation, full version) Kyui N. (Center for Employment Studies) Expansion of Tertiary Education, Employment and Wages: Evidence from Russian Transition (Annotation) Tretiak N. (National University of Science and Technology "MISiS" ) About public-private partnership in higher education at a reception of National University of Science and Technology “MISiS" (Annotation) Discussant: Borovskaya M. (MES) |
05 April, Thursday | |
10:00-11:30 Room Г-114 |
Session C-09. Educational trajectories Session moderator: Konstantinovskiy D. (Центр социологии образования, науки и культуры) Kozmina Y. (HSE) Bezlepkin A. (HSE) Yudkevich M. (HSE) Effects of Unified State Examination: Why benefits? (Annotation, full version) Iakovleva A. (Petrozavodsk state university) Sigova S. (Petrozavodsk state university) Instruments of provision of information to the public as a basis for choosing the study line (Annotation) Abankina T. (HSE) Impact of educational strategies of rural schoolchildren of Russia, China and Kazakhstan to replace the model of social dynamics (Annotation, full version) Popov D. (HSE) Tyumeneva J. (HSE) Kuzmina J. (HSE) Who enters institutes of higher education in Moscow: a cluster analysis study. (Annotation) Discussant: Kurakin D. (HSE), Solodnikov V. (RSUH) |
12:00-13:30 Room Г-114 |
Session C-10. The training at universities Session moderator: Podolskiy A. (HSE) Orel E. (HSE) Kochergina E. (HSE) Psychological determinants of academic achievements (Annotation, full version) Poldin O. (HSE) Yudkevich M. (HSE) Androushchak G. (HSE) Peer effects in "fixed' educational programs (Annotation, full version) Zamkov O. (HSE) Unified State Examinations grades as an Indicator of Further Success of the Students of International Programme in Economics (Annotation, full version) Kolotova E. (HSE) The investigation of student dropout phenomenon in Russian universities (case of HSE) (Annotation) Discussant: Ilyasov I. (Lomonosov MSU), Mozharovskiy I. (Lomonosov MSU), Podolskaya T. (ANE) |
Section D. Law and Economics | |
Moderators: Yakovlev A. (HSE)Salugin E. (HSE) |
03 April, Tuesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Е-604 |
Session D-03. Rents, Violence and Economic Development Session moderator: Yakovlev A. (HSE)Salugin E. (HSE) Webb S. (World Bank) In the Shadow of Violence:Lessons for Limited Access Societies (Annotation) Yakovlev A. (HSE) Capitalism ‘Russian Style’: rents, incentives and economic development (Annotation) Popov V. (UN) Developing New Measurements of State Institutional Capacity (Annotation) Starodubrovskaya I. (Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy) Власть и насилие на Северном Кавказе (Annotation) Discussant: Sonin K. (NES) |
17:00-18:30 Room Е-604 |
Session D-04. Round table: LAO approach and its applications to Russia Session moderator: Polischuk L. (HSE) Questions: Questions for discussion:- Strengths and weaknesses of LAO approach?- How LAO approach can be implemented for Russian case?Participants: S.Webb, A.Yakovlev, K.Sonin, I.Starodubrovskaya Members: Webb S. (World Bank), Sonin K. (NES), Jakobson L. (National research university Higher school of economics), Starodubrovskaya I. (Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy), Yakovlev A. (HSE) |
04 April, Wednesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Е-604 |
Session D-07. Law Enforcement and incentives for economic agents Session moderator: Titaev K. (Institute for the Rule of Law at the European University at St. Petersburg) Frye T. (Columbia University) Buckley-Farlee N. (Columbia university) Who Wants to Cooperate with the Police and Why (Annotation) Paneyakh E. (European University at St Petersburg) Bureaucracy, Closure, Legitimized Violence: Sentencing Process in Russia. (Annotation) Volkov V. (The European University at Saint-Petersburg) Law enforcement institutions in Russia (Annotation) Titaev K. (Institute for the Rule of Law at the European University at St. Petersburg) The Hierarchies of Russian Arbitraszh Courts and the Rights of Entrepreneurs (Annotation) Discussant: Polischuk L. (HSE) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-209 |
Session D-07/1. Competition policy and antitrust regulation Session moderator: Lukyanov S. (Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin) Goreyko N. (HSE) Collective dominance: the application of the norm in Russia in 2006-2011. (Annotation, full version) Shastitko A. (Moscow Lomonossov State University) Economic effects of errors I and II types in transactions with third party enforcement (Annotation, full version) Dzagurova N. (HSE) Vertical Restraints in the Lens of Cooperative Investments Analysis. (Annotation) Filkin M. (CEMI) Empirical Analysis of Market Power on the Retail Gasoline Market (Annotation) |
17:00-18:30 Room Е-604 |
Session D-08. Round Table. Privacy Policy: Is there a future for the Russian economy? Session moderator: Novikova E. (ЦПИЭИ) Questions: Since the mid 2000s there was increasing pressure on the business of law enforcement agencies. And this applies not only a law enforcement practices, but also trends in the law (strengthening of its repressive). Behind these trends is the desire to extract rents, and they clearly limit the investment activity and lead to an outflow of capital from the country. At the same time, these trends reflect an uncontrolled spraying of a quasi-legal violence, and in fact are contrary to the interests of higher authorities. Authorities became aware of this problem and have taken some steps to humanize the Criminal Code. However, the overall situation has not changed - including the fact that it is impossible to change only the orders from the authorities. These changes should be based on the interests of different groups within the law enforcement system. In this regard, the discussion makes the following sets of questions: -By who can rely on? - Who is a possible ally of these groups within the state structures? - Reform of the Criminal Code and enforcement against businesses in the community of lawyers - practitioners; - What practical steps to change the Criminal Code and law enforcement practices can be implemented in practice in the next 1-2 years? Which should be a sequence of these steps? In this case how need to punish those who are actually breaking the law? - How to assess the economic impact of these measures? How should build a system to monitor the situation? Members: Grigoriev L. (HSE), Zhuykov V. ( ), Yakovlev A. (HSE), Morschakova T. (HSE), Radchenko V. , Subbotin M. , Fedotov A. (Novikov&Advisers), Shastitko A. (HSE) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-209 |
Session D-08/1. Government regulation, investment and economic development Session moderator: Kryuchkova P. (HSE) Kryuchkova P. (HSE) Comparative analysis of the public and private enforcement of the law. (Annotation) Lamberova N. (Kazan Federal University) Incentives Provided by Patent System, Russian Style (Annotation, full version) Shabrov R. (the Bar Association "Muranov, Chernyakov & partners") Limitation of foreign direct investments in "strategic" sectors. (Annotation) Krainova E. (HSE) Ecological-economic approach to sustainable development (Annotation, full version) Totyev K. (HSE) Principles ex post and ex ante in judicial and administrative practice of application of the legislation on economic activities (Annotation, full version) |
05 April, Thursday | |
10:00-11:30 Room Е-604 |
Session D-09. Law, culture and ethical standards Session moderator: Nichols P. (The Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania) Tkacheva J. (Center for Anti-corruption Research and Initiative Transparency International - R) Anti-corruption standards in public procurement system: legal aspects (Annotation, full version) Nichols P. (The Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania) A Business Case for Complying with Bribery Laws (Annotation, full version) Gantenbein P. (Universität Basel) Volonte C. (Universität Basel) Does Culture Affect Corporate Governance? (Annotation) |
10:00-11:30 Room Г-107 |
Session D-09/1. Round table. Law: Is the citizens strengthened? Session moderator: Barcic I. ( ) Questions: - How to determine the legal consciousness? - What legal consciousness and legal culture relate to the execution of the law? - What prevents the formation of legal culture? Members: Yurevich A. (Institute of Psychology RAS), Tikhomirov Y. (Институт правовых исследований), Salugin E. (HSE) |
12:00-13:30 Room Е-604 |
Session D-10. Values, trust and social capital Session moderator: Polischuk L. (HSE) Belianin A. (HSE) Trust, trustworthiness and economic dynamics (Annotation) Demidova O. (HSE) Comparison of the level of confidence towards major political institutions for residents of the countries with economies in transition and OECD countries (Annotation, full version) Kiseleva E. (Institute for Complex Strategic Studies) Plekhanov D. (Institute for Complex Strategic Studies) Basic values of Russian students and their attitude towards modernization (Annotation) Makar'in A. (HSE) Polishchuk L. (HSE) Does Social Cohesion Prevent (Social) Congestion: Evidence From The USA (Annotation, full version) |
12:00-13:30 Room Г-107 |
Session D-10/1. Round table. The uncertainty in the focus of the effectiveness of legal regulation Session moderator: Mazaev V. (HSE) Questions: - Economic solution: criteria for appropriateness and legitimacy - The role of the legal system in the coordination behavior - Uncertainty of Law: Reasons, the genesis and essence Members: Leksin V. (Институт системного анализа РАН), Tretyakov S. (MSU), Plekhanov V. (MSU), Kashanin A. (Институт правовых исследований) |
15:00-16:30 Room Е-604 |
Session D-11. The formation of property rights Session moderator: Pyle W. (Middlebury College) Khmelnitskaya E. (HSE) Formalization of property rights to land plots: the case of Leningrad region. (Annotation, full version) Pyle W. (Middlebury College) A ‘de Soto Effect’ in Industry? Evidence from the Russian Federation (Annotation, full version) Lazarev E. (Laboratory for Comparative Social Studies ) Land, Votes and Violence: Political Effects of the Insecurity of Property Rights in Dagestan (Annotation) Castañeda Dower P. (NES) Markevich A. (NES) Do property rights matter in Russia? The Stolypin titling reform and agricultural productivity (Annotation) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-107 |
Session D-11/1. The problems of international taxation in Russia Session moderator: Rusakova I. (Финансовый университет, РОС-ИФА) Voinov V. (Limites Liability Company "Pepeliaev Group") Mutual influence of Russian Tax Treaties and Russian Tax Code as to the taxation of incomes of foreign persons (Annotation) Tokareva C. (Clifford Chance ) The Legal Status of OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines in Russia (Annotation) Matchekhin V. (Linklaters) Application of double tax treaties by the High Arbitration Court of Russian Federation. (Annotation) |
17:00-18:30 Room Е-604 |
Session D-12. Effects of legal mechanisms for the functioning of markets Session moderator: Nikitin M. (HSE) Filatova A. (АНХиГС при Президенте РФ) Features of carrying out of independent legal examination in sphere of economy (Annotation) Nikitin M. (HSE) Landeo C. (Yale University) Liability and Disputes under Third-Party Financing of Litigation (Annotation, full version) Sironi E. ("P. Baffi" Centre on Central Banking and Financial Regulation, Bocconi University) D'Agostino E. (University of Messina) Judical delay: evidence from Italy in favor of Gravelle’s argument (Annotation) Mafrolla E. (University of Foggia , Faculty of Economics, Department of Management and Business) D'Amico E. (Rome Third University, Faculty of Political Sciences) the importance of earnings management detection models to identify fraund: a case from Italian firms (Annotation, full version) D'Agostino E. (Department of Economics, University of Messina) Consumer sophistication and contract disclosure (Annotation) |
Section E. Firms and Markets | |
Moderator: Dolgopyatova T. (HSE) |
03 April, Tuesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-609 |
Session E-03. Corporate finance and corporate governance - 1 Session moderator: Ивашковская I. (HSE) McCahery J. ( Duisenberg School of Finance ) Tranching in the Syndicated Loan Market (Annotation, full version) Volonte C. (Universität Basel) Director Characteristics and Firm Performance (Annotation) Berzon N. (HSE) Mechanism of the Shares Allocation and Its Influence on the Share Price in a Short - and Long-Term (Annotation, full version) Stolyarov A. (HSE) Long-term efficiency of privatization’s initial public offerings (PIPO) (Annotation, full version) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-609 |
Session E-04. Corporate finance and corporate governance - 2 Session moderator: McCahery J. (Duisenberg School of Finance) Kokoreva M. (HSE) Ivashkovskaya I. (HSE) Interaction of corporate and macroeconomic drivers in financing policies in emerging markets: the case of Eastern European firms (Annotation, full version) Bayburina E. (HSE) Yashchak D. (University of Birmingham) The impact of intellectual capital on the corporate value: empirical research of pitfalls and growth triggers on BRICS scale (Annotation) Teplova T. (HSE) Postprivatization company performance in three markets of post-soviet space: comparison private and mixed ownership structure (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Abramov A. (HSE) |
04 April, Wednesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-609 |
Session E-07. Globalization processes and the behavior of firms Session moderator: Ruzhanskaya L. (Urals federal university) Vynaryk V. (HSE ) Company motivation for quality management system ISO 9001 certification: country and industry contexts (Annotation, full version) Betschinger M. (HSE) Settles A. (HSE) Bertrand O. (SKEMA Business School) Getting by with a little help from my friends: does political affinity lead to lower premiums in M&A deals? (Annotation) Golikova V. (HSE) Gonchar K. (HSE) Kuznetsov B. (HSE) Learning-by-exporting effects: empirical evidence for Russian industrial firms (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Sprenger C. (International College of Economics and Finance) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-609 |
Session E-08. The investment behavior of firms: theory and empirics Session moderator: Kuznetsov B. (HSE) KHABOUCHI R. (University of Montpellier) RD Investment and Spillover Effects in Network Industries (Annotation) Kuzmicheva E. (HSE) Uncertainty of external environment, attitude towards risk and companies' investment policy (Annotation, full version) Eismont O. (Institute for Systems Anayisis of the RAS) Efficiency of Joint Implementation Projects under Competition (Annotation, full version) |
05 April, Thursday | |
12:00-13:30 Room Г-609 |
Session E-10. The problems of industrial markets Session moderator: Eismont O. (Institute for Systems Analysis, RAS) Dolmatov I. (HSE) Maskaev I. (HSE) Tariffs of natural monopolies: the impact on the competitiveness of basic industries (Annotation, full version) Chernavsky S. (Central Economics and Mathematics Institite of RAS) Institutional Development of the Russian Oil Assosiated Gas Markets (Annotation, full version) Konstantinova L. (Transparency International - R) Corruption in the dairy industry and assessment of its impact on price of milk (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Ulanov V. (HSE) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-609 |
Session E-11. Business associations and the behavior of firms Session moderator: Zudin A. (HSE) Ivanova E. (Vienna University of Business and Economics) Professional Associations: an Emerging Civil Society Institution in Russia (Annotation, full version) Govorun A. (HSE) Regional variation of the operation of industrial associations in Russia (the empirical analysis) (Annotation) Yusupova A. (Novosibirsk State University) Influence of Business Associations on Innovative Companies' Performance (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Pyle W. (Middlebury College) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-609 |
Session E-12. Lessons of the development of entrepreneurship and small business in economies in transition Session moderator: Yudanov A. (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation) Chepurenko A. (HSE) Round J. (Higher School of Economics) Entrepreneurship in informal sector under transition: causes, specific features, socio-economic effects (Annotation, full version) Elakhovsky V. (HSE) Popovskaya E. (HSE) Integral estimate of entrepreneurship development in the regions of Russia (Annotation, full version) Gabelko M. (HSE) Perceptual Variables as a Factor for Business Startup in Russia: Cross-Countries and Cross-Regions Comparisons (Annotation) Shirokova G. (Graduate School of Management SPbSU) Tsykanova T. (Высшая школа менеджмента СПбГУ) Role of institutional environment in internationalization process of SMEs from transition economies (Annotation, full version) |
Section F. Banking and Finance | |
Moderator: Karminsky A. (HSE) |
03 April, Tuesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-405 |
Session F-03. Russian banks in crisis Session moderator: Semenova M. (HSE) Sokolov V. (HSE) Determining Banks' Participation in Central Bank Bailouts (Annotation) Semenova M. (HSE) Andrievskaya I. (Università degli Studi di Verona) Peer monitoring by Russian banks: is there any market discipline? (Annotation, full version) Weill L. (University of Strasbourg) Fungacova Z. (Bank of Finland) Herrala R. (Bank of Finland) Bank ownership and credit supply during the financial crisis: evidence from Russia (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Belousova V. (HSE) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-407 |
Session F-03/1. Foreign banks Session moderator: Matovnikov M. (HSE, Interfax) Sheludko N. (State Institution "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine") Bank recapitalisation in Ukraine: some experience and problems (Annotation, full version) Voskanyan M. (Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University) MONETARY POLICY OF THE CENTRAL BANK OF ARMENIA: 20 YEARS OF REFORMS (Annotation, full version) Veeranki M. (Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management) An overview of urban cooperative banks in india (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Matovnikov M. (HSE, Interfax) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-405 |
Session F-04. Round table. Modernization of the Russian Banking System: Challenges and Perspectives Session moderator: Solodkov V. (HSE) Questions: - The role of private banks in the Russian banking system. - Perspectives of the Russian banking system. - Major trends in banking regulation. - Regulation and efficiency of banks. - The changing role of deposit insurers in the system of financial stability. Members: Savatuygin A. (HSE), Хандруев А. (Ассоциация региональных банков), Matovnikov M. (HSE, Interfax), Турбанов А. (АСВ), Сухов М. (Банк России), Сидоров Н. (Абсолют Банк), Lawson S. (Ernst & Young) |
04 April, Wednesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-405 |
Session F-07. Financial stability and ratings Session moderator: Karminsky A. (HSE) Gantenbein P. (University of Basel) Harasta B. (University of Basel) Cross-Market Analysis: The Effect of Rating Events on Bonds, CDS and Equities (Annotation, full version) Pestova A. (Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting) Solntsev O. (Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting ) Stress-testing in the Early Warning System of financial crises: application to stability analysis of the Russian banking system (Annotation, full version) Karminsky A. (HSE) A system of Russian bank rating models for IRB-Approach (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Zamkovoy S. (NOMOS-Bank) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-405 |
Session F-08. Are financial risk growing: Evidence from European banking? Session moderator: Solodkov V. (HSE) Questions: 1.Rising risk and European banking: fiction or fact?2.Common interest or private interest, what is more sustainable?3.Growth outlook and risks for European economy.4.Financial stability and the European debt crisis.5.What is the leverage of European banks and consumers and the role of the regulator?6.The effect of European crisis on Russian economy. Members: Alekseev M. (UniCredit Bank), Shatalov S. (Eurasian Development Bank), Robert W. (Inholland University), Wieland B. (Representative of the Deutsche Bundesbank), Kommers B. (Deutsche Bank) |
05 April, Thursday | |
10:00-11:30 Room Г-405 |
Session F-09. Financial markets - I Session moderator: Gelman S. (HSE) Nivorozhkin E. (University College London) Holmen M. (University of Gothenburg) Takeover Likelihood, Takeover Premium, and Antitakeover Devices: An Example of Selection Bias at Event Studies (Annotation) Peresetsky A. (HSE) What determines the behavior of the Russian stock market? (Annotation) Gelman S. (HSE) Do option prices support the subjective probabilities of takeover completion derived from spot prices? (Annotation) |
10:00-11:30 Room Г-407 |
Session F-09/1. Regional and institutional developments in Russia Session moderator: Fungacova Z. (Bank of Finland Institute for Economies in Transition) Fungacova Z. (Bank of Finland Institute for Economies in Transition) Fidrmuc J. (Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen, OEI Regensburg, Mendel University Brno) Markus M. (Oesterreichische Nationalbank) Determinants of output volatility: evidence from Russian regions (Annotation) Korhonen I. (Bank of Finland Institute for Economies in Transition) Determinants of Corruption Perceptions versus Corruption Incidence: Evidence from Russian Regions (Annotation) Schoors K. (Ghent University) Finance and Growth: A Counter-Example from the Origins of Banking in Russia (Annotation) Discussant: Vernikov A. (HSE) |
12:00-13:30 Room Г-405 |
Session F-10. Financial markets - II Session moderator: Peresetskiy A. (HSE) Saleem K. (Lappeenranta University of Technology, School of Business) Nikkinen J. (University of Vaasa ) Martikainen M. (Lappeenranta University of Technology ) Transmission of the subprime crisis: Evidence from industrial and financial sector of BRIC countries. (Annotation, full version) Kurbangaleev M. (HSE) Determination of margin requirements for credit default swaps using information on stocks (Annotation, full version) Kuzmina E. (HSE ) Covered interest parity evidence from Russian money market (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Peresetskiy A. (HSE) |
12:00-13:30 Room Г-407 |
Session F-10/1. Competition in the banking system Session moderator: Vernikov A. (HSE) Mamonov M. (Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-term Forecasting) Interaction between Competition and Stability in Russian Banking System: A Panel Study (Annotation, full version) Valiullin H. (Dubna International University ) Merzlyakova S. (Dubna International University) Bank Expansion into Russian Regions (2001-2011) (Annotation) Vernikov A. (HSE) Anisimova A. (HSE) What drives the competitiveness of a regional banking market? (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Fungacova Z. (Bank of Finland Institute for Economies in Transition) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-405 |
Session F-11. Behavioral models in banking and finance Session moderator: Penikas H. (HSE) Egorova L. (HSE) Aleskerov F. (National Research University Higher School of Economics) Behavioral models of stock exchange (Annotation, full version) Gong X. (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Cost of Government and Firm Value: Helping Hand or Grabbing Hand? (Annotation) Penikas H. (HSE) Optimal Bank CEO Remuneration Contract Targeting Low Risk-Taking (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Pilnik N. (HSE) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-405 |
Session F-12. Корпоративное управление и финансовая экономика Session moderator: Sprenger C. (International College of Economics and Finance) Morfov S. (HSE) Short-Term vs. Long-Term CEO Incentives (Annotation, full version) Stepanova A. (HSE) Ivashkovskaya I. (HSE) Ivantsova O. (HSE) Corporate Financial Architecture and Bank Performance Models: Evidence from developed and emerging European markets (Annotation, full version) Sprenger C. (International College of Economics and Finance) Do locals perform better than foreigners: evidence from mutual funds investing in Russia (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Penikas H. (HSE), Dranev Y. (HSE) |
Section G. Science and Innovations | |
Moderator: Gohberg L. (HSE) |
03 April, Tuesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-508 |
Session G-03. Sectoral and regional aspects of innovation development (1) Session moderator: Kuznetsova T. (HSE) Tolmachev D. (GSEM UFU) Lopatina T. (GSEM UFU ) Ulyanova E. (GSEM UFU ) Current situation and the Ural industries' demand for innovation (R&D) forecast. (Annotation, full version) Kravchenko N. (Novosibirsk State University) Anokhin R. (Novosibirsk State University ) Public and private institutions interaction in the field of nanotechnology commercialization (Annotation, full version) Lipman P. (University of Latvia) Danovich V. (University of Latvia) Yadchenko L. (FinConsulting) Company's Competitiveness Enhancement Based on Innovation management Improvement (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Zaichenko S. (HSE) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-508 |
Session G-04. Sectoral and regional aspects of innovation development (2) Session moderator: Goland M. (HSE) Golobokova G. (Magadan Regional Administration) The strategical alternatives of the modernization and innovative development of the Magadan Region economy (Annotation, full version) Delitsin L. (Moscow State University of Culture and Arts) Quantitative ICT diffusion model accounting for the generation gap (Annotation) Baskakova A. (HSE) RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT IN RUSSIAN HIGH-TECH COMPANIES: PERSONNEL ISSUE (Annotation) Discussant: Gonchar K. (HSE) |
04 April, Wednesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-510 |
Session G-07. Forecasting of Science and Technology in Russia Session moderator: Meissner D. (HSE) Gokhberg L. (HSE) S&T Foresight and its Place in Russian S&T Policy (Annotation) Sokolov A. (HSE) S&T Foresight: Methods and Organisation (Annotation) Popper R. (Manchester Institute of Innovation Research) Grand Challenges and S&T Foresight (Annotation) Discussant: Karasev O. (HSE) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-510 |
Session G-08. Science and Technology Foresight: Methods and Practice Session moderator: Gokhberg L. (HSE) Chulok A. (HSE) Future of S&T: Evaluation of the Prospects of Mature and Emerging Technologies (Annotation) Ogorodova L. (Сибирский государственный медицинский университет) Medicine of the Future: Priority Setting Based on Foresight (Annotation) Meissner D. (HSE) Assessing the effectiveness of Foresight Research in Science and Technology (Annotation) Discussant: Sokolov A. (HSE) |
Section H. Local government and | |
Moderator: Jakobson L. (HSE) |
03 April, Tuesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-601 |
Session H-03. Civic self-organization and collective action Session moderator: Jakobson L. (HSE) Petrenko E. (Publik Opinion Foundation ) Index civil action in russian society (Annotation) Kupreychenko A. (HSE) Psychological determination of social activity of the Russian middle class (Annotation, full version) Korneeva I. (HSE) Readiness to unite as a factor of self-organization (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Mersiyanova I. (HSE) |
17:00-18:00 Room Г-601 |
Session H-04. Civic self-organization in the institutional context Session moderator: Mersiyanova I. (HSE) Sungurov A. (National Research University Higher School of Economics, City of Saint-Petersburg) Petrova L. (HSE, Saint Petersburg ) Institutes - mediator between government and society: cfse of St.Petersburg (Annotation, full version) Nikovskaya L. (Institute of sociologi RAS) Yakimets V. (Institute of system analysis RAS) Monitoring of public policy in regions of Russia: main tendencies and problems (Annotation, full version) Jakobson L. (HSE) Harmonization of NCO Legislation with Russia’s economic realities (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Pamfilova E. (HSE) |
04 April, Wednesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-601 |
Session H-07. Charity in Russia and the conditions of its development Session moderator: Kupreychenko A. (HSE) Skokova Y. (HSE) Involvement of Russian youth in Volunteering (Annotation, full version) Zakaryan A. (HSE, St. Petersburg) Civil and state identity of a Russian university graduates (Annotation) Tumanova A. (HSE) The formation of the culture of the civil self-organizing in imperial Russia (Annotation) Discussant: Minnigaleeva G. (HSE) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-601 |
Session H-08. Problems of the nonprofit sector and social support Session moderator: Benevolenskiy V. (HSE) Koysina M. (HSE) Comparative analysis of the conditions for the development of charity in Russia's regions (Annotation, full version) Suslova S. (HSE, Perm) Social and Economic Factors of Nonprofits Creation in Russian Regions (Annotation, full version) Borisova E. (HSE) Decision to Make a HOA: Empirical Conclusions (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Pakhomova E. (HSE) |
Section I. Management | |
Moderator: Tretyak O. (HSE) |
03 April, Tuesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-411 |
Session I-03. Internationalization and institutional environment Session moderator: Filinov N. (HSE) Aleynikova I. (CRES GSEM UFU) Petukhina A. (CRES GSEM UFU) Ruzhanskaya L. (CRES GSEM UFU) Specifics of transnational acquisitions in economies in transition: influence of institutional environment. (Annotation) Sedoglavich V. (Australian National University) Technological Imperatives in the Internationalization Process: Results from a Qualitative Investigation of High-Tech SMEs (Annotation) Tomashuk I. (HSE) The Influence of Foreign Investment on Activity of Russian companies with the Foreign Capital (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Betschinger M. (HSE) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-411 |
Session I-04. Human Resource Management Session moderator: Kabalina V. (HSE) Prosvirkina E. (HSE) Assessment of Human Resources Department as a tool of increasing effectiveness of HRM (Annotation, full version) Borisov I. (Ural State Federal Yeltsin University) Andreeva L. (Ural State Ferderal Yeltsin University) FIRM'S INCENTIVE PAYMENT DECISION FACTORS (Annotation, full version) Burg R. (HSE) Post-Failure Career Outcomes and the Persistence of Firm Characteristics (Annotation) |
04 April, Wednesday | |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-411 |
Session I-08. Business ethics, trust and control values in the organization Session moderator: Kabalina V. (HSE) Morgounov E. (HSE) The business and personal trust in the plant (Annotation) Kabalina V. (HSE) Kokorina A. (HSE) Management by Values in the Russian Companies (Annotation) Dowden P. (Center for Business Ethics and Corporate Governance) Nichols P. (University of Pennsylvania) Russia’s paralyzing cycle of distrust: can the banking industry be an agent of change? (Annotation, full version) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-411 |
Session I-09. Inter-firm collaboration: the forms and methods of control-I Session moderator: Tretyak O. (HSE) Sterligova A. (HSE) Influence of Interorganizational Interaction on Companies Management (Annotation) Bek M. (HSE) Bek N. (HSE) Conditions of Development Innovation Clusters in Russia (Annotation, full version) Hill J. (Technical University Darmstadt) Mueller K. (Technical University Darmstadt) Bode A. (Technical University Darmstadt) Managing Absorptive Capacity within R&D Cooperation (Annotation, full version) Novikova E. (Lappeenranta University of Technology) Armila L. (Lappeenranta University of Technology) Cross-border Open innovation in university-industry collaboration (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Sheresheva M. (HSE) |
05 April, Thursday | |
12:00-13:30 Room Г-411 |
Session I-10. Inter-firm collaboration: the forms and methods of control - II Session moderator: Sheresheva M. (HSE) Shatalov A. (GSOM SPU) Nikulin E. (Graduate School of Management St. Petersburg University ) Organization of franchising in the Russian Federation: analysis of the ratio of own and franchised subsidiaries (Annotation, full version) Mohan A. (Banaras Hindu University) Rajeev P. (Banaras Hindu University (BHU)) Role of Micro and Small Enterprises’ (MSEs) Supply Chain Management (SCM) Practices In Emerging Indian Retail Economy (Annotation, full version) Kolesnik N. (HSE) Interfirm network as a unit of managerial analysis (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Tretyak O. (HSE) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-411 |
Session I-11. Theoretical and empirical foundations of modern management Session moderator: Kleiner G. (Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of RAS) Volkova I. (HSE) Titova N. (HSE) Filinov N. (HSE) Nikolaeva V. (HSE) Gorniy A. (HSE) Creating a typology of companiesi n the system of their management practices monitoring ( pilot study based on the Russian energy sector) (Annotation, full version) Kachalov R. (Central Economics ands Mathematics Institute Russian Academy of Sciences) Quality of management and risk management standards (Annotation, full version) Kleiner G. (Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of RAS) Generalizd resource-basd view as the conceptual bas of the system management (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Tretyak O. (HSE) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-411 |
Session I-12. Social and cultural aspects of management and human resource development Session moderator: Efendiev A. (HSE) Efendiev A. (HSE) Gogoleva A. (HSE) Characteristics of work behavior of employees in different types of organizational cultures (Annotation, full version) Srokowski L. (University of Business, Wroclaw) Trust and power in different organizational cultures – an international research program. (Annotation) Kalabina E. (Ural state economic university) The system of relations "employee - employer" in the economic organization in a framework of institutional transformations (based on an empirical study of industrial companies of Sverdlovsk region) (Annotation) Discussant: Balabanova E. (HSE) |
Section J. Sociology | |
Moderator: Kosals L. (HSE) |
03 April, Tuesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-401 |
Session J-03. Education, science and intellectuals Session moderator: Roschina Y. (HSE) Oksamytna S. (National University "The Kyiv-Mohyla Academy") Khmelko V. (National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy") Educational inequality and the expansion of higher education in Ukraine (Annotation, full version) Kharchenko I. (Institute of Economics & Industrial Engineering Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences ) Regional market of supplementary education services and potential of its development (the case of Novosibirsk oblast) (Annotation, full version) Shubina L. (ZIRCON Research Group) Common international media-environment as a factor of humanitarian integration at the post-soviet space (Annotation) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-401 |
Session J-04. Gender issues and gender policy Session moderator: Rozhdestvenskaya E. (HSE) Dogangun G. (Middle East Technical University) An Overview of ‘Gender’ Politics in the Post-Soviet Russia (Annotation, full version) Yessimova A. (South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute) Social capital and the generative / procreative behavior of women: the search for relationships (Annotation, full version) Mezentseva E. (HSE) Economic Growth and Gender Equality in Russian Regions (Annotation, full version) |
04 April, Wednesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-401 |
Session J-07. Political Sociology and the power Session moderator: Klimov I. (HSE) Zadorin I. (ZIRCON Research Group ) Characteristics of authorities: perseption and notions of population (Annotation) Kosova L. (HSE) Strategies of adaptation behavior and political preferences in Russia (Annotation, full version) Simonchuk E. (Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) Formation of social classes in the Post-Soviet countries: the prospect of class action (Annotation) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-401 |
Session J-08. Methodology and methods Session moderator: Kozina I. (HSE) Rubchinsky A. (HSE) Quasi-Fair Division for Several Participants (Annotation, full version) Veykher A. (HSE) Development of methods of estimation the validity in socio-economic surveys (Annotation, full version) Lukashina Y. (Institute of Scientific Information in Social Sicences) Sociology of Space and Theoretical and Practical Models of Modern State (Annotation, full version) |
05 April, Thursday | |
10:00-11:30 Room Г-401 |
Session J-09. Economic actors and the modernization - 1 Session moderator: Strebkov D. (HSE) Vinogradova E. (HSE) Young generation of Russian industrial workers: labor morale, incentives and expectations (Annotation) Shabanova M. (HSE) Successful economic actors in Russian business environment: informal solidarities and trust (Annotation, full version) Avdoshina N. (Samara State University) The formation of the high social potential of industry as the condition of successful modernization (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Kukulin I. (HSE) |
12:00-13:30 Room Г-401 |
Session J-10. Economic actors and the modernization - 2 Session moderator: Shevchuk A. (HSE) Anikin V. (HSE) Socio-demographic asymmetry of population occupational structure as a constraint of the modernization in Russia (Annotation) Moysov V. (ZIRCON Research Group) Development of social environment of Skolkovo innovation center (Annotation) Dufy C. (Institut of Political Studies ) Market, Modernization and Patriotism: The plural moralities of Economic Reform in the Russian industry (Annotation, full version) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-401 |
Session J-11. Sociology of markets and financial behavior - 1 Session moderator: Khakhulina L. (Levada-center) Khalina N. (HSE) Electronic monies in contemporary Russia: usage criteria of different types of payments. (Annotation, full version) Kuzina O. (HSE) Monitoring data and identifying factors of household pension strategies (2005-2011) (Annotation, full version) Ibragimova D. (HSE) Attitudes of Russians towards savings and loans (Annotation, full version) Zadorin I. (ZIRCON Research Group) Dynamics of finansial behavior of the population of Russia in 1998-2012 (according to the results of all-Russian monitoring) (Annotation) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-407 |
Session J-11/1. Comparative social studies Session moderator: Kosals L. (HSE) Bockman J. (George Mason University) How Transnational Socialism Became Neoliberalism Without Ceasing to Exist (Annotation) Shevchuk A. (HSE) Strebkov D. (HSE) New forms of self-employment in Russia: remote work patterns and e-markets (Annotation) Morrison C. (University of Middlesex business school ) Sacchetto D. (University of Padua) Cretu O. (University of Middlesex business school) International Migration and Labour Turnover: the construction sector in the EU and the CIS (Annotation) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-401 |
Session J-12. . Sociology of markets and financial behavior - 2 Session moderator: Zadorin I. (ZIRCON Research Group) Nazarbaeva E. (HSE) Shaping the Image of Retail Stors in Russian Print Media (Annotation, full version) Markin M. (HSE) Logics of Justification for State Regulation in Russia (A Case of Retailing) (Annotation, full version) Guseva A. (Boston University) Rona-Tas A. (University of California, San Diego) The War of the Brands: Domestic versus International Plastic Cards in Seven Postcommunist Countries. (Annotation) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-407 |
Session J-12/1. Urban sociology Session moderator: Chepurenko A. (Higher School of Economics) Swader C. (HSE) Urbanity and Loneliness: Investigating the Roots and Consequences of Urban Loneliness through World Values Survey Data (Annotation) Samara T. (George Mason University) Emerging Forms of Urban Democracy in the Neoliberal City (Annotation) Round J. (HSE) Kuznetsova I. (Kazan Federal University) Everyday life and the importance of the urban context – household coping practices in Moscow and Kazan (Annotation) |
Section K. Culture and Society | |
Moderators: Magun V. (Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences)Lebedeva N. (HSE) |
03 April, Tuesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-606 |
Session K-03. Innovations in sociocultural contexts: theoretical models and empirical findings Session moderator: Schmidt P. (Justus Liebig Universität Giessen and HSE) Lebedeva N. (HSE) Implicit theories of creativity and innovations: intercultural differences (Annotation, full version) Schmidt P. (Justus Liebig Universität Giessen and HSE) An integrated theory of creativity and innovation (Annotation) Osipova E. (HSE) Lebedeva N. (HSE) Relation between social capital and innovative behavior (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Yagolkovskiy S. (HSE) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-606 |
Session K-04. Migration and nationalism in a comparative socio-cultural perspective Session moderator: Ponarin E. (HSE)Aleksandrov D. (HSE) Aleksandrov D. (HSE) Межэтнические отношения и интеграция детей-мигрантов в Европе и США (Annotation) Ponarin E. (HSE) Сравнительный анализ отношения к мигрантам в Европе: К теории социальных изменений (Annotation) Ravlik M. (HSE) Факторы международной миграции: межстрановой кросс-культурный анализ (Annotation, full version) Fabrikant M. (HSE) Национализм в сравнительной перспективе (Annotation, full version) |
04 April, Wednesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-606 |
Session K-07. Value-normative differentiation and its determinants Session moderator: Magun V. (Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) Rudnev M. (HSE) The impact of country of residence and country of birth on basic human values of European migrants (Annotation, full version) Magun V. (Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) Rudnev M. (HSE) Traditional/Secular and Survival/Self-expression Value Variance (Annotation, full version) Prutskova E. (St. Tikhon's Orthodox University) Religiosity and tolerance towards behavior forms, censured by major religions (based on European Values Study) (Annotation, full version) Okolskaya L. (Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences ) Basic Values in Russian High School Curriculum (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Danilova E. (ISRAS) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-603 |
Session K-08. Social capital as a predictor of social and economic systems Session moderator: Tatarko A. (HSE) Shaleva A. (University of Alicante ) How Does External Conflict Impact Social Trust? (Annotation) Häuberer J. (Hamburg University) Social Capital in the Czech Republic: On its Conceptualization, Measurement and Appearance (Annotation, full version) Nestik T. (Institute of psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences) Solomaha I. (Institue of psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences) Person's social capital as a socio-psychological phenomenon (Annotation) Tatarko A. (HSE) `Relation between social capital an monetary attitudes` (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Natkhov T. (HSE) |
05 April, Thursday | |
10:00-11:30 Room Г-603 |
Session K-09. Social deviance Session moderator: Khavenson T. (National Research University Higher School of Economics) Deyneka O. (St.-Petersburg State University) Deviation in the structure of moral concepts of competitiveness (Annotation, full version) Kaliuzhnova N. (Irkutsk State University) ECONOMICS OF DISTRUST: THE SPECIFIC AND ECONOMICAL ROLE OF SOCIAL CAPITAL IN RUSSIA (Annotation) Bessudnov A. (HSE) Bribery in Russian regions: A multilevel study (Annotation) Massin S. (Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne, Université Paris 1) Kopp P. (Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne, Université Paris 1) Alcohol consumption and happiness: an empirical analysis using Russian panel data. (Annotation) |
10:00-11:30 Room Г-606 |
Session K-09/1. Identity, religion and migration Session moderator: Lebedeva N. (HSE) Abalmasova N. (HSE) Pain E. (HSE) The Models of Creating Territorial and National Identities (Annotation, full version) Lepshokova Z. (HSE) Interrelation between acculturation strategies of migrants and their psychological well-being (Annotation, full version) Kormina J. (HSE) New Forms of Religious Life in Contemporary Russia (Annotation, full version) Grigoryan L. (HSE) The role of civic identity and attitudes toward immigrants in economic believes of Russians: an empirical model. (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Sefanenko T. (MSU) |
12:00-13:30 Room Г-606 |
Session K-10. Space, body, identity: risks and challenges of our time in the future kultursotsiologii Session moderator: Kurakin D. (HSE) Meylakhs P. (Centre for Independent Social Research) Drugs and Symbolic Pollution: Risk Theory and Cultural Logic of Perception (Annotation, full version) Kurakin D. (HSE) Golman E. (HSE) Borders and regulation in body imagery: cultural sociological analysis (Annotation, full version) Yatsyk A. (Kazan State Technical University) Performances in contested spaces: strategies and tactics (case-study of the post-Soviet renovation of Kazan) (Annotation, full version) Khlevnyuk D. (HSE) A ruin in a city: cultural values and risks to lose them (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Filippov A. (HSE) |
12:00-13:30 Room Г-603 |
Session K-10/1. New forms of religious life in Russia Session moderator: Kormina J. (HSE) Luehrmann S. (Simon Fraser University ) Innocence and Demographic Crisis: The Veneration of the Holy Infants of Bethlehem as a Post-Soviet Invented Tradition (Annotation) Medvedeva K. (HSE) New forms of religious life among bikers (Annotation, full version) Zakirova A. (scientific and educational group study of religion and secularization "IRIS") The Russian NEW Age. A language and practics of Sankt-Petersburg reiki people (Annotation, full version) Mudrova N. (HSE) Lifestyles of anastasians (Annotation, full version) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-603 |
Session K-11. Culture, consumption and cultural policy Session moderator: Danilova E. (ISRAS) Magidovich M. (HSE) Erofeeva M. (HSE) Petrenko P. (HSE) Considering classical music concerts through the prism of consumer practices (Annotation, full version) Sokhan I. (National Reserch University - Higher School of Economics, St.Petersburg branch) Gastronomic culture as a practice of power: from the totalitarian project of Stalin`s era 1920-1930's. to the modern fast food. (Annotation) Kozlova M. (Ural State University of Economics) Features of regional development for cultural industries:theoretical aspect and practical significance for society (Annotation, full version) Papushina Y. (HSE) Ananyev M. (NES) “Living life to the full”, “Lying around on the sofa all day” and others in the "PERMM" Museum of Contemporary Art (Perm): the Analysis of One Contemporary Art Exhibition Audience (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Kukulin I. (HSE) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-606 |
Session K-11. Professional and life success in the minds of Russians Session moderator: Kosova L. (HSE) Burlutskaya M. (Ural State Pedagogical University) Freelancers and managers: a comparative analysis of success and career understanding (Annotation) Lezhnina Y. (HSE) The post-reform generations of Russian youth (Annotation, full version) Pavlenko O. (HSE) Differences between values and economic attitudes in residents of Russian regions (Annotation, full version) Valieva O. (Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,Novosibirsk State University) Human resources for innovation companies: values and orientation (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Chernysh M. (IS RAS) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-606 |
Session K-12. Human development and confidence Session moderator: Yastrebtsov G. (HSE) Davydenko V. (The Tyumen state university ) Sasaki M. (Chuo University, Tokyo ) Romashkina G. (The Tyumen state university ) Cross-National Studies of Trust based on Interpersonal Relationships (Annotation) Krasilova A. (Laboratory for Comparative Analysis of Post-Socialist Development, HSE) Yastrebov G. (Laboratory for Comparative Analysis of Post-Socialist Development, HSE) Vectors of Human Development in Europe and the CIS: Civilizational Context (Annotation, full version) Gerasimova V. (HSE) Relationships between old people and young people in the context of aging in Europe (Annotation, full version) |
Section L. Social policy | |
Moderator: Chetvernina T. (HSE) |
03 April, Tuesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Е-505 |
Session L-03. The attitude of Russians and people of other European countries to inequality and social policy Session moderator: Romanov P. (HSE)Magun V. (Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) Monusova G. (Institute of World Economy and International Relations) Demand of population for state-run social policy and readiness to pay taxes across various European countries (Annotation, full version) Gryaznova O. (Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) Welfare attitudes in Russia and other European countries: rational and value factors (Annotation, full version) Salmina A. (HSE) Public attitudes to social inequality: Russia in comparison with other European countries (Annotation, full version) Mareeva S. (Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences) Specifics of Russians' norms and values with regard to role of state in society (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Burdzhalov F. |
05 April, Thursday | |
10:00-11:30 Room Г-601 |
Session L-09. The pension system and pension reform in Russia - 1 Session moderator: Solovyev A. (HSE) Gurvich E. (EEG) Sonina Y. (HSE) Micro Analysis of Russian Pension System (Annotation) Solovyev A. (HSE) Aktuarial forecast of pension reform in Russian Federation in the contexst of demographic and financial risks (Annotation, full version) Leykova M. (HSE) Problems of modernization of the pension formula as economic mechanism of state regulation by formation of the pension rights of the insured persons (Annotation, full version) |
12:00-13:30 Room Г-601 |
Session L-10. The pension system and pension reform in Russia - 2 Session moderator: Solovyev A. (HSE) Donzova S. (HSE) Liquidation of poverty of pensioners is not insurance problem of Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (Annotation) Ржаницына Л. (Институт экономики РАН) Как сегодня живут пенсионеры (опыт исследования) (Annotation, full version) Novikova E. (HSE) Flexible conditions of appointment of pension as alternative of increase of pension age (Annotation) Solovjev A. (hse) modernization of the russion pension sistem (Annotation) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-601 |
Session L-11. The social policy of government Session moderator: Chetvernina T. (HSE) Demina K. (HSE) Minnigaleeve G. (HSE) Социальная политика в отношении пожилых людей: анализ нормативно-правовой базы. (Annotation) Rasumovskaya E. (Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin Graduate School of Economics and Management) Financial aspects of social innovation policy (Annotation) Nivorozhkina L. (Rostov State Economic University ) Kuznetcov N. (Rostov State Economic University) Efficiency of social reduction programs at the period of the economic crisis 2008 year: decomposition of structure of the Russian poverty (Annotation, full version) Pliskevich N. (Magazin "Social Sciences Today", Institute of Economy RAS) Human carital - Values - Institutes (Annotation, full version) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-601 |
Session L-12. Social integration of vulnerable categories of population: Problems and Prospects Session moderator: Chetvernina T. (HSE) Minnigaleeva G. (HSE) Polulation ageing - is it a resource or a burden for the society? Social policies and volunteer potential of older population. (Annotation) Zulkarnaev T. (HSE) The image of the elderly in Russia and its influence on the possibility of realizing the potential of older people (Annotation, full version) Borodkina O. (St. Petersburg State University) Social integration of disabled people as the direction of social policy in Russia (Annotation, full version) Angelova E. (HSE) The Role of States and non-governmental organizations to ensure the implementation of the integration of children with disabilities into society in Russia. (Annotation) |
Section M. Demography | |
Moderator: Denisenko M. (HSE) |
05 April, Thursday | |
12:00-13:30 Room Е-505 |
Session M-10. The problems of reproduction and migration -1 Session moderator: Denisenko M. (HSE) Palian Z. (Taras Shevchenco national University of Kiev) The statistical estimation of factors of fertility dynamics in Ukraine (Annotation, full version) Caplescu R. (Buharest Academy of Economic Studies) Mihaescu C. (Buharest Academy of Economic Studies) Socio-environmental factors and fertility patterns. Similarities and differences in Romania and Russia (Annotation) Mihaescu C. (Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies ) Caplescu R. (Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies ) Demographic policy impact on the trannsmission of fertile behaviour in Romania (Annotation) Wheatcroft S. (University of Melbourne) Mapping famines in the USSR: Raion level data on mortality and natality in the USSR in 1933 (Annotation) |
15:00-16:30 Room Е-505 |
Session M-11. The problems of reproduction and migration - 2 Session moderator: Mkrtchan N. (HSE) Vakulenko E. (HSE) Migration processes in the cities of central Russia and Siberia (Annotation, full version) Shakhotska L. (Institute of Economics Of National academy of sciences of Belarus ) Labor migration of Belarus census of 2009 (Annotation, full version) kovtun n. (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev) Gorobets E. (Fnance-economy academy of the University of market relations in Feodossia ) The problems of the population reproduction in Crimean Republic (Annotation, full version) Soroko E. (HSE) Database of demographic indicators by the regions of Russia and countries of the world: main components (Annotation, full version) Richter K. (World Bank) Growth and Labor Sufficiency in Russia: Will Russia Face Labor Force Shortage in the Next 20 Years? (Annotation) |
17:00-18:30 Room Е-505 |
Session M-12. Gender Aspects of Social Problems Session moderator: Rozhdestvenskaya E. (HSE) Rozhdestvenskaya E. (HSE) The life, parenthood and work balance concept: (Annotation, full version) Swader C. (HSE) The Commodification of Intimacy? The Case of Compensated Dating in Russia (Annotation) Chernova Z. (HSE) ''Pragmatic egalitarism": gender strategies of young adult (Annotation, full version) Vanke A. (Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences) Bodily capital of male blue and white collars (Annotation) |
Section N. Labor Markets | |
Moderator: Gimpelson V. (HSE) |
04 April, Wednesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Е-505 |
Session N-07. Labor Markets -1 Session moderator: Roshchin S. (HSE) Slonimczyk F. (HSE) Informality in Russia: Stepping Stone or Dead End? (Annotation) Jahn E. (Institute for Employment Research Nuremberg, Germany) Is temporary agency employment a stepping stone for immigrants? (Annotation) Leonova L. (HSE) Larin A. (HSE) Aistov A. (HSE) Informal employment and life satisfaction (Annotation, full version) |
17:00-18:30 Room Е-505 |
Session N-08. Labor Markets -2 Session moderator: Kapelyushnikov R. (HSE) Lukiyanova A. (HSE) Effects of minimum wages on the Russian wage distribution (Annotation) Nivorozhkin A. (Institute for Empyemen Research) Give them a break! Did activation of young welfare recipients overshoot in Germany? (A Regression Discontinuity Analysis) (Annotation) Sharunina A. (HSE) Public-private wage gap in Russia (Annotation, full version) Wagner T. (University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg) Do Eligibility Criteria Influence Unemployment? (Annotation) |
05 April, Thursday | |
10:00-11:30 Room Е-505 |
Session N-09. Labor Markets -3 Vasilyev K. (World Bank) Shulga I. (World Bank) Roschin S. (HSE) The first results of the analysis and recommendations (Annotation) Maltseva I. (HSE) The demand for skills. (Annotation) Lukyanova A. (HSE) The proposal of the skills (Annotation) |
Section O. Development of Healthcare System | |
Moderator: Popovich L. (HSE) |
05 April, Thursday | |
10:00-11:30 Room Г-509 |
Session O-09. Patients and doctors in the health system Session moderator: Vlasov V. (HSE) Osipova E. (HSE) The study of socio-cultural context and motivation of health behavior. (Annotation, full version) Chernysheva I. (HSE) The influence of the quality of life on the mortality and morbidity rates in Russia (Annotation, full version) Selezneva E. (HSE) Participation of different groups of population in payment for medical care in Russia (Annotation, full version) Temnitskiy A. (NGIMO) The consevative nature of labour motivation of russian doctors (Annotation, full version) |
12:00-13:30 Room Г-509 |
Session O-10. Problems of health infrastructure Session moderator: Lindenbraten A. (HSE) Yashina E. (Federal state budgetary institution «Clinical hospital» Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.) Efficiency of using information systems in multisectoral medical institution management (Annotation) Shishkin S. (HSE) Selezneva E. (HSE) Potapchik E. (HSE) The role of private health care providers in the Russian health care system (Annotation, full version) Malachovskaya M. (director Centre MBA NIU TGU) Necessity of adjudment matching formation hospital sphere Russian Public Health service and capital structure of health (Annotation, full version) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-509 |
Session O-11. Менеджмент и эффективность в системе здравоохранения Session moderator: Lindenbraten A. (HSE) Yereli A. (hacettepe university) HEALTHCARE FINANCING REFORM: A CASE of TURKEY (Annotation, full version) Tarasenko E. (HSE) Patient 2.0: patient and physician communication in social networks. (Annotation, full version) Yugay M. (HSE) Kadyrov F. (HSE) Zlobin A. (City Hospital) Integration of industrial management mechanisms into administration of public hospital (Annotation, full version) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-509 |
Session O-12. Regional problems of health care reform Session moderator: Potapchik E. (HSE) Filippova T. (HSE) Practices to overcome distrust to the health care system in small town (Annotation, full version) Nabereghnaya A. (North-Eastern Federal University) Pavlova A. (Institute of Regional Economy of the North-Eastern Federal University ) Prospects of development of Healthcare of Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (Annotation, full version) Knyazeva E. (Eltchin Ural federal university) Kiveleva N. (Ministry of Healh of Sverdlovsk area) Composition of organization and financial tools of modernization of public health services of region (Annotation) |
Section P. The theory of markets and spatial economics | |
Moderator: Matveenko V. (HSE) |
05 April, Thursday | |
10:00-11:30 Room Г-209 |
Session P-09. The theory of markets and spatial economics - 1 Session moderator: Matveenko V. (HSE) Vakhitov V. (Kyiv School of Economics) Shepotylo O. (Kyiv School of Economics) Trade liberalization, agglomeration and inequality (Annotation, full version) Filatov A. (Irkutsk State University) Makolskaya Y. (Irkutsk State University) The limitation of competition at industrial markets: equilibrium and effective number of firms (Annotation, full version) Ayzenberg N. (Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Energy Systems Institute) ) Zhelobodko E. (Novosibirsk State University) Effect of introduction of customs duties on international trade in the model of Monopolistic Competition (Annotation, full version) |
11:00-12:30 Room Г-209 |
Session P-10. The theory of markets and spatial economics - 2 Session moderator: Matveenko V. (HSE) Kokovin S. (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS) Zhelobodko E. (Novosibirsk State University/HSE) General Monopolistic Competition with Heterogeneous Firms: Market Size and Productivity (Annotation, full version) Matveenko V. (HSE) Structure of equilibria in a model of endogenous growth with horizontal innovations (Annotation) Parenti M. (Université Paris 1 - Paris School of Economics) Kokovin S. (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS) Thisse J. (Center for Operations Research and Econometrics) Zhelobodko E. (Novosibirsk State University/HSE) Monopolistic Competition with Big Firms (Annotation) Kolomak E. (Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS) Urbanization and Economic Growth in Russia (Annotation, full version) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-313 |
Session P-12. Honoured paper: Jacques Francois Thisse |
Section Q. Regional Development | |
Moderator: Zubarevich N. (Независимый институт социальной политики) |
03 April, Tuesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-317 |
Session Q-03. The previous and current development of the regions Session moderator: Zubarevich N. (Независимый институт социальной политики) Kutsenko E. (HSE) Path dependency of spatial distribution of economic activity and practice of agglomeration effects estimation (Annotation, full version) Belov A. (Fukui Prefectural University (Japan)) The Siberian Curse revisited: Spatial Distribution of Capital and Labor in Russia in 1990-2009. (Annotation) Ivanov D. (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University) Socioeconomic differentiation between Russian regions: industrial dimensions (Annotation, full version) Khramova K. (HSE) Russian regions investment climate (Annotation) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-317 |
Session Q-04. The influence of institutions Session moderator: Polterovich V. (Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS) Polterovich V. (Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS) Regional Istitutions of Modernization (Annotation) Szakonyi D. (Columbia University) Yakovlev A. (HSE) Nazrullaeva E. (HSE) Winning the Future?: Structural and Institutional Determinants of Private Investment in Russia’s Regions (Annotation) Marques I. (International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development) Whom to Buy? An Empirical Analysis of Political Targeting in Federal Transfers to Russia’s Regions in Putin’s Russia (Annotation) |
04 April, Wednesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-317 |
Session Q-07. Inter-regional and inter-sectoral collaboration Session moderator: Yakimets V. (Institute of Sestem Analysis of RAS) Yakimets V. (Institute of Sestem Analysis of RAS) Evaluating Intersectoral Mechanisms Development in Russian Regions based on Rating Systems (Annotation, full version) Kashbrasiev R. (Kazan Federal University) Tedeschi A. (Kazan Federal University) Interregional Economic Cooperation in Russia (Annotation, full version) Shitova Y. (Dubna international university of Nature, Society and Man) Shitov Y. (Dubna international university of Nature, Society and Man) GIS-modeling and complex analysis of spatial structure and fluxes of regional commuting in the Moscow agglomeration (Annotation, full version) Mishura A. ( Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences ) Estimation of gravity models of interregional trade for monopolistically competitive goods in Russia (Annotation, full version) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-317 |
Session Q-08. External relations of the regions Session moderator: Kadochnikov S. (Ural Federal University) Kadochnikov S. (Ural Federal University) Fedyunina A. (Ural Federal University) The impact of export diversification on economic development of Russian regions: do agglomeration economies matter? (Annotation, full version) Husainova O. (Institute of forecasting and macronomic reasearch) Comperative advantage of foreign trade of the region (Annotation, full version) Ryzhova N. (Amur Laboratory for Socail and Economic Studies of the Economic Research Institute of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sience) Vasilieva O. (Amur Laboratory for Socail and Economic Studies of the Economic Research Institute of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sience ) "Border effect": Russian-Chinese case (Annotation) Glazyrina I. (Institute of natural easources, ecology and cryology of SB RAS) Paradoxes of Trans-border economies (Annotation, full version) Bozhko L. (Rudny industrial institute) THE APPROACH TO DEVELOPMENT OF FRONTIER TERRITORIES (Annotation, full version) |
05 April, Thursday | |
10:00-11:30 Room Г-317 |
Session Q-09. Innovation in the regions Session moderator: Klimova N. (HSE) Klimova N. (HSE) The Perspectives of University Spin-Offs Formation in Russian Socio-Economic Reality (Annotation, full version) Romashkina G. (Tyumen State University) Davidenko V. (Tyumen State University) The innovation system in the Tyumen Region (Annotation, full version) Semenova R. (Council for location of productive forces) Analysis of the best practices of regional innovation systems' building in Russian Federation (Annotation, full version) |
12:00-13:30 Room Г-317 |
Session Q-10. Strategy development and marketing areas Session moderator: Rozhkov K. (HSE) Kogay E. (Kursk State University) Position Strategyes of the Russian Regions (Annotation, full version) Rudenko D. (Tyumen State Academy of International Economics, Manadgement and Law) Choosing a poverty reduction strategy in the region subject to its socio-economic model (Annotation, full version) Rozhkov K. (HSE) Skryabina N. (Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino") Segmentation in marketing inhabitants of Russian cities (Annotation, full version) Levitskaia A. (Comrat State University) Direction to develop effective policies for regional development of the autonomous territorial unit of Gagauzia (Moldova). (Annotation, full version) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-317 |
Session Q-11. Modernization of Management and Forecasting Session moderator: Klimanov V. (Institute for Public Finance Reform) Basareva V. (Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering ) The Russian small business: government modernization (Annotation, full version) Klimanov V. (Institute for Public Finance Reform) Mikhaylova A. (Institute for Public Finance Reform) Implementation of the program budget at the regional level (Annotation) Savelieva A. (Ural Federal University) Crivorotov V. (Ural Federal University) Calina A. (Ural Federal University) The forecasting of the region's power industry development (Annotation, full version) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-317 |
Session Q-12. Industrial clusters - Methods of identification and ways of policy support Session moderator: Gonchar K. (HSE) Titze M. (Halle Institute for Economic Research) Brachert M. (Halle Institute for Economic Research) Industrial clusters as complex systems – a multi-layer approach for the analysis of production and innovation activities (Annotation, full version) Heimpold G. (Halle Institute for Economic Research) Cluster policies at the Federal State level in East and West Germany: a comparison of Bavaria and Thuringia (Annotation, full version) Bykova A. (HSE, Perm) Identification of Regional Innovation Clusters: Empirical Evidence in Russia (Annotation) |
Section R. Urban and region studies | |
Moderator: Puzanov A. (the institute of urban economic, HSE) |
03 April, Tuesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-513 |
Session R-03. Management of urban development Session moderator: Vetrov G. (the institute of urban economic, HSE) Zhirnel E. (Institute of Economics of Karelian Research Center of Russian Academy of Sciences) Complex Investment Plans of mono-cities in the Republic of Karelia (Annotation, full version) Gazizova A. (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University) Evaluation of local investment management in the major cities of the Volga Federal Region (Annotation, full version) Iglin V. (The Duma of city district Tolyatti) About a technique of the organisation of process of creation and realisation of system of strategic planning of development of cities with participation of the public and scientific structures created at local governments, on an example of city district Tolyatti (Annotation, full version) Kostko N. (State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of Tyumen Region Tyumen State University of World Economics, Management and Law) The role of urban communities in providing conditions for forward development (Annotation, full version) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-513 |
Session R-04. General issues of urban development Session moderator: Vetrov G. (the institute of urban economic, HSE) Pyrlik V. (Institute of economics and industrial engineering SB RAS) An empirical approach to test Russian cities for optimal size (Annotation) Shafranskaya I. (HSE - Perm) Potapov D. (HSE - Perm) Measuring city utility: on approach to residents' preferences estimation (Annotation, full version) Mikhailova T. (NES) Gulag, WWII and the Long-Run Patterns of Soviet City Growth (Annotation) |
04 April, Wednesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-513 |
Session R-07. Развитие крупнейших городов и столичных агломераций Session moderator: Vysokovskiy A. (HSE) Limonov L. (ANO International Centre for Social and Economic Research "Leontief Centre") Peculiarities and factors of metropolitan areas postsoviet spatial development: St Petersburg case (Annotation, full version) Mishura A. (Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) The causes of primary cities dominance. The case of Moscow. (Annotation, full version) Golubchikov O. (School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham) Makhrova A. (Department of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University) Suburbanisation and post-suburbanisation in the context of a developed urban agglomeration (the case study of Moscow capital city-region) (Annotation) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-513 |
Session R-08. Agglomeration Session moderator: Limonov L. (ANO International Centre for Social and Economic Research "Leontief Centre") Zhikharevich B. (Leontief Centre) New data for megapolis area modelling (Annotation, full version) Gonchar K. (HSE) Ratnikova T. (Mathematics and econometics department, economic faculty, HSE) Empirical estimation and explanation of the urban agglomeration effects for the Russian manufacturing industry (Annotation) |
05 April, Thursday | |
10:00-11:30 Room Г-513 |
Session R-09. Круглый стол Современные проблемы развития городских агломераций и вопросы управления агломерационными процессами. Session moderator: Limonov L. (ANO International Centre for Social and Economic Research "Leontief Centre")Zhikharevich B. (Leontief Centre)Kosareva N. (Институт экономики города/НИУ ВШЭ) |
12:00-13:30 Room Г-513 |
Session R-10. City real estate Session moderator: Kosareva N. (Институт экономики города/НИУ ВШЭ) Vlasova T. (International Centre for Social and Economic Research) "Dacha Amnesty" in Urban Agglomeration (Annotation, full version) Shcherbakova A. (HSE) Research of the secondary market of real estate in Saint-Petersburg. (Annotation, full version) Bessonova O. (Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the RAS) Results of housing transformation: the institutional dimension (Annotation, full version) Polidi T. (The Institute for Urban Economics) The administrative burden's impact on residential real estate markets in Russian cities (Annotation, full version) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-513 |
Session R-11. Energy and the city Session moderator: Sivaev S. (Институт экономики города/НИУ ВШЭ) Filandrov M. (Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales (EHESS), Centre d'etude des modes d'industrialisation (CEMI).) The role of sustainable energy in the strategic planning of cities’ and agglomerations’ development. (Annotation) Timkaeva S. (Saint Petersburg State University of Economics & Finance) THE DIRECTION OF CITIES DEVELOPMENT IN THE ERA OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY (Annotation, full version) |
Section S. Political Processes | |
Moderator: Melville A. (HSE) |
03 April, Tuesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-408 |
Session S-03. Formal models – 1 Session moderator: Chebotarev P. (Institute of Control Sciences of RAS) Gizinger Y. (HSE) Karachunkiy I. (HSE) Имитационное моделирование правил передачи голосов. (Annotation, full version) Chebotarev P. (Institute of Control Sciences of RAS) Loginov A. (Institute of Control Sciences of RAS) Tsodikova Y. (Institute of Control Sciences of RAS) Lezina Z. (Institute of Control Sciences of RAS) On the necessary proportion of altruists in the society: A model study (Annotation) Ivanov A. (Institute of Control Sciences RAS) Analysis of manipulability of two social choice rules: Nanson's procedure and Inverse Borda's procedure (Annotation, full version) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-408 |
Session S-04. Formal models – 2 Session moderator: Subochev A. (HSE) Perederina O. (HSE) Aleskerov F. (HSE) Subochev A. (HSE) Pislyakov V. (HSE) Ranking of political science journals (Annotation) Petrov A. (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS) Kornilina E. (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS) Comparative Research of Party Programs (2007, 2011) Based on Latent Semantic Analysis (Annotation, full version) Borusyak K. (New Economic School) Local Power Concentration and Development of Rural Afghanistan (Annotation, full version) |
04 April, Wednesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-408 |
Session S-07. Values and Politics Session moderator: Urnov M. (HSE) Bakhmetjev Y. (HSE) Pain E. (HSE) The models of cultural policy: the failure of multiculturalism and the perspectives of interculturalism (Annotation) Sobolev A. (HSE) Urnov M. (HSE) Soboleva I. (HSE) Value Heterogenity of Society as Factor of Social Dynamics - Testing Theoretical Hypothesis (Annotation, full version) Maksimenkova M. (HSE) Kasamara V. (HSE) Russian parliamentarians' normative notions of the political elite (Annotation, full version) Kostyushev V. (HSE) Comic culture in the field of politics: the practice of "flipping" (the experience of field observations) (Annotation) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-408 |
Session S-08. Post-communist transformation: a qualitative and quantitative analysis Session moderator: Melville A. (HSE) Smyth R. (Indiana University) Beyond Institutions: Explaining Regime Outcomes in Post-Socialist States (Annotation) Melville A. (HSE) Trajectories of post-communist regime transformations: an experiment in typologization (Annotation) Stukal D. (HSE) Measuring State Capacity in Post-Communist Countries: Comparative Analysis of Approaches (Annotation) Mironyuk M. (HSE) International Factors of Influence on Regime Transformation and State Building Processes in the Post-Communist Countries (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Smyth R. (Indiana University) |
05 April, Thursday | |
10:00-11:30 Room Г-408 |
Session S-09. Political institutions and / or political behavior Sobolev A. (HSE) Costs of Collective Action as Missed Link between Democracy and Property Rights Protection (Annotation, full version) Hillman A. (Bar-Ilan University) The policy consequences of expressive behavior (Annotation) Dodlova M. (HSE) Intergovernmental Transfers as an Element of Multilevel Governance: Evidence from the United States (Annotation) |
12:00-13:30 Room Г-408 |
Session S-10. Russian politics: the power Session moderator: Ledyaev V. (HSE) Vasilyeva O. (Amur State University) Natural resource abundance, political competition and human capital accumulation: evidence from Russian regions (Annotation, full version) Borusyak L. (Higher School of Economics) Do Young Liberals Need New Public Politicians? The Case of Alexey Navalny (Annotation, full version) Ledyaev V. (HSE) Effectiveness of power in modern Russia (Annotation) Grigorieva E. (HSE) A new approach to the study of the authoritarianism in Russia today (Annotation, full version) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-408 |
Session S-11. Russian Politics: Institutions Session moderator: Mironyuk M. (HSE) Abelinskayte V. (HSE) Institutional transformation in modern Russia and the problem of political administration efficiency (Annotation, full version) Ninenko I. (Transparency International - R) Declarations of assets and incomes of public officials - unrealized tool to prevent corruption. (Annotation) Kokarev K. (Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences) Institutionalization of highly personified institutions in uncertain environments (Russian human rights ombudspersons as a case) (Annotation, full version) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-209 |
Session S-11/1. Russian Politics and Society Session moderator: Kasamara V. (National Research University "Higher School of Economics") Sobolev A. (HSE) Lazarev Y. (HSE) Soboleva I. (HSE) Соколов B. (Saint-Petesburg State University) Trial by Fire: The Impact of Natural Disaster on Social Capital and Political Preferences in the Rural Russia (Annotation, full version) Goncharov D. (HSE) Structure and Sources of Social Capital: Social Basis of the Russian Politics (Annotation, full version) Prostakov S. (HSE) The Russian army as a mirror of the problems of consolidation of Russian society (Annotation, full version) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-408 |
Session S-12. Russian policy: the regional dimension Session moderator: Urnov M. (HSE) Soboleva I. (Higher School of Economics) Councils in the Russian Regions: Obstacles to Political and Economic Discussion (Annotation, full version) Pereverzeva O. (CROS Public Relations & Public Affairs Company) Economic crisis influence on federative relations in Russia (Annotation, full version) Sobolev A. (HSE) Soboleva I. (HSE) Urnov M. (HSE) Remington T. (Emory University) Governors’ Dillemas: Economic and Social Policy Trade-Offs in the Russian Regions (Annotation, full version) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-209 |
Session S-12/1. Regional patterns of Russian politics Session moderator: Turovsky R. (HSE) Turovsky R. (HSE) The Influence of Political Regime's Transformation on the Geography of Voting in Russia and Other Post-Communist States (Annotation, full version) Guyvoronskiy Y. (HSE) Shishorina A. (HSE) Russian Federation regional assembly’s elections as the process the party system with the dominant party formation (based on elections March 13, 2011) (Annotation, full version) Akhremenko A. (Moscow State University) Government Effectiveness in Public Sector: Quantitative and Structural Estimation (Annotation, full version) |
Section T. Public Administration | |
Moderator: Klimenko A. (HSE) |
03 April, Tuesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Е-605 |
Session T-03. Public Procurement: Theory and Practice Session moderator: Podkolzina E. (HSE) Podkolzina E. (HSE) Morozov I. (HSE) Detecting Bid-rigging in procurement auctions in Russia (Annotation, full version) Bashina A. (HSE) Factors influencing informal payments of enterprises participating in public procurement (Annotation, full version) Voytova T. (HSE) Podkolzina E. (HSE) Blacklisting in Russian Public Procurement: How it Doesn't Work (Annotation, full version) Pivovarova S. (HSE) Informal enforcement and repeated interaction in public procurement (Annotation, full version) |
17:00-18:30 Room Е-605 |
Session T-04. Public Procurement: Theory and Practice - 2 Session moderator: Balsevich A. (HSE) Ivanov A. (St. Petersburg State University, Graduate School of Management) Electronic Auctions under the Federal Contract System (Annotation) Balsevich A. (HSE) Podkolzina E. (HSE) Pivovarova S. (HSE) Cross regional comparison of the efficiency of public procurement in Russia (Annotation, full version) Ostrovnaya M. (HSE) Podkolzina E. (HSE) "Fundamental Transformation" and Unfair Competition in Public Procurement of Medicines in Russia (Annotation, full version) Belokrylova O. (South Federal University) Regional models of municipal orders placement in the system of governance. (Annotation, full version) |
04 April, Wednesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Е-605 |
Session T-07. The effectiveness of the budget sector - 1 Session moderator: Roudnik B. (HSE)Lavrov A. (Ministry of Finance of Russia) Roudnik B. (HSE) Lisin N. (HSE) Principles and ways of development of competitive mechanisms of budgetary financing of public services (Annotation, full version) Moskovskaya A. (HSE) Prospects and barriers of state assistance to the development of social entrepreneurship in Russia (Annotation, full version) Karpenko E. (Bryansk branch the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration) Results measuring in social sphere as authorities' aiming at raising region management effectiveness (Annotation, full version) Ktsoev A. (MSU) The system of state support: incentives and constraints in the distribution of subsidies (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Makhakova G. (Russian Ministry of Economic Development), Solyannikova S. (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation), Kolosnitsyna M. (HSE), Barakhovsky A. (Center for Research Budgetary Affairs) |
17:00-18:30 Room Е-605 |
Session T-08. The effectiveness of the budget sector - 2 Session moderator: Alashevich M. (Russian Ministry of Finance)Roudnik B. (HSE) Tipenko N. (Center for Multi-purpose Programs) Public sector reforms: first results, risks and perspectives (Annotation, full version) Klyachko T. (The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration) The analysis of influence of state and municipal еestablishment’s reform on process of modernization of the Russian economy (Annotation) Markina E. (Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation) The evolution of the financial mechanism of different types of the state (municipal) institutions (Annotation) Tishenko T. (Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy) Social mobility: working out of mechanisms within the limits of reforming of budgetary sector of Strategy-2020 (Annotation) Discussant: Borovskaya M. (Ministry of Education of Russia), Ignatyeva E. (Center for Research of socio-economic problems of culture in the Russian Ministry of Culture), Zair-Bek S. (Federal Institute for Educational Development), Yastrebtsova O. (ECORYS-NEI) |
05 April, Thursday | |
10:00-11:30 Room Е-605 |
Session T-09. Strategic Governance Session moderator: Schmerling D. (HSE) Ladygin V. (HSE) Public participation: community and local government communication in the strategic planning process (Annotation) Schmerling D. (HSE) Development of contemporary model of public administration and corporate strategic planning (Annotation, full version) Shubenkova A. (HSE) Guvakov V. (HSE) Comparative analysis of the experience of state strategy formulation in European and Asian states and Russia (Annotation, full version) |
12:00-13:30 Room Е-605 |
Session T-10. Effective government - 1 Session moderator: Belianin A. (HSE) Belianin A. (HSE) Corruption: an experimental study of its origins and persistence among the Russian police (Annotation) Guseva N. (Federal service of financial and budgetary oversight) Modern trends in public financial control. Experience of developed countries. (Annotation, full version) Minchenko O. (Institute of public and municipal administration) Optimization of independent experts partisipation in public control (Annotation, full version) Solodov V. (MSU) Simulation modeling of anticorruption mechanisms (Annotation, full version) Valieva D. (HSE) The effectiveness of intergovernmental fiscal relations as the main smoothing mechanism of the regional and municipal disparities (Annotation, full version) |
15:00-16:30 Room Е-605 |
Session T-11. Effective government - 2 Session moderator: Busygina I.* Busygina I.* (HSE) Filippov M. (State University of New York) Russian State: How and Why It Should be Reformed? (Annotation) Kapoguzov E. (Omsk State F.M. Dostojevsky University) Institutional analysis of the results of administrative reform: manipulated and objective indicators. (Annotation, full version) Maydirova A. (Acalemy of publik administration under the President of the Republik of Kazakhstan) Questions of effective public administration in the theory of public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan. (Annotation) Schultz A. (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management) Roving Bandit in Action: Outside Option and Governmental Predation in Autocracies (Annotation, full version) |
17:00-18:30 Room Е-605 |
Session T-12. Regulatory Impact Assessment Session moderator: Tsygankov D. (HSE) Tsygankov D. (HSE) Regulation improvement councils as obligatory element of "smart regulation" (Annotation, full version) Yefremov A. (Voronezh State University) Regulatory Impact Assessment in System of Institutes of Increase of Efficiency of Lawmaking Process (Annotation, full version) Derman D. (HSE) Quality assurance of Regulatory Impact Assessment: different models (Annotation, full version) |
Section U. World Development and Politics | |
Moderator: Grigoriev L. (Russian Energy Agency ) |
03 April, Tuesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-604 |
Session U-03. Oil funds Session moderator: Kryukov V. (HSE) Grigoriev L. (Russian Energy Agency ) Oil funds and market conditions during the crisis (Annotation, full version) Kryukov V. (HSE) Oil Funds - Sterilization Tools or Modernozation Tools& (Annotation) Cameron P. (Dundee University) UK energy policy: from energy exporting to energy importing state (Annotation) Kurdin A. (Lomonosov Moscow State University) The crisis and mechanisms of global coordination: example of oil market (Annotation, full version) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-604 |
Session U-04. International finances Session moderator: Evstigneev V. (HSE) Eltsov Y. (HSE) Bayesian upgrading technique and subjective forecasts distributions estimation (Annotation) Isakova D. (HSE) Forecast Of The FX Market With Heterogeneous Adaptive Expectations (Annotation, full version) Evstigneev V. (HSE) Differential Operators in Forecasting Time Evolution of Poetfolio Investors' Expectations (Annotation) Fasano A. (Universita' degli Studi di Salerno) Claudio B. (Universita' degli Studi di Siena) CAPM with Sentiment: Market Anomalies through Sentiment Indicators (Annotation, full version) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-114 |
Session U-04/1. Energetics Session moderator: Grigoriev L. (HSE)Kryukov V. (HSE) Sharples J. (University of Glasgow) The Role of Natural Gas in Discourses on Russia’s Domestic Political and Socio-Economic Development to 2020 (Annotation, full version) Timofeev A. (The Saratov State Socio-Economic University) Trends in the structure development of export of high-technology products and energy resources of Russia, China and Kazakhstan in other SCO countries (Annotation, full version) Shilin N. (HSE) The energy factor in global policy by 2020: Regional unstability in the Middle East and North Africa and its impact on the global hydrocarbons export (Annotation) |
04 April, Wednesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-604 |
Session U-07. The return of power in international relations Session moderator: Karaganov S. (HSE) Karaganov S. (HSE) The role of power in the XXI century (Annotation, full version) Bordachev T. (HSE) Methodological approach to the problem of relativity of a power in the current context (Annotation, full version) Bakhmetjev Y. (HSE) Leonov A. (HSE) Cyber power and the problem of actors in world politics (Annotation) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-114 |
Session U-07/1. Global Crises Session moderator: Grigoriev L. (National research university "Higher school of economics") Grigoriev L. (HSE) Overcoming the crisis - going it alone? (Annotation) otaviano c. (World Bank) Ascent after Decline: Regrowing Global Economies after the Great Recession (Annotation) Worgotter A. (OECD) The German Labour market in the great recession - lessons for other countries (Annotation) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-114 |
Session U-08. Global Crises – 2 Sutela P. (Aalto University School of Economics) Estonia – did the strategy of deep integration fail in the crisis? (Annotation) Inotai A. (-) Global crisis (management) and prospects for sustainable growth (Annotation) Tamas P. (Corvinus University) Populism phantasies in postcommunism of the 2010ies: the Political Economy of a New Era? (Annotation, full version) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-604 |
Session U-08/1. Eurasian Integration Session moderator: Libman A. (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management) Libman A. (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management) Can Autocrats Cooperate? Lessons for Eurasian Integration (Annotation, full version) Anisimov A. (Eurasian Development Bank) Economic benefits of integration expansion (On an example of research of effects of EurAsEC Customs Union expansion) (Annotation, full version) Vinokurov E. (Eurasian Development Bank) Eurasia Integration: Open Regionalism in Eurasia (Annotation, full version) |
05 April, Thursday | |
10:00-11:30 Room Г-604 |
Session U-09. Problems of Regional Integration Session moderator: Suzdaltsev A. (HSE) Balkunets D. (HSE) Relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus in energy sector (Annotation) Pereboev V. (HSE) Integration Policy of Russia on the Post-Soviet Space: Periods and Strategy. (Annotation, full version) Suzdaltsev A. (HSE) Estimation and the forecast of development of integration processes on the post-Soviet space (Annotation, full version) Vainiene R. (Lithuanian Free Market Institute) Lithuania: Winner or Looser outside the Eurozone? (Annotation, full version) |
12:00-13:30 Room Г-604 |
Session U-10. International collective action - 1 Session moderator: Bratersky M. (HSE) Zuev V. (HSE) Global governance, APEC and Russia (Annotation, full version) Makarov I. (HSE) Crisis of international climate change regime from the perspective of the theory of collective action (Annotation, full version) Likhacheva A. (HSE) Global water deficit: an incentive to modernization or casus belli? (Annotation, full version) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-604 |
Session U-11. International collective action - 2 Session moderator: Bratersky M. (HSE) Bratersky M. (HSE) Institutional limitations on the Russia's G-20 Agenda (Annotation, full version) Butorina O. (Moscow State Institute of International Relations) Problems and prospects of forming the new economic policy of EU (Annotation, full version) Pynnöniemi K. (The Finnish Institute of International Affairs) The Making of the Common Economic Space: Institutional and Quasi-Institutional Political Dynamics of Economic Integration in the Post-Soviet Space (Annotation) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-604 |
Session U-12. Foreign Trade and Economic Challenges for Russia Session moderator: Troekurova I. (Saratov State Academy of Law) Troekurova I. (Saratov State Academy of Law) Nekhorosheva E. (Saratov State Socio-Economic University) Directions of trade cooperation within the BRICS (Annotation, full version) Kuzmina N. (HSE) The foreign trade policy of the Russian Federation in the market of raw forest products. (Annotation, full version) Krutik A. (HSE) Corporate tax in terms of world economic instability: application foreign experience to the russian reality (Annotation, full version) |
Section V. Economic history and methodology of economics | |
Moderators: Avtonomov V. (HSE)Ananyin O. (HSE)Markevich A. (NES) |
04 April, Wednesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-404 |
Session V-07. Economics and Reality Session moderator: Avtonomov V. (HSE) Makasheva N. (HSE) The Global Economic Crisis: Will it Have a Profound Effect on Economics? (Annotation, full version) Klaes M. (Keele University) Northatlantic Neoliberalism and the Economic Crisis: Methodological Lessons (Annotation) Avtonomov V. (HSE) Two "canons" in the history of economic thought (Annotation, full version) Shironin V. (Central Bank of Russian Federation) Ananyin O. (HSE) Douglass North and the Cultural Dimension of Economic Reality (Annotation, full version) Melnik D. (HSE) War and Peace in Economics (1900s - 1930s) (Annotation, full version) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-404 |
Session V-08. Conflict and Economic Development Session moderator: Borodkin L. (Lomonosov Moscow State University) Shilnikova I. (HSE) Economic aspects of labor conflicts in Russian industries in the end of 19th - beginning of 20th centuries (Annotation, full version) Volodin A. (Moscow State Lomonosov University) Ivan Yanzhul and the making of the economic expert community in Imperial Russia (Annotation) Wheatcroft S. (University of Melbourne) What the annual Kolkhoz reports and Kolkhoz budget studies tell us about Kolkhoz peasants in the famine of 1932-3? (Annotation) |
05 April, Thursday | |
12:00-13:30 Room Г-313 |
Session V-10. National Award on Applied Economics Germany Session moderator: Vasilyev S. (Vneshekonombank) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-404 |
Session V-11. Economic History: Sources and data Session moderator: Shilnikova I. (HSE) Михаил D. (Russian state university for humanities) Development of separated farming during the Stolypin reform (Annotation, full version) Borodkin L. (Lomonosov Moscow State University) Dmitrieva A. (Moscow Lomonosov State University) The influence of fundamental factors on the dynamics of the shares values of oil companies in pre-revolutionary Russia (end of XIX - early XX centuries). (Annotation, full version) Kyung P. (RSUH) "Without business archives, no business research". About the activity government agencies and civic organizations for preservation of the documentation of business archives in Europe (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Didenko D. (State corporation ‘Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)’) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-502 |
Session V-12. The economic history of the Soviet Union Session moderator: Markevich A. (NES) Chromov Y. (Surgut State Pedagogical University) Economic and administrative system specifics sovnarkhozes Siberia (1957-1962 gg.) (Annotation, full version) Nekrasov V. (Surgut State Teacher`s Training University) Stafeef O. (Surgut State Teacher`s Training University) Gosplan and the project of Nizhne-Obsky hydroelectric power station (1958-1963): lobbying, coalitions of interests, opportunism (Annotation, full version) Orlov I. (HSE) "The economics of everyday life" in Russia: from the service of life to the service of society (Annotation) Didenko D. (State corporation ‘Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)’) Leeuwen B. (Utrecht University) Human capital in the former Soviet Union area: Sources and methods for the time-series construction (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Markevich A. (NES) |
Section W. Instrumental methods in the analysis of social and economic processes | |
Moderator: Aleskerov F. (HSE) |
03 April, Tuesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-603 |
Session W-03. Математические модели Session moderator: Chistyakov V. (HSE) Yorucu V. (Eastern Mediterranean University) The economic impact of radio active convergences surrounding Fukushima city (Annotation) Chub O. (Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics) Optimization planning works of repair and construction organizations in the housing and communal services (Annotation) Goncharov A. (HSE) Chistyakov V. (HSE) Ratings without compensations and its applications (Annotation) Discussant: Goncharov A. (HSE), Aleskerov F. (HSE) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-603 |
Session W-04. Using a systematic approach to strategic planning: the Russian and foreign experience Session moderator: Akopov A. (HSE) Akopov A. (HSE) System dynamic methods application for adaptive control of vertical-integrated companies (Annotation) Bakhtizin A. (Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences) Applying supercomputers for work with an agent-based models (Annotation, full version) Morozova Y. (The State University of Management) Russian Federation Pension System Simulation Model Complex (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Akopov A. (HSE), Aleskerov F. (HSE) |
04 April, Wednesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-603 |
Session W-07. Methods and tools for the formalization of expert knowledge and expert activity Session moderator: Efimenko I. (HSE) Efimenko I. (HSE) Penskaya E. (HSE) Paper title * (Annotation, full version) Kara-Murza E. (Lomonosov Moscow State University) Paper title * (Annotation, full version) Khoroshevsky V. (Computer Center RAS) Ontology engineering and Humanities: what if... (Annotation, full version) Discussant: Khoroshevsky V. (Computer Center RAS), Efimenko I. (Higher School of Economics) |
Section X. Communication Resources and the Modernization | |
Moderators: Kachkaeva A. (HSE) Zverev S. (HSE) |
05 April, Thursday | |
10:00-11:30 Room Г-510 |
Session X-09. Communication resources and modernization Session moderator: Bustritskiy A. (HSE) Kueng L. (Jönköping University) Why the media is failing at creativity and innovation - and what they can do about it (Annotation) Lowe G. (University of Tampere) Small among Giants: Television Broadcasting in Smaller Countries (Annotation) Pardo A. (Department of Film, TV & Digital Media. School of Communication University of Navarra) Digital Hollywood: How Internet and Social Media are Changing the Movie Business (Annotation) Kiriya I. (HSE) Communication power: how media are accompanying the economic development (Annotation) Discussant: Kachkaeva A. (HSE) |
12:00-13:30 Room Г-510 |
Session X-10. Медиа, гражданское общество и политическая среда Session moderator: Arkhangelskiy A. (HSE) Members: Lusenko A. (HSE), Dondurey D. (Искусство кино), Grin S. (NES), Lipman M. (журнал « Pro и contra»), Gatov V. (РИА Новости), Svanidze N. (РГГУ), Golubovskiy A. (Система массмедиа) |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-510 |
Session X-12. Round Table: «Integrated Communications in Subpolitical Environment» Session moderator: Zverev S. (HSE) Questions: - Integrated Communications in “Power-Business-Society” - PR 2.0 Instruments in Integrated Communications - Social Media in System Integrated Communications System - Strategies and Tactics of Integrated Communications - Communication Ethics Members: Alekseev O. («Фонд Сколково»), Беляк А. (ОНЭКСИМ), Dzyaloshinskiy I. (HSE), Каменчук О. (ВЦИОМ), Kyznetsov E. (ОАО «РВК»), Lapshov A. (IABC/Russia), Naumov С. («Фонд Сколково»), Loseva N. (РИА Новости), Peskova O. (HSE), Pilgun M. (HSE), Shilina M. (HSE), Shomova C. (HSE) |
Section Y. National Statistical System: Factor of Economic Growth and Sustainable Development | |
04 April, Wednesday | |
15:00-16:30 Room Г-502 |
Session Y-07. National Statistical System: Factor of Economic Growth and Sustainable Development Session moderator: Kosarev A. (CIS Statcom) Surinov A. (Russian Federal Statistical Service) Joining OECD as a Challenge for Russian State Statistics (Annotation) Wallman K. (US Office of Management and Budget) US Statistical System: How It Works (Annotation) Belkindas M. (World Bank Development Data Group) Statistical Capacity Building Programs of the World Bank. (Annotation) Habermann H. (UN Statistics Division and US Census Bureau) Facilitating Statistical Innovations (Annotation) |
17:00-18:30 Room Г-502 |
Session Y-08. Улучшение измерения экономического развития, социального прогресса и стабильности Session moderator: Obraztsova O. (HSE) Plateau C. (INSEE, France) The results of the INSEE-Eurostat Sponsorship and the main decisions concerning the European statistical program to implement the Stiglitz report. (Annotation) Eliseeva I. (St.-Petersburg State University of Economics and Finances) Expert opinion and statistics (Annotation) Tatarinov A. (National Accounts Division of Rosstat) How Russia will implement SNA 2008? (Annotation) |
05 April, Thursday | |
10:00-11:30 Room Г-502 |
Session Y-09. Perspectives of Development for Statistical Measurements in Russia and in International Practice Session moderator: Tatarinov A. (National Accounts Division of Rosstat) Zbarskaya I. (CIS Statcommittee) Population Census: New Challenges and Moving towards 2020 World Round (Annotation) Obraztsova O. (HSE) Statistics of entrepreneurship (Annotation) Gershman M. (HSE) Survey on innovations in Russian enterprises (Annotation) Molchanov D. (HSE) Some specific aspects of recording of financial transactions in SNA2008 (Annotation) |
12:00-13:30 Room Г-502 |
Session Y-10. Round Table "Statistical System and Statistical Education" Session moderator: Ponomarenko A. (HSE) Questions: - the role of universities in the development of a national statistical system; - concept of statistical education at leading universities around the world; - best university practices for coordinating instrumental and socio-economic statistical disciplines to generate professional competencies of economists and statisticians; - national statistical system and university education: communication mechanisms of interaction; - trends in the development of statistical literacy in modern Russia in the context of a challenge of the economic globalization Members: Belkindas M. (World Bank Development Data Group), Wallman K. (US Office of Management and Budget), Habermann H. (UN Statistics Division and US Census Bureau), Lahiri P. (Michigan University), Ivanov Y. (Lomonosov MSU), Obraztsova O. (National Research University Higher School of Economics), Eliseeva I. (St.-Petersburg State University of Economics and Finances) |
* Irina Busygina (Ирина Бусыгина) включена Минюстом в Реестр иностранных агентов.