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Mode of life and living standards of Russian population in 1989–2009  

Mode of life and living standards of Russian population in 1989–2009 [Text] : rep. at XII Intern. acad. conf. on economic and social development, Moscow, 5–7 April, 2011 / G. Andrushchak, А. Burdijak, V. Gimpelson et al. ; gen. sci. supervis. E. G. Yasin ; Nat. Res. Univ. Higher School of Economics. — М. : HSE Publ. House, 2011. — 74 p. — 350 copies. — ISBN 978-5-7598-0892-3 (pbk).

The paper is an attempt to summarize the results of studies performed by scientists of the HSE and the “Expert” Magazine under the joint project to measure changes in welfare of Russian population in 1990–2009. In this work we also involved scientists from the Independent Institution of Social Policy (IISP) and the Institute for Urban Economics. The paper includes a generalization of calculations performed by different methods and aimed at studying various aspects of the change in welfare in specified years. In particular, the change in income levels is examined as well as costs of the

Russian population, physical indicators of consumption including natural indicators of non-market services consumption, the change in housing affordability is estimated, also an attempt is made to construct a certain generalizing indicator of well-being which takes into account all these factors. More detailed papers on selected aspects of the problem are presented additionally.

Paper is presented by National Research University Higher School of Economics and “Expert” Magazine

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Scenarios and challenges of macroeconomic policy 

Akindinova, N. V. Scenarios and challenges of macroeconomic policy [Text] : rep. at XII Intern. acad. conf. on economic and social development, Moscow, 5–7 April, 2011 / N. V. Akindinova, S. V. Aleksashenko, E. G. Yasin; Nat. Res. Univ. Higher School of Economics. — М. : HSE Publ. house, 2011. — 70, [2] p. — 350 copies. — ISBN 978-5- 7598-0891-6 (pbk).

This paper has been prepared with extensive use of materials of the research carried out in 2009 and 2010 in the Institution “Development Center” of the HSE, in which all its members participated. The authors express special thanks to V. Mironov, D. Miroshnichenko, and M. Petronevich.

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