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(12 Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya,

Entrance # 4 Congress Center)

9:00 – 10:00 Registration of Conference participants 2-nd floor


10:00 -14:00 Plenary Meeting

Moderator: Evgeny Yasin – Academic Supervisor of the State University – Higher School of


Report (Russian)


Alexander Zhukov – Vice Chairman of the Russian Government

Report (Russian)


German Gref – Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Russian Federation

Report (Russian)


Alexey Kudrin – Minister of Finance, Russian Federation

Report (Russian)


Dmitry Kozak – Head of the Government Office - Minister of Russian Federation


Andrey Illarionov – Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation

11:40 – 12:00 Questions & Answers

Аndrey Fursenko – Minister of Education and Science, Russian Federation

Report (Russian)


Evgeny Yasin – Academic Supervisor, State University – Higher School of Economics


Yaroslav Kuzminov – Rector, State University – Higher School of Economics

Report (Russian)

Presentation (Russian)


Evgeny Yakovlev – General Director, JSC “Silovye Mashiny”

Report (Russian)


Sergey Borisov – President, Russian Public Organisation of SME “OPORA”

Report (Russian)


13:40 – 14:00 Questions & Answers


15:00 – 18:00 Round table «Window of Opportunities –2»

“LADOGA” Hall (New Building, 4-th floor)

Moderator: Аlexander Shokhin – Chairman of the Supervisory Board “Renaissance-Capital”,

President of the SU-HSE

Main presentation (Russian) by Igor Shuvalov – Advisor to the President of Russian Federation

Reform of Health – Mikhail Zurabov – Minister of Health and Social Development, Russian


Sergey Shishkin (Independent Institute of Social Policy)

Reform of Health (Russian) 


Reform of Education (Russian) – Lev Jakobson (SU – HSE)

Representative of Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation

Creating an Equitable Housing Market (Russian) - Nadezhda Kosareva (Foundation “Institute of Urban


Pavel Krasheninnikov (State Duma of Russian Federation)

Sergey Yashechkin (JSC “Russian Municipal Systems”)

Report (Russian)


Questions & Answers



April 7, Wednesday

State University − Higher School of Economics

(20, Мyasnitskaya Ul.)

9:00 – 10:00 Registration of the Conference participants Hall, 1-st floor

Panel No. 1

“Macroeconomic Modernisation Policies”

Panel Supervisor – Evgeny Gavrilenkov (“Troika Dialog”, SU – HSE)

10:00 – 11:45 Session No. 1 Room # 101

Economic Growth and Modernisation of Economy

Moderator: Vladimir Avtonomov (SU-HSE)

David Owen (IMF)

Creating an Equitable Housing Market


Christof Ruehl (World Bank)

“Who Owns Russia? Control and Consolidation in Russian Economy”

Evgeny Gavrilenkov (Troika-Dialog, SU-HSE)

“Economic Growth and Development of Russian Financial System”

Мarek Dabrowski (Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Poland)

“A Comparative Study of Post-Adaptation Growth in Russia and Poland”

Pekka Sutela (Bank of Finland)

“Could/Should EU assist Russia?”

11:45 – 12:00 Coffee – break Canteen, Ground floor

12:00 – 14:00 Session No. 2.1 Room # 101

Fiscal and Industrial Policies

Moderator: Мarek Dabrowski (Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Poland)

Evsey Gurvich (Expert Economic Group)

“Is Russia Becoming More Dependable on Oil?”

Franz Hubert (Humboldt University, Germany)

“Strategic Investments into International Gas Pipelines”

Victor Subbotin (Expert Economic Group)

“Tax Reform in Oil: Where are we now?” (Russian)


Gennady Kuranov (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Russian Federation)

“Ratio of Speculative and Sustainable Growth in Russian Economy”

Alexander Kiruta (CSEI RАS, GKS)

“Concentration of Incomes, Social and Economic Polarisation of Society and Economic Competitiveness (Russian)


Natalia Raiskaya, Yakov Sergienko, Аlexander Frenkel (IE RAS), Sergey Tsukhlo (IET)

“Solvent Demand and Prospects of Modernisation of Russian Economy” (Russian)


12:00 – 14:00 Session No. 2.2 Room # 513

Macroeconomic Models of Russian Economy

Moderator: Sergey Aivazian (CEMI)

Аrkady Dvorkovich (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Russia), Dmitry Shmerling,

Ilya Viger, Tatiana Kuznetsova (SU-HSE, Strategic Modelling Group)

“Multi-Level Strategic Modelling Applied to Research of Economic Diversification and Escape from domination of extracting sectors" (Russian)


Vladimir Matveenko (European University of Saint-Petersburg)

“Investment, Institutions and Economic Growth” (Russian)


Аlexander Sotskov (CEMI, RES)

“Impacts of Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Russian Economic Models” (Russian)


P. Katyshev, Anatoly Peresetsky, Sergey Chernavsky (CEMI), Oleg Eismont (NES)

“Impact of Pipeline and Energy Rates Increase on Russian Industry” (Russian)


Sergey Aivazyan (CEMI), Boris Brodsky (SU-HSE), Svetlana Borisova (CEMI)

“Analysis of Scenarios of Russian Economic Development on the Basis of Econometric Model”

Alexander Smirnov (SU-HSE)

“Foreign Debt and Chaos: Model of Russian Experience in the Late 1990s”

14:00 – 15:00 Lunch Canteen, Ground floor


15:00 – 16:30 Session No. 3 Round table Room # 101

“Factors of Competitiveness and Monopolisation of Russian Economy”

Moderator: Evgeny Yasin (SU-HSE)

Discussants: Marek Dabrowski, Pekka Sutela, Evsey Gurvich, Evgeny Gavrilenkov,

Arkady Dvorkovich

16:30 – 16:45 Coffee – break Canteen, Ground floor

16:45 – 18:30 Session No. 4 Room # 101

Monetary Policies, Banking System, Financial Markets

Moderator: Evsey Gurvich (Expert Economic Group)

Аndrey Klepach, Dmitry Lepetikov (Centre for Development)

“Efficiency and Competitiveness Factors of Russian Banking System”

Victoria Voronina (Expert Economic Groups), Evgeny Nadorshin (SU-HSE)

“CBR’s Foreign Exchange Policies: Extent of Foreign Exchange Interventions and Reform (Russian)


Alexey Vedev (VEDI)

“Medium-Term Analysis of Scenarios of Financial Market Development in Russia”

Оxana Dynnikova (Expert Economic Group)

“Effects of Real Exchange Rate of the Rouble on Dynamics and Structure of the Russian Economy” (Russian)


Dmitry Levando (SU-HSE)

“Spill-Over Effect in Open Economy” (Russian)


Аnna Vdovichenko, Victoria Voronina (Expert Economic Group)

“Monetary Rules of the Bank of Russia” (Russian)


Panel 2  “Structural and Institutional Reforms”

Panel supervisor − Аndrey Yakovlev

10:00 – 11:45 Session No. 1 Round Table Room # 102

Structural and Industrial Policies - New Mechanisms in a New Environment?

Moderator: Аndrey Yakovlev (SU-HSE)

Discussants: Аlexey Ponomaryov (МАC), Vladimir Preobrazhensky (Wimm-Bill-Dann – Food

products), Оleg Fomichyov (МERT/CSR), Vladimir Drebentsov (World Bank), Аrtem Shadrin

(IET/Ministry of Finance), Leonid Grigoriev (Expert Institute)


11:30 – 11:50 Coffee – break Canteen, Ground floor


11:50 – 14:00 Session No. 2 Room # 102

Enterprise Modernisation and Competitiveness of Russian Business

Moderator: Тatiana Dolgopiatova (SU-HSE)

Кonstantin Kozlov, Denis Sokolov, Кsenia Yudayeva (CEFIR)

“Innovation Activities of Russian Companies: Determinant Factors” (Russian)


Svetlana Avdasheva (SU-HSE)

“Entrepreneurial Networks as a Factor of Competitiveness: Alternative Explanations and Realities of Russia" (Russian)


Тuuli Juurikkala (Helsinki School of Economics, Finland), Оlga Lazareva (CEFIR)

“Social Assets of Russian Enterprises: Bad Heritage?” (Russian)


J. David Brown, John S. Earle, Almos Telegdy (Central European University, Hungary)

“Does Privatisation Raise Productivity? Evidence from Comprehensive Panel Data on Manufacturing

Firms in Hungary, Romania, Russia and Ukraine”

Аnna Kosygina (SU-HSE)

“Evolution of Non-Market Sector in Russia” (Russian)


Discussant: Boris Kuznetsov (МАC)


14:00 – 15:00 Lunch Canteen, Ground floor


15:00 – 16:20 Session No. 3 Room # 102

Corporate Governance and Competitiveness

Moderator: Silvana Malle (ОECD)

Yury Simachyov, Тatiana Dolgopiatova, Victoria Golikova, Аndrey Yakovlev (SU-HSE)

“Insiders, Outsiders and Good Corporate Governance: Russian Experience”

Mikhail Gorst (Institute of Open Economy)

“Tax Reform: Industrial Enterprises Reaction and Role of Corporate Governance” (Russian)


Irina Tkachenko (Urals State Economic University)

“Experience of Studies of Intra-Company Institutions and Corporate Value Systems in Industrial Corporations" (Russian)


Dmitry Каsatkin (Bank of Russia/SU-HSE)

“Reasons for Transfer Prices Usage in Russian Federation” (Russian)



Аlexander Radygin (IET), Alexander Filatov ( Independent Directors’ Association)


16:20 – 16:30 Coffee-break Canteen, Ground floor


16:30 – 18:00 Session No. 3 Room # 102

Institutional Changes in Financial Sector


Pavel Kuznetsov (WCER)

Аlexander Karminsky (Gasprombank), Аnatoly Peresetsky, Sergey Golovan (RES)

“Bank Default Models in Russia” (Russian)


Аlexey Belianin (SU-HSE)

“Development of the Banking Sector in Modern Russian Economy: Evolutionary Approach” (Russian)


Selcuk Caner (Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey – U.S. Treasury), Vladislav Kontorovich (Bank

of Russia)

“Efficiency of Russian Banking Sector: International Comparison”

Discussant: V. Kraskov (Centre for Development)


Panel No. 3 Social Policies

Panel supervisors:

Lev Jakobson (SU-HSE), Sergey Smirnov (SU-HSE)

10:00 – 11:45 Session No. 1 Room # 311

Social and Psychological Aspects of Russian Society


Lev Jakobson (SU-HSE), Sergey Smirnov (SU-HSE)

Markku Kivinen (Aleksander Institute, Finnish Centre for Russian and East European Studies)

“Obstacles for Shaping Middle Class in Russia”

Ludmila Khakhulina (Yuri Levada Analytical Centre)

“Legitimacy of Inequality: Dynamics of Public Perceptions of Poverty and Wealth” (Russian)


Natalia Tikhonova (Independent Institute for Social Studies, RAS)

“Social and Psychological Factors of Poverty” (Russian)


Evgeny Saburov (SU-HSE)

“Social and Psychological Background of Russian Society Development”


Аlla Bolotova (SU-HSE)

“Man and Time in a Situation of Social Instability” (Russian)


Кsenia Abulkhanova (SU-HSE)

“Psychology of Modern Personality and Problem of Social Justice” (Russian)


11:45 – 12:00 Coffee-break Room # 300

12:00 – 14:00 Session No. 2 Room # 311

Shadow Employment and Poverty - Priority Problems of the Russian Society


Lev Jakobson (SU-HSE), Sergey Smirnov (SU-HSE)

Тatiana Маleva (NISP)

“Economic Growth and Social Stratification”

Lilia Ovcharova (NISP)

“Decomposition of Inequality Factors in a Situation of Emerging Market Economy in Russia”

Svetlana Barsukova (SU-HSE)

“Can There Be Less Shadow Employment in Russia Today?”

Оxana Sinyavskaya (NISP)

“Modern Labour Market: Who Are Informal Employees?”

Sergey Smirnov (SU-HSE)

“Prospects of Unpromising: Public Policies of Social Economic Rehabilitation of Vagrants” (Russian)


14:00 – 15:00 Lunch Room # 300

15:00 – 16:45 Session No. 3 Room # 311

Reform and Modernisation of Education and Health

Moderator: Igor Sheiman (SU-HSE)

Joan Marie Nelson (Woodrow Wilson Center of the Smithsonian Institution, and School of

International Service, American University)

“Urgent Needs, Weak Incentives: the Politics of Health and Education Sector Reforms in Latin America”


Аzer Efendiev (SU-HSE)

“Social Implications of Uniform State Examination” (Russian)


Nikita Pokrovsky (SU-HSE)

“Globalisation and Trends in Higher Education in Russia” (Russian)


Igor Sheiman (SU-HSE)

“Problems of Restructuring in Health”

16:45 – 17:00 Coffee-break Room # 236

17:00 – 18:30 Session No. 4 Room # 311

Shaping an Equitable Housing Market in Russia

Moderator: Nadezhda Kosareva (Foundation “Institute of Urban Economics”)

Кonstantin Аprelev (Russian Guild of Realtors)

“Pricing Situation in the Real Estate Market and its Implications for Changing Accessibility of Housing” (Russian)


Vladislav Tsvetkov (Centre for Studies of the Russian Marketing Association)

“Housing Preferences of Individuals and Solvent Demand” (Russian)


Eduard Trutnev (Foundation “Institute of Urban Economics”)

“Administrative Barriers for Shaping an Equitable Housing Market”


Panel No. 4 “Modernisation of State and Law”

Panel supervisor: Yury Тikhomirov (SU-HSE)

10:00 – 11:45 Session No. 1 Room # 116

Legal Framework of Economic Competition

Moderator: Gennady Маltsev (SU-HSE)

Yury Тikhomirov (SU-HSE)

“Modernisation of the State as a Prerequisite of Economic Growth” (Russian)


Оxana Оleinik (SU-HSE)

“Legal Means of Encouraging Economic Competition”


Nina Кlein (Institute of Law under the Government of Russia)

“Improving Anti-Trust Regulation of Economic Activities”


11:45 – 12:00 Coffee – break Canteen, Ground floor

12:00 – 14:00 Session No. 2 Room # 116

Law and Informal Relationships: Struggle of Interests

Moderator: Тamara Morschakova (Constitutional Court)

Аlexander Каrlin (Ministry of Justice, Russian Federation)

“Legal Provisions: Distortions, Loopholes and Economic Interest”

Vadim Radaev (SU-HSE)

“New Trends on Counterfeit Products Market” (Russian)


Аlfred Zhalinsky (SU-HSE)

“Criminal Law in the Struggle for Resources” (Russian)


Vadim Volkov (SU-HSE, Saint-Petersburg branch)

“Multiple Legal Modes and Protection of Proprietory Rights in Russia”

14:00 – 15:00 Lunch Canteen, Ground floor

15:00 – 16:45 Session No. 3 Round Table Room # 116

Eradicating Corruption

Moderator: Yury Tikhomirov (SU – HSE)

Discussants: Аlexander Karlin (Ministry of Justice, Russian Federation), Кonstantin Sonin (RES),

Paer Gustafsson (Oxford University, Great Britain)

16:45 – 17:00 Coffee – break Canteen, Ground floor

17:00 – 18:30 Session No. 4 Room # 116

Implementing International Legal Standards in Foreign Economic Activities

Moderator: Natalia Doronina ( Institute for Legislation and Comparative Law under the

Government of Russian Federation)

Оxana Lopatina (SU-HSE)

“Legal Aspects of Russia’s Accedence to the WTO”

Victoria Yegiazarova (SCC of Russia)

“Reform of Modern Customs Legislation”

Аlexander Коzyrin (SU-HSE)

“Development of Anti-Dumping Law in Russia”


Panel No. 5 Competitiveness and Economic Modernisation of Regions

Panel supervisor: Аlexander Granberg (SU-HSE, SOPS)

10:00 – 11:45 Session No. 1 Room # 124

Regional Competitiveness in the Context of World and National Economy

Moderator: Мukhamed Tsikanov (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Russian


Мukhamed Tsikanov (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Russian Federation)

“ New Factors for Regional Development”

Galina Коvaleva (Government of Sverdlovsk Region)

“Managing Regional Competitiveness Through Territorial Development Strategies”

Boris Shtulberg (GNIU SOPS)

“Assessment of Regional Implications of Russia’s Accession to the WTO” (Russian)


Leonid Grigoriev (IMEMO RAS)

“Impact of Economic Growth for regional Development” (Russian)


D.L. Andrianov, A.O. Selianin, D.V. Sitnikov (CSC “Prognoz”, Perm)

11:45 – 12:00 Coffee – break Rooms 238 – 240

12:00 – 14:00 Session No. 2 Room # 124

Factors Enhancing Competitiveness of Russian Regions

Moderator: Аlexander Таtarkin (Institute for Economics Ural - RAS)

Gabibulla Khasayev (Government of Samara Region)

“Regional Clusters as a Factor of Improving the Real Sector Efficiency”

Аlexander Таtarkin (Institute for Economics UR RAS)

“Business Environment of Regional Competitiveness” (Russian)


Grigory Маrchenko (“Expert” Rating Agency)

“Investment Attractiveness of Regions as a Competitiveness Factor”

Leonid Limonov (International Centre for Social Economic Studies “Leontiev Centre”)

“Regulation of Territorial Development and Investment Strategies of Cities” (Russian)


Eric Brunat (University of Savoie, France), Alexey Skopin (SU – HSE)

“Comparative Assessment of Competitiveness of French and Russian Regions”


14:00 – 15:00 Lunch Rooms 238 – 240

15:00 – 16:45 Session No. 3 Room # 124

Restructuring Regional Economies of Different Types

Moderator: Gabibulla Khasayev (Government of Samara Region)

Evgeny Galichanin (State Duma of Federal Assembly, Russian Federation)

“Legal Regulation of Economic Competitiveness of the Far East” (Russian)


Оleg Pchelintsev (INP RAS), Мikhail Мinchenko

“Infrastructural Factors of Regional Economic Restructuring” (Russian)


Raphael Fattakhov (Ufa Research Centre RAS).

“Assessment of Competitiveness and Structural Adjustment of Regional Economy (Case of the Republic of Bashkortostan)” (Russian)


Leonid Vardomsky (IMEPI RAS).

“New factors of Border Regions Cooperation” (Russian)


Natalia Smorodinskaya (IE RAS)

“Kaliningrad Region Modernisation as a Region of Cooperation between Russia and EES” (Russian)


16:45 - 17:00 Coffee – break Rooms 238 - 240

17:00 – 18:30 Session No. 4 Round table Room # 124

Influence of Regional Authorities on Economic Development: Experience of the Regions

Moderators: Galina Коvaleva (Government of Sverdlovsk Region), Gabibulla Khasayev

(Government of Samara Region), Vladimir Lexin (Institute of System Analysis RAS)

Participants: Sergey Аrotobolevsky (Institute of Geography RAS), Elena Belianova (Netherlands

Economic Institute), Alexander Granberg (SU – HSE, SOPS), Irina Каrelina (Leontiev Centre),

Galina Кurliandskaya (Centre for Fiscal Policies), Аlexander Piliasov (SU-HSE), Leonid

Smirniagin (Moscow State University), Ludmila Riazanova (Ministry of Economic Development

and Trade, Russian Federation)


Panel No.6  Competitiveness in the Modern World

10:00 – 11:45 Session No. 1 Room # 125

Competitiveness in the Modern World: Approaches, Problems, Trends

Moderator: Igor Faminsky (SU-HSE)

Igor Faminsky (SU-HSE)

“Modern Factors of Competitiveness in a Global Environment”

Elena Danilova (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Russian Federation)

“Competitiveness and Problems of Russia’s Accession to the WTO”

Ivan Коrolev (IMEMO RAS)

“U.S. and Europe: Models of Development and Prospects of Sectoral Competition”


Vladislav Inozemtsev (Centre for Studies of Post-Industrial Society)

“U.S. and Europe: Models of Development and Prospects of Sectoral Competition” (Russian)


Valentin Кudrov (SU-HSE)

“Prospects of U.S. Competitive Positions” (Russian)


Elena Leontieva (IMEMO RAS)

“Problems of Competitiveness of Today’s Japan”

Stanislav Bessonov (SU – HSE)

“Modernisation and Traditionalism in Developing in Transition economy” (Russian)


Evgeny Avdokushin (Moscow State University)

“Competitiveness Factors of Chinese Economy”

11:45 – 12:00 Coffee – break Rooms 240 – 242

12:00 – 14:00 Session No. 2 Room # 125

Competitiveness in the Modern World: Approaches, Models, Trends

Moderator: Valentin Кudrov (SU-HSE)

Аlexander Khandruev (Institute of Banking)

“World Forex Market: Scenarios of Competitive Struggle”

Vassily Solodkov (SU-HSE)

“Role of the Banking Sector in Fostering National Competitiveness”

Valeria Zhelezova (Moscow State University)

“Impact of Financial Sphere n International Competitiveness” (Russian)


Yury Stoliarov

“Problems of Competitiveness in Today’s Japan: Financial Aspects”

Karen Susanian (VNIIVS)

“Role of Leasing and other Financial Instruments in Competitiveness Increase the World Markets” (Russian)


Marina Trigubenko (IMEPI RAS)

“New Industrial Economies in a Struggle over New Markets. Experience of Korea” (Russian)


Svetlana Kudriavtseva (Institute of European Studies RAS)

“A New Economy: Global Trends and Prospects of Russia” (Russian)


Alexey Rey ( ISC – RAS)

“American and NIS Competitive Strategies in High – Tech Industry” (Russian)


Leonid Grigoriev (IMEMO RAS), Asem Nusupova (Ministry of Finance, Kazakhstan)

“Savings Problems in Market Economy Structuring: Case of Kazakhstan” (Russian)


14:00 – 15:00 Lunch Rooms 240 – 242

15:00 – 16:45 Session No. 3 Round table Room # 327 – k

Countries and Regions: Models of Development and Problems of Competitiveness

Moderator: Igor Faminsky (SU-HSE)

Mikhail Gelvanovsky (National Institute of Development, Branch of Social Sciences, RAS)

“Problems of Competitiveness of the National Economy”

Derek Abell (European School of Management and Technology)

“Growth Leadership; Growth Companies; and Growth Economies: Key Success factors”

Vladimir Davydov (Institute of Latin American Studies RAS)

“Latin America: Models of Development”

Rustem Nureyev (SU-HSE)

“Market Economy: Models of Economic Development”

Natalia Каrpova (SU-HSE)

“Competitiveness in the Modern World: Driving Forces and Growth Factors”

16:45 – 17:00 Coffee – break Rooms 240-242

17:00 – 18:30 Round Table – Continuation Room # 327-k

Аlik Tuygunov (Philip Morris)

“Problems of Competitiveness of the National Environment. Experience of Philip Morris”

Hans Geldenberg (Nestle)

“Factors of Competitiveness of Companies in the Russian Market: Experience of Nestle”

Vladimir Zuyev (SU-HSE)

“Addressing Problems of Competitiveness in the EU” (Russian)


10:00 – 12:00 Round table Room # 120

The Role of SME Sector in Economic Development

Moderator: Vadim Radaev (SU – HSE)

Selcuk Caner (Bilkent University, Turkey)

“ Role of SME Enterprises Sector in Economic Development”

Tatiana Alimova (Russian Independent Institute for Social and National Problems)

“ Role of SME Enterprises at the Stage of Economic Growth”

Mehmet Baha Karan (Turkey)

“Financial Sources of SME”

Oleg Shestoperov ( ANO Business – Tesaurus)

“Cooperation between Micro-Financial Organizations and Banks”

Ali Ihsan Akiskalioglu (Association of Russian and Turkish Enterprises)

“Policy of Support for SME in Turkey: Lessons for Russia”


15:00 – 18:00 Round Table Room # 120

Reform of Technical Regulation in the Context of Modernisation of the Russian Economy

Organised by the Bureau of Economic Analysis

Moderator: Andrey Shastitko (BEA)

M. Glazatova (State Standards Committee, Russia)

“The Role of Technical Regulation in Improving Competitiveness of the Economy and Individual Sectors” (Russian)


P. Kriuchkova (BEA)

Law “On Technical Regulation” as a Model Law from the Perspective of Regulation Decision-Making Procedures Linkages between the Reform of Technical Regulation and Other Economic Reforms

(Administrative Reform, Issues of Accession to the WTO)

F. Shumilikhin (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russian Federation)

“Correlation between Technical Regulation Reform and the other Reforms in Economy”

D. Yanin (International Confederation of Consumer’ Societies)

“Technical Regulation Reform and Support of Consumers’ Interests”

Oleg Shestoperov (NISIPP)

“Approaches to the Estimation of Technical Regulation Reform Effectiveness” (Russian)


Participants: А.V. Rubtsov (Government Office of the Russian Federation), D.Yu. Petrov (President

Office of the Russian Federation), representatives of business associations (OPORA etc.), NISIPP, INP

"Public Contract".


April 8, Thursday

State University − Higher School of Economics

(20 Myasnitskaya Ul.)


Student Conference

Supervisor: V.V. Radayev Rooms 311, 101, 102, 116