with participation of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund,
Bureau of Economic Analysis Foundation
April 05 – 07, 2005
April 05,Tuesday
World Trade Centre
(12 Krasnopresnenskaya naberezhnaya)
Congress Centre, Entrance No. 4
08:30 –09:30 Registration of Participants
Lobby, 2nd floor
09:30 – 13:00
Plenary meeting
Moderators: E. Yasin – Academic Supervisor, SU - HSE
Ya. Kuzminov – Chancellor, SU - HSE
А. Zhukov Deputy Chairman, Government of the Russian Federation Report (Russian)
Gref Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Russian Federation Report (Russian)
А. Kudrin Minister of Finance, Russian Federation Report (Russian)
Sh. Katsu Vice-President, World Bank Report
E. Gaidar Director, Institute of Economy in Transition Report (Russian)
E. Yasin Academic Supervisor, SU - HSE Report (Russian)
Ya. Kuzminov Chancellor, SU - HSE Report (Russian)
А. Illarionov Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation
W. Buiter Chief Economist, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Report
13:00 – 14:30 Coffee Break
14:30 – 18:00
Round Table
«New Institutions of the Social Sector»
Moderator - A. Shokhin – President, SU - HSE
М. Zurabov Minister of Health and Social Development, Russian Federation
Discussants: L. Jacobson (HSE), H. Byrne (EESC),
E. Gontmakher (Centre of Social Studies and Innovations)
А. Fursenko Minister of Education and Science, Russian Federation
Discussants: Ya. Kuzminov (SU - HSE), V. Fortov – Academician, RAS
April 06, Wednesday
State University – Higher School of Economics
(20, Myasnitskaya Ul.)
09:00 – 10:00 Registration of Participants
Lobby, 1st floor
Section # 1 «Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies»
Chairmen: V. Avtonomov (SU - HSE),
I. Faminsky (SU - HSE)
Academic Secretary - D. Levando (SU - HSE)
10:00 – 11:45 Session 1.1
Room # 101
«Institutions, Economic Development and Macroeconomic Policies»
Chairman – V. Avtonomov (SU - HSE)
P. Mitra (World Bank)
«Economic Development of Russia Compared to Other Countries»
G. Kolodko (TIGER, Warsaw, Poland)
“Institutions, Policies and Economic Development”
V. Polterovich, V. Popov (CEMI RAS, NES)
«Stages of Growth and Economic Policies»
М. Dabrowski (Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Poland)
«Import of Institutions from Developed Countries: Chances and Constraints»
А. Radygin (Institute of Economy in Transition)
«Institutional Components of Economic Growth: Lessons from Russian Experience of 1990 - 2000»
Discussants: P.Sutela (Bank of Finland), L. Grigoriev (Institute of Rower Engineering and Finance), A. Dementiev (Institute of Open Economy), S. Pekarsky (SU - HSE)
11:45 – 12:00 Coffee Break
Canteen, ground floor
12:00 – 14:00 Session 1.2
Room # 101
«Financial Sector and Macroeconomic Policies»
Chairman - V. Polterovich (CEMI RAS)
А. Klepach (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade)
«Institutional Components and Economic Growth»
L. Grigoriev (Institute of Rower Engineering and Finance)
«Is the Financial Sector Leading the Economic Growth?»
S. Caner (Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey)
«Depositor Behaviour and Financial Market Discipline: A Comparison of Turkey and Russia»
N. Arefiev (SU - HSE)
«Russian Monetary Policies: Controversies»
О. Zamulin (NES), О. Obrezkov (CEFIR), К. Sossunov (Institute of Open Economy)
«Inflationary Implications of Real Exchange Rate Targeting by Purchase of Reserves» (Russian)
Discussants: P. Sutela (Bank of Finland), G. Sokoloff (University Paris 1, Pantheon Sorbonne, France), N. Arefiev (SU - HSE), A. Dementiev (Institute of Open Economy),
S. Pekarsky (SU - HSE)
14:00 – 15:30 Lunch
Canteen, ground floor
15:30 – 17:00 Session 1.3.1
Room # 101
“Prospects of Russian Economy Development”
Chairman - P. Sutela (Bank of Finland)
А. Beloussov (Institute of Economic Forecasting, RAS)
«2005 – 2008 Macroeconomic Challenges and Macroeconomic Growth Dilemma»
E. Gavrilenkov (SU - HSE, Troika-Dialog)
«Economic Reform and Prospects of Russian Economy Development»
E. Gurvich (Economic Expertise Group)
«Fundamental and Institutional Prerequisites of Russian Economy Development»
J. Litwack (World Bank)
“Alternative Strategies for Achieving Diversified Growth”
17:00 – 17:15 Coffee Break
Canteen, ground floor
17:15 – 18:30 Round Table
Room # 101
“When Will the Growth Become Sustainable?”
Moderator - A. Dvorkovich (Expert Department of the President Office)
Questions for Discussion:
• What are the Factors of Sustainable Economic Growth in Russia?
• Is Modernization of Institutions for Ensuring Sustainable Economic Growth Possible?
Participants: K. Yudaeva (CEFIR), M. Dabrowski (Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Poland), J. Litwack (World Bank), A. Vedev (VEDI Ltd.)
15:30 – 17:00 Session 1.3.2
Room # 120
«Market Institutions Nurturing Experience in Industrial and Developing Countries»
Chairman - I. Faminsky (SU - HSE)
V. Pankov (SU - HSE)
«Market Institutions Nurturing Experience in the Process of German Unification»
V. Zuyev (SU - HSE)
«Role of Market Institutions in the European Union Enlargement»
А. Rey (SU - HSE, Institute of U.S. and Canadian Studies, RAS)
«Market Institutionalisation of Developing Countries and Operations of U.S. Transnational Corporations»
17:00 – 17:15 Coffee Break
Canteen, Ground floor
17:15 – 18:30 Session 1.4.2
Room # 120
P. Mozias (VNIIVS)
«Market Institutions in the Chinese Economy: Between Yesterday and Tomorrow»
V.А. Teperman (Institute of Latin American Studies, RAS)
«Evolution of Market Institutions: Latin American Experience»
D. Abell (European School of Management and Technology)
«Teaching Leadership in Emerging Markets»
Section # 2 «Institutions Development and Compatibility of Institutions»
Chairmen: Ya. Kuzminov (SU - HSE),
R. Nureev (SU - HSE)
Academic Secretary – Yu. Latov (Ministry of Interior, RF; SU - HSE)
10:00 – 11:45 Session 2.1
Conference Hall # 311
«Internal and External Factors of Shaping New Institutions
in the Post-Soviet Russia»
Chairman - R. Nureev (SU - HSE)
А. Oleinik (Newfoundland University, Canada, IMEPI RAS)
«Transfer of Institutions: Actors and Constraints (Situation of Russia in a Global Context)»
V. Tambovtsev (Lomonosov MSU)
«Paths of Institutional Changes: Theory and Realities of Russia»
S. Kirdina (IE RAS)
«Outcome and Prospects of Institutional Modernisation of Russia (Diagnosis Based on the Theory of Institutional Matrices)»
W. Andreff (ROSES, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne)
«Toward a specific Eastern European model of corporate governance: A trade-off for Russia?» (Report)
Discussants: М. Yudkevich (SU -HSE), А. Efendiev (SU - HSE), А. Auzan (Lomonosov MSU), V. Dementiev (Donetsk National Technical University), G.Sokoloff (University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne)
11:45 – 12:00 Coffee Break
Rooms ## 224, 226
12:00 – 14:00 Session 2.2
Conference Hall # 311
«Developing Institutions of Competitive Politics in Russia»
Chairperson - S. Avdasheva (HSE)
R. Pittman (U.S. Department of Justice)
«Restructuring the Natural Monopolies: A «Third Way» for Russia?»
F. Hubert (Humboldt University, Germany)
«International Institutions and Russian Gas Export to Western Europe»
E. Pogrebniak (Institute of Comprehensive Strategic Studies)
«Simulation Model of a Competitive Wholesale Power Market in Russia and Measures for its Development» (Russian; thesis)
Y.Zhuravskaya (CEFIR)
«Monitoring of Administrative Barriers to Small Business Development» (Russian)
Discussants: А. Shastitko (BEA), N.B. Dzagurova (HSE), P.V. Kruchkova (Lomonosov MSU), T.A. Alimova (Russian Independent Institute of Social and National Problems)
14:00 – 15:30 Lunch
Rooms ## 224,226
15:30 – 17:00 Session 2.3
Conference Hall # 311
«Trust in a Transition Economy»
Chairman – А. Liasko
(Institute of Economy RAS, HSE)
V. Radaev (SU - HSE)
«A Balance of Enforcement and Trust in the Process of Business Legalisation in Russia»
G. Kleiner (CEMI RAS)
«Economics of Individuals: Informal Regulation of Contractual Relationships in a Transitional Economic Environment»
A. Liasko (Institute of Economy RAS, HSE)
«On a Limited Role of Trust Relationships in a Transition Economy»
J. Zweynert (Hamburg Institute of International Economics)
«Shared Mental Models, Catch-Up Development and Economic Policy-Making»
Discussants: V. Volkonsky (Institute of Economic Forecasting RAS), B. Erzkian (CEMI RAS, State Institute of Management), Yu. Latov (Ministry of Interior, Russia, SU - HSE); S. Malakhov (SU - HSE), V. Polterovich (CEMI RAS, NES)
17:00 – 17:15 Coffee Break
Rooms ## 224, 226
17:15 – 18:30 Session 2.4
Conference Hall # 311
«Political Environment of Emerging Institutions»
Chairman - F. Aleskerov (SU - HSE)
А. Кiruta (Centre for Social Economic Measurements RAS and FSGS)
«The Institutional Core of the Economy» (Russian)
Discussant: F. Aleskerov (SU - HSE)
Yu. Polunin (ISANT, HSE)
«Assessments of Business Reputation of Russian Companies as Indicators of Market Environment» (Russian)Discussant - А. Vasin (Lomonosov MSU)
D. Тreisman (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
«Patterns of Corruption in the Post-Communist World» (Russian)
Discussant G. Satarov (INDEM)
F. Аleskerov (SU - HSE), G. Satarov (INDEM Foundation),
«Power of Groups and Factions in the State Duma (1994-2003)»
Discussant - R. Nureev (SU - HSE)
Discussants: R. Nureev (SU - HSE), K. Yanovsky (Institute of Economy in Transition), A. Zakharov (CEMI RAS), A. Vasin (Lomonosov MSU), E. Kapoguzov (Omsk State University)
Section # 3 «Social Policies and Social Institutions»
Chairmen: L. Jacobson, S. Smirnov (SU - HSE)
Academic Secretary - М. Vassilieva (SU - HSE)
10:00- 11:45 Session 3.1 Room # 124
«Social Policy Institutions: Functional Transformation»
Chairman – S.Smirnov (SU - HSE)
L. Jacobson (SU - HSE)
«Institutional Framework of Social Politics»
Ya. Kuzminov, B. Rudnik (SU - HSE)
«On the System of Instruments for Public Financing of Higher Professional Education»
F. Prokopov (RUIE)
«Social Institutionalisation of Business»
R. Emtsov (World Bank)
«Effect of Economic Growth on Poverty and Inequality in Countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia»
К. Abulkhanova (SU - HSE)
«Social Thinking of an Individual»
E. Тarasenko (Institute of Social Studies RAS)
«Conceptual Analysis of Methodologies for Comparative Studies of Social Policies in Changing Russia» (Russian)
L. Оvcharova (Independent Institute of Social Studies)
«System of Indicators for Monitoring Poverty in Modern Russia»
11:45 – 12:00 Coffee Break
Rooms ## 236, 238
12:00- 14:00 Round Table 3.2
Room # 124
«Institutions for Social Integration and Social Partnership in Society
under Transformation»
Moderator - О. Shkaratan (SU - HSE)
Issues to be discussed:
• Principles and mechanisms of social partnership and targeted transformation of the institutional environment
• Evolution of co-operation between business and employees in your country over the last 15 years
• What are the most important institutions of social partnership operating in your country and how did they emerge?
• Principles, conditions and rules required for manifestation and development of business and labour market initiative and for effective institutionalisation of social partnership?
• What are indicators for measuring real institutions of social partnership?
• What are the main barriers to development of partnership between business and labour?
• Social partnership as a framework for shaping socially responsible business.
• What can be the contribution of business and employees partnership to solidarisation of transforming societies?
• What is the role of social partnership in harmonising interaction between private interests and collective national interests?
Participants: А. Sarno, I. Sarno (University of Tampere, Finland), N.Тilkidziev (Institute of Social Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, University of Sofia),
N. Zarubina (MGIMO), N. Tikhonova (SU - HSE), L. Khakhulina (Levada Centre),
F. Borodkin (SU - HSE), V. Yakimets (ISA RAS), А. Temnitsky (ISA RAS),
L. Nikovskaya (ISA RAS), K. Berdyshev (SU - HSE), S. Iniasevsky (SU - HSE)
14:00 – 15:30 Lunch
Rooms ## 236, 238
15:30-17:00 Session 3.3
Room # 124
«Social Institutions and Public Behaviour»
Chairman – L. Jacobson (SU – HSE)
V. Bobkov (RCLS)
«Targets and Indicators of Budget Planning Agents and Life Standards of the Population»
S. Lobanov, Y. Khaleeva (NES, CEFIR)
«Micro-Simulation Analysis of Benefits Monetisation Implications» (Russian)
J.C. Walker (Centre for Russian and East European Studies, University of Birmingham)
«Vocational education and the youth labour market in post-Soviet Russia» (Russian)
N. Vishnevskaya (SU - HSE)
«Institution of Minimum Wage: Functions, Constraints, Implications»
А. Efendiev (SU - HSE)
«Structure of Professional Activities of University Teachers in Russia and Problems of Higher Education Development as a Social Institution»
Yu. Аndrienko, А. Nemtsov (CEFIR)
«Assessing Demand for Alcohol on the Basis of RMES Data» (Russian)
S. Smirnov (SU - HSE)
«Time Factor in Social Policies» (Russian)
17:00 – 17:15 Coffee Break
Rooms ## 236, 238
17:15 – 18:30 Session No. 3.4
Room No. 124
«Prospects of Social Institutions»
Chairman – L. Jacobson (SU – HSE)
I. Sheyman (SU - HSE)
«Problems of Health Care Modernisation»
V. Guvakov (SU - HSE)
«Reforming Health Care in Russia» (Russian)
L. Gokhberg (SU - HSE)
«Institutional Problems of Integrating Research and Education»
I. Аbankina (SU - HSE)
«Managing Development in Education: Institutional Aspects»
P. Shulgin (D.S. Likhachev, Institute of Natural and Cultural Heritage)
«System of Institutions for Preserving Historical and Cultural Heritage: Russian Experience»
Т. Sidorina (SU - HSE)
« Society Structure Changes and Modernisation of Social Policies» (Russian)
Section # 4
«Evolution of Legal Institutions»
(«Modernising the State and Law»)
Chairman - Yu. Тikhomirov (Institute of Law
and Comparative Legal Studies, SU - HSE),
М. Urnov (SU - HSE)
Academic Secretary - L. Prokudina (SU - HSE)
10:00 – 11:45 Session No. 4.1
Room No. 116
«Institutions of State Governance and Self-Governance»
Chairman - G. Маltsev (SU - HSE)
Discussant - V. Zhuikov (Supreme Court, RF)
Yu. Тikhomirov (Institute of Law and Comparative Legal Studies, SU - HSE).
«Public Services: Demand and Underlying Institutions» (Russian)
V. Issakov (Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
«Evolution of the System of Economic Self-Regulation»
Z. Daschinskaya (Ministry of Education and Science, Russian Federation)
«Governance and Self-Governance in Education»
Participants: S. Vasilieva (SU - HSE), А. Nesterov (SU - HSE), Y. Ganyushkina (SU - HSE), L. Теreschenko (Institute of Law and Comparative Legal Studies), S. Migin (NISIPP), Т. Ignatova (North Caucasian Academy of Public Service)
11:45 – 12:00 Coffee Break
Canteen, Ground Floor
12:00 – 14:00 Round Table 4.2
Room # 116
«Legal Nihilism and Problems of Shaping Effective Economic and Political Institutions in Modern Russia»
Chairman - М. Urnov (SU - HSE)
Issues to be discussed:
• Legal nihilism of Russian elite and in public consciousness: causes, scale and specifics
• Legal nihilism and co-operation between authorities and business: specifics of corruption, selective exercise of law, limits of ownership, evolution of investment climate
• Legal nihilism and operation of the Russian political system: importance of legal provisions in regulating co-operation between various branches and levels, nature of co-operation between authorities and mass media
• Ways of overcoming legal nihilism
Participants: E. Panfilova (Centre for Anti-Corruption Studies and Initiatives), О. Кryshtanovskaya (Institute of Social Studies RAS), А. Коnovalov (Institute of Strategic Assessments and Analysis), G. Satarov (INDEM Foundation), S. Коlmakov (Foundation for Development of Parlamentarism in Russia), М. Кrasnov (SU - HSE),
S. Мiasoedov (Russian Association of Business Education), E. Saburov (Institute of Investment Problems), А. Bevz (Co-ordination Board of the Round Table for Industrialists of Russia and EU)
14:00 – 15:30 Lunch
Canteen, Ground Floor
15:30 – 17:00 Session 4.3
Room No. 116
«Legal Institutions of Market Economy»
Chairperson - О. Оleinik (SU – HSE)
Discussant - B. Puginsky (Lomonosov MSU)
S. Maximova (SU - HSE)
«Institution of Independent Audit in Transition Economy»
Yu. Fogelson (SU - HSE)
«Role of Legal Regulation in Developing Commercial Insurance» (Russian)
Participants: D. Dedov (Lomonosov MSU), S. Gerasin (Institute of State and Law RAS), N. Rostovtseva (SU - HSE)
17:00 – 17:15 Coffee Break
Canteen, Ground Floor
17:15- 18:30 Session No. 4.4
Room # 116
«Evolution of Judicial System and Law Enforcement Institutions»
Chairman - S. Khaziyev (ISL RAS, SU - HSE)
Discussant - А. Zhalinsky (SU - HSE)
Т. Моrschakova (SU - HSE)
«Evolution of Courts of General Jurisdiction»
А. Аrifullin (Supreme Arbitration Court RF)
«Evolution of the System of Arbitration Courts»
Participants: V. Каshepov (Institute of Law and Comparative Legal Studies),
P. Lupinskaya (MGUA), L. Prokudina (SU - HSE)
Section # 5 «Enterprises, Markets and Innovations»
Chairman - А. Yakovlev (SU - HSE)
Academic Secretary - V. Golikova (SU - HSE)
10:00 – 11:45 Session 5.1
Room # 102
«Integrating Russia into the System of Global Market Institutions»
Chairman- B. Кuznetsov (МАC)
J. Linn (The Brookings Institution)
"Replacing the G-7/8 with the L-20: What is Russia's interest in more legitimate global leadership?" (Russian)
S. Radosevic (London University, SSEES)
“Central and Eastern Europe between domestic and foreign led modernisation”
S. Аvdasheva (SU - HSE), I. Budanov (INP RAS), V. Golikova (SU - HSE)
"Modernising Russian Enterprises in Value Added Chains" (Russian)
N. Каpralova (SU - HSE), L. Каrasiova (Lomonosov MSU)
«Shuttle Trade Phenomenon in the Russian Economy and its Evolution» (Russian)
Discussant - P. Кuznetsov (Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation)
11:45 – 12:00 Coffee Break
Canteen, Ground Floor
12:00 – 14:00 Session 5.2
Room # 102
«Transformation of Financial Institutions»
Chairman – S.М. Guriev (NES)
А. Shumilov, N. Volchkova (CEFIR, RES)
«Business Groups and Undeveloped Financial Institutions: The Case of Russia» (Russian)
А. Abramov (Stock Exchange RTS)
«On Competitiveness of the Russian Stock Market» (Russian)
Т. Меdvedeva (CRFR)
«Securitisation of Bank Loan Claims as a New Mechanism for Attracting Investments: Problems of Legal Regulation» (Russian)
А. Yusupova (Novossibirsk State University)
«Structure of Market for Leasing Services in Russia: Level of Concentration and Market Power» (Russian)
Discussant - Yu. Danilov (CRFR, SU - HSE)
14:00 – 15:30 Lunch
Canteen, Ground Floor
15:30 – 17:00 Round Table 5.3
Room # 102
«Business and Institutions Ensuring its Competitiveness »
Moderator – А. Yakovlev (SU - HSE)
Issues to be discussed:
• What do you consider the main factors of competitiveness for your business?
• What can and what cannot the government do to enhance business competitiveness?
Discussants: V. Аvdeev (Unikhimtech), М. Кravchenko («March 8 Factory»),
I. Shitkina (OAO “Elinar”), О. Коzlovskaya (Tomsk Region Administration) Presentation,
S.Chirikov (OOO “Elici”, Tomsk) Presentation, A. Shadrin (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, RF), E. Kuznetsov (World Bank Institute)
17:00 – 17:15 Coffee Break
Canteen, Ground Floor
17:15 – 18:30 Session 5.4
Room # 102
«Institutional Innovations and Adaptive Strategies of Economic Agents
in the Global Market for Research and Education Services»
Chaiperson – I. Denisova (CEFIR)
А. Chepurenko (SU - HSE)
«Human Potential of Knowledge Based Economy: Reproduction Process of Scientific Elite of Russia and Role of International Research Foundations» (Russian)
V. Каtkalo (Saint-Petersburg State University)
«Strategies, Structures and New Adaptation Objectives of Russian Universities» (Rusian)
N. Тitova (SU - HSE)
«Enhancing University Competitiveness in the Market of Education Services» (Russian)
S. Yakovlev (SU – HSE / MIEF)
«Joint Programmes as Instrument of Integrating Russian Universities into International Education Environment» (Russian)
V. Busygin (Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, France)
«Evolution of Public Policies in Research and Development: Is Western Experience Relevant to Russia?» (Russian)
Discussant: A. Markov (World Bank)
Section # 6
"Modernising Institutions of Economic Environment"
Chairman - А. Granberg (SU - HSE, SOPS)
Academic Secretary - А. Skopin (SU - HSE)
10.00-11.45 Session 6.1
Room # 125
«Institutions and Territorial Development (experience of U.S.,
Europe, Russia)»
Chairman - А. Granberg (SU - HSE, SOPS)
Y. Perelugin (Ministry of the Regional Development, Russian Federation)
«Ministry of the Regional Development as an Institute of Territorial Development of Russia »
P. Lewer (Tales Engineering & Consulting)
«Structures of Regional Policies: Innovation Processes in EU and Russia»
S. Аrtobolevsky (Institute of Geography RAS)
«Role of Institutional Factor in Regional Policy Development: Russian and European Experience»
L. Grigoriev (Association of Independent Economic Analysis Centres)
«Purposes of Regional Policies of Russia in the New Context»
А. Skopin (SU - HSE)
«Socio - Institutional Theory of Territorial Economic Development and Practical Conclusions for Russia»
А. Piliasov (SOPS)
«Political Economy of Russian Regions»
G. Маrchenko (Expert RA Rating Agency)
«Trends and Paradoxes of Investment Attractiveness of Russian Regions» (Russian)
11:45 – 12:00 Coffee Break
Rooms ## 240, 242
12:00 – 14:00
Session 6.2
Room # 125
«Modernising Institutions of Large Cities and Regions»
Chairman - А. Skopin (SU - HSE)
N. Smorodinskaya (IEPP)
«Kaliningrad Region as Institutional Bridge between EU and Russia»
А. Khodachek (Saint-Petersburg branch of SU - HSE)
«Strategic Documents for a Large Megapolis» (Russian)
V. Kaisarova (Saint-Petersburg State University)
«Governance in Large Urbanised Systems: Problems of Russia and International Experience» (Russian)
V. Lubovny, О. Kuznetsova (NMC «Russian Cities»)
«New Institutions and Economy of Russian Cities»
А. Маrtusevich (ОECD, Paris)
«Strategic Planning and Financial Strategies: A Case Study of WCI» (Russian)
О. Belokrylova (Rostov State University)
«Modernising Institutional Mechanism of Government Procurement in the Region» (Russian)
V. Yakhimovich (Rostov State University)
«Modernising Institutional Structure of Mortgage Lending as a Long-Term Strategy of Sustainable Development of the Regional Economy» (Russian)
14:00 – 15:30 Lunch
Rooms ## 240, 242
15:30 – 17:00 Round Table 6.3
Room # 125
«Institutional, Economic and Legal Federalism in Russia"
Moderators : A. Siluanov ( Ministry of Finance, RF),
P. Korsby (TACIS),
L. Grigoriev (Association of Independent
Economic Analysis Centres)
Topics to be discussed:
• Models of Federalism in Russia and World-wide
• Prospects of Federalisation of Russia
• Constraints of Modern Economic and Institutional Federalism in Russia
17:00 – 17:15 Coffee Break
Rooms ## 240, 242
17:15 – 18:30 Round Table 6.4
Room # 125
«Modernisation of Regional Institutions in Russia»
Moderators: P. Lyager (Tales Engineering & Constructing)
S. Artobolevsky (Institute of Geography, RAS)
B. Zhikharevich (Leontiev Centre)
Topics to be discussed:
• Regional policies and territorial economic development
• Territorial governance systems: problems and best practices
• Network governance models
• Interregional institutions for territorial self-governance
• Civil Society and territorial self-development
10:00 – 14:00 Round Table
Room # 300
«Priorities of Institutional Reform of Government
of the Russian Federation»
Moderators : А. Кlimenko, А. Barabashev, L. Jacobson (SU - HSE)
Issues to be discussed:
• Purposes and main components of institutional reform of the government
• Coordination of governance reform programmes: programmes of public service reform, administrative reform, budget and budgeting process reform, reform of wholly state-owned enterprises and organizations
• Ensuring public support and involvement of society in governance reform programmes
11:45 – 12:00
Coffee Break
Room # 300
12:00 – 14:00
• Assessment and analysis of tentative results of governance reform programmes
• International experience of government reform, conditions and applicability in Russia
• Coordination of the Electronic Russia Programme and government reform programmes
Participants : М. Dmitriev (Centre for Strategic Developments), Ya. Kuzminov (SU – HSE), S. Savchenko (President Administration), A. Lavrov (Ministry of Finance, RF),
S. Pchelintsev (President Administration), N. Parison (World Bank), A. Golovkov (Government of Russian Federation), А. Sharov (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade)
Discussants: M. Parshin (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade),
I. Kotelevskaya (RUIE), Ts. Tserenov (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade), A. Morozov (World Bank), Ju. Kuzmenko (Academy of Military Studies RF),
V. Yuzhakov (Centre for Strategic Studies), E. Smirnov (St.Petersburg SEEU)
10:00 – 18:00
Round Table
Room # 309
«Institutionalisation of Virtual Sector: Human Universe and Consumption»
Chairmen: N. Pokrovsky (SU - HSE),
V. Illyin (Saint-Petersburg State University)
Institutionalisation of Modern Consumption: Theoretical Issues
Moderators: N.Y. Pokrovsky (SU - HSE) and А.B. Dolgin (SU - HSE)
N. Pokrovsky (SU - HSE)
«Modern Consumption as a Social Institution: From Ridiculous to the Great»
V. Коzlovsky (Saint-Petersburg State University)
«Communicative Patterns of Consumption»
А. Dolgin (SU - HSE)
«Institutionalisation of Expertise in the Area of Culture»
А. Zdravomyslov (IKSI RAS)
«Value Content of Needs and Dynamics of Routine»
11:45 – 12:00 Coffee Break
Rooms ## 224, 226
Virtualisation and its Institutionalised Forms
D. Ivanov (Saint-Petersburg State University)
«Globalisation, Virtualisation, Modern Institutions»
S. Bondarenko (Rostov State University)
«Social Structure of Virtual Network Communities»
I. Ivanova (Saratov State Technical University)
«Consumption Styles as a Process of Identification»
D. Кirnarskaya (Gnesin Russian State Music Academy)
«Music is More Than Music: Sociology of Consumption of Sound Content»
Т. Cherniaeva (Povolzhye Academy of Public Service, Saratov)
«Consumer Landscape of Tourism»
I. Коnovalova (SU - HSE)
«Adult Games: New Game Practices in the Process of Institutionalisation»
14:00 – 15:30 Lunch
Rooms ## 224, 226
15:30 – 17:00
Room # 309
Constructing Expertise in the Area of Consumption
V. Petrenko (Lomonosov MSU)
«Psycho - Semantic Approach: Reconstruction of the Human Consumption»
Institutions, Markets, Theory of Consumption
А. Lebsac-Claymans, А. Gasparyan (SU - HSE)
«Decoding Dress Codes: Fashion, Fashion Industry, Modern World»
О. Soleil (Restaurant Rating of Moscow)
"Philosophy" of public food catering in a Megapolis: trends and expectations»
A. Lialin (Global Foods)
«Nutrition Strategies: new dimensions of human being»
17:00 – 17:15 Coffee Break
Rooms 224, 226
Third Floor Lobby will house an exhibition of digital photography by V.N. Ivanov, a photographic artist (Camera Operators Guild, Cinematography Union RF). Discussion of the exhibition. Topic to be discussed: «Digital technologies and consumption strategies».
19:00 – 21:00
Professors Club (# 300)
April 07, 2005, Thursday
Student Conference
10:00 – 11:00 Room # 311
11:00 – 16:00 Rooms ## 101, 102
* * * * *
10.00-12.00 Room # 120
Presentation of books on regional, spatial, environmental economics published by Pearson Education, Cambridge University Press, HSE:
«The Spatial Economy: Cities, Regions, and International Trade” by P.Krugman and others.
“An introduction to geographical economics” by S.Brakman and others.
”General Geography: Global Synthesis» P. Haggety, А. Skopin
«Spatial Economics Journal» - P. Мinakir
Presentation of Spatial Economics Division, Department of Economics, SU – HSE
“Economics of Agglomeration: cities, industrial location, and regional growth” – M. Fujita, J.F. Thisse
* * * * *
12:00 – 17:00 Round Table
Room # 311
«Behavioural Economics»
Moderator - А. Belianin (SU - HSE)
Y. Тugariova (Institute of Psychology RAS)
«The Problem of Studying Social Interactions from the Perspective of Economic Psychology»
N. Berg (University of Dallas, Max Plank Institute)
«Psychology, Economic Behaviour and Optimal Size of Government: Anti-, Anti-Anti, … (and Anti -)n Paternalism»
Моrris Altman (University of Saskechevan)
«Non-Forced Unemployment, Macroeconomic Policies and Behavioural Model of a Firm: Why High Real Wages do not Necessarily Cause High Unemployment»
14:00 – 14:15 Coffee Break
М. Novarez (Piedmont University), А. Belianin (MIEF/ SU - HSE)
«Trust, Communications and Balance Strategies in the Problem of Public Choice: Cross-Country Experimental Studies»
А. Poddyakov (SU - HSE)
«Trojan» Strategies in Education and Economic Behaviour»