7-9 April, 2009
Pokrovsky Boulevard, 11
Section A
Macroeconomic policy
Chairperson – E. Gurvich (Economic Expert Group)
7 April, Tuesday
Session A-03
Russia 's macroeconomic development
Chairperson – I. Korhonen (Bank of Finland)
A. Mehrotra, I. Korhonen (Bank of Finland)
Output, real exchange rate and oil: Case of four large energy producers ( Abstract)
H. Simola (Bank of Finland)
Why are Russian exports so specialised? ( Abstract)
L. Solanko (Bank of Finland), A. Karas (Roosevelt Academy), T. Juurikkala (World Bank)
The role of banks in monetary policy transmission: Empirical evidence from Russia ( Abstract)
Discussant – L. Vinhas de Souza (European Commission)
Session A-04
Analysis of Russian economy
Chairperson – M. Gilman (U-HSE)
V. Matveenko (St. Petersburg Institute of Economics and Mathematics, RAS)
Proportionate factors and economic growth in a resource-dependent economy ( Report)
S. Prusova, L. Razumnova (Moscow State Linguistic University)
Observed comparative advantages of Russia within the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China) ( Report)
M. Sirkjärvi (Helsinki School of Economics, Center for Markets in Transition), E. Kerola (Helsinki School of Economics)
Foreign Direct Investment and Intra Industry Trade in Northwest Russia ( Report)
О. Eismont (System Analysis Institute, RAS)
Analysis of Russian-European gas strategies ( Report)
Discussant – S. Smirnov (Development Centre)
8 April, Wednesday
Session A-07
Russian Economy Development Models
Chairperson – K. Rohland (World Bank)
A. Larin, А. Shulgin (U-HSE, Nizhniy Novgorod Branch)
Econometric testing of the New Keynesian Phillips curve in Russia ( Report)
А. Shulgin (U-HSE, Nizhniy Novgorod Branch), А. Dementiev, Е. Lozgacheva (U-HSE)
Monetary Policy during Adaptive Training of Expectations in the Period of Macroeconomic Dynamics. Scenario: Russia 1998-2008 ( Report)
V. Sokolov (U-HSE), E. Gurvich (Economic Expert Group)
Analysis of correlation between the CB exchange rate policy and interest rates ( Report)
V. Morgunov (Russian Federation Central Bank)
Exchange Rate Policy Selection Determinants in Inflation Targeting Conditions ( Abstract)
Discussant – K. Sosunov (U-HSE)
Session A-08
General macroeconomic problems
Chairperson – M. Gilman (U-HSE)
E. Duzhak (Baruch College, City University of New York), W.A. Barnett (University of Kansas)
Non-Robust Dynamic Inferences from Macroeconometric Models:Empirical Assessment of Bifurcation Regions within New Keynesian Models ( Abstract)
N. Arefiev (U-HSE)
An optimal fiscal policy and accumulation of human capital ( Abstract)
A. Spiru (Lancaster University Management School)
Inflation Convergence in Central and Eastern European Economies ( Abstract)
Discussant – I. Voskoboinikov (U-HSE)
9 April, Thursday
Session A-09Fiscal policy
Chairperson – L. Jakobson (U-HSE)
C. Seidl (University of Kiel, Germany)
Measurement of Tax Progression with Different Income Distributions ( Report)
E. Kolomak (Institute of Economics and Organization of Industrial Production, RAS)
Tendencies of the sub-federal fiscal policy in Russia ( Report)
A. Libman (University of Mannheim)
Constitutions, Regulations, and Taxes: Contradictions of Different Aspects of Decentralization ( Report)
Y. Gou (School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University)
Participatory Budgeting: International Experience and China’s Practice ( Abstract)
Discussant – E. Shkrebela (U-HSE, IET)
Section B
Financial Crisis
Chairpersons – E. Yasin (U-HSE), E. Gurvich (EEG)
7 April, Tuesday
Session B-03
Crisis and Modernization: Behavior of Economic Agents in Conditions of Narrowing Resource Potentials – 1
Chairpersons – E. Gurvich (EEG), L. Grigoriev (Institute of Energy and Finance)
S. Avdasheva (U-HSE), А. Shastitko (BEA)
A competitive policy in crisis conditions ( Report)
L. Grigoriev (Institute of Energy and Finance), S. Plaksin (U-HSE)
Changes of Economic Entities’ Interests in Crisis Conditions, Problem and Attachments ( Abstract)
M. Ovchinnikov (FAS)
Impact of the Financial Crisis on the Anticorruption Policy Implementation ( Report )
Т. Maleva (NISP)
The middle class: the social basis of modernization or a group of survival in the crisis?
Session B-04/1Crisis and Modernization: Behavior of Economic Agents in Conditions of Narrowing Resource Potentials – 2
Chairpersons – А. Ausan (IEF Social Contract), E. Gontmakher (Institute of Social Development – INSOR, U-HSE)
E. Gontmakher (Institute of Social Development – INSOR, U-HSE)
The global financial & economic crisis and social restructuring in Russia
А. Ausan (IEF Social Contract)
Dynamics of the social contract: critical tendencies
V. Tambovtsev (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Development programs: to the methodology of program elaboration
S. Afontsev (Institute of World Economy and International Relations, RAS)
Strategies of Russia’s social and economic development in crisis conditions
N. Zubarevich (NISP)
Regional policy in growth and crisis conditions ( Abstract)
Round Table B-04/2
Economic and Financial Instability in the EU and Russia
Moderator – L. Vinhas de Souza (DG ECFIN, European Commission)
The crisis that started in the United States in the summer of 2007 was heightened by a series of developments in the summer of 2008. From a situation largely localized in the US, it became a truly global downturn, spreading to other mature markets like the EU and also to emerging ones that so far had been largely insulated from the crisis. Russia was one of those emerging markets affected. The consequences for all those affected were a combination of real and financial effects. The objective of this session is to discuss the causes, effects and policy options to deal with the ongoing economic and financial instability, in Russia and also in the EU. This is clearly an essential undertaking and a comparative discussion of this in both areas is justified by the fact that they faced largely common shocks and had similar policy reactions. Additionally, the EU and Russia are truly strategic economic partners.
Participants: K.Smits (World Bank), O. Butorina (MGIMO University), A. Moisseev (Renaissance Capital), E.Hotulev (Ministry of Economic Development)
8 April, Wednesday
Session B-07/1
Financial Crisis in Russia: Sources and Prospects
Chairperson – E. Yasin (U-HSE)
D. Barnard (OECD)
The specificity of the Russian crisis and the anti-crisis program ( Abstract)
А. Klepach (Ministry for Economic Development of the Russian Federation)
The policy of the government in the crisis period ( Abstract)
E. Gurvich (Economic Expert Group)
Mechanisms of the Russian financial crisis ( Abstract)
Е. Gavrilenkov (Troika Dialog Investment Company)
Forecast scenarios for the Russian economy development ( Abstract)
Discussant – S. Aleksashenko (U-HSE)
Round Table B-07/2
Appraisal of the Government Anti-crisis Measures
Moderator – L. Jakobson (U-HSE)
Yu. Simachev (Interagency Analytic Centre, U-HSE) ( Report)
Presentation of the joint report of the Interagency Analytic Centre and U-HSE Appraisal of Anti-Crisis Measures in Support of the Real Sector of the Russian Economy
Participants: A. Blokhin (INSOR), O. Fomichev (MEDT), A. Shastitko (BEA)
Session B-08/1
Financial Crisis: Causes and Ways Out
Chairpersons – N. Berzon (U-HSE), О. Vyugin (MDM-Bank, U-HSE)
О. Vyugin (MDM-Bank, U-HSE)
Macroeconomic reasons for the emergence of the global financial crisis ( Abstract)
N. Berzon (U-HSE)
Economic aftereffects of the global financial crisis for the Russian economy ( Report)
W. Donaldson (US Securities and Exchange Commission)
Analysis of errors in financial markets regulation and possible modification options
N. Orlova (Alfa Bank)
The future of the Russian banking system after the crisis ( Abstract)
Discussant – L. Freinkman (ANE)
Round Table B-08/2
Development Institutions in Crisis Conditions
Moderator – E. Pogrebnyak (VEB)
S. Vasiliev (VEB)
Role of Development Institutions in the Economic Policy in the Crisis Period
Issues for discussion:
What should the development policy be focused on in the period of crisis?
How does the long-term development policy correlate to the need for prompt reaction to short-term crisis phenomena ?
New sources of development projects financing.
Provate-public partnership opportunities in development projects.
Participants: A. Belousov (RF Government) , A. Savatyugin (RF Ministry of Finance) , A. Bugrov (CJSC Interros) , A. Sharonov (Troika Dialog) , Z. Bogetic (World Bank) , L. Grigoriev (Institute of Energy and Finance) , A. Svinarenko (SC Rosnanotekh) , T. Popova (SC Housing and Community Amenities Reform Support Foundation) , P. Schedrovitsky (Rosatom)
9 April, Thursday
Session B-09
Analysis of Crisis Development
Chairperson – S. Aleksashenko (U-HSE)
M. Miller (University of Warwick), J. Stitglitz (Columbia University)
Leverage and Asset Bubbles: Averting Armageddon with Chapter 11? ( Abstract)
G. Kuranov, А. Vladimirov (RF Ministry for Economic Development)
Financial & economic crises as the conclusion and the start of economic cycles ( Report)
N. Smorodinskaya (Institute of Economy, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Global systemic crisis: lessons of new thinking ( Abstract)
M. Salikhov (Institute of Energy and Finance)
Connection between the Financial Crisis and Industrial Recession
O. Danilin (Ernst&Young)
Systemic World Crisis: Change of the Socioeconomic System and Structure of International Relations ( Abstract)
Discussant – S. Drobyshevsky (IET)
Round Table B-10
The Housing Market and the State Housing Policy in Crisis Conditions
Moderator – N. Kosareva (“Institute of Municipal Economy” Foundation)
Issues for discussion:
Analysis and forecast of the main tendencies in the housing market
Regional differentiation in the housing market in crisis conditions
Adequacy of anti-crisis measures taken in the housing sphere in late 2008- early 2009
Russian residential property market after the crisis
Lessons of the crisis: do the strategies of the state housing policy need to be adjusted?
Participants: А. Semeniaka (Mortgage Lending Agency), К. Aprelev, G . Sternin (Russian Guild of Real Estate Brokers), О. Ivanov (Russian Banks Association), А. Tumanov (“Institute of Municipal Economy” Foundation), А. Markarian (Glavstroy-Management)
Round Table B-11
What does the Global Crisis Lead to: a Choice for Russia?
Moderator – A. Shokhin (RSPP, U-HSE)
Issues for discussion:
The Crisis: a Threat or an Opportunity for Building an Innovative Economy?
Russia ’s Position in the Post-Crisis Economic System
Anti-Crisis Measures of the RF Government: Analysis of the Actual Impact on the Situation in the Country, Comments and Proposals
Participants: R. Vardanyan (Troika-Dialog) , L. Melamed (OJSC Effortel) , M. Ershov (Rosbank) , D. Yakobashvili (Wimm-Bill-Dann)
Section C
Finances and Banks
Chairpersons – F. Aleskerov, V. Solodkov, М. Nikitin (U-HSE)
7 April, Tuesday
Session C-03
Dynamic Models of the Financial Sector
Chairperson – V. Solodkov (U-HSE)
O. Saldakeeva, G. Smirnova, S. Gelman (U-HSE)
Monetary Crises and Structural Shifts in the Auto Correlation on the BRICs Stock Markets. ( Report)
S. Bryzgalova, S. Gelman (U-HSE)
Spurious long-range dependence: evidence for market (in)efficiency ( Report)
M. Nikitin (U-HSE), R. Smith (University of Alberta)
Bank Spreads and Business Cycles ( Abstract)
O. Kovalenko (Russian Federation Central Bank)
Modelling the Dynamics of the Russian Financial Sector Market Interest Rates ( Report)
Discussant – E. Kolesnikova (U-HSE)
Session C-04
Financial Sector Problems
Chairperson – D. Tsomokos (Said Business School, Oxford University)
C. Salm, M.T. Bohl, C.A. Salm, M. Schuppli (Westfaelische Wilhelms-University Muenster)
Price Discovery in an Emerging Index Futures Market ( Abstract)
А. Meshalkina, S. Gelman (U-HSE)
The underreaction and overreaction in asset markets with insider trading ( Abstract)
M. Schuppli, M.T. Bohl (University of Muenster)
Feedback Trading in Chinese Stock Markets ( Abstract)
D. Tsomokos (Said business school, Oxford University), C. Goodhart (LSE), A. Vardoulakis (Said Business School, Oxford University)
Modelling a Housing and Mortgage Crisis ( Report)
E. Vakulenko, E. Kolesnikova, M. Serdyuk (U-HSE)
Impact of the Banking system on Economic Growth of Regions ( Report)
Discussant – М. Nikitin (U-HSE)
9 April, Thursday
Session C-09
Financial systems in Russia and emerging Europe
Chairperson – Z. Fungacova (Bank of Finland)
I. Hasan (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), A.N. Berger (University of South Carolina), I. Korhonen (Bank of Finland), M. Zhou (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
Focus – Diversification and Risk – Return Tradeoff in Banking: Evidence from Russia ( Abstract)
L. Weill (Universite de Strasbourg)
How Corruption Affects Bank Lending in Russia ( Report)
Z. Fungacova (Bank of Finland), L. Weill (Universite de Strasbourg)
How Market Power Influences Bank Failures: Evidence from Russia ( Report)
E. Kocenda, J. Hanousek (CERGE-EI, Charles University and the Academy of Sciences)
Intraday Price Discovery in Emerging European Stock Markets ( Abstract)
Discussant – M. Nikitin (U-HSE)
Session C-10
Investment and Bank Efficiency
Chairperson – M. Nikitin (U-HSE)
A. Markov, I. Shulga ( World Bank )
Raising Financial Literacy of the Russian Population as a Public Policy Priority ( Abstract)
Т. Teplova, V. Udaltsov (U-HSE)
“Levers of investment activity enlivening in capital-intensive Russian companies” ( Report)
Е. Glushkova, А. Vernikov (U-HSE)
“Establishing the limits and assessing the scope of state presence in the banking sector of Russia” ( Report)
S. Caner, S. Ozyildirim (Bilkent University)
Bank Characteristics, Effects of Monetary Policy on the Credit Market: Evidence from the Russian Banking Industry ( Abstract)
Discussant – V. Belousova (U-HSE)
Session C-11
Financial Structures
Chairperson – M. Nikitin (U-HSE)
O. Talavera (The Robert Gordon University), C. Baum (Boston College), D. Schaefer (DIW-Berlin)
The Impact of Financial Structure on Firms’ Financial Constraints: A Cross-Country Analysis ( Report)
P. Vorobyev (Ural State University)
Connection between the Bank Credit and Production Extension Pace: What Impact will the Financial Crisis Have on Russia’s Economic Growth? ( Report)
L. Rangelova-Petkova (University of National and World Economy)
Performance measurment reporting for increased efficiency of decision making in commercial banks: the case of Bulgaria ( Abstract)
G. Fraquelli, F. Erbetta, A. Menozzi (Università del Piemonte Orientale "A. Avogadro"), G. Corbetta (Università "L. Bocconi")
Family Ownership and Technical Efficiency: Evidence from the Italian Industry ( Report)
Discussant – A. Karminsky (MGTU, U-HSE, RES)
Session C-12
Efficiency of Banks and Companies
Chairperson – V. Solodkov (U-HSE)
F. Aleskerov, V. Belousova, V. Solodkov (U-HSE), А. Ovcharov (Bank of Moscow)
Analysis of the effect of Russian commercial banks’ size and typology on cost management efficiency ( Report)
A. Peresetsky (CEMI RAS, RES)
Technical Efficiency of Banks. Russia and Kazakhstan ( Abstract)
A. Karminsky (MGTU, U-HSE, RES)
Company Ratings and their Modelling ( Report)
S. Golovan (NES)
Comparison of Bank Efficiency in Russia and Turkey ( Abstract)
Discussants: S. Golovan (NES) , V. Belousova (U-HSE)
Section D
State Governance
Chairpersons – А. Barabashev, А. Klimenko (U-HSE)
8 April, Wednesday
Round Table D-07
Analytics and Managerial Decision Making: Trends, Organizational Forms, Mechanisms of Interaction with State and Municipal Authorities
Moderators: А. Klimenko, А. Barabashev (U-HSE)
Issues for discussion:
Specificity and functioning forms of Think Tanks, research centers and universities as analytical centers
International activity of analytical centers
Analytical centers and leadership
Analytical support of managerial decisions at the regional and local levels
Risk analysis of decision-making
Participants: B. Ruble (Kennan Institute), E. Peck (University of Birmingham), M. Pirog (Indiana University, Professional Public Management Journal), A. Campbell, E. Denezhkina (University of Birmingham), P. Dezendorf (Western Carolina University), A. Rubienska, P. Jackson (University of Birmingham)
Session D-08
Quality of Government Services
Chairperson – А. Klimenko (U-HSE)
А. Klimenko, А. Zhulin (U-HSE)
Quality of government services: monitoring results, priorities in crisis conditions
S. Plaksin, O. Ivanova (U-HSE)
Practice of Public Functions Implementation with the Involvement of Expert Organisations ( Report)
Е. Podkolzina, А. Balcevich (U-HSE)
Administrative regulations as mechanisms of control in the bodies of executive authority ( Abstract)
Е. Kapoguzov (F.M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University)
Monitoring the results of administrative reform activities (On the example of Omsk Oblast) ( Report)
Discussants – B. de Quatrebarbes, G. Chatillon (Sorbonne University, France)
9 April, Thursday
Session D-09
State Procurement: Formal Procedures and Informal Mechanisms – 1
Chairperson – A. Yakovlev (U-HSE)
F. Aleskerov (U-HSE)
Schemes of manipulation in holding tenders ( Report)
А. Belenky (MIT, “Basic Engineering Systems” Center)
One rule of determining a winner in closed tenders and its mathematical properties ( Report)
А. Ivanov (St. Petersburg State University)
Buyer's auction in state procurement: the history of one misconception ( Report)
Discussant – М. Yudkevich (U-HSE)
Session D-10
State Procurement: Formal Procedures and Informal Mechanisms – 2
Chairperson – A. Shamrin (U-HSE)
A. Yakovlev (U-HSE)
What firms participate as suppliers under the government orders in Russia? ( Report)
Å. Grødeland (Christian Michelsen Institute)
Informal Relations in Public Procurement ( Report)
I. Kuznetsova (U-HSE)
Monitoring results of the government order placement in 2006-2008: main results and problems of state procurement reform in Russia ( Abstract)
Discussant – H. Pleines (University of Bremen)
Session D-11
Land, Housing, the Community Amenities Sector
Chairperson – S. Sivaev (The Institute for Urban Economics Foundation)
A. Burdyak (NISP)
Subjective and Objective Evaluations of the Russian Households Provision with Housing ( Report)
R. Martusevich (VEB) , I. Martusevich (The Institute for Urban Economics Foundation)
Market Mechanisms of the Communal Infrastructure Financing and Role of Vneshekonombank ( Abstract)
L. Limonov (International Centre for Socioeconomic Research Leontievsky Centre)
Land Ownership and Urban Development: a Glance at Russia’s “Special Way” from Positions of Neo-Institutional Economic Theory ( Report)
Discussant – E. Trutnev (The Institute for Urban Economics Foundation)
Round Table D-12
Civil Service: Present-Day Status and Prospects
Moderators: A. Obolonsky, A. Barabashev (U-HSE)
Issues for discussion:
Prospects for further development of civil service
Civil service reform actors
Civil service professionalisation
Effciency and effectiveness of official activities
Professional training of personnel for civil service
Participants: N. Izha (National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine) , T. Pakhomova (Odessa State Institute of Public Administration) , V. Fedorov (PFUR) , V. Falkov (Tyumen SU) , M. Chekin , V. Yanvarev , A. Petrov , A. Konov , D. Shmerling (U-HSE)
Section E
Development of Education
Chairperson – I. Froumin (U-HSE , World Bank)
7 April, Tuesday
Session E-03
Comparative Analysis of the Quality of Higher Education in the Global Economy of Knowledge
Chairperson – I. Froumin (U-HSE , World Bank)
M. Carnoy (Stanford University)
Higher Education in the Global Knowledge Economy
J. Tilak (National University for Educational Planning and Administration, Delhi, India)
Engineering Education in India: Quality and Expansion
R. Wang, K. Loyalka (Chinese Institute for Educational Finance, Peking University, China)
Engineering Education in China: University-Industry Relations
M. Dobryakova (U-HSE), I. Froumin (U-HSE, World Bank)
Higher Education in Russia: Incentives for Change
Discussants: A. Volkov (Moscow School of Management Skolkovo) , D. Livanov (MISIS)
Round Table E-04
Effects from the Realization of the “Education” Priority National Project (EPNP)
Moderators – I. Abankina (U-HSE), V . Bolotov (Russian Academy of Education (RAE), U-HSE)
Issues for discussion:
Was EPNP instrumental in launching innovative processes into education?
External effects of EPNP: what is the influence of EPNP on the economy, society and regional development?
Which new mechanisms developed within the EPNP framework proved to be efficient?
Participants: А. Adamsky (“Eureka” Institute for Educational Policy), Е. Soboleva (National Foundation for Personnel Training - NFPK), I. Remorenko (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), T. Abankina (U-HSE) , I. Rozhdestvenskaya (Institute of Regional Research) , N. Tipenko (Centre of Universal Programmes), M. Musarsky (Moscow Institute of Open Education )
8 April, Wednesday
Session E-07
Human Perception of Economic Reality, Meanings and Strategies of Economic Conduct
Chairperson – V. Munipov (RAE, MSPU)
I. Semenov (U-HSE)
Human Capital and Human Factor in Labour Productivity: Psychological Aspects ( Report)
A. Bolotova (U-HSE)
Time Management Strategies as a Specialist’s Economic Resource ( Abstract)
Yu. Ovchinnikova (U-HSE)
Specifics of Experiencing Identity Crisis against the Background of the Economic Crisis ( Abstract)
V. Zinchenko (U-HSE)
Conduct in Light (Darkness) of Affect and Intellect ( Report)
E. Tugareva (IP RAS)
Concept of the World of Material Values as a Factor of Economic Conduct ( Report)
Discussant – F. Sorkin (MIREA)
Round Table E-08: Economic Crisis and the Education System
Moderator – S. Guriev (NES)
Presentation of U-HSE report
Probable Impact of the Crisis on the Education System
Presenter – Ya. Kuzminov (U-HSE)
Participants: V. Knyaginin (CSR North West), K. Vasiliev (World Bank), A. Volkov (Moscow School of Management Skolkovo), A. Kasprzhak (Tver Region Education Department)
9 April, Thursday
Session E-09
Higher Education Development Problems
Chairperson – B. Rudnik (Yugor University)
L. Zubova (CSRS, Russian MES)
Education and Science: Motivations and Behaviour Models of Graduates of the Leading Russian Universities ( Report)
I. Prahov, G. Andruschak (U-HSE)
Characteristics of Educational Credits and their Impact on Demand for Educational Lending in Russia ( Report)
M. Makarova (Udmurtia SU)
“Pseudo-Competition” as a Mechanism of Selection to a Regional University in Conditions of a Demographic Decline ( Report)
Discussants: E. Knyazev (MES) , T. Kliachko (ANE)
Session E-10
Development of Extended Education
Chairperson – E. Soboleva (NTF)
I. Popova (Institute of Sociology, RAS)
Efficiency of vocational retraining among Russian specialists ( Report)
М. Shabanova (U-HSE)
Resource of business education in Russian business environment: new challenges and old limitations (on the example of MBA students belonging to different waves of entering business) ( Report)
N. Soboleva (U-HSE)
Investment into MBA as a way of accumulating human, social and symbolic capital (on the example of U-HSE and the Academy of National Economy) ( Report)
Discussants: A. Klimov (ANE), S. Filonovich (U-HSE)
Session E-11
Social problems of educational development
Chairperson – T. Abankina (U-HSE)
I. Pavlyutkin (U-HSE)
Determinants of the decision-making structure in the understanding of presidents of Russian universities ( Abstract)
V. Krasnoslobodtsev (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Accessibility of higher education in North Caucasus: the territorial aspect ( Abstract)
М. Levin (U-HSE), Е. Galitsky (The Public Opinion Foundation; U-HSE), G. Satarov (INDEM Foundation)
Corruption and education – results of a socio-economic study ( Abstract)
Т. Natkhov, G . Andruschak (U-HSE)
Expected payback of education in Russia: an empirical analysis ( Abstract)
Discussants: D. Konstantinovskiy (IS RAS), M. Agranovich (FIED)
Section F
Development of the Public Health Service
Chairperson – S. Shishkin (U-HSE)
7 April, Tuesday
Session F-03
Modernization of the Public Health Service: Economic Studies and Assessments
Chairperson – М. Kolosnitsyna (U-HSE)
S. Shishkin (U-HSE), Е. Potapchik, Е. Selezneva (Independent Institute for Social Policy)
Effectiveness analysis of regional health service systems ( Abstract)
А. Kalinin, I. Sheiman (U-HSE)
Determining the priorities in health service development: the role of economic assessments ( Report)
I. Baranov (St. Petersburg State University)
Problems of identifying and replicating the best practices of medical institutions management ( Report)
Т. Skliar (St. Petersburg State University)
The benefits and the problems of the insurance health service model (on the example of Moscow and St. Petersburg) ( Abstract)
А. Berdnikova (U-HSE), L. Zasimova (U-HSE, MAC), М. Kolosnitsyna, О. Lukinykh (U-HSE)
Economic assessments of factors influencing the public health (on the example of smoking and excessive weight) ( Report)
Discussant – E. Ponomarenko (PFUR)
Round Table F-04
Russian Public Health: New Challenges and New Objectives
Moderator – L. Jakobson (U-HSE)
S. Shishkin, I. Sheiman (U-HSE)
Russian Public Health: New Challenges and New ( Report)
Issues for discussion:
“Money without Reform” Strategy: Results and Perspectives
Draft Public Health Development Concept: a New Strategy?
Can Anti-Crisis Measures Become the First Phase of the Necessary Reforms ?
Participants: V. Gurdus (The Medsi Group) , V. Donin (MEDT) , V. Zelenskiy (RF Ministry of Public Health and Social Development) , A. Lindenbraten (National Research Institute of Public Health, RAMS) , L. Popovich (ROSNO-MS) , N. Shamshurina (Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov)
Section G
Theoretical Economics
Chairperson – К. Sonin (NES)
7 April, Tuesday
Honorary report G-03
Eric Maskin (Prinston University)
Mechanism Design ( Report)
Chairperson – F. Aleskerov (U-HSE)
Eric Stark Maskin is an American economist and Nobel laureate recognized with Leonid Hurwicz and Roger Myerson "for having laid the foundations of mechanism design theory". He is the Albert O. Hirschman Professor of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study, and a visiting lecturer with the rank of Professor at Princeton University.
Maskin was born in New York City, New York on December 12, 1950, and grew up in Alpine, New Jersey. He graduated from Tenafly High School in Tenafly, New Jersey in 1968, and attended Harvard University where he received his A.B. in Mathematics and Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics. After he earned his doctorate, Maskin went to the University of Cambridge in 1976 where he was a research fellow at Jesus College, Cambridge. He taught at Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1977-1984 and from 1985-2000 at Harvard University, where he was the Louis Berkman Professor of Economics. In 2000, he moved to the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.
Maskin has worked in diverse areas of economic theory, such as game theory, the economics of incentives, and contract theory. He is particularly well known for his papers on mechanism design/implementation theory and dynamic games. His current research projects include comparing different electoral rules, examining the causes of inequality and studying coalition formation. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Econometric Society, and the European Economic Association, and a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy. He was president of the Econometric Society in 2003.
Session G-04
Models of Economic Development
Chairperson – S. Kokovin (Novosibirsk State University)
V. Polterovich (Central Economic & Mathematics Institute, RAS)
The problem of establishing the national innovation system ( Report)
N. Suslov (Institute for Economics and Organization of Industrial Production, RAS, Siberian Branch)
Social heterogeneity, institutes and economic development: experience of inter-country analysis ( Report)
А. Knobel (Institute of Transition Economy)
Vertical integration, technological confinement of production facilities, opportunistic behavior and economic growth ( Report)
Discussant – N. Arefiev (U-HSE)
9 April, Thursday
Session G-09
Theory of Decision-Making
Chairperson – V. Polterovich (CEMI RAS)
А. Apokin (Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting), М. Yudkevich (U-HSE)
Reasons for student employment: education signaling upside down ( Abstract)
А. Vasin (Lomonosov Moscow State University), А. Sharikova (ООО "UBS Bank")
Market power” of companies within one-stage and two-stage markets: comparative analysis ( Report)
S. Kokovin (Novosibirsk State University), B. Nahata (University of Louisville, Kentucky), E. Zhelobodko (Novosibirsk State University)
Solution Structures in Screening Without Single-crossing Condition: Graph-theory Representation ( Abstract)
K. Sonin (NES), I. Khovanskaya (U-HSE)
The Political Economy of Faculty Selection ( Abstract)
Discussants: А. Suvorov (NES), A. Yurko (U-HSE), G. Egorov (Harvard University), M. Dodlova (U-HSE)
Session G-10
Rational Behavior
Chairperson – F. Aleskerov (U-HSE)
A. Sandroni (University of Pennsylvania), T. Feddersen (Northwestern University), V. Cherepanov (University of Pennsylvania)
U. Schmidt (University of Kiel), J. Hey, A. Morone (University of Bari)
Noise and Bias in Eliciting Preferences
S. Morfov (U-HSE)
Permanent Separations and Optimal Compensation with History-Dependent Reservation Utilities ( Report)
P. Yared (Columbia University - Graduate School of Business)
Optimal Debt Management and Redistribution ( Abstract)
Discussants: A. Savvateev (NES) , М. Yudkevich (U-HSE)
Session G-11
Market Power and Strategic Behaviour in Oligopolistic Industries
Chairperson – А. Suvorov (NES)
A. Yurko (U-HSE), A. Whinston, M. Lin (Red McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin)
Market Structure and Innovation in Dynamic Markets ( Abstract)
O. Bertrand (St. Petersburg Graduate School of Management, Toulouse School of Economics)
Effects of foreign acquisitions on R&D activity: some evidence from firm-level data ( Report)
I. Muraviev (U-HSE)
Equilibrium Configurations of Distribution Channels in Bilaterally Oligopolistic Industries ( Report)
A. Belianin, R. Chustusian (U-HSE)
Entry and strategic behaviour in the Russian airline market ( Abstract)
Discussant – S. Izmalkov (NES)
Session G-12
Issues of Game Theory
Chairperson – S. Izmalkov (NES)
A. Savvateev (NES), M. Le Breton (University of Toulouse I - GREMAQ-IDEI), A. Bogomolnaia (Rice University), S. Weber (Southern Methodist University)
Heterogeneity Gap in Stable Jurisdiction Structures
N. Cuffaro (University of Cassino)
Exports of Credence Goods and Consumers' Trust. A Development Perspective
Discussants: K. Sonin (NES), А. Belianin (U-HSE), G. Egorov (Harvard University)
Section H
Political Processes
Chairpersons – F. Aleskerov (U-HSE) , K. Sonin (NES)
8 April, Wednesday
Session H-07
Political Environment and Voting
Chairperson – F . Aleskerov (U-HSE)
R. Enikolopov, E. Zhuravskaya , M. Petrova (NES)
Media and Political Persuasion: Evidence from Russia ( Report)
R. Kaufman (Rutgers University)
The Latin American Left and the Commodity Boom: The Populist Temptation ( Report)
D. Treisman (UCLA)
Twenty Years of Competitive Elections in Russia: tracing the patterns in voting ( Report)
Discussants: V. Polterovich (CEMI RAS), D. Woodruff (London School of Economics), А. Karpov (U-HSE)
Session H-08
Political Environment and Institutions in Transitional Economies
Chairperson – V. Popov (NES)
D. Woodruff (London School of Economics)
Constitutional Constraints and Property Rights ( Report)
V. Dombrovsky (Stockholm School of Economics in Riga)
Campaign Contributions and Firm Performance: The Latvian Way ( Report)
A. Yakovlev (U-HSE)
State-Business Relations and Improvement of Corporate Governance in Russia ( Report)
E. Pakhomova (Kemerovo SU, Kemerovo Regional Administration), E. Goosen (Kemerovo SU)
Institution of Bankruptcy as an Alternative Tool of Financial Support of Agricultural Enterprises of Kuzbass ( Report)
Discussants: G. Jordan (University of California, Berkeley), A. Vernikov (U-HSE)
9 April, Thursday
Session H-09
Voting Models
Chairperson – R. Kaufman (Rutgers University)
D. Karabekian, F . Aleskerov (U-HSE), R. Sanver (Istanbul Bilgi University), V. Yakuba (ICS RAS)
Manipulativity of Voting Rules ( Abstract)
М. Batsyn, V. Kaliagin (U-HSE, Nizhny Novgorod branch)
A general approach to influence measurement in collective decision-making bodies ( Report)
А. Karpov (U-HSE)
Methods of proportionate representation: specificities of representation in the terms of rational choice ( Abstract)
А. Sokolova (U-HSE)
Quantitative methods of assessing the influence of participants in collective decision-making ( Report)
Discussant – K. Pogorelsky (U-HSE)
Session H-10
Voting and Institutions
Chairperson – K. Sonin (NES)
G. Egorov (Harvard), D. Acemoglu (MIT), K. Sonin (NES)
Do Juntas Lead to Personal Rule? ( Report)
М. Dodlova (U-HSE)
Political Accountability and Real Authority of Government Bureaucracy ( Report)
G. Tsebelis (University of Michigan)
Democratic Peace Revisited: It is Veto Players ( Report)
P. Chebotarev, A. Loginov, Ya. Tsodikova, Z. Lezina, V. Borzenko (ICS RAS)
Voting in a Stohastic Environment: Case of Two Groups ( Report)
Discussant – D. Karabekian (U-HSE)
Section I
Chairperson – А. Belianin (U-HSE)
7 April, Tuesday
Session I-04
Chairperson – А. Belianin (U-HSE)
F. Aleskerov, А. Belianin, К. Pogorelsky (U-HSE)
Influence with account of preferences: an experimental approach ( Report)
E. Tougareva (Institute of Psychology RAS)
Methodological error of experimental economics: it is wrong to judge about motivation of economic behaviour relying only on observed behaviour. ( Report)
S. Traub (Universitaet Bremen), P. Hammond (University of Warwick)
Attention, Revealed Preferences, and Consequentialist Behavior ( Report)
Discussant – I. Menshikov (CC RAS)
Section J
Economic History
Chairperson – О. Ananin (U-HSE)
7 April, Tuesday
Session J-03
Economic History – 1
Chairperson – V. Avtonomov (U-HSE)
N. Nenovsky (University of Sofia), L. Fantacci (Bocconi University)
Russian Monetary Thought and Monetary Reforms in Long Historical Perspectives ( Abstract)
L. Borodkin ( Lomonosov Moscow State University), G. Perelman (St. Francisco University)
The stock index in pre-revolutionary Russia and its dynamics at different phases of the economic environment circle ( Abstract)
К. Fursov (Institute of Economics, RAS)
European East India Companies: a driver and a hindrance to capitalism ( Report)
B. Shpotov (Institute of World History, RAS)
Western sources of Soviet industrialization (late 1920-s – 1930-s) ( Report)
Discussants: А. Markevich, A. Goriaev (NES)
Session J-04
Economic History – 2
Chairperson – О. Ananyin (U-HSE)
М. Beznin, Т. Dimoni (Vologda State Pedagogical University)
Capitalization of the rural agrarian subsystem in XX century Russia: sources, dynamics, social transformations ( Report)
М. Vdovin (U-HSE)
Agricultural and economic crisis in XVI c. Russia: the effect of the land ownership institution on economic development ( Report)
S. Bespalov (Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences, RAS)
Problems of Russia’s agrarian modernization on the background of conservative public thinking at the turn of the XIX - XX centuries ( Abstract)
Discussant – А. Markevich (NES)
Section K
Chairpersons – Т. Dolgopiatova, А. Efendiev (U-HSE)
9 April, Thursday
Session K-09
Institutes of Corporate Strategic Management: Modernization on the Background of the Crisis
Chairperson – G. Kleiner (Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics, RAS)
G. Kleiner (Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics, RAS)
Crisis of corporate management and the world financial crisis in the light of a systemic paradigm ( Report)
V. Katkalo (Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University)
Inter-company institutes of strategic management: the evolution of the phenomenon’s studies ( Abstract)
I. Gurkov (U-HSE), Z. Saidov, A. Goldberg (U-HSE)
Competitive strategies in crisis conditions ( Abstract)
S. Kadochnikov, L. Ruzhanskaia (Ural State University)
The State and the modernization of the strategic corporate management function in Russian companies ( Report)
Discussants: R. Kachalov (Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics, RAS), S. Avdasheva (U-HSE)
Session K-10
Social Organization of Business: Powers and Trust within an organization
Chairperson – А. Efendiev (U-HSE)
Е. Balabanova (U-HSE)
Power relationships in Russian business organizations ( Report)
А. Temnitsky (Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University))
Socio-cultural factors of raising labor productivity of workers at modern Russian machine building plants ( Report)
V. Minina, О. Nebogina (St. Petersburg State University),
Trust as an asset of an organization: methodological aspects of measurement ( Report)
V. Yakubovich (Pennsylvania University), S. Shekshnia (INSEAD)
The formal structure of informal networks in a Russian corporation ( Abstract)
Discussant – L. Miliaeva (Altai STU)
Session K-11
Human Resources Management
Chairperson – А. Efendiev (U-HSE)
А. Moskovskaya (U-HSE)
The role of business in the formation of the Russian professional model ( Abstract)
V. Kabalina (ОАО GMK “Norilsk Nikel”)
Corporate social responsibility as a new philosophy and a technology of company management and the Russian practice
M. Ehrnrooth, I. Björkman (Hanken School of Economics)
Relation between Human Resource Management and employee performance ( Abstract)
К. Reshetnikova (U-HSE)
Specificities of Russian companies’ organizational structure ( Report)
Discussant – E. Shadrina (U-HSE Perm Branch)
Session K-12
Economic Behavior of Companies
Chairperson – I. Lipsits (U-HSE)
V. Radaev (U-HSE)
How could conflicts in Russian retail be explained: an empirical analysis of relations between retail chains and their suppliers ( Report)
V. Sarycheva (St. Petersburg State University)
Company growth on the basis of dynamic abilities: empirical survey results ( Abstract)
G. Gradoselskaia (U-HSE)
Network analysis in the assessment of the organizational efficiency of Russian companies ( Presentation)
O. Oyner, L. Latysheva (U-HSE)
Market Oriented Conduct of the Russian Companies: Crisis as a Catalyst of Changes ( Report)
Discussant – O. Tretyak (U-HSE)
Section L
Corporate Governance
Chairpersons – Т. Dolgopiatova, I. Ivashkovskaia (U-HSE)
7 April, Tuesday
Session L-03
Corporate Governance
Chairperson – S. Bhattacharya (London School of Economics)
O. Lazareva (CEFIR), T. Summanen (KPMG, Helsinki)
Emerging Boards of Directors: Board Behavior, Functions and Firm Performance ( Abstract)
C. Sprenger (U-HSE)
The Effects of Shareholder Disagreement under Majority Voting ( Report)
S. Stepanov (NES, CEFIR), A. Suvorov (NES)
Agency Problem and Ownership Structure: Outside Blockholder As a Signal ( Abstract)
A. Muravyev (Institute for the Study of Labor)
Investor protection and stock value: Evidence from statutory rules governing variations of shareholders’ class rights in Russia ( Abstract)
Discussants: A. Muravyev (Institute for the Study of Labor), S. Morfov (U-HSE), А. Settles (U-HSE)
8 April, Wednesday
Session L-07
Corporate Financial Architecture, Boards of Directors and Corporate Performance
Chairperson – A. Settles (U-HSE)
J. McCahery, Z. Sautner (Amsterdam university), L. Starks (University of Texas)
Beyond the scenes: the corporate governance preferences of institutional investors ( Abstract)
V. Bokov, A. Vernikov (U-HSE)
How better to evaluate banking businesses in Russia for empirical studies? ( Report)
I. Ivashkovskaya, A. Stepanova (U-HSE)
What do we know about optimal corporate financial architecture? Comparative study of European, Russian and other emerging markets firms ( Report)
Yu. Ilina, I. Berezinets (St. Petersburg State University)
Transformation of Joint-Stock Companies' Incorporation Forms and Problems of Corporate Governance: Results of Empirical Research of Russia's Large Companies (
Discussants: I. Rodionov (U-HSE) , I. Berezinets (St. Petersburg State University)
Session L-08
Intellectual capital and corporate performance
Chairpersons – I. Ivashkovskaia (U-HSE), J. McCahery (Amsterdam University)
A. Settles (U-HSE)
Corporate Governance, Strategic Leadership and Innovation: Creating a Virtuous Cycle to Insure Accountability of Managers ( Abstract)
I. Ivashkovskaya, E. Baiburina (U-HSE)
Does intellectual capital affect the value of the companies in emerging market? Empirical study of Russian companies ( Abstract)
D. Russell (Ecole Superior de Gestion of Paris Graduate School of Management)
Reputation as a Director Asset: What Kind of Firms Value an Activist Director? ( Report)
E. Vali (Copenhagen Business School)
Analysts’ Optimism & Nonfinancial Information ( Abstract)
Discussants: A. Bobyleva (Lomonosov Moscow State University ), J. McCahery (Amsterdam University)
9 April, Thursday
Session L-09
Corporate Social Responsibility: Russia in a Global Context
Chairperson – L. Polischuk (U-HSE)
V. Kryukov (U-HSE), А. Sevastianova, V. Shmat (Institute of Economics, Siberian branch, RAS)
Social responsibility of extracting companies in the North in the context of the changing economic conditions in Russia ( Report)
S. Mizobata (Kyoto University )
Divergent and convergent paths of corporate social responsibility: a comparison of Russia and Japan ( Report)
L. Polischuk (U-HSE)
Corporate social responsibility or government regulation: the choice of Russia ( Abstract)
A. Settles (U-HSE)
Corporate social responsibility impact on foreign direct investment practices of Russian multinational corporations: Do MNCs with better CSR practices have lower cost of OFDI? ( Report)
Section M
Small Business
Chairperson – А. Chepurenko (U-HSE)
9 April, Thursday
Session M-10
Development of Entrepreneurship and the Human Factor: Russia and the CEE countries
Chairperson – А. Chepurenko (U-HSE)
U. Venesaar (Tallinn University of Technology)
Entrepreneurship and SME Development in Estonia ( Report)
О. Obraztsova (U-HSE)
Early entrepreneurhsip in Russia and in the CEE and BRIC countries ( Abstract)
Yu. Filatova (MAGRAM Market Research Agency), Е. Murzacheva, L. Mulukova (U-HSE)
Results of a survey of early entrepreneurial activity in Russia and the CEE countries ( Report)
М. Gabelko (U-HSE)
Perceived Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions in Russia: regional comparison ( Abstract)
Discussant – А. Vilensky (IE RAS, U-HSE)
Session M-11
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
Chairpersons – L. Ruzhanskaya (Ural State University), Т. Alimova (U-HSE)
N. Kostyleva, L. Ruzhanskaya, Т. Tychinskaya, А. Scherbinina (Ural State University)
Small business in the Urals: entrance barriers and development prospects ( Report)
О. Verkhovskaya, М. Dorokhina (St. Petersburg State University)
Entrepreneurial activity in major cities: analysis results on the basis of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitoring Project ( Report)
Т. Alimova (U-HSE)
The entrepreneurial potential of Russian population: are there prospects for growth? ( Report)
G. Shirokova, А. Shatalov (St. Petersburg State University)
Growth factor analysis of Russian entrepreneurial companies ( Abstract)
Discussants: Т. Dolgopiatova (U-HSE), E. Hansen (USA-Russia Entrepreneurship Center)
Section N
Competitiveness, Productivity, Industrial Policy
Chaiperson – A. Yakovlev (U-HSE)
7 April, Tuesday
Round Table N-03/1
Efficient Russia: How to Raise Productivity
Moderator – E. Yasin (U-HSE)
V. Klintsov, I. Shvakman (McKinsey)
Efficient Russia: How to Raise Productivity
Participants: B. Kuznetsov (Interagency Analytic Centre), V. Salnikov (CMASTF)
Session N-03/2
Dynamics of Production and Productivity Factors in Russian Economy
Chairpersons – V. Bessonov, R. Kapelyushnikov (U-HSE)
R. Kapelyushnikov (Center for Labor Studies, U-HSE)
Labor productivity and the cost of labor force: how statistical illusions are born ( Presentation)
V. Bessonov (U-HSE), I. Voskoboinikov (University of Groningen, U-HSE), Е. Dryabina (U-HSE)
Aggregate factor productivity and alternative assessments of the capital assets dynamics ( Abstract)
T. Paas, U. Varblane (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Sectoral structure and path-dependence as the determinants of the countries’ aggregated productivity level ( Abstract)
Discussant – A. Poletaev (U-HSE)
Round Table N-04/1
Russia XXI: Productivity and the Human Factor
Moderator – E. Solzhenitsyn (McKinsey)
E. Yasin, Ya. Kuzminov, V. Bessonov, V. Gimpelson (U-HSE)
Russia XXI: Productivity and the Human Factor ( Report)
Issues for discussion:
How can Russia overcome its labour productivity gap with the most developed countries ?
Russia ’s economic growth in a foreseeable perspective is possible only due to outstripping growth of labour productivity.
Factors connected with cultural and institutional changes, and human capital development may be the sources of labour productivity growth in the coming decades.
Participants: B. Kuznetsov (Interagency Analytic Centre) , V. Salnikov (CMASTF)
Round Table N-04/2
Leveraging Skilled Diasporas for Home Country Development: Lessons for and from Russia
Moderator – A. Yakovlev (U-HSE)
Y. Kuznetsov (World Bank), L. Freinkman (Academy of National Economy), K. Gonchar (U-HSE)
From Brain Drain to Brain Circulation: Emerging Stylized Facts and its Possible Implications for Russia
A. Saxenian (University of California, Berkeley)
Talent abroad for institutional development at home: evidence from Taiwan, India and other countries
D. Popov (U-HSE), I. Fedukin (CEFIR), I. Froumin (World Bank, U-HSE), S. Tvorogova (U-HSE)
Leveraging Russia’ talent abroad in Social Sciences: Evidence from a Survey
Issues for discussion:
What is the evidence to support the emergence of so-called ‘brain circulation’ networks of technology professionals in Russia and world-wide?
Governments tend to be both a constraint and enabling factor to leverage technological diasporas. Which are the segments of the Russian government the diaspora can engage with?
Given all the familiar constraints and limitations of the Russian government (rigid procedures etc), how can it play a constructive role in leveraging Russian scientific and technical talent abroad?
Participants: I. Bortnik (Russia’ Innovation Fund), I. Sterligov (U-HSE)
9 April, Thursday
Session N-09
Regional Markets, Investment, Innovations – 1
Chairperson – S. Kadochnikov (Ural State University)
M. Krammer (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
International R&D spillovers in transition countries: the impact of trade and foreign direct investment on productivity in Eastern Europe and Central Asia ( Report)
S. Kadochnikov, P. Vorobiev, Yu. Legkaya, N. Davidson (Ural State University)
FDI Concentration in Russian Regions: the Impact on Enterprise Productivity ( Abstract)
M. Betschinger (U-HSE)
Are Bilateral Investment Treaties and Development Aid Home Government Policy Substitutes for Promoting FDI Activities? ( Report)
Discussant – S. Golovanova (U-HSE Nizhny Novgorod Branch)
Session N-10
Regional Markets, Investment, Innovations – 2
Chairperson – K. Gonchar (U-HSE)
D. Faikov (Sarovo State Physics and Technology Institute)
Building an innovation cluster model on the example of a closed administrative-territorial entity (
S. Mitsek, Е. Mitsek (Humanitarian University , Ekaterinburg)
Econometric assessments of investment into the capital assets on the basis of panel data by Russian regions ( Report)
Е. Kitanina (Baker & McKenzie - CIS, ltd)
Concession agreements as investment agreements with participation of the state ( Report)
Discussant – P. Vorobyev (Ural State University)
Session N-11
Competitiveness and Competition
Chairperson – S. Avdasheva (U-HSE)
V. Mironov (FER “Development Center")
Competitiveness of Russian economy at the macro level and the impact on it of external crisis manifestations ( Abstract)
S. Chernavsky, P. Katyshev, А. Peresetsky (CEMI RAS), О. Eismont (System Analysis Institute, RAS)
Assessment of competition levels in the sectors of Russian economy ( Report)
S. Golovanova (U-HSE, Nizhny Novgorod branch)
International trade factor and problems of competition development ( Report)
Discussant – S. Kadochnikov (Ural State University)
Session N-12
The Korean Model of Economic Growth and its Applicability
Chairpersons – B. Kim (Seoul National University), A. Yakovlev (U-HSE)
B. Kim, K. Lee (Seoul National University)
Both institutions and policies matter but differently at different income groups of countries: determinants of long-run economic growth revisited ( Report)
S. Choi (Seoul National University )
The Economic Growth of Late-comer Korea: The Role of the Government ( Report)
M. Chung, K. Lee (Seoul National University)
Foreign Technology Acquisition and Firm Performance in the Korean Case (1974-1993) ( Report)
Discussant – A. Saxenian (University of California at Berkeley)
Section O
Innovation Development of the Russian Economy: Problems and Lessons
Chaipersons – L. Gokhberg, B. Saltykov (U-HSE), Yu. Simachev (MAC, U-HSE)
9 April, Thursday
Session O-09
Science and Innovation in Russia: Results of the latest years –1
Chairperson – L. Gokhberg (U-HSE)
L. Gokhberg (U-HSE)
R&D and Innovation in Russia: Key Indicators
A. Khlunov (MES)
Main Areas of Russia’s State Policy in Science and Technology
X. Liu (China)
China Innovation Policy ( Abstract)
Yu. Simachev (Interdepartmental Analytical Centre)
Promotion of Innovation in the Russian Economy ( Abstract)
Discussant – W.Mayer (CNRS Moscow Office (France))
Session O-10
Science and Innovation in Russia: Results of the latest years –2
Chairperson – B. Saltykov (U-HSE)
T. Kuznetsova (U-HSE)
Future Outlines of S&T Policies ( Abstract)
D. Livanov (Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys)
Mission of Research Universities in Russia: Tasks, Problems and Limitations ( Abstract)
M. Kahn (South Africa)
Innovation Strategy of South Africa under Transition
M. Doroshenko (U-HSE)
Sector of Intellectual Services: Prospects of Development in the Post-industrial Economy in Russia ( Abstract)
Discussant – X. Liu (China)
Session O-11
Long-term Prospects of Innovation Development in Russia – 1
Chairperson – S. Ivanets (Ministry of Education and Science RF)
A.Sokolov (U-HSE)
Creation of a Complex System of the Future Studies of R&D and Innovation in Russia ( Abstract)
D. Belousov (Centre for Short-term Makroeconomic Forecasting)
Concept of Long-term Socio-Economic Development and Macroeconomic Forecast of S&T Development ( Abstract)
A. Chulok (Interdepartmental Analytical Centre)
Long-term Prospects of Technology Development in the Key Sectors of Russian Economy
Discussant – M. Rychev («Kurchatov Institute»)
Session O-12
Long-term Prospects of Innovation Development in Russia – 2
Chairperson – Yu. Simachev (Interdepartmental Analytical Centre)
A.Naumov (Ministry of Education and Science RF)
Long-Term Prospects for Industrial Sectors Development ( Abstract)
S. Shashnov (U-HSE)
Long-term Priorities of Innovation Development of the Sector of Natural Resources in Russia ( Abstract)
O. Karasev (U-HSE)
Foresight and Technology Roadmaps for Nanoindustry ( Abstract)
R. Seidl da Fonseca (UNIDO)
Foresight Driving Innovation Strategy Formulation
Discussant – M. Kahn (South Africa)
Section P
Regional Development
Chairperson – N. Zubarevich (NISP)
7 April, Tuesday
Session P-03
Reshaping Russia's Economic Geography: Policy Implications of the 2009 World Development Report
Chairperson – Z. Bogetic (World Bank)
I. Gill (World Bank)
Reshaping Economic Geography: The global view ( Presentation)
C. Goh (World Bank)
Reshaping Russia's Economic Geography ( Report)
Discussants: N. Zubarevich (NISP) , A. Treivish (IG RAS) , K. Gonchar (U-HSE)
Round Table P-04
Competitiveness of Regions: Innovative Policy and Clusters
Moderators: S. Naumov (RF Ministry of Industry and Trade) , A. Likhachev (ROEL Consulting-Region)
Issues for discussion:
Employed and planned instruments in support of implementing the federal innovative and cluster policy in the regions.
Cases of success and new opportunities for implementing an innovative and cluster policy in the Russian regions. Universities, innofature instrastructure facilities, public-private partnership institutions.
Regional innovative development strategy: complex use of development institutions, role of clusters .
Participants: A. Shadrin (MEDT) , E. Eliseev (RF Regional Development Ministry) , A. Sudarikov (MES) , L. Vodovatov (MEDT) , L. Loskutov (RF Regional Development Ministry) , A. Bazhenov (Vneshekonombank Public-Private Partnership Centre) , E. Balashov (Moscow Government) , S. Korotkov (UNIDO Centre in Russia) , S. Polyakov (Fund for Propotion of Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere) , Yu. Simachev (Interagency Analytic Centre, U-HSE) , V. Klimov (OPORA Rossii) , V. Nikitaev (ROEL Consulting-Region) , A. Prazdnichnykh (Bauman-Innovation) , A. Kiselev (National Subcontracting Development Partnership) , P. Morozov (Troika-Dialog)
8 April, Wednesday
Round Table P-08
Environmental Management, Social Ecology, and Environmental Awareness in Crisis Conditions
Moderator – N. Pokrovsky (U-HSE)
Issues for discussion:
Economic evaluation of the environmental potential in a crisis and post-crisis economy
Social implications of climate changes
Crisis conscience and the environment: economic pressure on the natural environment in contemporary Russia
High-tech services on the world markets and environmental management
Ecological movements and public opinion
Eco-tourism – a solution to many problems
Case study: the Ugra Project in Kostroma Region
Participants: S. Bobylev (MSU) , E. Gasanov (U-HSE) , V. Gordin (U-HSE St.Petersburg Branch) , A. Drozdov (IG RAS) , D. Kavtaradze (MSU) , T. Nefedova (IG RAS) , Yu. Plusnin (U-HSE) , L. Khoreva (U-HSE St.Petersburg Branch) , A. Shelest (MSU) , O. Yanitskiy (IS RAS) , R. Matthews (University of British Columbia, teleconference from Vancouver) , G. Tsobanoglou (University of Aegean, Greece, teleconference from Mitilini)
9 April, Thursday
Session P-09
Russian Federation Long-Term Socioeconomic Development Concept: View from the Regions
Chairpersons – R. Nureev, A. Skopin (U-HSE)
J. Zweynert (Hamburg Institute of International Economics, Germany)
Horizontal Integration and Innovation
M. Kurbatova , S. Levin (Kemerovo SU)
Structure of Social Capital as a Factor of Institutional Development of the Region ( Report)
O. Belokrylova (South Federal University)
Diagnostics of the Regional Economic Dynamics as its Innovative Potential Identification Prerequisite (Case Study: the Rostov Region) ( Report)
T. Gareev (Russian SU named after I.Kant)
In Search of Institutional Concepts of Local Economic Development ( Abstract)
M. Malkina (Nizhny Novgorod SU)
Improvement of Institutions of the Banking System as a Condition of Russia’s Innovative Growth ( Abstract)
Discussants: I. Pyzhev (Siberian Federal University) , A. Skorobogatov (U-HSE St.Petersburg Branch)
Session P-10
Transborder Cooperation
Chairperson – A. Granberg (U-HSE, SPSF)
N. Mezhevich (SPSU, Institute of Regional Economy, RAS)
Social Aspects of Transborder Cooperation in the Northwestern Federal District ( Abstract)
T. Morozova (IE KarRC RAS, Petrozavodsk SU)
Transborder Cooperation Institutions Development Specifics: Level of Municipal Settlements ( Report)
G. Kozyreva (IE KarRC RAS)
Formation of Social Institutions of Transborder Forest Resource Regions Sustainable Development ( Report)
N. Ryzhova (Amur SU)
Transborder Trade and Integration. The Chinese and Russian Approaches ( Report)
Discussant – V. Kolosov (IG RAS)
Session P-11
Investors and Institutional Environment in the Russian Regions: Experience of Empirical Analysis
Chairperson – G. Khasaev (Samara Regional Government)
A. Yakovlev (U-HSE), T. Frye (Columbia University), E. Yasin (U-HSE)
How Everyday Firms View the Rules of the Game in Russia ( Report)
M. Tysiachniouk (Center for Independent Social Research)
Multinational-NGO strategic partnership in promoting sustainable forest management in Russia ( Abstract)
V. Golikova (U-HSE), P. Karhunen, R. Kosonen (Helsinki School of Economics, Center for Markets in Transition)
The Integration of Local and Global Knowledge in Finnish Business Operations in Russia: a contribution to upgrading of management and skills transfer ( Report)
How Decisions on Investing in Russia are made by German firms? ( Report)
Discussant – A. Zudin (U-HSE)
Session P-12
Regional Policy
Chairperson – S. Artobolevsky (IG RAS)
E. Freyberg (Warsaw School of Economics)
How effective are regional development policies? Poland as a laboratory for the EU regional policy. ( Report)
V. Martin Lopez (Caja Rural de Toledo), I. Ruiz (Catedra de Estudios Cooperativos), V. Molina (Fundación Caja Rural de Toledo)
Urbanalization procces in rural areas. Exponential grown ( Report)
Zh. Mamets (French University College)
Cultural heritage protection system and territorial development in Saint-Petersburg ( Abstract)
Discussant – L. Smirnyagin (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Section Q
Demography, Migration, Labor Markets
Chairpersons – А. Vishnevsky, V. Gimpelson (U-HSE)
7 April, Tuesday
Session Q-03
Demographic Limitations of Economic Modernization – 1
Chairperson – S. Zakharov (U-HSE)
М. Dmitriev (“Strategic Studies” Foundation)
Demographic challenges and economic growth ( Report)
А. Vishnevsky (Institute of Demography, U-HSE)
Can labor productivity growth serve as a compensation for population decrease? ( Presentation)
Zh. Zaionchkovskaya (Institute of Economic Forecasting, RAS)
Can the economy of Russia do without migrants? ( Abstract)
Discussant – V. Achenike (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Session Q-04
Demographic Limitations of Economic Modernization – 2
Chairperson – А. Vishnevsky (U-HSE)
S. Vasin (U-HSE)
Demographic ageing in Russia: a hindrance or an incentive to social-economic modernization? ( Abstract)
О. Sinyavskaya, А. Tyndik (Independent Institute for Social Policy)
Can we believe in intentions? Factors of reproductive behavior of Russian women ( Presentation)
Е. Golitsyna (State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education - Moscow State Pedagogical University)
The role of social policy in solving demographic problems at the national and international levels ( Report)
Discussant – N. Kalmykova (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
8 April, Wednesday
Session Q-07
Is Russian Economy Provided with Sufficient Demographic Information?
Chairperson – М. Denisenko (U-HSE)
М. Denisenko (U-HSE)
Demographic economics and demographic information ( Abstract)
V. Mkhitarian (Division of Statistics, Data Analysis and Demography, U-HSE)
Demographic statistics as an instrument of social-economic policy ( Report)
I. Zbarskaya (Federal State Statistics Service)
The general census of the population as a major information resource about the population ( Abstract)
M. Tolts (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Soviet Demographic Statistics as a Problematic Basis for Measuring Post-Soviet Socio-Economic Dynamics ( Abstract)
Discussant – S. Roshchin (U-HSE)
Session Q-08
Migration as a Factor of Economic Development
Chairperson – Zh. Zaionchkovskaya (Institute of Economic Forecasting, RAS)
Е. Tyuryukanova (Migration Studies Center)
Migrants in the labor market: long-term trends and the crisis ( Abstract)
S. Vergalli (University of Brescia)
Entry and Exit Strategies in Migration Dynamics ( Report)
R. Zakharenko (U-HSE)
Migration, Learning, and Development ( Abstract)
N. Mkrtchian (Institute of Demography, U-HSE)
Potential geographic mobility of people looking for work and unemployed persons (according to the results of a sociological survey) ( Abstract)
Discussant – S. Gradirovsky (U-HSE)
9 April, Thursday
Session Q-09
Migration in the CIS Countries
Chairperson – Е. Tyuryukanova (ISESP)
I. Kyzyma (Kirovograd National Technological Institute)
Female Migration in Ukraine: Determinants and Consequences ( Report)
B. Zhanguttin (Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University)
Migration policy in Kazakhstan and Russia: an attempt of comparative analysis ( Report)
Е. Zimovina (E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University)
Kazakhstan in the system of migrational interaction of the Central Asian countries ( Report)
S. Surkov (Independent Institute of Social Policy)
The initial entry into the labor market of Russia in the context of demographic and economic changes of the recent decades ( Abstract)
Discussant – L. Karachurina (U-HSE)
Session Q-10
Labor Markets – 1
Chairperson – V. Gimpelson (U-HSE)
А. Zaitseva, R. Rovelli (IZA, University of Bologna)
Transition Fatigue? Cross-Country Evidence from Micro Data ( Abstract)
А. Lukianova, V. Gimpelson, R. Kapelyushnikov (U-HSE)
Forms of ownership in Russia: differences in wages ( Abstract)
S. Roshchin (U-HSE)
Policy of personnel hiring and selection at Russian enterprises
Discussant – N. Vishnevskaya (U-HSE)
Session Q-11
Labor Markets – 2
Chairperson – S. Roshchin (U-HSE)
I. Denisova (NES, CEFIR), М. Kartseva (CEFIR)
Social mobility of Russian families ( Abstract)
R. Kapelyushnikov, V. Gimpelson, Т. Karabchuk (U-HSE), Z. Ryzhikova (Federal Service for State Statistics)
Education one gets and employment one finds ( Abstract)
I. Maltseva (U-HSE)
Gender segregation in the internal labor market ( Abstract)
А. Muraviev (IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor; DIW-Berlin; St. Petersburg University Graduate School of Management), L. Koerber (University Pompeu-Fabra)
Employer-Provided Training during Transition: Empirical Evidence from Ukraine ( Abstract)
Discussant – L. Smirnyh (U-HSE)
Session Q-12
Labor Markets – 3
Chairperson – I. Denisova (NES, CEFIR)
N. Kyui (l’Université Paris-I Panthéon Sorbonne, U-HSE)
Education, Choice of an occupational employment category and wage levels in Russia ( Abstract)
О. Lazareva (Center for Economic and Financial R&D - CEFIR)
Change of profession and long-term consequences for health ( Abstract)
А. Aistov (Nizhny Novgorod branch, U-HSE)
Gender differences in the return on human capital with the longer inter-company work record ( Report)
D. Nesterova (U-HSE)
Intra-company Labour Mobility: Career and Wage ( Report)
Discussant – A. Lukianova (U-HSE)
Section R
Social Capital and Values
Chairpersons – N. Lebedeva (U-HSE), V. Magun (IS RAS)
7 April, Tuesday
Session R-03
Socio-Cultural factors of Economic Behavior
Chairperson – N. Lebedeva (U-HSE)
Yu. Latov (Academy of Management, RF Ministry of the Interior), N. Latova (Institute of Sociology, RAS)
A study of mental values of Russian students according to the Geert Hofstede methodology ( Abstract)
N. Lebedeva (U-HSE)
The cultural values and attitude to innovations of Russian and Canadian students ( Report,
А. Tatarko (U-HSE)
The theory of social axioms: a new approach to interpreting social-economic behavior ( Report)
Discussant – Т. Nestik (Institute of Psychology, RAS)
Session R-04
Identity and Social Capital
Chairperson – А. Tatarko (U-HSE)
А. Tatarko (U-HSE)
Cultural-psychological specificities of the social capital of ethnic groups in Russia ( Report,
М. Rudnev (Institute of Sociology, RAS)
The effect of belonging to the Russian-speaking community on the life values of representatives of five countries ( Report,
М. Efremova (U-HSE)
The role of civil and religious identity in the economic consciousness of the Russian people ( Report,
Discussant – Т. Nestik (Institute of Psychology, RAS)
8 April, Wednesday
Session R-07
Socio-Cultural Potential
Chairperson – L. Kosova (Independent Institute of Social Policy)
М. Snegovaya (U-HSE)
Socio-cultural prerequisites of the innovation development phase ( Report)
М. Matetskaya (St. Petersburg branch, U-HSE)
The main directions of the cultural capital impact on economic growth ( Report)
L. Kosova (Independent Institute of Social Policy)
Socio-cultural potential of modernization: Russia in the context of international comparison ( Abstract)
M. Ludlum (University of Central Oklahoma), S.A. Moskalionov (Ulyanovsk State University), V. Ramachandran (Oklahoma City Community College)
Business Ethics Attitudes in Modern China and Russia: A Cross-Cultural Analysis ( Report)
Discussant- M. Chernysh (Institute of Sociology, RAS)
Honorary Report R-08
L. Harrison (Tufts University)
Jews, Confucians, and Protestants: Cultural Capital, and the End of Multiculturalism
Chairperson – Е. Yasin (U-HSE)
Lawrence E. Harrison is the director of the Cultural Change Institute at the Fletcher School at Tufts University. He has been a senior research fellow and adjunct lecturer at Fletcher since 2002. He is the author or co-editor of seven books focused on the role of cultural values in human progress, including Underdevelopment Is a State of Mind: The Latin American Case (CFIA Harvard 1985); The Central Liberal Truth (Oxford University Press, 2006); and, as co-editor with Samuel Huntington, Culture Matters (Basic Books, 2000).
Harrison was an official of the U.S. Agency for International Development from 1962 to 1982 during which he directed USAID missions in five Central American and Caribbean countries: the Dominican Republic (deputy director, 1965-68), and then director in Costa Rica (1969-71); Regional Office for Central America (1975-77); Haiti (1977-79), and Nicaragua (1979-81). Between 1982 and 2002, he was affiliated with the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University for eight years and was also a visiting scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Central American Business Administration Institute. Harrison served from 1984 to 1988 as Vice President for International Development of the National Cooperative Business Association in Washington. He was the U.S. representative on the Haiti crisis mission of the Organization of American States in 1991 and 1992.
His articles have appeared in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the International Herald Tribune, the Christian Science Monitor, the Boston Globe, the Atlantic Monthly, the National Interest, and Foreign Policy, among other publications.
9 April, Thursday
Session R-09
Europe and Russia: Comparative Survey Analysis. The European Social Survey and Beyond - 1
Chairpersons – V. Andreenkov (Institute for Comparative Social Research), L. Harrison (Tufts University)
H. Meulemann (Research Institute for Sociology, University of Cologne)
Information and Entertainment in Mass Media Systems. The Organization and Use of Television and Newspapers in Cross-National Perspective ( Abstract)
T. Beckers (University of Cologne)
Economic liberalism in Europe 2006. Mean comparisons, multi-level analyses and a cross-validation strategy with survey data from ESS and ISSP ( Abstract)
L. Kosals (U-HSE)
Personal Trust in Russia and in Europe: Evidence from Comparative Study ( Abstract)
B. Sallum Júnior (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
Culture, State and Development in Brazil
Discussant – A. Chepurenko (U-HSE)
Session R-10
Changing Russian Values
Chairperson – V. Magun (IS RAS)
V. Magun (Institute of Sociology, RAS)
Labor values dynamics of Russian employees, 1991–2007 ( Abstract)
А. Zudin (U-HSE)
Establishment of new political values in the mass consciousness of Russian people: the 1990s and the 2000s ( Abstract)
V. Zvereva (Institute of World History, RAS/RSHU), D. Dondurei (“Cinema Art” Magazine)
Creation of values by Russian TV: “Voting for the crisis" ( Report)
L. Okolskaya (Institute of Sociology, RAS)
Labor values and norms presented in the contents of primary school textbooks: today and 20 years ago ( Report)
Discussant – E. Danilova (Institute of Sociology, RAS)
Session R-11
Europe and Russia: Comparative Survey Analysis. The European Social Survey and Beyond - 2. Part 1
Chairperson – H. Meulemann (Research Institute for Sociology, University of Cologne)
I. Korbiel, A. Opitz , S. Bremenfeld (University of Cologne)
Perceived Efficiency of the Legal System and Trust in Political Institutions in Central and Eastern Europe ( Report)
T. Dudina (U-HSE)
Links between Personal and Institutional Trust: Relations in Europe and in Russia
Y. Onozuka, J. Bennett (University of Cologne)
Social Participation and Unemployment ( Abstract)
Discussant – M. Rudnev (Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Session R-12
Europe and Russia: Comparative Survey Analysis. The European Social Survey and Beyond - 2. Part 2
Chairperson – L. Kosals (U-HSE)
M. Yumanova (U-HSE)
Social Stratification and Savings Behavior in Russia and in Europe: the Comparative Analysis ( Abstract)
A. Kuntz, A. van de Weyer (University of Cologne)
Tolerance as a universalistic value and a generalized attitude: Do life satisfaction, education and religiosity matter? A cross national study with data from the ESS ( Abstract)
I. Avdeeva (U-HSE)
Innovation Culture in Russia: Comparative View ( Abstract)
Discussant – Z. Kotelnikova (U-HSE)
Section S
Social Stratification and Modernization of Society
Chairperson – O. Shkaratan (U-HSE)
7 April, Tuesday
Session S-03
Types of Civilizations and Innovative Development of National Economies – 1
Chairperson – S. Kordonsky (U-HSE)
V. Krasilschikov (IMEMO RAS)
Comparative analysis of socio-economic development models of countries from the Eurasian and Latin American civilization areas
V. Ilyin (St. Petersburg State University)
Comparative analysis of civilization differences between consumer societies of the USA and Western Europe
O. Shkaratan (U-HSE)
Divergence of transformation processes in post-communist societies: civilization context ( Report)
A. Susokolov (U-HSE)
The principles of traditional economies and the problems of modern innovative development ( Abstract)
Discussants – S. Smirnov (U-HSE), V. Kozlovsky (St. Petersburg State University)
Session S-04
Types of Civilizations and Innovative Development of National Economies – 2
Chairperson – O. Shkaratan (U-HSE)
A. Ochkina (Penza State Pedagogical University), G. Yastrebov (U-HSE)
Cultural-educational strategies of families in Russia in the context of innovative development ( Report,
Yu. Latov ( MVD Administration Academy), N. Latova (Institute of social research of RAS )
Mental maps of the world ( Report)
N. Zarubina (Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO))
Modernization of the Eurasian space in conditions of poly-cultural and poly-civilizational development ( Report)
S. Kordonsky (U-HSE)
Administrative-territorial division of Russia and its social (class) structure ( Report)
Discussant – S. Smirnov (U-HSE)
9 April, Thursday
Session S-09
Social Stratification
Chairperson – Т. Maleva (IISP)
Т. Maleva (Independent Institute for Social Policy)
Middle classes in Russia: results of economic growth ( Abstract)
N. Tikhonova (U-HSE)
The poor strata in modern Russia: a resource for the middle class growth or a lower class in future? ( Report)
А. Bessudnov (Oxford University; HSE St.Petersburg Branch)
The social class and position in the labor market in the post-soviet Russia ( Report)
D. Ibragimova (U-HSE)
Financial behavior of the middle class in Russia ( Report)
Discussant – E. Avraamova (ISESP RAS)
Session S-10
Behavioral patterns of social groups
Chairperson – N. Tikhonova (U-HSE)
А. Butukhanov (St. Petersburg branch, U-HSE)
Open source, social networks and mass cooperation: a new model of economy? ( Report)
Yu. Ovchinnikova (Institute of Sociology, RAS)
Motives for accumulation of non-economic types of resources by different strata of Russian population: consequences for the economic modernization of the country ( Abstract)
О. Koltsova (St. Petersburg branch, U-HSE)
Socio-economic problems on the road of modernization: possibilities of a public search for solutions ( Abstract)
Yu. Lezhnina (Institute of Sociology, RAS)
Young People of Russia: Specifics of Behaviour and Structural Positions ( Report)
V. Anikin (U-HSE)
Conduct of the Main ocio-Professional Groups of the Russian Society towards their Human Capital ( Report)
Discussant – E. Avraamova (ISESP RAS)
Session S-11
Modernization of Society: Change of Cultural paradigms
Chairperson – Т. Sidorina (U-HSE)
V. Gubin (Russian State Humanities University)
Change of cultural paradigms in modern Russia ( Report)
Е. Ivakhnenko (Russian State Humanities University)
Epistemic objects as messengers of new economic sociology ( Report)
А. Loginov (Russian State Humanities University)
Is there a future for homo politicus? ( Abstract)
Т. Sidorina (U-HSE)
The socio-cultural labor paradigm in conditions of modernization of economy and society ( Report)
М. Ivanov (ОАО "Vympelkom")
Emergence of new communication models as a factor of modernization ( Abstract)
Discussant – А. Roslyakov (Russian State Humanities University)
Section T
Political Science
Chairperson – М. Urnov (U-HSE)
9 April, Thursday
Session T-09
Political Behavior and Political Institutions
Chairperson – L. Polyakov (U-HSE)
М. Urnov (U-HSE)
The economic aproach” to political behavior: limits of applicability ( Report)
А. Dyagterev (Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) (University) RF MFA)
The problem of aggregating behavioral paths of participants in the political-managerial networks of “support coalitions” for draft public-governmental decisions ( Abstract)
Yu. Nisnevich (U-HSE)
Problem of government administration quality in Russia ( Report)
A. Tokarev (Tula SU)
Sovereign Democracy Ideology in Expert Discourse ( Report)
Discussants: S. Medvedev, V. Kirillina (U-HSE)
Session T-10
Political Consciousness
Chairperson – Yu. Nisnevich (U-HSE)
V. Kasamara, A. Sorokina (U-HSE)
Political consciousness of teenagers: children of the streets VS well-to-do school children ( Report)
S. Medvedev, A. Ivanyushin, S. Malinovsky (U-HSE)
Political consciousness of RU.NET ( Report)
О. Kryshtanovskaya (Institute of Sociology, RAS)
Political consciousness of the Russian elite ( Abstract)
Discussants: I. Ogar, I. Dzyaloshinsky (U-HSE)
Session T-11
Political Regimes
Chairperson – M. Urnov (U-HSE)
G. Kalyagin, V. Kozlov (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
The logic of accidental resort to state violence in dictatorship regimes: the economic theory of mass repressions ( Report)
N. Chuvilina (Bashkir Civil Service and Governance Academy under the President of the Bashkortostan Republic)
Elections as a development factor of political-governmental processes in the CIS countries ( Report)
Е. Albats (U-HSE)
Economic crisis and authoritarian regimes: variations at the exit
Discussants: O. Kashirskih (U-HSE), E. Gontmakher (INSOR, U-HSE)
Session T-12
Political Behavior and the Elites
Chairperson – I. Dzyaloshinsky (U-HSE)
R. Turovsky (Russian Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage)
Renewal of regional elites in Russia: the beginning of a new stage? ( Report)
G. Pushkareva (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Management of political behavior: possibilities and limitations ( Abstract)
А. Soloviev (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Political activity of Russian bureaucracy: meanings and values ( Abstract)
Discussants: J. Kusznir (University of Regensburg), V. Kasamara (U-HSE)
Section U
World Economy and World Policy
Chairperson – S. Karaganov (U-HSE)
8 April, Wednesday
Section U-08
EU economic cooperation with CIS countries
Chairperson – M. Dabrowski (CASE)
I. Sinitsina (CASE)
The development gap between EU and the neighboring countries – major characteristics
I. Denisova (CEFIR)
Measuring the development gap between EU and the neighboring countries
N. Tourdyeva (CEFIR)
Contributing Russian input-output table for the GTAP 7.0 database ( Report)
V. Dubrovskiy (CASE, Ukraine)
Possible problems with institutional harmonization and suggested ways of overcoming them - the case study of Ukraine
Discussant -L. Vinhas de Souza (European Commission)
9 April, Thursday
Session U-09
Political Economy and Foreign Policy
Chairperson – S. Karaganov (U-HSE)
J. Sapir (CEMI-EHESS, Paris)
From financial crisis to turning point ( Abstract)
М. Bratersky (U-HSE)
Goals of Russian foreign policy in the global financial-economic crisis ( Report)
N. Tanaka (Center for International Public Policy Studies, Tokyo)
Japanese vision of the post-crisis world architecture
А. Suzdaltsev (U-HSE)
The problem of using the consequences of the world financial crisis in the post-soviet space countries for the modernization of Russian economy ( Report)
Q. Zhou (University of Pekin)
A lesson from China’s economic growth
Discussant – M. Jinno (Center for International Public Policy Studies, Tokyo)
Session U-10
The New Foreign Policy Strategy of Russia
Chairperson – S. Kortunov (U-HSE)
F. Shelov-Kovedyaev (U-HSE)
The philosophy of Russian foreign policy ( Report)
S. Kortunov (U-HSE)
Russia in the world top five ( Abstract)
G. Mirsky (IMEMO RAS)
World with Barack Obama ( Abstract)
S. Lunev (Moscow State Institute for International Relations (MGIMO) (University) RF MFA)
The importance of Great East Asia for strengthening Russia’s positions ( Report)
Discussant – T. Shakleina (Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University))
Round Table U-11
Where and How Can Russia Benefit from the World Economic Crisis?
Moderator – S. Karaganov (U-HSE)
S. Karaganov (U-HSE)
Where and How Can Russia Benefit from the World Economic Crisis? ( Report)
Issues for discussion:
Nature of the crisis and its impact on Russia, the West, and China
The crisis and Russia’s foreign economic relations
The crisis and a new configuration of the world economy and politics
Participants: I. Ivanov ( Institute of Europe , RAS ) , E. Danilova ( MEDT ) , T. Bordachev, D. Suslov, V. Geraschenko (U-HSE) , S. Dubinin ( VTB Capital )
Session U-12
World Financial and Economic Crisis: Genesis, Global Implications, Challenges and Opportunities for Russia
Chairperson – V. Pokrovskaya (U-HSE)
V. Pankov (U-HSE)
Opportunities, Ways and Prospects for the Formation of a World Currency and Financial Centre in Russia ( Report)
A. Daniltsev (U-HSE)
Impact of the Economic Situation on Trade and Political Instrumentalities Use in the Present-Day Conditions ( Abstract)
V. Evstigneev (U-HSE)
Coordination of Exchange Rates: a Never-Never Land or a Second Life of the “Terget Zones” Policy? ( Abstract)
S. Karpov (Moscow Institute of State and Corporate Governance)
Consequences of the Workd Crisis for the Russian Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Adaptation Opportunities ( Report)
Discussant – M. Kamrotov (U-HSE)
Section V
Civil Society and Democracy
Chairperson – L. Jakobson (U-HSE)
8 April, Wednesday
Session V-08
Democratic Culture Formation: International Standards, Institutions and Practices – Applicability in Russia
Chairperson – N. Belyaeva (U-HSE)
N. Belyaeva (U-HSE)
Freedom of association and freedom of assembly as implemented in local advocacy campaigns in Russia ( Report)
N. Jarman (Institute for Conflict Research)
European instruments promoting freedom of peaceful assembly - as an important contribution for re-ensuring democratic culture of tolerance to ( Report)
E. Jagodnik (Commission for Culture, Science and Education of the INGO Conference of the Council of Europe)
Culture, science and education as instruments for promoting democratic values: European NGO experience ( Report)
Discussant – L. Alekseeva (Moscow Helsinki Group)
9 April, Thursday
Session V-09
Civil Society – 1
Chairperson – I. Mersiyanova (U-HSE)
А. Kiseleva (F.M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University)
Local communities as subjects of the civil society formation ( Report)
К. Podyachev (U-HSE; RAS Institution – “Institute of Sociology RAS”)
Institute of citizens’ applications to the state authority bodies as a factor of ensuring full-fledged communication between the political system and the civil society in Russia ( Report)
I. Mersiyanova (U-HSE)
Self-organization of the population and the quality of life: direct and inverse relations ( Report)
Discussant – I. Klimov (The Public Opinion Foundation, U-HSE)
Session V-10
Civil Society – 2
Chairperson – I. Mersiyanova (U-HSE)
V. Yakimets (Institute of Systemic Analysis, RAS)
Instruments of assessing intersectoral relationships ( Report)
I. Zadorin, D . Zaitsev (CIRCON Research Group)
Short-term scenario forecasting of civil society development in Russia ( Report)
S. Khaikin (U-HSE), S. Mareeva ( IS RAS )
Public support of modernization processes in the region as a factor of economic development ( Report)
Discussant – L. Nikovskaya (Institute of Sociology, RAS)
Session V-11
The Field of Russian Public Policy Today and Tomorrow: Partnership or Confrontation? (Some Aspects of the General Picture)
Chairperson – А. Sungurov (St. Petersburg branch, U-HSE)
А. Sungurov, А. Nezdyurov (St. Petersburg branch, U-HSE)
Models of interaction between authority bodies and civil organizations and the realities of Russia: an attempt at a forecast ( Report)
G. Tulchinsky (St. Petersburg branch, U-HSE)
Efficiency assessment of social investment and social partnership ( Report)
V. Kostyushev (St. Petersburg branch, U-HSE)
Actors of the regional policy field: interaction on human rights ( Report)
Discussant – V. Yakimets (Institute of Systemic Analysis, RAS)
Section W
Chairperson – Е. Salygin (U-HSE)
9 April, Thursday
Session W-09
Legal Incentives for Social Activity
Chairperson – М. Krasnov (U-HSE)
Е. Salygin (U-HSE)
Problems of legal provision for social mobility of university students ( Abstract)
S. Vasilieva (U-HSE)
Constitutional and legal guaranties of social activity ( Report)
К. Rybak (Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation)
Legal regulation in the cultural sphere as a factor of human capital development
А. Zhalinsky (U-HSE)
The restrictive effect of the criminal law on social mobility ( Report)
S. Markuntsov (U-HSE)
Legal Tools for Restricting Corruptive Conduct ( Report)
D. Chernyaeva (U-HSE)
Impact of social mobility on exercising pension rights
Discussant – А. Avtonomov (U-HSE)
Round Table W-10
Efficiency of the Law as an Economy Development Factor
Moderator – V. Mazaev (U-HSE)
Yu. Tikhomirov (Institute of Law and Comparative Legal Studies, U-HSE )
How can Efficiency of the Law be Identified? ( Report)
Issues for discussion:
Implementation of the law: models and reality
Law efficiency criteria
Is there a connection between the quality of the law and development of economic institutions?
Participants: S. Vasilieva , E. Talapina (ISL RAS) , N. Karpova (MEDT) , A. Kashanin , V. Gimpelson , E. Zamotaeva (U-HSE) , N. Antipenko (MEDT) , S. Mogilevsky(ANE)
Session W-11
Law and Economy
Chairperson – K. Totiev (U-HSE)
K. Totiev (U-HSE)
Responsibility for the Violation of the Russian and Foreign Antimonopoly Legislation: Economic Utilitarianism or a Principle of Justice? ( Report)
A. Didikin (NSU)
Impact of Decisions of the European Human Rights Court on the Russian Legel Procedures ( Report)
S. Gomtsyan (U-HSE)
Ways of Improvement of the Legal Regime of Purchase of Large Parcels of Open Joint-Stock Companies’ Shares ( Report)
V. Mulyun (U-HSE)
Specifics of Correlation between the International and National Law in the Activities of WTO, IMF, and the World Bank Group ( Abstract)
I. Redkin (Institute of State and Law, RAS)
Legal Regulation of Natural Monopolies in Russia – in Search for a New Regulatory Concept ( Abstract)
Discussant – A. Kurbatov (U-HSE)
Section X
Mass-Media and Society
Chairperson – Е. Penskaya (U-HSE)
7 April, Tuesday
Round Table X-03
Influence of Mass-Media on Public Consciousness in the Crisis Period
Moderators: R. Batyrshin (U-HSE), G. Pavlovsky (Efficient Policy Foundation)
Issues for discussion:
Mass-media as one of the crisis factors
The structure of the modern mass-media map
Communicative strategies of mass-media as an instrument of influencing public consciousness
The principles of mass-media crisis typology
Freedom of speech and responsibility
Participants: А. Bystritsky (“Golos Rossii” Radio station), B. Kalyagin, А. Sharikov, Е. Penskaya, А. Lysenko (U-HSE), G. Shevelev (U-HSE, Mayak Radio Station) , А. Kachkaeva (U-HSE, Svoboda Radio Station) , D. Dondurei (The Art of Cinema magazine), V. Fadeev (Expert magazine), foreign press representatives in Moscow
Section Y
Development of Power Engineering in Crisis Conditions
Chairpersons – L. Grigoriev (Institute for Energy and Finance) , С. Ruehl (BP)
8 April, Wednesday
Round Table Y-07
Problems of Power Engineering: Russia and Europe
Moderator – L. Grigoriev (Institute for Energy and Finance)
Issues for discussion:
The crisis and its impact on process and demand for energy
Policy of the main energy players
Russian energy interests
Participants: A. Konoplyanik ( Gazprombank ) , M. Belova, V. Feigin ( Institute of Energy and Finance ) , M. Mitrova ( Energy Research Institute , RAS , Centre for International Energy Market Studies )
Session Y-08
World Energy Markets in Crisis Conditions
Chairperson – V. Drebentsov (BP)
С. Ruehl (BP)
Short-term and Long-term Oil Market Outlook
L. Grigoriev (Institute for Energy and Finance)
Global crisis and Energy markets - long and short term implicatioins