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Conference Programme

April 11
Section A. Macroeconomics and Growth
Moderator: E. Gurvich (EEG)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 101, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session A-02. General mechanisms of economic growth
Moderator: M. Dabrowski (CASE)
D. Veselov (HSE), E. Chesnokova (HSE)
Political economy of the middle income trap (abstract)
V. Polterovich (CEMI RAS)
Institutions of catching-up development (abstract)
K. Tochkov (TCU)
Regional inequality and convergence in large emerging economies: evidence from the BRICS (abstract)
D. Gu (United Nations), L. Qiu (Independent reseacher)
Bi-directory causal links between urbanization and economic development (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 309, М-20
Session A-03/1. Honorary paper by Hubert Kempf (Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan) “Public debt sustainability and defaults”
Moderator: S. Pekarsky (HSE)
We address sovereign default in a stochastic macroeconomic model with infinite horizon and the presence of a debt recovery rule. Sovereign default is analyzed as a market event, when the fiscal authority does not find on the market the funds necessary to meet its financial obligations. We prove the existence of a default threshold dependent on the pricing of public debt and thus on the debt recovery rule. Except in a specific case, this threshold is lower than the traditional solvency ratio. We then offer a new framework for the assessment of public debt sustainability. A public debt is said to be “gamma-sustainable” at date t when its trajectory does not reach the default threshold at any future date, assuming that there is no realization of the gross rate of growth lower than gamma which is smaller than 1. It is said to be “gamma-unsustainable" at date t when its trajectory reaches the default threshold at some finite date, assuming that there is no realization of the gross rate of growth higher than gamma which is higher than 1. When it is neither “gamma’-sustainable”, nor “gamma’-unsustainable”, with gamma’ < 1 < gamma’’, it is in a zone of financial fragility. When a sovereign default occurs, a too large recovery ratio (or equivalently a too small haircut) is not able to insure the sustainability of the post-default debt.
Tuesday, April 11
Room 101, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session A-03/2. Russian economic growth
Moderator: V. Bessonov (HSE)
S. Tsukhlo (The Gaidar Institute)
Russian Industry in 2015-2016. Was There a Crisis?.. (abstract, full version)
I. Voskoboynikov (HSE)
Sources of long run growth of the Russian economy before and after the global financial crisis of 2008 (abstract, full version)
I. Prilepskiy (EEG, FRI)
Factors of dynamics of exports and import substitution after sharp exchange rate depreciation (abstract, full version)
M. Mamedli (Bank of Russia), A. Sinyakov (Bank of Russia)
Marginal propensity to consume in Russia (on the basis of Survey of Consumer Finance) (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 101, М-20
Session A-04. Impact of shocks on the Russian economy
Moderator: I. Korhonen (BOFIT)
E. Sholomitskaya (HSE)
Investment in Russia: Financial and Real Shocks (abstract, full version)
D. Fantazzini (MSU)
The oil price crash in 2014/15: Was there a (negative) financial bubble? (abstract, full version)
A. Polbin (RANEPA, The Gaidar Institute)
Econometric estimation of the impact of oil prices shock on the Russian Economy in VECM model (abstract)
G. Kurovskiy (The Gaidar Institute)
Modelling terms of trade volatility impact on output dynamics (abstract, full version)
Section B. Special Sessions and Roundtables
Tuesday, April 11
Room 309, М-20
Roundtable B-04. Special legal regimes of territories as an instrument of development
Moderator: A. Ivanov (HSE)
Issues for discussion:
• What are the reasons for the inefficiency of the work of the institute of special legal regimes for territorial development in Russia?
• How to overcome the patterned nature of the use of special legal regimes?
• How to make the institution of special legal regimes a really working tool for the economic development of territories, giving business and local communities a “fishing pole, not a fish”?
• Does Russia have the potential to grow its own Hong Kong?
• Which countries can be Russia's partners in using Russian offshore companies? Can their services be in demand on the international market?
Invited for discussion: V. Sivitskiy (HSE), A. Nikitchenko (Directorate of the Federal Target Plan on Socio-economic development of Crimea and Sevastopol), V. Solodov (Vice-Plenipotentiary of President of the Russian Federation in FEFD), N. Kosbaev (Head of the Legal Department of MFC “Astana”), I. Ognev (VEB), K. Zenin (English solicitor, member of the International Expert Council of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan), Z. Ayvazyan (RANEPA)
Section D. Theoretical Economics
Moderators: A. Zakharov (HSE), S. Izmalkov (NES)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 309, М-20
Session D-02/1. Honorary paper by Arunava Sen (Indian Statistical Institute) “Strategy-proof random social choice functions on voting domains”
Moderator: F. Aleskerov (HSE)
The talk will review existing results and present some new ones relating to the following question: on what voting domains can every random strategy-proof social choice functions satisfying unanimity, be expressed as a fixed probability distribution over strategy-proof deterministic social choice functions satisfying unanimity? Answers to this question are important for understanding the extra possibilities for truthful information revelation, introduced by the consideration of random mechanisms.
Tuesday, April 11
Room 423, М-11
Session D-02/2. Analysis of markets and spatial structures
Moderator: A. Dementiev (HSE)
A. Dementiev (HSE)
Optimal vertical divestiture in infrastructure industries (abstract)
A. Dmitriev (HSE)
A nonlinear dynamic model for low-dimensional chaos on financial markets (abstract)
A. Filatov (IrSU)
The heterogeneity of the firms behavior in oligopoly: price-makers and price-takers (abstract)
A. Shapoval (NES)
Inter-Industry Wage Inequality and Competitiveness of Monopolistic Competition Driven by Changes in Consumers' Preferences (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 423, М-11
Session D-03. Matching and voting
Moderator: E. Dogan (HSE)
S. Ertemel (ITU), U. Dur (North Carolina State University), O. Kesten (Carnegie Mellon University)
A Study of Turkish High School Admissions (abstract)
E. Dogan (HSE)
Ordinal Efficiency and Implementing Random Assignments by Sequential Object Lotteries (abstract)
D. Karabekyan (HSE), F. Aleskerov (HSE)
Preferences over the sets of alternatives and its application to the problem of manipulation in a voting (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 423, М-11
Session D-04. Preferences and voting
Moderator: D. Karabekyan (HSE)
A. Panova (HSE)
On the costly voting model (abstract)
P. Chebotarev (ICS RAS), Y. Tsodikova (ICS RAS), V. Malyshev (ICS RAS), V. Afonkin (ICS RAS), A. Loginov (ICS RAS), Z. Lezina (ICS RAS)
Removing the “pit of losses” paradox at voting in stochastic environment (abstract)
A. Ivanov (HSE), D. Karabekyan (HSE)
Manipulability of scoring rules for the case of 3 alternatives (abstract)
Section Db. Network Analysis
Moderator: V. Kuskova (HSE)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 328, М-11
Session Db-02. Scientometric studies on Russian sociology
Moderator: D. Maltseva (HSE)
E. Guba (PAST center, EUSPb)
Network structure of Russian sociological journals (abstract)
D. Maltseva (HSE), S. Moiseev (HSE)
Scientific Community of Russian Sociologists: Network Analysis of Biographical Data (abstract)
I. Karpov (HSE), G. Gradoselskaya (HSE)
Typology of Relations in Social Networks and Implicit User Links Identification (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 328, М-11
Session Db-03. Organizational networks and individual attributes
Moderator: C. F. Fey (Aalto University School of Business)
C. Fey (Aalto University School of Business), R. Teigland (Stockholm School of Economics), S. S. Wang (Zhejiang University), Y. Chen (Peking University)
Contingency Effects of National Culture and Institutions on How social networks influence individual creativity (abstract)
I. Smirnov (HSE)
Segregation of schools in virtual space (abstract)
Y. Priestley (HSE), G. Beknazar-Yuzbashev (HSE)
Personality Traits Behind the Mutual Formation of Political Attitudes and Social Relationships (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 328, М-11
Session Db-04. Applied network analysis
Moderator: A. Milekhina (HSE)
Y. Petrenko (SUFU)
Construction of a universal model of consumer choice emotional product: a corporate dinner and socialized medicine, an evening with friends and a private hospital. (abstract)
V. Matveenko (HSE - St. Petersburg), A. Korolev (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Network analysis based on a typology of nodes (abstract, full version)
A. Milekhina (HSE)
Building a team - does diversity or similarity matter more? (abstract)
D. Kharkina (HSE - St. Petersburg), A. Golovchenko (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Structural Properties of Cyber Sports Teams and Their Economic Success (abstract)
Section G. Regional Studies
Moderator: N. Zubarevich (MSU)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 522, М-20
Session G-02. Spatial economics
Moderator: E. Kolomak (NSU)
E. Kolomak (NSU)
Analysis of the evolution of spatial proportions of post-soviet Russia (abstract)
N. Ibragimov (NSU)
Estimation of interegional cooperation's effectiveness in Russian Federation (abstract, full version)
D. Kochetkov (UrFU)
The Impact of the Knowledge Economy Indicators on Regional Economic Growth: a Case of Russian Regions (abstract, full version)
A. Bufetova (NSU)
Trends in spatial concentration of economic activity in Russia (abstract, full version)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 522, М-20
Session G-03. Income, intake, and social structure
Moderator: N. Zubarevich (MSU)
N. Mikheeva (IEF RAS)
Consumer Demand as Factor of Recovery of Economic Growth: Regional Aspect (abstract, full version)
M. Malkina (Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod)
Decomposition of inter-regional inequality in personal incomes by their sources in Russia (abstract, full version)
D. Rudenko (Tyumen State University)
Income inequality and institutions in the Russian regions (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 522, М-20
Session G-04. Regional development
Moderator: A. Treyvish (MSU)
A. Yakovlev (HSE), S. Makarov (HSE), V. Pogodaev (HSE), L. Freinkman (HSE)
Can be created 'development state' in separate region of large country? Case-study of Tatarstan in Russian Federation (abstract)
V. Basareva (IEIE SB RAS)
Siberia: constraints and opportunities of recovering economic growth (abstract, full version)
Section Ga. Urban Studies
Moderator: A. Puzanov (HSE)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 230, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session Ga-02. Urban development during post-Soviet transformation
Moderator: L. Limonov (HSE – St. Petersburg, Leontief Centre)
A. Makhrova (MSU), A. Badyina (University of Birmingham), I. Brade (Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography), O. Golubchikov (Cardiff University)
Uneven Urban Resilience: The Economic Adjustment and Polarization of Russia’s Cities (abstract, full version)
O. Suldina (Echo), I. Baskakova (UrFU)
Entrepreneurial cities. Are there such cities in Russia today? (abstract, full version)
E. Antonov (IG RAS)
Labour markets of Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern cities: post-soviet transformation and modern adaptation models of population (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 230, М-20
Session Ga-03. Spatial structure of a modern city
Moderator: E. Trutnev (IUE, HSE)
R. Goncharov (HSE), K. Nikogosyan (HSE)
Mechanisms for forming activity centres in larger cities (on the example of Moscow) (abstract)
E. Kotov (HSE), R. Goncharov (HSE)
Post-industrial urban polycentricity (abstract)
N. Kostko (TIU)
The social space of the city and the study of territorial identity of the citizens using the method of mental maps (abstract, full version)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 230, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session Ga-04. Social space and social communities in a city
Moderator: V. Antonova (HSE)
M. Shuklina (HSE)
Formation of the image of the place: Butovo district (Moscow) in the representation of the citizens and in new media (abstract, full version)
L. Skobeleva (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod), M. Plotnikova (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod)
Hipsters of the capital and province: features of the social phenomenon's legitimation (abstract, full version)
A. Gorodnichev (HSE)
Spatial inequality in Moscow: urban structure and wealth distribution (abstract, full version)
M. Buedenbender (KU Leuven), D. Zupan (Independent researcher)
How to Transform Moscow Into a Just City? (abstract, full version)
Section L. Firms and Markets
Moderators: N. Volchkova (NES/ CEFIR), T. Dolgopyatova (HSE)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 311, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session L-03. Honorary paper by V. Radaev (HSE) “The evolution of illegal alcohol markets in Russia since the late socialist period”
Moderator: N. Volchkova (NES/ CEFIR)
Illegal markets involving illicit products and transactions have been largely ignored by the scholars, despite their significance in various economies. There is a lack of conceptual categorization and scarcity of reliable data. The study examines the structure and evolution of heterogeneous illegal markets in Russia with a special emphasis on markets of homemade alcohol, counterfeit alcohol, and illegally manufactured alcohol. A variety of statistical sources and survey data is used to demonstrate that the compositions of these markets have come through four different stages since late socialism, depending on the constellation of political, legislative and economic factors. At each stage, some of these markets prevail, whereas others remain undeveloped. Overall, illegal alcohol markets tend to grow in periods of exogenous political or economic shocks and shrink in periods of economic growth. Changes in the structure of illegal markets are backed by a continuous requalification of products, organizations and transactions contesting the boundaries between legality and illegality. Some illegal activities retain their legitimacy due to the ignorance or tolerance of enforcement agencies and final consumers. Boundaries between legitimate and illegitimate activities are blurred and move slowly.
Tuesday, April 11
Room 518, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session L-04. Honorary paper by Hermann Simon (Simon-Kucher & Partners Strategy& Marketing Consultants, Honorary Chairman, Germany) “Hidden Champions – the vanguard of globalia”
Moderator: A. Yudanov (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)
Global exports are growing faster than national gross domestic products. Globalia, the globalized world of the future, offers unlimited growth opportunities. Performance differences between countries are staggering. Among the larger countries Germany is a distant top-performer in per capita exports. This is not due to its large corporations but to the prevalence of mid-sized, little known world market leaders, the so-called Hidden Champions. Germany has far more of these firms than any other country
The Hidden Champions
- have extremely ambitious goals,
- focus on narrow markets combined with global selling and marketing,
- are very close to their customers and extreme innovators,
- their leadership is long-term oriented and grants employees great latitude in execution which in turn creates high motivation and low turnover.
Countries and companies of all types can learn from these unknown role models.
Section M. Political Processes
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 430, М-11
Session M-02. Honorary paper by Milan Svolik (Yale University) “When polarization trumps civic virtue: partisan conflict and the subversion of democracy by incumbents”
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE)
We propose a novel explanation for the most prevalent form of democratic breakdown after the end of the Cold War: the subversion of democracy by incumbents. In the classics of democratization research as well as in mainstream democracy promotion practice, the public's disapproval is assumed to serve as a check on incumbents' temptations to subvert democracy. We explain why this check fails in polarized societies. In the latter, voters have a strong preference for their favorite candidate, which makes it costly for them to punish an incumbent by voting for a challenger. Incumbents exploit this lack of credible punishment by manipulating the democratic process in their favor. Combining data from cross-national surveys and a survey experiment from Venezuela, we show that voters in polarized societies indeed tolerate more electoral manipulation -- as long it benefits their favorite candidate or party. These findings provide a new answer to a fundamental question about the survival of democracy: When can we reasonably expect the public to serve as a check on the authoritarian temptations of elected politicians?
Tuesday, April 11
Room 430, М-11
Session M-03. Where economic and political studies meet
Moderator: A. Yakovlev (HSE)
N. Ershova (HSE), A. Yakovlev (HSE), L. Freinkman (HSE)
Foreign business collective action in Russia: main forms of organization, development stages and factors (abstract, full version)
A. Akhremenko (HSE), A. Petrov (The Keldysh Institute RAS)
Quality of Political Institutions, Path Dependence and Economic Efficiency: Theory and Empirical Results (abstract, full version)
C. Shelton (Claremont McKenna College), Y. Tuzova (Claremont Graduate University)
Estimating the Productivity Cost of Crony Capitalism (abstract, full version)
B. Dube (UWC)
The creation of a new demos? The impact of financial institutions on statecraft – the South African experience (abstract, full version)
Discussant: E. Yureskul (HSE)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 430, М-11
Session M-04. Electoral processes
Moderator: N. Petrov (HSE)
R. Turovsky (HSE)
“The Return” of Single-Mandate Districts: The Development of Majoritarian System in the Russia's Parliamenratry Elections (abstract, full version)
Y. Gaivoronsky (HSE)
Patterns of support for political parties in Russia's regions in the context of “imposed” nationalization (abstract, full version)
A. Semenov (PermSU)
The dynamics of competition in the Russian regions (2012-2013) (abstract, full version)
M. Karyagin (Infometer)
Financial instruments used in political struggles within the context of mixed regimes citing the example of Russian political parties (abstract, full version)
Discussant: A. Titkov (HSE)
Section N. Local Government and Civic Self-Organization
Moderator: I. Mersiyanova (HSE)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 124, М-20
Session N-02. Formation of civic identity and societal consolidation
Moderator: I. Mersiyanova (HSE)
G. Tulchinskii (HSE - St. Petersburg), M. Levchenko (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Levels of civil identity forming and the society consolidation (abstract, full version)
R. Evstifeev (VB RANEPA)
From local identity to a positive civic self-organization: the problem of an effective transition (abstract, full version)
A. Tumanova (HSE)
Civil society in Moscow and Petrograd in helping refugees during the World War I: a modern interpretation of the historical experience (abstract)
Discussant: L. Nikovskaya (IS RAS)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 124, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session N-03. Features of volunteering in modern Russia
Moderator: I. Krasnopolskaya (HSE)
M. Sukharkova (HSE)
Social capital of sports volunteers and its use strategies (abstract)
S. Spencer (HSE - Perm)
Recruitment to Voluntary Associations in Contemporary Russia (abstract)
A. Istomina (Uniart)
The reconstruction transition theory of volunteer ethoses (abstract)
Discussant: V. Lukyanov (“Nevsky angel”)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 124, М-20
Roundtable N-04. “Volunteering: effects and efficiency”
Moderator: L. Jacobson (HSE), I. Mersiyanova (HSE), A. Levitskaya (Presidential adviser)
• Assessment of the state of volunteerism and financial philanthropy in Russia;
• Economic efficiency and social effects of charity: what is more important and measurable;
• Applicability of international experience in evaluation of effects and effectiveness of charity activities;
• Prospects of the practical application of technologies of evaluation of effects and effectiveness of charity activities.
Participants: E. Topoleva-Soldunova (Agency for Social Information, HSE), S. Chupysheva (Agency for Strategic Initiatives), A. Metelev (AVC), V. Lukyanov (“Nevsky angel”), K. Razuvaeva (Rospatriotcenter), I. Shvets (“Mosvolonteer”), I. Efremova-Gart (Donors forum), A. Boldyreva (Donors forum), members of the FEC for development of volunteering, international experts
Section O. State and Local Government Challenges
Moderators: A. Klimenko (HSE), A. Yakovlev (HSE)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 125, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session O-02. Corruption, property rights and shadow economy: theoretical and empirical models
Moderator: A. Rubin (HSE)
B. Ponomariov (University of Texas), O. Balabushko (World Bank), G. Kisunko (World Bank)
Tax administration practices and firms’ perceptions of corruption: evidence from Europe and Central Asia (abstract)
L. Polishchuk (HSE), A. Rubin (HSE), R. Kochnev (HSE)
One-stop-shop corruption: implications for regional development (abstract)
A. Kostin (NSU), A. Kashnikova (NSU), A. Martel (NSU)
Shadow economy: modeling, equilibrium and impact on welfare (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 125, М-20
Session O-03. Public procurement: theoretical and empirical studies
Moderator: E. Podkolzina (HSE)
A. Ivanov (SPbSU), I. Berezinets (SPbSU)
“Criminal” purchases: development and examining of the model of totalitarian corruption (abstract)
D. Esaulov (HSE), A. Tkachenko (HSE)
Political cycles and public contract allocation: the case of Russia (abstract)
M. Ostrovnaya (HSE), E. Podkolzina (HSE)
The choice of the procurement mechanism: reasons and consequences (abstract)
E. Podkolzina (HSE), M. Ostrovnaya (HSE)
Manipulation in public procurement auctions with endogenous entry (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 125, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session O-04. Quality of state governance
Moderator: A. Barabashev (HSE), A. Klimenko (HSE)
R. Kramer (BALC)
How might the lens though which I look serve as a barrier - or as a help - to improve the quality of State governance? (abstract)
T. Im (Seoul National University)
Government’ Competiveness for the 21st Century: Theories and some implications for Russia (abstract)
Section P. Demography and Labor Markets
Moderators: V. Gimpelson (HSE), M. Denisenko (HSE)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 513, М-20
Session P-02. Issues of accounting and methods of population data analysis
Moderator: I. Kalabikhina (MSU)
E. Soroko (HSE)
Decomposition method at the analisys of ethnically mixed families in the multiethnic country (abstract, full version)
A. Sulaberidze (Ilia State University), V. Sulaberidze (Ilia State University), V. Shushtakashvili (Ilia State University), G. Tsuladze (Ilia State University)
Challenges of statistical accounting of demographic events in Georgia (abstract, full version)
E. Papanova (HSE), S. Timonin (HSE)
Using Pension Fund data to evaluate the lifespans of eldery persons in Moscow (abstract)
S. Biryukova (HSE), A. Makarentseva (RANEPA)
New estimates of motherhood penalty in Russia (abstract, full version)
V. Kozlov (HSE), K. Kazenin (RANEPA)
What social factors are responsible for demographic conservatism on the North Caucasus (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 513, М-20
Session P-03. Migration and migrants in Russia
Moderator: N. Mkrtchyan (HSE)
E. Polyakova (HSE), L. Smirnykh (HSE)
Labor market integration of foreign-born population in Russia (abstract, full version)
K. Doronina (IEF RAS)
Transformation of migration trends in Moscow in comparison to Global Cities (abstract)
Y. Florinskaya (RANEPA), N. Mkrtchan (HSE)
Employers and labor migrants: cooperation against crisis (abstract, full version)
A. Rezyapova (HSE), N. Meshcheryakova (HSE), S. Schvydun (HSE), F. Aleskerov (HSE)
Influence of countries in the international migration network (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 513, М-20
Session P-04. The study of population sequences
Moderator: D. Ignatov (HSE)
D. Gizdatullin (HSE), D. Ignatov (HSE), J. Baixeries (UPC)
Pattern mining in personal demographic trajectories) (abstract, full version)
P. Sushko (IS RAS), A. Artamonova (HSE), T. Espy (HSE), E. Mitrofanova (HSE)
Analysis of the socio-demographic characteristics of migration biographies of Russians (abstract, full version)
E. Mitrofanova (HSE), A. Artamonova (HSE)
The Factors of Choosing the Type of Matrimonial Union in Russia (abstract, full version)
A. Muratova (HSE), D. Ignatov (HSE)
Decision trees for classifying demographic sequences (abstract, full version)
Section Q. Media and Communications
Moderator: A. Kachkaeva (HSE)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 224, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session Q-02. Global corporations and local media content producers on newly emerging markets: technological and creative aspects
Moderator: A. Kachkaeva (HSE)
D. Thussu (University of Westminster)
Creative industries in BRICS nations and glocalization of content (abstract)
P. Bouquillion (Paris XIII)
Construction of the symbolic dimension of handicrafts in India (abstract)
I. Kiriya (HSE)
The impact of international sanctions on the Russian media economics: specialization or a global division of labour? (abstract)
A. Akopov (Amediateka, Fond ART)
“Ekaterina” from Japan to Mexico: show production, import substitution and export breakthroughs (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 224, М-20
Session Q-03. Media of the future, new markets and regulation
Moderator: E. Lapshina-Kratasyuk (HSE)
A. Kachkaeva (HSE)
Media reality and call “uncertainty” a media confrontation, hybridity, transmedia (abstract)
A. Sumskaya (UrFU)
The production of meaning in interpretative communities (abstract, full version)
E. Nim (HSE)
Researching mediatization of social life: development of mediatized worlds theory (abstract, full version)
E. Sherstoboeva (HSE)
Media Freedom in Russia in the Context of the Council of Europe standards (abstract, full version)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 224, М-20
Session Q-04. The symbolic world and modern media content
Moderator: E. Nim (HSE)
O. Dovbysh (HSE), T. Belyuga (HSE)
What is public service information on federal and regional levels of Russian media system (abstract, full version)
V. Chumakova (HSE), V. Spirande (Freie Universität Berlin)
The Public History of the Region in the State Contrats Concerning Mass-Media (abstract, full version)
S. Shomova (HSE)
Political storytelling in Russia: in media and transmedia (abstract, full version)
Section R. Management
Moderators: N. Filinov (HSE), O. Tretyak (HSE)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 426, М-11
Session R-02. New directions of marketing development: challenges and prospects
Moderator: O. Tretyak (HSE)
T. Vetrova (HSE), A. Nedelko (HSE)
Prospects for the Development of Neuromarketing in Russia (abstract, full version)
T. Prokhorova (HSE)
Method of analysis of customer’s purchase history in online store to identify the factors influencing repeat purchases (abstract)
E. Radionova-Girsa (Latvian University)
Consumer satisfaction in the online dimension: Case of Latvia (abstract, full version)
O. Shirshova (SPbSUE), O. Yuldasheva (SPbSUE)
Market orientation and business-to-business (B2B): Russian Companies’ Study (abstract, full version)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 426, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session R-03. Business models: analysis and management improvements
Moderator: O. Tretyak (HSE)
O. Pogrebova (SPbSEU), O. Yuldasheva (SPbSUE), I. Trefilova (SPbSUE)
The evolution of value creation chains and business models in the Russian oil and gas sector (on the example of liquefied natural gas) (abstract, full version)
N. Merkushova (FEFU)
The transformation of the University business model in the implementation of the initiative of academic excellence: experience of the FEFU (abstract)
N. Rozanova (HSE), K. Parfenov (CardsProService)
Business models in loyalty programs: prospects and limitations (abstract, full version)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 426, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session R-04. Business strategy: meeting the challenges of globalization
Moderator: N. Filinov (HSE)
T. Tsukanova (SPbSU), X. Zhang (University of International Business Almaty, University of Oulu)
Born Globals: The Drivers of Early and Rapid Internationalization of Chinese Companies (abstract)
T. Nguyen (Leipzig University)
Exploring the patterns of resources leveraging by SMEs in their internationalization process - A study of exporting manufacturing firms (abstract)
T. Nikolaeva (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod), A. Nedorostkova (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod)
Tourism specialization and economic growth (abstract, full version)
Section T. Social and Cultural Processes
Moderators: V. Magun (IS RAS, HSE), E. Ponarin (HSE)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 422, М-11
Session T-02. Religious consciousness and practices
Moderator: T. Koval (HSE), B. Knorre (HSE)
T. Krihtova (St.Tikhon's Orthodox University)
Role and identity of modern Orthodox priest (abstract, full version)
E. Prutskova (St.Tikhon's Orthodox University)
Religiosity: the social component (based on the Orthodox Monitor survey) (abstract, full version)
N. Beliakova (IGH RAS)
Social consequences of “choice of faith” and ethical values of evangelicals in developed socialism (abstract)
B. Knorre (HSE)
Mechanisms of formation and the role of guilt and shame in an ecclesial social environment (abstract)
Discussant: M. Rudnev (HSE)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 422, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session T-03. Value transmission in different cultures. Organized by International Research and Teaching Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research.
Moderator: N. Lebedeva (HSE), K. Boehnke (HSE)
K. Boehnke (Jacobs University)
Peer-to-peer transmission of value orientations in adolescence (abstract, full version)
T. Ryabichenko (HSE), N. Lebedeva (HSE)
Value Similarity with Parents, Peers, and Psychological Closeness with Parents as Predictors of Well-Being of Russian Youth in Latvia (abstract, full version)
N. Lebedeva (HSE), V. Galyapina (HSE), Z. Lepshokova (HSE)
Religious identity, ethnonational identity and perceived psychological closeness as factors of parent-child value similarity in different religious contexts (abstract)
Discussant: T. Stefanenko (MSU)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 422, М-11
Session T-04. Social capital and economic behavior. Organized by International Research and Teaching Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research
Moderator: A. Tatarko (HSE), G. Sechi (University of Latvia)
G. Sechi (University of Latvia), A. Tatarko (HSE)
Generalized trust accumulation in Russia and Ukraine: the role of perception of institutions, formal and informal structural capital (abstract, full version)
A. Tatarko (HSE), D. Dubrov (HSE), Z. Lepshokova (HSE)
Trust as a moderator of the relationship between attitude toward cultural diversity and acculturation expectations of the host population (abstract, full version)
K. Choi (HSE)
Social capital correlation of South Korean workers with their adaptation in Russia (abstract, full version)
D. Dubrov (HSE)
Impact of interfamily social capital on the subjective well-being of adolescents and their parents (abstract, full version)
A. Mironova (HSE)
Correlation between individual values and acceptability of corruption (abstract, full version)
Discussant: T. Nestik (IP RAS)
Section Tb. Sociology
Moderator: E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 421, М-11
Session Tb-03. Sociological methods
Moderator: A. Pashkevich (HSE)
D. Schmerling (HSE), S. Mustafaeva (Financial University), A. Surmeneva (Financial University), E. Goncharova (Financial University), A. Weinmacher (HSE), I. Svintsytskaya (HSE), V. Delabost (Financial University)
System analysis, strategic planning, mathematical modelling (abstract, full version)
M. Rudnev (HSE), A. Henseler (University of Dusseldorf), T. Beckers (University of Dusseldorf), P. Seeger (GESIS)
New instrument for assessing attitudes toward euthanasia: structure, modeling and measurement invariance in Russia and Germany (abstract)
A. Rotmistrov (HSE), A. Schetinin (HSE)
Multivariate Log-Linear Analysis of Sparse Contingency Tables: Characteristics and Limitations in the Sociological Practice (abstract, full version)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 421, М-11
Session Tb-04. Sociology of Social Assistance: Reform and Changing Practices.
Moderator: O. Savinskaya (HSE)
S. Lutoshkina (MSU)
Pluralism of placement forms of children without parental support (abstract, full version)
O. Savinskaya (HSE), A. Istomina (HSE)
The spatial construction of social service for families with children (abstract, full version)
A. Mytil (IS RAS), O. Doudchenko (IS RAS)
The specificity of the older group as an object of social policy (abstract, full version)
Moderators: A. Almakaeva (HSE), E. Ponarin (HSE)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 102, М-20
Session Tc-02. Key lectures
Moderator: E. Ponarin (HSE)
R. Inglehart (HSE, University of Michigan)
Trump and the Xenophobic Populist Parties: Cultural Backlash and Declining Real Income (abstract)
C. Welzel (HSE, Leuphana University of Luneburg)
The Myth of Deconsolidation: Rising Liberalism and the Populist Reaction in Mature (abstract)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 102, М-20
Session Tc-03. Human Values and Institutions
Moderator: A. Almakaeva (HSE)
B. Sokolov (HSE), V. Kostenko (HSE), O. Volchenko (HSE)
Which Came First, Institutions or Values? The Case of the Same-Sex-Marriage Laws (progress report) (abstract)
N. Soboleva (HSE)
The Effect of Work Values upon the Difference Between Life and Job Satisfaction (progress report) (abstract)
T. Reeskens (Tilburg University), L. Vandecasteele (University of Tübingen)
Resilient Personalities. The Moderating Role of Human Values on the Negative Relationship between Economic Hardship and Subjective Well-Being across European Welfare States (guest presentation) (abstract)
Discussants: R. Inglehart (HSE, University of Michigan), F. Sarracino (STATEC)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 102, М-20
Session Tc-04. Special lectures
Moderator: A. Shcherbak (HSE)
J. Billiet (Universite catholique de Louvain)
Some Reflection on Measurement and Theoretical Validity in Comparative Research With Cross-Country or/and Over Time Survey Data (special lecture) (abstract)
F. Sarracino (STATEC)
Costs and Benefits of Including or Omitting Interaction Terms: A Monte Carlo Simulation (abstract)
Section U. Healthcare System Development
Moderator: S. Shishkin (HSE)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 428, М-11
Session U-02. Economy and health care organization - 1
Moderator: S. Shishkin (HSE)
Z. Ziganshina (KazFU)
Public good “type of innovation” (abstract, full version)
V. Vlassov (HSE)
Health care reform in Russia: preliminary conditions (abstract, full version)
A. Ishchenko (HSE), V. Vlassov (HSE)
The effectiveness of the use of financial resources in the regions to ensure medicines an orphan patients (abstract, full version)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 428, М-11
Session U-03. Economy and health care organization - 2
Moderator: F. Kadyrov (Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation)
E. Kalabina (USUE)
The stimulating compensation in the budgetary medical organizations: imitation vs efficiency? (abstract)
Y. Vorotnikov (Mosgortur)
Development of children's institutions in Russia through public-private partnerships (abstract)
R. Myshiakov (TumSu)
Criteria for the information accounting-analytical systems and the use of strategic managerial accounting in medical institutions. (abstract, full version)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 428, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session U-04. Economy and health care organization - 3
Moderator: I. Sheyman (HSE)
D. Rudchenko (Sberbank), E. Yakovlev (NES)
Can Free Market Reduce Harm from Alcohol? Evidence from Cross-Country Study (abstract)
E. Tarasenko (HSE), O. Khoreva (HSE)
Features of the state regional healthcare policy realization for chronic non-communicable diseases prevention and healthy living in the Russian North (abstract)
Section V. Evaluation of Reforms in Education
Moderator: I. Froumin (HSE)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 518, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session V-02. Honorary paper by Brian McCall (University of Michigan) “How can education contribute to the growth and development of human capital: international experience and research results?”
Moderator: I. Froumin (HSE)
This lecture will discuss some recent research by myself and others that has been concerned with estimating the causal effect of certain interventions designed to increase educational attainment. One possible policy intervention that has received considerable attention in the United States is to lower or eliminate tuition for community colleges. Several state or regional based programs currently exist that either eliminate or substantially lower tuition for community college. I will discuss researchers attempts to identify the causal effects of these programs on different educational outcomes. I will also discuss research that has estimated the causal effect of programs that try to keep youth in school beyond compulsory education by paying them to attend.
Tuesday, April 11
Room 327-к, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Roundtable V-03. Dynamics of educational outcomes in Russia and beyond (on the data of international monitoring projects in the quality of education) (World Bank organized event).
Moderator: A. Zakharov (HSE)
Questions for discussion:
• What are the key aspects of inequality in education that international research projects demonstrate?
• What policies do countries implement to address inequalities in education?
• What are the educational reforms resulting from the analysis of international research projects?
• What reforms in education have a significant impact on the results that countries demonstrate in international monitoring projects?
Participants: C. Aedo (World Bank), K. Vasiliev (World Bank), K. Hirea-Soza (World Bank), M. Jakubowski (Evidence Institute in Poland)
Tuesday, April 11
Room 431, М-11
Session V-04. Problems of strategic management in education: the Russian experience
Moderator: T. Khavenson (HSE)
S. Popova (MSPU), A. Izatulina (MSPU), R. Girenko (ASP)
Research into current reforms of Russia’s education system: actors and their agenda (abstract, full version)
M. Klarin (RAE)
Innovative education as a tool for organizational transformations: phenomenon, paradoxes, and practical conclusions (abstract)
April 12
Section A. Macroeconomics and Growth
Moderator: E. Gurvich (EEG)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 101, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session A-05. Monetary policy in the context of uncertainty
Moderator: A. Morozov (Bank of Russia)
D. Kreptsev (Bank of Russia)
Assessing the applicability of robust monetary policy rules to the Russian economy (abstract)
A. Ponomarenko (Bank of Russia), A. Rozhkova (Bank of Russia), S. Seleznev (Bank of Russia)
Financial dependence and macroeconomic effect of financial shocks (abstract)
T. Tsenova (NSI)
Monetary Policy, Expectations and Structural Uncertainty (abstract)
O. Kuznetsova (HSE), S. Merzlyakov (HSE)
The role of political uncertainty in interactions between fiscal and monetary policy (abstract)
Discussants: A. Pestova (CMASF), A. Polbin (The Gaidar Institute)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 101, М-20
Session A-06. Instrumental methods and structural analysis
Moderator: D. Fantazzini (MSU)
A. Pestova (HSE)
On the Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks in Russia: Large Data Sample Approach (abstract)
O. Malakhovskaya (HSE)
Structural analysis and forecasting in an oil-exporting economy (abstract)
N. Arefiev (HSE), R. Khabibullin (HSE)
Bayesian Identification of Structural Vector Autoregressions (abstract)
S. Slobodyan (HSE - St. Petersburg, National Bank of Belgium), R. Wouters (CERGE-EI)
Adaptive Learning and Survey Expectations of Inflation (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 101, М-20
Session A-07. Macroeconomics of financial markets
Moderator: O. Zamulin (HSE)
A. Vasilenko (HSE)
Should Monetary Authorities Prick Asset Price Bubbles? Evidence from a New Keynesian Model with an Agent-Based Financial Market (abstract, full version)
I. Eryzhenskiy (EDEEM)
Endogenous Borrowing Constraints and Rational Bubbles in a Life-cycle Economy (abstract, full version)
S. Ulianova (HSE), O. Kuznetsova (HSE)
The impact of the bank of Russia’s verbal interventions on rts and micex indices in 2014-2015: an intraday analysis (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 101, М-20
Session A-08. Fiscal policy models
Moderator: S. Pekarsky (HSE)
I. Fedotenkov (HSE)
Optimal asymmetric taxation in a two-sector model with population ageing (abstract)
M. Karamysheva (HSE)
Can Uncertainty Explain the Heterogeneous Output Effects of Fiscal Adjustments? (abstract, full version)
D. Skrypnik (CEMI RAS)
Fiscal policy and economic growth in Russia. Optimal fiscal rule (abstract, full version)
K. Isakov (HSE), S. Pekarski (HSE)
Fiscal Multiplier and Financial Repression (abstract)
Section B. Special Sessions and Roundtables
Wednesday, April 12
Room 309, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session B-05/1. Honorary paper by Evsey Gurvich (EEG) “Macroeconomic and Structural Properties of the Russian Labor Market”
Moderator: G. Kantorovich (HSE)
The lecture presents overview of the recent studies carried out by a team of Russian researchers. Comparative cross-country analysis of base macroeconomic models reveal key salient features of the Russian labor market (RLM). The strength of most relations in the RLM is typical for emerging markets. The only characteristic which sharply distinguishes RLM from other countries is flexibility of real wages by unemployment rate.
Important structural properties of the RLM include, first, significant interrelation of wages in the public and private sectors, and second, negative impact of pulic employment on the number of people employed in the private sector, and more than that, positive effect of public employment on the unemployment rate.
Our findings reveal thus macroeconomic mechanisms underlying typical patterns of the RLM adjustment. I argue that the concept of the RLM model should be somewhat revised: its salient feature is lack of macro rigidities – hence it is efficient rather than faulty.
Once the RLM demonstrates high ability for adjustment to shocks, there is no case for fiscal and monetary stimulus. Our analysis gives also explanation to a unique feature of RLM: steady increase in the wage share over the last decade, that ran contrary to the global trend.
Wednesday, April 12
Room 311, М-20
Roundtable B-05/2. Interaction between government and business at the regional and municipal level: international and Russian experience
Moderator: A. Shokhin (HSE)
Issues for discussion:
• Business and power in the Russian regions - inventory of problems
• Regional mechanisms of regional management: features and main directions in the context of changes
• The role of regional business associations in protecting and promoting the interests of entrepreneurs in regional and municipal power structures
• International business in the regional-municipal context - experience in solving problems
• International business in Russian regions - risks and benefits
Invited for discussion: S. Orlova (Governor of the Vladimir region), N. Liubimov (Acting Governor of the Ryazan Region), Ph. Pegorier (AEBRUS, Alstom), S. Borisov (“SUPPORT OF RUSSIA”), V. Cherepov (RUIE), D. Pumpyansky (SRUIE), V. Senin (“Association of Managers”), K. Androsov (Altera Capital), M. Barshchevsky (Plenipotentiary representative of the Government of the Russian Federation in the highest judicial instances, Honored Lawyer of Russia), B. Titiov (Representative of the President for the Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs), I. Yungers (All-Russian IA, RAMI, NULI, INSOR)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 327-к, М-20
Roundtable B-06/1. “How to Secure Country’s Success Amid Global Stratification”. A joint project of WCIOM and the Valdai Discussion Club
Moderator: F. Lukyanov (Valdai Discussion Club, Russia in Global Affairs journal)
Issues for discussion:
• Digital inequality and problems of the future education
• Perception of opportunities for getting education in the Russian society on the basis of surveys
• Technological development and opportunities/need for continuous education
• The image of the desired future and the path towards it
• Models of reforming education in the 21st century
Invited for discussion: A. Bystritskiy (Valdai Discussion Club), V. Fedorov (WCIOM), L. Yakobson (HSE), Y. Kuznetsov (RVC), A. Auzan (MSU), I.Remorenko (MSPU)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 311, М-20
Roundtable B-06/2. Prospects of development in Russian regions: views and opportunities of the regional elite
Moderator: A. Yakovlev (HSE), D. Tolmachev (UrFU)
Issues for discussion:
• What are the possible mechanisms of effective inclusion of business, budget organizations and society in the decision-making processes at the regional level and participation in the development of the region?
• Around which projects should the agreements be built between the main groups in the regional elites?
• What is the role of the federal government in supporting the processes of interaction within the regional elites and who can act as a guarantor of their implementation?
• What international experience can be used to implement similar initiatives?
Invited for discussion: M. Vshivtseva (SOSPP), I. Kusov (ISEPR Foundation), E. Khan (RPOM), V. Gritskikh (FUND “TUGAN IL”), A. Revkov (Deputy Governor of the Voronezh Region), A. Baranov (State Corporation “Orgprom”), A. Prudnikova (GMVC “ROSIZO”), E. Bragin (UMMC), K. Bogdanenko (OOO MSP “Opora Rossii”), M. Shklyaruk (CSR)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 311, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Roundtable B-07. The fate of economic programmes and reforms in Russia - organized in cooperation witg the Assosiation of Russian Economic Think Tanks (ARETT)
Moderator: E. Yasin (HSE)
Issues for discussion:
• Which economic programs and reforms in Russia in the XXI century have been the most successful and where the most insignificant results have been achieved?
• What determines the degree of success of various programs and reforms?
• What reforms and / or changes in economic policy are most important at the present time?
• What has to be done to actually carry out the necessary changes?
Invited for discussion: M. Dmitriev (New Economic Growth), A. Klepach (VEB), V. Polterovich (CEMI RAS), A. Yakovlev (HSE), E. Gurvich (EEG), A. Auzan (MSU)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 309, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session B-08. Honorary paper by Marek Dabrowski (HSE, Center for Social and Economic Research, Warsaw) “Central Asia - 25 Years after Collapse of the USSR”
Moderator: B. Kuznetsov (HSE)
At the end of 2016, a quarter of century passed since collapse of the former USSR. As result, former Soviet republics, including five republics of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan), became the independent states.

The purpose of this lecture is an analysis of results of 25 years transformation in the Central Asian region. The analysis takes into consideration various region’s specifics, including its remote geographic location (far from main centers of the world economy), underdevelopment of transport and trade infrastructure, complicated regional geopolitics, political authoritarianism, lack of capitalist traditions, commodity dependence, low urbanization level, high population growth, etc.

Transformation results differ between individual countries. Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and, to lesser degree, Tajikistan built foundations of market economy and integrated into the global trade system. Kyrgyzstan is the only country, which is politically partly free and pluralistic. On the other end of the regional spectrum, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan continue the command system and remain partly closed to the external world.

Individual countries have also noticed differences in growth rates and development levels. As result of oil and natural gas boom in 2000s and early 2010s, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan joined the group of upper-middle-income countries. Recently, Kazakhstan’s GDP per capita in PPP terms caught up with the Russian level. Other three countries have grown in slower pace. Until now, they moved from low-income to lower-middle-income group of countries.

The sharp decline in world commodity prices in mid-2014 exposed limits of the hitherto growth model and increased urgency of structural diversification of Central Asian economies. However, successful market-based diversification will require intensification of economic and institutional reforms, which does not seem a very likely scenario without political liberalization.
Section D. Theoretical Economics
Moderators: A. Zakharov (HSE), S. Izmalkov (NES)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 423, М-11
Session D-05. Equilibrium models
Moderator: A. Shapoval (NES)
A. Friedman (HSE)
Mixed duopoly in extraction industry (abstract)
N. Ayzenberg (ESI SB RAS)
Evaluation of Horizontal Mergers in the Electricity Market by Model Supply Function Equilibrium (abstract)
V. Goncharenko (HSE), A. Shapoval (NES)
Demand Uncertainty in Models of Monopolistic Competition with General Utilities (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 423, М-11
Session D-06. Preferences
Moderator: A. Karpov (HSE)
J. Drugeon (PSE, CNRS)
On Time Consistency, Pareto-Optimality [& Equilibrium] in a Model with Heterogeneous Quasi-Hyperbolic Discounting Agents (abstract)
A. Karpov (HSE)
Preference diversity orderings (abstract)
Y. Veselova (HSE)
Coalitional manipulation under incomplete information (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 423, М-11
Session D-07. Political economy and institutions
Moderator: A. Savvateev (DPU)
A. Yarkin (HSE), N. Vasilenok (HSE)
Crime and Investment in Security: Economic Incentives, Political Economy and Efficiency (abstract)
G. Gokmen (NES)
The Power of Religion: Political Origins of Organized Religion Across the Globe (abstract)
A. Savvateev (DPU)
Brexit in a mathematical mode: a static model of ternary choice on a weighted network (abstract, full version)
K. Bukin (HSE), M. Levin (HSE)
Modeling of the group therapy of addicts (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 423, М-11
Session D-08. Economic growth and inequality
Moderator: D. Veselov (HSE)
D. Veselov (HSE), A. Yarkin (HSE)
Distribution of wealth and political conflict on different stages of economic growth (abstract)
M. Mamedli (Bank of Russia)
Social security system and the complementarity of fiscal policy instruments (abstract, full version)
K. Butaeva (NES)
The Composite Model of Russian Social Structure Based on Personal Incomes (abstract)
N. Burakov (IE RAS), O. Slavinskaia (IE RAS)
Modeling of the Baumol's Cost Disease (abstract)
Section Da. Market Studies and Spatial Economics
Moderator: S. Kichko (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 329а, М-11
Session Da-05. Studies on the Russian economy
Moderator: O. Demidova (HSE)
A. Skorobogatov (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Why are newer cities richer in Russia? A spatial equilibrium approach (abstract, full version)
M. Schlattau (UniBW)
National systems of entrepreneurship in transition economies: An empirical analysis of spatial institutional variation in Russia (abstract, full version)
O. Demidova (HSE), E. Medvedeva (HSE), M. Signorelli (University of Perugia), P. Daddi (University of Perugia)
Employment Clubs in Russian Regions: spatial-econometric approach (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 329а, М-11
Session Da-06. International trade - 1
Moderator: A. Gumpert (LMU Munich)
S. Sharapudinov (HSE)
Heterogeneous Firms, Workers, and Tasks: Does Trade Liberalization Induce Polarization of the Labor Market? (abstract)
I. Bykadorov (IM SB RAS, NSU, NSUEM), A. Ellero (Ca’Foscari University of Venice), S. Funari (Ca’Foscari University of Venice), P. Molchanov (HSE), S. Kokovin (HSE)
Negative Pro-Competitive Effects of Trade under Monopolistic Competition (abstract)
S. Onenko (HSE)
Equilibrium existance in Krugman trade model (abstract)
A. Gumpert (LMU Munich), A. Moxnes (University of Oslo), F. Tintelnot (University of Chicago), N. Ramondo (University of California at San Diego)
Exporters' and Multinational Firms' Life-Cycle Dynamics (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 329а, М-11
Session Da-07. Production and markets
Moderator: J. Morrow (Essex)
E. Ozhegov (HSE - Perm)
Heterogeneity of sellers in real estate market: difference in pricing strategies (abstract, full version)
N. Bazenkov (ICS RAS), M. Sandomirskaia (HSE), M. Kuznetsova (HSE)
Price dispersion and network structure of competition in the Internet (abstract, full version)
E. Popova (HSE - Perm), A. Redkina (HSE - Perm)
Effect of Interconnector on Economic Dispatch on Russian Electricity Market (abstract)
J. Morrow (University of Essex), J. Boehma (Sciences Po), S. Dhingra (LSE)
Swimming Upstream: Input-Output Linkages and the Direction of Product Adoption (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 329а, М-11
Session Da-08. Migration and space
Moderator: D. Zeng (Tohoku University)
E. Vakulenko (HSE), S. Sardadvar (WPZ Research)
Exogenous spatial interaction panel regressions: evidence from interregional migration in Russia (abstract)
D. Pokrovsky (HSE - St. Petersburg), A. Shapoval (HSE, NES)
A Response of Employment Structure to Immigration under Heterogeneity of Entrepreneurial Abilities (abstract, full version)
D. Zeng (Tohoku University)
Taxing the Second-Nature Forces (abstract, full version)
Section Db. Network Analysis
Moderator: V. Kuskova (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 328, М-11
Session Db-05. Mathematical methods in network analysis
Moderator: V. Kalyagin (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod)
S. Makrushin (Financial University)
Development of the Model of the Power Transmission Grid Topology Based on the Analysis of the UNES (abstract, full version)
V. Kalyagin (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod), P. Pardalos (University of Florida), A. Koldanov (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod)
Measures of similarity and network structures on stock markets (abstract, full version)
P. Koldanov (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod), N. Lozgacheva (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod)
On elliptical model for market network (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 328, М-11
Session Db-06. Business networks
Moderator: E. Artiukhova (HSE)
F. López-Iturriaga (University of Valladolid), M. Zavertiaeva (HSE)
Networks of directors on Russian boards: the hidden part of the corporate governance iceberg (abstract, full version)
E. Artyukhova (HSE), V. Kuskova (HSE)
Cross-Buying Customer Behavior and Sellers Efficiency in Internet Shopping in Russia (abstract)
I. Kuznetsov (HSE)
Influence of intra-organizational communication on successful project realization (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 328, М-11
Session Db-07. Network analysis of larger communities
Moderator: G. Gradoselskaya (HSE)
S. Isaev (Adidas), D. Romanov (HSE)
The entropy attitude in the analysis of user communication activity patterns in corporate and social networks of media messaging (abstract, full version)
D. Zaytsev (HSE), M. Erofeeva (HSE)
Modelling the Impact of Mass Protests of 2010s on Political Change (by using Data Envelopment and Social Network Analysis) (abstract)
G. Gradoselskaya (HSE), I. Karpov (HSE)
Semantic and network analysis of the political person’s representation in Internet-Media (abstract)
Section E. Financial Institutions and Markets
Moderator: A. Karminsky (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 319а, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session E-05. Banking system
Moderator: O. Solntsev (CMASF)
Z. Fungacova (BOFIT), L. Weill (University of Strasbourg), D. Davydov (University of Vaasa)
Cyclicality of Bank Liquidity Creation (abstract)
M. Mamonov (CMASF)
Lending Channel of Monetary Policy through the Retail and Corporative Segments of Credit Market: A Comparative Evaluation of Statistical Performance in Russia (abstract)
M. Raschupkin (HSE), M. Semenova (HSE)
Competition vs Access to Credit for Households: The Aspect of Informal Credit Market (abstract)
E. Sabelnikova (CMASF)
Revealing the credit demand determinants of Russia’s population (based on the longitude analysis of households - RLMS-HSE) (abstract)
Discussants: D. Davydov (University of Vaasa), M. Mamonov (CMASF)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 319а, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session E-06. Banking innovations
Moderator: Z. Fungacova (Bank of Finland)
V. Sokolov (HSE), L. Chernykh (Clemson University)
High-Yield Deposits and Financial Stability (abstract)
I. Bokhari (UCP)
Social and Financial Performance of MFIs of the World: Study of Various Regions (abstract)
E. Krivosheya (Skolkovo), A. Korolev (Skolkovo)
Benefits of the Retail Payments Card Market: Evidence from Russian Merchants (abstract, full version)
T. Evdokimova (HSE)
Financial sector reform in the US: interim results (abstract)
Discussant: M. Semenova (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 319а, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session E-07. Regulation of financial risks
Moderator: M. Stolbov (MGIMO)
O. Borzykh (Bank of Russia)
The Impact of the Bank of Russia Macroprudential Regulation on Monetary Transmission Mechanism (abstract, full version)
H. Penikas (HSE)
Optimal Financial Risk Regulation Framework Based On Traffic Flow Regulation Experience Research (abstract, full version)
L. Kazaryan (HSE), G. Kantorovich (HSE)
Econometric Risk evaluation on financial markets and its relation to the Hypothesis of Market Efficiency. (abstract, full version)
K. Zockoll (FactSet), D. Khannanova (FactSet), K. Maneri (FactSet)
Connecting the Dots: Leveraging Smart Datasets to Effectively Drive Analytics, Data Aggregation, and Reporting (abstract)
Discussant: M. Shchepeleva (Bank of Russia)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 319а, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session E-08. Systemic risks and stress-testing
Moderator: A. Karminsky (HSE)
M. Shchepeleva (MGIMO), M. Stolbov (MGIMO)
Systemic Risk in European Economies: Deciphering Leading Measures, Common Patterns and Real Effects (abstract)
E. Seryakova (MGIMO)
Systemic risk of Russian banking sector: sources, concepts and measures. (abstract, full version)
A. Nikitina (HSE), F. Aleskerov (HSE), N. Meshcheryakova (HSE), S. Shvydun (HSE)
Models of networks of influence: the use of the international debt market (abstract)
O. Kadreva (Bank of Russia)
Stress-testing of Russian banking sector (abstract)
Discussant: H. Penikas (HSE)
Section G. Regional Studies
Moderator: N. Zubarevich (MSU)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 522, М-20
Session G-05. Budget policy and management system
Moderator: O. Kuznetsova (ISA RAS)
V. Klimanov (IPFR)
Intergovernmental grants as a fiscal instrument for regional economic transformation (abstract, full version)
A. Yushkov (Leontief Center), L. Savulkin (Leontief Centre), N. Oding (Leontief Centre)
Political Economy of Intergovernmental Relations in Russia (abstract, full version)
N. Golovanova (FRI)
Public Education Expenditures in Russia: Determinants of the Regional Difference (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 522, М-20
Session G-06. Regional exporting companies and the financial sector
Moderator: N. Zubarevich (MSU)
S. Kadochnikov (HSE - St. Petersburg), A. Fedyunina (HSE - St. Petersburg)
High growth Russian exporting companies – do they exploit existing comparative advantages or explore new markets? (abstract)
A. Fedyunina (HSE - St. Petersburg), S. Kadochnikov (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Experience against Youth - What Determines Probability of Export Entry? Study for companies of the City of St.Petersburg (abstract)
K. Krinichansky (SUSU), A. Fatkin (SUSU)
The nonmonotonically influence of the regional financial development on economic growth in Russia (abstract, full version)
A. Mishura (NSU), S. Ageeva (NSU)
Banking sector, resource dependence and diversification of the economy: what regional data show? (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 522, М-20
Session G-07. Regional sectoral markets
Moderator: I. Glazyrina (INREC SB RAS)
I. Glazyrina (INREC SB RAS)
“The potential of devaluation” and the development of the forest complex in Eastern Russia (abstract, full version)
S. Kruglikov (UrFU), A. Terlyga (UrFU), E. Starikov (USFEU)
On the quantitative multi-agent modeling of the system of state support for the regional timber industry (abstract, full version)
O. Tarasova (NSU, IEIE SB RAS), B. Melentev (IEIE SB RAS), Y. Pankova (NSU)
Evaluation of development scenarios of the Russian Far East port complex: a combination of defense and foreign trade goals (abstract, full version)
Section Ga. Urban Studies
Moderator: A. Puzanov (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 230, М-20
Session Ga-05. Urban development management
Moderator: A. Puzanov (IUE, HSE)
I. Ilina (HSE), E. Pliseckij (HSE)
Assessment of the level of development of public infrastructure in the cities as the basis for making the effective management decisions (abstract)
A. Safronov (Analytical Center for the Government of the RF)
Economic evaluation of passengers’ time losses and its usage for improvement of suburban transport policy (abstract, full version)
E. Bezhin (HSE - St. Petersburg), A. Travin (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Features of the Russian model for urban innovative infrastructure development: the case of St. Petersburg (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 230, М-20
Session Ga-06. Urban development
Moderator: M. Polyakova (HCFE)
E. Antonov (IG RAS)
Demographic and economic asymmetry in the urban development of the Urals, Siberia and Russia’s Far East in 1991-2014 (abstract, full version)
E. Putilova (The center for Economics of the North and the Arctic SOPS)
The influence of human capital on the development of the old industrial cities of the Ural economic region (abstract)
G. Khmeleva (SSEU), K. Egorova (Samara city district administration)
Russian cities: labor potential growth and modernization prefers to Siberia and the Far East, the role of local authorities (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 230, М-20
Roundtable Ga-07. Approach to redevelopment of the areas with dilapidated housing in Russian cities
Moderator: A. Puzanov (HSE)
• Potential volumes of the market development for built-up areas in Russian cities
• Practice of development of the dilapidated residential areas in Russian cities
• Tools of modeling projects for development of built-up areas
Participants: T. Polidi (The Institute for Urban Economics), E. Trutnev (The Institute for Urban Economics), A. Novikov (HSE), V. Stadnikov (HSE), M. Stepanov (The Department of urban planning policy of Moscow), Y. Shcheglova (The Department of urban planning policy of Moscow), E. Korotkova (Strelka KB), I. Zalivukhin (Jauzaproject), I. Romanov (LSR Group), A. Barkhota (AHML), N. Kichigin (The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law)
Section H. Economic History
Moderator: M. Davydov (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 428, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session H-05. Methodological issues of economic history
Moderator: S. Salomatina (MSU)
A. Magliulo (UNINT)
The Origins of Economic Nationalism in Europe (abstract)
A. Volodin (MSU)
The Paradox of Plenty: how to unite theory and history in Russian case (abstract)
S. Salomatina (MSU)
A bank for insiders: lending practices in Moscow in the 1890s (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 428, М-11
Session H-06. Economic development in pre-revolutionary Russia
Moderator: T. Valetov (MSU)
M. Baryshnikov (Herzen University)
Russian society of shipping and trade: evolution of contractual relations with employees (1856 - 1876). (abstract, full version)
M. Davydov (HSE)
Saving practices in a Russian village from the end of 19th until the early 20th centuries: the level of peasant welfare (abstract)
A. Mamaev (IRH RAS, IE RAS)
Solving the food problem in cities during the World War I: the role of local self-government (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 428, М-11
Session H-07. Economic development in Soviet Russia
Moderator: M. Davydov (HSE)
N. Nenovsky (CRIISEA, University of Picardie Jules Verne)
The Soviets monetary experience (1917 – 1924) through the perspective of the discussion on unity and diversity of money (abstract, full version)
D. Shestakov (Bank of Russia)
Technical Progress and Soviet Industrialization (abstract, full version)
S. Ulyanova (SPbPU)
Soviet industrial political project in the 1920s - early 1930s: main stages of design (abstract, full version)
D. Ivanov (HSE), E. Borisova (HSE)
Loss of human capital and development: evidence from Russian Germans repatriation (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 428, М-11
Session H-08. Social and economic development in Russia in the 20th – 21st centuries
Moderator: S. Ulyanova (SPbPU)
T. Valetov (MSU), G. Kessler (International Institute for Social History)
Changes in the occupational structure of Russia/USSR in 1897-2002 (abstract)
V. Nekrasov (SurSPU), D. Filippova (SurSPU)
Bureaucratic hierarchies, academic networks and the economic reformism in the Soviet Union (the second half of 1950s - the first half of the 1960s.) (abstract)
D. Maslov (MRSU)
From Soviet man to the Russians: changing historical stereotypes (abstract, full version)
M. Fiveiskaia (RANEPA)
The phenomenon of Soviet Quality: urban housing in the normative and social dimension (abstract, full version)
Section K. World Economy
Moderator: A. Kuznetsov (IMEMO RAS)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 424, М-11
Session K-06. International cooperation in the development of Siberia and the Far East
Moderator: E. Kanaev (HSE)
V. Kryukov (HSE), J. Kryukov (IEIE SB RAS), A. Tokarev (IEIE SB RAS)
Implementation of Resource Development Projects on the Basis of Mutual Benefit (abstract, full version)
I. Makarov (HSE)
Sino-Russian Agricultural Cooperation: New opportunities for Suberia and the Russian Far East (abstract)
G. Kovaleva (NSU)
CMEA countries yesterday and today through the prism of statistics and regional interests (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 309, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session K-07/1. Honorary paper by Sergey Afontsev (IMEMO RAS, MSU, MGIMO) “Opportunities and challenges for Russia’s long term development: global context”
Priorities of Russia’s long term development strategy (Strategy–2035) are conditioned by both domestic and external factors. The latter are analyzed in the paper on the basis of the ‘Global Forecast – 2035’ published by the Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) in March 2017. Key trends affecting Russia’s position in the world economy are identified as well as major development opportunities and challenges associated with these trends. Measures to strengthen Russia’s development capacities are proposed for alternative scenarios of global GDP growth, global economic governance, regional economic cooperation/integration and (geo)political tensions.
Wednesday, April 12
Room 424, М-11
Session K-07/2. New approaches to the study of cross-border trade and investment relations
Moderator: A. Kuznetsov (IMEMO RAS)
Y. Litvinova (RANEPA)
Value-added exports: HO and Ricardo theory approaches for analysis (abstract)
N. Smorodinskaya (IE RAS), D. Katukov (IE RAS)
Organizational Sophistication of Economic Context: the Phenomenon of Global Value Chains (abstract)
A. Nevskaya (IMEMO RAS)
Measuring the degree of regional economic integration: corporate level (abstract)
P. Povarenkina (HSE)
South Korean FTA network analysis (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 424, М-11
Session K-08. Current problems of European integration
Moderator: V. Zuev (HSE)
M. Joxhe (University of Luxembourg), S. Zanaj (University of Luxembourg)
Measuring fiscal effects of immigation in EU (abstract)
G. Glushchenco (MSU)
Refugees in Europe: short term costs and long term benefits? (abstract, full version)
L. Nemova (ISCRAN)
CETA: the possible global implications of the agreement between the EU and Canada (abstract, full version)
A. Gorlov (HSE)
Factors of influence on the process of integration of traditional and renewable energy in the countries of the North Sea. (abstract, full version)
Section Ka. International Relations
Moderator: T. Bordachyov (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 226, М-20
Session Ka-05. Big Eurasia: challenges and opportunities for partnership
Moderator: T. Bordachyov (HSE)
T. Bordachev (HSE)
The impact of Eurasian Economic Union – Silk Road Economic Belt pairing on the transregional trade: which projects for international development institutions? (abstract)
Y. Lissovolik (EDB)
Integration at the Cross-Roads of Eurasia and Asia Pacific (abstract)
A. Skriba (HSE), A. Kazakova (HSE)
Formation of Central Asia’s strategy for Eurasian integration: the factor of China (abstract)
V. Pereboev (EDB)
Interests and opportunities for the EEU in “Big Eurasia” (abstract)
Discussants: I. Safranchuk (HSE), V. Petrovsky (IFES RAS)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 226, М-20
Session Ka-06. Economic weapons in modern foreign policy
Moderator: A. Likhacheva (HSE)
T. Isachenko (MGIMO)
The Use of Trade Barriers in Political Interests: Traditional Practice or New Reality (abstract)
V. Ponomarev (EEC)
The influence of sanctions towards the Russian Federation on the EAEU integration (abstract)
A. Podchufarov (HSE)
Analysis of the consequences of the Western sanctions policy based on the ICC model (abstract, full version)
V. Zuev (HSE)
Sanctions assessing methodology (abstract)
Discussant: A. Portanskiy (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 226, М-20
Session Ka-07. Foreign Aid: international experience and possibilities for Russia
Moderator: M. Bratersky (HSE)
M. Entin (MGIMO)
EU Foreign Aid as an Intrument of Common Foreign Policy (abstract)
D. Suslov (HSE)
Russian Policy of Foreign Aid: Opportunities and Perspectives of Implementation of International Experience (abstract)
A. Korolev (HSE), A. Pyatachkova (HSE)
China's foreign aid policy: basic principles and areas (abstract)
A. Shakirov (Asta)
US Foreign Aid Policy: Case of Post-Soviet Space (abstract)
Discussant: D. Degtyaryov (MGIMO)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 226, М-20
Session Ka-08. Russian foreign policy: changing course and staying true to traditions
Moderator: F. Lukyanov (HSE)
I. Timofeev (RIAC)
Sovereignty vs Globalization: the Choice of Russian Strategic Foreign Policy Course (abstract)
P. Kandel (Institute of Europe RAS)
Balkans in Russian Foreign Policy: Past, Present and Future (abstract, full version)
A. Lomanov (IFES RAS)
Contemporary Chinese assessments of Russian diplomatic traditions (abstract, full version)
V. Kashin (HSE)
Sino-US relations after the US elections and their influence on Russian-Chinese relations (abstract)
Discussant: M. Troitsky (MGIMO)
Section Kb. Trade Policy
Moderators: M. Medvedkov (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation), A. Daniltsev (HSE), M. Glazatova (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 240, М-20
Session Kb-05. Prospects for the development and use of trade policy instruments in the context of globalization
Moderator: A. Daniltsev (HSE), M. Medvedkov (Ministry of Economic Development)
Z. Enikeeva (CASE-Kyrgyzstan)
EAEU-WTO: problems and cooperation prospects (abstract)
E. Mikhaylova (HSE)
Experience of export diversification and overcoming raw material dependence (abstract, full version)
S. Yurik (CULS), V. Yurik (BelSU)
International transfer of the latest technologies as the object of analysis for external trade policy (abstract, full version)
M. Glazatova (HSE)
The imperatives of development business regulation in global economy (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 240, М-20
Session Kb-06. Current problems of expansion on foreign markets
Moderator: O. Savelyev (HSE), Y. Shurygin (“Russian Exporters”)
N. Malykh (HSE), A. Berbeneva (HSE), K. Popov (HSE), E. Abdikarim (HSE)
Is it possible to stimulate export expansion on markets for innovative products? (abstract, full version)
V. Guzanov (HSE), A. Filiptseva (HSE), A. Elpatova (HSE)
Prospects for changes in the structure of exports of the Russian fuel and energy complex (abstract, full version)
A. Zamotin (Russian Export Center)
Problems of supporting non-oil exports in Russia at the present stage (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 240, М-20
Session Kb-07. Problems of trade policy in Central Asia
Moderator: N. Kulbatyrov (Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan), N. Mamedova (Institute of Oriental studies RAS)
K. Umurzakov (CAREC Institute)
Economic development in the countries of Central Asia: problems and prospects (abstract, full version)
A. Strokatov (CTPD)
Opportunities of development of trade facilitation in Central Asia in the WTO framework (abstract, full version)
Y. Serik (CTPD), N. Kulbatyrov (CTPD)
The necessity of combining the efforts of Central Asian countries in foreign trade (abstract)
M. Zhanabergenova (ENU), G. Ospanova (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
Ensuring financial security in trading banking services among EEU member states (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 240, М-20
Session Kb-08. Trade regulation tools in Russia and the EAEU
Moderator: A. Daniltsev (HSE), S. Georgievsky (EEC)
E. Arapova (MGIMO)
Influence of Customs Tariff Regulation on Imports in Russia: Geographical and Commodity Profile (abstract, full version)
A. Ionova (HSE)
The Impact of Non-Tariff Regulation Measures on the EU-EAEU Trade: the Case of Harmonization of Technical Regulation Measures (abstract, full version)
O. Karashchuk (PRUE)
Modeling territorial retail trade network of Russia (abstract, full version)
A. Klimenko (HSE)
Regulation of competition and parallel imports in innovative sectors (abstract)
Section L. Firms and Markets
Moderators: N. Volchkova (NES/ CEFIR), T. Dolgopyatova (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 429, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session L-05. Corporate finance - 1
Moderator: S. Gabdrakhmanov (NES/ CEFIR)
A. Muravyev (HSE - St. Petersburg), T. Garanina (SPbSU)
Gender Composition of Corporate Boards and Firm Performance: Evidence from Russia (abstract, full version)
I. Ivashkovskaya (HSE), E. Morkovkina (HSE), A. Stepanova (HSE)
The value added of board capital in the emerging capital market. Does the human side of corporate governance matter? (abstract, full version)
A. Rybalka (HSE), A. Karminsky (HSE)
Modelling the default probability of construction companies: corporate structure factors (abstract, full version)
Discussant: C. Sprenger (HSE), Y. Rodionova (BMSTU)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 429, М-11
Session L-06. Corporate finance - 2
Moderator: N. Volchkova (NES/ CEFIR)
E. Fedorova (Financial University), D. Chekrizov (Bank of Russia), Y. Zelenkov (Financial University)
Bankruptcy factors at different stages of life cycle for Russian enterprises (abstract)
A. Bykova (HSE - Perm), M. Molodchik (HSE - Perm), C. Jardon (University of Vigo)
Intellectual capital impact on corporate performance considering industry heterogeneity: case of Russian public companies (abstract)
I. Skvortsova (HSE), I. Ivashkovskaya (HSE)
The value creation effect of corporate diversification in falling and rising economies. The case of Russian and Chinese firms (abstract, full version)
Discussant: A. Muravyev (HSE - St. Petersburg), Y. Rodionova (BMSTU)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 429, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session L-07. Financial conditions for business development
Moderator: I. Ivashkovskaya (HSE)
R. Rahmanov (CBAR)
Financial Constraints and Internalization of SMEs in Post-transition Countries (abstract, full version)
N. Semenova (Financial University)
Credit attractiveness of fast-growing companies: the institutional factor (abstract, full version)
M. Molodchik (HSE), E. Trapeznikova (HSE)
Accumulation rate of intellectual resources: comparative study of European and Russian companies (abstract)
A. Ozhegova (HSE)
Estimation of demand function for performing arts: the effect of unobserved quality on price elasticity (abstract, full version)
Discussant: S. Stepanov (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 429, М-11
Session L-08. Fast-growing companies in Russian economics
Moderator: A. Yakovlev (HSE)
A. Yudanov (Financial University), A. Yakovlev (HSE)
Use patterns of administrative resources and affiliation of fast-growing companies in Russia (abstract, full version)
V. Barinova (RANEPA), S. Zemtsov (RANEPA), J. Tsareva (RANEPA)
Factors of entrepreneurial activity in the Russian regions in 1998-2014 (abstract, full version)
S. Zemtsov (RANEPA), A. Maskaev (MIPT)
Growth Factors of fast-growing companies in Russia: Experience of multilevel modeling (abstract)
D. Ivanov (HSE)
Regional distribution of fast-growing companies in Russia: Role of institutions (abstract, full version)
A. Fedyunina (HSE - St. Petersburg)
The impact of regional factors on the choice of markets for Russian companies: What determines growth on the national and international markets? (abstract)
Discussant: L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU)
Section M. Political Processes
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 430, М-11
Session M-05. Research on discourses, values and frameworks
Moderator: M. Ilyin (HSE)
P. Tamas (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Epistemological dependencies: national and cosmopolitan political sciences in the post-communist transformation (abstract)
J. Olafsson (University of Iceland)
Value diversity and epistemic democracy (abstract)
D. Tolkachev (HSE), E. Panfilova (HSE)
Government Regulation of Sexuality and “Other” Stigmatization in Modern Russia: Inequality, Social Distrust, and Corruption (abstract, full version)
Discussant: I. Fomin (INION)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 430, М-11
Session M-06. Authoritarian and hybrid regimes
Moderator: M. Mironyuk (HSE)
A. Semenov (IFES RAS)
Issues of sustainability of modern authoritarian regimes (abstract, full version)
K. Chmel (HSE)
The Influence of the Resource Wealth on the Transformations in Competitive Authoritarian Regimes (abstract, full version)
S. Shkel (PermSU / USPTU)
Evolution of the political consciousness in contemporary societies: does regime matter? (abstract, full version)
Discussant: B. Makarenko (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 430, М-11
Session M-07. Political processes in Russia's
Moderator: R. Turovsky (HSE)
M. Ukhvatova (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Religion and Voting Behavior in Russia: Regional Aspect (abstract, full version)
D. Vorobyev (UrFU)
Political Cycles and Elections in Russian Regions (abstract)
Y. Pustovoyt (SibIM RANEPA)
“Dominate or coordinate”: urban political regimes, bases of formation and strategy of actors (abstract, full version)
A. Sanina (HSE - St. Petersburg), D. Zuev (HSE - St. Petersburg), D. Migunova (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Patriotic education as a public policy entity: a quantitative analysis of regional programmes (abstract, full version)
Discussant: Y. Gayvoronsky (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 430, М-11
Session M-08. Morphology of political and social development
Moderator: B. Kapustin (HSE)
V. Avdonin (IMEMO RAS)
On the morphological methods in cognitive science (abstract, full version)
T. Adilbaev (HSE)
Morphology of modes and genres of social communications (abstract, full version)
M. Ilyin (HSE)
Morphology of political and social divergence and convergence (abstract, full version)
I. Fomin (INION RAN )
Genes, Memes and Signs: Evolutionary Social Semiotics as a Transdisciplinary Methodological Interface for Political Studies (abstract, full version)
Discussant: A. Korotaev (HSE)
Section N. Local Government and Civic Self-Organization
Moderator: I. Mersiyanova (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 124, М-20
Session N-05. Development of state support mechanisms for the non-profit sector
Moderator: I. Mersiyanova (HSE)
V. Yakimets (IITP RAS), L. Nikovsky (IS RAS)
On development of mechanisms for state support of socially oriented NGO based on expert judgements (abstract, full version)
A. Sokolov (YarSU)
State support of citizens' self-organization: problems and prospects (on example of Yaroslavl region) (abstract, full version)
V. Benevolenski (HSE)
The effectiveness of NGOs - providers of social services in mixed systems of public goods production (theory and international experience) (abstract, full version)
Discussant: O. Koroteeva (RANEPA)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 124, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session N-06. Transformation of social relations in the social sphere and the role of NGOs
Moderator: E. Topoleva-Soldunova (Agency for Social Information, HSE)
V. Romanova (HSE), E. Kushtanina (HSE), B. Rudnik (HSE)
The involvement of private organizations in the provision of public services in the social sphere (abstract, full version)
Y. Kot (FOM), E. Bogomolova (FOM), E. Petrenko (FOM)
The role of social entrepreneurship in the course of privatization of social services (abstract, full version)
E. Bindman (QMUL)
Welfare governance, non-state actors and resistance to outsourcing (abstract)
Discussant: A. Spivak (NFPCC)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 124, М-20
Session N-07. Civil society and inter-sectoral cooperation
Moderator: S. Golubev (Social investment fund)
V. Vagin (FRI), N. Gavrilova (FRI), N. Shapovalova (FRI)
Factors, opportunities and restrictions for the development of participation budgeting in Russian Federation (abstract)
E. Nurtdinov (Institute for Strategic Studies of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
Business involvement in proactive budgeting projects (abstract, full version)
N. Ivanova (HSE)
Social Impact Investment in the Context of CSR (abstract)
Discussant: V. Yakimets (IITP RAS)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 124, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session N-08. Civil society, the third sector and the state
Moderator: V. Benevolenski (HSE)
I. Krasnopolskay (HSE), Y. Skokova (HSE)
How to explain regional variations in size of nonprofit sector in Russia. Potential of empirical explanation (abstract)
S. Spencer (HSE - Perm), S. Suslova (HSE - Perm)
Explaining Regional Variation in Civil Society Organizations in Russia (abstract, full version)
A. Zverev (HSE)
Global Coalition as a New Mode of Communication between Government and Civil Society (abstract)
Discussant: E. Topoleva-Soldunova (ASI, HSE)
Section O. State and Local Government Challenges
Moderators: A. Klimenko (HSE), A. Yakovlev (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 125, М-20
Session O-05. Strategic planning and development institutes
Moderator: V. Korolev (HSE)
D. Dvinskikh (HSE), A. Mironova (AIRR)
Internal risk management in the Russian national strategic planning system (abstract)
A. Mikhaylova (IPFR), N. Chernyshova (IPFR)
State programming in Russian regions at the present stage (abstract, full version)
E. Sukhoparov (Ulyanovsk region government), A. Katchkin (The administration of Governor of Ulyanovsk region)
Delivery unit: world experience and implementation in Russia on regional level (example of Ulyanovsk region) (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 125, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session O-06. Government and business
Moderator: S. Kvitko (HSE)
V. Gurina (Christian Albrechts University), E. Fedorova (HSE), F. Fedorov (Financial University)
The Role of Government Support of PPP projects in Russia (abstract, full version)
S. Kvitko (HSE)
Are there “blind gaps” in government SME support policies in Russia? (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 125, М-20
Session O-07. The effectiveness of the public sector and the assessment of the quality of public services
Moderator: E. Styrin (HSE)
E. Styrin (HSE), N. Dmitrieva (HSE)
Independent Evaluation of Social Sphere Organizations Quality on Government Open Data Basis: Formation Mechanisms in Russia (abstract, full version)
T. Lapina (OmSU)
Transaction costs of social control of the quality of public services: the case of regional business one-stop-agency (abstract, full version)
O. Yastrebova (EKKONIS)
Budget sector enterprises reform: preliminary results and new challenges (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 125, М-20
Session O-08. Management and economics of culture and social sphere
Moderator: B. Rudnik (HSE)
K. Kuzmina (HSE - St. Petersburg), M. Matetskaya (HSE - St. Petersburg), E. Shishova (HSE - St. Petersburg)
The influence of tourist flows on the atmosphere of cultural heritage objects (abstract)
V. Gordin (HSE - St. Petersburg), J. Shylayieva (HSE - St. Petersburg), J. Trabskaya (HSE - St. Petersburg)
The role of the commodification of museum collections in the formation of the territory brand (abstract)
L. Zotova (HSE)
Dynamics and structure of the creative industries market and their impact on regional economies: the example of two countries (abstract, full version)
E. Khaunina (The State Institute for the Arts Research)
The evolution of the institutions of arts and culture support: an experience of historical study. (abstract)
Section P. Demography and Labor Markets
Moderators: V. Gimpelson (HSE), M. Denisenko (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 513, М-20
Session P-06. Labour market: wage rigidity and unemployment
Moderator: S. Roshchin (HSE)
A. Anisimova (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod), A. Larin (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod)
Wage Rigidity or Labour Mobility? (abstract, full version)
A. Shevchuk (HSE), D. Strebkov (HSE)
The price of flexibility: how nonstandard schedules affect subjective well-being of self-employed workers (the case of freelancers) (abstract, full version)
N. Voronina (HSE), E. Vardanian (HSE), T. Chetvernina (HSE)
Long-term unemployment: what contributes to the long duration of the period of non-employment of the unemployed? (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 513, М-20
Session P-07. Labour market: institutions and supply of labour
Moderator: V. Gimpelson (HSE)
B. Rao (IIT Roorkee)
Impact of ‘right to work’ on compliance of minimum wages in informal labour market: emprical evidenecs from Delhi NCR (abstract, full version)
S. Kapelyuk (Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation)
Gender roles and labor income in Russian households (abstract)
S. Amine (University of Quebec)
The evolution of unskilled workers in Canada (abstract)
F. Pattanaik (IIT Roorkee), P. Singh (IIT Roorkee)
Economic Growth, Education, and Female Labour Force Participation: A Decomposition Analysis for Feminization U Hypothesis (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 513, М-20
Session P-08. Labour market: the regional dimension
Moderator: R. Kapelyushnikov (HSE)
T. Blinova (IAP RAS), S. Bylina (IAgP RAS), V. Rusanovskiy (Saratov Socio-Economic Institute)
Factors and Determinants of the Youth Unemployment Interregional differences in Russia (abstract, full version)
A. Korovkin (IEF RAS), I. Dolgova (IEF RAS), E. Edinak (IEF RAS), I. Korolev (IEF RAS)
The role of vocational education in the labour demand and supply adujstment: national and regional aspects (abstract)
M. Giltman (TumSu), A. Votyakova (TumSU)
Institutional Analysis of the Active Labour Market Policies in the Russian Regions in 1995 – 2016 (abstract, full version)
N. Dorokhova (VSUET), A. Fedchenko (VSU), E. Dashkova (VSU)
The study of informal employment in the region: an integrated approach (abstract, full version)
Section Q. Media and Communications
Moderator: A. Kachkaeva (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 224, М-20
Session Q-05. Media audience in a digital environment
Moderator: I. Kiriya (HSE)
A. Sharikov (HSE), R. Batyrshin (“Mir”)
On the little-known factors that affect the television audience size (abstract)
O. Logunova (HSE)
The development of digital literacy in Rissia 2015-2016 (abstract)
O. Kashirskikh (HSE), M. Aygul (HSE), N. Savin (HSE)
Media consumption and the stability of political opinions (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 224, М-20
Session Q-06. Media effects in the digital environment
Moderator: S. Shomova (HSE)
M. Shilina (HSE)
The crisis of media and virtual reality journalism - new parameters of socialization? (abstract)
O. Savelyeva (HSE)
“Advertising happiness” as a social pseudo-project (abstract, full version)
A. Kazun (HSE)
What do we think? Influence of media on Russians' attention to different issues (abstract, full version)
A. Solenkova (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod), K. Polyakova (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod), D. Manyaykina (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod)
The “agenda” rhetoric of the Parliament elections in 2016: “the Ukraine issue” (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 224, М-20
Session Q-07. Future professions and media
Moderator: E. Sherstoboeva (HSE)
S. Vakhitova (HSE)
Infographer in the Structure of Current Online Media Editorial (abstract)
I. Zadorin (ZIRCON), D. Maltseva (ZIRCON)
Journalism as a Vocation and Profession: the Views of Journalists about Themselves and Their Professional Community (Mass Survey Results) (abstract, full version)
A. Novikova (HSE), O. Stebleva (online platform “Kurson”)
Trends and tendencies of online education in Russia:   development of the market and the specificity of the content (abstract, full version)
Section R. Management
Moderators: N. Filinov (HSE), O. Tretyak (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 426, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session R-05. Entrepreneurship and business strategy: conditions and ways of innovation
Moderator: I. Filatochev (Cass Business School City University of London)
A. Barajas (University of Vigo, HSE), E. Shakina (HSE - Perm)
Switching to innovative strategy (abstract)
E. Litau (ITMO University)
The Puberty of Business: Internal Factors of Enterprise Growth (abstract, full version)
S. Karpycheva (HSE)
Study of commercialization models for scientific research pursued as part of technological entrepreneurship projects (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 426, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session R-06. Basic factors and processes of employment development
Moderator: C. F. Fey (Aalto University School of Business)
E. Balabanova (HSE)
Professional Social Capital of Russian Business Organizations' Employees (abstract)
A. Koveshnikov (Aalto University School of Business), M. Ehrnrooth (Hanken School of Economics)
Three leadership styles and followers’ work engagement in Russia: Unraveling the unique effects and mediating mechanisms (abstract)
V. Deminskaya (HSE)
Transformational leadership in the followers’ view: personal characteristics and work practices (abstract, full version)
L. Kudin (USUE), E. Kalabina (USUE)
Corporate behaviour regarding salaries in light of Russian economic realities: the practices of Ural industrial enterprises (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 426, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session R-07. Basic tendencies of labour development in modern society
Moderator: A. Efendiev (HSE)
T. Saari (University of Tampere), H. Melin (University of Tampere)
Comparing Work Life in Finland and Russia –work engagment and management on focus (abstract)
A. Gogoleva (HSE)
Quality of work life of Russian employees: subjective and objective indicators (abstract)
C. Fey (Aalto University School of Business), H. Yildiz (Stockholm School of Economics), J. Zhou (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University )
Building Absorptive Capacity through HRM Practices: An Empirical Examination of Multiple-staged Knowledge Transfer in Cross-border M&As (abstract)
A. Efendiev (HSE)
Social organization of work in contemporary Russia: problems and contradictions (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 311, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session R-08. Honorary paper by Carl F.Fey (Aalto University School of Business) “What Management Practices Work Best in Russia?”
Moderator: A. Efendiev (HSE)
Culture and institutional differences between countries affect which organizational cultures work best in a particular country. However, often managers follow the latest global trend without paying enough attention to how the local context where they operate may affect what organizational cultures work best in their local environment. In addition, Multinationals(MNCs) have an additional challenge compared local firms in that they need to balance pressures to create a standard organizational culture globally and adapt to host countries’ national cultures. This presentation will also explore how to best resolve this tension.
Section S. Science and Innovation
Moderators: L. Gokhberg (HSE), A. Sokolov (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 242, М-20
Session S-05. Science, technology and innovation policy
Moderator: T. Kuznetsova (HSE)
A. Frolov (Skoltech)
Models of government innovation policy: how to adapt the experience of developed countries to the conditions of developing nations (abstract, full version)
I. Danilin (IMEMO RAS)
State-owned enterprises as innovation development agents: theoretical aspects and Russia`s experience (abstract, full version)
E. Drugova (TomSU), A. Andrakhanov (TSU)
Analytical support of university’s research policy: potential for growth (abstract, full version)
L. Perepechko (IT SB RAS)
Intellectual property management at a Russian state research institute (abstract, full version)
Discussant: V. Roud (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 242, М-20
Session S-06. Science and technology: sectoral and corporate aspects
Moderator: K. Vishnevsky (HSE)
M. Kuzyk (Interdepartmental Analytical Center), N. Zudin (CSR), Y. Simachev (HSE)
What are the causes of insufficient science-industry cooperation in Russia? (abstract, full version)
Y. Dranev (HSE), B. Syomin (HSE), M. Kotsemir (HSE)
R&D and performance in agricultural sector (abstract, full version)
A. Kovalev (HSE)
Case study of corporate breakthrough innovation in energy technology (abstract, full version)
A. Yusupova (NSU, IEIE SB RAS), S. Khalimova (NSU, IEIE SBRAS)
Regional and industrial characteristics of leading high tech companies' development (abstract, full version)
Discussant: Yu. Milshina (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 242, М-20
Session S-07. Science and innovation development: regional aspects
Moderator: M. Goland (HSE)
A. Nosova (MSU)
Production and research integration in German industry in a spatial context (abstract)
E. Romanova (MSU)
Governmental role in different types of regional innovation systems in Germany (abstract)
M. Kotsemir (HSE), S. Zemtsov (RANEPA)
Regional innovation systems efficiency in Russia: are agglomerations most productive? (abstract, full version)
E. Islankina (HSE), E. Kutsenko (HSE), A. Kindras (HSE)
Smart by oneself? Analysis of Russian regional innovation strategies within RIS3 framework (abstract)
Discussant: E. Kutsenko (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 242, М-20
Session S-08. Technology development: socio-economic impact
Moderator: A. Bereznoy (HSE)
A. Grinin (International Centre for Education, Humanities and Social Studies), L. Grinin (HSE)
MANBRIC convergence as the core of the sixth wave of innovation (abstract, full version)
A. Malanichev (NES)
Shale oil production and innovative technologies in the USA: analysis and forecast (abstract, full version)
A. Nefedova (HSE), Y. Voynilov (HSE)
Social acceptance of new technologies in Russia: results of an all-Russian study (abstract)
L. Delitsyn (MSUC)
Venture project screening (abstract)
Discussant: S. Zaichenko (HSE)
Section T. Social and Cultural Processes
Moderators: V. Magun (IS RAS, HSE), E. Ponarin (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 422, М-11
Session T-05. Economic culture
Moderator: A. Belianin (HSE)
G. Monusova (IMEMO RAS, HSE)
Redistributive Preferences and Social Mobility: Objective and Subjective Indicators (abstract, full version)
E. Borisova (HSE), A. Govorun (HSE), D. Ivanov (HSE)
Bridging or Bonding? Preferences for Redistribution and Social Capital in Russia (abstract, full version)
J. Nye (George Mason University, HSE), M. Bryukhanov (HSE), S. Polyachenko (University of New Brunswick)
Does Higher Education Change Attitudes Towards Government Price Controls in Russia? (abstract, full version)
N. Soboleva (HSE)
The effect of work values upon the difference between life satisfaction and job satisfaction in Europe (abstract)
Discussant: R. Kapelyushnikov (IMEMO RAS, HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 422, М-11
Session T-06. The idea of the country’s greatness in the minds of Russians. Organized by the Laboratory for Comparative Studies of Mass Consciousness.
Moderator: V. Magun (IS RAS, HSE), K. Rogov (independent researcher)
M. Fabrykant (HSE), V. Magun (IS RAS, HSE)
Dynamics of Russians' National Pride in Post-Soviet Period (abstract, full version)
D. Volkov (Levada-Center)
Russia's image as a great power in mass surveys and group discussions (abstract)
M. Matskevich (IS RAS)
Historical consciousness of Russians and its dynamics within the post-Soviet period (abstract)
E. Ponarin (HSE - St. Petersburg), M. Komin (CSR)
Imperial and ethnic nationalism: a dilemma of the Russian elite (abstract)
K. Rogov (Independent researcher)
The economic component in the “great power” concept in Russian mass media representation (abstract)
Discussant: E. Danilova (IS RAS)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 422, М-11
Session T-07. Urban environment and behaviour
Moderator: E. Danilova (IS RAS)
E. Sidorova (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod), K. Daria (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod), A. Timofeeva (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod)
Branding of local urban spaces: verbal and spatial official epigraphy codes of urban culture (abstract, full version)
K. Ilnitski (HSE)
Cross-cultural Psychological Study of the Human-Environment relations at the HSE Campuses in Moscow (abstract)
Discussant: P. Ivanov (RANEPA)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 422, М-11
Session T-08. Communications in networks, on the road, in the theater, and in the media environment
Moderator: A. Kachkaeva (HSE)
E. Nikishina (HSE)
Bumperstickers as a special form of verbal interaction on the road (abstract, full version)
N. Kozodoi (Max Planck Institute for Human Development), M. Gladkaya (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Eurovision: Fair Voting or Economic Interests? (abstract)
I. Papushina (HSE - Perm), Y. Vasserman (HSE - Perm)
Development of scale for measuring disposition to opera and ballet theatre attendance (abstract, full version)
L. Borusyak (HSE)
Reading Patterns and Values of the Youth: an Analysis of Literature-Related Communities in the VK Social Network (abstract)
Discussant: E. Isaev (RANEPA, HSE)
Section Ta. Social Policy
Moderators: L. Ovcharova (HSE), T. Chetvernina (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 228, М-20
Session Ta-05. Poverty and inequality
Moderator: A. Pishnyak (HSE)
L. Nivorozhkina (RSUE)
The relationship between economic inequality and hidden income of households (abstract, full version)
D. Rudenko (TyumSu), A. Satre (Uppsala University)
Trends in Poverty, Inequality and Social Policy in Contemporary Russia (abstract)
E. Slobodenyuk (HSE)
Factors of absolute and subjective poverty in modern Russia (abstract, full version)
V. Zharomskiy (HSE)
Evaluation of the coordination of the answers of respondents with respect to the different profiles of the poverty: the construction of the integrated assessment of the poverty (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 228, М-20
Session Ta-06. Social stratification
Moderator: N. Tikhonova (HSE)
E. Avraamova (RANEPA)
New challenges to the expansion of the Russian middle class (abstract, full version)
A. Pishnyak (HSE)
The dynamics of the middle class in Russia: from 2000 to 2015 (abstract)
A. Burdyak (RANEPA), A. Makarentseva (RANEPA), T. Maleva (RANEPA)
Intergenerational social mobility and middle class in Russia: empirical measurement (abstract, full version)
S. Mareeva (HSE), N. Tikhonova (HSE)
Income Stratification in Russian Society (abstract, full version)
V. Anikin (HSE)
Income stratification by median: study on sociological and statistical validation of boundaries (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 228, М-20
Session Ta-07. Pension system – 1
Moderator: O. Sinyavskaya (HSE)
M. Ivanova (EEG, FRI), E. Gurvich (EEG), A. Balaev (EEG)
Raising retirement age and labor market (abstract)
A. Solovev (PFRF)
Risks of system budgetary and financial crisis of pension reform: problems of urgent justification (abstract, full version)
E. Grishina (RANEPA)
Reforming of early retirement pension for work in harmful labor conditions (abstract, full version)
A. Ermolina (HSE), O. Sinyavskaya (HSE), E. Lyubushina (HSE)
Employment after retirement in Russia: the role of pensions - active old age or a forced necessity? (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 228, М-20
Session Ta-08. Pension system and social protection
Moderator: O. Sinyavskaya (HSE)
T. Smolentceva (HSE)
Переход к квазидобровольной накопительной пенсионной системе в свете мирового опыта в целом и пенсионной реформы в Грузии в частности (abstract)
S. Yakush (International analitical center for the study of the development of pension systems)
Investigation of the dynamics of global and national relations in the field of accumulative pension system. (abstract, full version)
A. Goryajnova (HSE), A. Pishniak (HSE), E. Tochilina (HSE)
The Study of Development Factor of the Market of Assistive Technologies and Devices in Russia: Analysis of Expert Interviews (abstract, full version)
Section Tb. Sociology
Moderator: E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 421, М-11
Session Tb-05. Modern Parenthood in the Social Dimension
Moderator: E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE)
S. Savelyeva (HSE - St. Petersburg), D. Alexandrov (HSE - St. Petersburg), V. Ivaniushina (HSE - St. Petersburg)
School Choice Signals: Parents’ Perceptions. (abstract)
K. Tenisheva (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Social reproduction or peer pressure? Effect of parents and friends on educational choice after the 9th grade (abstract)
M. Goleva (St.Tikhon's Orthodox University)
Time allocation in large families (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 421, М-11
Session Tb-06. Social aspects of the consumption and services markets
Moderator: Z. Kotelnikova (HSE)
R. Romanova (HSE), E. Berdysheva (HSE)
Russians’ reactions to increases in consumer prices during economic crisis: toward a new opportunity for social resilience (abstract)
A. Kazun (HSE)
Devil’s advocate for dishonest law enforcer: who defends law enforcers in Russian courts? (abstract, full version)
T. Bogomolova (IEIE SB RAS), A. Dieva (IEIE), T. Cherkashina (IEIE)
Non-financial wealth of Russian households: What is owned, who is owner and how much does he own (abstract, full version)
Y. Lezhnina (HSE)
Income stratification of Russian society and differentiation of consumption standards (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 421, М-11
Session Tb-07. Social labour issues - 1
Moderator: R. Abramov (HSE)
T. Sidorina (HSE)
A new world – new working practices - new actors in the labour market. Proposals, risks and social experiments (abstract, full version)
N. Soboleva (HSE)
Work values and job preferences in Europe: gender aspect (abstract)
A. Karavay (RANEPA)
Human capital of Russian workers: status and factors (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 421, М-11
Session Tb-08. Social labour issues - 2
Moderator: R. Abramov (HSE)
I. Sizova (HSE)
Precarious and the precariat in the post-industrial economy and society (abstract)
D. Khodorenko (HSE - St. Petersburg), V. Titkova (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Occupations stratification in multidimensional Blau space (abstract)
N. Zhidkevich (HSE)
Seasonal workers in local communities: perception by others and self-awareness (abstract, full version)
T. Lapina (OmSU), S. Apenko (OmSU)
Nonstandard employment: precarization or humanization of work? (abstract, full version)
Moderators: A. Almakaeva (HSE), E. Ponarin (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 102, М-20
Session Tc-05. Key lectures
Moderator: R. Inglehart (HSE, University of Michigan)
H. Duelmer (University of Cologne)
Modernisation, Culture, and Moral Change in Europe: From Universalism to Contextualism (abstract)
A. Moreno (ITAM)
A New Wave of Political Participation and Protest Behaviour (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 102, М-20
Session Tc-06. Inequality and political engagement
Moderator: V. Kostenko (HSE)
M. Fatke (LMU Munich)
Economic Inequality, Individual Income and Political Trust (new project) (abstract)
A. Shcherbak (HSE), B. Sokolov (HSE)
The Electoral Prize of Russian Ethnic Federalism: Do Republics Make Sense for the Kremlin? (new project) (abstract)
K. Makarov (HSE)
Science to the People: Search for Determinants of Public Engagement with Science (new project) (abstract)
Discussants: C. Welzel (HSE, Leuphana University of Luneburg), A. Moreno (ITAM)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 102, М-20
Session Tc-07. Economic Crisis and its Consequences
Moderator: M. Zavadskaya (HSE)
P. Scheepers (Radboud University), M. Setten (Utrecht University), M. Lubbers (Radboud University)
Support for Restrictive Immigration Policies in the European Union 2002-2013: the Impact of Economic Strain and Ethnic Threat for Vulnerable Economic Groups (guest presentation) (abstract)
A. Makeeva (HSE), P. Savchenko (HSE)
The Global Economic Crisis and HIV Epidemic: Were Early Fears Justified? (new project) (abstract)
E. Sirotkina (HSE), M. Zavadskaya (HSE)
How to Get Away with Murder in Russia: Population-based Survey Experiment on Political Support under Economic Crisis (new project) (abstract)
Discussants: T. Reeskens (Tilburg University), V. Kostenko (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 102, М-20
Session Tc-08. Special lectures
Moderator: A. Shcherbak (HSE)
A. Tangian (WSI)
Not for bad weather: macroanalysis of flexicurity with regard to the crisis (special lecture) (abstract)
E. Uslaner (University of Maryland)
Corruption, Fairness, and Inequality (abstract)
Section V. Evaluation of Reforms in Education
Moderator: I. Froumin (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 431, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session V-05. Special session 1. Necessary conditions and basic prerequisites for successful reform of the national education system
Moderator: I. Chirikov (HSE)
P. Loyalka (Stanford University)
Addressing Teacher Quality: Evidence from a Series of Large-Scale Randomized Experiments in China (abstract)
C. Aedo (World Bank)
Impact of Skills Development Programs: World Bank Experience (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 309, М-20
Roundtable V-06. Challenges of innovative development. Integration of science and higher education.
Moderator: A. Povalko (RVC)
Topics for discussion:
• Formation of innovative clusters (innovation belts) based on universities. International experience and prospects for Russia.
• Russian educational and scientific centers. New models of networked partnerships in the framework of global economic challenges.
• Network project University-Scientific Center - as an innovative elevator for high-tech projects.
• Modern tools to support networked scientific and educational projects to ensure accelerated economic growth.
• Capitalization of the potential of educational and scientific centers. Methods of valuation of intangible assets. Methodology for assessing “the cost of a university”.
Participants: A. Lavrov (Ministry of Finance of Russia), A. Volkov (Skolkovo), O. Fomichev (Ministry of Economic Development of Russia), A. Shadrin (Ministry of Economic Development of Russia), G. Trubnikov (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia),
M. Kotyukov (FASO Russia), A. Nikitin (Acting Governor of the Novgorod Region), M. Alashkevich (CSR), M. Borovskaya (SFEDU), V. Vasiliev (ITMO University), K. Vasiliev (World Bank), L. Gokhberg (HSE), A. Ivashchenko (NeuroNet), M. Merkulov (HSE), M. Pogosyan (MAI), A. Svinarenko (RUSNANO), A. Sitnikov (Skoltech), A. Suleymanov (World Bank).
Wednesday, April 12
Room 431, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session V-07. Education in Russia and CIS countries through the prism of global trends
Moderator: D. Semenov (HSE)
S. Abeldinova (Nazarbayev University)
Data reliability in accountability relationships in Kazakhstani higher education system (abstract)
M. Merrill (Kent State University)
Communicating Quality in Higher Education: Russia, Rankings, Accreditation and Audiences (abstract, full version)
E. Shmeleva (HSE), N. Maloshonok (HSE)
students’ inclination to academic dishonesty: structural equation modeling (abstract)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 431, М-11
Session V-08. Financial sustainability of organizations in higher education
Moderator: M. Alashkevich (CSR)
S. Sivec (Ministry of Finance of Russia)
Innovative strategies for effective management of financial and economic activities in higher education institutions (abstract)
N. Kuzmina (MGIMO)
Internal tools for improving financial sustainability in higher education institutions (abstract, full version)
S. Solyannikova (Financial University)
Financing of higher education institutions: the balance between efficiency and stability (abstract, full version)
T. Klyachko (RANEPA)
Economic sustainability of the higher education system (abstract)
Invited for discussion: E. Anokhov (MIPT), M. Astapov (KubSU), M. Belova (ChSU M. Borovskaya (SFEDU), P. Vcherashnii (SibFU), A. Demidov (SPbSUITD), V. Lednev (Synergy University), M. Merkulov (HSE), A. Rechinsky (SPbPolyTechU), G. Romanova (SSU), Z. Saidov (ChStUn), D. Sandler (UrFU), T. Klyachko (RANEPA), V. Koshkin (Sevastopol State University), A. Nikolaenko (Moscow Poly), V. Tarakanov (Volgograd State University), I. Teleshova (Moscow State University), E. Temnov (TulSU), M. Yunusov (IKBFU), N. Ushatsky (SPbSEU)
Section Y. Instrumental Methods
Moderators: F. Aleskerov (HSE), S. Maltseva (HSE)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 326а, М-11
Session Y-05. Information technologies: methods and practices
Moderator: E. Isaev (HSE)
A. Kukshin (HSE), V. Krapivin (IRE RAS), S. Maltseva (HSE), S. Lipina (Ministry of Economic Development of the RF)
Tool management methods based on information and communication technologies and space activity results (abstract, full version)
S. Demin (HSE), M. Richman (The University of Oklahoma), T. Trafalis (The University of Oklahoma), N. Baiborodov (MIPT), V. Yakuba (HSE), S. Shvydun (HSE), F. Aleskerov (HSE)
Constructing an Efficient Machine Learning Model for Tornado Prediction (abstract, full version)
A. Madera (HSE)
Evaluation of probabilities of forecasted events (abstract, full version)
E. Isaev (HSE), R. Sukhov (UI)
Ecosystems in IT (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 326а, М-11
Session Y-06. Instrumental methods in economic analysis - 1
Moderator: E. Sushko (CEMI RAS)
E. Serebryannikova (MIPT(SU)), A. Leonidov (LPI)
Dynamic model of imperfect competition in multi-sector economy (abstract, full version)
A. Skrobotov (RANEPA), E. Kurozumi (Hitotsubashi University)
Confidence Sets for the Break Date in Cointegrating Regressions (abstract)
A. Bakhtizin (CEMI RAS), E. Sushko (CEMI RAS)
Modelling of demographic processes on the basis of the simulation of individual behavior (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 326а, М-11
Session Y-07. Instrumental methods in economic analysis - 2
Moderator: V. Perekalsky (State University of Management), A. Podchufarov (Avtopromimport)
N. Petrov (HSE), T. Ratnikova (HSE)
Art Price Index Construction and Analysis (abstract, full version)
Y. Zelenkov (Financial University), E. Fedorova (Financial University)
Two-step method of design of ensemble of heterogenous classifiers for bankruptcy forecasting (abstract, full version)
A. Mikhalevich (HSE), A. Shvedov (HSE)
Estimating beta coefficients in a CAPM model by using fuzzy data (abstract, full version)
A. Podchufarov (Avtopromimport), R. Senkov (HSE)
Evaluating the effectiveness of strategic development programmes based on a dynamic IWC model (abstract, full version)
Wednesday, April 12
Room 326а, М-11
Session Y-08. Instrumental methods in economic analysis - 3
Moderator: M. Efremova (HSE)
A. Kumar (HSB, GJUS&T)
Entrepreneurial Motivation in small scale Sector (abstract, full version)
D. Dumsky (HSE), V. Kornilov (HSE), A. Axyanova (KNRTU), G. Galdeshina (KNRTU)
Economic and statistical analysis to verify the development level of the national economy (abstract, full version)
A. Kekkonen (PetrSU)
The development of human capital ontological model (abstract)
M. Efremova (HSE ), S. Breugelmans (HSE), O. Poluektova (HSE)
The effects of adult and childhood poverty on individual psychological characteristics (abstract, full version)
April 13
Section A. Macroeconomics and Growth
Moderator: E. Gurvich (EEG)
Thursday, April 13
Room 518, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session A-12. Honorary paper by C. Felipe Jaramillo (Macroeconomics & Fiscal Management, World Bank) “Making inclusive growth work: challenges and opportunities”
Moderator: E. Yasin (HSE)
The global environment remains fragile and continued weakness in systemically large economies, expected tighter global liquidity conditions, and political uncertainty pose downside risks. An extended period of global risk aversion could set back global growth. Under such a scenario, those emerging markets with pre-existing vulnerabilities would likely be most affected. The presentation will highlight current economic developments, expose challenges to sustainable growth and highlight structural reforms most conducive to supporting long-term growth.
Section B. Special Sessions and Roundtables
Thursday, April 13
Room 309, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Roundtable B-10. Development of Russia-South Africa relations within the BRICS framework.
Moderator: N. Volchkova (NES/ CEFIR)
Issues for discussion:
• Economic ties between Russia and South Africa: the effect of joining the BRICS
• Development of foreign policy ties: before and after BRICS?
• Russian-South African cooperation in the field of education and science within the BRICS
• Personality issues - politico-psychological approach in the analysis of foreign policy activity
Invited for discussion: H. Short (Minister Plenipotentiary of South African Embassy in the Russian Federation), T. Dalamba (Counsellor of South African Embassy in the Russian Federation), A. Arkhangelskaya (IAS RAS), N. Volchkova (NES), V. Shubin (IAS RAS), V. Sidorov (IAS RAS)
Thursday, April 13
Room 309, М-20
Roundtable B-12. The economic community and ranking of Russian economic journals
Moderator: M. Yudkevich (HSE)
Issues for discussion:
• Ranking of Russian economic based on stratification by expert academic community of economists,
• Ranking of journals by the methods of selection theory,
• Ranking of journals based on network analysis,
• Evaluation of experts' opinion about different indicators of publication activity.
Invited for discussion: M. Yudkevich (HSE), A. Rubinstein (IE RAS), F. Aleskerov (HSE), A. Muravyev (HSE – St. Petersburg), V. Pislyakov (HSE), A. Subochev (HSE), Y. Simachev (HSE), E. Balatskiy (Financial University), I. Sterlingov (HSE), V. Avtonomov (HSE)
Section C. Statistics
Moderator: A. Ponomarenko (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 329а, М-11
Session C-11. A statistical approach to the Russian economy
Moderator: A. Ponomarenko (HSE)
I. Antokhonova (ESSUTM)
Conceptual approaches to measurement of internal and external calls of spatial development (abstract, full version)
G. Popova (TSTU)
Analysis of the impact of the construction and the real estate market on the growth of the tax potential (abstract, full version)
M. Karelina (Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University)
Complex statistical approach to the assessment of the integration activity of Russian business structures (abstract, full version)
A. Gladysheva (HSE)
About empirical analysis of FDI in Russia (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
Room 329а, М-11
Session C-12. Special session featuring the results of HSE research projects: statistical methodology development
Moderator: V. Mkhitaryan (HSE)
E. Shmileva (HSE - St. Petersburg), W. Karcher (Ulm University ), E. Spodarev (Ulm University)
Geostatistical methods in Economics (abstract)
V. Lakshina (HSE)
Hedging of Russian stocks via multivariate stochastic volatility (abstract)
K. Furmanov (HSE), I. Chernysheva (HSE), D. Borzykh (HSE)
Constructing dynamically comparable composite indices (abstract)
D. Pitersen (HSE)
The assessment of presence of statistical correlation between the financial performance of companies and their customers’ posts characteristics (abstract, full version)
Section D. Theoretical Economics
Moderators: A. Zakharov (HSE), S. Izmalkov (NES)
Thursday, April 13
Room 311, М-20
Session D-10. Honorary paper by Maarten C.W. Janssen (University of Vienna, HSE) “Recent developments in Telecom Auctions”
Moderator: O. Zamulin (HSE)
The objective many telecom regulators want to achieve when they decide to
auction spectrum is that spectrum is allocated efficiently and that acquiring firms pay a market price.
The traditional simultaneous multi-round auction (SMRA) may fail in this respect, as it provides bidders
with an opportunity to engage in strategic demand reduction. However, we will argue that the recently proposed and used
combinatorial clock auction (CCA) does not fare better in this respect if bidders have only the slightest
preference to raise rivals’ cost. The CCA provides bidders with opportunities to
engage in strategic demand expansion without running the risk of obtaining spectrum they do not want to acquire.
Section Da. Market Studies and Spatial Economics
Moderator: S. Kichko (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 422, М-11
Session Da-10. Regional studies
Moderator: I. Kuga (HSE - St. Petersburg)
V. Ivanova (HSE)
Grain prices in the Russian Empire: did convergence come by train? (abstract)
A. Tsyplakov (NSU, IEIE SB RAS), L. Melnikova (NSU, IEIE SB RAS), V. Suslov (NSU, IEIE SB RAS), N. Ibragimov (NSU, IEIE SB RAS), D. Domozhirov (NSU, IEIE SB RAS)
Including Investment Block into an Agent-Based Model of an Economy (abstract, full version)
I. Kuga (HSE - St. Petersburg)
The Franco-German border and spatial distribution of the rural population in the East of France after the Franco-Prussian war (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
Room 422, М-11
Session Da-11. Imperfect market studies
Moderator: D. A. Engels (Toulouse School of Economics)
A. Sidorov (Sobolev Institute for Mathematics SB RAS), J. Thisse (CORE-UCLouvain, HSE), M. Parenti (CORE-UCLouvain)
Oligopolistic Competition with Free Entry: Does “Perfecting” Implies “Well-Being”? (abstract, full version)
M. Sandomirskaya (HSE)
Can farsighted agents collude in oligopoly? (abstract, full version)
S. Kichko (HSE), P. Picard (Luxemburg), P. Ushchev (HSE)
Social interactions and market outcome (abstract)
D. Engels (Toulouse School of Economics)
Benchmark characteristic as a proxy of Quality under Duopoly (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
Room 422, М-11
Session Da-12. International trade - 2
Moderator: H. Egger (University of Bayreuth)
V. Danilina (AMSE), F. Trionfetti (AMSE)
Collateral Effect of Green Public Procurement (abstract)
A. Osharin (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod), V. Verbus (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod)
Linder’s hypothesis and heterogeneity of consumer preferences (abstract, full version)
P. Ushchev (HSE), S. Kichko (HSE), K. Behrens (ESG-UQAM, HSE)
Welfare in multisector models with endogenous product ranges (abstract)
H. Egger (University of Bayreuth), U. Kreickemeier (TU Dresden), C. Moser (University of Salzburg), J. Wrona (Düsseldorf)
Offshoring and Job Polarisation between Firms (abstract)
Section E. Financial Institutions and Markets
Moderator: A. Karminsky (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 319а, М-11
Session E-09. Ratings and their modeling
Moderator: A. Peresetskiy (HSE)
A. Zhivaikina (HSE), A. Peresetsky (HSE)
Credit Ratings of Russian Banks, 2012-2016 (abstract, full version)
N. Dyachkova (HSE), A. Karminsky (HSE)
The Comparison of Rating Scales for Financial Institutions (abstract, full version)
V. Kosarev (VTB 24)
Modelling migration matrix for retail credit portfolio (abstract, full version)
A. Lozinskaia (HSE), M. Ostaschova (HSE), E. Moiseeva (HSE), H. Penikas (HSE), A. Merikas (University of Piraeus)
Default probability modelling for shipping companies (abstract)
Discussant: S. Golovan (NES)
Thursday, April 13
Room 319а, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session E-10. Forecasts and evaluation at financial markets
Moderator: T. Teplova (HSE)
A. Fasano (University of Rome LUISS and Salerno)
Measuring Biased Beliefs in Stock Picking: An application to Russian Mutual Funds (abstract)
A. Lepskiy (HSE), E. Kutynina (HSE)
Aggregation of Forecasts and Recommendations of Financial Analysts in the Framework of Evidence Theory (abstract, full version)
K. Akshentceva (RANEPA), A. Abramov (HSE)
Infrastructural bonds on the Russian financial market: general tendencies and investments opportunities (abstract)
D. Shevchenko (SFU), A. Zavarina (SFedU)
Modern Features of the Market Anomalies on the Russian Stock Martket (abstract)
Discussant: S. Kurochkin (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 319а, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session E-11. Financial markets and modeling
Moderator: A. Abramov (HSE)
X. Meng (UCAS), X. Wei (UCAS)
The premium of correlation in China’s stock market (abstract, full version)
N. Andreev (HSE)
Worst-case approach to the discrete-time stochastic optimal control with application to the portfolio selection problem (abstract, full version)
A. Nagapetyan (FEFU)
Stocks return volatility clustering in the Russian Market: collusions and market inefficiency (abstract, full version)
O. Khon (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Certainty indices on financial markets (abstract, full version)
Discussant: M. Chernova (RANEPA)
Section F. Law and Economics
Moderators: A. Yakovlev (HSE), E. Salygin (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 329а, М-11
Session F-09. Special session with a presentation of the results of HSE’s studies: where law and economics meet
Moderator: E. Salygin (HSE)
Y. Tikhomirov (HSE)
Economic Decision and Mistakes of Law (abstract, full version)
V. Sivitskiy (HSE)
Legal regulation of forecasts of economic realities (abstract, full version)
K. Totyev (HSE)
Nullity of illegal business transactions as a means of implementing the principle of legality in the economic sphere (abstract, full version)
E. Sidorova (HSE), S. Golovanova (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod)
Empirical Assessment of the Importance of the Factors Affecting the Litigation Antitrust Cases’ Results (abstract, full version)
Section J. Economic Methodology
Moderator: V. Avtonomov (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 226, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session J-09. Philosophy of economics
Moderator: L. Tutov (MSU)
L. Tutov (MSU)
Postmodernism contra positivism in Economics (abstract, full version)
I. Chaplygina (MSU)
Theoretical models of economics as a symbolic language (abstract)
G. Musiał (UE Katowice)
What are the arguments in favor of the Theoretical and methodological holism in the science of the economy? (abstract, full version)
V. Rogozhnikova (MSU)
Overcoming the opposition of methodological individualism and methodological holizm: a philosophical aspect (abstract, full version)
Thursday, April 13
Room 226, М-20
Session J-10. Economic agents and their qualities
Moderator: V. Avtonomov (HSE)
V. Avtonomov (HSE)
Rationality as a variable in economics (abstract, full version)
A. Rubinstein (IE RAS)
Rationality & irrationality: the evolution of meanings (abstract, full version)
P. Orekhovsky (IE RAS)
The concepts of “individual”, “group”, “firm” and “society” in the sociological and economic discourses (abstract, full version)
Thursday, April 13
Room 226, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session J-11. Methodological lessons of history of economic thought
Moderator: A. Maltsev (USEU)
A. Maltsev (USUE)
Heterodox economics: an alternative to mainstream? (abstract, full version)
N. Makasheva (IMEMO RAS)
Expectations in Economics. At the Origins of Modern Approaches. Methodological Aspects (abstract)
S. Jaconis (La Sapienza)
What is old and what is new in the state-market conflict, and the emergence of state capitalism (abstract)
V. Ostapenko (SPbSU)
Theory of Fiscal Stimulation Throughout the History of Macroeconomics: Will the Consensus Withstand? (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
Room 226, М-20
Session J-12. Selected scenes from the history of economic thought
Moderator: D. Melnik (HSE)
D. Melnik (HSE)
Yuri Larin and Making of Soviet Economic Model (abstract, full version)
O. Volkova (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Institutes, practices, knowledge: the domain of Accounting as economic discipline (abstract, full version)
E. Burina (HSE)
Russian economic nationalism in retrospect, comparative analysis with German economic nationalism in XVIII-XIX centuries (abstract, full version)
J. Fomina (OmSU)
K. Marx and J. Schumpeter theories of economic development (abstract, full version)
Section K. World Economy
Moderator: A. Kuznetsov (IMEMO RAS)
Thursday, April 13
Room 424, М-11
Session K-09. Quantitative methods of studying foreign trade
Moderator: A. Portanskiy (HSE)
A. Gnidchenko (CMASF)
The alternative empirical approaches to dissecting horizontal and vertical intra-industry trade (abstract, full version)
D. Plekhanov (ICSS)
Estimate of the export potential of the Russian automotive industry (abstract)
Z. Sergeeva (HSE), S. Shvydun (HSE), F. Aleskerov (HSE)
Key Food Exporters Assessment: Network Analysis (abstract, full version)
V. Maltseva (USUE)
Limited agricultural protectionism in developed countries: specifics and estimation difficulties (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
Room 424, М-11
Session K-10. Developing and post-socialist countries’ search for paths to accelerated development
Moderator: A. Kuznetsov (IMEMO RAS)
A. Pankova (Diplomatic Academy), S. Mikhnevich (RFTA)
Political and economic aspects of the modernization of the economies of LDCs based on extractive industries (abstract)
T. Pogodaeva (TumSu), D. Velizhanina (UT)
The role of the primary sector in the socio-economic development of the resource-dependent countries: the issues of the typology and importance of institutions (abstract)
S. Rassulova (KazAST), V. Ovchinikova (KazAST), T. Imangulova (KazAST)
Modern Trends in the Development of Payment Systems in Kazakhstan (abstract)
A. Sukhareva (EEC), E. Yanina (EEC)
The state support of agriculture in the world and the EEU. The main trends. (abstract, full version)
Thursday, April 13
Room 424, М-11
Session K-11. Current research objectives in international finance
Moderator: A. Kuznetsov (IMEMO RAS)
N. Nenovsky (CRIISEA, University of Picardie Jules Verne), E. Magnin (University Paris Diderot)
Dependent monetary regimes in the Balkans: Enlarging the “variety of capitalism” hypothesis (abstract, full version)
S. Ndao (University of Picardie Jules Verne)
External Dependence of the CFA zone: Empirical Investigations on Money Supply Process (abstract)
E. Makarova (HSE)
Towards a comprehensive approach to evaluation of loss and damage from natural disasters: international experience and missing components (abstract)
E. Dzhagityan (HSE)
Banking regulation and competition: In search of interrelationships linked to the international reform of banking regulation (abstract, full version)
Thursday, April 13
Room 424, М-11
Roundtable K-12. Globalization and de-globalization: what is happening with the global economy?
Moderator: S. Karaganov (HSE)
• Is the globalization of the world economy starting to reverse? How long might the process take?
• What are the consequences of transformation of globalization processes for economic growth, inequality, global problems solving, stability of the global economic system?
• How does the role of global institutions and regional initiatives change for the global economy?
• Do sanctions become a generally accepted instrument of foreign trade policy in the new environment?
• What does the thansformation of globalization processes mean to Russia? How to ract on it?
Participants: A. Apokin (CMASF), S. Afontsev (IMEMO RAS), L. Grigoryev (HSE, Analytical Center for the Government of the RF), S. Karaganov (HSE), A. Knobel (RFTA), A. Kuznetsov (IMEMO RAS), I. Makarov (HSE), A. Portanskiy (HSE)
Section L. Firms and Markets
Moderators: N. Volchkova (NES/ CEFIR), T. Dolgopyatova (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 309, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session L-09/1. Honorary paper by N. Volchkova (NES) “Costs of exporting: evidence from Russia”
Moderator: T. Dolgopyatova (HSE)
The approach of heterogeneous exporting firms is a mainstream of empirical and theoretical research in modern international trade. Firm’s heterogeneity defines extra channels through which trade liberalization affects the effectiveness and competitiveness of the open economy. Besides, firms’ heterogeneity emphasize the role of foreign market access costs not only for trade flows but also for the variety and prices of domestic goods sold to domestic consumers.
In this presentation, I will survey empirical studies of Russian manufacturing exporting firms in the framework of heterogeneous firms’ models. The comparison of these results with the corresponding studies performed in other countries along with other direct and indirect evidence point out on very high costs of exporting faced by Russian firms. I will also survey studies that analyze the factors behind high costs of exporting.
Thursday, April 13
Room 429, М-11
Session L-09/2. Markets and regulation
Moderator: L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU)
I. Zolotova (HSE), V. Karle (HSE), V. Minkova (HSE)
Regulation of natural monopolies: stimulus measures as a mechanism for increasing the efficiency of electric grid enterprises: an empirical analysis of the foreign experience (abstract, full version)
I. Dolmatov (HSE), I. Maskaev (HSE)
Tariff regulation under change in energy prices (abstract, full version)
A. Pyzhev (SibFU), K. Ilduganova (SFU)
Analysis of Efficiency of State-Supported Forest Investment Projects in Russia (abstract, full version)
K. Tumanyants (VolSU), E. Sinicina (Technosport)
The effect of lowering tax rate: the case of Russian small business (abstract, full version)
Discussant: B. Kuznetsov (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 429, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session L-10. Institutions and enterpreneurship
Moderator: V. Golikova (HSE)
N. Chakravorty (SFU)
Impact of the corrupt behaviour of the government officials on firm growth in the manufacturing industrial sector of Bangladesh (abstract, full version)
V. Nefedkin (IEIE SB RAS)
The concentration of corporate power in Russia: Main Trends and consequences (abstract, full version)
M. Gladkaya (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Democratic Institutions and the Development of Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Russian Regions (abstract, full version)
G. Shagbazian (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod), A. Aistov (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod)
Entrepreneurship and institutions (abstract)
Discussant: E. Borisova (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 429, М-11
Roundtable L-11. Corporate finances - future research road map
Moderator: I. Ivashkovskaya (HSE)
The discussion is organized by editorial staff of “Journal of Corporate Finance Research” HSE.
• Corporate decision making and governance mechanisms in innovative companies. How to make an efficient board in ‘new sectors’?
• Behavioral corporate finance as a new system of corporate finance. How behavioral biases of managers influence the corporate decisions?
• The epoch of fintech and big data in emerging markets.
Invited for discussion: the leading specialists of HSE, NES, Financial University, SPbUE, UrFU
Section N. Local Government and Civic Self-Organization
Moderator: I. Mersiyanova (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 124, М-20
Session N-09. Public participation and new practices
Moderator: I. Mersiyanova (HSE)
I. Skalaban (NSTU), S. Spencer (HSE - Perm)
The Social Construction of Public Participation in Contemporary Russia (abstract, full version)
M. Shabanova (HSE)
New Consumer Practices as a Civil Society Space in Russia: Problems and the Actor Potential (abstract, full version)
G. Shliakhova (HSE)
Strategies of interaction between the state and non-profit sector in the field of animals rights and environment protection: global and domestic experience (abstract)
Discussant: R. Evstifeev (VB RANEPA)
Thursday, April 13
Room 124, М-20
Session N-10. Civic activism and public participation
Moderator: A. Tumanova (HSE)
A. Kravtcova (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Encouraging youth participation and social inclusion: an analysis of civil activist initiatives and communities citing the example of St. Petersburg (abstract, full version)
A. Uldanov (HSE)
Civic participation and changing rules of the game: strategies of interaction between civil society and government in Russia after 2012 (abstract, full version)
A. Ermishina (SFU)
The impact of electorial behavior of the population on the efficiency of local public goods (for housimg as example) (abstract, full version)
Discussant: M. Shabanova (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 124, М-20
Session N-11. New practices: expanding civil society space
Moderator: I. Skalaban (NSTU)
I. Yasaveev (HSE), A. Shilova (HSE), N. Nartova (HSE)
HIV-activism: from public sphere to everyday discoursive resistance to stigma (abstract, full version)
O. Miryasova (IS RAS), A. Kutuzov (University of Oslo)
Quantitative linguistic analysis of “Materinstvo” grassroots activists' network forum (abstract, full version)
E. Simonova (TvSTU), E. Maykova (TvSTU)
Self-government potential of the population as a criterion for modeling of regional systems of local self-government (the case of Tver region) (abstract)
A. Atanasova (IS RAS)
Social entrepreneurship in eco-sphere (abstract)
Discussant: O. Drozdova (Agency for Social Information)
Section O. State and Local Government Challenges
Moderators: A. Klimenko (HSE), A. Yakovlev (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 125, М-20
Session O-09. Civil service: personnel and development prospects
Moderator: A. Barabashev (HSE)
G. Borshchevskiy (RANEPA)
Prospects of transformation the institute of public service in Russia (abstract, full version)
T. Nesterovich (MAI), A. Medenkov (Polet)
Professional development of civil servants in the public administration (abstract, full version)
T. Jaekel (HSE), G. Borshchevskiy (RANEPA)
Occupational intention of public administration students (abstract, full version)
Thursday, April 13
Room 125, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Roundtable O-10. Russian liberalism: historical, administrative, and socio-cultural perspectives
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE), A. Graziosi (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca), A. Barabashev (HSE)
The Round table is dedicated to the problems of liberalism as the broad spectrum of interrelated values and practices traditionally associated with individual freedom, property rights, or the rule of law. The prospects of liberalism are currently under re-evaluation at present conditions of social, cultural, political and administrative realities of modern World with its challenges of innovative and controversial development.
To discuss the Russian liberalism history, its current transformations, and prospects, is one of main subjects of the Round table. The results of Round table opinions exchanges will be used at the process of planning for the next events of RESET foundation, including the conference in Torino (Italy, October 2017).
Participants: A. Barabashev (HSE), A. Graziosi (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca), A. Masoero (University of Genoa), A. Melville (HSE), G. Sauvé (Carleton University)
Thursday, April 13
Room 125, М-20
Session O-11. Evaluation of regulatory impact in Russia: strategy for 2018-2024
Moderator: D. Tsygankov (HSE)
N. Smirnov (NISSE)
The potential of regulatory impact assessment in the context of strategic planning (abstract, full version)
A. Yefremov (VSU)
Implementation of regulatory impact assessment in the legislative bodies: international experience and Russian prospects (abstract)
O. Shestoperov (NISSE), T. Rukavishnikova (NISSE)
Some aspects of SME test implementation in Russia's assessments of regulatory and actual exposures (abstract)
A. Didikin (NSU)
Monitoring the application of Regulatory Impact Assessment and expertise of legal acts in municipal formations of Novosibirsk region (abstract, full version)
D. Tsygankov (HSE), A. Golodnikova (IOPP)
The prospects of spreading of the standard cost model for measurement of citizens’ compliance costs, imposed by government bodies (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
Room 125, М-20
Roundtable O-12. Behavioural regulation
Moderator: V. Klyucharev (HSE)
• Nudge trchnologies in state regulation – justification and disputes.
• Whether the coice is logicat: “to nurse” or “to push”?
• The practice of using a behavioral approach in state regulation abroad.
Participants: A. Klimenko (HSE), D. Tsygankov (HSE), A. Belianin (HSE), A. Shestakova (HSE), A. Suvorov (HSE), A. Solodukhina (MSU), V. Spiridonov (RANEPA), E. Nenakhova (Bank of Russia), A. Chirkov (Bank of Russia), M. Yunusova (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation), O. Udovichenko (Sberbank of Russia)
Section Q. Media and Communications
Moderator: A. Kachkaeva (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 224, М-20
Roundtable Q-09. Creative industries: theory and practice - 1
Moderator: L. Alyabyeva (Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture), T. Rivchun (HSE)
• The performative turn in the humanities: the role of creative industries
• Impact of global technological trends on the development of creative industries in Russia
• A collective project in creative industry
• New media as an industry of cultural practices: production and consumption of meanings
• Conceptual convergence strategy of science and art: syntopy against industry of images
• Fashion Photography: opportunity of/for look
• Discipline of body in the Internet era
• Furniture design in the Soviet Union and modern Russia: problems of continuity
• Creative industries - innovation sector for cultural-economic partnership
Participants: I. Sirotkina (IHST RAS), U. Aristova (HSE), R. Sherifzyanov (HSE), K. Eltsova (RSUH), T. Fadeeva (history of modern arts expert), O. Annanurova (The Lumiere Brothers center for fotography), K. Gusarova (MSSES), A. Dezhurko (HSE), T. Abankina (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 224, М-20
Roundtable Q-10. Creative industries: theory and practice - 2
Moderator: L. Alyabyeva (Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture), T. Rivchun (HSE)
• Fashion canon and creative consumer: the practice of fashion narratives in everyday suit
• Hipsters as a cultural product and the creators of urban culture
• The structure and system of interaction in the creative teams
• Love and deficits: the problem of consumption in the late Soviet cinema
• Time without geniuses: a new contract with the consumer
• Cinema attractions: tricks of the entertainment industry
• Screen image: video art and mass culture
• Videos in modern theater as a relevant mean of communication
Participants: L. Goralik (HSE), O. Zaporozhets (HSE), I. Sobol (HSE), T. Dashkova (RSUH), M. Nisenbaum (HSE), T. Bakina (HSE), A. Staruseva-Persheeva (HSE, VGIK), A. Krasnoslobodskaya (HSE, GITIS)
Section R. Management
Moderators: N. Filinov (HSE), O. Tretyak (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 426, М-11
Roundtable R-09. The university and the hospitality business: building future industries together
Moderator: O. Zelenova (HSE), M. Predvoditeleva (HSE), K. Reshetnikova (HSE)
Questions for discussion:
Universities with Master's Programs in Hospitality and Hotel Business: Major Problems of the Interaction
Participants: O. Balaeva (HSE), L. Bekmuhametova (Lotte Hotel Moscow), T. Vlasova (Hilton Garden Inn Moscow Krasnoselskaya), K. Goryainov (The Moscow City Department for Multicultural Relations, Interregional Cooperation, and Tourism), P. Elnikov (DLA Piper Rus Limited), I. Ivashkevich (Parc Inn by Radisson Odintsovo), S. Ivashkevich (Ivashkevich Hospitality), V. Kabalina (HSE), P. Kabanova (Hilton Worldwide), P. Krivolapova (Intercontinental Moscow Tverskaya hotel), M. Kruchkova (DigitalWill), O. Pimenova (Hilton Garden Inn Moscow New Riga), I. Popovkin (HSE), A. Saburova (Intercontinental Moscow Tverskaya hotel), S. Skorbenko (DigitalWill), K. Shmatkova (The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya), M. Turygina (hotel Sretenskaya), М. Lazutkina (Swissotel Krasnye Holmy)
Thursday, April 13
Room 426, М-11
Roundtable R-10. The university and the hospitality business: building future industries together -2
Moderator: O. Zelenova (HSE), M. Predvoditeleva (HSE), K. Reshetnikova (HSE)
Questions for discussion:
Universities with Master's Programs in Hospitality and Hotel Business: Directions for the Future Cooperation
Participants: O. Balaeva (HSE), L. Bekmuhametova (Lotte Hotel Moscow), T. Vlasova (Hilton Garden Inn Moscow Krasnoselskaya), K. Goryainov (The Moscow City Department for Multicultural Relations, Interregional Cooperation, and Tourism), P. Elnikov (DLA Piper Rus Limited), I. Ivashkevich (Parc Inn by Radisson Odintsovo), S. Ivashkevich (Ivashkevich Hospitality), V. Kabalina (HSE), P. Kabanova (Hilton Worldwide), P. Krivolapova (Intercontinental Moscow Tverskaya hotel), M. Kruchkova (DigitalWill), O. Pimenova (Hilton Garden Inn Moscow New Riga), I. Popovkin (HSE), A. Saburova (Intercontinental Moscow Tverskaya hotel), S. Skorbenko (DigitalWill), K. Shmatkova (The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya), M. Turygina (hotel Sretenskaya), М. Lazutkina (Swissotel Krasnye Holmy)
Thursday, April 13
Room 426, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session R-11. Intellectual capital and ethics in business administration
Moderator: N. Filinov (HSE)
E. Kudriavtseva (HSE - St. Petersburg)
The intellectual potential of the organization's personnel: a comparative analysis (abstract, full version)
N. Markova (University of St. Gallen), L. Cheglakova (HSE), N. Voronina (HSE)
Ethical attitudes and behaviour in Russia: How managers make their ethical choices? (abstract, full version)
K. Shcherbakov (HSE)
Anonymity in Ownership Structure: Influence on Business Effectiveness (abstract, full version)
Section T. Social and Cultural Processes
Moderators: V. Magun (IS RAS, HSE), E. Ponarin (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 422, М-11
Session T-09. Identities and social tensions
Moderator: M. Fabrykant (HSE)
E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE)
Reconstruction taharrush phenomenon in the context of generating and its European version (abstract)
E. Vasilenko (HSE)
Antifeminist discoursive practices in the Russian online-sphere (abstract, full version)
K. Mikhailov (RSUH)
Masculinity and the formation of a behavioural ideal in Russian Orthodoxy (abstract)
N. Kosmarskaya (IOS RAS)
How Can Interviewing Help to Reveal Regional Specifics of Xenophobia? (Case-Study of the Two Cities of Russia) (abstract, full version)
Discussant: O. Isupova (HSE)
Section Ta. Social Policy
Moderators: L. Ovcharova (HSE), T. Chetvernina (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 228, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session Ta-09. Fiscal and Spatial Redistribution in Russia
Moderator: L. Ovcharova (HSE)
A. Horvai (Country Director and Resident Representative for the Russian Federation)
Introduction speech (abstract)
J. Sasin (World Bank), M. Matytsin (World Bank), D. Popova (HSE)
Using Microsimulations and Household Data to Assess the Distributional Impact of Fiscal Policy in Russia (abstract, full version)
C. Ruggeri Laderchi (World Bank), E. Vakulenko (HSE), M. Matytsin (World Bank), Y. Kim (World Bank)
Drivers of Regional Income Inequality in Russia (abstract, full version)
Discussant: A. Deryugin (RANEPA), Y. Urozhaeva (McKinsey consultant)
Thursday, April 13
Room 228, М-20
Session Ta-10. Problems of social inequality and helping those in need: how to improve the effectiveness of social support
Moderator: L. Ovcharova (HSE)
E. Gorina (HSE)
Social support for families and children in Russia in the context of contemporary policy for expansion of the account of needs (abstract, full version)
O. Feoktistova (FRI)
Optimization of social support at the regional level: analyzing the experience of targeting, principles for testing and lessons for the future (abstract, full version)
E. Selezneva (HSE), S. Ter-Akopov (HSE), N. Abramova (HSE), I. Korchagina (HSE), A. Mirinova (HSE)
The consequences of of different targeting criteria implication in the provision of social support for the population of Russia (abstract, full version)
E. Tsatsura (RANEPA), E. Grishina (RANEPA)
Improving the effectiveness of social assistance to needy families with children (abstract, full version)
D. Bychkov (FRI), Y. Andreeva (FRI)
Methodological approaches to targeting, means testing, and the effectiveness of social support systems (abstract, full version)
Thursday, April 13
Room 228, М-20
Session Ta-11. Topical issues in social policy
Moderator: S. Smirnov (HSE)
D. Loginov (RANEPA)
Two years of crisis: who took the brunt of it? (abstract, full version)
T. Nezhina (HSE)
The promise of work integration social entrepreneurship in Europe, Russia, and America (abstract)
N. Pliskevich (IE RAS)
Social policy and guides the preceding development (abstract, full version)
O. Borodkina (Saint Petersburg University)
Social policy issues of of the international labor migration in Russia (abstract)
Section Tb. Sociology
Moderator: E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 421, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session Tb-09. Gender, socialization, ageism
Moderator: A. Vanke (IS RAS)
A. Deshpande (Delhi School of Economics)
"Glass Ceiling or Sticky Floor? Gender Discrimination in Labour Markets" (abstract)
V. Titkova (HSE - St. Petersburg), V. Ivaniushina (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Popularity as social status of adolescents: gender differences (abstract)
P. Whelan (HSE)
Sex trafficking from Nigeria to Moscow: from recruitment to repatriation and rehabilitation (abstract, full version)
O. Senkova (HSE - St. Petersburg)
The grassroots feminist scene in St. Petersburg: initiatives, solidarity and conflicts (abstract, full version)
Thursday, April 13
Room 421, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session Tb-10. Social media as a source of sociological data and business condition, Internet regulation
Moderator: P. Kolozaridi (HSE)
I. Musabirov (HSE - St. Petersburg), D. Chuprina (HSE - St. Petersburg), D. Alexandrov (HSE - St. Petersburg), V. Karepin (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Educational Migration from Russia to China. Social Media Data (abstract)
N. Belyaeva (HSE)
Assessing State Policy Capacity in the field of Internet Regulation: Public Response to state regulatory power in Italy, Belarus and Russia (abstract)
J. Beuving (Radboud)
Entrepreneurship and uncertainty in times of extreme austerity: a view from anthropology (abstract)
A. Stepina (CEBSA)
The role of business incubators in construction and taking advantages out of network communication by startups (the case of hse business incubator residents (abstract, full version)
Thursday, April 13
Room 421, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session Tb-11. Conceptual and methodological problems of sociology
Moderator: O. Simonova (HSE)
O. Yanitsky (IS RAS)
On modernization of humanities (abstract, full version)
A. Veikher (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Methodology of social subjectivity as the concept (abstract)
Y. Voynilov (HSE)
Interpreting the classics: what do we really know about the sociology of George Herbert Mead? (abstract, full version)
S. Moiseev (HSE)
“Rehabilitation” of the Concept of “Mass” in the Social Sciences: the Search of General Definition (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
Room 421, М-11
Session Tb-12. Sociology of space and communities
Moderator: K. Glazkov (HSE)
K. Glazkov (HSE)
The Symbolic Setting of Public Space in Location-Based Games (abstract, full version)
E. Gudova (HSE), A. Nefedova (HSE)
“Life Is Waiting,” or a Moscow Railway Station through the Eyes of a Bored Passenger (abstract, full version)
O. Pinchuk (RANEPA)
Ethnographic research of industrial workers (participant observation) (abstract)
D. Roud (HSE)
Comparative Study of Early Socialist Residential Heritage between China and Russia (abstract)
Moderators: A. Almakaeva (HSE), E. Ponarin (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 430, М-11
Session Tc-09. New Methodological Challenges to Investigation of Human Values
Moderator: M. Mikucka (Universite catholique de Louvain)
R. Firat (Georgia State University)
Investigating Human Values with Brain Imaging (new project). (abstract)
O. Volchenko (HSE), V. Korsunova (HSE)
Emancipative Values and Film Industry: Naked Facts from IMDb (progress report) (abstract)
K. Hemmerechts (Free University of Brussels), N. Echeverria (Free University of Brussels)
The Role of Armed Conflicts in the Formation of Emancipative Values (new project) (abstract)
Discussants: B. Sokolov (HSE), H. Duelmer (University of Cologne)
Thursday, April 13
Room 430, М-11
Session Tc-10. Social Capital and Well-being
Moderator: T. Karabchuk (United Arab Emirates University)
A. Oshchepkov (HSE), M. Kravtsova (HSE)
The Shadow of the Family: Historical Roots of Particularism in Europe (progress report) (abstract)
A. Musson (ESSCA School of Management)
Different Wealth, Same Effects? Is Social Capital Leading to More Subjective Well-being? (new project) (abstract)
M. Tomasuolo (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart Milano)
Connecting Alone: Smartphone Use, Quality of Social Interactions and Well-being (new project). (abstract)
Discussants: E. Uslaner (University of Maryland), A. Almakaeva (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 430, М-11
Session Tc-11. Gender Differences and Gender Attitudes
Moderator: R. Firat (Georgia State University)
O. Strebkova (HSE)
Gender Inequality in Arab Countries: Testing for Measurement Invariance and Searching for the Sources of Noninvariance (abstract)
T. Karabchuk (United Arab Emirates University), K. Kumo (Institute of Economic Research), H. Duelmer (University of Cologne)
How Many Children to Have? Case Study of Germany, Japan, UAE and Russia: Female Employment, Family Labor Division and Childbirth (new project) (abstract)
M. Mikucka (Universite catholique de Louvain)
The Gender Gap in Depression and Gender Equality (new project) (abstract)
Discussants: N. Soboleva (HSE), A. Shirokanova (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 430, М-11
Session Tc-12. Well-being and Its Components
Moderator: H. Duelmer (University of Cologne)
F. Sarracino (STATEC)
Comparability of Web and Telephone Surveys for the Measurement of Subjective Well-being (new project) (abstract)
A. Shirokanova (HSE)
Disentangling Subjective Well-Being Components on Individual and Country Levels (new project) (abstract)
A. Ermolina (HSE)
Social Capital as the Source of Subjective Well-being in the Late Life in Central and Eastern European countries (progress report) (abstract)
Discussants: R. Firat (Georgia State University), A. Almakaeva (HSE)
Section U. Healthcare System Development
Moderator: S. Shishkin (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 428, М-11
Session U-09. Measuring health
Moderator: A. Lindenbraten (NA Semashko National Scientific Research Institute for Public Health)
S. Vladimirov (FRIHOI of Ministry of Health of Russia)
Available information sources about Health of russian population and adaptation of state statistical reporting for assessment of the Global Burden of Disease (abstract)
E. Andreev (HSE), S. Timonin (HSE)
Rapid increase in HIV mortality in Russia, 2000-2015 (analysis of demograhic statistics) (abstract, full version)
T. Kharkova (HSE), E. Kvasha (HSE)
Hazardous alcohol consumption and trends in life expectancy in Russia (abstract, full version)
A. Karachunskiy (Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center)
Multicentral controlled clinical trials as a critical factor of Health System development in Russia (abstract, full version)
Thursday, April 13
Room 428, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session U-10. Disease burden - 1
Moderator: A. Vishnevsky (HSE)
B. Idrisov (BMC)
Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Studies: Russian HIV Crises and the Way Forward. (abstract)
E. Varavikova (FRIHOI of Ministry of Health of Russia)
Global Burden of Disease - potential and challenges for the management (abstract)
S. Soshnikov (MSMU), V. Vlassov (HSE)
Sub-national level of the national burden of disease and risk factors in Russia (abstract)
V. Yumaguzin (HSE)
Awareness of DALY health and demographic indicators in Russia (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
Room 428, М-11
Session U-11. Disease burden - 2
Moderator: V. Vlassov (HSE)
M. Kaneva (The Gaidar Institute), V. Baidin (FRI), C. Gerry (HSE - St. Petersburg)
The effect of chronic conditions and multimorbidity on self-assessed health in Russia (abstract, full version)
M. Kravchenko (Neurology Scientific Center)
Epidemiological issues in the study of global diseases citing the example of cerebrovascular illnesses (strokes) (abstract)
A. Pyankova (HSE), T. Fattakhov (HSE)
Possibilities and limitations of DALY estimates in Russia (on the example of RTI) (abstract, full version)
Thursday, April 13
Room 428, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session U-12. Honorary paper by Mohsen Naghavi (University of Washington) “Burden of disease in Russia, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease study 2015”
Moderator: V. Vlassov (HSE)
Simon Hay, Mohsen Naghavi, Laurie Marczak, Meghan Mooney, Russia Burden of Disease Collaborators
Background: Results from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2015 (GBD) were utilized to evaluate trends in mortality and causes of death in Russia from 1990 to 2015.
Methods: The GBD 2015 study is a worldwide collaborative effort that analyzes the most up-to-date and accurate information, through advanced and transparent methods, in order to measure the impact of health conditions. For the period of 1990 to 2015, trends in life expectancy, sources of mortality, and contribution of major risk factors in Russia were compared against patterns of change in seven similar countries: China, Finland, Germany, Japan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and the United States. Health progress was further evaluated by developing a novel metric we refer to as the Socio-demographic Index (SDI). The SDI incorporates lag-dependent income per capita, total fertility rate for the population, and the average educational attainment in the population over 15 years of age. Each component is scaled from zero – the lowest value observed across all geographies and time periods considered – and one, the highest value observed. The final SDI value is the geometric mean of equally weighted components. The SDI score for Russia as calculated for GBD 2015 was 0.86; among the countries selected for comparison, the SDI was 0.68 in China, 0.81 in both Kazakhstan and Ukraine, 0.89 in Finland, 0.90 in both Japan and Germany, and 0.93 in the United States.
Results: In the past decade Russia has seen a steady improvement in life expectancy, as well as considerable reductions in mortality across a number of causes of death. There were marked improvements in child mortality between 2000 and 2015, with an 55.0% (53.7-56.9%) decrease. Progress was also seen through decreases in neonatal disorders and deaths, and notable reductions in maternal disorders and deaths. However, compared to countries at similar levels of development, mortality rates in Russia are high and life expectancy is low. Overall, the greatest number and highest rates of mortality were due to cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease accounted for 57.5% (56.8-58.2%) of total mortality in 2015. Further, Russian men have a disproportionate burden over women, having a higher risk of premature death at younger ages associated with behavioral risk factors. Trends in mortality over this period are significantly related to patterns of alcohol consumption, drug use, smoking, metabolic risk factors, and changes in health care capacity and access. Although there have been recent declines in mortality, death rates due to alcohol and drug use are higher in Russia than for other countries at similar levels of development.
Conclusion: Russia has made improvements in its overall mortality and life expectancy over the past 25 years; however, alcohol and drug abuse continues to be a primary cause of premature morality. These factors can be mitigated through preventive health care and national policy, and therefore present a direction for future health care system improvements.
Section V. Evaluation of Reforms in Education
Moderator: I. Froumin (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 311, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session V-09. Honorary paper by Tommaso Agasisti (School of Management Politecnico di Milano) “Evaluating the performance and efficiency of educational organizations in an international perspective - concepts, methods and examples from primary, secondary and tertiary education”
Moderator: O. Leshukov (HSE)
In this talk, I will give a brief overview of the importance of assessing the performance of educational institutions. In particular, I will focus on evaluating the efficiency of schools and universities as defined as producing the maximum amount of outputs, given the available inputs - within the economic framework of the Educational Production Function (EPF). I will illustrate how production frontier methods are particularly well-suited for the purpose of assessing institutions' efficiency. Also, I will provide some results from my previous and current research devoted to the study of efficiency of educational institutions in a multi-country perspective.
Thursday, April 13
Room 431, М-11
Roundtable V-10. Why education reforms find little support among the Russian population. Who are the core stakeholders? How to balance different interest groups?
Moderator: P. Sorokin (HSE)
1) what explains the successes and failures of the Russian education system reforms during the last 25 years?
2) what needs to be done to engage the key social groups in the reforms and to ensure public support for the transformation?
Participants: T. L. Klyachko (RANEPA), I. V. Abankina (HSE), I. M. Remorenko (MSPU), L. N. Dukhanina (Russian Parliament (State Duma)), A. I. Adamskiy (Institute of Educational Policy “Eureka”)
Thursday, April 13
Room 101, М-20
Simultaneous translation
Session V-11/1. Special session 2. Drivers and obstacles for sustainable economic growth: the role of education
Moderator: I. Abankina (HSE)
I. Froumin (HSE)
Education as resource for “smart” economic development (abstract)
M. Alashkevich (CSR)
Factor of education in sustainable economic growth (abstract)
T. Klyachko (RANEPA)
The new role of higher education: Global and Russian trends (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
Room 431, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session V-11/2. Higher Education: the issues of increasing efficiency
Moderator: K. Zinkovsky (HSE)
A. Kluev (UrFU)
Transformation of management systems in Russian universities: plans and reality (abstract)
A. Talonov (MEPhI), A. Shyukina (National Research Nuclear University MEPHI)
Possible ways for increasing effectiveness of support for international activities at Russian universities: the experience of foreign universities (abstract)
O. Korzhova (OmSU), T. Stuken (OSU)
The transformation of the labour incentive systems for teaching staff in universities: the example of the Omsk Region (abstract, full version)
Е. Kutergina (HSE - St. Petersburg), A. Sanina (HSE - St. Petersburg)
The effectiveness of computer-based simulation games for educational purposes: the Review of MPA students’experience (abstract, full version)
Thursday, April 13
Room 431, М-11
Session V-12. Connections between education and economy (labour market)
Moderator: N. Karmaeva (HSE)
T. Stuken (OmSU), O. Korzhova (OmSU)
Employment of university graduates with engineering and technical degrees: determinants and regional variations (abstract, full version)
I. Prakhov (HSE)
Analysis of the expected returns for individuals from higher education institutions in Moscow (abstract, full version)
A. Timofeeva (NSTU)
Education and work: the problem of discrepancy of professions on a national scale (abstract, full version)
E. Varshavskaya (HSE)
Transition “from education to work”: analysis through the prism of education specifics (abstract, full version)
Section W. Sports Studies
Moderator: D. Dagaev (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 328, М-11
Session W-09. Finance and attendance
Moderator: D. Coates (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
K. Baydina (HSE - Perm)
Determinants of betting market inefficiency: the case of Eoropean football leagues (abstract)
A. Chmykhov (HSE - Perm)
Who is interested in football clubs’ stocks: rational investors or fans? (abstract)
T. Gasparetto (University of Vigo), A. Barajas (HSE - Perm)
The motivations of non-habitual fans on professional football (abstract)
D. Coates (University of Maryland)
Outcome Uncertainty, Home Win Preference, and Econometric Identification of the Game Uncertainty-Attendance Relationship (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
Room 328, М-11
Session W-10. Contest theory
Moderator: D. Dagaev (HSE)
P. Parshakov (HSE - Perm), E. Popova (HSE - Perm), A. Chadov (HSE - Perm)
Team Tournaments: Organizers vs. Freeriders (abstract)
G. Toleugazyyev (Nazarbayev University)
The problem of cooperation in cycling sports (abstract)
D. Dagaev (HSE), A. Zubanov (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Round-Robin Tournaments with Limited Resources (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
Room 328, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session W-11. Performance and rankings
Moderator: C. Nesseler (University of Zurich)
A. Panchishina (HSE - Perm), P. Parshakov (HSE - Perm)
Team Diversity and Performance: Evidence from KHL (abstract)
C. Nesseler (University of Zurich)
A longitudinal study of African and White American managers in NCAA basketball (abstract)
N. Osokin (PRUE), A. Vorobyev (PRUE), I. Solntsev (PRUE)
Managing global football development with the application of strategic analysis tools (abstract, full version)
A. Polozov (UrFU)
Ratings in Sports (abstract, full version)
Thursday, April 13
Room 328, М-11
Session W-12. The transfer market
Moderator: Y. Naidenova (HSE - Perm)
N. Kozodoi (Max Planck Institute for Human Development)
Social Capital in Team Sports (abstract, full version)
Y. Naidenova (HSE - Perm), P. Parshakov (HSE - Perm)
Transfer Networks in European Football and the Clubs’ Performance (abstract)
Section X. Russian Language in a Multilingual World
Moderators: M. Krongauz (HSE), E. Rakhilina (HSE), A. Vyrenkova (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 423, М-11
Roundtable X-09. Language competition
Moderator: M. Krongauz (HSE)
• Russian in Post-soviet countries and abroad
• Russian and other languages in multilingual environment
• Language interference in contemporary mass media
Participants: I. Kulmoja (University of Tartu), M. Niznik (Tel Aviv University), M. Navruzbekov (A. Donish institute of history, archeology and ethnography), M. Perotto (University of Bologna), A. Nikunlassi (University of Helsinki), E. Protasova (University of Helsinki)
Thursday, April 13
Room 423, М-11
Session X-10. Language standard in multilingual environment
Moderator: M. Krongauz (HSE)
A. Kibrik (Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences), M. Bergelson (HSE)
Russian as unwritten language (abstract)
V. Apresyan (HSE), A. Shmelev (IRL RAS, MPSU)
Safety strategies in contemporary mass media: grammaticalization of jakoby as evidentiality marker (abstract)
M. Perotto (University of Bologna)
Saturday schools contribution in developing bilingualism of Russian speaking children in Italy (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
Room 423, М-11
Session X-11. Boundary Russian: linguistic contacts and acquisition
Moderator: E. Rakhilina (HSE)
M. Voeikova (Institute for Linguistic Studies Russian Academy of Sciences)
Differences in the constituent order of Russian and Chinese and its impact on the written practice of Chinese students (abstract)
O. Dragoy (HSE)
Diagnostics and prevention of speech disorders in Russian speaking patients with brain pathology (abstract)
N. Slioussar (HSE)
Case studies in morphology based on errors in adult speech (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
Room 423, М-11
Session X-12. Boundary Russian: linguistic contacts and acquisition
Moderator: E. Rakhilina (HSE)
N. Ringblom (Stockholm University)
Russian bilingualism in Sweden (abstract)
A. Peeters-Podgaevskaja (University of Amsterdam)
Early language development in a Russian child in Holland: a longitudinal study (abstract)
O. Palikova (University of Tartu), I. Kulmoja (University of Tartu)
On errors in heritage Russian in Estonia (abstract)
E. Vlasova (HSE)
Types of lexical and grammatical violations in linguistic production by Russian learners from Finland (abstract)
Section Y. Instrumental Methods
Moderators: F. Aleskerov (HSE), S. Maltseva (HSE)
Thursday, April 13
Room 326а, М-11
Session Y-09. IT in management tasks - 1
Moderator: A. Lepskiy (HSE), M. Komarov (HSE)
D. Afanasyev (Financial University), E. Fedorova (Financial University)
Price formation on the electricity market: multi-scale causality analysis (abstract, full version)
A. Chadov (HSE - Perm)
Determining the optimal strategy of mentors’ choices on the “Voice” TV-show (abstract)
S. Andreev (TUT)
Understanding Technology Fragmentation in the IoT Market: Past, Present, and Future (abstract)
A. Lepskiy (HSE), A. Suevalov (HSE)
Application of Fuzzy Asymmetric GARCH-Models to Forecasting of Volatility of Russian Stock Market (abstract, full version)
Thursday, April 13
Room 326а, М-11
Session Y-10. IT in management tasks - 2
Moderator: V. Rutskiy (SibFU)
A. Beklaryan (HSE), A. Makhmutov (Sberbank), A. Akopov (HSE)
Development of a simulation model of the optimal allocation of credit applications on the example of Sberbank (abstract, full version)
M. Tifanova (HSE), T. Bogdanova (HSE)
Ticket porfolio liquidity estimation modelling on Moscow theatre market (abstract, full version)
V. Rutskiy (SibFU)
Modelling selection of small and medium-sized entrepreneurships for the purposes of state support in the krasnoyarsk kray with the help of genetic algorithms (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
Room 326а, М-11
Session Y-11. Theory and experiments for management tasks
Moderator: A. Belianin (HSE)
N. Korgin (ICS RAS)
Simple Business Games Enables to Reveal Problem in Some Arctic Regions of Russian Wholesale Electricity Market (abstract, full version)
O. Kuznetsova (Samara University), A. Elistratov (Samara University), N. Dodonova (Samara University)
Analysis of the behavioural patterns of players in games for scarce resource allocation (abstract, full version)
V. Spirina (PNRPU)
Experimental Research the Problem of Commercial Real Estate Management by Means of Business Imitating Game (abstract, full version)
A. Belianin (HSE)
Climate change control in cross-country perspective: experimental study in Germany and Russia (abstract)
Thursday, April 13
Room 326а, М-11
Session Y-12. IT in data analysis
Moderator: A. Sharafutdinov (PFRF)
A. Silaev (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod), V. Silaeva (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod)
Econometric models for the results of Unified State Exams (abstract, full version)
O. Bondarenko (NES), A. Zakharov (NES)
Effect of social status on information transmission (abstract, full version)
A. Sharafutdinov (PFRF)
The module of artificial intelligence information-analytical system of financial monitoring for open data (abstract, full version)
April 14
Section Ea. PhD workshop “Financial Markets and Corporate Strategies: Comparative Studies”
Moderators: I. Ivashkovskaya (HSE), A. Karminsky (HSE)
Friday, April 14
Room 426, М-11
Session Ea-13-16. PhD workshop “Financial Markets and Corporate Strategies: Comparative Studies”
Moderator: I. Ivashkovskaya (HSE), A. Karminsky (HSE)
The seminar will be held on April 14, 2017 as a part of the XVIII April International Academic Conference On Economic and Social Development at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow. Contributions from all fields of finance are invited. Submissions that use emerging capital markets data and comparison with European and other developed capital markets are especially welcome.
We are pleased to announce Dr. João Paulo Vieito the Professor of Finance at Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, Portugal and the Chairman of The World Finance Conference as key note speaker.
The main objective of the seminar is to foster contacts and stimulate exchange between young scholars, as well as to introduce the Higher School of Economics to a new generation of highly qualified young researchers. PhD students will be invited to give 20 minutes presentations, and will then receive detailed feedback from senior academics in the field.
Section F. Law and Economics
Moderators: A. Yakovlev (HSE), E. Salygin (HSE)
Friday, April 14
Room 518, М-11
Session F-14. The Eurasian Economic Union: can supranational law and judicial system stimulate economic growth?
Moderator: A. Fedortsov (President, EAEU Court)
E. Babkina (EAEU Court)
Competence of the EAEU Court in cases involving business entities: at home among strangers (abstract)
A. Ispolinov (MSU)
Statute of the EAEU Court as a reflection of the anxieties and doubts of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union (abstract)
K. Entin (EAEU Court)
The Court of the Eurasian Economic Union: challenges and prospects (abstract)
Discussants: A. Ivanov (HSE), D. Kolas (EAEU Court), A. Naumov (EEC), M. Karliuk (HSE)
Section I. EACES-HSE PhD Seminar “Regional aspects of labour market, migration, investment, education, housing, health and other fields”
Moderators: O. Demidova (HSE), A. Yakovlev (HSE)
Friday, April 14
Room 429, М-11
Session I-13. Keynote lecture by Prof. Francesco Pastore (University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” and IZA) “Primum vivere … Industrial Change, Job Destruction and the Geographical Distribution of Unemployment”
Moderator: O. Demidova (HSE)
This research aims to provide a frame of mind to understand the link between structural change and regional unemployment, and, based on it, to survey the most recent literature. An overly optimistic view on the ability of the adjustment mechanism to generate convergence in local unemployment rates has long neglected the question of how regional imbalances arise in the first place. The availability of new longitudinal data sets allows us looking again at this issue with a fresh look, starting from patterns of reallocation among labour market statuses. The main conclusion of recent research is that high unemployment regions have a higher, not a lower rate of reallocation; this suggests, in turn, that they do not suffer from low job creation, but, rather, from high job destruction, and this is because of the low competitiveness of any economic activity. Our findings sound as a renowned justification of the need for demand side policy, especially aimed at increasing the life expectancy of private businesses in high unemployment regions.
Friday, April 14
Room 429, М-11
Session I-14. Regional aspects of labour market
Moderator: F. Pastore (University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” and IZA)
K. Andreeva (HSE)
European Experience of the Labor Market Regulation in Football: Lessons for Russia (abstract)
B. Rao (IIT Roorkee)
Neo-Liberalism and Labour Relations: Is It Change or Continuum? A Case of Construction Workers (abstract)
Z. Ybrayev (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Inflation Targeting, Financial Dollarization and Labor Market Responses: The Case of Eurasian Economic Union (abstract)
Discussant: E. Semerikova (HSE)
Friday, April 14
Room 429, М-11
Session I-15. Macroeconomic aspects of spatial development
Moderator: P. Daddi (University of Perugia)
P. Singh (IIT Roorkee)
The Economic Growth and Rising Burden of Health Care Expenditure in Northeast (abstract)
A. Talipova (HSE)
The Influence of European Gas Hubs Liberalization on Competition and Gas Pricing Formulas Transformation (abstract)
A. Kirillov (HSE)
Modelling of inflation for Russian regions taking into account spatial effects (abstract)
Discussant: A. Gladysheva (HSE)
Friday, April 14
Room 429, М-11
Session I-16. Spatial disparities of Russian regions
Moderator: O. Demidova (HSE)
I. Efremova (TyumSU)
Spatial Development Disparities in the Russian North (abstract)
A. Philippova (HSE)
Child benefits policies: comparative analysis of Russian regions (abstract)
V. Mikhalchuk (HSE)
Domestic M&A in Russia: performance and success factors (abstract)
Discussants: A. Oshchepkov (HSE), M. Kokoreva (HSE)
Section Ma. Political Processes. Special seminars with presentations of the results of HSE’s studies
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE)
Friday, April 14
Room 430, М-11
Session Ma-13. Quantitative methods in political analysis
Moderator: A. Korotaev (HSE)
A. Korotayev (HSE)
Olson - Huntington Hypothesis on the Bell-Shaped Relationship between the Economic Development Level and Sociopolitical Destabilization: A Quantitative Reanalysis (abstract)
M. Kurapova (HSE), S. Shvydun (HSE)
Network analysis of international conflicts (abstract)
A. Elsakova (HSE), D. Shvarts (HSE)
Power Indicies Computable in Polynomial Time (abstract)
Discussant: A. Akhremenko (HSE)
Friday, April 14
Room 430, М-11
Session Ma-14. Statehood and public policy issues
Moderator: Y. Nisnevich (HSE)
A. Sungurov (HSE - St. Petersburg), D. Tinyakov (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Three Russian Reforms: Comporative analysis of process's actors (abstract, full version)
K. Lutsishina (HSE), A. Makarov (HSE), Y. Nisnevich (HSE)
Analysis of the implementation quality of political and governmental orders of polyarchical democracy on corruption in public power (abstract, full version)
E. Ivanov (HSE)
Abkhazia and South Ossetia: non-recognized states’ trajectories of development (abstract)
Discussant: V. Vasilyeva (HSE)
Section Tb. Sociology
Moderator: E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE)
Friday, April 14
Room 421, М-11
Session Tb-13. Social, territorial and residential mobility
Moderator: A. Strelnikova (HSE)
A. Vanke (IS RAS)
Projective techniques in the study of social trajectories and mobility (by the example of life paths drawings) (abstract)
E. Polukhina (HSE)
Property values in view of social mobility: an analysis of two generations (abstract)
A. Strelnikova (HSE)
Residential mobility and life success: the spatial aspect of social mobility (abstract, full version)
P. Sushko (IS RAS), N. Kolennikova (HSE)
Typology of migration biographies of Russians (based on empirical studies) (abstract)
Friday, April 14
Room 421, М-11
Session Tb-14. Discourses in science, public administration and public opinion
Moderator: K. Gavrilov (HSE)
A. Zudina (HSE)
What lies beneath “average” level of subjective indicators? Trajectories of self-evaluations in Russia in 2000-2014 (abstract, full version)
M. Manokin (HSE - Perm)
Scientists in the public dialogue in a major Russian industrial city (abstract, full version)
A. Nabokova (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod), E. Bolshakova (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod), A. Kozlova (HSE - Nizhny Novgorod)
Hidden ideologies of official documents issues governmental structures engaged in cultural activities (abstract, full version)
Friday, April 14
Room 421, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session Tb-15. Social transformation of parenthood
Moderator: E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE)
M. Rasell (University of Lincoln), M. Kulmala (University of Finland), Z. Chernova (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Reforming Russia’s child welfare system: contextual and ideational barriers to implementation (abstract)
L. Shpakovskaya (HSE - St. Petersburg)
Cultural Representations of Foster Parenting and Child Welfare Reform in Contemporary Russia (abstract, full version)
R. Abramov (HSE), K. Antonova (HSE)
Media images graduates of children's homes: the sociological analysis of the publications of the regional media (abstract, full version)
Moderators: A. Almakaeva (HSE), E. Ponarin (HSE)
Friday, April 14
Room 428, М-11
Session Tc-13. Corruption and Terrorism
Moderator: F. Sarracino (STATEC)
S. Dokuka (HSE)
How Trust Enables Social Cohesion? The Evidence from Student Friendship Network Dynamics (new project). (abstract)
M. Fabrykant (HSE)
Are Nationalists Centrists? Introducing and Testing the Concept of Political “Banal” Nationalism (new project) (abstract)
K. Chmel (HSE)
The Openness and Democracy as Determinants of the International Terrorism Spread Trajectories (new project) (abstract)
Discussants: E. Ponarin (HSE), A. Shcherbak (HSE)
Friday, April 14
Room 428, М-11
Session Tc-14. Economic Growth
Moderator: E. Ponarin (HSE)
A. Cherniak (Warsaw School of Economics), P. Graca-Gelert (Warsaw School of Economics)
The Impact of Income Inequality on Economic Growth – the Role of the Perception and Acceptance of Income Inequality (new project) (abstract)
E. Mitrokhina (HSE)
Authoritarianism and Economic Growth (new project ) (abstract)
S. Kozlova (Siberian Federal University)
The Effects of Public and Private Health Care Expenditure on Health Status: Comparative Analysis U.S., Canada, England, Australia, Russia (new project) (abstract)
Discussants: B. Sokolov (HSE), F. Sarracino (STATEC)
Section V. Evaluation of Reforms in Education
Moderator: I. Froumin (HSE)
Friday, April 14
Room 518, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session V-13. Special session 3. Education system reform as a tool for human capital development and stimulating economic growth: in search for a universal prescription
Moderator: S. Malinovsky (HSE)
A. Schleicher (OECD)
Global trends in the transformation of the national education systems: what will education look like in 2035? (abstract)
M. Carnoy (Stanford University)
Studying inequality in education: big data and small data (abstract)
Friday, April 14
Room 431, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Roundtable V-14. International experience in reforms of national education systems: key lessons for Russia
Moderator: I. Froumin (HSE)
Questions for discussion:
1) What are the dominating global trends in reforms of national education systems?
2) Can we reveal specific approaches that are typical for transitional societies?
3) What lessons can Russia learn from international experience?
Participants: B. P. McCall (University of Michigan School of Education), T. Agasisti (Politecnico di Milano), A. Schleicher (OECD), D. Semenov (HSE), A. Klimov (former Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation)
Friday, April 14
Room 518, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session V-15/1. Honorary paper by Gao Baoli (Assistant President of of China institute of education) “Modernization of education in China: theoretical studies and practical efforts”
Moderator: V. Bolotov (HSE)
The study of education modernization attracts lots of attention in China. There is a widespread consensus among scholars that education modernization is not only the advanced world level of education development, but also the efforts and the process of catching up with or maintaining the advanced world level. Education modernization is a state of higher level of national education development, which goes beyond the traditional education. The content of education modernization mainly refers to the education idea, the education system, the education policies, the education substance, the education method and the modernization of the governance. Promoting education modernization will enable people to have more opportunities for lifelong learning, will improve the quality of education, will make educational development results more equitable to all the people, will improve significantly educational innovation ability, and will also develop a more mature and well-defined education system. Seven objective indexes- being more secure,being more popular, being more suitable, being fairer, being of higher quality, having a more sound system, having more contributions and being more satisfied with one subjective aim, is considered by some scholars as core targets for education modernization; There are also scholars that design the system of education modernization by five dimensions- popularity and fairness, level and quality, service and contribution, conditions and security, informationization and internationalization; Some scholars suggest that the signs of education modernization should be that the investment, efficiency, quality and equity of education reached the advanced world level. Based on national conditions and traditional culture, We should learn and absorb the concept and experiences of the international education modernization, to build the theory system and practice model of education modernization with Chinese characteristics.

China promotes education modernization, and it is aimed at fully developing and making full use of the world's largest, most abundant and most valuable human resources to lay a human resource foundation for the grand goal of modernization; supporting national modernization consistently by education modernization ; giving priority to the development of education.

The core of modernization is human modernization. Human modernization requires firstly education modernization. Chinese education promotes human modernization, strives to improve students 'social responsibility to serve the people and the country, and to cultivates students' innovative spirit and practical ability.

China promotes education modernization, considers Education Equality as a basic education policy, so that all people enjoy a more equitable access to education; China improves consistently the quality of education, so that people enjoy education resources of a better quality; China optimizes the educational structure, to meet the needs for talent and intelligence with economic and social development; China efforts to promote the development of educational connotations by deepening the comprehensive education reform and improving constantly the educational system.
Friday, April 14
Room 431, М-11
Session V-15/2. Inequality in education: contemporary problems and the ways to overcome them using state regulation instruments
Moderator: N. Maloshonok (HSE)
I. Abankina (HSE), L. Filatova (HSE)
State and non-state sectors in preschool education: are the opportunities for children and parents equal? (abstract, full version)
N. Krylova (KSU)
Shadow education as a reflection of transformations in the national education system (abstract, full version)
T. Chirkina (HSE), T. Khavenson (HSE)
Socio-economic inequality in the choice of educational path after high school (abstract)
Friday, April 14
Room 431, М-11
Simultaneous translation
Session V-16. Social inequality in education: Russian reality and international experience
Moderator: A. Zakharov (HSE)
G. Gurova (University of Tampere)
Performance evaluation and opportunities to schools in Brazil, China and Russia (abstract)
P. Sorokin (HSE)
Social inequality in education: problems of analysis and interpretation through the prism of empirical research in post-Soviet countries (abstract)
L. Polishchuk (HSE), T. Natkhov (Brown University), M. Alexeev (Indiana University)
Institutions and the distribution of talents: what does Russian regional data tell us? (abstract)
Section X. Russian Language in a Multilingual World
Moderators: M. Krongauz (HSE), E. Rakhilina (HSE), A. Vyrenkova (HSE)
Friday, April 14
Room 423, М-11
Session X-13. Computational tools in language interference studies
Moderator: V. Apresyan (HSE)
E. Rakhilina (HSE), O. Eremina (HSE), A. Vyrenkova (HSE)
Corpus studies in lexical typology: deviations from standard Russian in constructions containg drugoj ('other') (abstract)
I. Kor Chahine (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis), E. Uetova (HSE)
French subcorpus in RLC (abstract)
S. Slavkova (University of Bologna)
Using parallel Russian-Italian corpus in teaching translation to Italian students (abstract)
M. Olshevskaya (HSE)
Deviations in using constructions with tol'ko by L2 speakers of Russian (based on RLC data) (abstract)
Friday, April 14
Room 423, М-11
Session X-14. Computational tools in language interference studies
Moderator: V. Apresyan (HSE)
D. Oliveira (UFRJ)
Identificational constructions in Russian and L2 acquisition: a usage-based approach (abstract)
O. Ramzaitseva (HSE)
Developing tools for automatic learner corpora data processing (abstract)
O. Kultepina (HSE)
On violations in argument structure of the verb igrat' (to play) in texts written by L2 learners of Russian (abstract)
K. Litvintseva (HSE)
Syntactic errors in L2 and heritage speakers' speech: corpus study (abstract)
F. Biagini (University of Bologna)
Using parallel Russian-Italian corpus in teaching pre-concessive phrasal relations to advanced students of Russian (abstract)
Friday, April 14
Room 423, М-11
Session X-15. Educational technologies supporting the development Russian
Moderator: O. Eremina (HSE)
A. Nikunlassi (University of Helsinki)
Evaluation and comparison criteria for various teaching resources (abstract)
A. Israeli (American University)
Challenges in teaching Russian verbs of movement to foreign students (abstract)
O. Ilyasov (HSE)
Russian numerals in second language teaching (abstract)
A. Bergmann (Humboldt University of Berlin), N. Ermakova (Humboldt University of Berlin)
Summary: genre specificity and students' competence in acquiring Russian as a second language (abstract)
Y. Kaneko (Kobe CUFS)
Predicate transformations in translating fiction: a study based on Russian and Japanese (abstract)
Friday, April 14
Room 423, М-11
Session X-16. Variations of Russian in the modern world
Moderator: A. Vyrenkova (HSE)
H. Viimaranta (UH), E. Protassova (University of Helsinki), M. Hokkanen (University of Helsinki)
Special status of the Russian language in Finland (abstract)
M. Tagaev (Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University)
Russian as part of linguistic identity of Kyrgyz speakers (abstract)
M. Yelenevskaya (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology)
Linguistic landscape in a multilingual state: From code mixing to a regional version of the Russian language in Israel (abstract)