Section A. Macroeconomics and Growth
Moderators: I. Voskoboynikov (HSE University), E. Gurvich (EEG)
Tuesday, April 9
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session A-02. Mechanisms of Output Volatility in the Russian Economy
Moderator: I. Voskoboynikov (HSE University)
S. Popova (Bank of Russia)
Firm-specific shocks and aggregate fluctuations (
A. Tsvetkova (Bank of Russia)
Productivity trends in Russian industries: firm-level evidence (
D. Petrova (RANEPA)
Impact of real exchange rate appreciations on economic growth (
S. Tsukhlo (Gaidar Institute)
Russian Industry in the 2014-2018 Crisis, devaluation and import substitution (
Tuesday, April 9
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
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Session A-03. Economic Development and Growth in Cross-country Comparisons
Moderator: M. Dabrowski (HSE University, CASE, Bruegel)
A. Bozhechkova (Gaidar Institute)
Real exchange rate and competitiveness of the national economy (
S. Bekareva (NSU), E. Meltenisova (IEIE SB RAS, NSU)
Impact of monetary policy in China on economic growth with structural breaks (ARDL model with EC processes) (
A. Sofi (BITS), S. Sasidhran (IIT Madras), A. Mishra (BITS PIlani, Goa Campus)
Spatial interaction and Kaldor’s growth laws: A cross-country perspective (
Tuesday, April 9
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session A-04. Productivity and Growth in the Russian Economy
Moderator: V. Bessonov (HSE University)
I. Voskoboynikov (HSE University)
Russia’s recession in a comparative perspective (
E. Baranov (HSE University), E. Staritsyna (HSE University), D. Piontkovski (HSE University)
Methodological problems of using input-output structural decomposition analysis (SDA) approach at present (
I. Bogacheva (Bank of Russia), A. Porshakov (Bank of Russia), N. Turdyeva (Bank of Russia)
Sectoral GVC-REER and industry competitiveness in Russia (
K. Bobyleva (HSE University)
Low contribution of intangible assets to the growth of the Russian economy: lagging behind developed economies or a measurement problem? (
Section B. Special Sessions and Roundtables
Tuesday, April 9
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
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Roundtable B-04. “Global vs National Income Inequalities”
Moderator: Marek Dabrowski (HSE University, CASE, Bruegel)
Issues for discussion:
The last decade brought increasing attention to income and wealth inequalities in advanced economies because of their increase in several countries and negative social and political implications. However, this debate is often limited to the single-country perspective, disregarding global income inequalities trends, i.e. changes in inequalities between individuals in the entire world. The purpose of this roundtable is to confront global and national perspectives, analyze whether and how they are interlinked. Roundtable participants will present and discuss results of recent empirical research related to various aspects of global, regional and national income inequalities and their various measurement.
• Interrelations between global and national income inequalities;
• What does drive changes in global inequality;
• Measurement of inequality;
• The room for national policies to decrease income and wealth inequalities in the globalized economy.
Experts: Z. Darvas (Bruegel), B. Slay (UNDP), L. Grigoriev (HSE University), R. Kapeliushnikov (HSE University)
Section D. Theoretical Economics
Moderators: A. Belianin (HSE University), A. Zakharov (HSE University), S. Izmalkov (NES)
Tuesday, April 9
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session D-02/1. Behavioural/ Decision Theory
Moderator: P. Chapkovski (HSE University)
I. Menshikov (FRC IC CCAS), D. Polyudova (MIPT), O. Menshikova (MIPT), A. Sedush (MIPT)
Laboratory analysis of the social and psycho-physiological aspects of the behaviour of participants in the Lemons Market game (
S. Dolgikh (HSE University)
Subjective belief in luck as a factor of economic decision-making (
H. Hennig-Schmidt (HSE University), A. Belianin (HSE University)
Behaviour and beliefs in long-distance interactive online experiments between Moscow, Tomsk and Samara (
Tuesday, April 9
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Honorary paper D-02/2. Bernard Grofman (University of California, Irvine) "Electoral Rules and Ethnic and Gender Representation"
Moderator: D. Karabekyan (HSE University)
The question I will address is “How do we structure electoral rules so as achieve representation for particular ethnic groups who are minorities in their country, or for groups, such as women, who while numerous, may have been subject to historical patterns of discrimination whose effects continue to the present? “ The first part of my presentation deals with the conditions for the creation and success of ethnic parties. Here I pay particular attention to the interaction of ethnic electoral geography with electoral rules (especially district magnitude). The second part of my remarks has as its taking off point a classic essay in 1986 by Arend Lijphart on “Proportionality by Non-PR methods” and discusses five mechanisms, including mandatory mechanisms such as ethnic rolls, reserved seats, and exemptions for particular ethnic groups of some aspects of the electoral laws; and non-mandatory methods for ethnic representation such as norms (but not requirements) for placement of ethnic candidates on party lists or as party candidates and districts geographically targeted to capture ethnic minority population concentrations –with particular emphasis on the latter. In the third part of my presentation. I shift the discussion from ethnic representation to women’s representation. Some of the same kinds of facilitative mechanisms apply in the context of gender representation as apply in the context of ethnic representation. However, we almost never observe women’s parties, and geographic districting to create districts with a concentration of women is simply not possible.
Tuesday, April 9
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session D-03/1. Experiments/Behavioral
Moderator: A. Belianin (HSE University)
V. Afonkin ( Institute of Control Sciences of RAS)
Redistribution policies for support of altruistic agents in stochastic voting (
O. Bondarenko (HSE University), A. Zakharov (HSE University)
Social status and information transmission (
I. Ponamareva (HSE University), D. Dagaev (HSE University)
The Order of performance and voting outcome (
Tuesday, April 9
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Invited paper D-03/2. Friedrich Pukelsheim (University of Augsburg) "Analysis of Proportional Representation Systems"
Moderator: D. Karabekyan (HSE University)
Proportional representation systems determine how individual citizens, who are many, are represented by Members of Parliament, who are but a few. The same representational problem arises when Political Groups in Parliament must determine the members of a committee of a size much smaller than Parliament, or when geographical districts are to be represented in Parliament proportionally to population figures. Inevitably, proportional representation culminates in the task of translating numbers into numbers, namely, large numbers of those to be represented, into small numbers of those serving as representatives. The task is solved by procedures called apportionment methods. The lecture will analyze apportionment methods, scrutinize their structural properties, and illustrate their applications.
Tuesday, April 9
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session D-04. IO
Moderator: S. Izmalkov (NES)
M. Sandomirskaia (HSE University), N. Bazenkov (Institute of Control Sciences RAS), E. Glamozdina (HSE University), M. Kuznetsova (HSE University)
Price dispersion on the Internet: The latest findings (
D. Teterina (HSE University - Perm), E. Ozhegov (HSE University - Perm)
Ensemble method for censored demand prediction (
E. Gaivoronskaia (NSU)
Elasticity of electricity demand and regional effects: a spatial econometric approach (
Section G. Regional and Urban Development
Moderators: N. Zubarevich (MSU), A. Puzanov (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 9
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session G-02. The Current Role of Cities in Social and Economic Development
Moderator: A. Puzanov (IUE, HSE University)
L. Limonov (Leontief Centre, HSE University - St. Petersburg), M. Nesena (Leontief Centre)
Analysis of disparities between big and small Russian cities by objective indicators of socio-economic development and subjective assessments of social conditions (
L. Melnikova (IEIE SBRAS)
Effectiveness of large cities in theory and reality (
O. Kuznetsova (FRS IM RAS)
The role of million-plus cities in the spatial development of Russia in its present stage of urbanization (
I. Ilina (HSE University)
Transformation of approaches to the development of “smart cities” in the Russian Federation (
T. Belkina (IEF RAS )
Methodological analysis outlines of the social and economic functions of Russian cities (
Tuesday, April 9
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
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Session G-03. Housing Markets and Policies in Cities and Agglomerations
Moderator: N. Kosareva (IUE, HSE University)
N. Kurichev (IG RAS), E. Kuricheva (KB Strelka)
The impact of housing construction on spatial forms of Moscow’s agglomeration development (
E. Igumenov (IUE)
Practice and main trends in the development of the apartment market in Russia (
N. Kotova (Stanford GSB), A. Zhang (Stanford GSB)
Market thickness in the US housing market (
E. Semerikova (HSE University), K. Kholodilin (DIW Berlin)
Determinants of homeownership rates in Russia’s regions (
E. Kolomak (IEIE SB RAS )
Estimating the effects of city agglomeration: the case of the housing market (
Tuesday, April 9
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session G-04. Urban Planning and Urban Environment
Moderator: E. Trutnev (IUE, HSE University)
T. Baykova (IUE)
Expansion of urban planning and housing policy tools to increase affordable housing supply in Russian cities (
A. Obolenskaya (USPU), I. Simonova (USPU)
Territory development index of vandal activity IVAOS (
S. Borushkina (independent researcher)
The phenomenon of “putinka”: a continuation of Soviet housing development tradition in a market economy (
Section I. International Relations
Moderator: T. Bordachev (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 9
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
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Invited paper I-03. Mariano Laplane (University of Campinas) "Current Challenges for Development: a Latin American Perspective"
Moderator: A. Shcherbakova (HSE University)
Latin American countries are in the process of rethinking its future development potential. The prospects for the long run performance of the world economy are unclear. The World Order itself is far from stable. Even in this uncertain context at least two important sources of opportunities and threats can be identified: innovation trajectories with far reaching potential impacts on production and consumption patterns and growing restrictions arising from climate change. On the domestic front, important conditioning factors are also in place: local economies are increasingly controlled by global companies, local elites have also become more involved in global business and the ability of Latin American States to lead the development process is restricted by fiscal constraints, institutional downgrading and polarization of public opinion. The lecture will explore the viability of a development strategy for the region that aims to take advantage of the opportunities without ignoring threats and weaknesses.
Tuesday, April 9
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
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Session I-04. European Integration at the Crossroads
Moderator: T. Bordachev (HSE University)
N. Kondratieva (Institute of Europe RAS)
Competitiveness of the coordinated market economy of the European Union on the brink of 2020 (
T. Romanova (SPbU)
Resilience in EU-Russian relations (
A. Alikin (HSE University)
Features of EU democracy and human rights promotion policy in the context of foreign crises and challenges (
O. Timakova (Diplomatic Academy MFA of Russia)
Achievement of the new strategic equation in Europe: ways and obstacles (
E. Entina (HSE University)
International context of the EU’s enlargement towards South-Eastern Europe (
Section K. World Economy
Moderator: A. Kuznetsov (IMEMO RAS)
Tuesday, April 9
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session K-02. Topical Issues of Trade and Investment Relations with the Participation of Western Countries
Moderator: A. Kuznetsov (IMEMO RAS)
P. Yakovlev (ILA RAN)
The reform of the North American free trade zone (
M. Vyalykh (USUE)
Protectionism in US foreign trade policy at the present stage: (not) a successful attempt to repeat the experience of the 1930s? (
K. Nikulin (IMEMO)
Hispanidad´s multinationals and their role in overcoming internal crises (
S. Mihnevich (RANEPA), A. Gubina (RUIE)
Opportunities for business cooperation under the multilateral institutions of the Asia Pacific: prospects and problems (
Tuesday, April 9
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
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Session K-03. Specificities of Modern Economic Globalization
Moderator: P. Yakovlev (ILA RAN)
A. Kuznetsov (IMEMO)
The new scramble for Africa: competition for FDI (
M. Golovnin (IE RAS)
Reform of international financial and monetary systems: the role of BRICS countries (
N. Seniuk (HSE University)
BRICS countries in global value chains (
E. Godunova (SPbU), A. Smolyakov (HSE University)
Ethnocultural factors in the sphere of economics: the example of South Korea`s transnational corporations (
Tuesday, April 9
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session K-04. New Issues of Russia's Foreign Economic Relations
Moderator: M. Golovnin (IE RAS)
D. Izotov (ERI FEB RAS), K. Tochkov (TCU)
Foreign trade and regional integration in the Russian Far East (
A. Bulatov (MGIMO)
Hypothesis of the global saving glut: testing the Russian case (
A. Zaytsev (MSU), V. Gurieva (MSU)
Evaluation of sanction suppliers’ substitution effects as a result of the introduction of trade embargos in Russia (
Section L. Firms and Markets
Moderators: N. Volchkova (NES), L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU)
Tuesday, April 9
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session L-02. Energy: Firms, Consumers, Markets and the State
Moderator: C. Sprenger (NES)
K. Tumanyants (VolSU)
The impact of increasing block tariff (“lifeline tariff”) on electricity consumption and undercollection of bills (
A. Filatov (FEFU), M. Vasilyev (MESI SB RAS), R. Zaika (MESI SB RAS)
Ownership unbundling and monopoly privileges in electricity transmission (
A. Oleinik (HSE University)
Models for integrated assessment of the financial risks of renewable energy companies (
I. Dolmatov (HSE University), I. Maskaev (HSE University), T. Gass (HSE University)
Approaches to measuring regional energy efficiency (
Discussant: L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU)
Tuesday, April 9
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session L-03. The Structure of Markets and Restrictions on Competition
Moderator: S. Lukyanov (SUM, SPbU)
O. Markova (RANEPA)
Competition regulation of multisided markets: a market definition (
D. Pokrovsky (HSE University), A. Osharin (HSE University)
Heterogeneity of consumers under monopolistic competition in a closed 2-sector economy (
K. Gonchar (HSE University), P. Marek (Deutsche Bundesbank), M. Kristalova (University of Bremen)
Behaviour of foreign investors when political risks increase (
Discussants: I. Drapkin (UrFU), K. Egorov (NES), S. Lukyanov (SUM, SPbU)
Tuesday, April 9
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
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Session L-04. Firms: Productivity and Efficiency
Moderator: T. Dolgopyatova (HSE University)
J. Prakash (IIT Roorkee), D. Nauriyal (IIT Roorkee)
Automotive component industry and profitability factors: Evidence from India (
O. Guseva (HSE University), A. Stepanova (HSE University)
Startups in Russia: Ownership vs performance (
E. Potaptseva (USUE), S. Smirnykh (USUE)
State subsidizing of agriculture: any effect for agricultural organizations? (
Discussants: T. Dolgopyatova (HSE University), B. Kuznetsov (HSE University)
Section M. Political Processes
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 9
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Invited paper M-02. Lucan Alan Way (University of Toronto) "Pluralism by Default: the sources of democracy in hard places"
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
The end of the Cold War saw the emergence of democratic or nearly democratic regimes in countries with weak democratic prerequisites – endemic poverty, illiteracy, or a high degree of ethnolinguistic and religious difference. Albania and Macedonia in Eastern Europe; Kyrgyzstan and Moldova in the former Soviet Union; Benin, Mali, and Senegal in Africa witnessed the rise and persistence of competitive authoritarian and democratic institutions familiar to Western observers: regular and competitive elections, powerful legislatures, and free media. Indeed, the share of democracies among low and lower-middle income countries nearly doubled from the mid-1980s to the 2000s.
I argue that pluralism in "new democracies" is often grounded less in democratic leadership or emerging civil society and more in the failure of authoritarianism. Democratic competition frequently emerges because autocrats lack the state capacity to steal elections, impose censorship, or repress opposition. In fact, the same institutional failures that facilitate political competition may also thwart the development of stable democracy.
Tuesday, April 9
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session M-04. Contribution of Post-Soviet Studies to Global Political Science
Moderator: I. Busygina (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
D. Slider (USF)
American political science expertise on post-Soviet Russia: Trends and patterns, 1992–2018 (
A. Melville (HSE University)
Out of the “ghetto”: post-Soviet studies' contribution to modern comparative politics (
I. Busygina (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union: conflicting incentives for an Institutional Compromise (
Discussant: B. Makarenko (CPT)
Section O. State and Local Government, and the NPO Sector
Moderators: A. Klimenko (HSE University), I. Mersianova (HSE University), A. Yakovlev (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 9
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session O-02. Civil Society Institutions: Approaches to Measuring and Approbation
Moderator: V. Benevolenski (HSE University)
L. Nikovsky (IS RAS), V. Yakimets (IITP RAS)
Evaluation of the functionality of subjects and actors of public policy at the local level: the case of the Tatarstan Republic (
M. Pevnaya (UrFU), A. Kuzmenchuk (UrFU)
Support of volunteerism development in municipal administrations of the Sverdlovsk region: an assessment of a new standard for volunteering in the Russian Federation (
A. Sungurov (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
The Public Chamber of St Petersburg and other experiences of dialogue between government and civil society (
E. Nastina (HSE University), D. Kolkolenkov (HSE University)
Overview of approaches to measuring the state of civil society in Russia’s regions (
Discussants: N. Ivanova (HSE University), D. Malakhov (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 9
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session O-03. The Role of NGOs in the Social Sphere
Moderator: M. Shabanova (HSE University)
V. Benevolenski (HSE University)
Transformation of regulatory models for the nonprofit sector: in search of solutions to ensure sustainability of nonstate providers of social services (
A. Milakova (HSE University), A. Telitsina (HSE University)
The role of non-profit organizations in the post-institutional adaptation of orphans and children left without parental care (
E. Khaunina (SIAS)
Endowment funds in the sphere of culture: how to improve the institutional environment (
Discussant: I. Krasnopolskaya (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 9
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session O-04. Practices of Civil Society
Moderator: A. Telitsyna (HSE University)
N. Ivanova (HSE University), E. Yakusheva (HSE University)
Best International Practices of Social Impact Investment and Prospects for Russia (
M. Shabanova (HSE University)
Transformation of household waste practices in Russia: the potential for cooperation between government, business and civil society in alleviating the garbage problem (
A. Latysheva (Channel One Russia Worldwide)
Russian crowdfunding as an element of alternative economic practices (
Y. Ukhanova (VolRC RAS)
Civil participation as a tool of regional community development (
Discussant: O. Gromova (HSE University)
Section P. Demography and Labour Markets
Moderators: M. Denisenko (HSE University), L. Smirnykh (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 9
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
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Invited paper P-04. Vladimir Shkolnikov (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, HSE University) "The Burden of Excess Mortality Rates and Factors Underlying its Reduction in Russia" (joint work with E. Andreev)
Moderator: A. Vishnevsky (HSE University)
In the mid-1960s, Russia came very close to Finland in terms of life expectancy (LE). However, in 1965, life expectancy in Russia started to go down. This negative trend continued for another four decades and prevailed until the mid-2000s. If mortality rates in Russia after 1965 had been the same as in Finland, we would have had 25 million more citizens in 2017.
Two key factors underlying excessive mortality rates in Russia include (1) working-age mortality caused by alcohol abuse, accidents and violence, which has been consistently growing; (2) the mortality among elderly persons caused mainly by cardiovascular diseases, which has remained equally high throughout the four decades, while it has been going down in other countries.
In 2005-2017, Russia had not only managed to reduce its mortality rates caused by alcohol abuse and other external factors by 50% - 80%, but also for the first time in its history experienced a significant drop in the cardiovascular mortality among elderly persons. In terms of mortality structure by the age and risk factors, Russia roughly follows Estonia’s pattern with an approx. 8-9 calendar year delay.
In spite of all these achievements, Russia is still largely lagging behind countries with low mortality rates. The life expectancy gap comes to 12 years for men and 5 years for women. If we have a look at the Preston curve, we will see that the life expectancy rates in Russia could have been 6.5 years higher in view of the per capita GDP achieved in 2017. Excessive mortality rates in Russia are rooted not only and not so much in the lack of resources, but rather in their suboptimal distribution and inefficient use.
Section Q. Sociology
Moderators: E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE University), A. Strelnikova (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 9
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-02/1. Presentation of the Book "Elections on the Background of the Crimea: Electoral Cycle 2016-2018 and Prospects for Political Transit"
Moderator: S. Lvov (Russian Public Opinion Research Center)
Discussant: A. Almakaeva (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 9
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
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Session Q-02/2. Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Sociology
Moderator: O. Simonova (HSE University)
O. Simonova (HSE University)
Emotional culture as a sociological concept: on the emotional turn in knowledge and society (
R. Paluch (University of Oldenburg)
Action and Motivation: Rational subjects vs concerned actors (
A. Blasko (BAS)
When dignity is impossible: Constructivism in the service of subjugation (
M. Gal-Ezer (Kinneret College)
Bourdieu’s “Rules of Art”: The avant-garde and nation-building vs globalization and the neoliberal State (
Discussant: O. Oberemko (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 9
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-03/1. Public Discourses of Aging in Modern Russian Society
Moderator: E. Zdravomyslova (EU)
E. Bogdanova (EU SPb)
Systems of longterm care: conceptual foundations and attempts at realisation in contemporary Russia (
E. Gorina (HSE University)
Public social protection of elderly Russians in the health care field: according to need or merit? (
A. Nizamova (EU SPb)
Ageing and agency in the contemporary geriatric discourse in Russia (
Tuesday, April 9
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-03/2. Sociology of the Financial Behaviour of the Population
Moderator: A. Vernikov (IE RAS)
D. Ibragimova (HSE University), S. Nikolayenko (VEB Institute)
Inequality in the distribution of financial assets (
O. Kuzina (HSE University), N. Krupenskiy (HSE University)
Overindebtedness: a myth or reality? (
A. Vernikov (IE RAS)
Drivers of institutional change in a post-socialist economy: The case of the introduction of deposit insurance in Russia (
T. Cherkashina (NSU, IEIE SB RAS)
Options for measuring personal income based on RLMS data: estimation of bias (
Discussant: I. Zadorin (Zircon Research Group)
Tuesday, April 9
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
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Session Q-04. Sociological Aspects of Alienation
Moderator: O. Simonova (HSE University)
L. Langman (Loyola)
Alienation: The morbid symptom of the interregnum (
V. Misheva (Uppsala University)
The anti-alienation move of the modern self and its newest care-of-the-self strategies (
D. Kalekin-Fishman (UnivHaifa)
Cosmopolitanism: Liberation from alienation or more of the same? (
Discussant: O. Oberemko (HSE University)
Section R. Management
Moderators: O. Tretyak (HSE University), N. Filinov (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 9
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session R-02. Consumer Behaviour: Key Characteristics and Defining Factors - 1
Moderator: О. Tretyak (HSE University)
O. Shirshova (UNECON), O. Konnikova (UNECON), O. Yuldasheva (UNECON)
Sustainable consumer behaviour: measurement scale development (
T. Prokhorova (HSE University)
Forecasting long-term effect of marketing actions on the basis of an analysis of incremental retention of gross merchandise volume (
T. Ryzhkova (RSUH), E. Tarasenko (HSE University)
Elderly consumers in the market of medical technologies (
M. Tverdokhlebova (HSE University)
Customer satisfaction factors on the Moscow taxi market (
Discussant: O. Yuldasheva (UNECON)
Tuesday, April 9
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
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Session R-03. Consumer Behaviour: Key Characteristics and Defining Factors - 2
Moderator: О. Tretyak (HSE University)
K. Danilova (UrFU), Y. Maltseva (UrFU)
Сonsumer behaviour of buyers opportunists: marketing features (
A. Nedelko (HSE University)
Multi-level modelling as a tool to optimize pricing policies of companies and state tax policy (
A. Benhabib (University of TLEMCEN), B. Senouci (Oran University), C. Abdelaziz (Constantine University 2), N. Guellil (University of TLEMCEN)
Determinants of social security financing in Algeria: A marketing approach using a Logit model (
Discussant: O. Yuldasheva (UNECON)
Tuesday, April 9
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session R-04. Business Models: Searching for New Sources of Sustainable Development
Moderator: О. Tretyak (HSE University)
T. Ershova (FEFU), E. Gafforova (FEFU), J. Khamdamov (FEFU)
Business models of ecological entrepreneurship: specific features in the recycling sector in Russia (
Y. Shulyatyeva (HSE University - St.Petersburg)
Analysis of companies’ business models in the sphere of sharing economy (
K. Grasmik (Ca'Foscari University of Venice)
Are innovation-active companies more sustainable? (
Discussant: A. Bereznoy (HSE University)
Section V. Prosperity and Socio-Economic Development
Moderators: I. Fedyukin (HSE University), I. Froumin (HSE University), M. Yudkevich (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 9
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session V-02. Overcoming Educational Inequalities by Improving Wellbeing
Moderator: S. Nartova-Bochaver (HSE University)
V. Sobkin (IEM RAE), E. Kalashnikova (IEM RAE)
Tutoring as a reserve for the quality of education: on the issue of social inequality (
E. Pavlenko (HSE University), E. Minina (HSE University )
Educational and life ambitions of contemporary Russian schoolchildren (
N. Bysik (HSE University), S. Kosaretsky (HSE University)
Approaches to a professional development model for school teachers working in adverse social conditions and with students at risk of educational failure: an empirical basis and key components (
A. Mikhailova (HSE University), R. Zvyagintsev (HSE University), S. Kosaretski (HSE University), M. Pinskaya (HSE University)
How do some schools overcome the resource deficit? A study of resilient and struggling schools in Russia (
Tuesday, April 9
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
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Session V-03. Improving the Wellbeing of Students: What Should Be Taught in School?
Moderator: N. Bysik (HSE University)
A. Mikhailova (HSE University), M. Pinskaya (HSE University), N. Avdeenko (HSE University), K. Krasnyanskaya (Institute for strategy of educational development RAE), L. Denishcheva (MCU)
Integrating 21st-century skills in Russian schools (
K. Tenisheva (HSE University)
The role of extracurricular activities in the development of adolescents’ positive self-concept and academic achievement (
W. Carr (UBC), Y. Wei (Dalhousie University), S. Kutcher (Dalhousie University)
Developing mental health literate educators (
Tuesday, April 9
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session V-04. Determinants of Wellbeing in Education
Moderator: S. Dokuka (HSE University)
I. Psifidou (CEDEFOP), P. Travkin (HSE University), A. Shabalin (HSE University)
Early departure from education and training in Russia compared to Europe: A well-hidden problem (
T. Gordeeva (MSU, HSE University), O. Sychev (Altay State Humanitarian-pedagogical University Named after V. Shukshin)
Educational system and autonomous motivation as predictors of student wellbeing (
N. Karmaeva (HSE University), A. Zakharov (HSE University)
Adult education, education levels and subjective well-being of male and female workers (
T. Gajderowicz (Univeristy of Warsaw)
Preferences and competences as determinants of students well-being (
Section W. Economics, Sociology, and Education Policy
Moderators: I. Fedyukin (HSE University), I. Froumin (HSE University), M. Yudkevich (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 9
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session W-02. Digitalization in Education: the Experience of Countries, Risks and Benefits
Moderator: I. Karlov (HSE University)
A. Lukina (HSE University), D. Koroleva (HSE University), T. Khavenson (HSE University)
The innovative potential of Russia’s educational system: a digitalization case (
E. Plotnikova (SPbPU), I. Rudskaia (SPbPU)
Digitalization of Russian universities: trends and prospects for development (
A. Andreeva (HSE University), T. Khavenson (HSE University), D. Koroleva (HSE University)
On the road to digital schools: Lessons from Poland and Italy (
V. Tarasenko (OSPU), E. Mitrofanova (SUM)
Assessment of readiness of managerial personnel of educational organizations for digitalization in education: the example of the Orenburg region (
Tuesday, April 9
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session W-03. Inequality in Education: Deepening or Smoothing?
Moderator: S. Kosaretski (HSE University)
K. Adamovich (HSE University), A. Zakharov (HSE University)
Regional inequality in access to education in dynamics for 2000-2016 (
P. Das (University of Calcutta)
Inequality of opportunity in educational achievement in India: Implications of learning distribution and affirmative action (
V. Titov (RANEPA)
Features of formation and changes of educational and professional trajectories of graduates from higher educational institutions during the 1990s and 2000s in modern Russia (
Tuesday, April 9
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session W-04. Public Policy, Distribution of Powers and Autonomy
Moderator: S. Yankevich (HSE University)
P. Derkachev (HSE University)
Analysis of the actual distribution of powers in the field of education on the basis of opinion polls (
E. Shibanova (HSE University)
Autonomy of Russian universities (
G. Gurova (University of Tampere), M. Camphujsen (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
Schools’ courses of action as a mediating factor in the implementation of accountability policies (
Section Y. Instrumental Methods in Economic and Social Studies
Moderators: F. Aleskerov (HSE University), S. Maltseva (HSE University)
Tuesday, April 9
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Y-02. Theoretical Basis of Instrumental Methods - 1
Moderator: A. Buzmakov (HSE University - Perm)
V. Gorbunov (USU), A. Lvov (USU)
Afriat's inequalities and analytical demand indices (
N. Ivlev (HSE University), D. Schmerling (HSE University)
Improvement of the paired comparison method (
A. Buzmakov (HSE University - Perm)
A subgroup discovery method for extracting homogeneous individuals w.r.t. treatment effect (
Tuesday, April 9
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Y-03. Theoretical Basis of Instrumental Methods - 2
Moderator: E. Serebryannikova (LPI RAS)
V. Chistyakov (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod), K. Chumakova (HSE University)
Restoring the indifference class via its ordinal number under threshold aggregation (
P. Panov (HSE University), A. Savvateev (MPTI, CEMI)
On the geometric median of a triangular region and other median-like points (
E. Serebryannikova (LPI RAS), A. Leonidov (LPI RAS)
Dynamical topology of highly aggregated input-output networks (
Tuesday, April 9
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Y-04. Instrumental Methods in Administrative Activities - 1
Moderator: Z. Sergeeva (Skolkovo Energy Center)
W. Seitz (The World Bank), Y. Kudo (The World Bank), J. Azevedo ( Institute of Developing Economies)
Blackout or blanked out? Monitoring the quality of electricity service in developing countries (
L. Sakharova (RSUE), N. Vovchenko (RSUE), M. Stryukov (RSUE), A. Kuzminov (RSUE)
Transformation of business institutions: a new understanding of the role of the state, smart technologies and infrastructure (
A. Bakhtizin (CEMI RAS), E. Sushko (CEMI RAS)
The effect of large infrastructure projects on socio-economic processes in the agent-based model of Eurasia (
Z. Sergeeva (Skolkovo Energy Center), S. Al Muhanna (KAPSARC), I. Al-Mubarak (KAPSARC)
Analysis of the decision-making process of Russia's INDCs implementation under the Paris Agreement (
Section A. Macroeconomics and Growth
Moderators: I. Voskoboynikov (HSE University), E. Gurvich (EEG)
Wednesday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session A-05. Macroeconomic Analysis and Modeling
Moderator: S. Pekarsky (HSE University)
S. Tiupin (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Natural interest rate in Russia: a state-space approach (
A. Polbin (RANEPA)
Unobserved component model for the Russian economy under high dependence on oil prices (
S. Slobodyan (HSE University - St. Petersburg, CERGE-EI), V. Audzei (Czech National Bank, CERGE-EI)
Sparce restricted perceptions of equilibrium (
I. Khotulev (Bank of Russia), K. Styrin (Bank of Russia)
Optimal fiscal, monetary and macroprudential policy in an oil-exporting economy with myopic agents (
A. Shulgin (VVMB Bank of Russia)
Regional macroanalysis with the regional DSGE model (
Wednesday, April 10
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session A-06. Monitoring and Forecasting Inflation
Moderator: K. Styrin (Bank of Russia)
D. Shestakov (Bank of Russia), M. Melikhova (Bank of Russia)
Anchored inflation expectations in the Russian economy (
P. Kartaev (MSU)
Impact of inflation targeting on the pass-through effect of the exchange rate (
O. Malakhovskaya (HSE University), B. Demeshev (HSE University)
Inflation Forecasting forecasting in a Mixedmixed-fFrequency rrequency Model model (
M. Mamedli (Bank of Russia), Z. Zvezdin (Ecole Polytechnique)
Gradient boosting and neural network models for inflation forecasting in Russia (
V. Grishchenko (Bank of Russia), O. Kadreva (Bank of Russia)
Estimation of the degree of anchoring of inflation expectations for Russia using non-structural methods (
Wednesday, April 10
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session A-07. Money Transmission and Price Differentiation in Russia’s Regions
Moderator: F. Kartaev (MSU)
E. Shevchenko (VolSU)
Spatial analysis of the impact of factors of the demography on inflation in Russian regions (
Y. Perevyshin (Gaidar Institute), P. Trunin (RANEPA), S. Sinelnikov-Murylev (RFTA)
Determinants of Russian regional inflation differences (
V. Napalkov (VVMB Bank of Russia), V. Kramkov (VVMB Bank of Russia), A. Yeliseyev (VVMB Bank of Russia), A. Tarasenko (VVMB Bank of Russia)
Interregional macroeconomic shock propagation in Russia: the GVAR approach (
A. Yeliseyev (VVMB Bank of Russia), A. Shulgin (VVMB Bank of Russia)
Price convergence and long-run inflation (
Wednesday, April 10
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Roundtable A-08.
Moderator: O. Zamulin (HSE University, Sberbank)
Issues for discussion:
• What are the reasons behind the ongoing slowdown of Russia’s economy?
• What are the possible scenarios for domestic economic growth in the next decade?
• What role do the lack of investment, limited human capital and low intensity of technological development play in Russia, and what other factors limit the country’s long-term growth?
• How could the long-term growth of the Russian economy be accelerated, in principle, along with maintaining its stability?
• What growth support measures can be suggested by the government as the most effective approach to the current situation in Russia?
Experts: P. Badasen (Ministry of Economic Development), D. Belousov (CMASF), I. Voskoboynikov (HSE University), G. Di Bella (IMF), O. Zasov (VEB), A. Morozov (Bank of Russia), A. Horvai (World Bank)
Section B. Special Sessions and Roundtables
Wednesday, April 10
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
ENGSimultaneous translation
Invited paper B-07. Jacques-François Thisse (UCLouvain, HSE University) "About the Origin of Cities" (with A. de Palma, Y. Papageorgiou, and P. Ushchev)
Moderator: S. Kokovin (HSE University)
We provide a bare–bones framework that uncovers the circumstances which lead either to the emergence of equally-spaced and equally-sized central places or to a hierarchy of central places.
We show how these patterns reflect the preferences of agents and the efficiency of transportation and communication technologies.
With one population of homogeneous individuals, the economy is characterized by a uniform distribution or by a periodic distribution of central places having the same size. The interaction between two distinct populations may give rise to a hierarchy of central places with one or several primate cities.
Wednesday, April 10
7:00–8:30pm (UTC+3)
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Roundtable B-08A. “The Role of Business Community in the Execution of National Projects in Russia”
Moderator: A. Shokhin (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Key tasks performed by business enterprises in the course of national projects implementation;
• Mechanisms and tools used in the execution of national projects;
• Desired future outlook based on the results of national projects.
Experts: P. Aven (Alfa Bank), K. Androsov (Altera Capital), S. Borisov (“SUPPORT OF RUSSIA”), M. Barshchevsky (Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Russian Federation in the Highest Judicial Instances), M. Bashirov (Autonomous Non-profit Organization "Center for the Study of Problems of International Sanctions Regimes”), I. Vdovin (RUIE), D. Pumpyansky (SRUIE), V. Salamatov (ITI), V. Senin (Alfa Bank), I. Yungers (All-Russian IA, RAMI, NULI, INSOR, HSE), F. Prokopov (RUIE), M. Yurgelas (National Qualifications Development Agency),D. Yakobashvili (LLC Orion's Legacy), professors of the Department of the Theory and Practice of Business-Government Interaction, researchers of Research and Study Laboratory for Studies in Business Communications
Section D. Theoretical Economics
Moderators: A. Belianin (HSE University), A. Zakharov (HSE University), S. Izmalkov (NES)
Wednesday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session D-05. Math Econ
Moderator: S. Dzuba (INRTU)
S. Dzuba (INRTU)
Total factor productivity in the solow model on wide set of countries (
D. Levando (HSE University), M. Sakharov (BMSTU)
Fiat money oligopolistic economy with labour/leisure trade-off and equilibrium default (
A. Belyaev (NES)
Strategic labour market equilibrium in the context of monopolistic competition (
Wednesday, April 10
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session D-06. Political Economy
Moderator: O. Vasilyeva (ERI FEB RAS)
A. Sidorov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics)
Governmental restrictions on entry to industry: is it really so bad? (
O. Vasilyeva (ERI FEB RAS), A. Libman (Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich)
Varieties of authoritarianism matter: Elite fragmentation, natural resources and economic growth (
D. Veselov (HSE University), A. Kadyrbekov (HSE University)
Migration of Russian settlers and the legacy of intra-regional development in Kazakhstan (
D. Pudova (HSE University)
Impact of sanctions on Russian firms (
Section E. Financial Institutions, Markets and Payment Systems
Moderators: A. Karminsky (HSE University), V. Solodkov (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
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Session E-05. Banks as Financial Intermediaries
Moderator: Z. Fungacova (BOFIT)
M. Makinen (BOFIT)
Learning from the economic crisis: Evidence from the Russian banking sector (
M. Semenova (HSE University), M. Bondarenko (HSE University)
Do high deposit interest rates signal bank default? Evidence from the Russian retail deposit market (
S. Khasyanova (HSE University), M. Samsonov (Deposit Insurance Agency)
The impact of mortgage securitization on bank performance: estimation of the average Exposure effect (
N. Alimukhamedova (WIUT)
Explaining simultaneous borrowing and saving (
Discussant: O. Solntsev (CMASF)
Wednesday, April 10
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session E-06. Financial Systemic Risks
Moderator: M. Stolbov (MGIMO)
L. Solanko (BOFIT), Z. Fungacova (BOFIT), W. Laurent (EM Strasbourg Business School)
Politics and banking in an electoral autocracy (
A. Vasilyeva (HSE University), A. Morgunov (HSE University)
Building probability of a default model during the life of financial asset (
M. Shchepeleva (HSE University), M. Stolbov (MGIMO)
Systemic risk, economic policy uncertainty and Firm bankruptcies: A causal analysis (
Discussant: O. Borzykh (Sberbank)
Wednesday, April 10
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session E-07. Banking and Financial Risks
Moderator: A. Karminsky (HSE University)
H. Penikas (HSE University), M. Ermolova (HSE University), Y. Polyansky (Bank of Russia)
RWA model risk implication for IRB models' accuracy (
M. Shirobokova (UDSU)
Functional dependence of a bank’s expected loss on loan parameters (
H. Penikas (HSE University), V. Nechitaylo (LPI RAS), A. Leonidov (LPI RAS), E. Serebryannikova (LPI RAS)
Fraud implications modelling within banking system agent-based model (
S. Sohackaya (HSE University), V. Lapshin (HSE University)
Choosing the weighting coefficients for estimating the term structure from sovereign bonds (
Discussant: A. Leonidov (LPI RAS)
Wednesday, April 10
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session E-08. Financial Market
Moderator: T. Teplova (HSE University)
A. Fasano (LUISS, University of Salerno), T. Teplova (HSE University), T. Sokolova (HSE University)
Active share and closet indexing in emerging markets (
S. Kurochkin (HSE University), K. Ulybin (Raiffeisenbank)
Failure of analysts consensus recommendations in active portfolio management: theory and practice (
I. Sorokin (RFTA), A. Stolyarov (HSE University)
Comparing the effectiveness of high-dividend strategies in developed and emerging markets (
V. Rodina (HSE University), T. Teplova (HSE University)
The reinvestment risk premium in the US and UK government bond market: evolution and dynamic properties (
Discussant: A. Abramov (HSE University)
Section F. Social Policy
Moderators: L. Ovcharova (HSE University), T. Chetvernina (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session F-05. Pension Systems in Russia and in the World
Moderator: O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University)
A. Volkov (IE KarRC RAS)
Human capital and employment of citizens at retirement age in a depressed northern region (
A. Trendafilova (MU-Sofia), P. Balkanska (MU-Sofia), N. Georgiev (MU-Sofia)
New patterns of activity of the retired population in Bulgaria (
Y. Wu (Daisy)
The reform and future of the enterprise pension system in China (
Wednesday, April 10
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session F-06. Issues of the Pension System
Moderator: Y. Gorlin (RANEPA)
M. Kartseva (RANEPA)
Pension reform and poverty in Russia (
E. Lyubushina (HSE University), O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University), A. Ermolina (HSE University)
Strategies for maintaining employment in pre-retirement and retirement age (
Y. Gorlin (RANEPA), V. Lyashok (RANEPA)
The pension system: landscape after raising the retirement age (
Wednesday, April 10
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSSimultaneous translation
Session F-07. Revenue. Expenses. Consumption - 1
Moderator: S. Smirnov (HSE University)
T. Abankina (HSE University), E. Nikolayenko (HSE University), V. Romanova (HSE University)
Economy of impressions: an analysis of the dynamics of household spending on culture and recreation in Russia (
D. Popova (ISER), S. Freije-Rodriguez (World Bank), M. Matytsin (World Bank)
RUSMOD 2.0 – an extended microsimulation model of the Russian tax-benefit system (
L. Nivorozhkina (RSUE)
Methodology for estimating under-reported income of Russian households (
V. Ovchinnikov (FRI, NNSU)
Decomposition of income inequality in Russia (
Wednesday, April 10
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session F-08. Revenue. Expenses. Consumption -2
Moderator: A. Pishnyak (HSE University)
E. Nazarbaeva (HSE University), A. Goriainova (HSE University), A. Pishnyak (HSE University)
Dynamics of paid service consumption in the Russian middle-class (
S. Safronov (MSU), N. Zubarevich (MSU)
The share of food in the Russian regions' population consumption as an indicator of the standard of living and consumption modernization (
D. Loginov (RANEPA)
Consumer strategies in the “new reality” of the second half of the 2010s: opportunities and risks for the population (
N. Ryabushkin (SibUCC)
Assessment of the population welfare on the basis of the asset index (
Section G. Regional and Urban Development
Moderators: N. Zubarevich (MSU), A. Puzanov (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session G-06. Social Development and Communications in the Modern City
Moderator: A. Puzanov (IUE, HSE University)
M. Giltman (UTMN), E. Sumik (UTMN), V. Pit (NTC Perspectiva), M. Batyreva (UTMN)
In which cities do we like to live? Empirical multinominal logit analysis (
A. Borisov (HSE University), M. Kveladze (HSE University), D. Kiryukhin (HSE University), S. Shilykova (HSE University), S. Ziatdinova (HSE University), A. Voronina (HSE University), A. Mikhaylov (HSE University), A. Fatekhova (HSE University), A. Molodtsova (HSE University), P. Gladun (HSE University), Y. Grishunov (HSE University)
To see the invisible, or in search of local identity of the standardized: from in-depth cultural geographical research of Yasenevo (Moscow, Russia) towards local branding (
I. Kulakova (MSU)
Moscow yards and its inhabitants: organization of space and forms of cultural communication (history and modernity) (
Wednesday, April 10
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session G-07. Institutions of Urban Development and Practice of Urban Management
Moderator: L. Limonov (Leontief Centre, HSE University - St. Petersburg)
M. Gunko (IG RAS), E. Batunova (DASTU Politecnico di Milano), Y. Zaika (MSU)
“Comfortable urban environment” beyond metro cities: Discourses and planning practices under conditions of shrinkage (
V. Kitsos (Södertörn University College)
New urban practices in Russia's periphery: actors, institutions, urban regeneration (
A. Gamov (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
New institutional analysis of housing and utility services. Is the low level of services indicative of market failure? (
S. Kokovin (HSE University - St. Petersburg), M. Smirnov (HSE University - St. Petersburg), I. Kuga (HSE University - St. Petersburg), D. Lebedev (Yandex)
Analysis of consumer goods demand depending upon locations in a city (
Wednesday, April 10
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session G-08. Topical Issues of the Transformation of Urban Systems
Moderator: A. Puzanov (IUE, HSE University)
A. Bufetova (IEIE SB RAS)
Structure of the Russian urban system: salient features of post-Soviet dynamics (
E. Titov (HSE University)
Analysis of the agglomeration potential of Tatarstan (
E. Koncheva (HSE University), M. Moiseeva (HSE University), T. Kulakova (HSE University)
Car ownership in the largest Russian cities (
K. Bobrova (IUE)
The process of implementation of redevelopment projects (
Section I. International Relations
Moderator: T. Bordachev (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
ENGSimultaneous translation
Session I-05/1. Russia’s Turn Towards the Asia Pacific
Moderator: A. Krikovic (HSE University)
D. Horsfield (ANU)
Opportunities and obstacles to economic engagement between Australia and the Russian Federation (
T. Bordachev (HSE University)
Institutionalizing wider Eurasia: Theoretical and policy challenges (
G. Diesen (HSE University)
A new format for globalisation: The political and economic philosophy of Russia’s new Eurasianism (
D. Suslov (HSE University)
The US Indo-Pacific strategy: Implications for Russia (
Wednesday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Roundtable I-05/2. Russia in the Asia-Pacific Region: a new policy in the new situation?
Moderator: M. Bratersky (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• The Russian pivot to Asia
• The American strategy regarding the Asia-Pacific region
• China’s ambitious infrastructure projects under the Belt and Road Initiative.
• Russian initiative of the Comprehensive Eurasian Partnership
Experts: M. Bison (Murdoch University), S. Karaganov, (HSE University), A. Lukin (HSE University), A. Kuznetsov (IMEMO RAS)
Wednesday, April 10
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
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Session I-07. The Role of Ideas and Constructs in Modern Global Politics
Moderator: O. Barabanov (HSE University)
E. Savorskaya (MSU)
Environmentalism and global environmental governance (
A. Klimenko (Moscow University of the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation named after V.Y. Kikot)
The ideology of law as a factor in modern global politics (
D. Poletaev (Migration Research Center)
How feminization of labour migration will change the Eurasian migration system (
Wednesday, April 10
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session I-08. Economic Instruments of Foreign Policy
Moderator: A. Likhachyova (HSE University)
I. Timofeev (RIAC)
U.S. sanctions against Iran: background and possible consequences (
V. Zuev (HSE University)
Effects of economic sanctions (
V. Ponomarev (EEC)
The EAEU foreign trade policy in the context of protectionism (
T. Pogge (Yale)
Economic inequality as an impediment to the solution of collective action problems (
M. Bratersky (HSE University)
Economic sanctions: new weapons of mass destruction (
Section K. World Economy
Moderator: A. Kuznetsov (IMEMO RAS)
Wednesday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session K-05. EAEU in the Global Economy
Moderator: A. Bulatov (MGIMO)
N. Turdyeva (Bank of Russia), A. Knobel (RFTA), D. Tarr (World Bank), A. Malokostov (CEFIR), A. Lipin (Bank of Russia)
Deep integration in the Eurasian Economic Union: what are the benefits of successful implementation and wider integration? (
D. Chupina (USUE)
Non-tariff regulation of merchandise trade in the EAEU in the post-crisis era (
Z. Enikeeva (UCA)
Analysis of non-tariff measures applied by EAEU members in agriculture (
A. Morozkina (EEG)
EAEU countries in the international development assistance framework (
Wednesday, April 10
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
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Session K-06. Quantitative Analysis of New Trends in the Global Economy
Moderator: A. Knobel (RFTA)
M. Gorbunova (UNN), I. Komarov (UNN)
Globalization vs geopolitical tensions: the role of leaders (
V. Kurilov (IEF)
US shale oil forecasting: assumptions, uncertainty and accuracy (
I. Stepanov (HSE University)
Direct and indirect price signals in carbon dioxide emissions regulation in Europe (
I. Makarov (HSE University)
Environmental Kuznets curve for production- and consumption-based CO2 emissions: effects of international trade (
Wednesday, April 10
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session K-07. Analysis of Contemporary Foreign Trade
Moderator: A. Kuznetsov (IMEMO RAS)
A. Zykov (UrFU), A. Nepp (UrFU)
The influence of international openness and other institutional factors on the profitability of firms: the example of retail industry (
S. Yurik (CULS), N. Pushkin (BSU, Minsk), V. Yurik (BSU, Minsk)
Analysis of export of goods of a producer country based on the mirror statistics of imports of the consuming country using foreign trade indices (
E. Romanova (MSU), N. Pakhomova (MSU)
Geographical and structural aspects of foreign trade of Germany and Russia as leaders of regional integrations (
Wednesday, April 10
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
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Session K-08. Informal Institutions in Economic Development
Moderator: A. Nepp (UrFU)
J. Okrah (UrFU)
Religion vs property rights: Does religion prevent property rights from stimulating patent activity? (
M. Kazantseva (UrFU), O. Popova (IOS Regensburg), A. Naydenov (Sberbank, IE UB RAS)
Does the trust in God encourage foreign trade? (
E. Nikishina (INP), V. Bryzgalin (INP)
Cultural differences in Russian regions: students’ values survey in 2014-2016 (
G. Gluschenco (MSU)
Digital economy-dilemmas of human capital formation (
Discussants: V. Ivanov, M. Bryukhanov (HSE University), A. Gnidchenko (CMASF)
Section L. Firms and Markets
Moderators: N. Volchkova (NES), L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU)
Wednesday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session L-05. Empirical Research of Russian Markets and Firms - 1
Moderator: V. Golikova (HSE University)
M. Tifanova (HSE University)
Investment appeal estimation of events on the entertainment market (
E. Ozhegov (HSE University), A. Ozhegova (HSE University)
Estimations of demand function for commuter rail transport in the Perm region (
V. Ivanov (MSU), V. Veterinarov (MSU)
Slavs only: ethnic discrimination and rental prices (
Discussants: V. Golikova (HSE University), T. Mikhaylova (RANEPA)
Wednesday, April 10
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session L-06. Empirical Research of Russian Markets and Firms - 2
Moderator: N. Volchkova (NES, CEFIR)
S. Gogolev (HSE University - Perm), E. Ozhegov (HSE University - Perm)
An optimal choice of franchise restaurant location (
A. Ozhegova (HSE University – Perm), E. Ozhegov (HSE University - Perm)
Theatregoers’ choice of seat and performance: a combined revealed-stated preference approach (
I. Filippova (MSU), A. Shastitko (MSU)
Russian production of large-diameter pipes: context, results and prospects (
Discussants: N. Volchkova (NES, CEFIR), T. Mikhaylova (RANEPA)
Wednesday, April 10
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session L-07. Finance: Markets and Firms
Moderator: L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU)
D. Aiba (JICA RI)
The role of regulation in financial inclusion: the case of a lending rate restriction on microfinance institutions (
E. Rogova (HSE University - St. Petersburg), N. Okuneva (Aalto University)
The influence of institutional environment on the effectiveness of M&A deals in BRICS countries (
I. Khvostova (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod), A. Larin (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod), A. Novak (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod)
How corporate governance affects payout policy during the corporate lifecycle (
Discussants: O. Lazareva (HSE University), L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU), S. Stepanov (HSE University)
Section M. Political Processes
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Invited paper M-05/1. Graeme Gill (University of Sydney) "Stabilizing Authoritarian Regimes: Leadership Norms and Elite Dynamics"
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Much scholarly attention has shifted from democratization to a recognition of authoritarian resilience, of how authoritarian regimes have been able to stabilize themselves and remain in power for a considerable period of time. Recognition that regime change is more often a result of splits within the elite than it is of mobilization in the streets points to the need to understand why some authoritarian elites have been able to prevent disunity and consolidate themselves in power. This suggests that the notion of authoritarian rule, consisting of a dictator who is able to wield arbitrary power without constraint, may require modification, at least in some cases. This paper will posit that there are five sorts of rules that are commonly found structuring elite politics in authoritarian regimes: decision rules; rules of comportment governing behaviour; rules structuring membership of the oligarchy; principles relating to succession; and norms about the relationship between the oligarchy and the broader elite. This lecture will outline the nature of these different sorts of rules and give some examples of where they operate.
Wednesday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session M-05/2. Quantitative Methods in Political Science - 1
Moderator: A. Akhremenko (HSE University)
M. Morreau (UiT)
Democracy without enlightenment: a jury theorem for evaluative voting (
J. Campbell (INU)
Performance pay, merit recruitment, and corruption: cross-country evidence of a conditional effect (
P. Chebotarev (ICS RAS), A. Loginov (ICS RAS), Z. Lezina (ICS RAS), Y. Tsodikova (ICS RAS)
A responsible elite as a stratum that combines protection of public and group interests (
Discussant: E. Yureskul (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session M-06. Commemorating Political Repressions in Post-Soviet Russia: Actors, Strategies and Recent Developments
Moderator: O. Malinova (HSE University)
F. Gill (University of Sydney)
T. Sniegon (LU)
Making “patriotic” sense of the Gulag in present-day Russia (
D. Panfilov (HSE University)
The commemoration of the 18th anniversary of the Great Terror in the Russian Federation: actors, strategies practices (
Discussant: O. Malinova (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session M-07. Interdisciplinary Studies: Knowledge Transfer
Moderator: M. Ilyin (HSE University)
I. Fomin (INION RAN)
Signs, modules and habits: towards the semiotics of evolutionary institutionalism (
V. Avdonin (ISISS RAS)
Interdisciplinary transfer of knowledge: problems of methodology and research practice (
M. Ilyin (HSE University)
Transformation of internal, external and network forms of power and influence of states (
Discussant: O. Malinova (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session M-08. Interdisciplinary Studies: A Complex Subject
Moderator: V. Avdonin (INION RAS)
L. Grinin (HSE University), L. Grinin (International Center for Education and Social and Humanitarian Studies)
The sixth technological paradigm, its leaders and the risks of socio-political destabilization in the world system (
S. Patrushev (FCTAS RAS), L. Philippova (FCTAS RAS)
Political field and zone of power: an attempt at empirical verification (
A. Kazun (HSE University), L. Bogomazova (HSE University)
Factors of countries’ coverage in national media: the cases of Britain, Russia and the USA (
Discussant: I. Fomin (INION RAS)
Section N. Political Processes. Special Seminars with Presentations of HSE University’s Research Results
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session N-06/2. Comparative Studies - 1
Moderator: M. Ilyin (HSE University)
I. Vaskin (HSE University)
Impact of presidential election results on the regions economic support in tutelary regimes: the case of Iran, 2005-2013 (
L. Borusyak (MPSU)
Young intellectuals: why do they leave Russia and are they going to come back? (
E. Pain (HSE University)
Dynamics of xenophobia in Russia as a mirror of changes in the ethnopolitical situation: 1994-2018 (
Discussant: I. Fomin (INION RAS)
Section O. State and Local Government, and the NPO Sector
Moderators: A. Klimenko (HSE University), I. Mersianova (HSE University), A. Yakovlev (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session O-05. Analysis of the Public Procurement System
Moderator: E. Podkolzina (HSE University)
Y. Rodionova (HSE University), A. Yakovlev (HSE University), A. Tkachenko (HSE University)
Identification of potential opportunism in public procurement: results of an empirical Study (
O. Belokrylova (SFU), S. Tsygankov (SFU), S. Nalivaiko (Sodeystvie -XXI vek), N. Kovalenko (Laboratoire INNOTECH INTERNATIONAL)
Effects of appealing the decisions of the antimonopoly authorities in the field of public procurement: case of the Rostov region (
A. Ivanov (SPbU), S. Bolshakova (SPbU), I. Berezinets (SPbU)
On the looking for the best scoring rule (
E. Podkolzina (HSE University), A. Tkachenko (HSE University), N. German (HSE University)
Experience and outcomes in public procurement (
Wednesday, April 10
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session O-06. Personnel Practices in the Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Issues
Moderator: T. Nezhina (HSE University)
T. Nezhina (HSE University), G. Borshchevskiy (RANEPA)
Russian senior public servants: the effects of SCS recruitment on government effectiveness (
D. Makhnitskiy (Minfin of Russian Federation)
Strategic sessions as a tool for implementing new practices in the Russian civil service (
S. Sheverdyaev (HSE University)
Impact of anti-corruption institutions on the development of Russian constitutional legislation (
P. Villanueva (CUB)
Configurations of corruption: A qualitative comparative analysis of corruption in Central Eastern Europe (
Wednesday, April 10
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session O-08. Quality Evaluation and Efficiency in Public Administration
Moderator: A. Barabashev (HSE University)
A. Barabashev (HSE University), A. Makarov (HSE University)
About groups of indices for evaluation of State governance quality (
V. Yuzhakov (RANEPA)
The effectiveness of state control and supervisory activities from the position of citizens as its ultimate beneficiaries (
O. Minchenko (HSE University)
The relationship of structural optimization and efficiency of federal executive bodies: searching for balance (
K. Neverov (SPbU)
Virtualized development: on the efficiency of digital governance in Latin America (
Section P. Demography and Labour Markets
Moderators: M. Denisenko (HSE University), L. Smirnykh (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session P-05. Wage Inequality and Unemployment
Moderator: V. Gimpelson (HSE University)
S. Amine (UQO)
Canadian unemployment insurance (
A. Woergoetter (TU Wien), A. Cassim (National treasury), A. Chatterjee (Witwatersrand University)
Wage inequality and total factor productivity in South Africa (
A. Oshchepkov (HSE University)
Interregional wage inequality in Russia (
D. Iurchenko (HSE University - St. Petersburg), A. Muravyev (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Labour market effects of the minimum wage: evidence from Russian regional data (
Wednesday, April 10
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session P-06. Wages and Their Differentiation
Moderator: S. Roshchin (HSE University)
A. Lukyanova (HSE University)
Earnings inequality in Russia: trends and determinants (
V. Gimpelson (HSE University)
Age-wage profiles: are they different in Russia? (
S. Kapelyuk (SibUCC), E. Ponomarev (SibUCC)
Impact of minimum wage on firm profitability in Russia (
Wednesday, April 10
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session P-07. Labour Market Institutions and Their Impact
Moderator: R. Kapelyushnikov (HSE University)
E. Lishchuk (SibUCC), S. Kapelyuk (SibUCC)
Economic analysis of labour law enforcement in the regions of the Far North, Siberia and Far East (
M. Kim (SibUCC), V. Ponarina (SibUCC), E. Zhdanova (SibUCC)
Gender discrimination in Russia: results of a field experiment (
E. Klepikova (HSE University)
Age discrimination in hiring on the Russian labour market: an experimental study (
Wednesday, April 10
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session P-08. Social Aspects of Mortality and Health
Moderator: S. Vasin (HSE University)
E. Soroko (HSE University)
A venture to explain one of the demographic phenomena (
V. Shkolnikov (HSE University), D. Leon (LSHTM), R. Tursunzade (HSE University), E. Andreev (HSE University)
Russian life expectancy after 10 years of progress. Is it consistent with the country’s wealth? (
A. Aistov (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod)
BMI dynamics in Russia and the USA: An age-period-cohort analysis (
Section Q. Sociology
Moderators: E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE University), A. Strelnikova (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session Q-05/1. Housing Inequality in Modern Russia: Mechanisms of Formation and Methods of Study
Moderator: E. Polukhina (HSE University)
D. Rud (Urban Street 14)
From memory of locals to retromaniacs: unequal representation and partnership: the cases of Soviet residential houses of the Donskoy and Danilovskiy districts (Moscow) (
A. Strelnikova (HSE University)
Specificity of housing status in industrial neighbourhoods (
E. Polukhina (HSE University)
Patterns of housing mobility among blue collar and white collar workers in post-Soviet Russia (
Discussants: Y. Bagina (HSE University), O. Zaporozhets (HSE University
Wednesday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Roundtable Q-05/2. “From the Precariat to the Elite: the Specifics of Intergenerational Social Mobility in Contemporary Russia”
Moderator: V. Semenova (FCTAS RAS)
Issues for discussion:
• Social mobility processes described in the language of everyday discourse: how do academic mobility models correlate with the mobility “images” in everyday life?
• What social mobility trajectories are typical for groups of workers, who are involved in precariat employment patterns?
• IT-specialists: precariat or the middle class?
•What is the role of education in modern social mobility trajectories?
• What is the role of the living place and moving home in the context of social mobility?
• How to study groups of the entrepreneurial elite? What could be said about the business-elite’s social mobility?
Experts: I. Tartakovskaya (FCTAS RAS, GAUGN), A. Vanke (FCTAS RAS, GAUGN, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester), V. Semenov (FCTAS RAS), P. Sushko (FCTAS RAS), N. Kolennikova (FCTAS RAS, HSE University), A. Strelnikova (HSE University, FCTAS RAS), E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE University, FCTAS RAS), E. Polukhina (HSE University), E. Epikhina (FCTAS RAS), M. Chernysh (FCTAS RAS)
Wednesday, April 10
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-06. The Variability of Employment
Moderator: J. Plusnin (HSE University)
Y. Andreeva (USU), E. Lukyanova (USU)
Alternative strategies for employment of working youth in regional labour markets: “samozanyatie”, “vahtoviki” and “shabashniki” (
J. Plusnin (HSE University)
Provincial crafts. Archaics and modern economic practices of provincial households (
E. Smoleva (VolSC RAS)
Alienation of regional populations in the sphere of labour (
P. Sushko (FCTAS RAS)
Russian IT specialists: recruiting channels, functionality and contours of professional groups (
Wednesday, April 10
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-07/1. An Unfinished Gender Revolution - 1
Moderator: V. Utkina (HSE University)
O. Isupova (HSE University), A. Smirnova (MCSC), D. Bordin (MCSC)
Gender socialization and epidemiology of pancreatitis (
I. Oni (HSE University)
Mother to daughter genital mutilation in Nigeria: A sociological inquiry (
E. Vorobieva (RANEPA)
Gender representation in contemporary tattooing and clothing: visual analysis (
I. Lomakin (HSE University)
“Take care of the men!” On the discourse of neo-traditionalist men's rights movements in contemporary Russia (
Discussant: E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-07/2. Employment and Unemployment
Moderator: S. Yaroshenko (SPbU)
O. Kryzhanovskiy (Tyumen State University)
Youth unemployment spatial-autoregressive modelling with heterogeneous spatial effects for two types of Russian regions (with high and low per capita incomes) (
O. Demidova (HSE University), F. Pastore (University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli), A. Kolyagina (HSE University)
Marshallian vs Jacobs effects: Which one is stronger? Evidence of Russia unemployment dynamics (
N. Kolennikova (FCTAS RAS)
Consistence of objective and subjective qualification status of employed Russians (
S. Yaroshenko (SPbU), T. Lytkina (Institute of Social-economic and Power Problems of the North)
Is sociology for the labouring classes possible today? (
Wednesday, April 10
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session Q-08/1. An Unfinished Gender Revolution - 2
Moderator: O. Isupova (HSE University)
D. Vorontsov (SFU), I. Baranishina (SFU)
Femininity construct in “boys' love” straight teenage female fans (
V. Utkina (HSE University)
Reproduction of patriarchy through formal and informal youth associations (
A. Poretskova (HSE University), D. Salnikova (HSE University)
Gender as a moderator of the relationship between prices and its perception: methodological issues (
Discussant: O. Gulevich (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-08/2. Employment and Migration Issues
Moderator: N. Soboleva (HSE University)
N. Tonkikh (USUE)
Distance employment: opportunities or challenges in the perception of women searching for work (
N. Mastikova (FCTAS RAS)
What influences the negative attitude towards migration in Russia? (based on data from the European Social Survey 2016) (
N. Soboleva (HSE University), A. Poplavskaya (HSE University)
Realization of male and female achievement motives in labour markets around the world (
I. Shichkin (RANEPA)
Issues and prospects for the precarious employment of migrant workers in Russia (
Section R. Management
Moderators: O. Tretyak (HSE University), N. Filinov (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session R-05. Models and Strategies of Organizational Management
Moderator: N. Filinov (HSE University)
A. Sterkhov (UrFU)
Valuation of premiums in mergers and acquisitions of electric power companies in a wide range of assets (
A. Egorov (HSE University), D. Zinchenko (HSE University), M. Maximova (HSE University)
How do mergers influence university performance? (
V. Rebiazina (HSE University), N. Guseva (HSE University)
How to build strategic capabilities in emerging market firms: The case of Russia (
R. Posthuma (UTEP)
In what contexts do high-performance work practices (HPWPs) increase job stability, hiring, and pay increases for employees in Russian firms? (
Discussant: V. Efremov (RUDN University)
Wednesday, April 10
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session R-06. Innovations and Entrepreneurship
Moderator: N. Filinov (HSE University)
A. Vlasov (FSBSI RIOH, DeMontroyal)
Psychogenetic study of entrepreneurs of the professional community the Leadership Development Institute (National Technological Initiative) (
X. Wu (CUPL), Z. Xiao (Peking Normal University)
Ethical leadership and follower job involvement: A moderated and mediated model (
L. Babak (FEFU), E. Khegay (FEFU)
Influence of internal factors on functioning and development of small innovative enterprises in universities: the example of Primorsky Krai (
S. Pimonova (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod)
Research of influence of various factors on the activity of small innovative enterprises of RAS institutes (
Discussant: V. Efremov (RUDN University)
Wednesday, April 10
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session R-07. HR Management
Moderator: V. Kabalina (HSE University)
L. Kudin (USUE)
CEO turnover of Russian joint stock companies: an empirical approach (
E. Kudriavtseva (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Psychological contracts and career capital of talented workers (
V. Vaiman (Cal Lutheran), V. Outila (Aalto University), N. Holden (Leeds University Business School)
Macro talent management: An example of Russia (
V. Kharchenko (USUE)
Use of “employment journey maps” for in-depth research of employees of organizations (
Discussant: E. Varshavskaya (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session R-08. Russian CSR and Sustainability Agenda
Moderator: V. Kabalina (HSE University)
E. Dolgikh (SGM Agency), M. Vashukova (UN Global Compact Local Network Russia)
Involvement of Russian companies in achieving the UN’s sustainable development goals: the results of the UN Global Compact Local Network Russia survey (
L. Cheglakova (HSE University), E. Ivanova (HSE University)
Discourses on CSR and business ethics in Russia: an empirical investigation of local businesses (
U. Pape (FU Berlin), S. Klimovich (FU Berlin), V. Antonova (HSE University), S. Kropp (FU Berlin), K. Bluhm (FU Berlin)
Towards sustainable development? Russian business and sustainable development goals (
N. Kanygina (ICSS), T. Solovey (SPbU)
Corporate social responsibility of small and medium enterprises: Myth and reality of the 21st century and global practice (
Discussants: E. Feoktistova (RSPP), N. Khonyakova (RSPP)
Section S. Science and Innovation
Moderators: L. Gokhberg (HSE University), A. Sokolov (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
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Session S-05. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy
Moderator: T. Kuznetsova (HSE University)
I. Danilin (IMEMO)
The phenonenom of science parks: beyond Cabral`s paradigm (
K. Friz (Uni Bremen), J. Gunther (Uni Bremen)
Innovation and crisis in transition countries (
B. Todorović (ES)
The influence of the innovative economy and entrepreneurship on the macroeconomic model for the development of modern economy (
Discussant: V. Roud (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session S-06. Innovation in Firms
Moderator: V. Salun (HSE University)
A. Yusupova (NSU), N. Kravchenko (IEIE SB RAS), S. Khalimova (IEIE SB RAS)
High tech business growth factors and perspectives in Russia: pharmaceutical producers’ performance analysis (
E. Ochirova (HSE University)
Technological mergers & acquisitions and firm performance in developed and emerging markets (
K. Koka (HSE University - St. Petersburg), A. Fedyunina (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Organizational learning, competitive pressure and firm performance (
O. Valieva (IEIE SB RAS)
Analysis of global value chains in the biotechnology market: valuation of Siberian companies (
Discussant: A. Bereznoy (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session S-07. Science and Innovation Development: Regional Problems
Moderator: E. Kutsenko (HSE University)
A. Maltseva (TvSU), E. Klyshnikova (TvSU), I. Veselov (TvSU), N. Barsukova (TvSU)
Assessment of the regional environment’s conduciveness on the development of scientific activities (
E. Kadochnikova (KFU)
Spatial externalities of technological innovation and economic growth (
N. Bohdan (BSEU)
Innovation policy of Belarus in the context of indicators: a European innovation scoreboard (
A. Gordin (HSE University), P. Bykov (Hydrometeorological Center of Russia)
Meteorological forecasting is useful for short-term forecasts of hourly electricity consumption in the subjects of the Russian Federation (
Discussant: E. Islankina (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session S-08. Science and Innovation: Quantitative Estimation
Moderator: K. Fursov (HSE University)
A. Kravtsov (IMEMO RAS)
Scientific cooperation between Russia and post-Soviet countries: current situation and trends according to the co-publication statistics (
E. Dyachenko (HSE University), A. Mironenko (EUSP)
Publication trajectories of Russian cardiologists: ways to attain international visibility (
E. Nikiforova (HSE University), N. Chichkanov (HSE University), V. Belousova (HSE University), J. Abuzyarova (HSE University), Y. Lonshcikova (HSE University)
The role of human capital in professional development (
Discussant: Y. Dranev (HSE University)
Section T. Social and Cultural Processes
Moderators: V. Magun (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, HSE University), E. Ponarin (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session T-07. Russian Normative-Ideological Discourses. Organized by the Laboratory for Comparative Research of Mass Consciousness
Moderators: M. Fabrykant (HSE University), V. Magun ( Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, HSE University)
A. Sanina (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Shaping citizens: the outline of patriotic education in contemporary Russia (
E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE University, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS)
Narrativization of the national idea: a section of everyday consciousness (
L. Okolskaya (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS)
Modern and conservative trends in post-Soviet legislation on childhood (
M. Fabrykant (HSE University)
Structure-agency relations in narratives of World War One in European school textbooks (
Discussant: E. Danilova (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS)
Wednesday, April 10
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session T-08. Culture and Mental Processes
Moderator: M. Falikman (HSE University)
D. Lyusin (HSE University)
Emotion influence on cognitive processes in different cultures: beliefs and reality (
V. Nourkova (MSU)
Cultural personality formats in childhood memories: Russia, China and Uzbekistan (
V. Apanovich (Institute of Psychology of RAS), Y. Alexandrov (Institute of Psychology, RAS)
Meaning of inter- and intra-cultural mental variations (
S. Yagolkovskiy (HSE University), A. Kharkhurin (American University of Sharjah)
Creative perception and actualized creativity in a cultural context (
Discussant: T. Kotova (RANEPA)
Section V. Prosperity and Socio-Economic Development
Moderators: I. Fedyukin (HSE University), I. Froumin (HSE University), M. Yudkevich (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
ENGSimultaneous translation
Invited paper V-05. Dorothy Espelage (University of Florida) "Prevention & Intervention of Youth Bullying and other Forms of Youth Aggression: Research Informed Strategies"
Moderator: I. Froumin (HSE University)
Professor Dorothy Espelage has conducted research on youth violence for 25 years, including numerous longitudinal studies and randomized clinical trials across early and late adolescence. This translational research presentation with include a discussion of youth bullying, including face-to-face bullying, cyberbullying, gender-based bullying and sexual harassment, and teen dating violence among middle and high school students. Prevalence, definitions, and underlying risk and protective factors (e.g., individual, family, school, peers) associated with these behaviors will be presented. School-based interventions will be discussed, including social-emotional learning approaches, bystander interventions, and programs that address bias-based bullying.
Learning Objectives:
(1) To understand prevalence, types, and developmental timing of bullying and other forms of aggression.
(2) To understand the links between bullying and gender-based harassment.
(3) To be familiar with research evidence on what works to prevent these behaviors.
Wednesday, April 10
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable V-06. “Safety in Education: Resistance Factors to Bullying, Aggression and Destructive Behaviour of Students”
Moderator: M. Novikova (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• What are the main risks for the emotional, psychological and physical well-being of children, teachers and parents in the modern school?
• What do we know about these phenomena judging by research and statistical data, as well as about their core underlying reasons?
• What preventive and countermeasures exist, whether their effectiveness is evaluated properly, and how could it be enhanced? What other measures are needed?
• Individual cases (programmes, methodologies, etc.), which are implemented in schools and other educational institutions
Experts: A. Rean (HSE University), S. Jankiewicz (HSE University), A. Milkus (HSE University), G. Soldatova, (MSU), E. Rachevsky (School 548), S. Rosenblum (Gymnasium 1540)
Wednesday, April 10
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
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Session V-07. Wellbeing of Schoolchildren and Students: Factors
Moderator: A. Bochaver (HSE University)
L. Ilyushin (HSE University - St. Petersburg), A. Azbel (SPbU)
School in the eyes of students: experience of diagnostics of actual deficiencies of the educational environment (
M. Jakubowski (UW)
A mutlilevel analysis of student wellbeing using PISA 2015 international (
A. Stekhov (Moscow State School 57)
Factors in the psychological wellbeing of high school students (
E. Savitskaya (HSE University), M. Makarova (HSE University)
The influence of quality of life on school education: a cross-country analysis (
Section W. Economics, Sociology, and Education Policy
Moderators: I. Fedyukin (HSE University), I. Froumin (HSE University), M. Yudkevich (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
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Session W-06. Presentation of the book "Children Learning to Code: Essential for 21st Century Human Capital A Primer for Russian Policy Makers and Practitioners"
Moderator: P. Sergomanov (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
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Session W-07. Satisfaction with the Quality and Distribution of Remuneration: How Does it Correlate?
Moderator: P. Sorokin (HSE Universiry)
D. Pizzuto (SHU)
Contemplative practices in higher education: Examining faculty perspectives (
D. Bayazitova (HSE University)
Reward distribution in multiple role-playing games in the educational sphere (
D. Aldunin (HSE University)
Service for formation of individual educational trajectories for MOOC studies (
Wednesday, April 10
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session W-08. New Management Decisions in Response to Current Challenges in Education
Moderator: K. Zinkovsky (HSE University)
A. Kolycheva (HSE University)
Professionalization of administrative practice in universities around the world (
B. Ilyukhin (TOIPKRO), A. Lepustin (TOIPKRO), V. Guslyakova (TOIPKRO), Y. Katsman (TPU)
Development of municipal educational cluster models as an instrument of management in the education system (
A. Nefedova (HSE University), E. Dyachenko (HSE University)
Evaluation of the consequences of doctoral education reform: the view of the heads of scientific organizations (
Section Y. Instrumental Methods in Economic and Social Studies
Moderators: F. Aleskerov (HSE University), S. Maltseva (HSE University)
Wednesday, April 10
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session Y-05. Instrumental Methods in Administrative Activities - 2
Moderator: K. Skripkin (MSU, HSE University)
V. Arshavskiy (BEROC), Y. Nyarko (NYU), H. Pelligrinaz (NYU Abu Dhabi)
Traders in the food distribution chain: Estimating trade costs and markups from price data (
S. Miksyuk (BSEU), I. Perminova (IBA Minsk)
Development of an economic and mathematical model for forecasting the structure of the product portfolio of a manufacturing enterprise under conditions of instability in the context of a balanced scorecard concept (
K. Skripkin (MSU, HSE University)
Digital transformation of a firm: a business architecture perspective (
Wednesday, April 10
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Y-06. Instrumental Methods in Administrative Activities - 3
Moderator: M. Komarov (HSE University)
V. Spirina (PNRPU), A. Alekseev (PNRPU), A. Andronova (PNRPU)
Analysis of the strategic behaviour of subjects in property management problems (
E. Prokofyeva (HSE University), R. Zaitsev (FRS IM RAS)
Application of modern data analysis methods when modelling clinical pathways of patients in urban medical institutions (
E. Shiltsin (NSU), S. Busygin (NSU), A. Mishura (NSU)
The quality impact of school education on the housing market in Novosibirsk under spatial clusterization of prices (
S. Smetanin (HSE University), M. Komarov (HSE University)
Classificator development for review sentiment analysis in the Russian language for e-commerce (
Wednesday, April 10
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Y-07. Instrumental Methods in Economic Studies
Moderator: A. Tyrsin (UrFU)
Y. Zelenkov (HSE University)
Managing ambiguity in regression ensembles (
K. Furmanov (HSE University), E. Shelkova (HSE University), E. Batalova (HSE University)
Split-population binary choice models for panel data with economic applications (
S. Seleznev (Bank of Russia), R. Khabibullin (Bank of Russia)
Stochastic gradient variational Bayes and normalizing flows for estimating macroeconomic models (
A. Tyrsin (UrFU), A. Azaryan (YSU)
Computationally efficient modelling of linear regression dependences based on the method with the least absolute deviations (
Wednesday, April 10
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Y-08. Instrumental Methods in Finance - 1
Moderator: H. Penikas (HSE University)
H. Penikas (HSE University), A. Merikas (University of Piraeus), A. Merika (The American College of Greece), M. Surkov (HSE University)
Research of the IRB transition impact on Greek banks’ value (
M. Ermolova (HSE University), V. Nechitailo (FIAN), H. Penikas (HSE University)
The critical level of fraud in the banking system: an agent-based approach (
O. Rogov (MIPT), I. Demin (Financial University), E. Fedorova (Financial University)
Latent Dirichlet allocation assisted time series of financial news sentiments (
A. Nagapetyan (FEFU)
Stocks and Stock Indices Returns Volatility Modeling on the Russian Stock Market using Market Diversification Potential Index (
Section A. Macroeconomics and Growth
Moderators: I. Voskoboynikov (HSE University), E. Gurvich (EEG)
Thursday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
ENGSimultaneous translation
Honorary paper A-09/1. Maurizio Bussolo (World Bank) "Toward a New Social Contract – Taking On Distributional Tensions in Europe and Central Asia"
Moderator: O. Demidova (HSE University)
The Europe and Central Asia region stands out as the most equal region in the world. Of the 30 countries around the globe with the lowest Gini coefficient—a measure of income inequality whereby a lower coefficient corresponds to a more equal distribution—23 are in the region.1 Compared with other regions, the countries in Europe and Central Asia redistribute income on a larger scale and have more extensive welfare systems, more progressive taxation, and more generous social protection. This reflects the strong preference of Europeans for egalitarian societies.
Yet, people in Europe and Central Asia are dissatisfied with the status quo and, as in regions that exhibit greater inequality, demand changes.2 More people are either voting for populist parties that promise to get rid of current policies and establish a new social order, or they are not voting at all. Separatist movements are on the rise, while trust in political institutions is on the decline.
The primary goal of this report is to analyze changes in the distribution of incomes and resources that, even if not fully reflected in changes of inequality among individuals and households, are affecting people’s security, aspirations, and sense of well-being and identity. When asked in opinion surveys, a large majority of people across all countries in the region expresses concerns about rising inequality. It is important to investigate the potential sources of these beliefs and views.
The report emphasizes the relevance of distributional tensions among groups and of unfairness. These reflect the economic drivers of the rising discontent with the political and social order in the region. The clash between these distributional tensions and the preferences for equity is posing a serious challenge to the social contract in Europe and Central Asia.
Thursday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session A-09/2. Fiscal Policy
Moderator: G. Di Bella (IMF)
M. Suleymanova (RANEPA)
Assessing fiscal sustainability in Russia (
N. Krasnopeeva (EEG, FRI), E. Gurvich (EEG, FRI)
Adjustment of the Russian budget system to revenue shocks (
F. Mammadov (Central Bank of Azerbaijan), S. Adigozalov (Central Bank of Azerbaijan)
Are fiscal rules helpful in mitigating the impact of oil market fluctuations? (
D. Matviienko (HSE University)
Revenue from financial repression: a cross-country comparison (
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session A-10/1. Paper by A. Vedev "Key Risks of Socio-economic Development of the Russian Federation in the Medium Term"
Moderator: E. Abramova (CMASF)
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session A-10/2. Financial Systems in a Cross-country Perspective
Moderator: L. Solanko (BOFIT)
A. Kiselev (Bank of Russia)
The role of product-specific component in global inflation (
A. Woergoetter (TU Wien), C. Loewald (South African Reserve Bank)
A macro-structural policy framework for a monetary union, which is not an optimal currency area (
D. Vinogradov (University of Glasgow), Y. Makhlouf (Nottingham Business School), N. Kellard (University of Essex)
Finance-inequality nexus: The long and the short of it (
R. Mitra (TIU)
Stock transactions and financial integration in Australia: the missing links (
I. Korhonen (Bank of Finland)
Did sanctions affect capital flows to Russia? Evidence from BIS data (
Thursday, April 11
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable A-11. “Where Will Inflation Expectations Be Anchored?” Organized Jointly with the Bank of Russia
Moderator: A. Lipin (Bank of Russia)
Issues for discussion:
• Inflation expectations (IE): measurement and quantification;
• Special aspects of household IE;
• IE’s role in the monetary policy decision-making of the Bank of Russia and other central banks;
• IE reflection in the communications of central banks;
• Market analysts’ view of the interrelation between IE and inflation
Experts: L. Presnyakova (POF), A. Lipin (Bank of Russia), G. Di Bella (IMF), S. Slobodyan (SERGE, HSE University), A. Isakov (VTB - Capital)
Thursday, April 11
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable A-12. “The Neutral Interest Rate: in Search of a Benchmark”. Organized Jointly with the Bank of Russia
Moderator: O. Shibanov (NES)
Issues for discussion:
• Allowance for a neutral interest rate in the monetary policy of the Bank of Russia;
• The neutral interest rate for Russia’s economy;
• Neutral interest rates: moving in tune with global factors.
Experts: E. Rezepina (Bank Of Russia), D. Shestakov (Bank Of Russia), P. Grinter (Sberbank), A. Shal (JP Morgan)
Section B. Special Sessions and Roundtables
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-10. Structural Aspects of Russia's Trade Policy
Issues for discussion:
• What are the key shifts in global trade? How are the roles of emerging and leading economies being transformed? What are the possible patterns for different types of economies in global value-added chains?
• What are the structural changes in Russia’s export policy? What are the key sectoral features underlying the integration of Russian companies into global value-added chains? To what extent could Russian fast-growing companies become drivers for export proliferation?
• How is contemporary trade policy evolving? Is escalated trade protectionism a new reality? How can multilateral trade regulation be reformed?
• What are the key options in the various approaches to Russian export proliferation and diversification? What could Russia’s “strategic trade policy” look like, and what could its priorities and instruments be?
Experts: Y. Simachev (HSE University), A. Daniltsev (HSE University), A. Fedyunina (HSE University), M. Kuzyk (HSE University), N. Ivanova (IMEMO), M. Glukhova (RSPP), S. Vasiliev (VEB), V. Drebentsov (British Petroleum), A. Shadrin (Ministry of Economic Development), N. Volchkova (NES), N. Smorodinskaya (IE RAS)
Thursday, April 11
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-11. Economic Analysis and Socio-economic Development in Post-Soviet Countries: Mutual Influence
Moderator: A. Likhacheva (HSE University)
Experts: S. Alpysbayeva (Centre of Macroeconomic Research and Forecasting), Y. Aronsky (Union of Economists of Turkmenistan), L. Grigoryev (HSE University), A. Darbinyan (Russian-Armenian University), V. Dodonov (The Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of Kazakhstan), A. Kulmurzaev (National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic), N. Mironchik (National Bank of the Rebublic of Belarus), A. Muradov (Azerbaijan State University of Economics), J. Negmatov (Institute of budget and tax research under the Ministry of Finance of Uzbekistan), H. Tarverdyan (Central Bank of Armenia), A. Temikeeva (National Institute for Strategic Studies of the Kyrgyz Republic), A. Trochev (Nazarbayev University)
Thursday, April 11
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
ENGSimultaneous translation
Honorary paper B-12. Sheikh Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani (Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi, Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions, Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank) "Islamic Finance in the XXI Century"
Moderator: K. Molodyko (HSE University)
What Islamic Finance means?
Is it restricted to Muslims?
The nature of Money.
Prohibition of Interest.
The Universal effects of Islamic Finance.
The role of Islamic Finance to prevent financial crises.
Section C. Network Analysis
Moderator: V. Kuskova (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Honorary paper C-09. Panos M. Pardalos (University of Florida, HSE University) "Sustainable Interdependent Networks"
Moderator: V. Kalyagin (HSE University)
Sustainable interdependent networks offer a wide spectrum of applications in such areas as computer science, electrical engineering and smart infrastructure. We plan to discuss the next generation sustainability, as well as smart cities, with a special emphasis on energy, communication, data analytics and financial networks. In addition, we will be discussing solutions in regards to the performance and security challenges of developing interdependent networks in terms of networked control systems, scalable computation platforms, and dynamic social networks.
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Invited paper C-10. John Skvoretz (University of South Florida) "What Mathematical Sociology Reveals about the Problem of Integrating Diverse Societies: Advances in the Analysis of Networks of Intergroup Relations, Attraction vs Repulsion Models" (joint work with Zbigniew Karpiński)
Moderator: D. Maltseva (HSE University)
Modern societies are diverse on many dimensions: race and ethnicity, social class, educational attainment, age, gender orientation, political persuasion, religious affiliation, and nativity, the last of increasing importance with recent migration waves. How such societies maintain a level of coherence, of social integration between these diverse groups, is a fundamental question of contemporary significance. Understanding the basic principles that produce or fail to produce social integration – unity among diversity – is a foundational one in sociology.
The work we present advances understanding of the network of intergroup relations through the analysis of two contrasting mechanisms by which population diversity conditions the formation of intergroup social ties.
The first mechanism is based on the idea that individuals form social ties with others based on “attraction” to those who are similar to them along important social dimensions. The second mechanism asserts that the driving force in tie formation is “repulsion” from those who differ on these important social dimensions.
In the first case, the overrepresentation of ties between persons of similar background is a direct consequence of an “inbreeding” bias while in the second case, it is an indirect consequence of a “rejection” bias directed at dissimilar others.
As the talk demonstrates, techniques from mathematical sociology provide formal models that offer strong and competing hypotheses about patterns in intergroup relations.
Thursday, April 11
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session C-11. Semantic Analysis of Discourses
Moderator: D. Zaytsev (HSE University)
K. Puzyreva (SPbU), N. Basov (SPbU)
What is a flood? Semantic networks in English hazard-prone communities (
O. Mikhaylova (HSE University), G. Gradoselskaya (HSE University)
Social network analysis of marginal discourse reсeption. The case of dissemination of lesbian feminism in Russia (
A. Antonyuk (CGES)
Between the state and the corporation: Internet governance and freedom of speech (
Thursday, April 11
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session C-12. Networks, Markets and Countries
Moderator: E. Artuhova (HSE University)
M. Kalinina (HSE University), V. Kuskova (HSE University), V. Kuznetsov (HSE University)
Interbank exposures: An empirical examination of credit risk spillover effect between financial institutions in Russian Federation from 2000 to 2017 (
E. Kolchinskaya (Leontief Centre), P. Yakovleva (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Territorial development of Russia's pharmaceutical clusters (
A. Sokol (HSE University)
Network analysis of the relationship between human rights and environmental performance (
N. Meshcheryakova (HSE University)
Influence of countries in the context of food security (
Section E. Financial Institutions, Markets and Payment Systems
Moderators: A. Karminsky (HSE University), V. Solodkov (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session E-09. Cryptocurrencies
Moderator: V. Solodkov (HSE University)
D. Fantazzini (MSU), S. Zimin (Nextail Labs)
A multivariate approach to joint modelling of market risk and credit risk for cryptocurrencies (
M. Pompella (UNISI), L. Costantino (IDP European Consultants)
Fintech and blockchain-based innovation, west to east trends and prospective (
A. Myalo (HSE University)
Underpricing of initial coin offerings: country influence (
Discussant: P. Shust (SPbU, EMA)
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session E-10. Payment and Settlement Systems
Moderator: V. Belousova (HSE University)
H. Valiullin (Dubna University), S. Merzlyakova (BCS-Premier)
Spatial expansion of the cashless economy in Russia (
N. Tsybuleva (RANEPA), N. Klimkin (VTB)
Determinants of cardholder behaviour on the Russian market of payment cards (
E. Krivosheya (SKOLKOVO)
Network effects at retail payments market: evidence from Russian merchants (
T. Karpeko (UrFU), A. Nepp (UrFU)
Trust and popularity of the cryptocurrency market: the case of Bitcon (
Discussant: A. Obaeva (NPС)
Thursday, April 11
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session E-11. Institutional Environment of Lending
Moderator: M. Suhov (HSE University)
A. Butina (FEFU), A. Rubikovich (FEFU)
Spatial analysis of credit/deposit inter-regional flows redistribution in the Russian Federation (
M. Abdukarimov (Oney Bank)
Improving access to bank credit for an underserved population: breaking a vicious cycle (
A. Nepp (UrFU), J. Okrah (UrFU), A. Zumash (UrFU)
Minimizing corruption as a prerequisite for retirement savings (
V. Danielyan (CEMI RAS), V. Polterovich (CEMI RAS)
Retirement age increase effect on the pension system coverage rate in a model with heterogenous agents and informal employment (
Discussant: V. Solodkov (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Roundtable E-12. “Issues of Topical Banking Regulation”
Moderator: V. Solodkov (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Basel III in Russia - the implementation experience. Should special aspects of Russia’s economy be taken into account? International approaches to the assessment of Russian markets – eligibility criteria.
• Bank risks and macroprudential regulations: is there any conflict of objectives?
• The fate of small banks in the context of proportional regulation. Regulatory policy in regards to attracting capital to the banking sector
Experts: M. Suhov (HSE University), G. Di Bella (IMF Representative to Russia), A. Lobanov (Bank of Russia), N. Orlova (Alfa-Bank), M. Matovnikov (Sberbank)
Section F. Social Policy
Moderators: L. Ovcharova (HSE University), T. Chetvernina (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session F-09. Resource Provision of Social Policy
Moderator: T. Chetvernina (HSE University)
E. Avraamova (RANEPA)
Availability of development resources for various categories of the population (
Y. Lezhnina (HSE University)
Expectations from state social policy: Russian case (
Y. Sesina (PFR), K. Tumanyants (VolSU)
The comparative effectiveness of social expenditures of Russian regions based on the DEA method (
D. Bychkov (NIFI), Y. Andreeva (FRI), O. Feoktistova (FRI)
The microeconomics of financial assistance to families with children in Russia and some suggestions for policy improvement (
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session F-10. Poverty and Inequality
Moderator: T. Chetvernina (HSE University)
A. Burdyak (RANEPA)
Self-assessment of social status on the canvas of deprivation and poverty (
D. Rudenko (UTMN )
Poverty dynamics across Russian regions (
S. Mareeva (FCTAS RAS)
Social Inequalities in Public Consciousness of Russians: Factor of Social Tension or Stimulus of Productivity? (
Thursday, April 11
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session F-11. Social Stratification and Social Adaptation
Moderator: N. Tikhonova (HSE University)
V. Anikin (HSE University)
Social classes in post-transition Russia: evidence from the BLCA analysis (
M. Matytsin (World Bank), S. Freije-Rodriguez (World Bank), R. Mungai (World Bank)
The distributional impact of market concentration in Russia (
E. Slobodenyuk (HSE University), S. Mareeva (HSE University)
Inequality in Russia in an international context (
Discussant: Y. Lezhnina (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session F-12. The Policy of Active Aging
Moderator: M. Kolosnitsyna (HSE University)
A. Ermolina (HSE University), O. Sinyavskaya (HSE University), D. Kareva (HSE University)
The active ageing index as an outcome of composite social policy towards the elderly in the EU and Russia (
E. Selezneva (HSE University)
Social factors of health in the elderly population of Russia (
E. Tsatsura (RANEPA), E. Grishina (RANEPA)
Social care for the elderly: problems and perspectives (
Section G. Regional and Urban Development
Moderators: N. Zubarevich (MSU), A. Puzanov (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session G-09. Regional Economy
Moderator: O. Kouznetsova (FRC CSC RAS)
A. Zaytsev (MSU), N. Kazakov (MSU)
Import substitution in Russia as factor for economic growth on the macro and regional levels (
K. Sablin (FRC CСС SB RAS), E. Kagan (KemSU), S. Gutova (KemSU)
Comprehensive assessment of investment and innovation activities in the resource regions of Russia (
S. Zemtsov (RANEPA)
Regional entrepreneurial ecosystems in Russia (
A. Mishura (NSU), S. Ageeva (IEIE SB RAS)
Bank branches in Russian regions: the role of distance and other factors of spatial distribution (
R. Gordeev (SibFU)
Analysis of foreign trade of Russia's forest products (
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session G-10. Regional Policy and Budgets
Moderator: O. Kouznetsova (FRC CSC RAS)
M. Malkina (NNSU), R. Balakin (NNSU)
Influence of the sectoral structure of regional economies on the tax incomes of the territorial budgets of the Russian Federation (
V. Basareva (IEIE SB RAS ), A. Tsyplakov (NSU)
Budgetary incentives of the regions: the performance of public policy (
A. Safiullin (KFU), D. Ravzieva (KFU)
A methodological approach to the selection of industrial priorities of regional development (
S. Ermak (UrFU), D. Tolmachev (Ural federal university ), P. Kuznetsov (Ural federal university )
New spatial policy of the Sverdlovsk region based on the resettlement system key elements (
R. Akhtar (ODID)
Rescaling of the state and its further pluralisation through the megaprojects in India: The case of Dholera Smart City (
Thursday, April 11
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session G-11. Social Development of the Regions and Problems of the Periphery
Moderator: N. Zubarevich (MSU)
R. Ansary (JNU)
Regional pattern of nutritional deprivation in India: a district level analysis (
G. Arzamanov (HSE University), A. Bikmansurova (HSE University), A. Mikhailov (HSE University), A. Nefedova (HSE University)
Ассамбляжи центра и периферии: Перенос, внедрение, и отторжение городских практик (
I. Glazyrina (INREC SB RAS), L. Faleychik (INREC SB RAS), A. Faleychik (Transbaikal State University)
Comparative assessment of labour market attractiveness in the border regions of Eastern Russia (
A. Scherbov (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Determinants of criminality in Russia: analysis at the level of federal subjects (
K. Averkieva (IGRAS)
Internal and external resources for the development of older rural areas in the northern non-chernozem region (
Thursday, April 11
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session G-12. Transport Infrastructure and Ecology
Moderator: N. Zubarevich (MSU)
I. Zabelina (INREC SB RAS)
The decoupling effect in the eastern regions in cross-border cooperation with China (
A. Belenky (HSE University), G. Fedin (HSE University, The Boston Consulting Group), A. Kornhauser (Princeton University)
Optimization models for estimating the volume of investment needed for developing regional infrastructures (
P. Krylov (MRSU)
Logistic and transport and geographical problems in the implementation of federal target programmes in the Republic of Crimea (
Section H. Social and Economic History
Moderators: A. Kamensky (HSE University), M. Davydov (HSE University), T. Natkhov (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
ENGSimultaneous translation
Session H-09. Social and Economic History - 1
Moderator: M. Polugodina (FU Berlin)
J. Zimmermann (FU Berlin), T. Grigoriadis (FU Berlin)
Russian espionage in the “Age of Extremes” (
S. Zhang (UPJV)
Chinese monetary system during the Renaissance: the silver standard and globalization during the Ming Dynasty (
M. Polugodina (FU Berlin), T. Grigoriadis (FU Berlin)
East Prussia 2.0: persistent regions, rising nations (
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session H-10. Social and Economic History - 2
Moderator: M. Fiveiskaia (RANEPA)
T. Dimoni (VolSU), M. Beznin (VolSU)
Social revolution in Soviet Russia (
A. Safronov (RANEPA)
Lessons from the Gosplan automatic system for planning calculations: institutional constraints of public sector informatization (
M. Fiveiskaia (RANEPA)
The USSR in international cooperation in the field of standardization, 1945-1953 (
Thursday, April 11
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session H-11. Social and Economic History - 3
Moderator: T. Natkhov (HSE University)
V. Malein (RANEPA)
The economic legacy of German minorities of the Russian Empire: the role of human capital (
N. Vasilenok (HSE University), T. Natkhov (HSE University)
Infant mortality in Late Imperial Russia: regional variation, dynamics and cultural norms (
N. Vasilenok (HSE University), T. Natkhov (HSE University)
Religion, cultural exchange and health: the case of the Saratov province of late Imperial Russia (
Thursday, April 11
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session H-12. Social and Economic History - 4
Moderator: I. Shilnikova (HSE University)
K. Yanovskiy (RANEPA), S. Zhavoronkov (Gaidar Institute), Y. Kuznetsov (Economic Policy Journal editorial board)
Ethical foundations of freedom and private property: observing two libertarian approaches (
M. Davydov (HSE University)
Stolypin land reform and agrarian crisis (
I. Shilnikova (HSE University)
The workers' protest movement in Russia during the First World War: between politics and economy (
Section I. International Relations
Moderator: T. Bordachev (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
RUSSimultaneous translation
Session I-09. The Relationship Between Domestic and Foreign Policy
Moderator: M. Bratersky (HSE University)
D. Kochegurov (HSE University)
The role of domestic factors in US foreign policy development under the administration of Donald Trump (
I. Timofeev (MGIMO)
US sanctions against Russia: foreign and domestic policy perspectives (
S. Mihnevich (RANEPA)
The PRC’s international development policy: mutual benefits and economic diplomacy (
M. Bratersky (HSE University)
The clash of civilizations and ideologies or the clash of interests? (
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSSimultaneous translation
Session I-10. Great Power Rivalries
Moderator: D. Suslov (HSE University)
V. Kashin (HSE University)
The consequences of the US’s withdrawal from the INF Treaty for the security of the Asia-Pacific region (
A. Sushentsov (MGIMO)
Strategic competition and potential for military conflict between great powers (
D. Suslov (HSE University)
Double deterrence in current US foreign policy strategy and its' perspectives (
Thursday, April 11
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSSimultaneous translation
Session I-11. Evolution of Russian Policy in the Post-Soviet Space
Moderator: A. Suzdaltsev (HSE University)
E. Kudryashova (Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law)
Strategic planning in the context of macroeconomic coordination in EEC (
M. Semenov (HSE University)
The problem of the formation of Ukrainian foreign policy towards Russia after 2014 (
A. Suzdaltsev (HSE University)
Problems of the formation of the Russian regional policy in the post-Soviet space (
Thursday, April 11
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSSimultaneous translation
Session I-12. Internationalization of the Russian Economy: Challenges and Strategies
Moderator: A. Likhachyova (HSE University)
A. Kiyutsevskaya (RANEPA), M. Sherbustanova (Gaidar Institute), L. Gadij (HSE University)
Country and global factors of risk premium formation (
V. Dzetsina (PRUE )
Aspect of global financial strategy of Russian transnational corporations under conditions of financial restrictions (
D. Kuznetsov (RANEPA)
The role of intermediaries in Russian exports (
A. Podchufarov (HSE University)
Stability of international cooperation and competitiveness of its primary actors (
Section J. Economic Methodology
Moderator: V. Avtonomov (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session J-09. Concepts of Social and Economic Development
Moderator: P. Orekhovsky (IE RAS)
V. Polterovich (CEMI RAS)
Evolution of competition, power and collaboration mechanisms: the role of technical progress and civil culture (
M. Bakeev (HSE University)
Institutions and culture as sources of economic development: Deirdre McCloskey's approach (
P. Orekhovsky (IE RAS)
Structure of models of historical process (
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session J-10. From the History of Economic Thought
Moderator: D. Melnik (HSE University)
N. Makasheva (INION RAS), E. Belyanova (IMEMO RAS)
Towards “advanced” economics. The birth of econometrics: Russian signs (
A. Veikher (HSE University - St.Petersburg)
The concept of Marx’s “converted form”: the experience of a modern methodological reading (
D. Melnik (HSE University), M. Markov (SPbU)
Thomas Malthus in Russia and the early period in the reception of Malthusian theory (
Thursday, April 11
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session J-11. Economic Theory and Policy
Moderator: M. Miryakov (HSE University)
O. Borokh (IFES RAS)
Zhang Peigang’s “Agriculture and Industrialization” as an example of the internationalization of Chinese economics in the mid-20th century (
E. Zawojska (UW)
Benefit transfer and commodity measurement scales: Consequences for validity and reliability (
M. Miryakov (HSE University)
Analysis of the relationship between economic theory and economic policy: the case of pension reforms in post-communist countries (
Thursday, April 11
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session J-12. Current State of Economic Theory: a Methodological View
Moderator: V. Shironin (UNECON)
A. Maltsev (USUE, CRIISEA, University of Picardie Jules Verne)
The quantitative turn: friend or foe of historians of economics and economic historians? (
G. Musial (UE Katowice)
Scientific explanation: interpretation and contradictions (
O. Koshovets (IE RAS)
Progressing horizontally, or where is modern economics moving? (
V. Shironin (UNECON)
“A construction set” of economic theory (
Section M. Political Processes
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Invited paper M-10. Madeleine Hosli (Leiden University) "European Parliament Elections: Estimating Adapted Turnout Rates"
Moderator: A. Myachin (HSE University)
Has turnout in European Parliamentary elections decreased over time? While this certainly appears to be the case in absolute terms, a more nuanced analysis, replicating a study presented by Mark Franklin in 2001, reveals a more complex picture. When ‘structural factors’ such as compulsory voting, the effect of EP elections being held for the first time in an EU member state, ‘electoral salience’ (measured as the temporal distance to the next national parliamentary election) and the share of post-2004 countries in the total EU membership are accounted for, our analysis reveals that these can partially explain the observed lowering in real turnout rates. The explanatory power of the models capturing the situation in the aftermath of the 1999 EP elections are, however, lower than when they are applied to earlier EP elections. This leads to the additional observation that while structural factors offer a plausible explanation for the decline in EP turnout rates over time, their relative influence is gradually decreasing.
Section O. State and Local Government, and the NPO Sector
Moderators: A. Klimenko (HSE University), I. Mersianova (HSE University), A. Yakovlev (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session O-09. Development of the Regulatory System
Moderator: D. Tsygankov (HSE University)
D. Gritsenko (University of Helsinki)
Algorithmic governance in public sector (
A. Yefremov (RANEPA)
Legal experiments and “regulatory sandboxes”: foreign experience and prospects for Russia (
D. Tsygankov (HSE University), A. Golodnikova (HSE University)
Special regulatory zones: the international experience and the prospects of their introduction in the regulatory policy of Russia (
A. Didikin (HSE University)
The Russian offshore: special legal regime of business regulation (
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session O-10/1. Characteristics and Motivations of Civil Servants
Moderator: A. Kalgin (HSE University)
V. Trufanova (HSE University), M. Gellen (NUPS)
Portrait of a Hungarian public servant and analysis of the main motives for entering the public service in contemporary Hungary (
A. Sherstobitov (SPbU), L. Kaunina (SpbU)
Algorithms vs “young technocrats”, or critics of NPM and good governance in the context of digitalization (
A. Kalgin (HSE University)
Religiosity, public service motivation and the desire to work in the public sector: The Russian case (
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable O-10/2. “Regulatory Guillotine Mechanisms”
Moderator: A. Klimenko (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• The new structure of Russian “smart regulation”: ex-ante (RIA) and ex-post (the "regulatory guillotine") regulation;
• The use of regulatory guillotine mechanisms abroad: ups and downs;
• The judicial system and deregulation
Experts: E. Salugina - Sorokovaya (The Government of the Russian Federation), S. Shipov (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation), D. Novak (The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation), V. Zlobin (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation), M. Pryadilnikov (Analytical Center for the RF Government), Tikhomirov (The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law), D. Tsygankov (HSE University), H. Zverev (VARPE)
Thursday, April 11
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
ENGSimultaneous translation
Invited paper O-11/1. Tobin Im (Seoul National University) "Government Competitiveness and Bureaucratic Reforms"
Moderator: A. Barabashev (HSE University)
This speech will discuss several issues I consider vital for improving government competitiveness in Eastern Europe. I discovered that despite the role of government is important in the region, public administration has been understudied. More governance studies on Eastern European countries with respect to performance will benefit scholars as well as policymakers. I will present key characteristics of Government Competitiveness in order to explain the necessity of making a different index from the existing indices such as IMD, World Bank, Quality of Governance etc. Based on the theoretical background, I will present rankings of government competitiveness 2018 and give some sectoral analysis of the ranking. For example, Russian government achieved significant progresses as well as showed some weaknesses, compared with last year.
Over the last two decades, many Western-style reforms were proselytized and implemented in developing countries without considering their unique contexts, which results in many problems. Understanding this problem of fitness will help developing countries set different expectations, targets, and institutions for their own improvement of public organizations. To name a few of many challenges, there are lack of capacity in implementing personnel and data management, lack of clear line of command between upper-level and lower-level agencies, insufficient logic and incentives for public employees to pursue performance-oriented reforms, seniority-based civil service, and bureaucracy not responding to reforms. Unless these challenges are considered in a way to fit reform ideas and ideals with the existing institutional settings in developing countries, reforms will remain only as “window-dressing”; in other words, reforms are presented to the public, but they are not implemented as much or there are no internal mechanisms to implement them within each public organization. Korea has assiduously followed US-style reforms for many years. But the reforms have often produced worse outcomes than before. Conceptions of human relations, bureaucrats, Confucian principle of human nature, notions of monetary incentive compared to promotion, and formalization or red tape are widely different between Korea and the United States. Once these details are accounted for, it is no wonder that some reforms have generated markedly different outcomes than what was intended at the beginning.
Thursday, April 11
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session O-11/2. Issues of Management and Financing in the Cultural Sphere
Moderator: T. Abankina (HSE University)
A. Rubinstein (IE RAS)
On the financing of culture, education and science: the experience of institutional research (
T. Abankina (HSE University), G. Ksinkina (HSE University)
Accessibility of cultural goods and services in Russia: 2000-2015 trends (
B. Rudnik (HSE University)
Transformation mechanisms to finance Russian theatres (
V. Muzychuk (Institute of Economics RAS)
Labour standards in arts and culture: management failure (
M. Mohammad (FEFU)
Heritage resources management for or by local communities: A property rights analysis in Syria (
Thursday, April 11
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session O-12/1. Regional Policy and Finance
Moderator: V. Tyutyuryukov (HSE University)
S. Shkel (PSU), A. Semenov (PSU), V. Bederson (PSU), I. Shevtsova (PSU)
No country for elections? Centralization, models of local governance, and public goods provision in Russia (
Y. Krasheninnikova (HSE University), N. Kocherghin (HSE University - Perm)
Formality and reality of state religion studies expertise in the RF (
S. Bykov (BSU), H. Zimmermann (UMR, Scientific Advisory Board to the BMF)
Tax expenditure as a problem in intergovernmental relations (
V. Tiutiuriukov (HSE University)
Assessment of tax potential realization of Russian regions as an instrument of improving fiscal governance (
Thursday, April 11
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSSimultaneous translation
Roundtable O-12/2. “Mutual Influence of Theory and Practice in Public Administration”
Moderator: L. Jakobson (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• How effective are the existing forms of cooperation between experts and the Executive branch in Russia?
• In which areas is the lack of expertise most evident and why?
• To what extent are expert assessments justified and independent?
• How can the interaction between experts and the Executive branch be improved?
Experts: T. Im (Seoul National University), C. Davis (University of Oxford), A. Farazmand (Florida Atlantic University), V. Yuzhakov (RANEPA), A. Barabashev (HSE University), A. Zhulin (HSE University)
Section P. Demography and Labour Markets
Moderators: M. Denisenko (HSE University), L. Smirnykh (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Honorary paper P-10. Thomas Dohmen (University of Bonn) "Global Evidence on Economic Preferences" (joint work with Armin Falk, Anke Becker, Benjamin Enke, David Huffman and Uwe Sunde)
Moderators: V. Gimpelson (HSE University), A. Vishnevsky (HSE University)
This paper studies the global variation in economic preferences. For this purpose, we present the Global Preference Survey (GPS), an experimentally validated survey data set of time preference, risk preference, positive and negative reciprocity, altruism, and trust from 80,000 people in 76 countries. The data reveal substantial heterogeneity in preferences across countries, but even larger within-country heterogeneity. Across individuals, preferences vary with age, gender, and cognitive ability, yet these relationships appear partly country specific. At the country level, the data reveal correlations between preferences and biogeographic and cultural variables, such as agricultural suitability, language structure, and religion. Variation in preferences is also correlated with economic outcomes and behaviors. Within countries and subnational regions, preferences are linked to individual savings decisions, labormarket choices, and prosocial behaviors. Across countries, preferences vary with aggregate outcomes ranging from per capita income, to entrepreneurial activities, to the frequency of armed conflicts.
Section Q. Sociology
Moderators: E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE University), A. Strelnikova (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session Q-09/1. Children in the Modern World: Subjectivity, Intersectionality and Mobility
Moderator: V. Chudinova (RSCL)
S. Mayorova-Sheglova (RC “Sociology of Childhood” Russian Society of Sociologists)
Childhood glamorization and simulacra of the subjectivity of the child (
E. Kolosova (RSCL)
Consumer behaviour of Generation Z: new aspects of periodization (
O. Savinskaya (HSE University)
Children as participants in discourse production: a comparison of interviews and focus groups (
Thursday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session Q-09/2. The Modern Сity: Mobility, Technology and Emotions
Moderator: A. Strelnikova (HSE University)
L. Davydkina (SSUSSE)
Social and psychological aspects of daily spatial mobility (
R. Babkin (MSU), A. Makhrova (MSU)
Spatio-temporal “pulsation” of the population of the Moscow agglomeration (based on the data of mobile operators) (
A. Nefedova (HSE University)
Early adopters of new transport technologies in Russia (
Discussant: K. Glazkov (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-10. The Eventfulness of Modern Childhood
Moderator: S. Mayorova-Sheglova (RC “Sociology of Childhood” Russian Society of Sociologists)
S. Mayorova-Shcheglova (RC “Sociology of Childhood” Russian Society of Sociologists), S. Mitrofanova (Samara University)
Methodology of research of childhood eventness (
M. Khusnutdinova (MSUPE)
Interviews with preschoolers: student experience of implementation (
S. Savelyeva (HSE University)
Childrearing: parental values and beliefs (
A. Gubanova (RSCL)
Events of urban and rural childhood (
Thursday, April 11
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-11/1. Social Capital, Career and Success
Moderator: O. Kuzina (HSE University)
G. Gvozdeva (Institute of Economics and Industrial Enginneering SB RAS), E. Gvozdeva (Institute of Economics SB RAS), K. Kalashnikova (Institute of Economics SB RAS), M. Polyansckaya (Institute of Economics), V. Kostin (Institute of Economics)
Regional living conditions as the factor in the accumulation of human capital (
E. Kuflina (GFK – Russia), Y. Roshchina (HSE University)
Social capital of Russians: types and factors (
G. Volkova (HSE University)
“Subjective career”: factors of successful research careers in Russia (
Thursday, April 11
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-11/2. Policy and Self-Preservation of Behaviour in the Field of Health
Moderator: Y. Belova (HSE University)
E. Grigorieva (ICARP FEB RAS), A. Sukhoveeva (ICARP FEB RAS)
Effect of economic crises on the health of the population of the Jewish autonomous area: subjective evaluations
Y. Belova (HSE University)
Individual alcoholic practices under anti alcoholic policy: between ideal and reality (
D. Khodorenko (HSE University - St. Petersburg), V. Titkova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Parental control vs peer pressure in drinking among adolescents (
Thursday, April 11
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-12. Religion and Morality in the Sociological Dimension
Moderator: S. Moiseev (HSE University)
E. Berdysheva (HSE University)
Moral vectors of “oncopolitics” (
T. Krihtova (STOU, SocRel)
Pastoral theology in modern orthodox theological seminaries: the necessity and main problems of studying (
E. Melkumyan (PSTGU)
Religiosity and life satisfaction: survey of Orthodox parishes (
S. Moiseev (HSE University), I. Deviatko (HSE University)
Viral altruism or social contagion? A comparative analysis of types of participation and mechanisms for involving Russian and Ukrainian users of social media in the “ice bucket challenge” charitable (
Section R. Management
Moderators: O. Tretyak (HSE University), N. Filinov (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session R-09. Place Branding and Place Identity
Moderator: K. Rozhkov (HSE University)
M. Florek (PUEB), N. Muñiz Martínez (Universidad de León), J. Gazda (PUEB)
The role of traditional food products in regions: Economic impact on regions’ development and implications for regional branding. A comparative study between Poland and Spain (
I. Trabskaya (Tartu University), V. Gordin (HSE University - St. Petersburg), T. Semenova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Identity-based tourist umbrella place brands. Case of the Hanseatic League cities (
J. Górski (UW)
Consumer ethnocentrism and product valuation. Do ethnocentric consumers value products of domestic origin higher? (
K. Rozhkov (HSE University), N. Martinez (University of León), R. Romanowski (PUEB), K. Khomutskii (HSE University)
Product-based place branding as a tool for preventing over-tourism (
Discussant: V. Gordin (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session R-10. Management in the Hospitality Industry
Moderator: M. Predvoditeleva (HSE University)
D. Weaver (Griffith University)
Geographic periphery as an experiential core: Achieving a sustainable Arctic and regional development in the tourisation era (
B. Moyle (USC)
Innovation in experience design for sustainable tourism in rural destinations (
A. Shnyrkova (HSE University), M. Predvoditeleva (HSE University)
Halal hotel services: Evidence from Russian guests (
Discussant: S. Kazakov (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Invited paper R-11. Carl F. Fey (Aalto University School of Business) "Facilitating Innovation in Companies in Russia: the Role of Organizational Culture"
Moderator: N. Filinov (HSE University)
In this presentation I will present research I am conducting with colleagues exploring the relationship between organizational culture and innovation. Management scholars and managers alike have much interest in how to facilitate innovation since innovation has been suggested to be critical for a firm's long-term survival and performance. I will begin by presenting results from a meta analysis of what management practices facilitates innovation and show that organizational culture is the management practice which has the largest effect on innovation. I will then present initial results from a large sample survey-based study of firms in Russia exploring the relationship between organizational culture and innovation. Rather than taking a general model of organizational culture, the study inductively develops a model of organizational culture for the Russian context. The study then explores the relationship between organizational culture and innovation to highlight what dimensions of innovation are most important as drivers of innovation in Russia. Finally, I will present results from interviews with managers of firms working in Russia to highlight implementation issues related to the study's findings. The work which I am presenting is work in progress.
Thursday, April 11
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable R-12. “Competition in the Hotel Business: Revenue and Sales Management Tools”
Moderators: M. Predvoditeleva (HSE University), S. Skorbenko (DigitalWill), N. Novikova (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Changing the sources of competitive advantage in the hotel industry;
• Staff competencies transformation in the context of digital technologies and comprehensive information space development;
• Changing the structure and corporate management models in companies in the hospitality and tourism sectors;
• Digital-marketing as a system for customer (guest) attraction and retention;
• Research opportunities and issues in the hospitality and tourism business sectors in the context of digital technologies development
Experts: D. Parinos (GOST Hotel Management), P. Lebedeva (Cosmos Group), E. Kirillova (Cosmos Group), G. Zakharov (Matrёshka hotel), A. Matveeva (Boutique hotel Rodniki), E. Ilinskaya (Interstate Hotels and Resorts), A. Kosareva (Four Elements Hotels),
A. Abramovich (Moscow Marriott Hotel Novy Arbat, Courtyard by Marriott Moscow City Center), N. Tatarnikova (Mercure-ibis-adagio Paveletskaya), M. Korolev (Park Hotel Peresvet)
Section T. Social and Cultural Processes
Moderators: V. Magun (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, HSE University), E. Ponarin (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session T-10. Social and Cultural Problems of Leisure
Moderator: E. Danilova (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS)
A. Suvalko (HSE University)
Analysis of leisure practices of Russians based on the experience society of Gerhard Schulze (
A. Chernavskiy (MPSU)
Research of modern sexual preferences based on the example of a multiplayer computer game for adults (Yareel) (
I. Papushina (HSE University)
Music preferences, lifestyle and values in Russia: evidence from Russian target index database (
Discussant: A. Maksimova (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session T-11. Religious Diversity
Moderator: I. Zabaev (STOU)
K. Markin (St.Tikhon Orthodox University), E. Prutskova (St.Tikhon Orthodox University)
Agenda for “weak religiosity” sociological research
M. Dobrovolskiy (HSE University)
New Age spirituality: “post-modern religion”, or a part of everyday Culture? An attachment parenting case (
A. Das (HSE University)
Ethnolinguistic and religious diversity and development: Evidence from North-East India (
E. Prutskova (STOU), I. Zabaev (STOU)
Calling and humility: economic ethics in four Christian denominations in Russia (
Discussant: M. Bogachev (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session T-12. Media as Cultural Agents
Moderator: A. Kazun (HSE University)
K. Yakupova (HSE University), N. Radina (HSE University)
The framework of detective stories in mass media narratives: coverage of the prosecution of ex-minister Ulukaev (
A. Sumskaia (UrFU), P. Sumskoy (UrFU)
Russians in English-language stories: influence of communicative-cultural memory on discursive identity construction (
M. Habib (HSE University)
Community radio and empowerment of young women in Bangladesh: an anthropological study (
I. Dzyaloshinsky (HSE University)
Discussant: A. Kazun (HSE University)
Section U. Healthcare Studies
Moderator: S. Shishkin (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session U-10. Policy Сhallenges in the Healthcare System
Moderator: O. Obuhova (HSE University)
G. Roslov (HSE University), N. Portnov (HSE University)
Marketing management in the Russian market of medical services: situation and prospects (
S. Kozlova (SibFU)
Improving the health financing model at the regional level: the role of primary care (
O. Demyanova (KFU), A. Nikolaeva (KFU)
Forming development projects for emergency rooms due to reduce patient waiting times (
Y. Yukhtanova (UTMN), A. Bystrova (UTMN)
Quality management in medical organizations in the context of sustainable regional development (
Thursday, April 11
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session U-11. Development of Health Care: Territorial Aspects
Moderator: I. Sheiman (HSE University)
S. Timonin (HSE University), M. Mckee (LSHTM), A. Koncevaya (National Research Center for Preventive Medicine), D. Leon (LSHTM)
Geographical inequalities in access to advanced treatment of myocardial infarction in Russia (
E. Kalabina (USUE)
Variability in control policy for costs of the population for medicines: regional aspects - on monitoring of the range and prices of vital and major medicines (ZhNVLP) in the Sverdlovsk region (
N. Banik (Bennett University)
The WTO on drugs: Have compulsory licenses on medicines improved health outcomes? (
Thursday, April 11
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSSimultaneous translation
Session U-12. Values and Policy in Health Care
Moderator: S. Shishkin (HSE University)
V. Vlassov (HSE University)
Looking ahead: old age and death (
P. Gabay (Faculty of Medical Law)
Life or law at the end of life (
K. Galkin (EU SPb)
“Good” or “ bad”? The values of the local community and the strategy of positioning the professionalism of young doctors in rural areas (
T. Chernyaeva (Stolypin Volga-region Institute of Public Administration)
Сonflict in the Russian health care system and the organizational culture of health care organizations (
H. Hennig-Schmidt (HSE University)
Altruistic preferences in medicine: An experimental panel study (
Section V. Prosperity and Socio-Economic Development
Moderators: I. Fedyukin (HSE University), I. Froumin (HSE University), M. Yudkevich (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
ENGSimultaneous translation
Roundtable V-09. “Psychological Wellbeing in the Digital Age”
Moderator: S. Dokuka (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• What opportunities do digital trace data offer in studying psychological wellbeing? How can we predict and monitor the wellbeing of students based on digital trace data?
• What are the limitations of using new kinds of data?
• Ethical issues in research on wellbeing involving digital traces and this kind of data (e.g., educational institutions) to monitor wellbeing
Experts: D. Garcia (Complexity Science Hub Vienna), M. Skryabin (HSE University), V. Babushkin (X5, Yandex), I. Smirnov (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session V-10. Wellbeing of Students and Teachers in Higher Education
Moderator: I. Gruzdev (HSE University)
E. Voronina (HSE University), M. Kuryan (HSE University)
Out-of-class interactions between teachers and students: diagnostics, analysis and comparison (
B. Toll (independent researcher)
Adapting higher education to 21st-century challenges (
T. Kanonire (HSE University), I. Uglanova (HSE University), D. Federiakin (HSE University)
A complex approach to subjective wellbeing measurement in schools (
Thursday, April 11
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session V-12. Wellbeing of Schoolchildren and Students: Factors (continued)
Moderator: M. Novikova (HSE University)
A. Getman (HSE University), A. Kapuza (HSE University), T. Chirkina (HSE University)
Academic and non-academic students' characteristics with varying levels of functional literacy (
K. Vilkova (HSE University), N. Lebedeva (HSE University )
Interests’ contribution to the measurement of association between self-concept and math (
N. Nyunt (YUoE), H. Aung (YUoE)
Happiness and self-esteem of undergraduate student teachers at Yangon University of Education (
Section W. Economics, Sociology, and Education Policy
Moderators: I. Fedyukin (HSE University), I. Froumin (HSE University), M. Yudkevich (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session W-09. The Impact of Education on Economic Development: Myths and Reality
Moderator: I. Abankina (HSE University)
K. Zinkovsky (HSE University), A. Chepurenko (HSE University), O. Obraztsova (MSU), A. Dukhon (Moscow Department RAS)
How entrepreneurship programmes affect the development of small businesses in Russia (
Y. Du (BNU), R. Zhao (BNU)
Mass education or elite education? A study on the mechanism of education in China’s economic growth (
P. Sorokin (HSE University), I. Froumin (HSE University)
Human capital for economic and social development: rethinking the contribution of education (
A. Kanagatova (AlmaU), A. Kozhakhmetov (AlmaU)
Development of entrepreneurial education in Central Asia: the case of AlmaU (
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session W-10. Economic Models in Education: Change in Trends or Their Imitation?
Moderator: T. Klyachko (HSE University)
I. Prakhov (HSE University)
Expected returns on higher education in Russia (
I. Abankina (HSE University), P. Derkachev (HSE University), L. Filatova (HSE University)
Funding of education: the trend towards personalization (
M. Agranovitch (RANEPA)
Resources in education: saturation or satiety? (
Thursday, April 11
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session W-12. Economic Models in Education: Change in Trends or their Imitation?
Moderator: M. Agranovich (RANEPA)
P. Beloborodova (HSE University)
Make your future job matter: Career discernment courses for university (
V. Maltseva (USUE)
Measuring mismatches in cognitive skills: implications for higher education (
I. Seliverstova (RANEPA)
Employment of secondary vocational graduates: problems and factors in success (
B. Potanin (HSE University)
Effect of higher education on wage estimations under a nonrandom selection (
Section Y. Instrumental Methods in Economic and Social Studies
Moderators: F. Aleskerov (HSE University), S. Maltseva (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session Y-09. Instrumental Methods in Finance - 2
Moderator: A. Kirillov (Alfa-Bank)
S. Dzuba (INRTU), Y. Zelenkov (HSE University)
Cluster Analysis of Financial Strategies of Companies (
A. Brychykova (HSE University), A. Shvedov (HSE University), E. Mogilevich (HSE University)
Analysis of stock indexes and stock prices using fuzzy Takagi – Sugeno and wavelet transforms (
A. Kirillov (Alfa-Bank)
Spatial autocorrelation of regional inflation in Russia: Its existence and heterogeneity (
Thursday, April 11
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Y-10. Instrumental Methods for Social Systems - 1
Moderator: A. Chadov (HSE University)
A. Suleymanova (HSE University), I. Zangieva (HSE University)
Comparison of factor extraction methods in sociological research: a Monte Carlo simulation study (
Y. Katchanov (HSE University)
The journal ranking problem and the topological structure of scholarly journals (
A. Chadov (HSE University)
Modelling and analysis of the behaviour of mentors in the TV show “Voice” (
Thursday, April 11
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Y-11. Instrumental Methods for Social Systems - 2
Moderator: A. Lepskiy (HSE University)
O. Proncheva (MIPT), G. Pronchev (MSU), A. Mikhailov (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics), A. Petrov (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics)
Using the statistics of search queries for assessing the level of public attention to political events (
E. Kozonogova (PNRPU)
Identification of inter-regional clusters in the Russian Federation using spatial econometrics tools (
A. Lepskiy (HSE University), V. Smolev (HSE University)
Analysis of the importance and conflict of the positions of parties in voting with the help of methods of non-additive measures theory (
Section Z. Arctic Research (Special Session)
Moderators: B. Morgunov (HSE University), F. Aleskerov (HSE University)
Thursday, April 11
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Z-11. Ecology and Public Health
Moderator: B. Morgunov (HSE University)
V. Chachin (HSE University)
Assessment and management of medical and environmental risks of reproductive health disorders in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (
S. Gorbanev (North-West Public Health Research Center)
Actual problems of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and ways to solve them (
Y. Thomassen (NMBU)
Developing methodologies for monitoring, evaluating, forecasting and preventing risks related to the transfer through biological pathways of highly toxic pollutants capable of accumulating within trophic chains and spreading throughout Arctic ecosystems (
J. Odland (NTNU)
Health challenges in a society in transition: Focusing on the Arctic (
B. Morgunov (HSE University)
Management of toxic waste production and consumption in climatic areas with prevailing extreme conditions (
Thursday, April 11
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Z-12. Sustainable Development - 1
Moderator: E. Efimova (SPbU)
B. Krasnopolski (Economic Research Institute, Far Eastern Branch, RAS)
Pacific Arctic and the Bering Strait region: trans-border cooperation of Eurasian and American continents (
D. Kolesnikova (HSE University), O. Noshchenko (HSE University)
Arctic projects: a new horizon or a waste of time and money? (
E. Efimova (SPbU), D. Gritsenko (University of Helsinki)
Economic potential of the Russian and Canadian peripheral Arctic regions: a comparative analysis (
Section B. Special Sessions and Roundtables
Friday, April 12
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable B-14. “Developing anti-corruption measures in public procurement”
Moderators: A. Konov (HSE University), M. Shklyaruk (Centre for Advanced Management Decisions)
Issues for discussion:
• Typical approaches used by clients and other parties for organizing reciprocal corruption;
• Public authority for uncovering violations of Public Procurement Law, including those involving corruption, and related legal practices;
• Provisions of the National Plan for Combatting Corruption in 2018-2020 relating to measures for fighting corruption in procurement and how they relate to legislative reform;
• The role of conflict of interest regulation in preventing corruption in procurement;
• Opportunities and best practices in the use of information technologies for combatting and identifying corruption in procurement;
• Future efforts to improve the organization and regulation of procurement with a view to battling corruption.
Section C. Network Analysis
Moderator: V. Kuskova (HSE University)
Friday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session C-13. Online Social Networks
Moderator: S. Moiseev (HSE University)
A. Korzhenko (Rambler&Co)
Features of information distribution through Telegram channels (
G. Gradoselskaya (HSE University), I. Karpov (HSE University), T. Shcheglova (HSE University)
Information waves on social networks: search, definition and profiling (
I. Karpov (HSE University), G. Gradoselskaya (HSE University), A. Fenogenova (HSE University)
Modelling online social network users by attitude to key events (
Friday, April 12
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session C-14. Methods and Models - 1
Moderator: V. Kuskova (HSE University)
S. Shvydun (HSE University, ICS RAS)
Stability measures in network structures based on their topology (
V. Kalyagin (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod), D. Semenov (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod)
Adaptive identification algorithm in random variable networks (
D. Fedyanin (ICS RAS)
Reflexive models and epistemic approach in social media marketing (
T. Shcheglova (HSE University)
Identification of patterns of social behavior in political groups in online social networks by the method of blockmodeling (
Friday, April 12
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session C-15. Methods and Models - 2
Moderator: I. Karpov (HSE University)
P. Koldanov (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod), A. Koldanov (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod)
Statistics of individual tests for market graph identification in market networks (
D. Semenov (HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod)
Characteristics of comparisons of stock market networks (
S. Makrushin (Financial University), N. Blohin (Financial University)
Construction of associative series of hashtags with the use of a co-occurrence network and hashtags embeddings (
Friday, April 12
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session C-16. Networks in Organizations, Science and Education
Moderator: D. Maltseva (HSE University)
L. Charnenka (HSE University)
Network determinants of conflicts in business organizations (
M. Cugmas (UL), A. Ferligoj (UL), N. Zupan (UL), A. Ziberna (UL), M. Skerllavaj (UL)
Local mechanisms of knowledge-flow in growing networks (
N. Matveeva (HSE University), M. Yudkevich (HSE University), I. Sterligov (HSE University)
Co-authorship networks of Russian universities: what changes after the 5-100 project? (
D. Maltseva (HSE University), V. Batagelj (IMFM, Ljubljana and UP IAM, Koper)
Social network analysis: The evolution of the field (
Section D. Theoretical Economics
Moderators: A. Belianin (HSE University), A. Zakharov (HSE University), S. Izmalkov (NES)
Friday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Honorary paper D-13. Maarten Janssen (University of Vienna, HSE University) "Regulating Product Communication"
Moderator: S. Izmalkov (NES)
Information regulation that penalizes deceptive communication by firms can have significant unintended consequences. We consider a market where competing firms communicate private information about product quality through a combination of pricing and direct communication (such as advertising or labeling) and where quality claims communicated directly may be deliberately false. A higher fine for lying reduces the reliance on price signaling, thereby lowering market power and consumption distortions; however, it may create competitive incentives for excessive disclosure.
Low fines are always worse than no fines. High fines are welfare improving only if (truthful) disclosure itself is rather inexpensive. Generally, high and low quality firms may both be worse off under fines on false claims.
Section E. Financial Institutions, Markets and Payment Systems
Moderators: A. Karminsky (HSE University), V. Solodkov (HSE University)
Friday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session E-13. Regulation of the Banking Sector
Moderator: M. Pompella (UNISI)
R. Akhmetov (CMASF), O. Solntsev (CMASF), M. Mamonov (CMASF), E. Tsepilova (CMASF), V. Pankova (CMASF)
Will Russia be able to implement “financial import substitution”: a long-term scenario forecast (
R. Gasparyan (RAU, EY), H. Tarverdyan (Harvard University, Central Bank of Armenia)
Reserve requirements in the shadow of the new macro-prudential regulation framework: Efficiency of de-dollarization policy in Armenia (
V. Belousova (HSE University), N. Chichkanov (HSE University), J. Krayushkina (HSE University), I. Manzhulin (Alfa Capital Management Company LLC), V. Solodkov (HSE University), M. Suhov (HSE University)
Typology of Russian banks under the pressure of regulation and financial innovations (
C. Sahling (RUDN University), N. Nenovsky (UPJV)
Monetary base dynamics in Russia: An empirical study for the 1998–2018 (
E. Dzhagityan (HSE University)
Perspectives of “mini-Basel III” in the context of Eurasian integration policy (
Discussant: A. Lobanov (Bank of Russia)
Section G. Regional and Urban Development
Moderators: N. Zubarevich (MSU), A. Puzanov (HSE University)
Friday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session G-13. Place Marketing
Moderator: A. Puzanov (IUE, HSE University)
A. Sazhina (HSE University - Perm)
Residents’ coproduction activities as the basis of place marketing development: the case of the Football World Cup in Volgograd (
V. Abashev (PSU)
The city as the stage for a war of narratives: the case of Ekaterinburg`s tower (
A. Gorgadze (HSE University), N. Belyakova (HSE University), V. Gordin (HSE University - St. Petersburg), A. Kartashyan (HSE University)
The imperial factor in international destination marketing: the cases of St. Petersburg and Istanbul (
I. Mitin (HSE University)
Producing differences, constructing palimpsests: Regional & cultural geography as a theoretical framework for place branding in distant urban residential areas (
I. Larikova (Arfenyk), A. Pogosyan (Arfenyk)
In search of a new type of a public building in residential areas as an instrument for urban development (
Section J. Economic Methodology
Moderator: V. Avtonomov (HSE University)
Friday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session J-13. The Economic Subject of Properties. Special Session with a Presentation of HSE University’s Research Results
Moderator: V. Avtonomov (HSE University)
O. Volkova (HSE University)
Fair value in finance: honest or fair? (
M. Sushentsova (HSE University)
Ethical foundations of economic coordination (
V. Avtonomov (HSE University)
Relation between money and rationality in the history of economic science (
Section L. Firms and Markets
Moderators: N. Volchkova (NES), L. Ruzhanskaya (UrFU)
Friday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session L-13. Corporate Governance and Finance. Special Session with a Presentation of HSE University’s Research Results
Moderator: I. Ivashkovskaya (HSE University)
A. Khassanov (HSE University)
Ohlson model-based valuation of companies in emerging markets of Europe (
S. Grigorieva (HSE University), A. Volosevich (HSE University)
The effect of acquirer’s life cycle stage on the Performance of M&A: Evidence from mega and non-mega deals in US (
A. Morenkova (HSE University), I. Ivashkovskaya (HSE University)
Does CEO overconfidence influence the efficiency of M&A deals? Evidence from Russia (
I. Skvortsova (HSE University), I. Ivashkovskaya (HSE University), E. Kozlovskiy (HSE University)
Cultural differences and performance of cross-border mergers and acquisitions: Evidence from Chinese and Indian high-tech firms (
Section N. Political Processes. Special Seminars with Presentations of HSE University’s Research Results
Moderator: A. Melville (HSE University)
Friday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session N-13/1. Comparative Studies - 2
Moderator: M. Mironyuk (HSE University)
S. Fediunin (INALCO), E. Pain (HSE University)
Populism and elitism in contemporary Russia, or when populism can be good for democracy (
S. Shein (HSE University)
European elite strategies in response to the challenges of right-wing populism and ethno-separatism: the case of Britain (
I. Busygina (HSE University), M. Filippov (State University of New York)
Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union: Conflicting incentives for an institutional compromise (
A. Chirikova (FCTAS RAS), V. Ledyaev (HSE University)
Power in local communities: Are urban regimes possible in a small town? (
Discussant: Y. Bakhmetjev (HSE University)
Friday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Roundtable N-13/2. “Shifts in Social and Political Attitudes of Russians: a Challenge for Political Technologists”
Moderator: B. Makarenko (CPT, HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• What are the reasons underlying the weaker results of United Russia and the current regional governors after the September 8th elections?
• How can we generate a short-term forecast of the socio-political climate and the nature of electoral competition?
• How should United Russia, the parliamentary opposition and new parties change their electoral strategy and tactics?
• What conclusions should election and inter-election political consultants draw from an analysis of past results?
Experts: R. Turovsky (CPT, HSE University), A. Makarkin (CPT, HSE University), R. Larionov (CPT)
Friday, April 12
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session N-14/1. Electoral Processes
Moderator: B. Makarenko (CPT)
V. Mironik (HSE University)
The influence of regional economic policy of the federal centre on electoral loyalty in Russia (
D. Vakhrusheva (HSE University)
Nudging Russians’ political behaviour – with what? (
K. Dobromyslova (HSE University)
Structure and dynamics of the Russian electoral space, 2007-2018 (
Discussant: B. Makarenko (CPT)
Friday, April 12
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session N-14/2. Dynamics of Post-Soviet Political Regimes and Patronage Networks
Moderator: E. Ivanov (HSE University)
E. Ivanov (HSE University), T. Naushirvanov (HSE University), E. Leonchenko (HSE University), V. Stolyar (HSE University), A. Shinakova (HSE University), A. Tulaganov (HSE University)
Patronal networks and regime dynamics in post-Soviet Russia (
A. Trochev (Nazarbayev University)
Assessing judicial clientelism and modernization in Kazakhstan (
E. Ivanov (HSE University)
Patronal networks and political regime dynamics in post-Soviet Kazakhstan (
Discussant: Y. Gaivoronsky (HSE University)
Friday, April 12
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session N-15. Political Processes in Russian Regions - 1
Moderator: R. Turovsky (HSE University)
A. Kynev (HSE University)
Evaluation of regions' political designs in the Committee for Civic Initiatives monitoring: results and problems of measuring (
E. Korneeva (HSE University)
Reasons and modern dynamics of electoral participation on the elections of governors in Russia’s regions (
Y. Pustovoyt (SIU RANEPA)
“Games of protest” - what happens when a person says “no”: the experience of transactional analysis of protest discourse in Siberian cities (
Discussant: Y. Gaivoronsky (HSE University)
Friday, April 12
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session N-16/1. Political Processes in Russian Regions - 2
Moderator: R. Turovsky (HSE University)
A. Kazun (HSE University)
Management of violence: the effect of the regional authorities on violent pressure on business in Russia (
R. Savenkov (VSU)
Protesting behaviour and action in the central macro-region of Russia: is it a threat to the stability of regional political systems? (
R. Turovsky (HSE University)
Voting for the opposition in Russia's regional elections: do we experience a change of patterns? (
Discussant: Y. Gaivoronsky (HSE University)
Friday, April 12
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session N-16/2. Quantitative Methods in Political Science - 2
Moderator: A. Akhremenko (HSE University
M. Bryukhanov (HSE University, CINST)
Attitudes towards pro-market values and education: searching for a universal effect (
I. Aleksandrov (HSE University)
Investment policies, political risk and judicial empowerment in non-democratic regimes (
D. Trifonov (HSE University)
Political connections of Russian corporations: Quantitative evaluations and main mechanisms (
I. Latypov (HSE University), A. Myachin (HSE University)
Power distribution of countries in Africa: 1992-2018 (
A. Myachin (HSE University)
Cluster and pattern analysis in the study of state capacity (
Discussant: A. Myachin (HSE University)
Section O. State and Local Government, and the NPO Sector
Moderators: A. Klimenko (HSE University), I. Mersianova (HSE University), A. Yakovlev (HSE University)
Friday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session O-13. Strategic Planning and Management
Moderator: A. Klimenko (HSE University)
S. Kolerov (Economy Ministry of Russia)
Effectiveness of government programmes based on a cost-benefit analysis: first results and prospects for development (
T. Jaekel (HSE University)
A comparative study of strategic planning: lessons learned from the German and Russian experiences (
M. Kuzyk (HSE University), Y. Simachev (HSE University), A. Vlasenko (Interbranch Analytical Center)
Strategies for the development of Russian industries and sectors: is there room for structural change? (
J. Plusnin (HSE University)
Constraints and risks of national and regional sustainable development strategies (
Friday, April 12
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
ENGSimultaneous translation
Invited paper O-14. Ali Farazmand (Florida Atlantic University) "Role of the State and Public Administration in the Age of Contested Globalization: A Political Economy Analysis with Implications for Economic and Social Development"
Moderator: T. Nezhina (HSE University)
This paper addresses the changing role of the state and public administration in the age of rapid globalization and, also contested globalization, with positive prospective projections. It offers: (a) historical insights on the role of the modern state in shaping policies and leading economies with growth and development on a mass scale; (b) highlights its important role of saving the capitalist systems from periodic collapse, especially in the face of self-destruction during the 1930s global Great Depression and safeguarding against recurring future depressions; and (c) a view on how the State has held the ships of nation-states and capitalist systems in the high storms ever since the 1980s when a new massive global onslaught with a two-pronged change was launched to crush its role in high sea storms: The first was (1) the rise of corporate globalization of the world with false promises through both peaceful and violent means of wars. And the second (2) was the launching of the massive transformations of the public sector and governments through (i) sweeping privatizations transferring “public” assets to “private big business hands” for profit and wealth accumulation, and (ii) the launching in the last three decades of top-down ideological policy change of New Public Management (NPM) as a strategy to change the “culture of public service” into the “ideological culture of business service as a superior management model.” These two strategies have served as powerful instruments for achieving the strategic goals of “corporate globalization of the world” [Farazmand 1999; 2007; 2009; 2017]. The paper further presents the concurrent global movements of anti-globalization and Neo-Globalization as well as the global calls for bringing the State back in with enhanced role for promoting sustainable social and economic development, correcting for market failures, and engaging citizens for democratic sound governance worldwide. Policy suggestions are offered in conclusion.
This paper presents the views of the author only, and not any institution, including Florida Atlantic University.
Section P. Demography and Labour Markets
Moderators: M. Denisenko (HSE University), L. Smirnykh (HSE University)
Friday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session P-13. Human Capital Issues
Moderator: A. Lukyanova (HSE University)
E. Varshavskaya (HSE University), M. Denisenko (HSE University)
Immigrant occupational mobility on the Russian labour market (
D. Zinchenko (HSE University)
Educational assortative mating and household income inequality in Russia: accounting for spouses’ age (
E. Kotyrlo (HSE University), E. Varshavskaya (HSE University)
Does demand for engineers exceed supply on the Russian labour market? (
V. Bagranova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
The effect of health shocks on employment in Russia (
Friday, April 12
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session P-14. Current Migration Trends
Moderator: V. Echenike (MSU)
A. Sulaberidze (IDS ILIAUNI), V. Sulaberidze (IDS ILIAUNI), J. Archvadze (IDS ILIAUNI)
Motives for potential migration of Georgian students (
E. Vakulenko (HSE University)
Motives for internal migration in Russia: what has changed in recent years? (
M. Habib (HSE University)
Internal migration and public services provision in Bangladesh (
N. Mkrtchyan (HSE University), J. Florinskaya (RANEPA)
Migration of the populations of medium and small cities in Russia (
Friday, April 12
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session P-15. Demographic Patterns of Family Formation
Moderator: M. Tolts (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
E. Andreev (HSE University ), E. Churilova (HSE University), A. Jasilioniene (MPIDR)
Pregnancy as the cause of marriage in Russia in marriage cohorts 1960-1991, 2000 and 2011 (
V. Kozlov (HSE University), K. Kazenin (HSE University)
Dynamics of age fertility in post-Soviet countries. Discrepancies and possible explanations (
L. Umesi (HSE University)
Effect of female empowerment among currently married women in Nigeria on contraceptive use: using the 2013 Nigeria demographic and health survey (NDHS) (
Friday, April 12
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session P-16. Patterns of Mortality in Major Cities. Special Session with a Presentation of HSE University’s Research Results
Moderator: V. Elizarov (MSU)
A. Shchur (HSE University)
Geography of the spread of mortality from HIV in Russian cities with over 1 million inhabitants and their surrounding territories (
E. Papanova (HSE University), V. Shkolnikov (MPIDR), S. Timonin (HSE University)
Specificities and components of mortality reduction in Moscow (
D. Pustovalov (The Gaidar Institute), S. Timonin (HSE University), E. Papanova (HSE University)
Causes and peculiarities of high mortality from ill-defined and unspecified causes in Moscow (
Section Q. Sociology
Moderators: E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE University), A. Strelnikova (HSE University)
Friday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session Q-13/1. Urbanization, De-urbanization and Prospects of Rural Communities/ “Small” Territories - 1
Moderator: A. Travish (IG RAS)
N. Mkrtchyan (HSE University)
Intraregional migration in Russia: scales and directions of population flow (
A. Makhrova (MSU)
Assessment of the stages of urbanization development in the Moscow agglomeration (according to mobile phone operators) (
A. Starikova (IGRAS)
Educational migration in Russian regions as a stage of urbanization: the example of the Yaroslavl region (
S. Smirnov (HSE University)
Education and urbanization in Russia (
A. Makshanchikova (HSE University)
De-urbanization and modern technologies: the role of means of communication in the ordinary life of downshifters (
Discussant: O. Glazer (IG RAS)
Friday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session Q-13/2. Youth Consumption and Communication Practices
Moderator: E. Arif (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
E. Arif (HSE University – St. Petersburg)
Meaningful consumption of young citizens in creative clusters (
M. Shmidt (Stockholm University)
The sharing economy and its paradoxes: an economic-sociological analysis of the Darudar, Timebank and Couchsurfing communities (
R. Resheteeva (HSE University)
Politics of consumption: responsibility and blame attribution in consumer’s perception: the case of Moscow (
S. Poliakov (HSE University - St. Petersburg), R. Abdulhalikov (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Listening, calling, denouncing, avoiding: communication with radical Islamists in the everyday life of the second urban generation of North Caucasian youth (
Friday, April 12
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-14/1. Urbanization, De-urbanization and Prospects of Rural Communities / “Small” Territories - 2
Moderator: N. Pokrovsky (HSE University)
K. Averkieva (IG RAS)
The far border of Moscow dachas (Moscow citizens in the Arkhangelsk region) (
A. Smirnova (TvSU)
Initiatives of rural communities as a resource for territorial development: the example of the Tver region (
A. Alekseev (MSU), S. Safronov (MSU)
Personal subsidiary farms in Russia: political, social and spatial factors of development (
U. Nikolaeva (MSU)
Urbanization, deurbanization and socio-economic archaic in modern Russia (
Discussant: T. Nefedova (IGRAS)
Friday, April 12
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-14/2. Historical and Geographical Landscapes of Memory
Moderator: I. Yasaveev (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
I. Yasaveev (HSE University - St. Petersburg), N. Goncharova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Constructing the meanings of the search for work in the places of WWII in Russia: constructions of the authorities and participants (
S. Kulikova (HSE University - Perm)
Does viewing national landscapes and achievements evoke patriotic feelings? Paradoxical findings in a sample of young Russians (
K. Khomutskii (HSE University)
Visual conceptualization of nominal places (
. Yankov (independent researcher ), L. Piskunova (UrFU), T. Akbar (UrFU)
The architectural avant-garde: social historical experience in the context of colonial and postcolonial practices (
Friday, April 12
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-14/3. The Modern City: New Socialities and Mega-Events
Moderator: M. Markin (HSE University)
A. Sablina (HSE University - St. Petersburg), A. Kravtcova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
The modern Cossack movement in St Petersburg in search of new socialities: mundanity and conflicts of “hybrid” Cossack stanitsas (
N. Ikonnikova (HSE University)
Sochi 2010-2014 as social space: reintegration or marginalization (
X. Lazebnaya (BGO Group)
Olympic Sochi 2014 - 2018: continuation of socio-economic transformations (
M. Markin (HSE University), E. Nadezhdina (HSE University), I. Tolkachev (HSE University)
Social and economic development of Saransk as a part of the FIFA World Cup 2018’s organization (
Friday, April 12
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-15/1. Experience of Applied Research: First Steps
Moderator: A. Pashkevich (HSE University)
M. Rodionova (HSE University)
Perspectives for using regression models with interaction effects in analyzing aggregated data: evidence from studying violence in straight couples (
M. Vorobyova (HSE University), A. Boichenko (HSE University)
Possibilities and limitations of web-scraping as a method of data collection in sociological research (
E. Chefanova (HSE University), M. Markin (HSE University)
Making socially multiple money: practices of rural pensioners (
Friday, April 12
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-15/2. Professional Elections and Organizational Challenges
Moderator: E. Iarskaia-Smirnova (HSE University)
N. Bolshakov (HSE University), E. Iarskaia-Smirnova (HSE University)
Social factors of occupational choice of deaf and hard of hearing young people (
V. Deminskaya (HSE University)
Line managers as a socio-professional group (
M. Solomin (HSE University)
A constructivist approach to research of professional risks (
E. Gudova (HSE University)
“Well, that's the postal service!”: stories, themes and serials of organizational change (
Friday, April 12
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-16/1. Social Changes in the Social Media Mirror
Moderator: N. Bolshakov (HSE University)
L. Bogomazova (HSE University)
Russian media construction of the economic crisis of 2014 (
S. Pashkov (HSE University)
Economic information in the Russian media: strategies for building semantic structures: the example of inflation (
V. Kashpur (TSU), Y. Mundrievskaya (TSU), A. Barishev (TSU)
People and institutions as subjects of online charity in Russia (
I. Pavlov (HSE University)
Strategies of Big Data application in Russian retail (
Friday, April 12
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-16/2. Modern Parenthood
Moderator: L. Shpakovskaya (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
O. Doletskaya (HSE University), M. Denisova (HSE University), O. Dorofeeva (HSE University)
Normalizing surrogacy: frameworks, relationships and emotional work (
V. Krivoshchekov (HSE University), O. Gulevich (HSE University)
Caregiving and breadwinning fathers: ambivalent attitudes toward men, gender stereotypes and evaluation of men (
L. Shpakovskaya (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Being a “good mother”: construction of gender and class in woman's narratives on motherhood (
I. Pavlyutkin (St. Tikhon’s University)
Social generativity hypothesis. The role of religion in the transition to a large family life: evidence from Russia (
Z. Chernova (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Friday, April 12
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Q-16/3. Research of Scientific Communications
Moderator: A. Kozhanov (HSE University)
A. Kozhanov (HSE University)
A sociological portrait of academic communicator: results of empirical research (
E. Sheremet (HSE University)
Institutional factors of lay evaluations of the plausibility of scientific findings (
V. Polyakova (HSE University)
Social attitudes to participation in the regulation of science and technological development (
A. Borisova (ITMO University), D. Malkov (ITMO University)
Institutionalization of science communication in Russia: a retrospective view (
Discussant: K. Fursov (HSE University)
Section T. Social and Cultural Processes
Moderators: V. Magun (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, HSE University), E. Ponarin (HSE University)
Friday, April 12
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session T-14. Country and Personality
Moderator: A. Belianin (HSE University)
A. Zemtsov (HSE University)
A “strong hand” in the political consciousness of modern Russians: quantitative and qualitative measurement (
V. Karginova-Gubinova (IE KarRC RAS)
Defining the image of national security in the view of the population of the Russian Federation (
E. Maklasova (HSE University)
The relationship between personality metatraits and negotiation styles (
M. Fabrykant (HSE University), V. Magun (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, HSE University)
Critical attitudes towards one's country: individual and country level factors (
Discussant: L. Okolskaya (Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS)
Friday, April 12
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session T-15. Changing Values and Identities. Organized by International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research
Moderators: K. Boehnke (Jacobs), N. Lebedeva (HSE University)
E. Kodja (HSE University), N. Lebedeva (HSE University), T. Ryabichenko (HSE University)
Intercultural relations in Russian Crimea: empirical testing of three hypotheses of intercultural relations (
V. Galyapina (HSE University), N. Lebedeva (HSE University), Z. Lepshokova (HSE University)
Intergenerational value transmission and psychological well-being of ethnic Russians in different socio-cultural contexts (
K. Boehnke (Jacobs)
Value development in mid-adulthood: An exploration (
A. Almakaeva (HSE University), E. Mitrokhina (HSE University)
Values and social capital: Cohort trends in Russia, Poland and Sweden (
Discussant: O. Khukhlaev (MSUPE)
Friday, April 12
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session T-16. Social Capital and Ethnic Diversity. Organized by International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research
Moderator: A. Tatarko (HSE University)
A. Tatarko (HSE University), J. Berry (Queen's University), K. Choi (HSE University)
Social capital, acculturation attitudes and sociocultural adaptation: the case of migrants from Asian, CIS countries and South Korea in Russia (
D. Dubrov (HSE University)
Generalized trust as a factor of positive attitudes of Muscovites towards cultural diversity (
Z. Lepshokova (HSE University), V. Galyapina (HSE University)
Intercultural relations in the North Caucasus (
V. Voronenko (HSE University)
Mass migration and social capital: risks and opportunities for economic growth (
Discussant: T. Nestik (IP RAS)
Section U. Healthcare Studies
Moderator: S. Shishkin (HSE University)
Friday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session U-13. Motivation and Working Conditions of Medical Workers. Special Session with a Presentation of HSE University’s Research Outcomes
Moderator: E. Kalabina (USUE)
A. Temnitskiy (HSE University)
Specifics of comprehension and troubles in effective contract implementation in medical companies (
E. Andreeva (HSE University)
Models of behaviour of state hospital physicians in paid assignment procedures (
Friday, April 12
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session U-14. Public Health Factors
Moderator: V. Vlassov (HSE University)
A. Khabibullina (HSE University - St. Petersburg)
Exploratory study of health-related quality of life indicators (
O. Khoreva (HSE University), K. Zaikov (NArFU), E. Tarasenko (HSE University), T. Nezhina (HSE University), E. Tamickaya (NArFU)
Healthy food? Food habits and food structure of schoolchildren and students in the Arctic zone of Russia (
K. Makshanchikov (HSE University)
Economic factors associated with non-professional sport for health purposes (
M. Kaneva (IEP), C. Gerry (Univeristy of Oxford)
Effects of morbidities and comorbidities on self-assessed health: evidence from Russia (
Friday, April 12
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable U-15. “Wait Times for Medical Assistance: Russian Practice and Foreign Experience”
Moderator: S. Shishkin (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• How pressing is the problem of waits for medical care for patients in Russia and abroad?
• What mechanisms are used to set proper waiting time limits, and how is medical service waiting time measured in Russia and abroad?
• Is Russia in need of new queue management tools in regards to planned medical assistance?
Experts: staff of the HSE Centre for Health Policy and the Health Care Management and Economy Department, and invited experts
Section V. Prosperity and Socio-Economic Development
Moderators: I. Fedyukin (HSE University), I. Froumin (HSE University), M. Yudkevich (HSE University)
Friday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session V-13. Professional Development and Psychological Wellbeing of Teachers
Moderator: T. Khavenson (HSE University)
R. Zvyagintsev (HSE University), M. Pinskaya (HSE University), D. Konstantinovskiy (HSE University ), S. Kosaretsky (HSE University)
The professional health of teachers: from enthusiasm to burnout (
A. Fedorov (Minin University)
Professional wellbeing of a modern teacher: an indicator of the effectiveness of the education system and support of the teaching profession’s lifecycle (
L. Parmaksiz (HSE University)
Development of a scenario-based scale for measuring educational motivation (
Friday, April 12
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Roundtable V-14. “Key Challenges to the Health and Wellebing of Schoolchildren and Students: How to Respond”
Moderator: E. Sivak (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• What do we know about the wellbeing of schoolchildren and students in Russia? What health and wellbeing-related problems and issues should be addressed primarily using social policy measures available in Russia?
• What are the strengths and weaknesses of existing educational resources for adolescents in regards to their health and wellbeing?
• Opportunities and restrictions of the popular online environments for the development of educational resources dedicated to health, growing-up and the wellbeing of adolescents
Experts: E. Arif (HSE University - St. Petersburg), T. Yepoyan (UNESCO IITE), M. Novikova (HSE University), K. Khlomov (RANEPA), I. Chernyavsky (HSE University)
Friday, April 12
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session V-15. The Wellbeing of Children and Youth in the Digital Age
Moderator: I. Smirnov (HSE University)
D. Garcia (Complexity Science Hub Vienna)
Collective emotions and social resilience in the digital traces after a terrorist attack (
S. Jones (Harvard University)
The science and practice of social, emotional, and character development in schools (
Friday, April 12
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
ENGSimultaneous translation
Roundtable V-16. “Social and Emotional Development towards Students’ Wellbeing in School”
Moderator: T. Kanonire (HSE University)
Issues for discussion:
• Is it necessary and possible to assess the social and personal development of students and their well-being at school? Why? What methods can be used for this?
• What are the most important components of SED for the well-being of the school?
• How does socio-personal development in school work?
• How to assess the effectiveness and results of SIR programmes?
• What results of SED programs will be useful to the school?
• What are the results of the SED programs are associated with improved well-being in school?
Experts: S. Jones (Harvard Graduate School of Education), E. Kamzeeva (MCQE), Y. Nikiforova (School 1212), E. Orel (HSE University), M. Kateeva (Charitable Foundation “Investment to the Future”), D. Sizarev (Charitable Foundation “Investment to the Future”), K. Bulanova (Ministry of Enlightenment)
Section W. Economics, Sociology, and Education Policy
Moderators: I. Fedyukin (HSE University), I. Froumin (HSE University), M. Yudkevich (HSE University)
Friday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session W-13. Regional Educational Policy: Infrastructure, Accessibility and Choice
Moderator: O. Leshukov (HSE University)
S. Zair-Bek (HSE University), A. Belikov (HSE University)
Educational infrastructure as a marker of regional educational policy (
R. Cao (HSE University), I. Dvoretskaya (HSE University)
Perspectives of Sino-Russian AI in education cooperation for regional economic development: An overview (
B. Eisinger Balassa (SZE), B. Zoltan (SZE)
A. Zolotareva (Educational Development Institute)
Results of a study on the problem of enhancing the implementation availability of supplementary general educational programmes (
Friday, April 12
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session W-14. Quality Сriteria and Satisfaction with Educational Programmes: Determinants for Social Groups
Moderator: V. Bolotov (HSE University)
S. Dokuka (HSE University)
Is it worth the trouble? Development and diffusion of teaching innovations through social networks: an analysis of an organization’s development programme in the field of higher education (
E. Kutergina (ITMO University ), M. Chistyakova (ITMO University)
Service quality assessment methodologies in higher education (
Y. Koreshnikova (HSE University)
Interrelation between students’ critical-thinking and participation in project work and presentations (
Friday, April 12
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
RUSENGSimultaneous translation
Session W-16. Financing Education: Result-oriented Models, Distribution of Investment Activities, Evaluation of Efficiency
Moderator: P. Derkachev (HSE University)
E. Abalmasova (HSE University), A. Egorov (HSE University), E. Shibanova (HSE University)
Introduction of performance-based funding in higher education: You win a few, you lose a few (
I. Kravchenko (HSE University)
Evaluation of the effectiveness of general education financing in regions and large cities in Russia (
B. Ola (HSE University)
Women’s early investment in education or cohabitation, and the aftermaths on life outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa: Insights from Kenya and Nigeria (
Section X. Sports Studies
Moderator: D. Dagaev (HSE University)
Friday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session X-13. Contracts and Design
Moderator: A. Krumer (Molde University College)
A. Bykova (HSE University - Perm), D. Coates (UMBC, HSE University - Perm), P. Parshakov (HSE University - Perm)
Does wage dispersion in a team influence personal outcomes? The evidence of MLS (
P. Parshakov (HSE University - Perm), D. Coates (UMBC, HSE University- Perm), S. Paklina (HSE University - Perm)
Video games and unemployment: Are gamers noobs as workers? (
A. Krumer (Molde University College), I. Hamzah (University of St. Gallen)
Discouragement effect and intermediate prizes in multi-stage contests: Evidence from the Davis Cup (
Friday, April 12
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session X-14. Behavioural Issues
Moderator: C. Nesseler (University of Zurich)
A. Stolyarov (HSE University), G. Vasiliev (HSE University)
Thirst for glory: are players motivated by milestones? (
M. Stupin (HSE University), I. Zaytseva (HSE University), D. Shaposhnikov (HSE University)
Moneyball and players' incentives in football (
I. Avramenko (HSE University - Perm), I. Naidenova (HSE University - Perm), P. Parshakov (HSE University - Perm)
Speak to win: Team performance and communication as evidenced by the Dota2 videogame (
C. Nesseler (University of Zurich)
Uncovering discrimination in Switzerland: Evidence from a field experiment with sports clubs (
Friday, April 12
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
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Session X-15. Predictions
Moderator: A. Stolyarov (HSE University)
D. Dagaev (HSE University), E. Stoyan (HSE University, New Economic School)
Inefficiency of the eSport betting market (
A. Shelopugin (Iceberg), A. Sirotkin (HSE University)
Improvement of Glicko-2 for predicting NBA match results (
S. Emelianenko (HSE University), A. Parkhomenko (HSE University), A. Stolyarov (HSE University), G. Vardanyan (HSE University)
Lucky champions: Do calendars affect results? (
Section Z. Arctic Research (Special Session)
Moderators: B. Morgunov (HSE University), F. Aleskerov (HSE University)
Friday, April 12
10:00–11:30am (UTC+3)
Session Z-13. Economic Mechanisms for Development
Moderator: A. Rolich (HSE University)
D. Medzhidova (IMEMO RAS), V. Kryukov (IEIE, Siberian Branch of the RAS)
Evolution of forms of economic activities in the Arctic – from separate projects to spatial chains (
T. Maksimova (Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Sakha)
Problems and prospects of development of the Arctic zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (
A. Rolich (HSE University), I. Lysogor (HSE University), L. Voskov (HSE University), S. Efremov (HSE University)
The energy-efficient data transfer method in the heterogeneous network of the “internet of remote things” for hard-to-reach areas of the Arctic (
Friday, April 12
12:00–1:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Z-14. Cultural Heritage - 1
Moderator: U. Aristova (HSE University)
S. Kravchuk (USUAA)
An ideal vehicle for the Russian North: the innovative potential of “vernacular design" (
A. Telitsyna (HSE University), E. Zabelina (ChSU), S. Kurnosova (ChSU)
The peculiarities of the psychological time of indigenous peoples in the Russian Arctic (
U. Aristova (HSE University), A. Rolich (HSE University), A. Staruseva-Persheeva (HSE University)
Сultural processes in the Arctic space: construction of reality by design and contemporary art (
Friday, April 12
3:00–4:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Z-15. Sustainable Development - 2
Moderator: N. Korgin (ICS RAS)
S. Nikonorov (MSU), A. Krivichev (MSU), A. Lebedev (HSE University)
Methodological approaches to forming sustainable development ratings for Russia’s Arctic regions and companies (
S. Demin (HSE University), F. Aleskerov (HSE University)
Simulation of oil spillage in the Arctic region (
N. Korgin (ICS RAS), R. Bertelsen (University of Tromso), F. Aleskerov (HSE University)
Society and advanced technology in the Arctic: A project overview (
Friday, April 12
5:00–6:30pm (UTC+3)
Session Z-16. Cultural Heritage - 2
Moderator: E. Denisov (IG RAS)
A. Kozlov (MSU), M. Kozlova (HSE University), G. Vershubskaya (MSU), D. Kornienko (PSU)
Pressure of a polycultural environment: the example of students in the northern regions of Russia (
K. Platonova (MSU)
Russia’s “northern” public policy for protection of the rights of indigenous peoples: the example of resolving conflicts between indigenous peoples and oil&gas companies (
E. Denisov (IG RAS)
Resettlement support programmes from the Russian North and the Arctic: realization of experience and contemporary challenges (