Partner Journals
RUDN Journal of Sociology
RUDN Journal of Sociology is a specialized, peer-reviewed scientific journal established in 2001. The journal is a quarterly publication in Russian and English. The journal is included in the List of the Russia’s State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles and RSCI (the two-year impact factor – 1.434), indexed in the WOS and Scopus (Q2).

Voprosy Ekonomiki
Voprosy Ekonomiki — the leading peer-reviewed economic journal in Russia. Founded in 1929. The journal is indexed in Web of Science, Scopus (Q2), RePEC, Russian Science Citation Index. Language: Russian.
Russian Journal of Money and Finance
The Russian Journal of Money and Finance is an open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal, which was founded and has been published by Bank of Russia. This quarterly has Russian and English versions. It is included in the VAK List of indexed academic periodicals and Russian Science Citation Index in Web of Science.

Journal of the New Economic Association
Journal of the New Economic Association was founded in 2009 and is a quarterly academic publication. Its main objective is to offer a platform for all Russian economists where they can present and discuss their findings with a view to enhancing the quality of economic research and education in Russia. The Journal is indexed by the VAK List, Russian Science Citation Index, Web of Science, Scopus, RePEс, EconLit and Ulrich's Periodicals Directory. It ranks among the top-10 Russian economics journals according to the Science Index, results of the public expert review and a 5-year impact factor for the core collection in Russian Science Citation Index.

INTERaction. INTERview. INTERpretation
INTERaction. INTERview. INTERpretation is a quarterly publication and its first volume appeared in 2002. It is indexed by Russian Science Citation Index, CrossRef, CyberLeninka. ISSN: 2307-2075 (print); 2687-0401(online). Double blind peer-review. 5-year impact factor as per Russian Science Citation Index is 0,551. Editor-in-chief is V.V. Semenova, Doctor of Sociological Sciences. Publisher: FCTAS RAS.
The journal Polis. Political Studies
The journal Polis. Political Studies is a Russian academic and educational journal in the field of Political Science and Political Sociology. The journal has been included in the VAK List, Scopus and Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index, Core Collection), as well as Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) under Web of Science.
Political Science
Political Science (RU) is one of the leading periodicals in Russia covering topics in political science; it is included in the VAK List of peer-reviewed academic journals and indexed by Russian Science Citation Index in the Web of Science database. Political Science has been running as a periodical since 1997.

This quarterly academic publication in political philosophy and sociology was established in 1996 by one of the pioneers of political science in Russia Alexey M. Salmin (1951–2005). Among the founders are:
The RAS Institute of Scholarly Information for Social Sciences; Non-profit Organization “Politeia”.
Politeia is included in the VAK List of the top peer-reviewed academic periodicals and indexed by Emerging Science Citation Index in Web of Science.
The Russian Management Journal
The Russian Management Journal (RMJ) is a peer-reviewed journal aimed at publishing original high quality research papers on management of organization grounded on economic and value-based analysis of strategy. In addition to classical strategic management, it covers such major topics as strategic marketing, organizational behavior, corporate finance, information technologies and innovation. The Russian Management Journal has been accepted for coverage in Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science Core Collection). Coverage starts from the first issue of 2018.

The International Organisations Research Journal
The International Organisations Research Journal was established in 2006. The periodical publishes articles and analytical materials on global governance, international cooperation and international institutions.
Public Administration Issues
Public Administration Issues is a scientific review journal published by the National Research University High School of Economics (NRU HSE)
The journal is published quarterly in Russian since 2007. Since 2014 a special issue in English has also been available.
The editorial board consists of leading Russian and foreign scientists in the field of state and municipal administration as well as prominent figures with vast practical experience in public administration.

Educational Studies Moscow
Educational Studies, Moscow is an academic research journal, established in 2004 by Higher School of Economics. The journal is put out both in print and online versions, the latter is posted with open access. It is indexed by international and Russian databases, e.g., SCOPUS (Q2); ESCI WOS; RSCI WOS; CROSS REF, EBSCO, Russian Science Citation Index, etc.

The Journal of Social Policy Studies
The Journal of Social Policy Studies (JSPS) has been running since 2003 and is a quarterly publication with each volume coming to 9-12 printer’s sheets. The Journal is included in the VAK List of peer-reviewed academic publications and indexed by Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) in Web of Science, as well as by Web of Science within Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), and by Scopus (Q2).
Journal of Corporate Finance Research
Journal of Corporate Finance Research (JCFR) was established in 2007. It is founded by the National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE) and Irina Ivashkovskaya (chief editor). The journal is included in Web of Science Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

Universe of Russia. Sociology. Ethnology
Universe of Russia. Sociology. Ethnology was founded in 1992.
The journal Universe of Russia, whose key specializations are Sociology, Ethnology, and Economics, strives to uphold the national sociological tradition. The journal aims at publishing original empirical research and sources for studying history of Russian social thought, as well as the latest statistical data and top exemplars of academic writing.
Organizational Psychology
Organizational Psychology was established in 2011.
Language: Russian and English. The journal is an open-access quarterly.
All published materials are attributed under the international license Creative Commons “Attribution” 4.0 Global (CC-BY 4.0).
The Journal is indexed by: Russian Science Citation Index; RSCI (on the Web of Science platform); WEB OF SCIENCE (coverage by Emerging Sources Citation Index, ESCI); ULRICHSWEB; EBSCO; Google Scholar.
Law. Journal of the Higher School of Economics
Law. Journal of the Higher School of Economics is a quarterly publication running since 2008, in both print and digital versions. This journal is indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index, as well as the HeinOnline, Ulrichsweb, Garant and Сonsultant Plus databases; in 2018, it was included in Emerging Sources Citation Index under Web of Science.

Russian Sociological Review
Russian Sociological Review is an academic peer-reviewed journal of theoretical, empirical and historical research in social sciences.
Russian Sociological Review publishes four issues per year. Each issue includes original research papers, review articles and translations of contemporary and classical works in sociology, political theory and social philosophy.

Trade Policy
Trade Policy was founded in 2015 and has since been published in both Russian (3 issues) and English (1 issue).
The Journal is available online on the OJS platform (Open Journal Systems). The Journal’s website: the latest issue’s webpage.
The Journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index, Google Scholar, Crossref.
Foresight and STI Governance
Foresight and STI Governance is an international peer-reviewed open-access journal.
Published since 2007 quarterly. The English version of journal has been published since 2014.
The journal ranks in the first quartile (Q1) of the Scopus database in two categories: Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous), and Decision Sciences (miscellaneous).
Journal of Economic Sociology
Journal of Economic Sociology was established in 2000 as one of the first academic e-journals in Russia. It is funded by the National Research University Higher School of Economics.
HSE Economic Journal
HSE Economic Journal is a peer-reviewed academic journal, which publishes articles in both Russian and English.The journal has been running as a periodical since 1997. It is indexed by Scopus (Q3) and other citation indexes. The journal strives to adhere to the higher standards of academic integrity.