On RDI platform
The solution to many pressing problems that Russia faces during its economic and social development lies in the implementation of advanced governance practices.
Proper implementation of nationwide innovative governance that could be a part of new digital reality is hardly possible without applying a scientific approach to public administration issues.
This approach is often referred to as evidence-based policy, in many ways similar to the evidence-based medicine. In the latter case decisions are based primarily on the results of academic research and rigorous scientific experiments. In the case of public administration, research studies are carried out on the basis of open data on the economy, society and the activities of government bodies. The Research Data Infrastructure (RDI) project accumulates this information and makes it possible for researchers to access data on state and society. In 2021, HSE University and RDI became partners to conduct researches in liberal arts and data science projects in collaboration
As of the end of March 2021, the platform stores 990 GB of data in 42 sets.
The value of the RDI project for researchers:
- up-to-date data;
- available data is published in convenient machine-readable format;
- the right to publish results of research based on the project’s data;
- integration into the professional community.
The platform cooperates with universities and research in eight major ways:
- building data sets required for research upon request from a laboratory;
- setting up working groups tasked with solving problems on the basis of data in conjunction with Russian government agencies;
- awarding targeted research grants;
- providing an opportunity for students to practice their skills as part of the RDI team;
- inviting university researchers as experts for participation in open lectures, master classes and seminars;
- covering events in RDI’s media;
- publishing data research and reports at the RDI platform.
RDI’s users can both work with previously published sets and request new data for their research. There are three access modes for the platform’s data: open, advanced and offline modes. The nature of the data determines how it could be accessed.
The platform is located online at the link.