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Honorary guests of the previous conferences

Nobel laureates

Kenneth J. Arrow
Joan Kenney
Professor of Economics
and Professor of Operations Research,
Emeritus at Stanford University.
Nobel Memorial Prize
in Economics with John Hicks in 1972
XIII April conference (2012)
Eric Maskin
Adams University Professor
at Harvard.
Nobel Memorial Prize
in Economics with L. Hurwicz
and R. Myerson in 2007
VIII, X April conferences (2007, 2009)
Muhammad Yunus
Nobel Peace Prize
for founding the Grameen Bank, 2006
IX April conference (2008)

Honorary guests

Kaushik Basu
Senior Vice President
and Chief Economist, World Bank,
Development Economics and Chief Economist
XIV April conference (2013)
Dominic Barton
worldwide Managing Director of
McKinsey & Company
XI April conference (2010)

Leszek Balcerowicz —
Former Vice Prime Minister
and Minister of Finance of Poland

XII April conference (2011)

Kakha Bendukidze
founder of the Knowledge Foundation
and head of the supervisory board of
Agricultural and Free Universities
IV April conference (2003)
Willem Hendrik Buiter
Global Chief Economist,
Citigroup, New York
VI April conference (2005)
Michel Camdessus
French applied economist
and administrator who
was Managing Director of
the International Monetary
Fund from 16 January 1987
to 14 February 2000
II April conference (2001)
Marek Dabrowski
Professor of Economics,
Co-founder, than Chairman of
the Supervisory Council
and President of CASE —
Center for Social and Economic
Research (until 2011),
currently CASE Fellow
III – XVI April conferences (2002-2015)
Stanley Fischer
economist and the vice chair of
the U.S. Federal Reserve System,
Governor of the Bank of Israel
from 2005 through 2013
I, III April conferences (2000, 2002)
Ronald Inglehart
Lowenstein Professor of Political Science
and a research professor at the Institute
for Social Research at the University of Michigan.
Academic Supervisor at HSE Laboratory
for Comparative Social Research
XIII, XV April conferences (2012, 2014)
Donald J. Johnston
director of the McCall MacBain Foundation
and International Vice-Chairman
of Pamoja Capital
I April conference (2000)
Deepak Lal
James S. Coleman Professor
of International Development Studies,
University of California at Los Angeles,
Professor Emeritus of Political Economy,
University College London
XIII April conference (2012)
Justin Yifu Lin
Professor and honorary dean,
National School of Development,
Peking University,
Former World Bank Chief Economist
and Senior Vice President
XIII April conference (2012)
Johannes F. Linn
A former World Bank vice president
for Europe and Central Asia,
I-II, IV April conference (2000, 2001, 2003)
Richard Edgar Pipes
Doctor of Historical Sciences
and Baird Professor Emeritus of History,
Harvard University
XV April conference (2014)
Shalom H. Schwartz
social psychologist, cross-cultural researcher
and creator of the Theory of Basic Human Values.
Prof. Emeritus of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Academic Supervisor, Chief Research Fellow
at HSE International Scientific-Educational
Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research
IX April conference (2008)
Jacques Francois Thisse
Fellow of the Econometric Society
and of the Regional Science Association International,
professor of economics
at the Université catholique de Louvain
and the Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées (France).
Academic Supervisor at HSE Center
for Market Studies and Spatial Economics
XIII April conference (2012)
Daniel Treisman
Professor of political science
at the University of California,
Los Angeles
Member of HSE International
Advisory Committee
VII, XII, XIII April conferences (2006, 2011, 2012)
Fareed Rafiq Zakaria
editor of Newsweek
XI April conference (2010)

Klaus F. Zimmermann
Full Professor of Economics
at Bonn University
and Director of the Institute
for the Study of Labor
XI April conference (2010)