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Last minute changes


Plenary meeting “Modernization of Economy: Markets, Firms, and Structural Changes”



Evgeny Yasin, HSE Academic Supervisor



Alexander Shokhin, President of The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Employers) (RSPP)


Alexei Koudrin, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance



Elvira Nabioullina, Minister for Economic Development and Trade


Arkady Dvorkovich, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation



Dominic Barton, The Managing Director of McKinsey & Company


German Gref, President and Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of the Russian Federation



Alexey Uliukayev, First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia


Vladimir Mau, Rector of the Academy of National Economy


Otaviano Canuto, Vice President and Head of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network, The World Bank


Plenary meeting “Preserving the Nation: Demographic, Socioeconomic, and Political Context”



Evgeny Yasin, HSE Academic Supervisor


Yaroslav Kuzminov, HSE Rector



Alexander Zhukov, Deputy Prime Minister



Andrey Foursenko, Minister of Education and Science



Tatiana Golikova, Minister of Health and Social Development


Anatoly Vishnevsky, HSE Professor


Indermit Gill, Chief Economist, Europe and Central Asia Region,The World Bank


Erik Berglöf, Chief Economist and Special Adviser to the President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)


Klaus F. Zimmermann, Director of the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA, Bonn)



Maureen Pirog, Rudy Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs,Indiana University, Bloomington



Section A


Chairperson - E.Т. Gurvich (Economic Expert Group)

6 April, Tuesday


Session A-03

Macroeconomic Policy: Lessons of the Crisis and New Impacts

Chairperson -E.Gurvich (Economic Expert Group)


E. Gavrilenkov (Troika Dialog Investment Company)

Approaches to Ensuring Macroeconomic Stability in the Post-crisis Period




O. Viugin (OJSC MDM Bank)

Macroeconomic Policy Framework at the New Stage




E. Gurvich (Economic Expert Group)

Lessons of the Financial Crisis for Russia




Discussant - M. Dabrowski (Center for Social and Economic Research)


Session A-04

Problems of Monetary Policy

Chairperson - О. Zamulin (NES)


O. Solntsev (Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-term Forecasting)

Has the Сrisis Eliminated Disproportions in the Russian Financial Sector Development?


К. Yurchenko  (Ural State University)

Economic Growth Sustainability in Resource-dependent Countries: Crisis, Losses, and the Monetary Policy






N. Ivanova, М. Kamenskikh, К. Yudaeva (Sberbank of Russia)

Lending in the Russian Economy in the Period of Crisis: Credit Contraction, or Decline of Demand for Credits




Discussant - S. Drobyshevsky (IET)


7 April, Wednesday


Session A-07

Macro and Micro Dimensions of the Global Crisis in Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Chairperson - A. Yakovlev  (HSE)


L. Barbone, R. Islam (World Bank)

Fiscal Responses to the International Financial Crisisand Their Aftermath in Eastern Europe and Central Asia




S. Zaidi (World Bank)

Crisis Hits Home: Impact of the Global Crisis on Households in Europe and Central Asia




Discussants: O. Zamulin (NES), E. Gurvich (Economic Expert Group)


Session A-08

The End of Transition: What Is Next?

Chairpersons: P. Alba (World Bank), L.I. Jakobson  (HSE)


J. Zalduendo (World Bank)

Turmoil at Twenty (a World Bank book reviewing aspects of 20 yearsof transition)




Z. Bogetic (World Bank)

Russia's Recent Developments and Policies: What Is Next?




Discussants: S. Vasiliev (Vnesheconombank), M. Dmitriev (Center for Strategic Research)


8 April, Thursday


Session A-09

Exchange Rate Policy Problems

Chairperson - S. Aleksashenko (HSE)


М. Kataranova (Economic Expert Group)

Relationship between Exchange Rates and Inflation




E. Lozgacheva (HSE), А. Shulgin (HSE, Nizhny Novgorod), А. Dementiev (HSE)

Interaction between the Central Bank and the Government during Controlled Devaluation: Role of the Private Sector Indebtedness






V. Sokolov (HSE)

The Impact of Exchange Rate Policy on Interest Rates and Sovereign CDS Spreads Dynamics: Lessons from the Russian Experience






A. Benassy-Quere (CEPII)

The Case for Intermediate Exchange-rate Regimes


Discussant - К. Sosunov (HSE)


Session А-10

Macroeconomic Policy and Economic Growth

Chairperson - M. Dabrowski (Center for Social and Economic Research)


А. Frenkel, N. Raiskaya, Ya. Sergienko (RAS Institute of Economics)

Use of Integral Indices in the Russian Economy Cyclic Changes Analysis






S. Aleksashenko (HSE)

Adapting Russia's Macroeconomic Policy in a Situation of Crisis




S. Smirnov (HSE)

Economic Cycle and the Stabilizing Effect of Exchange Rate Policy


G. Kuranov (Russian Ministry for Economic Development)

Economic Cycles Formation and Factors of Economic Growth in Russia in the Post-crisis Period






Discussant - V. Mironov  (HSE)


Round Table A-11

Economy of Flat Income Tax

Moderator - L. Grigoriev (Institute of Energy and Finance)




Topics for discussion:

  • Did the introduction of "flat" income tax in 2001 help bring business out of the shadow?
  • What are the budget consequences of transfer to "flat" tax?
  • Can the cancellation of flat tax mitigate the differentiation of the population's incomes?
  • Are there sufficient grounds for return to graduated income tax?


Participants: E. Gurvich (Economic Expert Group), S. Nikolaenko (Bureau of Economic Analysis), K. Sabirianova Peter (Georgia State University), I. Trunin (Ministry of Finance of Russia), S. Sinelnikov-Murylev (IET), Yu. Gorodnichenko (University of California, Berkeley)


Section B

State and Municipal Governance

Chairpersons: A. Klimenko, A. Barabashev (HSE)


6 April, Tuesday


Round Table B-03

Housing Affordability Enhancement Opportunities and Prospects

Moderator - N. Kosareva (Institute of Urban Economy Foundation)


Topics for discussion:

  • Main housing affordability enhancement factors
  • Differentiation of housing and housing construction markets in Russian regions
  • Residential mortgage development strategy in the Russian Federation
  • Raising competitiveness and lowering administrative barriers in housing construction
  • Development of housing construction cooperatives and low-rise housing construction


Participants: A. Semeniaka (Residential Mortgage Agency),

L. Kazinets (Barkley), А. Kogan (State Duma), А.   Tumanov,

А. Puzanov (Institute of Urban Economy Foundation)


Round Table B-04

Towards E-Government: Russian Practices and International Experience

Moderators: А. Klimenko (HSE), А. Golosov (FORS), V. Nikitin (HSE)


Topics for discussion:

  • System approach to e-government formation: Main components and implementation problems
  • Electronic services - plans, risks, efficiency
  • Interaction between state customers and executors in IT projects
  • E-government as the national economy competitiveness factor


Participants: V. Nikitin (HSE), М. Leonova (Moscow Institute Of Physics and Technology), I. Massukh (Russian Ministry Of Communications), V. Yakimets (RAS Institute of Systems Analysis), V. Solodov (Lomonosov MSU), K. Noskov, А. Petrov (Russian Government Staff), А. Yermolaev (Russian Ministry Of Communications), О. Pak (RF Ministry for Economic Development), E. Lobza, А. Zhulin (HSE), А. Narsesyan (French Embassy in Russia)


7 April, Wednesday


Session B-07

Administrative-Territorial System, Local Authorities and Self-Government

Chairperson - S. Kordonsky (HSE)


Yu. Pliusnin (HSE)

Isolation and Self-government






E. Shomina (HSE)

Transformation of Interaction Mechanisms of Municipal Administrations and Territorial Self-government Bodies




N. Sirotkina (HSE, Nizhny Novgorod)

Problems of Interaction between Territorial Public Self-Government Bodies and the Commercial Sector of the Economy






V. Pankrashchenko (Centre for Applied Local Self-government Studies)

On Research Content of Municipal Policy






S. Kordonsky (HSE)

Internal Logic of Municipal Environment and Municipal Authority Organisation and Its Inherent Conflicts






Discussants: Т. Borodina (Centre for Social Partnership, Yaroslavl), A. Tukaeva (HSE)


Session B-08

New Tendencies in the Organization and Functioning of State Machinery

Chairpersons: А. Barabashev, N. Ivanova (HSE)


P. Dezendorf (Western Carolina University), S. Parkhomenko (HSE)

Government Public Relations and New Public Management




T. Morton (University of Exeter), N. Ivanova (HSE)

The Individual in the Group: Social Identity Process in Leadership, Motivation, Decision-making, Negotiation, Productivity, Collective Action and Stress


A. Obolonsky (HSE)

The Individual and the State: A New Paradigm of Relationships and Steps towards Its Institutionalization




V. Lobanov (State University of Management)

Acute Problems of the Russian Civil Service Reform and Development


А. Barabashev (HSE)

New Public Management: Pros and Cons, Applicability Limits


Discussant - S. Kaparov (Academy of State Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan)


Section BA

Instruments of State Governance

Chairperson - A. Puzanov (HSE)


8 April, Thursday


Session BA-10

Investment and Efficiency

Chairperson - A. Puzanov (HSE)


K. Borusiak (Finance Academy at the Russian Federation Government), I. Munerman (LLC Institute of Cost Management)

Specifics of Neuronetwork Modeling in Mass Evaluation of Municipal Immovable Property in Moscow






P. Katyshev (Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics, RAS), O. Eismont (RAS Institute of Systems Analysis)

Environmental Projects Efficiency Evaluation (Moscow Case Study)






E. Ushakov (Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics, RAS)

Natural Resource Markets - Meso-economic Institutions of Environmental Management Rent Relations






A. Ivanov (Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology)

Municipal Revenue Formation from Investment Socioeconomic Projects Implementation




G. Donchevsky (Southern Federal University Institute of Economy and Foreign Economic Relations), А.   Karlina, N. Ustina (Samara Municipal Institute of Management)

Urban Development Initiatives Management as a Means of Capitalization of the Population of a Municipal Entity






Session BA-11

Electronic Government and Regulations

Chairperson - A. Puzanov (HSE)


Е. Podkolzina, A. Balsevich (HSE)

Administrative Regulations as a Method of Countering Moral Risk within the Executive Authorities




M. Leonova (MIPT), V. Yakimets (RAS Institute of Systems Analysis)

Assessment of the Tools of Electronic Participation and Feedback Mechanisms of the Russian E-Government






Section C

Public Procurement

Chairpersons: L. Jakobson, A. Yakovlev (HSE)


8 April, Thursday


Session C-10

Forming, Placement, and Implementation of Public Procurement - 1

Chairperson - L. Jakobson (HSE)


A. Belenky (HSE)

Game-Theory Approaches to the Choice of Decisive Rules of a Single-Step Auction


G.   Piga (Università degli Studi di Roma «Tor Vergata»)

Interrelation of Public Procurement Transparency and Corruption


A. Ivanov (SPbSU Higher School of Management)

Effective Quasi-corruption under Operation of Federal Law No. 94-FZ




S. Pivovarova (HSE)

Opportunistic Conduct Incentives and Informal Quality Provision Institutions within the Russian System of Public Procurement






Discussant - M. Yudkevich (HSE)


Session C-11

Forming, Placement, and Implementation of Public Procurement - 2

Chairperson - A. Shamrin (HSE)


I. Kuznetsova (HSE)

Main Results of Public Procurement Monitoring in the Russian Federation in 2006-2009






О. Balaeva  (HSE)

Public Procurement Practices in Russia: Problems and Contradictions






А. Balsevich, E. Podkolzina (HSE)

Implementation of State Contracts: Problems and Illustrations






A. Yakovlev, О. Demidova (HSE)

How Does Involvement in Public Procurement Influence Companies' Behavior?








Discussants: L. Kokareva (Crown Agents Russia), A. Belenky (HSE)


Round Table C-12

Development of Public Procurement and Construction of the Federal Contract System

Moderators: L. Jakobson, I. Kuznetsova (HSE)


Topics for discussion:

  • Efficiency of public procurement of complicated technical products: Methods and norms
  • Corruption and methods to fight with it in the international practice of public procurement
  • Construction of Federal Contract System


Participants: O. Allilueva (FST), A. Yakovlev (HSE), L. Kokareva (Crown Agents Russia), А. Rukavishnikov (World Bank),

O. Anchishkina (RF Ministry of Economic Development), A. Shamrin (HSE)


Section D

Natural Monopolies and Primary Sectors of Economy

Chairperson - V. Kriukov (HSE)


8 April, Thursday


Session  D-11

Natural Monopolies and Primary Sectors Economy

Chairperson - V. Kriukov (HSE)


A. Filatov, M. Vasiliev (RAS Siberian Branch Institute of Energy Systems)

Vertical Disintegration in Electric Power Engineering: Possible Implications and Side Effects






O. Eismont (RAS Institute of Systems Analysis), L. Polishchuk (HSE, Maryland University)

Production Division Agreements under Threat of Expropriation






V. Livshits, N. Belousova, E. Vasilieva (RAS Institute of Systems Analysis)

Modelling Efficiency Evaluations in Problems of Structural Regulation of Natural Monopoly Corporations






О. Spiridonova  (HSE)

Interaction of Firms in Forward and Spot Markets and Incentives to Tacit Collusion






Session D-12

Development Trends of International Gas Markets

Chairperson - V. Kriukov (HSE)


T. Mitrova (HSE)

New Challenges for Russian Gas Sector




 J.   Pearson (Miller and Lents)

Influence of Resource Basis on the US Gas Markets




Discussant - А. Bely (HSE)


Section  E

Regional Development

Chairpersons: Т. Abankina, A. Granberg (HSE)


7 April, Wednesday


Round Table E-08

Economy of Culture as a Factor of Territorial Development

Moderator - V. Gordin (HSE, St. Petersburg)


Т. Abankina  (HSE)

Creative Economy and Regional Development








Topics for discussion:

  • National cultural heritage as a humanitarian resource of sustainable territorial development
  • Problems and prospects for development of creative clusters in Russia
  • Public-private partnership development in the sphere of culture


Participants: M. Gnedovsky (Institute of Cultural Policy), S. Gorushkina (Moscow Regional Ministry of Culture), A. Rubinshtein (RAS Institute of Economics)





Творческие индустрии Подмосковья


Веймар – Ясная Поляна – Стратфорд-на-Эйвоне: Креативная экономика и региональное развитие


8 April, Thursday


Session  E-09

Factors of Economic Development of Regions

Chairperson - А. Puzanov (HSE)


D. Sivaev, N. Kosareva, A. Tumanov ("Institute of Urban Economy" Foundation)

Survey of the Regional Housing Markets Structure in Russia








A. Granberg ("Productive Forces Research Council"; HSE)

Post-crisis Directions of the Russian Economy Spatial Development




I. Taranenko (Dnepropetrovsk University of Economics and Law)

Assessment of the Socioeconomic Potential of Regions as the Basis for Forming the National Economy Competitiveness Strategy






I. Tosics (Metropolitan Research Institute, Hungary)

Integrated Urban Development: European Dilemmas and Emerging Strategies with Special Regard to the City-region Cooperation Aspect


Discussant - A. Skopin (HSE)


Session E-10

Socio-Cultural Problems in the Regional Aspect

Chairperson - N. Smakotina (Lomonosov MSU)


L. Piskunova (Ural State University), А.   Karmanov (Ural State Economic University)

Transformation of Consumer Strategies of Young People at the Present Stage: Regional Aspect






L. Kostyleva (RAS Institute of Socioeconomic Development of Territories)

Study of Inequality of the Russian Population




Ye. Kogai (Kursk State University)

Social Well-being and the Population's Confidence in the Regional Dimension








I. Maremshaova (Kabardino-Balkarian State University)

Ethnic Renaissance in the Context of Socioeconomic and Cultural Transformations in North Caucasus






G. Karpova (Saratov State Technical University)

Cultural Policy in the Context of Liberal Reforms






Discussant - K. Mitrofanov (Federal Institute of Education Development)


Session  E-11

Modernisation of Management in Socio-Cultural Sector

Chairpersons: Т. Abankina  (HSE), V. Gordin  (HSE, St. Petersburg)


S. Pflieger (Universite Paris Descartes)

Culture and Local Development








L. Limonov (International Socioeconomic Research Centre "Leontiev Centre")

Using the Cultural Heritage as a Factor of Socioeconomic Development of a Territory (A Case Study of Preparing a Project for 4 RF Subjects with IBRD Participation)








 Т. Abankina (HSE)

Financing Cultural Institutions: Problems and Perspectivesin a Situation of Crisis




V. Gordin (HSE, St. Petersburg), М. Matetskaya, L. Khoreva

Preservation and Development of the Cultural Heritage in Territorial Communities as the Basis for Developing Cultural Tourism






Discussants: A. Rubinshtein (RAS Institute of Economics), M. Gnedovsky (Institute of Cultural Policy)


Session E-12

Political Economy of Crisis: Regional Aspect

Chairperson - N. Petrov (Carnegie Center, Moscow)


A. Titkov (HSE)

Social Protests in Regions


A. Kynev (HSE)

Political Systems in the Regions and the Crisis


N. Zubarevich (Independent Institute for Social Policy)

Economic "health" of Regions during Crisis


N. Petrov (Carnegie Center, Moscow)

Socio-political Dynamics in the Regions and Interference from the Centre


Section F

Labour Markets

Chairperson - V. Gimpelson (HSE)


7 April, Wednesday


Honorary Paper F-07

K. Zimmermann (IZA, Bonn University)

Labor Mobility and the Integration of European Labor Markets: EU Labor Markets after Post-enlargement Migration

Chairperson - A. Vishnevsky (HSE)


Klaus F. Zimmermann is Full Professor of Economics at Bonn University and Director of the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA Bonn) since 1998. He is the President of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) since 2000. From 2001 on, he is also Honorary Professor of Economics at the Free University of Berlin, and Honorary Professor at Renmin University of China since 2006. He has been a Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) in London since 1990.

Klaus F. Zimmermann studied economics and statistics at the University of Mannheim, where he received his degree as Diplom Volkswirt, his doctorate and his habilitation. From 1989 to 1998, he was Full Professor of Economic Theory at the University of Munich, and Director of the SELAPO Center for Human Resources in Munich; from 1993 to 1995, he was Dean of the Faculty of Economics, University of Munich.

Since 1988 he is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Population Economics, previously (1995-1998) Managing Editor of Economic Policy; Associate Editor of the following journals: Recherches Economiques de Louvain (since 1991), International Journal of Manpower (since 1998), DIW-Wochenbericht (since 2000) and DIW-Vierteljahrshefte (since 2002), Wirtschaftsdienst - Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (since 2007), and Applied Economics Quarterly (since 2008). Special research interests: labor economics, population economics, migration, industrial organization, econometrics.

Publications: Author or editor of 33 books and over 210 papers in refereed journals and collected volumes, among others: American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Public Choice, Sociological Methods and Research, Review of Economics and Statistics, Applied Economics, Kyklos, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, Economics Letters, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Economic Surveys, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Open Economies Review, Politica Internationale, Quality & Quantity, Recherches

Economiques de Louvain, Scientometrics, International Migration Review, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.


8 April, Thursday


Session F-09

Labour Markets - 1

Chairperson - R. Kapeliushnikov (HSE)


I. Denisova, M. Kartseva (NES, CEFIR)

Social Mobility of Russian Households




А. Oshchepkov  (HSE)

Economic Returns of Education: Inter-regional Variation and Its Factors




А. Muraviev  (Institute of Labour Studies, IZA), H. Lehmann (University of Bologna, IZA)

How Important Are Labor Market Institutions for Labor Market Performance in Transition Countries?




Session F-10

Labour Markets - 2

Chairperson - S. Roshchin (HSE)


H. Lehmann (University of Bologna, IZA)

Can Gibbons' Stylized Facts Be Extended to Transitional Russia


А. Zaitseva, H. Lehmann (University of Bologna, IZA), A. Muravyev (Institute of Labor Studies, IZA)

The Incidence and Costs of Job Loss in Russia




L. Smirnykh (HSE)

Influence of Job Satisfaction on Job Hunting and Labour Mobility






F. Slonimchik (HSE)

Skill Mismatch and Earnings: A Panel Analysis of the U.S. Labor Market




Section G

Economic Theory

Chairpersons: А.V. Zakharov (HSE), К.I. Sonin (NES)


6 April, Tuesday


Session G-03


Chairperson - R.Enikolopov (NES)


А. Savvateev (NES), M.  Le Breton, D. Musatov, S. Weber

Stability of Jurisdiction Structures: The Case of General Distributions without Side Payments






D. Ilyinsky (HSE), S. Izmalkov, A. Savvateev

N-player Games of Death






V. Marakulin (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of the RAS Siberian Branch), A. Zakharov (HSE)

On the Equivalence of Some Solution Concepts in Spatial Voting Theory




I. Khovanskaya (HSE), G. Egorov (Northwestern University), K. Sonin (NES)

A Model of Balance of Power When N > 2




Discussants: S. Kokovin (Novosibirsk State University), A. Subochev, A. Karpov, D. Karabekyan (HSE)


Session G-04

Political Economy: Models

Chairpersons: S. Kokovin (Novosibirsk State University), S. Stepanov (NES), V. Marakulin  (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics)


G. Kaliagin (Lomonosov MSU)

Collective Responsibility and the Institution of Bullying: an Economic Analysis




I. Petinenko (Tomsk State University)

Ethical Pricing: Necessity and Specifics






М. Nikitin  (HSE)

Civil Legal Dispute in a Situation of Overstated Expectations: an Economic Analysis




K. Sonin (NES), D. Acemoglu (MIT), G. Egorov (Northwestern University)

A Political Theory of Populism




М. Iskakov (RAS Institute of Control Sciences), A. Pavlov (RAS ICS)

Secure Strategy Equilibrium in Hotelling's Spatial Competition Model




7 April, Wednesday


Session  G-07

Monetary Policy and Economic Growth

Chairperson - V. Matveenko (St. Petersburg Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS)


S. Pekarsky, S. Merzliakov (HSE)

Government Interaction with the Central Bank in an Export-Oriented Economy: A Comparative Analysis of Monetary Policy Regimes




О. Zaichenko, К. Sosunov (HSE)

Monetary Policy in Russia: New Keynesian Approaches




D. Veselov, O. Bondarenko (HSE)

Capital Accumulation in Resource Economies

Discussants: О. Zamulin, K. Styrin (NES), R. Zakharenko, A. Yurko (HSE)




Session G-08

Economic Growth and Innovations

Chairperson - S. Pekarsky (HSE)


A. Tonis, V. Polterovich (NES)

Absorption and Innovative Capacities: Measurement






A. Yurko (HSE)

From Consumer Incomes to Car Ages: How the Distribution of Income Affects the Distribution of Vehicle Vintages




E. Kolomak (Institute of Economy and Organisation of Industrial Production of the RAS Siberian Branch)

Infrastructure: Impact on Economic Growth and Spatial Externalities






V. Matveenko (St.Petersburg Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS)

Interests of Social Groups, Course of Technological Progress and Economic Growth






Discussants: D. Veselov (HSE), A. Suvorov (NES), K. Sosunov, O. Zaichenko (HSE)


8 April, Thursday


Session G-09

Microeconomic Equilibrium Models

Chairperson - A. Yurko (HSE)


S.   Morfov (HSE)

Optimal Tenure Decisions




S. Kokovin (Novosibirsk State University), E. Zhelobodko, J. Thisse

Market Size, Harmful Trade and Catastrophes: A General Monopolistic Competition Approach




S. Kokovin (Novosibirsk State University), E. Zhelobodko, J. Thisse

Market Growth Causing Welfare Losses and Catastrophes: A General Monopolistic Competition Approach




A. Sayakhova (HSE)

English Auctions. Review of Sales Levels of Different Categories of Objects d'Art




Discussants: K. Sonin, A. Savvateev, A. Suvorov (NES)


Section H


Chairperson - A. Belianin (HSE)


7 April, Wednesday


Session H-08


Chairperson - A. Belianin (HSE)


K. Pogorelsky, F. Aleskerov, A. Belianin (HSE)

On Formation of Coalitions in the Voting Game with a Quota with Symmetric Players




U. Schmidt (University of Kiel, Kiel Institute for the World Economy), M. Birnbaum, M. Schneider

Testing Independence Conditions in the Presence of Errors and Splitting Effects




Section I

Banking and Finance

Chairpersons: N. Berzon, M. Nikitin, V. Solodkov (HSE)


6 April, Tuesday

Session I-03

Analysis of Post-crisis Development of Emerging Stock Markets

Chairperson - Yu. Danilov (Center for Capital Market Development)


A. Abramov (HSE)

Financial Services Sector Competitiveness Increase Methods




R. Tsonchev, K. Kostenarov (Univercity of Sofia)

Stock Market of Bulgaria and Other Countries of Eastern Europe




T. Teplova, E. Shutov (HSE)

Systematic Investment Risk Modelling at Different Development Phases of the Russian Capital Market




Yu. Danilov, N. Maslennikov, S. Moiseev, A. Vedev (Center for Capital Market Development)

Russian Financial Sector Modernisation




Discussant - V. Evstigneev (HSE)


Round Table I-04

New Architecture of Global Financial Markets

Moderators: N. Berzon (HSE), O. Viugin (OJSC MDM Bank)


Topics for discussion:

  • What is changing in the world financial market architecture after the 2008-2009 crisis?
  • What changes are underway or can happen in state regulation of the financial sector in Russia and worldwide?
  • What new challenges can the domestic financial system encounter?
  • How can Russia's role of the largest developing market change in the coming years?
  • What are the main development trends of the domestic banking system in the post-crisis period?


Participants: O. Viugin (OJSC MDM Bank), N. Orlova (Alfa Bank), A.   Sharonov ("Troika Dialog"), R. Goryunov (RTS Stock Market)


7 April, Wednesday

Session I-07

Efficiency of the Banking System

Chairperson - A. Karminsky (HSE)


Y. Cinar (Ankara University)

Loan and Profit Efficiency Dynamics of the Largest Commercial Banks in Turkey (2004-2009)






А. Karminsky  (HSE), А. Morozkin (GPB (OJSC))

Does the Russian Banking System Need Modernization?




А. Knurova, F. Aleskerov, V. Belousova, V. Solodkov (HSE)

Stereotypes of Russian Commercial Banks' Behavior during Financial Crisis






S. Kiselhof (HSE)

Commercial Bank Branch Network Restructuring Model




Discussant - F. Aleskerov (HSE)


Session  I-08

Developments in the Russian Banking Industry

Chairperson - Z. Fungacova (Bank of Finland)


J. Fidrmuc (Oesterreichische Nationalbank), P. Süss (University of Munich)

The Outbreak of the Russian Banking Crisis: What a Surprise!




L. Weill (University of Strasbourg), L. Solanko, Z. Fungacova (Bank of Finland)

Market Power in the Russian Banking Industry




Z. Fungacova (Bank of Finland), C. Godlewski, L. Weill (University of Strasbourg)

Asymmetric Information and Loan Spreads in Russia: Evidence from Syndicated Loans




V. Belousova (HSE)

Cost Efficiency of Medium-size Banks in Russia




Discussant - A. Vernikov (HSE)


8 April, Thursday


Session  I-09

Financial Conduct of the Population

Chairperson - D. Ibragimova  (HSE)


M. Semenova (HSE)

Interaction between Banks and Depositors in the Process of Decision-making to Acquire Information on Change of the Banking Operations Risk Level




A.   Krupkina (Lomonosov MSU)

Expected Utility Theory Paradoxes in a Situation of Financial Crisis






E. Tokel, E. Yucel (Central Bank of Turkey)

Does Internet Access to Official Data Display Any Regularity: Case of the Electronic Data Delivery System of the Central Bank of Turkey






D. Ibragimova (HSE)

Russian Population's Financial Conduct in the Situation of Credibility Gap




О. Kuzina  (HSE)

Financial Literacy of the Russian Population and Ways of Its Increase




Session I-10

Price Formation of Financial Assets

Chairperson - V. Gordin (HSE)


R. Anokhin (HSE)

Stock Price Forecasting Based on Market Average (Financial Multipliers)






S. Bhattacharyya (Bangabasi College School)

Financial Globalization and Stock Price Volatility: A Rational Expectation Model




V. Gordin, P. Bondareva (HSE)

Asymptotic Methods of Option Price Evaluation




Session  I-11

Derivatives and Risk Management

Chairperson - S. Gelman (HSE)


K. Patel, K. Zavodov (University of Cambridge)

Option to Default, Contagion, and Equilibrium Credit Rationing




K. Borusiak (Finance Academy at the Russian Federation Government)

Non-linear Dynamic Models Applicability Analysis during Risk Management on the Russian Stock Market






E. Tuzikova (HSE)

Company Reasonable Price Evaluation and Its Impact on Pricing on the US Stock Market






S. Gelman (HSE), B. Wilfling (Westphalian Wilhelms-University of Münster)

Option Pricing on Target Stock under Multiple Decision Reversions




Session I-12

Evaluation of Stability of Financial Institutions

Chairperson - А. Karminsky (HSE)


N. Borisova (Siberian Federal University)

Problem of Overdue Debt in Russia and Methods of Its Resolution in the Current Situation






C. Seidl (University of Kiel), K. Pogorelskiy (HSE), S. Traub(University of Bremen)

Tax Progression: International and Intertemporal Comparisons Using LIS Data




Ya. Volkov (HSE)

Evaluation of Implicit Pension Debt of the State in the Russian Federation




А. Karminsky (HSE)

Ratings for Developing Countries: Comparative Analysis




Discussant - A. Stolyarov (HSE)


Section J

Economy of Public Health

Chairpersons: I. Sheiman, S. Shishkin (HSE)


6 April, Tuesday


Session  J-03

Economy of Public Health - 1

Chairperson - S. Shishkin (HSE)


M. Kolosnitsyna (HSE)

New Payment System of Medical Workers in the Russian Regions: First Results Based on the Public Health Economy Monitoring






E. Selezneva, I. Sheiman (HSE)

An Analysis of Innovations in Methods of Payment for Medical Institutions' Activities on Their Motivation for Raising the Efficiency of Medical Service Provision




M. Duganov, А.   Kolinko, S. Kovrigina (Vologda Region Department of Public Health), А. Shabunova, K. Kalashnikov (RAS Institute of Socioeconomic Development of Territories)

Per Capita Funding as a Perspective Method of Payment for Medical Assistance in Regional Public Health






D. Prisiazhnyuk (HSE)

Social Status of a Polyclinic Physician in the Context of Implementation of the National "Health" Project






Discussant - S. Boyarsky (Moscow Medical Academy named after I. Sechenov)


Session  J-04

Economy of Public Health - 2

Chairperson - I. Sheiman (HSE)


L. Borisova (Bremen University and Jacobs University, Bremen), C. Gerry (University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies)

Explaining Health Outcomes in Transition Countries: A Realth Systems Analysis






Т. Sklyar (SPbSU Higher School of Management)

Role of Medical and Economic Standards in Funding Public Health Institutions






S. Shishkin (HSE), М. Krasilnikova, N. Bondarenko (Yuri Levada's Analytical Centre)

Analysis of the Opportunities and Terms of Patients' Choice of Medical Institutions and Physicians




E. Kiseleva (Institute of Complex Strategic Studies)

Behavioral Risk Factors and Elders Health






E. Osipova (HSE)

Indices of the Health of Students in Cultural View as the Characteristics of Demographic Condition of the Society




Discussant - T. Chubarova (RAS Institute of Economy)


7 April, Wednesday


Round TableJ-07

Innovations in the Governance System and Public Health Financing in Post-communist Countries

Moderator - S. Shishkin (HSE)


Topics for discussion:

  • Are there any common trends in public health reform in post-communist countries?
  • Institutional changes in the public health system of post-communist countries: What can be a matter of interest for Russia?
  • Foreign reform lessons for the Russian public health system reform      
  • Did the economic crisis affect the reform of the public health system in post-communist countries?


Participants: D. Katzin (WHO European Bureau), C. Davis (Oxford University), А. Ibragimova (WHO, Kyrgyzstan), I. Sheiman, E. Potapchik (HSE)


Section K

Economics and Sociology of Education

Chairperson - I. Froumin (HSE, World Bank)


7 April, Wednesday


Session K-07

Economics of Education

Chairperson - Т. Abankina (HSE)


I. Abankina (HSE)

Economic Behavior of Universities under Conditions of Budget Reform, Increase of University Autonomy and Unified State Examination (USE)






Т. Kliachko (Academy of the National Economy under the RF Government)

Forecast of Higher Education Development in Russia in 2009-2011






E. Sivak, Ya. Kozmina (HSE)

New Teachers' Compensation System in the Local Context: Implementation and Consequences of the New Performance-based Teachers' Compensation System






G. Andrushchiak, A. Prudnikova (HSE)

Economic Returns to Higher Education in Russia: Impact of the Profile and Other Characteristics of Higher Education Institutions






Discussants: I. Rozhdestvenskaya (Institute of Regional Studies), M.   Musarsky (MIOO)


Session  K-08

Professional Education Development Problems

Chairperson - Е. Knyazev (RF Ministry of Education and Science)


N. Vishnevskaya (HSE)

Connection of Professional Training Models with Labour Market Models in Modern Economies






J. Hawley (The Ohio State University)

Examining the Outputs of Higher Education: Focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education






N. Kyui (University of Paris-1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, HSE)

Demand for Tertiary Education in the Russian Federation. Influence of Family Background and Labor Market Expectations




V. Chistyakov (HSE, Nizhny Novgorod), А. Goncharov (HSE)

No compensatory Aggregation and Rating of Students








Discussants: A. Klimov (Academy of the National Economy under the RF Government), A. Gasparishvili (MSU)


8 April, Thursday


Session  K-09

Education and Society

Chairperson - I. Abankina (HSE)


V. Vakhshtain (HSE), D. Konstantinovsky (RAS Institute of Sociology), D. Kurakin, D. Popov, Yu. Tyumeneva,

I. Froumin (HSE, World Bank)

Monitoring of Educational and Labour Trajectories of School and University Graduates: First Outcomes






L. Okolskaya (RAS Institute of Sociology)

Russian Socialization Ideals in the State Educational Standards and Informal Public Opinion






Т. Shmis (World Bank)

Barriers and Opportunities for Extending the Offer of Pre-school Education Services in the Russian Regions




E. Grigorieva, T. Butova (Siberian Federal University)

Ethnographic Study of the Private Sector on the Preschool Market








Discussants: D. Nikolaev (World Bank), D. Constantinovsky (IS RAS)


Session K-10

Social Aspects of Professional Education

Chairperson - I. Froumin (HSE, World Bank)


E. Fedorova (Astrakhan State University)

Impact of Social Institutions on Student Employment








T. Natkhov (HSE)

Education and Social Capital in Russia. An Empirical Analysis




M. Dobryakova (HSE)

Students of Russian Engineering Universities




I. Pavliutkin (HSE)

Dependence on Former Development and Upheaval of the "Post-Soviet" University






Discussants: N. Titova, B. Rudnik (HSE), K. Vasiliev (HSE)


Session K-11/1

Psychological Performance Efficiency Determinants

Chairperson - V. Shadrikov (HSE)

A. Bolotova (HSE)

Time Management as a Managerial Tool






A.  Haslam, T. Morton (University of Exeter), N. Ivanova (HSE)

Psychology of Organization: Social Identity Approach




S. Yagolkovsky (HSE)

Psychological Determinants of Innovative Activity Success








E. Osin (HSE)

Consciousness of Activity as Its Efficiency Condition






V. Shadrikov (HSE)

Professional Capacities: Ideological, Methodological and Theoretical Problems








Discussants: A. Karpov (Yaroslavl State University), V. Panov (Russian Academy of Education)


Session K-11/2

Education Modernisation Problems

Chairperson - M. Dobryakova (HSE)


A. Fateeva (Center for Monitoring and Statistics Education)

Length of Education in Russia. Experience of International Comparisons




M. Pinskaya (HSE)

Sink Schools. What Are They?




A. Zakharov, Т.Osmanov (HSE)

How Is the New Education Model Being "Introduced"?




V. Bolotov (RAO), S. Bochenkov (Center of New Educational Technologies of the Republic of Chuvashia)

Connection between Uniform State Exam Results and Social Contexts


Discussants: M. Agranovich (Center for Monitoring and Statistics Education, FIRO), M. Gonchar (Ministry of Education of Russia), E. Rachevsky (Center of Education № 548 "Tsaritsyno", the Public Chamber of Russia)


Round Table K-12

Development of Rural Schools in Countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Challenges and Solutions Chairpersons: Z. Xiaoman (UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education), T. Abankina (HSE)


Topics for discussion:

  • Rural schools development strategies - cross-country comparison
  • Role of IT in enhancing access to high-quality education for rural schoolchildren
  • Impact of education on rural social development


Participants: A. Adamsky ("Eureka" Institute of Education Policy), F. Gabysheva (Education Ministry of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)), Yu. Denisov (Ministry of Education of the Altai Territory), M. Dulinov (Ministry of Education of Kaluga Region), T. Novikova (Academy of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers), I. Remorenko (RF Ministry of Education and Science), V. Sobkin (Russian Academy of Education), N. Sherri (Ministry of Education of Kaliningrad Region)


Section L

Economic Institutions

Chairpersons: V. Polterovich (RAS CEMI), L. Polishchuk (HSE)


6 April, Tuesday


Session  L-03

Economic Institutions - 1

Chairpersons: V. Polterovich (RAS CEMI), L. Polishchuk (HSE)


V. Radaev (HSE)

How is Demand for State Regulation of Market Rules Being Formed (a Case Study of Preparation and Discussion of the Federal Law on Trade)




C.   Gerry (University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies), T. Mickiewicz, Z. Nikoloski (UCL)

Did Mass Privatisation Really Increase Post-communist Male Mortality?




J. Zweynert (Hamburg Institute of International Economics)

The Micro-foundations of the Transition from Limited Access Order to Open Access Orders. The Case of Post-socialist Russia




L. Galiullina (St. Petersburg State University of Economy and Finance)

Abundance of Resources and a Fight against Poverty in Russia






Discussants: I. Denisova (CEFIR), A. Shastitko (Economic Analysis Bureau Foundation)


Session  L-04

Economic Institutions - 2

Chairpersons: V. Polterovich (RAS CEMI), L. Polishchuk (HSE)


L. Polishchuk, R. Meniashev (HSE)

Economic Returns to Social Capital: What do Russian Data Say?




V. Basareva (Institute of Economics and Organisation of Industrial Production of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences)

State Support of Small Business: Help or an Institutional Trap?






O. Starkov, V. Polterovich (RAS CEMI, NES)

Russian Mortgage in Institutional Trap: Is There a Way Out?




A. Govorun (HSE)

Violation of Companies' Rights and Opportunities for Their Protection in Court: Russian Experience of the Second Half of 2000's (Based on Empirical Study)






Discussant - A. Auzan (IEF Social Contract)


Section M

Economic History

Chairperson - A. Markevich (NES)


8 April, Thursday


Session M-09

Agrarian Institutions in Russian Economic History

Chairperson - A. Markevich (NES)


T. Dennison (California Institute of Technology)

Marriage and Markets in Imperial Russia




D. Darrow (University of Dayton)

Russian Land Norms in Historical Perspective, 1700-1920




М. Vdovin (HSE)

Enslavement of Peasants in the Grand Princedom of Moscovia: Interpretations within the Context of Institutional Analysis






Discussant - C. Leonard (St Antony College, Oxford)


Session M-10

Institutions and Economic Development in Late Russian Empire

Chairperson - M. Harrison (University of Warwick)


S. Nafziger (Williams College)

Local Politics and Public Good Provision in Late-tsarist Russia




P. Dower (NES), E. Chernina (CEFIR), A. Markevich (NES)

The Stolypin Agrarian Reform and Peasant Migration




S. Bespalov (RAS Institute of Scientific Data on Social Sciences)

Problem of Downsides of the Policy of Industrial Modernisation in Russian Social Ideas in Late 19th - Early 20th Centuries






Discussant - M. Harrison (University of Warwick)


Round Table M-11

Economic History: Problem and Prospects

Moderator - A. Markevich (NES)


Topics for discussion:

  • Research areas and problems of economic history: What priority questions should it find answers to?
  • Methods of the discipline and "economic imperialism": What is the place of economic theory in economic history research?
  • How does economic history correlate to cliometrics?
  • Economic history source base: Are new major data collection and unification projects necessary? Which ones?
  • Place and role of economic history in economic and historic education: How should economic history be taught?


Participants: O. Ananyin (HSE), L. Borodkin (Lomonosov MSU), G. Kessler (International Institute of Social History), V. Mau (ANE), B. Mironov (St. Petersburg State University), A. Poletayev (HSE), S. Salomatina (Lomonosov MSU), S. Wheatcroft (University of Melbourne), Yu. Bokarev (IE RAS), V. Kerov (Russian Peoples' Friendship University), C. Leonard (St Antony College, Oxford), I. Potkina (IRI RAS)


Session M-12

Measuring Russian Economic Development, 1800-2000

Chairperson - S. Nafziger (Williams College)


M. Harrison (University of Warwick), A. Markevich (NES)

Russia's Real National Income: War, Civil War, and Recovery, 1913 to 1928




S. Wheatcroft (University of Melbourne)

Measuring Russian and Soviet Agricultural Production in the 19th and 20th centuries




G. Kessler (International Institute of Social History)

Changing Labour Relations in Russia, 1800-2000




Discussant - S. Afontsev (IMEMO RAS)


Section N


Chairpersons: G.   Kleiner (RAS CEMI), N. Filinov (HSE)


7 April, Wednesday


Session N-07

System Problems of Corporate Governance Modernisation

Chairperson - G. Kleiner (RAS CEMI)


R. Kachalov (RAS CEMI)

Forming a System of Risk Management Institutions in Corporations: Problems and Perspectives








I. Gurkov (HSE)

Company Organisational Design in Competitiveness Restoration: Strategic Compliance or Strategic "Stretch"






S. Sementsov (OJSC "Sistema-Invest")

Contemporary Strategic Architecture of Russian Corporations


G. Kleiner (RAS CEMI)

Corporation's System Management and System Resource






Session N-08

Strategies and Organisation of Business

Chairpersons: S. Filonovich, I. Gurkov (HSE)


R. Göhlich (European Business School)

Strategic Make-or-buy Decision: The MoB-tool






G. Shirokova, I. Berezinets, А. Shatalov (Higher School of Management of SPbSU)

Impact of Organisational Changes on Company Growth






M. Cecchi (University of Florence, Italy), P. Malyzhenkov (HSE, Nizhni Novgorod)

Management Models for Culture Communication - Culture for Management Models Communication






А. Moskovskaya  (HSE)Professionalisation of Management in Russia: Contradictions and Perspectives








Discussants: V. Efremov (State University of Management), A. Settls (HSE)


8 April, Thursday


Session  N-09

Human Resource Management in Business Organisation

Chairperson - А. Efendiev (HSE)


E. Balabanova (HSE)

Models of Social Organisation of Russian Companies: Results of Multidimensional Analysis






О. Zelenova  (HSE)

Personnel Management System in Russian Companies (Results of the Russian Part of the International Study of Personnel Management Practices, CRANET)




E. Kalabina (Ural State Economics University)

Personnel Compensation Policy within the Domestic Labour Market System in Organisation: Paternalism versus Efficiency (A Case Study of an Industrial Company in the Ural Region)








T. Stuken, L. Sabirova (Omsk State University named after F. Dostoevsky)

Typology of a Company's Internal Labour Remuneration Policy




A. Shevchuk, D. Strebkov (HSE)

"Electronic self-employment" in Russia






Discussant - V. Kabalina (OJSC GMK "Norilsk Nickel")


Session N-10

Inter-company Business Networks: Contemporary State of Affairs and Development Prospects (A Case Study of the Russian-Finnish Project)

Chairpersons: S. Niittymäki (HAMK University of Applied Sciences), N. Filinov, О. Tretyak (HSE)


K. Kahkonen (VTT - Technical Research Center of Finland)

Developing Vision for Business Networks in Russia




S. Niittymäki (HAMK University of Applied Sciences)

Performance Measurement in Business Networks






V. Minina (Higher School of Management of SPbSU), А. Krupskaya, E. Dmitrienko (SPbSU)

Human Resource Management in Developer: Stake of Key Employees








О.   Tretyak, E. Buzulukova, A. Rozhkov, N. Popov (HSE), M. Weck (HAMK University of Applied Sciences)

Construction of a Target-oriented Inter-company Network








N. Filinov, N. Bek, N. Vladimirova (HSE)

Companies' Strategic Processes in International Business Networks






Discussants: M. Sheresheva (HSE), L. Tenhunen (HAMK University of Applied Sciences)


Session  N-11

New Markets and Market Entities Interaction Management Technologies

Chairpersons: G. Azoev (State University of Management), О. Tretyak (HSE)


G. Azoev (State University of Management)

Development of the World and Russian Markets of Nano-products




О. Tretyak, A. Rozhkov (HSE)

New Technologies of Formation and Evaluation of Relations with Clients








M. Bek, N. Bek (HSE)

Problems of Innovation Development of High-tech Industries in Russia: Managerial and Marketing Aspects






S. Kushch (Higher School of Management of SPbSU), М. Smirnova, V. Rebiazina (SPbSU)

Role of Marketing of Relationship in Innovative Development of Russian Companies






Discussants: R. Nozdreva (MGIMO), S. Avdasheva (HSE)


Session N-12

Construction of Value Chains Management

Chairpersons: О. Tretyak, M. Sheresheva (HSE)


Yu. Popova (Syktyvkar State University)

Opportunism in Inter-company Relations: A Methodology of Survey




T. Gagalyuk (Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe), J. Hanf (IAMO)

How Should Successful Supply Chain Management Look Like? The Model of Interfirm Network Success




Z. Huang (China Academy for Rural Development), Y. Song, D. Liu

The Supply Chain and Management of Fresh Produce in China




Discussants: V. Sergeyev, А. Sterligova (HSE)


Section O

Development of Entrepreneurship

Chairperson - А. Chepurenko (HSE)


8 April, Thursday


Session  O-09

Entrepreneurship, Networks and Economies

Chairperson - R. Blackburn (Kingston University)


P. Wong (National University of Singapore)

Entrepreneurial Firm Formation and Income Equality: A Cross-Country Analysis




L. Ruzhanskaya, M. Balandina, O. Nikitina, А. Shcherbinina (Ural State University)

Entrepreneurship in "Mono-cities": Short- and Long-term Perspectives




G. Gradoselskaya (HSE)

Structure of Social Interactions of Small and Medium Business in Russia (Based on Results of Comprehensive Studies of the Public Opinion Foundation)




G. Shirokova, M. Molodtsova, M. Arepieva (SPbSU Higher School of Management)

The Influence of Social Networks on Different Stages of Entrepreneurial Firm Development: The Analysis of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Data for Russia




Discussant - Т. Alimova (HSE)


Round Table O-10

Early Entrepreneurship under Crisis: GEM Results in Cross-national Comparison

Moderator - А. Chepurenko (HSE)


Topics for discussion:

  • How did the entrepreneurial framework conditions change under crisis?
  • Crisis - time to start-up or to discontinue a business?
  • Who and why is starting-up under crisis times?
  • What is the GEM contribution to understanding the economic impact of crisis?


Participants: P. Arenius  (Turku Business School), R. Blackburn (Kingston University), O. Obraztsova, T. Alimova  (HSE), M. Dorokhina, O. Verkhovskaya  (SpbSU), J. Hessels  (Erasmus School for Economics)


Section P

Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Policy

Chairperson - T. Chetvernina (HSE)


Session P-09

Labour Sector in the Period of Restorative Growth and in Crisis Conditions

Chairperson - T. Chetvernina (HSE)


C. Morrison (Middlesex University)

Change through Continuity: Employment and Social Relation in the Post-soviet Workplace




I. Kozina (HSE)

Social Labour Relations in Companies: Diagnostics and Dynamics




V. Yakubovich (University of Pennsylvania), S. Shekshnia (INSEAD)

The Network of Task Interdependence and Mobility in Organizations: A Case of Russian Corporate Bureaucracy




A. Temnitsky (MGIMO)

Socio-cultural Model of a Hired Employee of the Market Type






L. Pal (Carleton University)

The Economic Crisis and Labour Market Stimulation: The Canadian Case






T. Chetvernina (HSE)

Assessment of the Government Anti-crisis Measures on the Labour Market


Discussant - S. Yaroshenko (SPbSU)


Session P-10

Corporate Social Responsibility: Practical Experience

Chairperson - I. Kozina (HSE)


V. Simkhovich (Belorussian State University of Economics)

Social Responsibility as Company Management Philosophy: Belorussian Experience






M. Hingley (Harper Adams University College)

Building Stakeholder Value in Socially Responsible Food Supply: A Case Study of the Retailer Co-operative Approach in the UK






N. Tode (HSE)

Specifics of the Russian Model of Social Partnership, Role in Regulating Labour Relations






M. Shabanova (HSE)

Business Reputation in a Troubled Socio-legal Environment (Case Study of the New Generation of Russian Entrepreneurs and Managers)






Discussants: P. Romanov (HSE), V. Kabalina ("Norilsk Nickel")


Session  P-11

Corporate Social Responsibility: Theory and Models

Chairpersons: A. Moskovskaya (HSE), A. Bim (UN Development Program)


Yu. Blagov  (SPbSU Higher School of Management)

CSA-Innovation and Corporate Governance




E. Makarova (Chelyabinsk State University)

Corporate Social Responsibility Theory Development Phases




B. Bataeva (Financial Academy at the RF Government)

Islamic Model of Corporate Social Responsibility of Business






A. Moskovskaya (HSE)

Study of the Russian Social Entrepreneurship Models






Discussant - A. Bim (UN Development Program)


Session  P-12

Social Policy

Chairperson - T. Chetvernina (HSE)


I. Soboleva, L. Lakunina (RAS Institute of Economics, HSE)

Change of the Social Security Profile in a Period of Economic Growth and in a Period of Economic Crisis




O. Lavrinenko (Daugavpils University, Institute of Social Studies)

Defining Tendencies and Priorities in Modelling the Standard of Living of the Population in NUTS 2 Regions CEE (Central and Eastern Europe) Countries (2000-2007)




D. Rudenko (Tyumen State Academy of World Economics, Management and Law)

Poverty of the Population and Human Potential Development in Russia




Yu. Borisova (Saratov State Technical University)

Problems of Social Mobility of Handicapped People in the Context of New Disability Policy






E. Mezentseva (HSE)

Labour Migrants on the Russian Labour Market: In Anticipation of Economic Recovery


Discussant - M. Toksanbaeva (RAS Institute of Socioeconomic Problems of the Population)


Section Q

World Economy and World Policy

Chairpersons: S. Karaganov, M. Bratersky (HSE)


6 April, Tuesday


Session Q-03

Mutual Complementarity and Competition of the Growing Giants' Development Models: India, Russia and China in Search for Sources of Growth

Chairperson - S. Karaganov (HSE)


M. Bratersky (HSE)

Assistance to Russian Foreign Policy Development




К.   Wagner  (German Institute for International and Security Affairs)

Promotion of Democracy and Foreign Policy in India




D. Suslov (HSE)

Export of Development Models and the International Setup: US and EC Approaches




S. Feng (East China Normal University)

Global Governance: The Perspectives of Asia and Europe




Discussant - T. Bordachev (HSE)


Session Q-04

World Policy

Chairperson - S. Kortunov (HSE)


I. Troekurova (Saratov State Socioeconomic University)

Russia's Cooperation Prospects with the Asian APEC Economies






D. Lane (Emmanuel College, Cambridge)

Post-socialist States and the World Economy






S. Bespalov (RAS INION)

Humanitarian Aspects of the Russian Policy on the Post-soviet Territory






I. Nasadiuk (Odessa National University)

The Euro Zone and "New" EC Countries: Is There a Trade Frictions Effect?




Discussant - F. Shelov-Kovediaev (HSE)


Section R

Political Science and Political Processes

Chairpersons: M. Urnov, F. Aleskerov, A. Melville (HSE)


6 April, Tuesday

Honorary Paper R-03/1

Dirk Berg-Schlosser (Institute of Political Science, Philipps University)

Political Science between Vision and Reality - Lessons in Times of Crises

Chairperson - A. Melville (HSE)


Born in 1943, Dirk Berg-Schlosser is currently professor and director of the Institute of Political Science, Philipps University, Marburg/Germany. He has done research and taught at the universities of Munich, Aachen, Augsburg, Eichstätt, Nairobi, Stellenbosch/South Africa, Berkeley and Marburg. From 1988 to 2000 he has been the Chairman of the Research Committee on "Democratization in Comparative Perspective" of the International Political Science Association (IPSA). His research interests include political culture, empirical democratic theory, Third World studies, comparative politics, and comparative methodology. Recent major publications are: Political Stability and Development (with Rainer Siegler), Political Culture in Germany (with Ralf Rytlewski), Literaturführer Politikwissenschaft (with Sven Quenter), Empirische Demokratieforschung, Perspektiven der Demokratie (with H.J. Giegel), Armut und Demokratie (with Norbert Kersting), Conditions of Democracy in Europe 1919-1939 (with Jeremy Mitchell), Perspectives of Democratic Consolidation in Eastern Europe (with Raivo Vetik)


Round Table R-03/2

Business after the Crisis

Moderator - А. Shokhin (HSE, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs)


Topics for discussion:

  • Is accelerated revival of Russia's business activity possible?
  • Increase of the corruption burden on business: Rating among the problems faced by the business community
  • Anti-crisis methods and minimising the negative effects of the crisis
  • Business support prospects in the post-crisis period


Speakers: V. Shvetsov (Sollers)

Crisis as an Incentive for the Russian Automobile Industry Modernisation


R. Aganbegyan ("Renaissance Capital")


A. Vorobyev (HSE, "United Russia")


Participants: S. Borisov (HSE, "OPORA"), I. Vdovin (HSE, NADI), F.  Galchev ("EUROCEMENT group"), V. Gurinov ("Sibur - Russian Tyres"), A. Donskykh (Sberbank of Russia), S. Zanozin ("GAZ group"), D. Zimin (HSE, "VympelCom"), V. Kirillina (HSE), I. Kotelevskaya (HSE, The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs), I. Krylova (HSE, "Delovaya perspektiva"), I. Ogar (PCM HSE), F. Prokopov (HSE, The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs), V. Stolyarenko (HSE, Evrofinance Mosnarbank), I. Jurgens (HSE, "Renaissance Capital")


Session  R-04

Political Institutions

Chairperson - E. Meleshkina (RAS INION)


A. Sobolev (HSE)

Formation of Efficient Democratic Institutions in Russia: Analysis from Positions of Historic Institutionalism and Rational Choice






I. Doganaksoy (Middle East Technical University)

The Role of Nation-Building Policies in the Preservation of the Nation in Post-soviet Kazakhstan




A. Kynev (Information Policy Development Foundation)

Ensuring Citizens' Election Rights under Regional and Local Elections Proportionalisation: New Trends






Discussant - Yu. Korguniuk (INDEM)


7 April, Wednesday


Session R-07/1

Society and Social Dynamics

Chairperson - M. Urnov (HSE)


М.Sakaeva  (European University in St. Petersburg)

Small and Medium Business Representatives in Regional Legislative Assemblies: Fulfilment of Economic Interests (A Case Study of St. Petersburg)






S. Naumova (Baikal State University of Economics and Law)

Russian Economic Forums: Significance, Problems, and Solutions






S. Mareeva (RAS Institute of Sociology)

Russian Middle Class Development Specifics (2003-2009)






А.  Tokarev (MGIMO under the RF Foreign Ministry)

Image of Democracy in Mass Conscience (A Case Study of the City of Tula)






Discussant - I. Dzialoshinsky (HSE)


Round Table R-07/2

RF Political System Reform Problems

Moderator - A. Melville (HSE)


Topics for discussion:

  • Problems of political system reform in the context of Russia's modernisation: Goals, objectives, priorities, interests, sequence
  • Modernisation, development, reform and/or change of the political system?
  • Political restraints and conditions for success of the Russian modernisation project
  • Ideal and alternative "images of the future" of Russia
  • Is "conservative modernisation" possible in contemporary Russia?
  • Structural restraints of political reformism
  • Role of external factors in various aspects of Russia's modernisation - economic, social, political, ideological


Participants: B. Makarenko (Institute of Modern Development), D. Oreshkin (Mercator), A. Kortunov (New EurAzia), А. Ryabov (Karnegie Moscow Center), A. Zudin (Center of Political Technologies), M. Mironyuk, M. Urnov (HSE)


Session  R-08

Political Dynamics of the Modern Times (Contemporary States Political Development Trends)

Chairpersons: D. Berg-Schlosser (Institute of Political Sciences, Phillips University), A. Melville (HSE)


I. Timofeev (MGIMO under the RF Foreign Ministry)

Inter-state Armed Conflict Risk Evaluation: Nonlinear Modelling Experiment




Yu. Polunin (Expert magazine), I. Timofeev (MGIMO under the RF Foreign Ministry)

"Universal Prosperity" States on the Eve of the World Financial Crisis: Experience of Nonlinear Modelling of Human Development Dynamics




А. Zinoviev  (Curie Institute), Yu. Polunin (Expert magazine)

Pilot Analysis of Countries' Nonlinear Dynamics




Discussants: A. Melville (HSE), D. Berg-Schlosser (Institute of Political Sciences, Phillips University)


8 April, Thursday


Session R-09

Levels of Democratic Development (Measurement and Comparison Methodology)

Chairperson - A. Melville (HSE)


D. Berg-Schlosser (Institute of Political Sciences, Phillips University)

Measuring Quality of Democracy in Post-communist States




B. Makarenko (Institute of Modern Development)

Measurable and Immeasurable Aspects of Democracy




А. Makarov, D. Stukal (HSE)

Methodology of Democracy Measurements Usage for Modelling Property Inequality in Countries of the World






V. Kasamara, А. Sorokina (HSE)

Public Conscience as a Democratisation Factor: Quantitative and Qualitative Estimates






A. Melville (HSE), I. Timofeev (MGIMO under the RF Foreign Ministry)

Democracy Institutional Bases Indices: Concept, Results, Future Prospects




Discussant - M. Mironyuk (MGIMO under the RF Foreign Ministry)


Session  R-10

Political Development

Chairperson - A. Akhremenko (Lomonosov MSU)


B. Diraor (Atilim University / State Planning Organisation)

Role of Diaspora Politics in Preserving the National Identity Abroad: Case for Turkish Diaspora in Europe




D. Degterev (MGIMO under the RF Foreign Ministry), A. Bezunova (HSE)

Global Wealth and National Interests in Official Development Assistance (ODA) Planning. Analysis of Econometric Models of Optimal Geographic Assistance Distribution






R. Turovsky (Lomonosov MSU)

Modern Development of Political Relations and the Party System in Russia at the Municipal Level: Consequences of Reforms of the 2000's




A. Akhremenko (Lomonosov MSU)

Stability of Political and Social Development of Russian Regions: A View through the Prism of Quality of Living






Discussant - M.Ilyin (MGIMO)


Honorary Paper R-11

D. Treisman (University of California)

"Russian Politics in a Time of Economic Turmoil" or "Oil and Democracy in Russia"

Chairperson - V. Gimpelson (HSE)


Daniel Treisman is a professor of political science at the University of California, Los Angeles. He was educated at Oxford University (BA Hons, 1986) and Harvard University (Ph.D. 1995). Treisman's work focuses on Russian politics and economics and comparative political economy - in particular, the causes of corruption and good government and the consequences of political decentralization. He has published articles in leading political science and economics journals, including The American Political Science Review, World Politics, The American Economic Review, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, and The Journal of Public Economics, as well as the public affairs journals Foreign Affairs and Foreign Policy. Treisman is currently completing a book on Russia's political and economic development since 1985. Previous books include: The Architecture of Government: Rethinking Political Decentralization (Cambridge University Press 2007), Without a Map: Political Tactics and Economic Reform in Russia co-authored with Andrei Shleifer (MIT Press 2000), and After the Deluge: Regional Crises and Political Consolidation in Russia (University of Michigan Press 2001). In 2007-8, he served as Executive Editor of the American Political Science Review, and currently serves as co-editor of the journal.


Session R-12

Voting Models

Chairperson - F. Aleskerov (HSE)


D. Karabekyan (HSE), R. Sanver (Bilgi University), V. Yakuba (RAS ICS)

On Manipulating Capacity of q-Paret Decision-Making Rules




M. Dodlova (HSE)

Why Does the Parliamentary Regime Perform Better: Bureaucratic Power versus Veto Players




D. Chizhikova, V. Kaliagin (HSE, Nizhny Novgorod)

Mathematical Algorithms of Measuring the Polarisation of Political Views (A Case Study of Elections to the RF State Duma in the Nizhny Novgorod Region)






P. Chebotarev (RAS Institute of Control Sciences), А. Loginov, Ya. Tsodikova, Z. Lezina, V. Borzenko

Voting in a Stochastic Environment: Phenomenon of Benefits Decrease during the Expansion of Factions




A. Karpov (HSE), V. Volsky (Institute of Control Sciences named)

Shortcomings of Australian Version of Single Transferable Vote






Discussant - D. Stukal (HSE)


Section T

Civil Society

Chairpersons: L. Jakobson, I. Mersiyanova (HSE)


8 April, Thursday


Session T-09

Civil Society - 1

Chairperson - L. Polischuk (HSE)


L. Jakobson (HSE)

Agenda of the Government Machine: Priority Formation Institutions




I. Mersiyanova (HSE)

Russian Civil Society in International Comparative Perspective




V. Yakimets (RAS Institute of Systems Analysis)

Types and Specifics of the Regional Public Policy in Russia






Discussant - L. Nikovskaya (RAS Institute of Sociology)


Session T-10

Civil Society - 2

Chairperson - I. Mersiyanova (HSE)


A. Yermishina, L. Klimenko (Southern Federal University)

Institutionalisation of "Effective Owner" in an Apartment Building






L. Polischuk, E. Borisova (HSE)

Self-organisation Micro-economy: Efficiency Analysis of Condominium Partnerships in Russia




А.   Brovkin (Lomonosov MSU)

Registration and Evaluation of Public Non-profit Organisations' Performance




V. Benevolensky (Moscow Public Scientific Foundation)

Target Capitals of the Non-profit Sector in Crisis Conditions: US Experience and Lessons for Russian NPOs




Discussant - E. Shomina (HSE)


Session  T-11

Civil Society - 3

Chairperson - V. Yakimets (RAS Institute of Systems Analysis)


K. Mikirova (Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf)

Interaction between state and Non-state Actors in the Regional Ethnic Policy in the Russian Federation: Cross-regional Comparison






S. Parkhomenko (HSE)

Experience of Organising the Protection of People's Rights in Interaction with Officials in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan




I.Kuznetsova-Morenko(Centre for Perspective Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan)

Social Capital of Religious Communities (A Case Study of the Republic of Tatarstan)




Т. Intirginova (Academy of the National Economy under the RF Government)

Informing the Population and Privatisation of Agricultural Lands: Is There a connection?






Discussant - V. Benevolensky (Moscow Public Scientific Foundation)


Section U

Media Processes

Chairperson - E. Penskaya (HSE)


8 April, Thursday


Session  U-09

Language of Mass Media as an Indicator of Socio-cultural and Political Changes

Chairperson - E. Penskaya (HSE)


Т. Bazzhina (Russian State Humanitarian University, Institute of Linguistics)

Mass Media as Reflection of Linguistic Culture




L. Borusiak (HSE)

The Elite and Television Audience: Problem of Interaction






Е. Kozhevnikova  (HSE)

New Basis for Classifying Moscow Theatre-goers through Falsification of the Traditional Dichotomy of the "Elite" and "Mass" Phenomena






E. Penskaya (HSE)

"Expert", "expert evaluation", "expertise". Media Factor in Forming Ideological and Linguistic Concepts






Discussant - Т. Bazzhina (Russian State Humanitarian University Institute of Linguistics)


Round Table U-10

Media Business in Russia: A Way Out of the Crisis?

Moderator - R. Batyrshin (HSE)


R. Batyrshin (HSE)

System of Mass Communications in Russia: Has the Turn Happened?






I. Kiriya (HSE)

Major World Media Concerns Capital Concentration Trends in a Situation of Crisis: An End of the Era of Multimedia?




Participants: G. Pavlovsky (Efficient Policy Foundation), V. Fadeev ("Expert"), А. Bystritsky (Radio "Russia")


Session U-11

Management of Innovation in the Media Business and Media Economy

Chairpersons: N. Enlund (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), I. Kiriya (HSE)


N. Enlund (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

Management of Technology Driven Innovation in Media Companies




I. Kiriya(HSE)

Technological Trends in the Russian Television Industry Evaluations




C. Lie (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

Teaching Innovation Management


Section W

Socio-cultural Processes in Russia and in the World

Chairpersons: V. Magun (RAS Institute of Sociology), N. Lebedeva (HSE)


6 April, Tuesday


Session W-03

Values and Intuitive "Theories" of the Russians within the Context of International Comparisons

Chairperson - V. Magun (RAS Institute of Sociology)


M. Rudnev, V. Magun (RAS Institute of Sociology)

Value Consensus of the Russian Population in Comparison with the Population of Other European Countries






G. Monusova (RAS IMEMO)

Russian Labour-related Values in the Context of International Comparisons






А.Zudina (HSE)

The People' Ideas about the Reasons of Individual Economic Successes and Failures: Russia and the World








S. Zakharov (HSE)

When, in the Opinion of the Russians and Residents of Other European Countries, Does a Girl Come of Age?






Discussant - E. Danilova (RAS Institute of Sociology)


Session  W-04

Interpersonal and Institutional Trust

Chairperson - V. Davydenko  (Tyumen State University)


Yu. Latov(Academy of Management of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs)

Declared and Actual Interpersonal Trust in Contemporary Russia








A. Nemirovskaya (Siberian Federal University)

Population's Trust in Social Institutions as a Factor of Successful Modernisation of the Russian Society






C. Chang (Department of Sociology, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan)

Culture Capital and Social Capital in China: An International Comparison of East Asian Expatriates






V. Volosheniuk, N. Litvinenko, A. Pilipenko (National Mining University, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine)

Constitutional Transformation of the Economic System of Ukraine






V. Davydenko (Tyumen State University)

Paradoxes and Problems of Institutional Trust Analysis in the Post-soviet Russia






Discussants: V. Grishin (VCIOM-Ural), G. Romashkina (Tyumen State University), V. Voronov  (Daugavpils University)


Honorary Paper

W Special (via videoconference)

Fareed Zakaria

Sustainability of Non-liberal Democracy in a Post-American World

Chairpersons: L. Jakobson, M. Urnov (HSE), V. Magun (RAS Institute of Sociology), N. Lebedeva (HSE)

Fareed Zakaria is editor of Newsweek International, a Newsweek and Washington Post columnist, weekly host for CNN, and a New York Times bestselling author. He was described in 1999 by Esquire Magazine as "the most influential foreign policy adviser of his generation" and in 2007, Foreign Policy and Prospect magazines named him one of the 100 leading public intellectuals in the world.

Since October 2000, Dr. Zakaria has overseen all of Newsweek's editions abroad. His cover stories and columns - on subjects from globalization and emerging markets to the Middle East and America's role in the world- reach more than 25 mln readers each week. While his articles have received many awards, his October 2001 Newsweek cover story, "Why They Hate Us", remains the most decorated.

Prior to joining Newsweek, Dr. Zakaria served an eight-year term as managing editor of Foreign Affairs, a widely-circulated journal of international politics and economics. He was appointed to the position when he was 28 years old.

In 2008, he began hosting Fareed Zakaria GPS, a weekly foreign affairs program that airs Sundays worldwide on CNN. Dr. Zakaria's in-depth interviews with the Dalai Lama, heads of state including Barak Obama, Manmohan Singh, King Abdullah II, Dmitry Medvedev, Moammar Gadhafi and Lula da Silva, as well as countless intellectuals, business leaders, politicians and journalists have been broadcast in more than 200 mln homes in over 210 countries. Within its first year, GPS garnered an Emmy nomination for an interview with Premier Wen Jaibao.

The Post-American World, which is Dr. Zakaria's most recent book, was heralded in the New York Times book review as "...a relentlessly intelligent book" and The Economist called it "...a powerful guide" to facing global challenges. Like The Post-American World, his previous book, The Future of Freedom, was a New York Times bestseller and has been translated into over 20 languages.

Born in India on January 20, 1964, Dr. Zakaria went on to receive a B.A. from Yale College and a Ph.D. from Harvard University. He has received honorary degrees from numerous universities including Brown, the University of Miami, and Oberlin College. He currently serves as a Trustee of Yale University. He lives in New York City with his wife, son and two daughters.


7 April, Wednesday


Session W-07

Values, Public Ideas, and Socio-cultural Dynamic Problems

Chairperson - N. Lebedeva (HSE)


M. Urnov (HSE)

Value Inhomogeneity of Society as a Factor of Social Dynamics






М.  Snegovaya  (HSE)

Does Religion Influence Economic and Political Development Levels of Countries? Cross-country Analysis






V. Melnikov (HSE)

Population in a Situation of Crisis: Myths, Rumours and Objective Reality








N. Lebedeva (HSE)

Relationship between Values and Attitude toward Innovations in Russia and China




Discussants: M. Chernysh(RAS Institute of Sociology), A. Tatarko (HSE)




Session W-08

Folk Sociology as a Resource and Restriction in Sociological Survey: New Approach Framework

Chairperson - I. Devyatko (HSE)


E. Rozhdestvenskaya (HSE)

In Search for Sense and Coherence: Narrative Identity as a Product of Biographic Narrative Interview






К. Gavrilov (HSE)

"Intuitive Toxicology": Central Ideas and Possibility of Their Use in Folk Sociology Studies






А. Kozhanov (HSE)

Common Sense and Folk Epistemologies in Sociological and Anthropological Research Perspective






I. Devyatko, R. Abramov(HSE)

Wisdom of the Crowds or Wisdom of Individuals? Some Data on the Limits and Nature of Descriptive Folk Sociology






Discussants: G. Tatarova, V. Semenova(RAS Institute of Sociology)


8 April, Thursday


Session  W-09

Transformation of Professionalism and Professional Hierarchies in the Current World: Towards New Learning and Explanation Models

This session is part of the international workshop "Professions and Professional Organisations in the Modern Society: New Approaches to Research", which will be held in Moscow on April 6-8, 2010 (Moscow, HSE) (See section "Additional Events in the Framework of the Conference")

Chairperson - P. Romanov (HSE)


А. Bikbov (Logos multi-subject magazine)

Professionalising the Russian Sociology




V. Nikolaev (Logos multi-subject magazine)

Sociology of Occupations and Professions by Everett Hughes: A Forgotten Intellectual Resource




R. Abramov (HSE)

Transformation of Academic Autonomy: Causes and Implications for the Professional Community




Discussants: F. Nicols (Pennsylvania University), Т. Shchepanskaya (Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography named after Peter the Great, RAS, St. Petersburg)


Session W-10

Civilisation Types and Human Development Vectors - 1

Chairpersons: N. Zarubina (MGIMO), O. Shkaratan (HSE)


V. Yadov (RAS Institute of Sociology)

National Specifics of Modernisation of the Russian Society




T. Merkulova (Kharkov National University named after V.N. Karazin)

Economic Growth and Inequality: Institutional Aspect and Empirical Analysis








T. Koval (RAS Institute of Latin America)

Attitude to Human Personality in the Main Religions of the World






V. Krasilshchikov (RAS IMEMO)Human Development: Quantitative Measurements and Processes in the World System




Discussants: S. Smirnov, S.  Iniasevsky (HSE)


Session  W-11

Civilisation Types and Human Development Vectors - 2

Chairpersons: N. Zarubina (MGIMO), O. Shkaratan (HSE)


G. Yastrebov (HSE)

Comparative Analysis of the Types of Social Inequality in Post-Communist and Developed West European Countries (Based on Materials of the 3rd Wave of the European Social Survey 2006/2007)






S. Smirnov (HSE)

Transformations in the Russian Economy and Attitude to Human Development






M. Chernysh, E. Danilova(RAS Institute of Sociology)

Residents of Large Cities in Russia and China in the Era of Changes: St. Petersburg and Shanghai




Discussants: S. Smirnov, S. Inyasevsky (HSE)


Session  W-12

Modernisation of Society: A Change of Cultural Paradigms

Chairperson - Т. Sidorina (HSE)


A. Rosliakov (RSUH)

Cultural Tradition in the Process of Modernisation: Change of the Political Ideology in the Post-communist Russia




A. Zakharov (RSUH)

Modernisation in Economy and Culture: Reversed Phase Principle




T. Sidorina (HSE)

Society and Individual in Conditions of Transforming Values of Modern Culture and the Socio-cultural Crisis




Discussant - Ye. Ivahnenko (RSUH)


Section X


Chairperson - E. Salygin (HSE)


6 April, Tuesday


Session X-03

Legal Monitoring: Institution of Analysis, Assessment of Law-Making and Enforcement

Chairperson - Yu. Tikhomirov (HSE)


V. Mazaev (HSE)

From a Legal Act to Result (Enforcement Mechanisms, Legal Instructions Efficiency Factors)




Yu. Tikhomirov (HSE)

Efficiency of Legal Instructions: Theoretic Model, Efficiency Criteria, Legal Discourse Implications




A. Kashanin (HSE)

Legal Monitoring in the Sphere of Economic Mechanisms, Objects, Methodology, Institutional Design






S. Tretyakov (Lomonosov MSU)

Legal Act Efficiency Evaluation Criteria: Is It Possible to Forecast the Efficiency of a Legal Act?




Round Table X-04

Right to Access Public Information as a Condition of Transparency of the State

Moderators: I. Bogdanovskaya (HSE), M. Afanasiev ("NIKKOLO M")


Topics for discussion:

  • Transparency of the state as a condition for economic reform development
  • Legal support of the information access right protection in Russia and abroad
  • Information provision as an element of public service


Participants: I. Bachillo (RAS Institute of State and Law), L. Tereshchenko (ILCL under the RF Govenment), V. Isakov, M. Fedotov, I. Shablinsky, Ye. Salygin (HSE)


7 April, Wednesday


Session X-07

Law, Enforcement and Interests of Economic Entities - Is Case Law Applicable in Russia?

Moderators: E. Yasin, E. Salygin (HSE)


A. Ivanov (Supreme Arbitration Court)

Legal Practice and Economic Legislation Development


Topics for discussion:

  • Factors of demand for arbitration law from business
  • Motives for increased legal recourse: Trust toward the courts or statutory duty?
  • How can results of economic analysis be used in judicial decisions?
  • Is the arbitration system ready for litigation in a situation of legal uncertainties?
  • What are the prospects for extending the instrumentalities of pre-court settlement of disputes with the public authorities?


Participants: S. Avdasheva, T. Morshchakova (HSE), Yu. Simachev (Interdepartmental Analytical Center)

8 April, Thursday


Session X-08

Legal Development and Enforcement Trends - 2

Chairperson - Yu.Yumashev (HSE)


А. Didikin (Public Law Research Centre)

The Lissabon Treaty and Reform of the Legal System of the European Union




S. Safin (Financial Leasing Company Kuznetsky Most)

On the Leasing Regulatory Framework Amendment Necessity, or How to Ensure an Operable Mechanism of Out-of-court Seizure of Leased Property




А. Shakmametiev (HSE)

International Tax Law as an Important Area of Scientific Research and Educational Process






Session X-09

Legal Development and Enforcement Trends - 1

Chairperson - T.Rabko (HSE)


K. Totiev (HSE)

Economic Argumentation in Russian and Foreign Competition Law Development and Enforcement




A. Shastitko (Economic Analysis Bureau Foundation)

Economy of Penal Sanctions for the Violation of the Antimonopoly Legislation




S. Vasilieva, А. Lebedev, А. Chaplinsky, S. Zaikin(HSE)

Law and Self-regulation as "Social Capital"






Section  RT

Special Roundtables

8 April, Thursday


Round Table RT-09

Yegor Gaidar's Creative Heritage

Moderator - E. Yasin (HSE)

Topics for discussion:

  • Egor Gaydar as a Scientist, Statesman and the Director of the Institute


Participants: O.Viugin (OJSC MDM Bank), V.   Mau (Academy of the National Economy under the RF Government), V. Starodubrovsky (IET), J. Odling-Smee (Former Director European II Department, International Monetary Fund, 1992-2003)


Round TableRT-12

Books: Market Leaders and Outsiders

Moderator - A. Kuzmichev (HSE)


Topics for discussion:

  • Who and how forms the demand for business literature?
  • What is a "bestseller" for the Russian book market?
  • Modern publishing projects: How can books be made necessary to bachelors and masters, professors and researchers?


Participants: Т. Maksimova (Slon.ru project), E. Chirkova (HSE), E. Lebedkina (SPbSU HSM Publishers), P. Klyukin (HSE), I. Fedosova (Exmo Publishers), А. Goncharenko (EduVbooks.ru project), S. Falko (Bauman MSTU)


Section SA

EACES workshop "Comparative Empirical Studies: What Can We Learn for Transition and Developing Countries?"

Chairpersons: А. Yakovlev, О. Demidova (HSE)


7 April, Wednesday


Honorary Paper SA-08

Joseph P.H. Fan (Chinese University in Hong Kong)

Institutions and Organizational Structure: The Case of State-owned Corporate Pyramids




Chairperson - А. Yakovlev (HSE)


Joseph Fan is a Professor at the School of Accountancy and the Department of Finance, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He received his Ph.D. degree in finance at the University of Pittsburgh in 1996. Before joining CUHK in September 2004, he was on faculty at the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (1997-2004) and the University of Hong Kong (1996-1997).

His main research and teaching areas are corporate governance, corporate finance, and organizational economics. He is particularly interested in researching on how institutional factors interact with accounting, finance, and governance decisions of firms. He has published his works in world top international academic journals, including the Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Business, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Finance, and Journal of Financial Economics.

His corporate governance research has been featured by various business press, including The Economist, the Asian Wall Street Journal,

the South China Morning Post, and the 21th Century Economic Report.

His current research project includes the succession of family firms in East Asia, and the roles of public sector governance in corporate finance, organization, and governance in China. Professor Fan has consulting activities with the World Bank, OECD, and Asian Development Bank. He is an associate editor of several academic journals, including Journal of Corporate Finance and Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. He is a member of Asian Finance Association and American Finance Association.


8 April, Thursday


Session  SA-09

EACES session 1

Chairperson - О. Demidova (HSE)


L. Solanko (BOFIT), W. Pyle (Middlebury College)

Who Favors Free Markets? The Composition and Interests of Russia's Regional Business Lobbies






D. Rossignoli (Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano)

Democracy, institutions and growth. The Case of Eastern European Former Communist Countries (1990-2006)






K. Szczygielski (Warsaw School of Economics)

Diminishing Innovation Returns to National Technological Capabilities? Evidence from Western and Eastern European Countries






A. Reyna Rivera (University of Canterbury)

A Comparative Study of Central Eastern European Countries, Export Performance Using Disaggregate Data. A Constant Market Share Analysis






Discussant - E. Nazrullaeva (HSE)




Session SA-10

EACES session 2

Chairperson - T. Dolgopyatova (HSE)


G. Antal, A. Telegdy (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), J. Earle (Central European University)

FDI and Wages: Evidence from Linked Employer-Employee Data in Hungary, 1986-2005






D. Kokorev (HSE)

Retail IPO in Emerging Markets






U. Aliev (Leeds University)

Wage Determination in Oligopsonistic Labour Markets: Evidence from Russia and Central Asia






M. Kokoreva (HSE), I. Ivashkovskaya, N. Simakina

Do Firms Move towards Target Capital Structure? Empirical Analysis of Dynamic Trade-off Theory's Application for BRIC Companies






Discussant - A. Govorun (HSE)


Section SB

Symposium "Demographic Development Problems and Challenges"

Chairperson - A. Vishnevsky (HSE)


6 April, Tuesday


Session  SB-03

Mortality in Russia and Eastern Europe - 1

Chairperson - E. Andreev (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research)


E. Andreev, V. Shkolnikov (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research)

High Mortality in Russia: A Growing Understanding of the Causes and Insignificant Progress in Their Elimination




E. Nolte (RAND Europe)

Analyzing Amenable and Avoidable Mortality in Russia


T. Kharkova, E. Kvasha (HSE)

Incomplete Epidemiological Transition and Mortality Reduction Priorities in the Russian Regions in Early 21st Century




D. Leon (The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

Alcohol and Health of Russian Men at Working Age: Evidence from Izhevsk studies


Session SB-04/1

Mortality in Russia and Eastern Europe - 2

Chairperson - V. Shkolnikov (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research)


D. Jasilionis (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research), F. Mesle, J. Vallin (Paris)

Recent Health Trends in the Baltic Countries




A. Fihel (University of Warsaw), F. Mesle, J. Vallin(INED)

Mortality in Poland in 1970-2006: Preliminary Results by Causes of Death




P. Grigoriev, V. Shkolnikov, E. Andreev, D. Jasilionis, D. Jdanov (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research), F. Mesle, J. Vallin (INED)

Possible Explanations of the Divergence in Recent Mortality Trends in Belarus, Lithuania, and Russia




K. Gulin, M. Morev (RAS Institute of Socioeconomic Development of Territories)

Suicidal Behaviour of the Population: Risk Factors and Management Opportunities






Session  SB-04/2

Migration Challenges and Migration Policy

Chairperson - E. Tiuriukanova (Centre for Migration Studies)


N. Mkrtchian (HSE)

Present-day Mobility Barriers in Russia




Zh. Zayonchkovskaya (RAS Institute of National Economic Forecasting)

Migration in Russia: Lessons of the Crisis




M. Denisenko (HSE)

Emigration from New Independent States to Countries of the Far Abroad in the 1990's - early 2000's




L. Troshina (Central Bank of Russia)

Problems of Registering Migrants' Cash Transfers in the System of External Accounts




V. Mukomel (RAS Institute of Sociology)

Integration of Migrants: Policy and Social Practices




7 April, Wednesday


Session SB-07

What We Know and Do Not Know about the Contemporary Russian Family and Fertility - 1

Chairperson - T. Maleva (Independent Institute for Social Policy (IISP))


R.  Apel (Katolische Universität)

Demographic Situation in Russia and Germany






I. Korchagina, L. Prokofieva (RAS Institute of Socioeconomic Problems of the Population), S. Lefevr (National Institute for Statistic and Economic Studies)

Transformation of Ideas of the Russians and the French Regarding the Role of Society and Family in Support of Children and Old People




O. Siniavskaya, A. Tyndik (Independent Institute of Social Policy (IISP))

Social Capital and Gender Equality in Explanation of Fertility in Russia






А. Temkina (European University)

Gender Contracts and Fertility in the Contemporary Russia


G. Khilazheva (Centre for Social and Political Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan)

Specifics of Demographic Behaviour of the Population of Bashkortostan (Ethnic Aspect)




Session SB-08/1

What We Know and Do Not Know about the Contemporary Russian Family and Fertility - 2

Chairperson - S. Zakharov (HSE)


A. Jasilioniene, E. Andreev, D. Jdanov, V. Shkolnikov (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research)

Russian Fertility Dynamics as Reflected by the Human Fertility Database Data




V. Sakevich (HSE)

Family Planning at the Contemporary Stage: Russia against the Backdrop of Other Countries




N. Levchuk (Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), B. Perelli-Harris (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research)

Abortions and Fertility in Ukraine: Continuation of Competition?


T. Kuzmenko (Mordovian State University named after N. Ogarev)

Some Aspects of Development of Demographic Processes in Russia




Session SB-08/2

Demographic Development Problems in the Post-soviet Environment - 1

Chairperson - M. Denisenko (HSE)


A. Sulaberidze, N. Gomelauri (Institute of Demography and Sociology of the Georgian Academy of Science and Education)

Demographic Development of Georgia: Evaluations, Tendencies, Perspectives




L. Shakhotko (Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)

Specifics of Demographic Development of Belarus in Late 20th - Early 21st Centuries




R. Efendiev (Institute of Economy, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan)

Demographic Processes Development Trends in Azerbaijan during Independence (1991-2009)




A.   Tolstokorova (independent expert)

Socio-economic Dimension of Rural Family Development in Ukraine




8 April, Thursday


Session SB-09

Demographic Development Problems in the Post-soviet Environment - 2

Chairperson - L. Shakhotko (Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)


Yu. Shokamanov (Republic of Kazakhstan Statistic Agency), E. Musabek (Association of Demographers of Kazakhstan)

Ethno-demographic Processes in Kazakhstan




U. Kalzhanova (Karlov University, Prague)

Family and Consort Behaviour in Conditions of Modernisation in Kazakhstan




E. Zimovina (State University named after E.A. Buketov, Karaganda)

Kazakhstan and Central Asian Countries: Migration Interaction Practice in the Post-soviet Period






K. Amanekov (Turkmenistan State Committee for Statistics)

Reproduction of the Population of Turkmenistan




M. Shabozov (Goskomstat of the Republic of Tajikistan), E. Kislitsyna (State Committee for Statistics)

Problems of Demographic Development of the Republic of Tajikistan




Discussant - V. Elizarov (Lomonosov MSU)


Session SB-10

Demographic History of Russia

Chairperson - B. Mironov (SPbSU, RAS Institute of History, St.Petersburg)


A. Markevich (NES)

Urban Households in Russia and the USSR, 1900-2000. Changing Family Formation Patterns at a Time of Changes




S. Wheatcroft (University of Melbourne)

Assessing the Level of Famine Mortality and Natality in Comparison with Normal Mortality in the USSR in the 1920s and 1930s




B. Mironov (SPbSU, RAS Institute of History, St. Petersburg)

Russian Population's Living Standards in 1701-1920 Based on Anthropometric and Demographic Data




Discussant - A. Vishnevsky (HSE)


Session  SB-11

Unsolved Problems of Demographic Statistics

Chairperson - V. Mkhitarian (HSE)


I. Zbarskaya (Federal Service for State Statistics, Rosstat)

All-russian Population Census in 2010: Problems and Solutions




O. Antonova  (Rosstat)

Problems of Information and Statistical Support of Demographic Processes in Russia






S. Nikitina (Rosstat)

The Future of Russian Demographic Statistics after the 2010 Population Census






O. Chudinovskikh (Lomonosov MSU)

Present-day Situation with Migration Statistics in Russia: New Sources, Opportunities and Problems




Discussant - O. Obraztsova (HSE)


Session SB-12

Population and Territory

Chairperson - Zh. Zayonchkovskaya (RAS Institute of National Economic Forecasting)


O. Vendina (RAS Institute of Geography)

Invisible Shifts in Urban Development




T. Selivanova (Institute of Regional Policy), P. Polian (Albert Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Institut für Kulturgeographie)

Urban Agglomerations as the Main Points of Development of the Russian Territory




T. Nefedova, A. Treivish (RAS Institute of Geography)

Town and Country: Relationship and Territorial Interaction




Discussant - A. Titkov (HSE)


Section SC

Symposium "Firms and Markets"

Chairperson - А.  Yakovlev (HSE)


6 April, Tuesday


Session  SC-03

Global Markets and Companies Behavior

Chairperson - V. Golikova (HSE)


E. Degtereva (RUDN)

Internationalisation of the Russian Companies as a Factor of the National Economic Modernisation






М. Atnashev  (TNK-BP)

Experience of Modernisation through International Openness. TNK-ВР: 6 Years Together




Z. Wang (Department of Public Finance, School of Economics, Zhejiang Unniversity)

Global Economic Recession and China's Strategic Changes: Responses of Private Firms






Session SC-04/1

Relationship of Business and Government in Russia: From Rent-seeking to Support of Modernisation?

Chairperson - А. Shadrin (Russian Ministry of Economic Development)


А. Yakovlev (HSE)

In Exchange for What Is the State Support Granted? Differences in Priorities of the Federal, Regional and Municipal Authorities in Their Relationships with Business






I. Negrebetskaya (Department of International, Foreign Economic and Inter-Regional Relations of the Nizhny Novgorod Region)

Investment Project Implementation in the RF Regions: Interaction Problems







А. Zudin (HSE)

Associations and Coordination of the Russian Business Interaction with the Government






Discussant - А. Shastitko (Economic Analysis Bureau Foundation)


Session  SC-04/2

Corporate Governance and Corporate Policy

Chairperson - L. Ruzhanskaya (Ural State University)


A. Muraviev (Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA))

Owners, Managers and Workers: An Empirical Study of the Link between Corporate Governance and Employment Policies of Firms




M. Betschinger (HSE)

The Impact of a Firm's Ownership Structure on Risk taking - Evidence from Foreign Direct Investment Programs of Japanese Firms




L. Ruzhanskaya (Ural State University)

Dividend Policy and Interests of Major Investors of the Russian Companies






7 April, Wednesday


Session SC-07/1

Development of Institutions of Competition, Cooperation and Partnership in the Russian Industry

Chairperson - S. Kadochnikov (Ural State University)


B. Kuznetsov (HSE)

Development of Competition and Changes of the Russian Industry Target Market Structure






S. Avdasheva, N. Goreiko (HSE)

Transaction Management Mechanisms in the Russian Industry: An Empiric Analysis Attempt






А. Zudin, V. Golikova (HSE)

Business Associations and Cooperation between the Russian Enterprises






Discussant - P. Kriuchkova (Economic Analysis Bureau Foundation)


Session SC-07/2

Corporate Finance - 1

Chairperson - I. Rodionov (HSE)


Т. Dolgopyatova  (HSE)

Property Concentration Dynamics at the Russian Industrial Enterprises: Empirical Analysis






Z. Sautner (Amsterdam University), M. Glaser, F. Lopez-de-Silanes

Opening the Black Box: Internal Capital Markets and Managerial Power in Conglomerates




А.   Stepanova  (HSE), S. Yakovlev

Impact of Public Property and Investors Protection Level in Corporate Performance: Cross-country Analysis






I. Ivashkovskaya, M. Kokoreva (HSE)

Empirical Analysis of the Structure of Russian Medium-Sized Companies




Discussants: А. Bobyleva (Lomonosov MSU), D. Volkov (SPbSU Higher School of Management)


Session SC-08/1

Innovative Behaviour of Enterprises

Chairperson - К. Yudaeva (Sberbank of Russia)


К. Gonchar  (HSE)

Modernisation or Innovations: Is There a Problem of Choice?




V. Golikova (HSE)

Institutional and Management Innovations and Their Impact on Company Competitiveness






Yu. Simachev, B. Kuznetsov (HSE)

Industrial Companies Innovative Behaviour Specifics in a Period of Crisis




Discussant - S. Kadochnikov (Ural State University)


Сессия SC-08/2

Corporate Finance - 2

Chairperson - I. Rodionov (HSE)


D. Volkov, E. Nikulin (SPbSU Higher School of Management)

Empirical Study of a Company's Circulating Assets Management Efficiency in the Context of Value-Oriented Management




А. Razmochaev (SPbSU Higher School of Management)

Structure of Capital in the Russian Companies: Results of Empirical Testing of the Theory of Compromise and the Theory of Hierarchy




I. Ivashkovskaya, S. Shamraeva (HSE)

Efficiency of International Mergers and Takeovers of Companies from Developing Capital Markets: Empirical Analysis




Discussants: V. Palamarchuk (Academy of the National Economy under the RF Government), Т. Cherkasova (Lomonosov MSU)


8 April, Thursday


Session  SC-09/1

Competition and Sectoral Markets

Chairperson - S. Avdasheva (HSE)


V. Akinfiev (RAS ICS)

Companies Investment Strategies and Dynamics of the Markets of Metal Products






G. Yusupova (HSE)

Prices on the Russian Market of Gasoline (2007-2009): Did the Sellers Actually Use Collective Market Power?




S. Golovanova (HSE, Nizhny Novgorod)

Change of Domestic Prices of Products Tradable in Russia: Role of the Market Structure and International Trade






G. Bakker (Netherlands Competition Authority), J. Van Sinderen (NMa)

Deregulation, Regulatory Reform and the Effectiveness of Enforcement Policies by Competition Authorities




Discussant - А. Shastitko (Economic Analysis Bureau Foundation)


Session SC-09/2

Financial Mechanisms of Corporate Governance and Efficiency

Chairperson - Т. Dolgopyatova (HSE)


V. Krivogorsky (University of San Diego), D. Wolfgang (ESSEC Business School)

Corporate Governance Regulations and Practices in Europe - Comparative Study




I. Ivashkovskaya, E. Zhivotova (HSE)

Empirical Analysis of Corporate Governance Impact in Strategic Efficiency of Russian Companies






I. Berezinets (SPbSU Higher School of Management), Yu. Ilyina (SPbSU)

Corporate Governance, Financial Performance and Information Transparency Factors Interconnection Problems: Empirical Survey of the Russian Companies




Discussants: А. Aleshina (Lomonosov MSU), Т. Dolgopyatova, I. Rodionov (HSE)


Session SC-10

National Award on Applied Economics Ceremony

Chairperson - V. Polterovich (CEMI RAS)


Honorary Paper

Klara Sabirianova Peter

Myth and Reality of Flat Tax Reform: Micro Estimates of Tax Evasion Response and Welfare Effects in Russia

(based on the article awarded the National Prize in Applied Economics: Yu. Gorodnichenko, J. Martinez-Vazquez, K. Sabirianova Peter. Myth and Reality of Flat Tax Reform: Micro Estimates of Tax Evasion Response and Welfare Effects in Russia)


Klara Sabirianova Peter is Assistant Professor of Economics in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University. She came to GSU in the fall of 2005. Previously, she was a research assistant professor and co-director for Russia/CIS projects at the William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School and an associate professor at the Urals State University in Russia. She also served as a World Bank consultant for the project "Labor Market Study in Russia". Her work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, National Council for Eurasian and East European Research, USAID, U.S. Department of State, Soros Foundation, Ford Foundation and other public and private organizations. She is a research fellow of the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Bonn, Germany and a research affiliate with the Centre for Economic Policy Research in London, UK.

Her earlier research focused on labor aspects of market reforms in Russia. In particular, she examined wages, employment, investment to human capital, and labor mobility using the linked employer-employee dataset that she created for Russia. In the context of other transitional economies, she also examined the effect of market reforms on the quality of life, returns to human capital, and firm efficiency. Later, her research has broadened to more general issues of economic development such as bribery, corruption, contract violation, inequality, tax evasion, and informal economic activities. Currently, she is pursuing a research agenda at the cross-roads of labor and public economics as applied to developing economies. She is interested in the behavioral responses of individuals and firms to public policies in a weak institutional environment


Session SC-11

Industrial Policy and Innovative Entrepreneurship - 1

Chairperson - B. Kuznetsov (HSE)


V.  Ganzhela (HSE)

Impact of New Technologies on Development Strategy Formation in the Era of Globalisation: Finland's Experience






V. Denisov (Samara State Aerospace University)

Innovative Development Infrastructure and Information and Communication Technologies






S. Golovanova (HSE, Nizhny Novgorod), S. Kadochnikov (Ural State University)

Cluster Relations in Russia and the Regional Cluster Development Policy






Discussant - К. Gonchar (HSE)


Session  SC-12

Industrial Policy and Innovative Entrepreneurship - 2

Chairperson - К. Gonchar (HSE)


К. Skripkin  (Lomonosov MSU)

IT, Entrepreneurship, and the Productivity Paradox






А. Bykova  (HSE, Perm)

Analysis of Innovative Cluster Effects in the Industry (A Case Study of the Perm Region)






N. Kravchenko, S. Kuznetsova, А. Yusupova (Institute of Economy and Organisation of Industrial Production of the RAS Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk State University), А. Shemiakin (St. Thomas University)

Role of Innovative Entrepreneurship in Technological Transfer (Comparative Study)






I. Ferova, S. Grib (Siberian Federal University)

Approaches to Innovative Cluster Formation in New Industrial Development Regions (A Case Study of the Krasnoyarsk Territory)






Discussant - B. Кuznersov (HSE)


Section SD

Symposium "Best Practices in Science, Technology and Innovation Policies"

Chairperson - L.  Gokhberg (HSE)


7 April, Wednesday


Session SD-07



A. Khlunov (Government of the Russian Federation)

Main Directions of State Science and Technology Policy in Russia


R. Burger (Delegation of the European Commission to Russia)

L. Gokhberg (HSE)

L. Georghiou (Manchester Institute of Innovation Research)

Present Challenges in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policies

Setting Priorities for STI Policies

Chairperson - L. Gokhberg (HSE)


S. Naumov (Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation)

Priorities for Technological Modernization of the Russian Economy


J. Casingena Harper (Malta Council for Science and Technology)

EU Priorities for S&T and Innovation


A. Sokolov (HSE)

Setting S&T Priorities in Russia: Foresight and Critical Technologies


O. Saritas (Institute of Innovation Research, University of Manchester)

Application of Network Analysis and Foresight for S&T and Innovation Policies


A. Chulok (Interdepartmental Analytical Center, Russian Federation)

Setting National Priorities for Long-Term S&T Development of the Russian Economy


Session SD-08

Institutional Reforms in the Public S&T Sector

Chairperson - B. Saltykov (HSE, Association "Russian House of International S&T Cooperation")


Т. Kuznetsova (HSE)

Institutional Reforms in R&D Sector in Russia: Again in the Beginning of the Way?


D. Antonowicz (Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland)

Lessons Learnt from the Reform of the Academic Sector in Poland


V. Mayer (CNRS, France)

The Reform of CNRS as a Part of Modernization of the French S&T System


M. Sharambeyan (State Committee of Science, Armenia)

Reforms in the Armenian R&D Sector: Achievements and Present Trends


S. Zaichenko (HSE)

Mechanisms for Performance Evaluation for Research Institutions


8 April, Thursday


Session SD-09

New Approaches to Innovation Policies: Forward-looking Strategies

Chairperson - E. Ziarko (Federal Science Policy Office, Belgium)


Yu. Simachev (Interdepartmental Analytical Center)

Strategies and Mechanisms for Promoting Innovation in Russia




D. Belousov (Centre for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-term Forecasting)

Macroeconomic Determinants of Demand for Innovation


T. Patrakh (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine)

S&T and Innovation Reforms in Ukraine: Trends and Results


B. Menshik (National Science Fund, Kazakhstan)

S&T Development in Kazakhstan: State of the Art and Future Perspectives


V. Roud (HSE)

Diversity of Innovation Strategies in Russian Manufacturing Sector: Empirical Evidence from Microdata Stud




Session SD-10

New Approaches to Innovation Policies: Knowledge Based Exploitation of New Markets

Chairperson - V. Gutenev (Russian Public Organization "Union of Russian Mechanical Engineering")


I.   Bortnik (Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises)

Innovation Policy in Small Business


O. Anlagan (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)

Turkish Model for the Developing Countries in the Field of Science, Technology and Innovation Management


I. Agamirzyan (Russian Venture Company)

Innovation Activity Infrastructure Development


А. Uspensky (Republican Centre for Technology Transfer, the Republic of Belarus)

Instruments of Technology Transfer in the Republic of Belarus


Session SD-11

Internationalisation Strategies as an Integral Part of STI Policies

Chairperson - J.-L. Clement (Ministry of Education and Research, France)


F. Gault (United Nations University, UNU-Merit, the Netherlands)

New Trends in the Global Governance of Science Facing Present Challenges


S. Ivanets (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation)

S&T and Innovation in Russia: The Role of Scientific Diaspora


E. Ziarko (Federal Science Policy Office, Belgium)

The Impact of International S&T Cooperation for Knowledge Based Economies


T. Koponen (FinNode Russia, Finland)

Internationalization of Innovations

Session SD-12

Critical Analysis of the EU-EECA S&T Cooperation Framework and the Way Forward

Chairperson - G. Cernei (Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer, Republic of Moldova)


K. Schuch (Centre for Social Innovation, Austria)

Is There Room for Enhancing the Cooperation? The S&T Potentialof the EECA Region versus Present Cooperation Patterns


J. Sonnenburg (Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany)

Which Cooperation Instruments Does National S&T Policy Offer?


Е. Ugrinovich (Russian Research Centre "Kurtchatov Institute")

Present State and the Perspectives of EECA Participation in the EU RTD-Framework Programme


L. Proskuryakova (HSE)

Role of S&T in the European Neighbourhood Policy and the Four EU-Russia Common Spaces


Round TableSD-11

Discussion of Policy Makers "The Way Forward: A Shared Vision for Enhanced EU-EECA Cooperation"

Moderator - A. Stoklaska (Austrian Ministry of Science and Research)


Topics for Discussion:

  • Effective cooperation in the sphere of S&T and innovation: Models and instruments
  • Coordination of S&T policies, setting common quality and management standards for research
  • Development of cooperation infrastructure in S&T and innovation
  • Instruments for academic mobility development and overcoming of qualified specialists shortage


Participants: S. Herlitschka (FFG-Austrian Research Promotion Agency), M. Ugryumov (RAS), E. Zakhidov (Cabinet of Ministers, Republic of Uzbekistan), A. Sadigov (National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan)


Summary of the Symposium: Main Conclusions and Perspectives

А. Sokolov (HSE)

Y. Maisonny (Directorate for Research, European Commission)


Closing Remarks

M. Schlicht (Federal Ministry of Education and Science, Germany)

J. Sonnenburg (Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany)

L. Gokhberg (HSE)